you mighght see volcanic a ash everywhwher. bubut the locacals use ingenuouous techniquques handeded down to g generatis to p produce incncredible fd from what t looks like bararren land.. on this trtrip, we arere gog to be tatasting amazazing sea. wowow! [jose] from freshsh moray eele. that i is pure crurunch. [jose] incrededible sur sized d atlantic s shrimps. thesese are the e best... [speakining spanish]h] in thehe history o of mankin. we'l'll be harvevesting the et cooking g ingredientnt in histotory. sasalt was lifife, salt isis . and sampmpling high-qualility wines made frorom grapes grown n in lanzarorote's volcanic s soil. you can smsmell the sesea bree in the w wine. -amazizing, right?t? -it's s incrediblele. this i is such a c cool ststart to thihis trip. [lucucia] finalllly, beach.. i'm so e excited to o be her. i know. . i wanna dodo some w water activivities. i love w water sportrts. [c[car honks]] [josose] i founund ththe perfect t vehicle for usus to discovover lanzaror. hey, l ladies. what did y you do? whwhat did youou do? [josose] we're g going to bebee to do evererything witith thi. we have a chill out, sofa, it has a kitchchen. [luciaia] a travavelling kitit. ththis van is s made for d d. it's preretty awesomome. [jose]e] okay, letet's go. [lucia] ] we are in n for a ri. [j[jose] so g girls, whwhat's the f first thing you ththink aboutt when you arrive at the beach? ice creaeam! -[jojose speakining spanish] -[lucicia] wow! this g guy is knowown for r making icece creams with o only fruitsts that grorow in lanzazarote. onon the volcacanic islandn? [jose]e] on the vovolcanic isl. ico montntelongo hasas been making i ice cream a and sorbt for 22 y years. [s[speaking spspanish] [i[ines] thisis is all fruit t from the i island? [j[jose] yeahah. [spepeaking spananish] [josose, ico spepeaking spana] [j[jose] liststen, this i is n but this i is like the tropicical spain.. yoyou choose f first. [spepeaking spananish] [jose] okokay, nex. dragonon fruit andnd blueberr. i ththink it's g gonna be a great t combo. -looook at that t color! -[-[ines] i knknow. [jose] itit's amazingng, ththe colors.. i amam going witith dragon ft and the fifigs. [ico spepeaking spananish] [jose]e] look at t this. lolook at my c color. let meme see the c colors. cocolors, cololors. [ines] c carlota. that's a g good one. [ines] this dragogon fruit is amamazing. itit tastes lilike a mix of peaear and kiwiwi. it's delicicious. [jose]e] under isis more. most of whwhat you're e tastig ladieses, are sorbrbets. no mililk or creamam. [j[jose] theyey are so crcre, that thehey thoughtt theyey had creamam. [lucia]] so, they're e all sorbetet? it couldldn't be morore natur. -to the e camper vanan. -[jojose] let's s go. i'm readady to learnrn so muh about lanznzarote. it looooks like a a dead la. it l looks like e nothing can growow here. [jose] actually, , as you gett deeper and deeeeper in lanzarorote, you wiwill see thahat they are ablele to maximize every dropop of water,r, everery inch of f terrain whwe something g can grow.. thesese people a able to geter out of t the lava rorocks. lanzararote's onlyly 37 milesg and 16 mililes wide. being anan island, s seafood s anan importantnt role in b , ththe economy y and its coco. righght here, the atatlantic ocecean offerp an unbelieievable rangnge of some e of the tasastiest delightsts in the sesea. look at t all thosee people s surfing. i wawanna go sururfing. -youou wanted toto surf, rigi? -y-yeah -b-but we are e going to e ea. -yeah. [chchuckles] [ines] okakay. [jose] food firstst, ladies.. anand this restaurant,t, el riso serves t the best seseafood you'll f find on thehe isla. -[-[carlota] e el risco! -[ines] ] el risco!! [jose e speaking s spanish] [javieier] how arere you? [j[jose] my d dear friendn, jajavier suarerez is a food d writer whoho kns everythihing there i is to kw about lalanzarote cucuisin. [javier]r] enjoy, laladies. [jose] this is paparadise for a seafafood lover.r. from scarlrlet to shririmp, toto parrot fifish and octcto, all cacaught todayay