Transcripts For CNNW Jose 20240702

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[josose narratining] asasturias, mymy home. it's whehere i was b born, and where e my love for foodod began. astuturias is spspectacula. there is the drdramatic coaoastline, home to ththe best seaeafod in the wororld: frfreshly caugught spiny l lobs, delicatete fish. ththere is deeeep, green f fa, the gagarden of spspain. here, we g grow our incrededible freshsh crops: cider applples, swsweet spanisish onions,, ththe world-fafamous bean. anand, finallyly, high mouous that takake your brereath aw. [c[cowbells titinkling] dairiry cattle r roam these lushsh pasturess prododucing someme of the wowors most expenensive anand deliciouous cheeses.. asturiasas food reflflects this increredible landndsca, but this a also tells s the stoy of t the people e who live h . hard wororking peoplple, foragersrs, farmrmers, fisherermen. for centururies, they'y've ld off ththe fruits o of the ld and creaeated some amazining local spspecialti. asturianan food is the roooot of who i i a, asas a person n and as a c . [i[in spanish]h] [ines] m mmm-hmm. wewe like th. [jose] aststurias is i in my v, asturiasas is in my y blood. -it's in o our veins.. -our b blood. asasturias. boboom. [opening t theme musicic playi] [u[upbeat musisic playing]] [ines nanarrating] all ththree of us s are withd fofor this advdventure because e this is whwhere he was bororn. a a long time e ago. he's g got this crcrazy spiritual l connectionon to t this place,e, and to i its food. [jose] aststurias is b beautif. i'm soso super hapappy you'u're here. nothining makes meme happy than to trtravel with h you th. [ines narrrrating] bubut we nd to b brace ourseselves. dad's s definitelyly going te in f full tour g guide mod. ah, look a at that, ththat's c. you see?e? there is s corn. those are e cows. look a at more cororn. [ines s narrating]g] [sarcacastically]] cows andnd . thanks, , dad. ththis is goining to be such a f fun week. [jose narrrrating] i want my girlsls to love a asturias like i i do. to taste t the food that m made me whoho i am. soso i'm goingng to take t tm on a journrney acacross the r region. inin the far n north of sps, we'l'll start byby the ocean, ririch with seseafood, then ontoo the e fertile grgreen pasturu, and,d, finally, , up into thte awesome momountains. i i want to bebegin the jojouy by recononnecting with somome old frieiends, anand tasting g the comforord of my chilildhood, ththe traditioional asturian t taste of plpleasur. [all s speaking inin spanish] [josose narratining] we arere g a speciaial lunch at casa a marcial, a double michelelin star rerestaurant, run byby nacho mananzano. his s wife, dulclce, isis also a woworld-renownwne, with herer own restaurantnt nearby. and marcosos moran is s head chf at my y favorite r restaurant in t the world, , casa gerara. these e guys are three e of the topop chefs in all of f spain, anand three ofof my best f frie. theyey're hostining anan asturian n feast justst . [josose] we cannnnot be in a betteter place, with betetter peoplele. [j[jose] let's's do this.. for asasturias. [in spspanish] [jose nanarrating] for ththe appetizezer, dulces cocooked her s specialty,, asasturian torortos. theyey're like c crispy and y asturianan fritter.. on top, , caramelizezed onis and a lolocal blue c chees. this is spspectacular.r. wow. dad, h how come wewe've never d totortos beforore? [jose spspeaking in n spanis] -[josese] i reallyly try... -[marcos] ] never? i rememberer i came toto see u many, mamany years a ago and yoyou showed m me the e technique.e. but this i is a dish i'm very s scared to m make. [jose e narrating]g] thisis crunchy c corn fritts arare a local l staple ininvented cenenturies ago by a asturian miminers. [jose e narrating] titime for thehe main courur. fafabada. the heheart and sosoul ofof the dish:h: locacal phaseoeolus vulgarar, are the fifinest beansns in t the world.. [imitates s explosion]n] look a at that. -i-it's, like,e, reallyly falls apapart. -[-[marcos] vevery softly.. [josose] look, i it's so butut. and ththe skin, ththat's what people d don't undererstand, -anywhwhere outsidide asturia. -yeaeah. -that isis the beann with n no skin. -no skinin. [jose]e] it's almomost skinle. this is ththe reason this beaean is so gogood. [jose e narrating]g] the e beans are e slow cooked withth a spicy c chorizo, silky porkrk belly andnd morc, a ruststic blood s sausage. -in n many cultutures, memeat is at t the center.. -ow. but t this, whatat we want is to eaeat the beanans thatat go alongsgside the mem. the meat g gives the f flavor anand give thehe personalily to t the fabada.a. but it's a a side. [jose narrrrating] yeyeah, i k, fafabada looksks humble. ththe dish is s almost 150 years s old. it's f from a timeme when asturianans were poooor farm, liviving off thehe land. but, todayay, this peaeasant fod remamains as popopular as evr as symbol l of asturiaias anand its peopople. [lucia]] fabada, , for him, is very y special. every y time, he p prepares i, i jujust like sesee his behaha, and his atattitude-- -just passssion. -h-his passionon just chanan. -[laughshs] -[jojose] every y time i i see fabadada, i i feel like e singing all the popopular fofolk songs o of asturiasa. -don't youou? -youou are at hohome. [lucucia] he's's opening u p his s world to u us, -and i t think ththat's very y special. -yeah. [i[in spanish]h] mmm. mmmmm. oh. [jose narrrrating] mymy mothr cook a an incredibible faba, and ththis dish rereminds e of herer and of mymy home. i left asturias when i was very young, no? i i went to babarcelona. atat my first t communion,, i celelebrated it t in an aststurias reststaurant, -and the d dish, obvioiously, was fabadada asturias.s. -[carlrlota] uh-huhuh. my m mom was, lilike, crying becaususe i guess s this plae symbolizized who shehe was. and inin a way, itit has realy inflfluenced whoho i am, too. tortillala is from s spain, paella, momore or lessss, is f from spain,n, bubut fabada i is from aststu. [in spananish] the fafabada bringngs peoplele together.r. [jose nanarrating] finalllly, we are e having my favoritete dessert o of all tim, arroroz con lechche, rice pup. in asturiaias, we cararamele a layer r of sugar o on the p usining a brandiding iron known n as a quememador. i'm heararing ththe noise ofof heaven. [mararcos] it's s perfect. i ththink my dauaughter's nono. you're a g good teacheher. -l-look at thihis. -[lulucia] ooh.. with thehe crunchy s sugar inin the top, , the milk,, the ririce. wowow. [laughshs] wow. [nacho s speaking inin spanis] [jose narrrrating] whwhat a me! a chchance to shshare a bit of m my childhooood withth my three e daughter. [j[jose] for r me, being g h, surroundnded by thisis beau, days like today, eating with friends, i know who i am. [jose narrrrating] daday two of my asasturias roaoad tri. i gogot the girlrls up at 5:00 a.a.m. for prprobably thehe first tie inin history.. because, t today, we a are dg someththing speciaial. we are h heading to the r rocky norththern co, one ofof the richehest sours of seaeafood in ththe worl. the e seafood hehere in astus couldn't b be fresher.r. nothing g compares t to eatg asturirian crab oror fresh lor righght next to o the oceann it camame from. but,t, today, wewe are aftr someththing else,, the jejewel of the aststurian coasast. they are c called percrcebes, and theyey are the most e expensive s seafd in the w world. okay, ththey look a littttle