Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240704

countrhenumbert showy, you got y big shoes to fill. luckily, in greg's case, they're like a size three, so we should be okay. they'reould be actually honores in for a guy who truly does have it all these days hll t. mean he's got two top tv shows, a bestselling book. and if thaant weren't enough, he's off tonight because he just landed a job as peter dinklage, a stunt on game ofs thrones. >> sstuno, i mean, i mean. >> and you're hot.n you're hot. i'm actually kidding you. starring in a mission impossible spinoff where the mission is to get something off the top shelf. bu n impo t got jimmy.o now, i always take shots at him because he loves to shots at my wardrobe. and to be honest, like, he's totally right. i', i'm sure the only reason i sold out in vegas this weekend is my jackets made halfk . >> the people think it was a magic show. you knowt was gic , like, he wot my feelings. >> i really look like a perverted magician named david copperfield. >> you know, but there reallya g is. there's a bigger trick takiner g place around the country this week that we need to discuss. okay. thisg. this is serious. cbs news is reporting that rising cases could lead to a comeback from mask mandates. an hey, i've got an idea. idea. no, no, i've got an idea. >> how about you? but, like, seriously, after>>e all we've learned in the past few yearses, anyone who suggest we should bring back masks has more than a women'sbr has team. >> okay, let's start with the obvious. for one, masks. work,e it and there's plenty of data to prove it, so nobody should be on board with bringinulbeg ms back. because if we do that, then it's only a matter of time before we start bringing s ime back other things that dot work. >> and to be fair, that was tcha a cheap shot at don lemon, who really doep s have a lot of respect in the industry. in fact, when his staff found out he was fired of t, they acy chipped in to get him a submarine trip to the titani , and made him j a oh so silly. but not only do masks work to prevent covid, but a recent study published by the national byinstitute of health found that wearing n95 masks could actually expose users higher levels of toxic compounds and, of course, toxic compoundsed are often linked to things like seizures, cancer and dementia. and let'ngs lis it you not wants to get dementia in this day and age, or they will stick you right in the white house fet . :. so it's silly not to be fair.a mie >> i don't think anyone should judge how until they've tripped a mile in his shoes. bu ut -- [lt. masks but stick with masks don't work scientifically and know what else? they don't work romantically. okay. duringokay?hedemic, the far too people were tricked into thinking someone was way hotte r than they really were because the mask was covering upthin 60f their face. for example, here's a girl with a mask. it. okay. [lt itau. he is withou just saying. n yet lionsgate studios in hollywood recently forced its employeeood rece forces to p against the wuhan coronavirus. now, that one shouldn't surprise us because hollywood has always been scared to stand up to chincoa. o st but it's not just them. colleges have also broughtanup back mask mandates. but let's be honest, if colleges are worried about students catching virusek banned tinder. >> you know, that's. stchinrus theysorry if that hitr some people and sorry if it burns when you . >> hey. luckily, it's a small burnsmal anywayl , i love you, butow you know i love you, buddy. you know, i'm no.t going to pick on you once you get a free pass. next tim pk on ye. f yo now, a lot of you will ask a jimbo if these frickin masks don't work, then why are we bringingf them back,? don't >> i don't know why, but forkn u some reason, you guys sound like the cast ofe th wives in my head. i don't know why, but the truth is, likedon't kn, left leadersdd are drunk on power. they got addicted to controlling people during the pandemic t . other people see the mask as their own maga hat and that they wear it as a waaty ofey're telling the world they're liberal. which kind of makes sense because i'd want to cover my face in public too, if too my party wrecked the whole country. >> you knof myw, you know, you u . red army, the red army. ot >> but the vast majority of people in both parties who playe ,along with mask mandates, actually do so because they're scared. the medie media two years pumpig people full of fear. and in the end, we all got screwed from watching. debbie does lockdowns, you knodw ,because all of that fear was used to push covid restrictions that led to much higher rates of depression, substance abuse and suicides. in f tin to this day, only one g has caused more suicides. >> but unlike the clintons, the virus wasn't nearly as dangerouss dare as we were tt and it's nowhere nearly as dangerous now. the k out the cdc's dashboard of covid deaths for the week of august 