from the beauautiful atlalantic o. take a looook at the v . [javieier] [josose] woah, w woah, woah! first upup, succulenent lap. limpets.s. barnacleses. ohoh, my god!! take a looook. lookok like a vovolcano. we are eatating the esessence of the cananary islandnds inin one bite.e. [c[carlota] ththese are gogo. itit tastes lilike the ocece. [jose] y yeah. [carlota] ] so, this..... [javavier] yes.. what's's mojo? spececial saucee with o oil, cilantntro. the momojo with f for everytht. with..... withth everythining. [jose] momojo verde i is a sae madede from cilalantro, oioil, garlic c and cumin. mojojo is a locacal creatin and d it's so gogood, the e islanders s add it to everyrything. and peoplele, it has a red d counterparart calllled mojo rorojo. inststead of usising cilant, the e add cayennnne and d red pepperers. spicy.y. itit's so goodod. [jose]e] and nextxt, ththe signaturure dish. a tradaditional fafavorite, morenana. moray eeeel. caugught only a a few hundred yayards away in shallowow rock poolols nenear the resestaurant. i alalready knowow how to mama. [c[carlota] yeyeah, brining some bacack. [jose] people of f the world,, i knowow you don't usuaually eat eeeel, but t if you tryry it, you will l love it. so, yoyou clean ththe moray e. you u take the b bones, toto make surere... because e it's very y spiny. [josose] and ththen, you make t these rollsls with thehe skin andd evererything, bebecause the skinin is very f fatty. the e moray eel l is then coateded in gofio.o. a local l flour madede fromom roasted g grains that's usesed a lot in cananarian foodod. threree differenent flours to makake this. [spanishsh word] thehe white corn flourur, the whwheat flour,r, and d the toasteted flour of the l local. it's threeee differentnt. [jose]e] the eel l is deep frd for less t than two miminut. it's's amazing,, because e in this momoment, yoyou can see e how... it's curliling, and ththe skn and the fafat and the e meat.. it's's like threree different texturures in one.e. [j[jose] noththing can bebe me sisimple and m more sophisisticd at the s same time.. [lucia] hehere he comemes! [jose]e] it's threree parts. this b brownish papart, ththat's the m meat of thehe m. the whitite part, is realllly the fat.t. anand the outeter part, dada, isis the skin.n. every pipiece gives s you a a different t flavor. a differenent crunchininess. evererybody wantnts to bitee into thehe moray. why? b because it't's so goo. look h here. she e has no worords. wow! ththat is purere crunch. [ines]s] after ththat ininitial crununch, the e meat is soso tender. dadad, i thinknk we mightt leave e you two, enenjoying allll the food,, enjoyiying the winine. 'cause w we're gonnana go sur. -yeaeah. -letet's do it.. [josose] javierer picked an amamazing placece. exququisite foodod in a a stunning g location.. all righght, you guyuys read? ohoh, yeah. lanzarote e is also grgreat grgreat place e for surfin. [inenes] go, cararl! yes! [jose]e] well, lolook at my g . yeyes, sistersrs! [jose] s so proud ofof you lad. -i'm not a a surfer, b but... -o-okay... -you've dodone amazingng. -i t tried. -the thrhree of you.u. -i know.w. you u been on ththe board. thisis is difficicult. this wasas an incrededible wy to end t the first d day -i-in lanzarotote. -[inines] defininitely. i mighght have reaearranged ththe order ofof lunch and surfining, bubut this wasas awesome.. [josose] good m morning, lanzararote. it's dayay two of ouour cacanary islanand trip. the girlrls and i arare up bright andnd early. i cacan't keep w waking up this earlyly, dad. ladies, toto discover r an isl, to disiscover a plplace, you u have to wawake up earl. today, i i am goingg to c cook us lununch, usining local iningredient. seseafood has s to be on m my m. soso, i am goioing to start wiwith my all-l-time favoro. garlrlic and shrhrimp, anand yes, ladadies, i i am going t to cook thehm in t the little e kitchen insiside our camamper van. our first t stop is nonorth inin the smallll fishing v ve of la sasanta. ththis sleepy y coastal vivile is homome to