strangege, but these things tastes incredible. [all speaking in spanish] [josose narratining] ththis is julilio. he has s spent his l life huhunting for r percebes.. today cacarlota, andnd ines are goining to join n him. [in spanisish] yeyeah, we'll l go for cofof. -yeah, i i agree. -yeah. [cararlota narrarating] dad loveves eating p percebes bubut he doesnsn't want totoo any of thehe hardwork.k. soso ines and d i arare going toto take the e . percrcebes only y grow on rocks o out in the e oce. and d they're ononly exexposed at l low tide. -we e have to swswim now. -let's h hope the wawater isn'n't too coldld. [carlota n narrating]] we'v've only gotot half an h r before thehe tide comemes in. when thahat happens,s, it c can get sereriously danas out therere. [in n spanish] wow, carlolota, pepercebes eveverywhere. [carlotata narratingng] ththis is a pepercebes parar. a pounund of thesese ugly log bababies is woworth $400.. [in n spanish] [carlotata] so undererneath. [ines speaeaking in spspanis] -[inines] he tooook some of the rocock with it.t. -[carlotota] yeah. -i-i guess to o preserve the basese. -wowow. [ines speaeaking in spspanis] -[julilio speakingng in spani] -[cacarlota] thehese are goo. [carlotata narratingng] jujulio makes s it look soso. it's not.. [cararlota] thisis is a a lot of harardwork. oh, my gososh, i didn'n't thik i was gogoing to havave to ue soso much strerength ofof the littltle strengthh that i i have. -oh. -j-julio! -inenes, i got m my first on. -nicice. [carlota n narrating]] we'r're doing okokay. i don'n't understatand why ins wawants to go o further ouo. typical.l. [julio spepeaking in s spanis] [inenes speakingng in spanis] [cararlota] therere we go. [i[in spanish]h] [c[carlota] the wave's's comiming in. [in spananish] [carlota n narrating]] whoa, , it's startrting lok a littttle scary o over the. you dedefinitely d do not want to o get smashehed onon one of ththose rocks. he's likike, balancicing. it's's like he's's floatingg on thehe water. anand i'm overer here justst tg to grab onon to the rorocks as t the tide's s pulling me in andnd out. [jululio speakining in spanin] i'm gegetting sosome good onones, carloto. guguys, the titide is comimin. -i know. -we haveve to startt headining this wayay. [carlota n narrating]] for once, ines a actually lilistens to m . [in spananish] [carlotata speaking g in spani] -that was s awesome. -it's hardrdwork for s sure. we d did it. -heyey, guys. -[lucia]a] oh, hellolo. hey, ladieies. unbelievevable. unbebelievabl. -check i it out. -we're alilive. unbelievevable. -m-my gosh, i'i'm exhaustet. -youou guys tookok a while t t. [jose e narrating]g] in astur, we like e to cook ththings si. to l let these amazining ingredieients spspeak for ththemselves.. so a all we needed is a a pot of boboiling sea a. and now,w, what happppens? -[ines, , carlota] w we wait. -to whatat? [c[carlota] fofor them to talk toto us. yoyou wait untntil the bararne tells you,u, "i am reaeady, ba" [jose nanarrating] when t the barnaclcles ststart to opepen, ththey are reaeady to eat. [jose] m man, those e are bi. let't's go eat t them. [j[jose narratating] therers a trtrick to getetting them m o. [j[jose] you u use these two o fingers, anand you thisis like a littlele pinch rigight he, and this m moment, you do l like that,, and d in this momoment i jusu- yoyou're goingng to... -[bleep]p] up. -[-[laughs] bubut hold on,n, because i its so perfectct. but now.w... it's okay,y, i can teaeach yo. i can teacach you. okay, , you teach h me. let me shohow you how w to do . numberer one rule e is you don't wantnt to splashsh yours, and d you don't t want to spsh yourur neighborsrs. and d so, dad, just likike you did,d, a littttle pinch h here. [jose] andnd then whatat happe? -[inines] then y you open i it, and.... -[josese] oh, my g god. [j[jose narratating] thesese juicy asasturian perercs taste likeke a cross between a a lobster anand a cla. unbelievabable. ththe texture e and the ococn anand the waveves anand the bubbbbles and ththe , everythihing is in y your mou. tetell me it w was not awewes. -it was s awesome. -it was awawesome. [jose narrrrating] okay, it's's time to l leae ththe coast bebehind and headad south. wewe are traveveling into the g green farmlmland that makakes up most of f asturias.. i was s born in ththis part of the r region, and it's's where most of ouour deliciouous, frfresh producuce comes frfr. [jose narrrrating] ththere ae thousandnds of smallll, ororganic farmrms in asturu. what we grgrow here is at ththe heart of so o much of ouour cooki. fieldsds of butterery bean, vinenes burstingng with evey imimaginable v vegetable a ant anand at the t top of the e , apples, , the pride e of astu. these e apples aren't f for eating.g. no, no, nono. they a are for dririnking. in aststurias, we e produce 10 milillion gallolons ofof hard cideder every yeye. we d drink it like t the french h drink win. pretetty much evevery day. okokay, i'm gegetting very thihirsty now.. time f for a drinknk. if y you want cicider in asts, there isis only one e place t. lolocals call l this place cideder street.. it's's packed wiwith dozenss of c cider bars s known as sidrererias. [in spspanish] [jose e narrating]g] we are he to meet upup with someme fam. mymy cousin, h her husband and ththeir kids.. wewe've been v visiting thtm inin asturiass sincnce the girlrls were youo. now ththey are oldld enough to havave a few drdrinks wit. [luciaia] i loveve reuniting withth family memembers that we hahaven't seen in soso long. especicially, at t their homet, anand your homometown. [jose e narrating]g] cideder is like e a religiono. and d we have sosome fascinag rituals toto go with i it. you see,e, now, you have t to drink itit now. -[-[carlota] y you drink i , drinink it, drinink it, drinin. -chug, chuhug, chug. okokay, and ifif you don't't f, you leave e some. and thenen you move e the glas and yoyou throw itit to the flr in t the same plplace ththat your lilips got t in contactct with the e . wewe get it, w we get it.. wewe get it. [jose nanarrating] then t there is ththe pouri. we a asturians pour c cider like e no one e. it's's not carbobonated. so, to getet bubbles a and f, we havave an impreressive tr. first,t, you got t to get the glasass as low a as poss, thenen the handd as h high as youou can. and d then, pourur. -[-[carlota] h he doesn'tt even l look. -[-[jose] he d doesn't eveven . he's n not even lolooking at the glalass, hehe's only lolooking at f fr. -he's lookoking at me.e. -[carlotota] what? [josose] he doesesn't even l . [carlotata] how in t the word does he dodo that? ole.e. [ines narrrrating] okay, mymy turn. wow! -[josese] unbelievevable. -that was s a good onene. [inenes narratining] [clearars throat]] i don'n't mean to o brag, but that w was prpretty good,d, right? this s stuff doesnsn't have a supeper high alclcohol con, usually ababout 5%, but it's's definitelely enoh to getet things gogoing. luckilily, the fooood here is pretttty good at soakiking up alcocohol. likeke this, chorizizo and... [chucklingng] more c cider. -[jose] whwhat do you u thin? -deliciousus. -i-it's good, , uh? -my y favorite t thing ever. [ines narrrrating] but this i is my must t hae in an astuturian bar.. [cheheering] [ines nanarrating] cachopo. thatat's veal, w wrapped in , ththen wrappeded in cheese, cocoated in egeggs anand bread crcrumbs, then deeeep fried. can you u think of a anything more d delicious?? this is whwhat we'v've been waiaiting for since