19th shows that just d deathsdegistered deaths ha the as the primary cause of death, meaning those people didn'dee peoplet from co. they died with covid, meaning people telling you it's time to mask up aren't full of concern. >>l they're. tol yet, despite all of this, over the weekend, the president told reporterreporters he plans to ae congress for more money to develop a new vaccineva. man now, i'll admit it's nice to see this white house making news for a drug besides cocaine . jimmy jimmy.cuss but there's no need to discussbs any drugs. on the vaccines didn't stop transmission. yet everyey time another politician got covid, po message fore same on twitter saying, i just tested positive for covi d. d and i just want to say i'm so glad i've been vaccine boosted or it would have been way. >> hello? that's like me saying, i just jut. out my wife is pregnan but i just want to thank god we used a or she would have been way more pregnant. r shyou. like you're saying, it didn'yota workyi. thing okay? the government was wrong about every single thing. they pusheed d on during covid, especially mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccines. o yet to this day, there's been no national discussion about it because a country soleft w politically divided people on the left would rather go on pretending rathe o they were ri. in an effort to claim the moral high ground. but in the endeffort all wind uo paying the cost if the government takes away more of our freedoms. so froe govern m my money biden can ask for more covid cash. but if i were congress, i'dif quote the late great bob barker and happy gilmore and say were wrong,, every year.e pric what a red meat man. ests. let's welcome tonight's guest. it's a hot one.dads he hangs out with more divorced dads than a waitress. actor, comedian, writer jamie lynn sat in the house. hi. oh, they love him.e they love him. tal okay, real talk. she is my fourth favorite. morgan after jp piercecaptain. and captain, founder of polariss national security. morgan ortagus, everybody, national true story.ue sto she once got arresteryd for grand theft. oh, awesome. fox news contributor kat timpf. what a nice intrutorpf o to me and nice to be here. he's got more fans than phoenixs in july. new "new york times" best selling author, fox news contributor, comedian and former nw a wor world champion tyrus is hereld. >> ty i go i go right to you ona this one. okay. they've been wrongrally about everything. literally everything. so at this point, like, wouldn't we be better off taking advice from a magic eight ball or you concernemagigi would bring the wrong eight ball? >> well, you can't use the term wrong. okay8 . ong. >> there's no wrong.ot wro it's their truth. just likngs the we have our it'h their truth. >> i think thiink thiss is all the timing of this is just very i'm not a conspiracy v-- theoris guy. i don't believe in that stuff, but i feel like this is going to leadon't bet id to. n i don't know, no debatesvoting and probably a lot of mail in voting. it's comin.: it'sg. i feel like that's where this party's kind of going. i like know,. th yeah, that's what it's going to be. i just. just put it out there. biden's goin n'to be ready. he's got to microphones. he's ready to dos s out there. but covid. so i'l l be in the basement. let me know. it turns out. and the only thing being we'll be seeing is we'll be seeing president trump's court proceedingeing pres that a on every day, all day, nonstopnn . and there'll be no debatingd and it will be a distraction. and then lo and behold,on 17 gazillion bazillion mail in voteson will go in and we'll get biden to. but to be fairt , still waitingl for biden, one. a >> jamie, i'm coming to youe as a comedian because isn'isn't true technically as guys that travel that covid is not a topcn ten virus in comedy condos. >> it is really not. i've.ten gotten a lot of stufft in comedy kind of but never. i got bedbugs oncegs. did you really? i got bed. yeah. i feel like i forgot everyone ing.g before i started.he >> i just said earlier therere was, like, a joke. it was lik wasa joke ie, gee, iu jamie . sed i sort like, you know, jimmy didn't, like, see, you know, he heard me screaming aneard me d good job. and then you also kind of took a shot at, like, i hang out there, which is like i do, buta it's. >> dw o you know the worst thing about ? last time that i saw they had there was a to was a go counter. there there's foodwa to go. and that's like people going, man, i love i hate, but i love food. >> you guys have. how coul] d i? it's just going to be tough to do. one ladyn it' said i forgot wh, but she said, like getting people to go back to covid protocol is going to be difficult. b ficult >> and she goes, it's like it's like putting the genie back in the bottle. .e e backthat's what she said. i was like, that's a terrible analogy. like t, first of all, it sounds like you don't think it's real, right, with a genie. and also, i feelink it'swith a e having never like, used a genie befored , do you know, i mean, like, wouldn't you just wish for no covid? and i'no andm ferrari or someth? >> it would be easier. no, i like this. morgan for somethi you grew up p so when it comes to biden wanting another vaccine, used to watching people inject themselves with drugs, it's true. >>u're use see what what is it : the government try to force the drugs into everybody's. i i said this before, i definitely grew up on like meth or territory. i don't know. what was your questions about the about the vaccine? >> yes, it is.