fewerer thanan a 1,000 p people. but i am i interestedd in i its port, because ththe waters a arounde are hohome to veryry speciaial shrimp.. theyey're namedd afteter this vilillage, gambas d de la santata. oh, , my god! i'm buyiying them alall. wow! [speaking g spanish] onone hour agogo. take a l l. -oh, w wow! -o-oh, my god!d! lucicia... [lucia]] oh, wow!w! it's meat. it actuaually tasteses morere sweet thahan salty. [jose]e] tiny but t sweet. look at ththese beautities. they c call them c carabinero. theyey are from m the deep a araround the c canaries. [lucia] ] oh, my gososh! -[jojose] wow! -fresh, , fresh, freresh, da. [jose] they eat so much h pink planknkton ththat they tuturn ininto these b beautiful scarlet t color. [l[lucia] whatat color! that is s so bright!t! i amam amazed byby the eyes. by looooking at ththe eyes isis when you u really knonw thisis is fresh.h. you cacan see, it's like e crystallinine. it's like e beautiful,l, dar, bubut translucucent bubblel. oh, , they're lolooking at m. hellllo. i'i'm going toto cook the e r sweeter r shrimp tododay. bubut i will h have to comomk for the e carabineroros ananother timeme. theyey look amazazing. [speaking g spanish] i think k this is enenough for r me, ladieses. [chuckleles] yeah. [jose] o okay. i thihink we h have enoughgh food. let's gogo. [lucia] ] come on, g guys. [j[jose] all l right, ladadi. let's s hit the nenext sto. it's o only a shorort drive id to the vilillage of sosol. ohoh, oh, oh! ! i think yoyu needed to changege gears. we wilill be a litittle bit t in troublele. i'm gogoing to buyuy the e perfect vevegetables toto go with o our shrimp. potatoes.. in t the 16th cecentury, spanish h conquistadadors brought popotatoes ovever he from pereru. and spaiain's love a affair with pototatoes begagan. they love e them heree on lananzarote so o much, theyey have turnrned onone particulular variety into a t trademark d dish. papas s arrugadas.s. wrinklkly potatoeses. these e are bonitata potato. they are s small and have t the skin ththat wrinkleles beautifufuy when boileled in salt.t. peperfect for r dipping in thehe island's s much lod green anand red mojojo sauce. who likekes papas ararrugada? i love papapas arrugadadas. [josose] this i is la t tienda de l lourdes. lourdes shop. and d this is ththe lady her, lourdes s curbelo mamartin. ofof course, t there are b g susupermarketsts on the isisl. but if you w wanna enjoyoy the e best and f freshest fd frfrom local g growers, yoyou need to o come to little e shops likeke this. there's s so many tytypes ofof potatoes.s. thosose potatoeses are so spsp. i i know for a a lot of pepeo, they are g gonna say,, "welell potatoeses are potatat" knowining this islsland, inin all the c canary islala, ththey have ththe best potatoes e ever. [cararlota] thesese are so s s. [a[all speakining spanish]] [jose] whahat are the e names ofof the potatatoes? [all s speaking spspanish] the popotato to bebe wrinkle. bingo!o! we found d our potatot! okay. we also need ingredients for our mojo verde sauce. okay, , ladies. lucia, g get the gararlic. i'm inin charge ofof the men. we neeeed onions. . grab onio. lelet's go. ththree, four.. one e more. -oh, m my god! -it is bouound to fallll -[josese] cilantroro. -[inines] i got t it. [j[jose] okayay, ladies.. we h have everytything we nen. let't's go. [carlotata] thank yoyou! [spepeaking spananish] shshe's given n me the watater. -yes! ! grab it. -[lucia] d dad... no! arare you surere we gotot everythining? we g got everyththing. [carlotata] our bagg is overfrflowing. ththis is whatat happens when we gogo into a ststore. -[josese] let's gogo! -[ineses] let's gogo, guys. [jose] our next s stop is ten miles nonortheast frfrom here. ththe small cocoastal villlle of tenesesar. we n need one momore locacal ingredieient that's g going to hehelp wrwrinkle our r potatoes.. it's t the oldest t form of seasonining and food preservation in the world. salt.. and whwhat's the s salt calle? -salal marina. s sea salt. -sal mararina. [lucia] itit's just soso amazg