my a ancestor s s arrival in the p port of vereracru, along withth millions s of othes througugh the centnturies, changeged history,y, creaeating moderern mexico,, and a gateteway betweeeen t and the rerest of the e wor. thisis is the crcradle of memex. everythihing starteded here. itit s also ththe cradle of mexicican gastrononomy bebecause all l ingredientns landnded in thisis spot. and alall the ingrgredients from m mexico leftft from he- chococolate, vananilla, the tomamato. can yoyou imagine e italian cuisinine without t the tomo or frencnch pastrieses withot chocolatate and vaninilla? imimpossible.. [u[upbeat musisic] the peopople of veraracruz totook this trtreasure troe of ingreredients pasassing in and outut of the poport and creaeated a whole nenew cuisine.e. wow. i i m eva longngoria, born andnd bred in t texas with mexicican-americacan ro, which h makes me a a texica. i m m exploring g mexico to e how the pepeople, theieir la, and their r past have e shad a culina
bourdain: for korean- americans, according to the stereotype anyway, it used to be that you grew up to be a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer. there were a specific set of rules and expectations. are youou asking meme to be in a poporno? is thahat what youou re asking? thanknks to some remarkablyly bad korereans, thougugh, things arere beginning to o cha. i wenent to one y year of law schohool and i w walked out. so yoyou re a badad korean. yeah, i i m a bad k korean. > any finalal advice fofor sy who s s actually a about to mama korean womoman? t the answer:r: don t do o i. choi: allll i knew was ththat this totown was goining down, and no onene was showiwing up. and d so we as k koreans figured d that out r really qui. there s s a point whwhere you ai look a at each otherer and say.. bourdrdain: they y re not co. they rere not comining, tony. yoyou know? lilike, it s y you . right. . right. thehe choppes will n not be herere anytime s. [laughshs] yo
[broododing music]c] [high-h-pitched bebeeping] [static c buzzes] [e[electronic c tones whini] [electronic buzzining] [l[low electroronic warblili] [broododing music c continu] [upbeat rock music] both: i took k a walk through ththis beautififul world felt the e cool rainn on my y shoulder fouound somethihing good in thihis b beautiful w world i felelt the rainin gettining colder la,a, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la - sha la, l la, la - sha l la, la, la,a, la sha la, l la, la, la,a, la - hi, hohow are yo? - good m morning, mymy frien. how are e you? this minine? - yeyes. [metetallic squeueaking] [c[chains jingngle] - i i start my d day; i i wake up atat 2:00, come to the gagarage arounund 3. geget ready toto go on m my way to t take ththe queensboboro bridge.. [brakes s squeal] [g[generator r rumbles] okayay. showtitime. [mysteterious musisic] - jujust across s the east rr frfrom manhattttan, where i lilive, ju
you mighght see volcanic a ash everywhwher. bubut the locacals use ingenuouous techniquques handeded down to g generatis to p produce incncredible fd from what t looks like bararren land.. on this trtrip, we arere gog to be tatasting amazazing sea. wowow! [jose] from freshsh moray eele. that i is pure crurunch. [jose] incrededible sur sized d atlantic s shrimps. thesese are the e best. [speakining spanish]h] in thehe history o of mankin. we l ll be harvevesting the et cooking g ingredientnt in histotory. sasalt was lifife, salt isis . and sampmpling high-qualility wines made frorom grapes grown n in lanzarorote s volcanic s soil. you can smsmell the sesea bree in the w wine. -amazizing, right?t? -it s s incrediblele. this i is such a c cool ststart to thihis trip. [lucucia] finalllly, beach.. i m so e excited to o be her. i know. . i wanna dodo some w water activivities. i love w water sportrts. [c[car honks]] [josose] i founund ththe perfect t vehicle for usus to disco