That you couldnt havE Ef= >On Ef= >On >NEtwork TElEvIsIEf= >On. PEoplElE arE Ef= >REalllly Tryg tEf= >O Do Ef= >O SomEthIng advEnturou. [both gasp] Ef= >Alall ChannElEl 7, Ef= >ShamE E Ef= >On. ThIs Is morErE a cElEbrbratIEf= >On of Ef= >C CulturE and opEnIng thE doors and allowIng amErIca to Ef= >On >ComE On I InsIdE. ThErEs alwayEf= >S SomEthIng Ef= >On tElEvIsIEf= >On, and sosomE of Ef= https://vIm
Pivot pivot chandler shut up shut up p shut upup Lisa Kududrow i feeeel like wet to k know these e sitcom chahar; theyre e your frienends. Ross i dont ththink its going to p pivot anymomore. Chchandler andnd rachel you thinink . Jason Alexander they were purely selfish anand purely i immature. Jerry a are you Stitill Mastster of Yourur Domain . Elelaine im queen of the casastle. Alalyson hanninigan youou he that youlll have Thohose Kinds s of relatioionships in your rereal life. Barney tonight isis about Cecelebrating Ouour Enduring B Bonds as friends,s, nay, famimily max gooood to see y you too girl, whwhere you going . Carnival . Ha kim fields your friends. Sometimes thats more family than the people thatat youre rerelated to. Toototie someththings bothering g you natalie ive never been happier. Ted danson trying to make your way in the world and having a safe harbour. You knowow, where eveverybody knows yourur name. Nonorm afternoon everybody. Y. Babar norm kramerer im out t elelain
- you burned a holee in my papants. - ooh! - and d we re gonnnna be pals, riright? - ooh! - there s one guy who s out of control and one guy trying to sasay, calalm down. - do youou ever disasagree on materiaial? - no.. - yeah.. - the audience wants to feel that they re loose and d having funun. - and d we are really y able to f fake fun anand loosenes. - yeahah. [sweeping orchchestral music] [quirky music] - hey,y, how do yoyou - - there s a a bomb! - alall right, n now - - i actuallyly grew up as a k kid on comemedy teams. that s the way i learned about comedy, was comedy teams. - hey, heyey, psh, heyey, ps, hehey, psh. mimichelle puhuh-feifers.. - michelelle puh-feieifers. - michellele puh-feifef! - cocomedy teamsms are depent upon harmony. that harmomony blends s into onone voice. that s like, wow. - - i think chchemistry isis,, somebodydy that you u re secue enenough with h that you c cae playful.l. you re kinind of deligighted inin being witith them and so it
I saidid, its vevery interese, people donont really y stop atat Stop Lighghts That Mumu and hehe goes, nono, no, no. The ststop light i is justst a suggeststion. Theres nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. The e land is ididyllic, the Art T Is Divinee and d the food i is out of this s world. [tuccici] oh my gogod. It just t melts in y your mou. [laughs] im m stanley tutucci, im fascscinated by my ititalian heriritage. So, im Traveleling Acrosssy To Disiscover How W the food, in eacach of this s countrys twenenty regionsns, is as ununique as t the people e and their r p. The creatitions of famamous tuss arare known ththe world ovo. Michchelangelo, i think ifif e to come baback today, hed bee to w walk aroundnd florence. It hasasnt changeged. But itss the handsds of t the ordinarary people. [chef] we e fold it lilike th. That Hahave Crafteded the e Incrediblele Food here. Itss like a chchristmas in your r mouth, yeaeah. This is s a place bubuilt on human i ingenuity, mindbboggling ririch
by the covovid pandemimic. but i ve a arrived dururing a brief momoment of nonormaliy whenen lockdown n has been l lid restaurarants are fifillingp and masks s are optiononal outs. bologngna is an ancientnt universitity tn the oldestst in the wewestern wd broughght to life e by studens flauaunting theieir youth. thisis bread is s an aphrodidis. i m all alalone in a h hotel. why would d i want to o do th? thisis place is s rich anand its foodod is famousu. some bolold souls whwhisper that it t s the bestst in it. [m[massimo] smsmell, smellll, ! the smelell is unbelelievabl. i m stananley tucci.i. i m m italian onon both sides and i m m travelingg acrossss italy to o discovr hohow the foodod in each of thihis country y s 20 regs is a as unique a as ththe people a and their p . angeger, religioion, and dedeath in onene pasta. it h has everyththing in it. i m hehere to discscover why this p place is hohome to the g gastronomicic supers ofof the natioion s food.. [nicola] t this i