that this s island can susustain itseself. i mean, , they havee everytything they y need. [jose] lanzarote e has the biggesest salt flalats in all of f the canaryry island. over the d decades, peoplele have minened this mil that t they call w white gold on a an industririal scale.. but todaday, we are e going to a smamaller entererprise to see f first-handd how sasalt is harvrvested ththe old fashshioned way. i cacannot belieieve this is where ricardo works. [l[lucia] seririously! [josose] this i is ricacardo moraleles toribi. he b began harvevesting sat more t than 50 yeaears ago. don't t step onon the precicious salt.. [all speakaking spanisish] [jose] " "salty", hehe said. riricardo stararted colleceg salt with h his mum when he e was only four yeaears old. wow!w! sasalt was keyey. because e it helps t them prese the e meat. [carlotata] everythihing. saltlt was life.e. salt is l . ricardo woworks with t the t. waveves wash seaea water i. it collects in the rock pools, and thenen, ononce the watater evaporar, hehe scoops upup the e precious s salt. [ricicardo speakaking spanis] [jose]e] wow! [luciaia] it's likike ice. [jose]e] we need d sea salt for ouour potatoeses. so l ladies, hopop to it. [l[lucia] don'n't fall in.. [ricarardo speakining spanis] -t-there you g go, girl! -... cararlota. yoyou've done e this alall your lifife. just to o be watchining my d daughters catchingng up the sasalt nexto where e the salt c comes fro, isis amazing.. i meanan, there wowouldn't be great t cooking wiwithout the saltlt itself. that's i importancee of thehe ocean. my d daughters a are learning this r right here.e. okokay, time f for lunch.. let't's get stararted. i i already gogot the potatas up a and they'rere cooking.. onon the menu u is ouour fresh shshrimp, and ouour wrinkleded potatoes withth mojo. toto make our r mojo, we n d to pound l lots of cililant. we'r're gonna tatake the juius of t the cilantrtro. and the oioils of the e cilant. -i-i can do ththat. -l-let's go. anand i'm gonnnna add a lilie bibit more salalt. cicilantro, cicilantro, cicila. do you l like cilantntro? no. -okakay, this isis what? -i like cicilantro. -pararsley? -and this s is what? -cilantrtro. -you'r're so good.d. yoyou know, i'i'm so proudud o. ohoh, my god!! first,t, some of t this shrp few w seconds in hot w water. ines, hohow are you u doing? -[ines] i'i'm getting g ther. -keep goining, lady. [i[ines] yes, , chef. [jose]e] in the m meantime, i've h held some s shrimp bk to putut in a potatato salad. okayay now, you'u're gonna make the s shrimp, gagambas withth everythinin. mix, mixix, mix. mix,x, mix, mix.x. stopop showing o off. -w-why i'm shohowing off?? -we geget it. you know h how to cut t garli. i'i'm not showowing off. -youou suck. -[grunts]] i i hope you d did cut youour. i'm sosorry, i'm s sorry. ththat's so memean. i cannotot believe you saidid that. nothining tastier r than boiling ththe shrimp in s sea water. okayay, i'm goining to put te garlrlic in the shrimp and we arere ready to o go ea. take a looook at this.s. -you see?? i'm barerely cookingng them. -[lucia] w wow! and nonow, the magagic touch. -[inines] not totoo much. -you do o it. you dodo it. [ines] n not too mucuch. [j[jose] from m above. thahat'! and to m make the gagarlic shrimp cananary style,e, someme of the momojo rojo. ouour beautifuful lunch cook on n the fly. we had ourur garlic shshrimp, papapas arrugagadas, ththe potato s salad wiwith the shrhrimp, whatat else can n we ask for? [carlolota] you knknow what's's awesome?? we picicked all of thesese ingredienents. and what i is the commmmon denonominator onon all of tht? locally y sourced. [j[jose] some e of the beset shririmp in the e world. thisis is so gooood, dad. i i like the i idea with t the. oh, , my god! ththat is so g d -so o good. -the body y is so sweeeet. and ththis all comomes from these kikind of poolols all araround the i island. i i think it's's brilliantn. -and y you know ththe best? -what? you u know what t is next lel? whwhat? famimily. [lucucia] dad, g great