>> jim yes. it's insane to see them pushing more vaccineis i, knowing thator didn't work. >> no. i mean, i'm sure big pharma donated to him more than anyon>n . >> yeah. you know, i just don't know. the one thing that's crazy about all this is i was listening to the the suicide rate in this country has goneally. up astronomically. th. ental health issues you know, i talked to teachers that are having such a hard time with kids and school anl po and they have these, you know, personality, you know, societana l because they just don't know how to interact like they used to. so i don't know. i i have to say, what does it say about your political party ifg a global pandemic is a good thing for you? >> yeah. and that'sfoat's how how like t your turn out. >> like, like maybe mayb youe your policies aren't that great. >> if you have to rely on a 100 year pandemic to get tt's o people to come out and vote for, you know, it's so true. >> and they want them to stay home. you're right. you're rightthem. tayyrus yup. >> iris is right.d like the first covid was made in a chinese lab. was a lathis one was made in dnc headquarters. you know what i mean? it's like, yeah, we'll sta headt >> no, he's 100% i came to you last because i know you werste a little thro by the polite intro and i wanted to on. >> do you see a world where we. just reconfigure society and how they did smoking and smokin you see whereg. d >> are we just going to have masking and non masking smoking and nooking, an was wild. >> you remember that. you'd be in there and you'd>> like kat: a baby and they likea no, the cigarettes are over there, your baby's fina bae. >> it was a wild world back then, huh? wil >> but what was wilder wasde the mask world. yeah, i like then. how even beft the study came out saying that maybe you could get cancer fros or what?itno it was not like there was there nothing bad about mask ws. ay? >> yeah, it was weird. enoug okay? it shoulh.d be for if you're lie me, you're always, like, wondering if people are mad atf you. the masks make it a lot harder:i . >> it's like h i hadad to verbay ask a lot more often. you knowlo, i like seeing people's faces also. >> i wasted like i don't think i'm going to be. i mean, i'm not going to be attractive foreverngtive, you ka what i mean? especially because i'm a woman and like we get cast aside way earliet r than not, even thoughs men die first. ev so i do way so many oidf my good years wearing a mask. i don't know how long i got before this face starts to fall. that's a crime. i'm nomaskt it again. thank you. and real questions, jimi. i don't have cats. yeah. >>e. but i tur i think you're a hunk. i think cauliflower ears from wrestling and everha cauy time. >> i put those masks on, it pinches and make me look like guinea pig, and they pop offey all the time. >> what am i suppose d to know? you're supposed to give them the finger. and just to be clear, i'm not evene , like, anti-vaccine. i got the johnson and johnson. what they didn't tell me is it wa notvaccins magic johnson andn johnson? >> bute i can't catch covid? but, man, i can catch a pass. okay, before w e go, tickets are available for the taping of my one hour fox nation standup l . it is friday, october the 13th at the paramount in huntington, long islan thd. girlfriend. i'll also be in sugarloaf, new york, on september 16th. loweora, october the 27th, and idaho falls on october the 28th. s onget your tickets now. >> there's a lot of chubby chasers out there, ladies. and up next, biden's such an old coot. >> even dems want to give him the boot. >> america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think he's going a little bit too far, if you will cain podcast. the scandal feels like it's snowball talk nation has all the outkick shows. i'm your leader, clay travis. welcome back to the games for girls podcast. tomi lahren is fearless starts right now and so much more wildly unscripted comedy. the good news talk nation. >> only on fox nation are you a cancer victim who used the weedkiller roundup. did you know that billions dollars have been set aside to pay victims of serious illness caused roundup? 