"The chair flow will help to strengthen your core muscles and build on your upper body strength," said celebrity yoga and holistic wellness expert Anshuka Parwani. TheHealthSite.com
The Sanskrit word kapota translates to pigeon, aptly describing the poses resemblance to a nesting bird. It has different levels, but whats common is that each variation delves into opening the hips, stretching the groin and hamstrings, and strengthening the core.
In a world filled with constant movement and activity, yin yoga offers a sanctuary of stillness and tranquillity along with a number of health benefits. Incorporating these five yin yoga poses into your routine can contribute to a greater sense of relaxation, healing, and inner peace.
In Ujjayi pranayama, we deliberately constrict our throat area, prompting the carotid sinuses into thinking that there is pressure build- up. They send a message to the brain to lessen the heartbeat and decrease the pressure in the arterioles. Thus this helps bring down the blood pressure, says yoga expert Kamini Bobde