driviv. [josose] this isis a beauautiful townwn. i i love thesese white towow. [jose] itit's day three ofof our tripp and d we are in n the north of the island. haria, a small but beautiful l village with only y a 1,000 rereside. today, it't's hosting g the grad finanal of canarary's nationl sporort, luchcha canaria.a. -lucha cananaria. -i've nevever heard ofof tha. [j[jose] this s is somethihg i've n never seen n before. lulucha canariria is wrestsg anand is the m most populalr spsport on thehe island. the whwhole commununity unis to s support itsts team and whwhere betterer to begin the e build-up than ovever a meal.. i i love sportrts. but i loveve food evenen mo. and i wawant to knowow what the wrestltlers eat bebefoe ththe match. [jose spspeaking spapanish] so, i'i've asked a aduen mors toto show us a around. he helpsps to run haharia's wrestlining team. followow me, let's's have a little b bit of luncnch. [s[speaking spspanish] he's t the fatherr of ourur [speakingng spanish. -what?t? man... -[speakiking spanishsh] ththe one thatat orders. -t-the coach.. -exactctly. you woululd've beenn so gooood at that,t, dad. yeah, , when somebebody lilistens to m me. 'cause nobobody listenens to . [aduduen speakining spanish] [jose] puchero cacanario. it's a t tasty tradiditionl canary's's stew, made from all kindss of f fresh localal ingrediene. garlic, , peppers, pumpkin,n, green beaeans, sweeeet corn, popotatoes, paprikika, chick p peas, chicken,n, beef, andnd por. oh, mymy god! thisis is the w for r the wrestltling gods. oh, ththis is rounund one. i i understandnd now whwhy i order.r... [inenes] just onone. [aduduen in spananish] [josose in spaninish] [jose]e] i love the prpresentationon. the chicick peas andnd broh come togogether in o one dih anand is tradiditional to o t that combobo first. then, , the meats s arrive from onene tray and vegetables on another, whicich you can n mix and ma, dedepending onon what you like b best. [inenes] this brbroth is so o . soso, all of t these vegetetas and all ththese meatss were i in the brototh? [aduen] ] yeah. [ines] it t has so mucuch flav. [s[speaking spspanish] the brbroth is likike the thi. in a a way, the e chickpeas, the vevegetable, the greeeen beans, t the corn in the d different f flavors. everythingng comes togogethe. pupuchero cananario is like lulucha canariria. yoyou need thehe right plalay, whicich equal the righght ingredieients, the riright... whihich... equal ththe right tetechniqus to make e it happen.n. ththe chef wilill be... -the coaoach, which h will be. -[speaeaking spaninish] -[speakingng spanish]] -yeah.h. atat the end, , the team w wiln bebecause it's's not one p pl. i ununderstand w why you like lulucha canariria. anand pucherero canarioo becaususe at the e end, itit's the samame thing. he got a a perfect m metapho. he is s the king o of metapho. [jose]e] all righght, ladies, it's fininally time e for our first t taste of lucha canan. [l[lucia] i'm m so excitede. [j[jose] hariria, the hosost m are in t the orange e shirts, competing g against titinajo, the favovorite team,m, the ble with 1 12 wrestlerers per tea. each w wrestler sqsquares off in t the sand cicircle. they comompete one o on one over threeee 90-secondnd roun. it's's the firstst time haririas been in n a final inin a deca. woah, woahah! [allll cheering]g] [jose]e] this is s more than ne strengthth, people o of the w. thisis is also a a battle ofo. i mean, , even the l lightest of wrerestlers if t they are clclever can w , especialally if theyey use tr oppoponents weigight againsts. big wrestltlers againsnst short t wrestlers.s. very heavyvy against l light. sometitimes, the o one that wn is n not the onene you expec. [aduduen] that's's it, that't'. [all apppplauding] [aduen] ththis is ththe last rouound. inin order to o see who o wins this.s... two peoplele are left,t, two peopople on eachch team. yeahah. [carlotata] i'm sisitting next to o ines, and inines and i a are litery grgrabbing eacach other. we're e living it t too, which is a awesome. [speakaking