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a ne a new poll finds that anthn overwhelming majority of americans, 77%, think president biden is too old for a second term. even 69% of democrats say e's yo longer up to the task. and that's saying something because half of those voters are dead. and jimmy, come on.he's >> as for joe, if this monthlrey was any indication, alreadyhingt in full on retirement mode. loything to add, mr.o mr. pres? >> no, no, no.ok, look, look, i'm noi't old. >> i'm not too old. and i'm like a kid. bu kidt you know, maybe i'm old here and here, but not up here. >> up here. i i remember. a remember my phone number as a kid. >> it was let's say i had a shop. shh, shh, shh, shh. >> hello? hello? heo isit's there. you tell him it's pain and. good job for those. jamie? >> jamie, jamie. we are bagging on biden. but wasn't he technically correct? the state of the union whene sad he said now is the time to choose between unity and she's going to have to have? >> yes, i thought. i thought he made a great point. i don't think it his like teleprompter. i don't think there's a lot of spacesschminiga. think in. it's always just kind of like one long sentence. number one, he was like build back better, build back better. >> i was like, did he say bread, milk, butter, or are we making pancake bui bacs. >> what is go? they said, did you see what you just kind said it. but like yes, 70%, 77% said that he could not can didn't think he could continue effectively and this is crazy but the other 23% did you seese this were wrone g and then thats crazy and then kind of a fun'd video where he got he was getting booed. >> wasn't that kinwasn'td of fu? >> yeah. did you hear when people were like, boo boo? he was like, oh my god, the goats, they're coming. meo, mgo. tal tara so let's talk optics for te a second, okay? looking out at how bad the worlorld dd is, what do you think's a better look for america? trump in a mug shot or o biden in a lounge chair? mug s trump in a mug shot or biden ins the lounge? what do you think they actually respect? more likpect more? e or i think they respect whoever got biden out of the lounge chair because that was going to be quite a task. i thin.k k you want other countries to see that our president is willing to go there. yeahprg to g. you know, and his slogan is, i the boys in the hood are always hard talking trashod are, will w your car going nothing alive to be legit. >> put trump like that to me. a mug shot. >> he'll back up. u yeah, they see. oh, grandpey sa kinder. all, he doesn't blame them all sitting in a chair. ow >> w they're going to be like, you know what? maybe it's a goo a gd now. to invade. >> let's go. let's go. he's asleep. let's jimmy: his chances are wn come, you know, like a little kids balloons , like, you know, those are missiles. as theba president, i thinkwhat what he said is spot but is the joke on us because biden has been telling people behind closed doors he's going to beat harry truman, hu le behinors,h? i expect truman to win w the debate. but i thin k has a real shot here. biden's he is old. not i know he's not too old to fine after he got covid, though. yeah, makes it a lot harder for hi m to. >> make me afraid of golf. yeah. like if he can get covidt poin and live, we could get anything i like. i'm going to be okay. g. i don't really think it's an , age that i've said this before, bubut the age thing, yes, there is. there is a thing there. o >> but i don't think his agethis even makes the lis t. . the things that i'm concerned about, you know, lik?ei went paul mccartney is older than joe biden. i went and saw paul mccartney live pau last summer. he put it on a three hour showre playing all these instruments, singinntsingg joe.e biden couldn't even make his way onto that stage. you know, the list of kids likewh he doesn't seem to know who's alive and who's deado'iv and ths dead people are in the room with the on time. he shakes hands with the air. you know, he babbles i was raised by puerto ricans like d he said he had oil, cancer and all of us we're just like that'ss were tha joe like, whats is not normal. likee is supposed to be like,t s get joe biden. >> it all would all be normal. about.thing i >> this is normal.of and i think it's an insult to all of the wonderful brilliant 80 somethings in our audience to say that it's an thing. yeah, if he could do it,so it's like he's provemethinn me. >> that age is just a number, but not in the way that i he thinks he did. you buried to be fair, he was never sharp in his 30. thank you. forties either. he was never has been fairjust t i'm going to put that out there. yeah. when they say like they have in front of the clashe >> j: he loss. really he's lost his fastball. i'm like, hello. he was thrown 52 miles an hour.t thank you. let''s a great point p. morgan as someone who worked in the state department, though, let's talks fo about ops for a second. okay. in what world does this s adminia administration it's an to be showing the rest of the world, our presidents, . cupp for the entire month of august. >> yeah so, fellas, the female