evacuations after relentless rain overwhelms the northeast and new england. a major landslide destroys homes, forcing residents to flee. i ve never seen anything like this ever in my career. the creaking, the cracking, the crumbling, they are going to fall. president biden met with british prime minister along with king charles, the president is now going to take part in the nato summit. norah: with president biden saying ukraine needs to wait till after the war to join nato. with medics treating civilians. near the front lines, but not on the front lines. this is an attack on a civilian area. norah: dangerous prisoners on the run. the manhunt for two murder suspects. it s a little unnerving knowing he could be somewhere in the woods. norah: disgraced olympic doctor larry nassar stabbed ten times in the neck, back, and chest in prison. while serving up to 175 years for sexually abusing american gymnasts. we need to focus heavily on the ethi
my a ancestor s s arrival in the p port of vereracru, along withth millions s of othes througugh the centnturies, changeged history,y, creaeating moderern mexico,, and a gateteway betweeeen t and the rerest of the e wor. thisis is the crcradle of memex. everythihing starteded here. itit s also ththe cradle of mexicican gastrononomy bebecause all l ingredientns landnded in thisis spot. and alall the ingrgredients from m mexico leftft from he- chococolate, vananilla, the tomamato. can yoyou imagine e italian cuisinine without t the tomo or frencnch pastrieses withot chocolatate and vaninilla? imimpossible.. [u[upbeat musisic] the peopople of veraracruz totook this trtreasure troe of ingreredients pasassing in and outut of the poport and creaeated a whole nenew cuisine.e. wow. i i m eva longngoria, born andnd bred in t texas with mexicican-americacan ro, which h makes me a a texica. i m m exploring g mexico to e how the pepeople, theieir la, and their r past have e shad a culina
- you burned a holee in my papants. - ooh! - and d we re gonnnna be pals, riright? - ooh! - there s one guy who s out of control and one guy trying to sasay, calalm down. - do youou ever disasagree on materiaial? - no.. - yeah.. - the audience wants to feel that they re loose and d having funun. - and d we are really y able to f fake fun anand loosenes. - yeahah. [sweeping orchchestral music] [quirky music] - hey,y, how do yoyou - - there s a a bomb! - alall right, n now - - i actuallyly grew up as a k kid on comemedy teams. that s the way i learned about comedy, was comedy teams. - hey, heyey, psh, heyey, ps, hehey, psh. mimichelle puhuh-feifers.. - michelelle puh-feieifers. - michellele puh-feifef! - cocomedy teamsms are depent upon harmony. that harmomony blends s into onone voice. that s like, wow. - - i think chchemistry isis,, somebodydy that you u re secue enenough with h that you c cae playful.l. you re kinind of deligighted inin being witith them and so it
kramer: take one! jerrrry: no! krkramer stop p it! jajason alexanander: and boom, ththere you gogo, a situtuation comemedy. sheldodon: bazingaga! tim allelen: this twtwenty -t-three minututes of magic. lucycy: it s soo tasty, too! tracy morgan: you fell in love with these characters. arnold: whwhat chu talkin about willllis? geri jewell: we need to laugh at ourselves. joey: yoyou hide my y clothe, i m wearining everything you ow. constance e wu: lalaughter o opens you u u. haley:y: okay ready? sururpri! [screamingng and chaosos] mara b brock akil:l: the thinings that wewe might bee afraid to o talk aboutut. bobow: some pepeople thatt were supposed to protectct us d didn t do the right t thing. tim reid: like racism. son: so ththe cops are the babad guys? dre: yeses. bow: n no. kim m fields: clclass wars ralplph: money!! i m a a millionairire. dadan levy: anand gender diverersity. sarah:h: dad? mamaura: hi girls.s. ted dansnson: you cacan reach id rereally touchch people s
at 5:00 eastern. [bright totone] - i want some! - it s the monopoly game, only at mcdonald s! with over 50 million prizes, it s supersized excitement. - mononopoly. do not p pass go. gogo directly y to mcdonala. - ifif you were e around back in n the 90s... - nonow at mcdononald s, momonopoly is s more than n a g! yoyou can playay it. - you u heard it e everywhe. - - the game m monopoly is bacack at mcdononald s, bigger and better ththan eve. - - this year,r, there s more p prizes thanan . - - mcdonald s s ran the monopopoly game for year. - hey,y, collect the righght game pieieces.. - and win $2 millionon. - - [gasps] - but no o one. knew t the truth a about the game b being playeyed. no one.. [ been c caught steaealing by jane e s addictioion] - peopople everywhwhere arare winning g big! - i ve bebeen cacaught stealaling once whenen i was fivive i enjoy s stealing - the mcdodonald s pririzes cocould be carars, boatats, $100,00000 upup to the mimillion dolll.