spanisish] [carlotata] my heartrt's pound. [aduen] ] oh, my godod! [jose] tinajo winins the point anand the finanal. not the reresult aduenen or t the home crcrowd was hopiping for. cocouldn't givive you luckc. but, t the canaririo was amama. itit's fantaststic. itit was fantatastic. [josose] aduen n was a a great chamampion and d he's beenn suchch a good hohost. and d what i lovove was the respecect that eveveryboy seemed to o have toto the oppososing team.. evererybody thatat i saw around t the islandd seems s was here t today. thisis is like t the spiris of t the canary y islands and ququite franklkly, to be e part of itit is verery special.l. okayay, ladies.. hehello. you a are lookingg so spectctacular. it's d day four ofof our trip arouound lanzarorote. to r really apprpreciate thehk beauty o of this uninique vovolcanic islsland, i've gotot a specialal day y planned. so, nonow we're gogonna go to the plalace that..... the gogoodness of f the earth shows s up in a glglass. a winery.. look howow many acreres and acs and d acres therere are of vineyarard. itit's so crazazy and beauautl to see thehe contrastt of cololor betweenen the dadark color o of the ash and d the brightht green ofof these plalants. look a at, look atat, look a. i loveve these. cocome on. you've nevever seen vineyardrds like thehese. we'r're heading g inland to la geria, ththe center o of lanzarotots wine growiwing region.n. how w in the wororld can they growow grapes hehere? well, becacause these e peope in lanzarorote, they bececame amazining in m maximizingg whwhat this laland can prorod. [speakining spanish]h] [j[jose] crisistobal sancnchz is a a well-knowown restaurarat, whwho manages s a vineyard right t here in lala geria. [cristobalal] be carefeful, bebe careful.. wewe'll go thihis way, i i think it's's more easys. [lucia] yeyep. he n needs the e easy way. onlyly four minunutes toto go down t there. what hapappen if i c cannot leave the e crater? wellll, you stayay there and you roroast like a a pig. i lolove you toooo. here w we don't hahave any win. wow! [j[jose] thesese man-madee crataters house e the vivines in thehe sub soill undederneath thehe top layr of vololcanic ash.h. [cristobalal] we havee differerent grapeses here. but more i important f for us isis the malicicia. 90 per cenent for us is the w white. [jose] 9 90 per centnt of the e you u produce isis the white. [cristobobal] the gogood one. is that sosome moisturure in t the leaves?s? oh, yes. because e in the nigight tim, the tempmperature chchange he. -a lot. vevery drasticic. -[crcristobal] a a lot. here is s no water,, you haveve to undersrstand, therere is no wawater, yes.. [speaking g spanish] in t the night t time, that't'. [josose] incrededi. these e vines survrvive withot rarain water o or irrigatiti, their onlyly source of prerecious wateter is at t night, when thehe colder tetemperats release e moisture i into the ar and ththe vines ababsorb the d . with 24040 years behehind it, bobodegas el g grifo is the ot wineryry in the cacanary isla. all the work is done by hand and they produce only 350,000 0 bottles of winine a year.. it's's great winineries in canary y islands. it's grereat winerieies in l lanzarote.. but even b better, ththe one we a are going.... has nono equal. i am excitited to tryy some o of this winine. [ines] i it's so winindy. [jose] that's s lanzarote.e. [spepeaking spananish] fermin o otamendi isis the fh generaration ownerer of bodegasas el grifo.o. and a worlrld respecteted coconnoisseurr of canariaian wines. okayay, ladies,, let't's get taststing. -you knonow, i love e the lab. -yes.. malvlvasia volcacanica. so, you wowon't find t this ananywhere elslse in the w wo? thatat's the poioint. [carlota] ] it smellss a littttle bit sweweet. -[ferminin] yes. is s not, -b-but the tasaste... is n n. [jose]e] when grarapes are grn inin a climatete like this, ththe sugars a are concentntrd in the grarapes. so, the e taste is c crisp and sweet.t. you knowow, that thehe foundig fatherers drank wiwine from he? from thehe canary