leaders are upset, you know, i mean,n, he probably needed che vacation, bu butt was it was a little tone deaf when people's children are literallyh strning alive in hawaii and in the unitedat states. and he just says no commentbeac as he gets off the beach. i mean, the juxtaposh.e position of of literally someone i read these stories, somebody is stuck at workdy ik their ki are in their house in maui and their kids burned alive whilth he wae he's hanging out on the beach and just says, no comment. don't have anything to sayg to t about it today. yeah. so, you know, i don't know. the l n. needs the vacatio i'll teli l you, i think i saidu this earlier today. i think term limits would servl and would serve us all really well. i've been calling on this for a long timon long e. know he's been in offices. i think he got elected when not as 29, 30. if we had term limits, this might not be an issue today. hm it goes for both sides, like, sm get him out. go find something else to do with your time. likeet with yo like, you know, bad whw they call the oval office, joe answers and the like. >> can we speak to someone like fetterman? you know, did that foro you laugh that fetterman video breaks my heart because if you ever seey heare the video e he's struggling to pronounce i 95 was like, i 95. >> and he finally says it.s biden yells out, bingo, shimmy. >> up next, hippies get greased by the tribal. are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower? now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. we're waiving all installation costs, no interest and no payments for one year. jacuzzi has been water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. >> i've been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. >> i called and they didn't just one day and at a price we could afford. >> every time i stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. i don't have those two years anymore. with jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. your new jacuzzi, bath or shower is waiting. now is the best time to call. we're waiving all installation costs with no interest and no payments for one year. go to jacuzzi, bath remodel com or call 800 3482867 call now. >> i was a nurse over 40 years and i'm still working the health field. fruits and vegetables are very important for our diet i recommend balance and nature to everybody that i associate with good nutrition plus taking the balanced nature has made a big change in my life. i don't feel 87 years now i feel like a kid inside i'll balance in nature forever. >> get 40% off your first preferred order when you use discount code. fox these celebrities are about to find out how the cold will kill you in minutes. you want to underestimate me? 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no, absolutely not. >> that that is just beyond pale and shame on you. there's no reason to have a perfectly goode tl truck blowq as it drives over the the hills. the all my onlue they critique e is the officer. i feel like he got out of the car a little quickly. he hhe had at least plenty of tc to back up. >> yeah, go over again. k d goback up and go over againt i mean, that's the least he could have donehe that. my favorite part was like, over environmental protesters. ff whah, and i'm a off cop who's going to win. fee we all have feelings, lady. we all havs e feelings. >> so, you know, we're seeing o more of this. and it's like the other day, someonthe decide to steal $500 f power tools from home depot, ngs and the store couldn't do anything. so five guys in the parking lot hogtieuyd him and left him ther the cold part is he's there because they defunded the police. soe as we're starting to seee o more of this and tribal police don't have to answern', have't v their own jurisdiction, they don't have to worry about twitter, none of that stuff. they mighte worry r none o get a few mean smoke signals, but it will pass. >> it will pas ws that my favorite part, okay, is that this was on the way to burning man. >> yeah. y to burning ndand they are on the ra is clearly because you could go around that roadblock. on either side. >> there was about 20 feet of flat land and they were all like, what do we do? favori >> that wates my favorite part about. all of this is that they were protesting burning man. yeah, because e the counterculture festival for them is to right-wing. >> yeah, i think you might need to find something else to do, you know, like, they're like, affluent people are ruining burning man. i'm likent , you are upset because you couldn't afford to g o. loo just admit it. this is not like if you look w , ok out there in the world that's it's not burning man. okay? this festival th this festival. that's a very short amount of time. and it's not like a bunch of larry kudlow is running around. there. i would tell you that right now, although maybe likehe 40 years ago, i would tel be surprisedl if that's