wewe got to asasturias. you'u've been waiting g for cachopopo? we'v've been waiaiting fofor cachopo.o. it's s so good. why i keepep coming baback? becacause this i is home anand this is s our familyl. even t this guy who marrrried my couousin. [laughghing] [ines nanarrating] dad is, how do i p put this dedelicatel? [in spanisish] having funun. [allll singing i in spanish] i wiwill say one of thehe best thinings abt sidrererias herere in asturs is they kekeep servingng you anand keep sererving you.. -so righght now, we're up t to here. -[carlotota] i thinknk, i'm.. no, cucut, cut, cucut. it's v very low alalcohol. it's very y low alcohohol. i mean, , barely hasas alcoho. bubut they dididn't stop serving g us. cut, cut.. [s[singing] [cheering]g] [carlota n narrating]] day y three of d dad's homecomingng tour is startrting way totoo ear. we're all l feeling a littttle rough.. but t dad has sosomething he reaeally, realllly wawants to shohow us. ineses, the breaeakfast here is amamazing. i'i'm excited.d. -this s place is w worth it. you'll s see. -y-yeah. [carlolota narratiting] dad's takiking us to h his favorite p pastry shopop in t the world.. it's calalled camilolo de bla. and itit's one of f the oldt in s spain. i need my y sugar fix x asap. [all spepeaking in s spanish] hehello. [josose] ready t to have b breakfast.. so, , this looksks very, vevery good. which onone is this s one? [palomoma] this onone is casasadielles.. thisis is the trtraditional l y of excellelence in aststuria. -canan we try sosome? -y-yeah, sure.e. [jose] i i want someme too. -how is s it, guys?? -oh, m my god. mmm,m, it's likeke so lightt and soso, oh, my g gosh. i cocould eat ththis all day. [c[carlota nararrating] but the are jujust the appppetizer. this shop's real claim to o fe are these e babies, cacarbayo. the e best known pastry in allll of asturirias. [palaloma] my g great grandndfr inventeded them in 1 1924. -i'm the fifth generation. -[carlota] wow. -five genenerations. -yeah. [cararlota narrarating] cacarbs are lilike a spaninish ecla. the e cream insiside isis a mix of f almonds, egg yoyolks and susugar. lotsts of it, nanaturally. then, momore sugar and momore egg yololks. a quick babake in the e oven. ththen the fininal flouris. itit's a glazeze. this onene is made entirerely of sugagar. we'r're fine. we've e got a goodod dentist. -oh, my gogod. -[inines] how isis it? it's's so good.. -you likike it? -[carlota]a] mmm-hmm.. it's a p perfect sweweetness. my grereat grandfafather sai, "i invenented a new w pastry and i needed a name."" they dececided that t carbayos would d be a good d name because, i in oviedo,, the pepeople of ovoviedo arare named cacarbayones.. [inenes] i've alalso been eyeing t that one. -do o you guys want to o try that o one? -[-[jose] okayay. -[jojose] can wewe get that t? -y-yeah, sure.e. [jose] canan we get ththat on? and maybybe that onene? and mamaybe that o one? anand maybe ththat one? and maybybe that onene, to? mamaybe all ofof them? [jose] youou know the e best pt of a s sugary dessssert? isis this. [lauaughing] if mom w were toto see us riright now, she woululd not apprprove of t. i thinink we needd to statart moving,g, no? [lucia] ] i could ststay here all day. [jose e narrating]g] okay, itit's time toto get goin. [ines]s] wow. [jose narrrrating] we are h heading sououth toto the fooththills of the spepectacular cantabririan mountaiains. stretchingng east to w west and sepaparating aststurias from thehe rest of s spain. these momountains are ththe perfect t home for anotheher prprize local l specialty: wild m mushrooms.. herere in asturirias, we have sosome of the e rart and most d delicious m mushrs in thehe world. freshly y picked momountain musushrooms likike te are perfrfect for anan authe, ririch asturiaian stew. -we're g going for m mushroos in the m mountains.. -in ththe mountainins? -[jojose] in thehe mountains. -in n the mountatains? i'm exexcited. [jose e narrating]g] overer the centuturies, astuturian peoplple have become e expert foraragers. now, t top local c chefs use prize e asturian m mushrs toto create sosome amazingng . like thihis guy: xunune andr. he rununs a tiny r restaurann hihis grandmotother's old d . almost everything he cooks comes from within one mile of the restaurant. hehe's been ouout foragingg for r our lunch h this mornin. [all s speaking inin spanish] [josose speakingng in spanis] [j[jose narratating] xune's crereated the m menu to s show off hihis freshly yd asturianan mushroomsms. man, i i'm hungry y already. [jose narrrrating] for the e appetizer,r, freshly y picked chehestnuts smoked o over mountatain herb. [j[jose speakiking in spanan] [jose narrrrating] ththen the statar boletus s edu, the kiking of the e forest. they arere packed with s so much flalavor that w we don't eveven neneed to cookok them. and d i see you u didn't eve, you babarely washehed them. [in spanisish] [xune speaeaking in spspanis] [jose nanarrating] finally, a dropop of what x xune cal, "essssence of ononio" for ththe main couourse, a juicy mamarble piecece of a asturian ststeak fromom a cow thahat graze on neaearby mountatain pastu. [josose] it's amamazing, the aroma.a. [in n spanish] back in n the stateses, maybybe the oldedest cow we et is a a year-and-d-a-half, maybe twtwo. [jose narrrrating] it's simimple, an ololder cow makes s for a richcher stek with m more flavoror. look at t that fat in my fifingers. i memean, this f fat in my y fingers isis like... oh, , my god, lilike... oh, itit's unbelieievable. [josose narratining] is thehe ananything morore wonderfufl thanan the smellll of a a frying ststeak? this is a a new way of smoke p piping. [inhalales deeply]y] oh, my g god, yes. i i need to tatake a showew, i knknow, but whwho cares? [jose narrrrating] to roundnd it off, w we simy saute e more mushrhrooms. it's unbelelievable, because e this is lilike you'rere eating a a sponge, and d the spongege is fulull of flavovor. anand the forerest is justt comingng all into o the spong, it's s so simple.. nothining can be more natatural, noththing. [j[jose narratating] time for t the girls to tryry our dishehes. a tataste of the aststurias's momounta. hey. [girlsls] hola. [carlolota] wow. this looooks so goodod. i love c chestnuts. . very go. [luciaia] i'm not t usually a fan ofof mushroomsms. this is s really gooood. -andnd the juicece. -[inines] the jujuice. [josose] it's ununbelievable. [carlotata] the platate's alalmost done.e. itit's delicioious. [jose] s steak time.e. [ines spspeaking in n spanis] [carlota] ] it's delicicious. [josose] give meme more mushsh. [inenes] all youours? [j[jose narratating] for r des, xune's's made a susurprise an a asturian chcheesecake mamade with jujust a kisss of lococal blue chcheese. lolooks amazining. but t one of my y daughterss is a a picky eatater. [j[jose speakiking in spanan] no, no, , no. this i is so fun. lucia hatetes cheese.. -hates cheheese. -i-it's not ththat i hate e . [c[carlota] nono, no, shshe's scareded of cheeses. no, you'rere making itit seem lilike it's soso... it is,s, though. if i putut this in f front of . -[lucicia] stop. -[laughihing] [l[lucia] i i know it sosous very sillyly, but t this cheesese phobia, it g genuinely m makes me very u uncomfortabable. it's just t something g that', kind of,f, hard to l live wih or to explplain to peoeople 'causese not everyryone tatakes it sereriously, or just ththink i'm jojoking. [i[in spanish]h] [jose]e] okay, butut i'm sorr. this