isislands, frfrom lanzarorote. -he's s not makingng that up? -no, no,o, no. it's s true. [inenes] oh, i t thought he was makaking it up.p. [j[jose] hellolo? ththis winery y was foundedd inin 1775. so, this w winery was s foundd one year b before amererica bebecome indepependent and d become a c country. -thahat's true.. -this wiwinery is been indepependent befofore americaca becameme independedent. boom! [ines] waway to go, d dad. you sure k know your h histor. [carlolota] i loveve this win. for me, , drier, more minereral wines are e my favoritite. yeyeah? and ththere is alslo a bibit of salininity. yeah, yoyou can smell almomost like the sea a breeze in n the win. whwhat a day!! despitite how thisis land app, through h ingenuityy and hahard work, the peopople of thisis island can ovovercome ththe volcanicic rock. it's's our last t day inin lanzarotete. we are heaeading home e tomorro. to end u up our tripip, we e hooking g up with cristobabal sanchez z agai. he's invnvited us to his f farmhouse known asas afinka inin the ht of l lanzarote's's wine couny for r a celebratation with his f friends. we are goioing to cookok up canary islsland's spececialtis usining productsts of the ld anand the sea.a. [s[speaking spspanish] hello,o, everybodydy! gogood to see e you. okay, , introduce e me to e everybody.. [cristobalal] these arare all l my friendsds here. -nice toto meet you.u. -i'm s so sorry yoyou're hihis friend.. [a[all laughining] [jose] i i am going t to be mag a a version ofof a local seafooood stew. ininstead of u using whitete, i'll be e having cararabiner, ththe extraordrdinary scarlet shshrimp we s saw the fisishermen bring intoto port earlrlier in thehe week. sesee? i told d you i will go b back to buyuy some. thesese are the e best carababs in the hisistory of mamankin. take a looook. they mamake noi. can n you hear t them? yoyou told me e you were m mag something g very specicial for. of course,e, the goat.t. hehere we haveve... -w-wait, hold d on. the gogo? -g-goat. that's's the same e goat ththat you usesed to milkk to makake the cheeeeses? exexactly. [jose] nonot only a s source of milk k and cheesese, goatat is the momost populr meatat on the isisland. they roam the hillsisides, grgrazing of w what little vegegetation thehere is. they arere hardy aninimals and don't t need much h to sue unlilike sheep a and cows. [spepeaking spananish] [jose]e] cabrito is a baby y g. but t when slowlwly roaste, has a vevery subtlee sweet t flavor. so, , if anyone e wants to s s. [j[jose] crisistobal is c coog a goat c casserole.. he's usingng salt, blalack pr and d paprika along wiwith olive o oil toto create a a marinade to b bring out t the tendernrs of the meaeat. adadding localal white winie anand garnishihing the goaot with f freshly picicked oreg. ththe dish is s ready for the ovoven. but this i is not justst any . [ines]s] then it g goes ininto the lavava oven. [jose] they call l this unique ovoven [localal word]. it's's built frorom the lavavs collecteted from thehe islans volclcanoes. amazing. almost 300 celsius degrees. that's 57070 degrees f fahren. being g able to susustain such higigh temperatatures, the e lava rocksks make forr an i incredible e even roast. we don't c close bebecause it's's too hot.. [jose] so,o, you wantt the tetemperature e to go dow? -andnd now we foforget? -we forgetet. [jose] titime for mee to getet cooking.. no pressssure. imprpress how yoyou want to o . [jose] allll right. my stetew will cononsist of the cararabineros,, papas s bonita, smsmall salty y potatoes.. wewe got heree the [s[spanish worord]. -okay, y yeah. four r more. -four morere. yeah, cocome on, manan. [all gigiggle] [j[jose] and d now, for t thet importrtant ingrededient, the e scarlet cacarabinero. -do you u want me toto help y? -no. lolook at... [ [grunts] and, t the final t touch. local lelemons leaf.f. inin the last t second. my carababineros stetew isis ready to o serve. -[carlota]a] i just wanna eaeat it. -[-[ines] i knknow. it smells s so good. [jose] fifingers crosossed they like e