what you're doing. you're doing nothing but harm to your own caushawne. nobody's seeing that. and like, wow, what an excellent point they make about burninxcellent g man being maga. >> j >> nobody is nobody's going to fall for that now. it's so stupidim because most ot the people going probably agree with them on the climate. yeah, that's the part i don'tht get. >> yeah, but when you getget. your protest blueprint from acmeou while he coyote can't do nothing that's going to thateray from that roadblock literally came in a wooden box with liquo n r bravado. oh forgiveness. well okay, now, jimi, this tooka place on tribal lands. >> does that hit home for you?fe because you're dating? life has been a trail of tears somewhere. gutfeld but greg, you're so right. >> yeah. this is it's what's soo th they were also protesting private jets. >> he said they said you saidlike people shouldn't be here. but i feel like but isn't it those but these people are drivin, g isn't that an alternative to private life? it doesn't make any sensite. ma i did i don't know what burnt burning man is. i never have known what itis, r the story comes up and i go, i'm finally at a figure. so i went to burning man .com. it's a support group for guys with chlamydia. the website has nothing to do with the story. i but it was i feel likeit they do have a little bit of a poinpoint with private jets le i'm vehemently against private jets until i can afford them can and that and also they're against singlese use plastics which i am too except for and which justich, while we're doing tips and stuff, i'd w like condo to recommend and know if you guys are in the, you know, bubut lifestyles if you never tried the ultra thin oh my god s as soon as it breaks it's like you're not even wearinitkeg one you me i've experienced at least four times. who am i kidding? six i morgan said you support the climate protesters. >> why? i it takesprotes lot to make me blush, and you guys just make it. but i thin mme blushk he just dg >> just like a couple of years e ago at the state department podium state being, you know, about like somewhere and i'md talking about lifestyle kind ofo breaking i have moved up in the world. i'm happy you're here. >> i guess what i love about this, i just love the american west. >> i love the attitude. they're juste. like hippies i ti driving right through it. >> i think it's greanks t. but people are starting to fight back because there was that video not long agt o. it wasn't in america. it was somewhere else where tarted grasangrabbing the girl by their hair and taking them off the road. >> and then they've got people, i've there wyou know there was n that was like, hey, my kids, i'm trying to take them to the doctor. they wouldn'm the the t. i'm g so i think that wela need to hae now, i'm glad it was the authorities doing it but the more videos we have, this may be the last of these stupid hippies will be out doing that for surel be. jimmy and just jus: t be clear, that the video where they're pulling the woman by the hair that was not in america. >> that was in my searchat was, history. i >> but oh, i kid.d. coming up. a tourist bash is lithgow's hometown and a pink palace. >> your barbie gown. these bills are crazshe's siy. u >> she has no idea.ra she's sitting on a gold mine. she doesn't know that if sheen owns a life insurance policy, $100,000 or more, she can sell all or part of it to coventry for even a term policy. nry dir after shece find out if you're sitting on a gold mine called coventry direct today ats 800 496 9200, or visits? 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>> i hope not. heat i hopnge. but listen, he yeah, he said se that he didn't agree with the chargewith s and, so he stopped.s he froze. he called the credit card company and froze his credit cardcredd anthere and sat thert drinking. >> so we don't do that. everybody comes in nashville fo r. >> your bachelor parties. have fun. pay your bar tab to tip your waitress. thanpay your, tik you. >> yes, thank you. well said that said catherine. oh, boy. i'm so excited. are you, though? there'i'm sos a boss baby alert in wisconsin. okay . usually when you hear about boss babes in the media, they're like, sell and work out shakes and stuffout sh. s this lady, brooke fleetwood has a real estate portfoli o. to leo. and she painted another one of her houses pin k to capitalizes off of the barbie movie. she said barbie was inspiration, so i needsod to up and paint this pink very quickly to keep up with the barbie movie, to keep up the demand. to i just love the idea of her screaming at people to paint it faster so she can make money, because then they ask her if she see the movieke and she said, i'm waiting fore a all the hype to die down so i can. and peac the moe. >> i love her. i love i think she's great. i don't know her, but i don't need to know her to know that i love her. i like her. her vibe. yeah. and i can't