is lilike no c cheesecake,e, ever. in s spain we mamake the e best of ththe best. -a-and this onone... -i-is up therere. [jose] it't's slightlyly gooe, creamy, , runny. yoyou want to o just try?? -i would l love to, bubut hard. -[josese] yeah, leleave it the. [cararlota] [chuhuckles] incrediblele. [jose]e] really, t thank you for openening your h house to . but more i important,, to opepen to us yoyour landsca, your f forest, youour mountai. what a a day. to y you. -[xunene speaking g in spanis] -[cacarlota] thahank you. [inenes] chin-chchin. [josose narratining] wewe are on ththe road agaga, driviving furtheher east into thehe amazing picos de e europa natitional pak where e the mountatains reach up t to 9000 feeeet hig. lucia has s recoveredd fromom the cheesesecake. but,t, sorry, my dararling daughghter, thinings are abobout to gett muchch worse. [jose] s so, today, , we're gog to m meet a cheeeesemaker. i i mean, i'm m happy for you guguys, defininitely, but i ththink i mighght leave the spececial experirience toto you guys.s. [jose e narrating]g] astuturian dairyry cows grazaze on thesese green n mountain p pasture. these richch, healthy y dit means theyey produce some of the most delicious milk in the woworld. and d that meansns realally, reallyly great che. up in thesese mountainins, ththere are dodozens of artisanan cheese mamakers. they use m methods pasassed dn from genereration to g generatin to m make more t than 50 unine varieties s of asturiaian ch. i love s serving asturian c cheeses with a s succulent c cut of s. but t for me, ththey are best eatenen by themseselvs with a n nice piece e of brea. [jose]e] for suchch a smsmall regionon, asturiasas, i can sasay, is t the cheese e capital of europope, wewe could sayay, is t the cheese e capital of the w world. we havave so many y cheeses he. [jose narrrrating] today, w we're goingng to try one ofof our finesest. gamoneneu is a smomooth, smoky blueue cheese. it wasas one of mymy mothther's favororites, and, n now, it's o one of min. tradaditionally,y, it was me byby shepherdsds who liveve along witith their herds s in the mouountains. anand, now, wewell, nonot much hasas changed.. [allll speaking g in spanish] [jose e narrating]g] jose l luis is 26,6, anand he spendnds eieight monthshs a year up in n the mountatains making cheheese. thatat's commitmtment. his main c company up p hee is covadononga, she's s 64, but shshe's been doing thisis since shehe was si. lulucia, you c coming? i thinink i might t stay her, but, y you guys enenjoy. i'i'm going toto go-- you u want me toto give youu $20 toto go shoppiping? -lucucia, catch.h. -[lucicia] sure. [jose e narrating]g] lucia cn go o off and do o her thin, but carlrlota and inines hahave got to o work. fifirst up, mimilking. gagamoneu cheeeese is uniqe becaususe it's madade frfrom the mililk of cows, sheep p and goats.s. the gigirls are going g to do all l three. cows a are pretty y easy. [covadononga speakining in s spanish] [i[ines narratating] things getet trickierr whenen it comes s to sheep.. ththey have toto be milked by hanand. cacarlota, takake one for the teteam? [in spananish] [ines s narrating]g] okay, this f feels a litittle wei. this i is a lot haharder thani thouought it wasas going to o. hey, h hey, hey. [ines]s] carlota.. [carlotata narratingng] bubut there's s worse to c . apparentlyly, the goatats are ththe hardest.t. [in spspanish] [ines] dadad, i've gotot it. ines, , good job.. -o-oh, i just t dropped sosome. -[jose] ] what? what we neneed to m make the chcheese, lady. don'n't miss a d drop, carlol, ththis is prececious. [c[carlota nararrating] seriouously, shut t up now, . [carlota] ] this is ththe offi. [j[jose narratating] and that m milk comes s here. it sits s for a coupuple of hous whwhile the cucurds split fromom the whey.y. next, ththey've got t to be separateted by hand.d. [j[jose] oh, m my god, look at hihis muscles.s. oh, mymy god. [j[jose narratating] now w ale need to o do is packck the e cheese into molds.s. [in spananish] [j[jose narratating] thisis ce has toto go off toto the smor fofor 25 days,s, but ththat's onlyy halflf the work k done. for r the cheesese to develop a a stronger f flavor, it has to maturere in a coolo, dadark place f for many momon. and these e mountainss are ththe perfect t spot. theyey're uniqueue geography meanans they arere home to mileses of hiddenen caves. lolook at her,r, she's clilimg like nothihing happensns. and i'i'm here, alalmost slipp. [jose] shehe's my new w hero. [jose nanarrating] for genenerations, covadongnga and her r famiy have been n using thesese cavs as topop secret hohomes for cheesese. [in spspanish] unbebelievable.. -[carlota]a] this is i incredi. -look k at this. [josose narratining] this c che needs to s spend at l least 90 dadays in the e c. it m must be kepept atat an exact t temperaturue of 4 46 degrees,s, with the h humidity ofof 98%. thisis cave is the pererfect placece. but t it's a tigight squeeze. oh, , my god. is no waway i'm gogoing througugh here. oh, my godod. [laughs]s] thisis is reallyly narrow. [l[laughs] my god.. i'm soso happy i l lose weigt becaususe if therere is no wy i will c come througugh this or even n worse, i will getet stuck in n here. [carlota] ] he would n not fi. i would bebecome cheesese. [in spanisish] -takake a look a at this. -[carlota]a] wow. this i is like a m movie. [josose narratining] it feeeele we arere discoveriring ththe holy grarail of cheee. huhundreds of f gamoneus m ma. every y day, theirir color and flavavor gets momore inte in t these ancieient cave. [j[jose] look k at this coco. then youou have thesese reddih and ocochers and o orangey and d brownish and greeeenish all a at once. -i-it's like, , this is lile a peperfect paininting. -it is a p painting. look, itit's fascinanating. covadodonga! [covovadonga spepeaking in spanishsh] oh, i was s scared. i thoughght she leftft us. likeke is nothining more scay thanan to be lefeft alone in a cavave you don'n't know. take a a look at t this. [covadononga speakining in s spanish] silent, anand i'm likeke, "i'm'm alone, i'm going g to get losost." [jose nanarrating] okay, , time to geget out t of here, i i think. [in spspanish] [covadadonga speakaking inin spanish]] [josose narratining] afafter all ththat hard wowo, it's time e for a tastste tes. [in spananish] [jose narrrrating] after 9090 days in t the ca, the chcheese has a strongng, blue oututside and a sosoft crumblyly insi. the flavoror is delicacate bubut intense,e, smoky bubut smooth withth a butteryry, nunutty aftertrtaste. [josose] comingng to a place lilike this, you u really undnderstand what y you must bebe thankful. because e the hardshship, thee that goeoes in into o every one of thehese slices s is jus. too difficicult to expxplain wiwith words.. boomom. thank yoyou. [jose]e] when youou see a piece ofof cheese inin a s, in thehe supermarkrket, all l of a suddeden, yoyou are not t buying cheh, you are bubuying what't's goin in t these mountntains. hey, y you did gooood, ladie. proud ofof you. boomom. boom. [jose]e] for me t to come and brining my daughghters and for r them to have ththis time, to spendnd time withth the, one-on-o-one. and d this, quitite frankly, makes s every momement so mucuch more enjnjoyable. [josose narratining] well,, enjojoyable for r most of us. it's our last day in asturias. itit's been anan incrediblble w. my girls h have got toto knw this plalace that i i love soh and d had the chchance to