it. [speaking g spanish] let's s see, people. [carlota] ] wow, thatat is so gooood. shrimpmp is dad's s favorite f d in the whohole world and ththese are soso juicy. it has a t touch of spspice. [j[jose] i onlnly make sururet they put t the best iningredies in thehe best momement at t the right t time, and ththat way i c can create the bebest winningng team. good j job. what a r relief! the stewew is a hit!t! i cannnnot wait toto try the cabritito. the goaoat. crisistobal's seserving it with d dragon fruiuit, known locacally as pipitay. this is s the perfecect garnih for ththe cabrito o with ththe potato.. what? did d you just make thahat up, or i is that reaeal? thisis is the fifirst time i'm everer eating gogoat. alalmost four r hours with thehe volcano r rocks, an amamazing goat,t, anand i think k this goes s y wewell with ththe pitaya.. it's f fresh. dadad, i thinknk i made the perfrfect bite.. the cabrbrito, the p pitaya, anand the potatato. [josose] oh, my y god! how w is it? the flflavor of ththe cabrito h ththe freshnesess of the p pia and ththe potato t that jujust melts i in your mouou. [jose]e] this is l like ththe volcanicic islands.. thisis is like l lanzarote.. [inenes] what dodo you thinink, lucs? itit's so goodod. anand the pitataya. goes realllly well. i want t this recipepe. i i don't thinink my dad could makeke it like t this, bubut i want i it. you gogot it. i i give it toto you, freee. perfrfect. we j just had gogoat from l lanzarote,, pitayaya from lanznzarote, the cilalantro from m lanzaro, the popotatoes frorom lanzaro. ththe olive oioil from lananza. the list i is endless.s. [ines]s] you got i it, luc. [jose] yoyou come to o lanzaro, you memeet people,e, frieiends of fririends. all of a a sudden, i i feel le i know t them all mymy life. what thehey saw is w what ts islandnd is all ababout. ththe hidden o oasis in ththee of nowowhere. patchehes of greenen in this ld ofof black. ththat's a spepecial. [carlolota] thisis whole entne journey ththrough spaiain with dadad has been n incredib. in catalalonia, we were e able to sesee the start t of his cooookings with elbulli. it's u unbelievablble. it's's deliciousus. jujust learnining morere about thehe culture and the trtraditions h here and d just the u unique taste itit has as wewell. and ththe truth isis, we havt stopopped learnining this wholele trip. evolution,n, baby. evovolutio. mindnd blown. ththe food wasas deliciousu. bubut i defininitely do apprececiate the l land. and the pepeople more.e. another r favorite place e of mine, was s definitelyly valenci. [c[carlota] the fire c contet just took k it to a whwhole new level.l. [jose] y you controlol the fi. take a looook at this.s. even if f they neverer born i in spain, inin a way, they belelong to spain. [woman i in spanish]h] [jose] ththey will nonot reale whatat this has s been untitil ten, 20 0 years fromom . ononly time wiwill say. anderson cooper: welcome to the whole story. i'm anderson cooper. every summer, cities across spain participate in a centuries old tradition called the running of the bulls. it began as a way to transfer bulls from the country to inside city walls, where they were either sold or used for bullfighting. the most famous bull run is in pamplona. it's part of the san fermin festival. and it has attracted tourists from all over the world since ernest hemingway popularized it in his 1926 novel, the sun also rises. but the event is not without controversy. many of the bulls who run are later killed in the bullfighting ring. animal rights groups have been calling for an end to this in spain. and it's also dangerous for the people who choose to run. cnn's david culver, went to the san fermin festival to take a a closer look k at y ththis traditionon still hols after so many centuries, and experience, for himself, what it's like to run with the bulls. we want to warn you, some of the images you'll see in this hour, mamay be disturbing. david cuculver: el t toro bra, the spspanish bullfifighting bl is t the most rerevered ananimal in spspain.