make fun of barbie because in this jacket, i look like ken'sieuse in older brothee >> can't, you know, you know, looking at that house, though,[l i'm sure there is no ken. >> o, there's a lot of pink.vette, >> oh, that's it doesn't come with a corvette. it comes comessubaru with a sub. yeah. is that what you're telling me? barbie's dream subar u. i >> jamie, we had your way. soan the article i have, and ths actually kind of said so. i live in fairbanks, alaska. you may know that. >> so this article is this. the title is the most depressed, depressing town i've ever visited. one tourist says about fairbanks, alaska. fairbani was first surprised tt was only one tourist, but this guy said he said it was it was so mean. >> he saido , he , it's like dark,sing depressing. there is no future. and people got mad and they were like, next timeand pe you go, why don't you visit more things than just jamie and his ex-wife's housop ande? s ja a couplemi >> i love it. i do love it there, cause t my kids there. so that's wherheree i hang out with my kids. but for real, if you go like i would, i would recommend, go rec don'te the or get trapped there through a marriage and havro e to, you know, it's so much cheaperap . the cruise is like so much cheaper. and there' s but it can get depressing. do you like there's likethere' sometimes during the winter, there's only one hour of daylight, one, can you imagine? and so i like it, though, because i feel like really productive r when there's only one, you know, i'll be like, man, i just stuff all day todalikey, you know, and like and of coursere the darkness gets to, you know, i call my friends, i go,. master, the dark is like it gets it gets depressing. you know, i kindkind of lik of, i feel like killing myself, but it's so dark. >> can't even find a rope. so i should. >> i should have quit wante to go. and that's why i wrote o the review. but it's signed. >> jim >> j.k. tyrus, take itmy away. so last night, with all the bumps and bruises and marks on my headhe, i notice i'm missing something. >> i lost £12 . >> i defended the nwa world heavyweight championship against my lifetime arch nemesis, easy three. and if i lost, i would retire and lost. >> and i'm retired from wrestling 20 years. >> and it was also bittersweet. there it was. we defended it easy three and i broke in together in the wwean and it was a it was a great night. it was cool. my kids walked the aisle with m e. to sa it was a great way to say goodbye and was a bittersweet weekend because retiring is a good thing, but unfortunatcause ali i lost a dear friend that right before i actually hadg in to stand up show because i doayi everything in groups versus at a stand up show. >> 30 minutes from going out and windham rotunda, a lot of people would know him as bray wyatt died at his homeratund. dt and it was a very, very somber, sad weekend. and the irony of lifme ae i put i said sometimes the worst thing about entertainment sometimes is real lifee wors up >> and real life showed upn stag 10 minutes before i went out. >> stage had to make people laugh, bupeople t we do what wet have to do. we got it done to his familydon oh, my condolences. but i'm glad i left it all out there in the rinad i thereg. >> i will miss him. and you just really quick. you got to look at the flip side of this, okay? you got paid four years to beato people up as opposed to guys like me and jamie who pay to get beat up. you know what i mean? and so i think it was amazing. give it up for tyra. so that's how i did that. up next, taco bell dreams of cash only for burrito supreme. do you have trouble hearing conversation organs? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from m.d. hearing aids don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or. settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. right now, you can get to revolutionary m.d. neo hearing aids regularly. $999 for only $299 a pair. i feel that m.d. hearing is a super by because for the price point anyone can pretty much afford it. don't be fooled by higher priced hearing aids. the neo a true hearing aid, not an amplifier. it has rechargeable technology that many customers say are superior to more expensive models. i think that the m.d. hearing aid is a much better product than the more expensive hearing aid that i tried. >> every neo is supported by m.d. hearings team of audiologists and licensed hearing specialists call eight hundred and 45 1700. now the fda registered neo offers superior noise and a tiny in the ear canal design that is almost invisible best of all. they are incredibly affordable. and if you call now, will that in a portable charging case and ship your order absolutely free. without a doubt. i'd definitely recommend m.d. hearing to anybody for any reason. do your research look into m.d. hearing if you've got mild to moderate loss, give m.d. hearing a call and just try it. nothing to lose. >> it'll help a