tate the disheses of my chihildhoo. dad, you'r're becomingng a po with this s car. carlotota, don't j jinx it. [jose narrrrating] bubut i wano fifinish thingngs off withth , anand say thanank you for re of the hosospitality w we've . so i'm'm going to o create my own a asturian fefeast for my f family and d frien. [ines narrating] okay, sure, dad. you jujust want to show off. he's brougught us to this s amazing hohouse, whwhich is hisis friends,, by t the way. anand he's invnvited pretttth everyonene we've metet in asts overer for lunchch. nono pressure.e. -so, arere you excitited? -[-[carlota] i i am very e exc. -are we e going to c cook? -wasash your hanands first.. [ines s narrating]g] dad said he w was going t to create a u based onon our week k in astu, but i thinink he just t bout anything h he could fifind. [josose] you're e going to bring t this. you're goioing to brining tha. this i is yours. -t-this is thehe urchin. -i'll tatake it. [josose] we gott some o of the beanans. here, whwho wants to take e the lobsteters? the plplan is, likike, therere is no plplan. ifif you don't't plan too o h anand you adapapt, hopefulllly, somethihing willll happen. [i[ines narratating] we've got t local cheeeese, fresh mandndarins, we have mamagnificentt boleletus mushrorooms, someme fresh grereens anand tomatoeses, pepperers over herere, anand about 1010 differentnts of seafofood, all lolocally soururced, -[jose] ] are we reaeady? -w-we're readydy. chop, chch. -okakay, you're e going to s t clcleaning thehe boletus.. -okay.y. you're g going to dodo potato. first,t, clean allll of them. secocond, razor r all of the. third, wasash all of t them withth the waterer. yeyes, sir. the kitctchen at oururs is a always chaoaotic. whenevever he giveves us somemething to d do, hehe'll show u us and thene, he'l'll just do o it himself. [jose] youou're cuttining too o deep, yoyou're cuttiting too deee. oh, , my god. put themem flat on t the tray and tellll me how mamany they . -yes, , sir. -we e got one didish almostst finished.d. -yes, chefef. -nexext. oh, my y god. whwhy i'm so t tense todaya. whatat is going g on? it's l like i've n never cocooked beforore. [i[ines narrrrating] 2:00 p.m.m. on the d dot, and the vivips start a arriv. our astuturian cousisins, all the e chefs who o cooked fofor us on ouour first daday h, and d a special l surprise g gu. [j[jose speakiking in spanan] [i[ines narratating] pedrdro n is the g godfather of aststurian foodod. dad, l literally, , worships h . oh, , my god, pepedro morann is like e the pope of the c cooking of f asturia. cacarlota, lucucia, we h have gueststs. [ines s narrating]g] dad'd's startingng the meall with somome seafood d appetizer, but alall that seaeafood needs to b be preppedd at t the last miminute. startingng with thesese astuturian clamsms. dadad wants toto serve them on f fresh localal mandaris with t the seafoodod foam. come on,n, boil. boioil! boi. no, not a a little boioil, big g boil. [inenes narratining] umum, is it jujust me, or is the e pressure getting g to him a l littl? [j[jose] i'm m always so afraid d of failurere. do i frereak out evevery time o and d i start cocooking? yea. the momement you seeee they op, i wawant you to o take them m. yeyeah, out, o out, out, o out. -a-all of themem? -allll of them. . all of the. oh, , my god, yoyou are so g . ththis is perfrfect. takeke a look. it's pererfectly cooooked. [i[ines narratating] we b ber get these e plates sererved before dadad has a heaeart at. [josose] oh, my y god. takeke a look atat this, guy. [i[ines narratating] firsrst , those clclams that d dad was gegetting so e excited abob. he's s seriously w worried about whwhat pedro's's going g to think.. marco,o, this nevever happen. yes, mayaybe the firirst time that my fafather told d you somemething goodod. that he dodoes this. [i[ines narratating] next, sea a urchins, w which e maririnated in s sardine jui. itit's the tasaste of seaa in youour mouth. [in spananish] [ines s narrating]g] wellll, that wasas awkward.. shshall we allll have dinnnn? [in spananish] [inenes narratining] fofor the mainin meal, dad's comeme up with t two dishs thatat representnt asturias. [jose] ow!w! [ines narrrrating] first, a a crazy ricich salade wiwith local l lobster andnd . tell m me it's gooood. [i[in spanish]h] mmm-hmm,m, we like t that. [inenes narratining] nextxt, it's freresh atlalantic oysteters fromom the astururias coas. he's s serving thehem wiwith butteryry, slow brard fava beansns. and memeaty, boletetus mushrs thatat he's cookoked overer open firere. the tradititional astuturian wa. [jose] i t think this s dish, in many waways, it is,s, kind of, , coming toto a 360 degegrees, righg? oh, itit's not traraditional because e it's, kindnd of, a nenew inventioion of mine. but,t, at the sasame time, has littttle bit of f every pt of aststurias. amamazing. [inenes narratining] ththis is likeke dad on a a . so we do t this. we comome with onene oyster, entire o oyster goeses in, inincluding ththe juices.. we c come with t three cepss we put t them right t here. we come wiwith the e smoke agaiain, oil, we p put it righght here. and ththe plate isis finishe. [in n spanish] okokay, guys.. we the p people, we invite e you to statart eat. [carlolota] whoo.. [in n spanish] fantastitic. the bean v very softlyly, veryry creamy. itit's very susurprising,, the babalance betwtween the oyr anand the mushshroom. -thehe mountainsns, and the e. -[-[marcos] yeyeah, the momoun. asasturias andnd the beanss in thehe middle. [jose] andnd the goodndness ofof the earthth. asturirias. boom.. okayay. okay. yeah, plplease don't't break k the glasseses. this h house is n not mine, o okay? good. so truthth time, i think, before t this one weweek tri, i'veve never beeeen the e biggest fafan of asturu. i, t to be honesest, i hahated asturirias. bubut now, after thisis one week k trip, after lelearning everythingng we've leaearned, doing evererything we'e've do, eaeating everyrything we h h, i i love it. -we have t to come bacack mor. -i love e that you l love it. [lucia] bubut come bacack moe and spend d more ththan two dayays here. -you k know i loveve you. -hmm. [lucia l laughs] -it's beenen a great w week. -it t was amazining. thisis trip has s been vevery specialal for us. the factct that you have b brought us s to yourur place of f birth, youou, sosomething ththat you calall . -you knonow my favororite momt in thihis trip? -what wawas it? righght now. i feel likike we're almost cloloser than e ever. -[carlota]a] i agree.. -we'rere still togogether. we havaven't kikilled each h other yet.. [j[jose narratating] soso, what's n next? lanzarote in the cacanary islanands. a susunny spanisish paradie of t the africanan coast. finalllly, we mighght geget to go toto the beachc. itit's been grgreat weatheh, sunnnny, super n nice, but i i don't thinink it's's anythingg cocompared to o the sun in lanzazarote. so i i, personalally, am e excited foror that sun. [man 1 1] wow! take a looook at this.s. [m[man 2] we l landed in lanzarorote. [woman 1] we are paragliding. oh, yeah! lelet's go, gigirls. let's's d. [womanan 1] bye! you cacan see evererything. volclcanoes evererywhere. [manan 2] yeah,, it is s all volcananoes. more t than 300 ofof it. [woman 2] ] awesome. [m[man 2] we g get very little r rainfall hehere. but you'u'd be surprprised hohow fertile e this islanand. [m[man 1] afafter our totor of t the mainlanand, we are h headed to l lanzare inin spain's c canary islalas 80 mileses off the w west coat of a africa. lanznzarote offefers sunshine all l year roundnd

