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Transcripts For CNNW Giuliani 20240706

- did you go too far on some of t this? - nono, that senense has s always beeeen there. - oh.. - ththe first titime, he was mayayor rudy. now he s k king giuliaiani. - gigiuliani wasas just stararto wear on ththe public o of new y. - the cityty was readydy to m move on, was ready to turn the page from the giuliani years. [sofoft acousticic music] [dreamy pipiano music]c] - manhnhattan is l like no place e else in thehe worl. in newew york, whahat you see- first of a all, you sesee a naturaral wondr of buiuildings. you knknow, it s like e the pyramimids. the e buildings s dwarf yo. the buildidings remindnd you of how uninimportant y you ar, bebecause you u re so tinyn. in this s big, increredible cit, whwhen you seeee it, it makeses you wantt to c come and sesee it. it m makes you c curious abob. it makes i it somethining bibigger than n life. i hahave strong g feelings about nenew york, evererything thahat mamakes up newew york. wewe re the crcrossroad

Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702

you mighght see volcanic a ash everywhwher. bubut the locacals use ingenuouous techniquques handeded down to g generatis to p produce incncredible fd from what t looks like bararren land.. on this trtrip, we arere gog to be tatasting amazazing sea. wowow! [jose] from freshsh moray eele. that i is pure crurunch. [jose] incrededible sur sized d atlantic s shrimps. thesese are the e best. [speakining spanish]h] in thehe history o of mankin. we l ll be harvevesting the et cooking g ingredientnt in histotory. sasalt was lifife, salt isis . and sampmpling high-qualility wines made frorom grapes grown n in lanzarorote s volcanic s soil. you can smsmell the sesea bree in the w wine. -amazizing, right?t? -it s s incrediblele. this i is such a c cool ststart to thihis trip. [lucucia] finalllly, beach.. i m so e excited to o be her. i know. . i wanna dodo some w water activivities. i love w water sportrts. [c[car honks]] [josose] i founund ththe perfect t vehicle for usus to disco

Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702

plan to run again at next year s festival. thanks for watching. i ll see you next sunday. [music playing] [jose] fofor our nextxt advent, mymy girls andnd i are in n ss amamazing capipital city, , mad. madrdrid. madrdrid. -[-[ines] whatat a view. -this isis amazing.. [carlolota] incrededible. [j[jose] thisis city has s beet the heart t of spanishsh cultur, hihistory and d of course,e, d for hundrereds of yearars. did yoyou know it t s also hoe toto spain s r royal famili. we are g going to fofollow a deliciouous and happppy fofood story.. this looooks so goodod. from cookikies commissssioned by a queueen. magnificenent. and thisis low roaststed la, a feasast for the e rich and powerfrful back inin the da. lelet me go ininside. to thehe food of t the peop, taststy, fillingng -oh,h, my god. -and affffordable, likeke patatas b bravas, a madridid creationn now loveved all overer the worl. mmm. along ththe way we are g going to vivisit ththe famous s street markt that helpeped to

Transcripts for CNN Giuliani What Happened to Americas Mayor 20240604 05:52:00

and has bebeen there for 2525 years in a factory making auto parts, his son has had three goddamn tours in iraq and gotten shot once, that guy s job has been off-shored, and he s been able to find a job working in a call center for ninene bucks an n hour with no o health insnsurance, and he s s pissed. - i mean, , i m mad. i ve beeeen mad. i m onone of the a angry, yoyou know, vovoters thatat they ve b been discusug fofor the lastst year. [indisistinct chatatter] - i i am officiaially runnin. for presidident of the uniteded states, and wewe are goingng to make our countrtry great agagain. [cheers s and applauause] - well, , donald trurump is mog likeke a storm f front through h the republblican primimaries and d caucuses.. heading g towards susuper tuesdy nenext week, trump p has more d delegats than h his rivals s combine. - donaldld trump s m march to the nomomination

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