Related Keywords

Carlota , Cacarlota , Ines , Don T , Ohoh , Come E , Kid , Carlotota , There W , Stamimina , Beat , Whoa , Okayay , Don T Crcr , Topop , Don T Ththink So , Him M Win , My Positit , Ththe Ocean Riright , Y , Astuturias , Aa Look At T , Asturia , Carlolota , Jojose , My Goshsh , Seeee , 360 Degreeees , 360 , The , Lucia Hatetes , It , Mymy Cousin , Asturi , Kissing G , Knowlededge , Momountains , Oceanan , Black , Take Aa Look , What O Ocean Is Ththat , Jusust , Veryry Quickly , It T S , Openen Atlan , Hello , Know Ts , Shshould Probabably , Toto , Us , Whwhat Asturiaias , You N , Need , Spending , More , Lab , Togetether Hehere , Yoyou Understatand , Lala Espana Veverde , Soso Super Excxcited , Whyhy , Parts O Of The Span Bubut This Iss , Grgreenest Spapain , Josose Narratining , Got To Asasturias , Spspectacula , Mymy Home , Foodod , My Love , Drdramatic Coaoastline , B Born , Whehere , Ththere , Home , Wororld , Crops , Deeeep , Incrededible Freshsh , Frfreshly Caugught Spiny L Lobs , Best Seaeafod , Delicatete Fish , Gagarden Of Spspain , We G Grow , Green F Fa , Flavor Anand , Cattle R , Ththe World Fafamous Bean , Lushsh Pasturess , Cider Applples , Cowbells Titinkling , Finallyly , High Mouous , Swsweet Spanisish Onions , Brereath Aw , A , The Stoy Of T , People E , Live H , Anand Deliciouous Cheeses , Prododucing Someme , Wowors , Expenensive , Increredible Landndsca , Asturiasas Food Reflflects , Ld Off Ththe Fruits O , Amazining Local Spspecialti , Ld , Hard Wororking Peoplple , They Y , Creaeated , Farmrmers , Foragersrs , Centururies , Fisherermen , Spanish , Sepaparating Aststurias , Wewe , O , Asturiasas , It S , Asas A Person N , Roooot , Blood , B Blood , Asturianan Food , Veins , My V , Mmm Hmm , Ith , Mac , Who Iia , U , Opening T Theme Musicic Playi , Ththree , Ines Nanarrating , Boboom , Upbeat Musisic Playing , You Calall , Food , Whwhere , B Beautif , Bororn , Crcrazy Spiritual L Connectionon , Dad , Thehe Hardwork K Soso Ines , Ththat , Ines Narrrrating , Smoky Bubut , Nothining , Look A , Meme , Corn , Super Hapappy You U , We Nd To B , Trtravel , Definitelyly , You Th , Brace Ourseselves , In F Full Tour G Guide Mod , Jose Narrrrating , Ines S Narrating G , Goining , Ththis , Taste T , Cows , Thanks , Girlsls , Andnd , Love A Asturias Like Ii , Cororn , Fun , Me Whoho , Sarcacastically , Region , Fertile Grgreen Pasturu , The Ocean , Inin The Far N North , Ririch , Byby , Seseafood , We L , Sps , Goingng To Take T Tm On A Journrney Acacross , People D , Anand Tasting G , Momountains Ii , Somome Old Frieiends , Jojouy , Ththe Traditioional Asturian T Taste Of Plpleasur , My Chilildhood , Recononnecting , Comforord , Nacho Mananzano , Isis , Speaking Inin Spanish , Wife , Arere Ga Speciaial , Casa A Marcial , Run Byby , Double Michelelin Star Rerestaurant , Dulclce , Woworld Renownwne , Oldt In S Spain , Guys , Head , Chefs , Herer Own Restaurantnt , My Y Favorite R Restaurant In T , The World , Marcosos Moran , Casa Gerara , Three , Theyey Re Hostining Anan Asturian N , Josose , In Spspanish , Betetter Peoplele , Anand Three Ofof My Best F Frie , Feast Justst , Let S , Betteter , Jose Nanarrating , Ththe Appetizezer , Specialty , Dulces Cocooked , Asturianan Fritter , Asasturian Torortos , C Crispy , Josese , Lolocal Blue C Chees , Marcos , Jose Spspeaking In N Spanis , On Top , Spspectacular R Wow , Totortos Beforore , Caramelizezed Onis , Dish , Narrating , Thank Yoyou , Many , Crunchy C , Staple Ininvented , M Me The E Technique , Mamany , Corn Fritts Arare , Asturian Miminers , Driviving Furtheher East Into Thehe Amazing Picos De E , Jose E Narrating , H , Fafabada , Sosoul Ofof , The Dish , Heheart , Fifinest Beansns In T , Thehe Main Courur , Vevery , Imitates S Explosion N , Locacal Phaseoeolus Vulgarar , Reallyly Falls Apapart , Skin , E Beans , Outsidide Asturia , Reason , Beaean , C Chorizo , Beann , Butut , Almomost Skinle , Don T Undererstand , No Skinin , Anywhwhere , Yeaeah , In N , Memeat , Blood S Sausage , Cultutures , Mem , Whatat We Want , T The Center , Ruststic , Belly Andnd Morc , Silky Porkrk , Dow , Beanans Thatat Go Alongsgside , Them M Yeyeah , Thehe Personalily To T The Fabada A , Meat G , Gold , Side , Looksks Humble , Ik , 150 , Symbol L , Timeme , Asturiaias Anand , Todayay , Peopople , Poooor Farm , Asturianans , Liviving Off Thehe Land , Popopular , Peaeasant Fod Remamains , Special , Popopular Fofolk Songs O Of Asturiasa , Laughshs , Fabada , Fabadada , Atattitude , Passssion , Sesee , His Passionon , His Behaha , Just Chanan , Think Ththat S Very Y Special , Youou , He S , Don T Youou , Lucucia , Mmm , At Hohome , It T , Rereminds E , Mothr Cook , Incredibible Faba , Babarcelona , Aststurias Reststaurant , Herer , Atat My First T Communion , Alalmost Done E Itit , Obvioiously , Lilike , Carlrlota , Who Shehe , My M , Mom , Way , Fabadada Asturias S , Plae Symbolizized , Realy Inflfluenced Whoho , Crying Becaususe , Spananish , Carlota N Narrating , Aststu , Momore , Bubut Fabada , Fafabada Bringngs Peoplele Together R , Tortillala , Lessss , Paella , Dessert O , Sugar O , Asturiaias , Usining A Brandiding Iron Known N , Finalllly , Rice Pup , Tim , Arroroz Con Lechche , A Quememador , Thehe Crunchy S , Perfect , Milk , You Re Ag Good Teacheher , Sugar Inin , Ooh , My Dauaughter S Nono , Ririce , Thihis , Lulucia , Heararing Ththe Noise Ofof Heaven , Mararcos , Nacho S , Dime , Inin Spanis , Daughter , Bit , Wowow , Chchance , Childhooood Withth , Shshare , Friends , Eating , R Me , Beau , Surroundnded , Being Gh , Prprobably Thehe , Dg , Someththing Speciaial , T Today , Girlrls , My Asasturias Roaoad Tri , Tie Inin History , Two , 5 , 00 , Dr , Fresh Lor Righght , Eatg Asturirian , Fresher R Nothing G , One Ofof , Seafood Hehere , Ththe Worl , Astus Couldn T B , Richehest Sours Of Seaeafood , Crab Oror , Rocky Norththern Co , One , World , Expensive S Seafd , Oceann , Theyey , Aststurian Coasast , Percrcebes , It Camame , Jejewel , Someththing Else , Things , Speaking , Ththey Look , Littttle Strangege , Julilio , Spanisish , Andnd Ines , R Percebes , Life Huhunting , He Doesnsn T Want Totoo , The E , Cararlota Narrarating , L Go For Cofof , Percebes Bubut , Loveves , Di Arare , D , We E , Y Grow On Rocks O , Oce , Low Tide , Ononly Exexposed , Swswim , Let S H Hope , Wawater Isn N T Too Coldld , In N Spanish , It C , Out Therere , Thahat , Half , Hr , Pepercebes Eveverywhere , Thehe Tide Comemes , Sereriously Danas , Carlotata Narratingng , Pounund , Woworth 400 , Thesese , Pepercebes Parar , Bababies , 400 , Inines , Ines Speaeaking , In Spspanis , Thehese , In Spani , Julilio Speakingng , Rocock , It T , Undererneath , To O Preserve The Basese , Littltle Strengthh That Ii Have , Jujulio , Cararlota , Look Soso , Lot , Strerength Ofof , My Gososh , Harardwork , Ue , I Didn N T Thik , Inenes , Oh J , In S Spanis , I Got M My First On , Don N T Understatand , Julio Spepeaking , Nicice , Doing Okokay , Ins Wawants To Go O Further Ouo , Typical L , In Spananish , In Spanis , Wave S Comiming In , Inenes Speakingng , We Go , Momountain Musushrooms Likike , Scary O Over The , T The Tide S , You Dedefinitely D , Rorocks , Startrting Lok A Littttle , Onon One , Grab Onon , Andnd Out , Ththose Rocks , Floatingg On Thehe Water , Smashehed , Balancicing , Justst Tg , In Spanin , Carloto , Gegetting Sosome , Jululio Speakining , Comimin , Once , Onones , We Haveve , Titide , Startt Headining , Guguys , This Wayay , Carlotata Speaking G In Spani , We D , It S Hardrdwork For Sure , Astur , Unbelievevable , I M Exhaustet , Unbebelievabl , Guys Tookok A While T , M My Gosh , Hellolo , Ladieies , Ththings Si , Heyey , Alilive , We , Few , Ththemselves , To Whatat , Amazining Ingredieients Spspeak , What Happppens , Boboiling Sea A , We Wait , Oman , Ththey , C , Let T S Go Eat Them , I Am Reaeady , Barnaclcles Ststart , To Opepen , Nba , Yoyou Wait Untntil , E Are Bi , Bararne , Jose Narratating , Hold On , Delicacate Bubut , Momoment , Laughs , O Fingers , Pinch Rigight He , Jusu Yoyou , Bleep , Littlele , Perfectct , Therers , Now W It S Okay , Them M O , Trtrick , Jose , Numberer One Rule E , So , You Don T , Littttle Pinch H , Wantnt , Splashsh Yours , Spsh Yourur Neighborsrs , Teaeach Yo , Ththe Texture E , Perercs Taste Likeke , Lobster Anand A Cla , Ococn Anand , My G God , Cross , Juicy Asasturian , Unbelievabable , Waveves Anand The Bubbbbles , Tetell Me It W , Leae Ththe , Mou , Everythihing , Coast Bebehind , Awawesome , Most , Part , Ouour Deliciouous , Green Farmlmland , Frfresh Producuce , Headad South , Makakes , Butterery Bean , Ouour Cooki , Ororganic Farmrms In Asturu , Ae Thousandnds Of Smallll , Ththe Heart , Fieldsds , Pride E Of Astu , Nono , Ant Anand , T Top , Apples , Eating G No , Imimaginable V Vegetable , Vinenes Burstingng , Dririnking , In Aststurias , Okokay , Ofof Hard Cideder Every Yeye , Gegetting , Pretetty , Milillion Gallolons , French H Drink Win , 10 , Place , One E , Drinknk , Asts , Cideder Street , Wiwith Dozenss , Someme , C Cider Bars , Fam , Sidrererias , Upup , Luciaia , Family Memembers , Youo , Husband , Reuniting Withth , Ththeir Kids , Thtm , Inin Asturiass Sincnce , Drdrinks Wit , Drinink , Itit , Cideder , Rituals , At T Their Homet , Sosome Fascinag , Chuhug , Especicially , Homometown , Ea Religiono , Your , Got T In Contactct , Lilips , Ifif You Don T F , Throw Itit , The Glas , First , C Cider , Asturians , F , No One E It S , Poss , Glasass , Ththe Pouri , Getet , Carbobonated , Impreressive Tr , Doesesn T Even L , He , He S N , He D , He S Lookoking , Lolooking , Me E , Doesn T Eveven , Handd , Pourur , Glalass , F Fr , Inenes Narratining , Onene , Word , Ole E , Clearars Throat , Don N T Mean To O Brag , Mymy Turn , That W , Pretttty Good , Prpretty Good , Things Gogoing , Soakiking Up Alcocohol , Luckilily , Stuff Doesnsn T Have A Supeper High Alclcohol Con , Definitelely Enoh , Fooood , Whwhat , Favorite T , Thing , Likeke This , It S Good , Deliciousus , Must T Hae In An Astuturian Bar , Chorizizo , Uh , Chucklingng , Anything , Thatat S Veal , Wrapped In , Deeeep Fried , Cocoated , Cheheering , Cachopo , Anand Bread Crcrumbs , Ththen Wrappeded , Egeggs , Whwhat We V , Cachopo O It S , Familyl , Waiting G , Waiaiting , Waiaiting Fofor , Baback , Cachopopo , Lip , Laughghing , Guy Who Marrrried My Couousin , Dedelicatel , Funun , Cucut , Cut , Up T , Thinings , Sererving , You Anand , Abt Sidrererias Herere , Kekeep Servingng , Cheering , Dididn T Stop Serving G , Alalcohol , Hasas Alcoho , Low Alcohohol , Sosomething , Ear , Realllly Wawants , He Reaeally , Homecomingng Tour , Feeling A Littttle Rough , Hi , Pastry Shopop In T , Amamazing , Carlolota Narratiting , Excited D This S , Ineses , To H , Breaeakfast , Takiking , Calalled Camilolo De Bla , Onone , S One , Spepeaking In S Spanish , Sugar , B Breakfast , Looksks , Vevery Good , Hehello , Thisis , Trtraditional Ly Of Excellelence , Sure E , Aststuria , M My God , Canan , Casasadielles , Want Someme Too , Yeah , Palomoma , Pastry , Carlota Nararrating , Shop , Cacarbayo , O Fe , Claim , Allll Of Asturirias , Babies , My G Gosh , It S Likeke So Lightt , Eat Ththis All Day , Appppetizer , Genenerations , Generation , Grandndfr , F Almonds , Egg Yoyolks , Cacarbs , Mix , Susugar , Cream Insiside , Palaloma , Spaninish Ecla , 1924 , 1 , Five , Ththen , Babake , Nanaturally , Oven , Glazeze , Momore Sugar , Lotsts , Momore Egg Yololks , Fininal Flouris , Entirerely , Got A Goodod , Dentist , Sugagar , My Gogod , We R , Name , Cacarbayones , Carbayos Would D , Ap , Pepeople , Ovoviedo Arare , Sweweetness , My Grereat Grandfafather Sai , Oviedo , O One , Mamaybe , O You , Maybybe , Best Pt , G , Mom W , Dessssert , Goin , Statart Moving , Lauaughing , Cantabririan Mountaiains , Thehe Rest Of S Spain , Spepectacular , Stretchingng East To W West , Fooththills , Heading Sououth , Hahated Asturirias , Perfect T Home , Wild M Mushrooms , Delicious M Mushrs , In Thehe World , Anotheher Prprize , E Rart , Mountains , Mountatains , Freshly Y , Are Perfrfect , Ththe Mountainins , Thehe Mountains , M Mushroos , Anan Authe , Ririch Asturiaian Stew , Asturian M Mushrs , Sosome Amazingng , Overer , The Centuturies , Astuturian Peoplple Have Become E Expert Foraragers , T Top Local C Chefs , Exexcited , Thihis Guy , Xunune Andr , Lunch H , Everything , Restaurant , Old D , Hehe , Restaurann , Hihis Grandmotother , Ouout Foragingg , Mornin , Josose Speakingng , J , O Over Mountatain Herb , Crereated The M , Show , Appetizer , Asturianan Mushroomsms , Xune , Chehestnuts , In Spanan , Jose Speakiking , Cookok Them , You Babarely Washehed Them , Flalavor , The Kiking Of E Forest , We Don T Eveven Neneed , Statar Boletus S Edu , Di See You U Didn T Eve , In Spanisish , Xune Speaeaking , Neaearby Mountatain Pastu , Juicy Mamarble Piecece , What X , Ththe Main Couourse , Asturian Ststeak Fromom A Cow Thahat Graze , Essssence Of Ononio , Xune Cal , Flavoror , Maybybe The Oldedest Cow We Et Is Aa , Ololder Cow Makes S , The Stateses , The Aroma A , Maybe Twtwo , Richcher Stek , Simimple , Thehe Ananything , Fifingers , Fat , Isis Like , Unbelieievable , Morore Wonderfufl Thanan , We Simy Saute E , Whwho , Smellll Of Aa , Mushrhrooms , Smoke P Piping , Ststeak , Yes Ii Need To Tatake A Showew , Inhalales , Unbelelievable , Into O The Spong , Lilike You Rere Eating Aa Sponge , Anand The Forerest , Justt Comingng , Fulull Of Flavovor , The Spongege , Noththing , Dishehes , Girls , Tataste , The Aststurias S Momounta , Jujuice , Looooks , C Chestnuts , Ofof Mushroomsms , You Somemething Goodod , Fan , Juicece , Ununbelievable , More Mushsh , Youours , Ines Spspeaking In N Spanis , Delicicious , Steak Time E , Delicioious , Xune S , Platate , Made A Susurprise , R Des , Lolooks Amazining , Asturian Chcheesecake Mamade , Lococal Blue Chcheese , My Y Daughterss , Jujust A Kisss , Picky Eatater , Sosous Very Sillyly , Cheeses , Cheese , Lilike It , Nono Pressure E So , Stop , Front , Lucicia , Laughihing , Cheheese , Shshe , Scareded , You Rere Making Itit , Cheesese Phobia , Something , It G , Kind , Jojoking , It Sereriously , Everyryone Tatakes , Explplain , Uncomfortabable , Peoeople , Causese , C Cheesecake , Yoyou , Bubut Hard , We Mamake , A And , Ththe Best , Up Therere , Veryry Creamy , Leleave , Sorr , Runny , Slightlyly Gooe , Xunene Speaking G , House , Youour Mountai , Incrediblele , Openening , Yoyour Landsca , F Forest , Chuhuckles , Opepen , Chin Chchin , Ththe Road Agaga , Reach Up T , The Cheesesecake , Europa Natitional Pak Where E The Mountatains , Recoveredd Fromom , Dararling Daughghter , Feeeet Hig , 9000 , You Guys S , Muchch Worse , Cheeeesemaker Ii Mean , Defininitely , Spececial Experirience , Abobout , You Guguys , Gog To M Meet , Woworld , Grazaze On Thesese Green N , Mountain P Pasture , Meansns Realally , Richch , Astuturian Dairyry , Reallyly Great Che , Healthy Y Dit , Varieties S , Thesese Mountainins , Artisanan Cheese Mamakers , Genereration To G Generatin , Ththere Are Dodozens , Asturiaian Ch , 50 , C Cheeses , Piece E Of Brea , Succulent C Cut Of S But T For Me , Themseselvs , Smsmall Regionon , Suchch , Cheese E Capital , Smoky Blueue Cheese , Ofof , Our Finesest , Gamoneneu , Smomooth , Europope , Sasay , Sayay , Wasas One , N , Mouountains , Wewell , Herds , Favororites , Nonot , Tradaditionally , Mymy Mothther , Min , Byby Shepherdsds , Liveve Along Witith , Allll Speaking G , Spendnds Eieight Monthshs A Year Up In N The Mountatains Making Cheheese , 266 , She S 64 , Thatat , Up P Hee Is Covadononga , Doing Thisis , Y You , Si , Toto Go , C Company , Commitmtment , Guys Enenjoy , 64 , Got To O Work , Lucia Cn Go O Off , Goats S The Gigirls , Jose E Narrating G , Uniqe Becaususe It , Gagamoneu Cheeeese , Fifirst Up , Sheep P , Madade Frfrom The Mililk , Go Shoppiping , Inines Hahave , Mimilking , Give Youu , Catch H , 20 , 0 , Ines Narratating , Covadononga Speakining In S Spanish , Getet Trickierr Whenen , To Sheep , Teteam , Hanand , Takake One , Litittle Wei , Worse , Haharder Thani , Ththe Hardest T , Thouought It Wasas , Goatats , Apparentlyly , Ththis Is Prececious , Carlol , Don N T , Ad Drop , Sosome , Job , Lady , Miss , The Chcheese , What S N Next , Whey Y , Hous Whwhile , Coupuple , Cucurds Split Fromom , Hand D , Ththe Offi , Got T To Be Separateted , Seriouously , Shut T Up , Hihis Muscles S Oh , Smor Fofor , Sale , Cheese Into Molds S , Toto Go Off , Mymy God , 25 , Cheesese , Flavor , Momon , Dadark , Onlyy Halflf The Work K , Coolo , Maturere , Arere , Mountainss , Nothihing Happensns , Lolook , Hiddenen Caves , Mileses , Perfect T Spot , Uniqueue Geography , Alalmost Slipp , Bebecome Cheesese , Famiy , Unbebelievable , Covadongnga , Topop Secret Hohomes , Thesese Cavs , My New W Hero , C It M , Spend , Look K , Che , Humidity , Kepept Atat , T Temperaturue , 90 , 46 , 4 , 98 , Thisis Cave , Waway , Pererfect Placece , Gogoing Througugh , Tigight Squeeze , My Godod , Weigt Becaususe , Througugh , Wy , Therere , Getet Stuck In N , Not Fi , Cheee , Huhundreds , Feeeele We Arere Discoveriring Ththe Holy Grarail , Gamoneus M Ma , Movie , Takake A Look , Theirir , Momore Inte In T , Greeeenish All A , Flavavor , Coco , Ancieient Cave , Ocochers , O Orangey And D Brownish , Thesese Reddih , In Spanishsh , Painting , Leftft Us , Likeke , Scay Thanan , Lefeft , Covadodonga , You Don N T Know , Peperfect Paininting , Covovadonga Spepeaking , Itit S Fascinanating , Lile , Cavave , Geget Out T , Anand , Ii Think , Silent , Losost , It S Time , Covadadonga Speakaking , Ththat Hard Wowo , Tastste Tes , Chcheese , Smooth Withth , Butteryry , Sosoft Crumblyly Insi , Blue Oututside , Ca , Strongng , Nunutty Aftertrtaste , 9090 , Jus , Words , Hardshship , Expxplain Wiwith , Too Difficicult , Goeoes , Sl , Bubuying What T S Goin In , Piece , Cheese Inin , Mountntains , Suddeden , Boomom , Thehe Supermarkrket , Buying Cheh , Ladie , Boom , Me T , Ththis Time , Proud Ofof , Daughghters , Quitite Frankly , Enjnjoyable , Enjojoyable , Momement , Anan Incrediblble W My Girls H Have , Fifinish Thingngs , Po , Car , Disheses , Off Withth , You R , Love Soh , My Chihildhoo , Becomingng , I Wano , Ines Narrating , Frien , My F , Hosospitality W , Family , Anand Say Thanank , Asturian Fefeast , O Create My Own , By T , Whwhich , Anand He , Hisis Friends , Asts Overer , Amazing Hohouse , The Way , Lunchch , You Excitited , Invnvited Pretttth Everyonene , In Astu , Hanands , Bout , Based Onon , Fifind , Au , Brining Tha , Beanans , Lobsteters , Plplan Is , Anand You Adapapt , Plplan , Thehe Urchin , Ifif You Don T Plan , Mamagnificentt Boleletus Mushrorooms , Seafofood , Over Herere , T Local Cheeeese , Hopefulllly , Fresh Mandndarins , Someme Fresh Grereens , Somethihing Willll , Pepperers , Anand Tomatoeses , 1010 , We Re Readydy , Waterer , Sir , Dodo Potato , Chch , Yeyes , Clcleaning Thehe Boletus , Wasash , Chaoaotic , Kitctchen , Lolocally Soururced , Chop , Okakay , Okay Y , Secocond , Third , Oururs , Thene , Tellll , Somemething , Themem Flat , Tray , Finished D Yes , He Giveves , Cuttiting Too Deee , Chefef , Almostst , Whenevever , Yes , He L , Cuttining Too O Deep , Nexext , Whatat , Daday H , Whwhy , Tense Todaya , Who O Cooked Fofor , On Ouour , Cocooked Beforore , Astuturian Cousisins , Vivips , The D Dot , Start A Arriv , 2 , Pedrdro N , And Da Special L , G Godfather , Aststurian Foodod , Surprise G Gu , F Asturia , C Cooking , Worships H , Pope , Startingng The Meall , Somome Seafood D Appetizer , Pepedro Morann , We H Have Gueststs , Come On , Seaeafood Needs To B , Dadad , Alall , Preppedd At T The Last Miminute , Boi , Thesese Astuturian Clamsms , Fresh Localal Mandaris , Boioil , Seafoodod Foam , Start Cocooking , E Pressure , Jujust Me , Him Al Littl , Big G Boil , Little Boioil , Umum , Failurere , Yea , Wall , Look , Plates , Themem , Go Out , A All , Takeke , Pererfectly Cooooked , Heaeart , We B Ber , Clclams , Going G , Takeke A Look Atat This , Firsrst , Abob , Whwhat Pedro S , Fafather , Tasaste , Marco , This Nevever , Sea A Urchins , Mayaybe , Maririnated In S Sardine Jui , Youour Mouth , Seaa , Shshall We Allll , Wasas , Wellll , Dinnnn , Representnt Asturias , Comeme Up With T Two , Lobster Andnd , Dishs Thatat , Wiwith , Mainin Meal , Tell M Me It S Gooood , Aa Crazy Ricich , He S Serving Thehem , Fava Beansns , Nextxt , Astururias Coas , Freresh Atlalantic Oysteters Fromom , Wiwith Butteryry , Toto A 360 Degegrees , S Dish , Waways , Boletetus Mushrs Thatat He , Memeaty , Righg , Kind Of , Kindnd Of , Cookoked Overer Open Firere , Tradititional Astuturian Wa , Nenew Inventioion , Pt Of Aststurias , On Aa , Sasame Time , Littttle , Inincluding Ththe Juices , Onene Oyster , Entire O Oyster Goeses , Isis Finishe , Soil , We P Put It Righght , Three Cepss , Smoke Agaiain , People , Thehe Mountainsns , The Momoun , Oyr Anand The Mushshroom , Bean V , Fantastitic , Softlyly , Very Susurprising , Babalance Betwtween , The Earthth , H House Is N , Goodndness Ofof , Beanss , Asasturias Andnd , Plplease Don T Break K The Glasseses , Thehe Middle , I Veve Never Beeeen The E , Asturu , Trip , Biggest Fafan , One Weweek Tri , Honesest , Lucia L , You , Love It , Eaeating Everyrything , Lelearning Everythingng , You K , Leaearned , Doing Evererything We E , We Hh , Bacack Mor , Dayays , Bacack Moe , Sosomething Ththat , Tb , Beenen A Great W , Birth , Vevery Specialal , To Yourur , Knonow My Favororite Momt In Thihis , Factct , H Other , We Rere , We Havaven T Kikilled , Still Togogether , Anythingg Cocompared To O The Sun , Super N , We Mighght Geget To Go , But Ii Don T Thinink It S , Lanzarote , Africanan Coast , Cacanary Islanands , Spanisish Paradie Of T , Susunny , The Beachc , Sunnnny , Nice , Grgreat Weatheh , So Ii , Lanzazarote , Personalally , Sun , Foror , Woman , At This S , Paragliding , Lanzarorote , Looook , Evererything , Lelet S Go , Volclcanoes Evererywhere , Volcananoes , Let S D , Womanan 1 , Manan 2 , 300 , Totor Of T The Mainlanand , Surprprised Hohow Fertile E , Lanzare Inin , Rainfall Hehere , Islanand , Mileses Off The W , Africa , West Coat , Roundnd , Lanznzarote Offefers , Canary Islalas , 80 ,

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