lot of people that can't afford expensive hearing aids stop missing out on important conversations or wasting thousands dollars on expensive hearing aids order now and you'll get to know your hearing aids with a portable charging case. free shipping, free lifetime u.s. based audiologist support and a 45 day risk free trial for only $299. supplies are limited, so don't delay a better hearing is just a phone call away. call 845 1700. that's 845. >> 1700 to gop candidates. america reports nikki haley you. >> for any age. any stage boys town. >> a story in five words. catch me outside taco fans. so check this out.ta cyrus. caco bell wantco belnts to elime cash transactions, you only pay by credish transact. so we're basically what? how many months away from going to a strip and just swiping a card down a stripper'sn ? is that joke why we did this story? no, i didn't. i didn't pic story?>> jimk. i feel it's like it is okay. i feel like i got so it was going. that was a way it worked. is it taco going without money? yeah. forget the fact. forgeeason why is because crim so bad. they don't want to get robbed anymore. so when the when they break through and they're like, give me all your gun. okayu , i got three burritos. >> casey is phenomenal. you know, the best part is when they robbed casillas taca ken ql and they ask the robber if he wants to leave a tip on the screen. >> yeah, yeah, exactlybell andk >> but i will never talk badscy. about taco bell because taco bell was my high school hangout where i got to watch guys ol hangos and girlfriend around, be cool and nothing tastes better at 230 in the morning than taco bell. >> bang. agreedthg th to cut some of thes but this, they said, wase because of covid, because it would make it healthier because usey weren't handing around cash people weren't handing, you know, touching so much cash. but now we all wind up touching sce sameinow w up touc. >> isn't that germy here?re yes. this ger is it. >> this is it. because of covid, you can'u cant just say things are because of j covid. just because you just because people areimmy: they dat: just are because of go when they said the vaccine know becauss because like are you tot a hotel and they're like, we don't clean your room anymore because of covidy in that's like a real thing. >> it's like, no, you don't clean the room anymore. during you made that up during covid and you saved a lot of money doing it. that's o you do it. w >> don't do it because ofit during covid. oh, shut up. u hey, man. jamie, is itp.>> tyrus is it pot they're just trying to let these people keep their cash for their weed deale r as well?t ther >> you know what? i think cat was right that fefeel, like. >> jimi wrote down stripper credit card and work backwards. yeahe jimmy wrot. just here to get to get to thew storagtoe questions. >> do you guys remember taco bell? you remember the fourth mealuseh thing? yep. yeah, they were like, cause there's, like, three meals, and then they goere was lihree . that's like the food you eat from, like, midnight before i am. i'm like,, yea h. >> fourth meal and then fifth. since i went there. yeah, i think it's moren th the only problem i have a problem like with i might be in the minority here with fast foodfast in general.hi i feel like this is like nutrients we put into our body. should we e get them as fastuo get t as we can? like, maybe like, take your time with i faswet. rgery. do you know? i mean, like, it's not like i'll pull over and make it a quick surgery. >> you know, i'm going to get a speedy and angioplasty. i'm just sayin g tog fast food.. >> don't know if it's a good idea. in general. i'm with you. but morgan, i think we could agree on this. if this does hurt their business, this will be the first thing under joe biden that wn this hurness thi had le a run for the border was a goode one. >> could we just take the win and get out of her t ofe? in it's not going to hurt their business. i i'm going to use my a lot of time i am g to talk about how much i love taco bell. i think i'm gonna go there after the show. actually, i do i always get toet hard tacos with a bunch of bue hot and you've got to get the nachos and cheese, but taco bell, you're doing something nao weird with the nacho chips because they have this a little bit of a weird chcaus hav. f so some are from taco bell's watching. if you could fix those chips, i'd really appreciat ie it. but they're not going to lose any business because taco bell is the besey wt fast food. >> i love it there will be car. actually i just thought about this what will you alle change lose change. yeah. your car that you pay fo r everything at 230 in the morning? >> yeah. i read in high school. i remember like counting. do i hav >> morgai was e dollars so i can get to tesco's if you're having a problem getting rid of loose change. >>taif sitting right now this is checkers at somewhere loose change. >> the stripper will take a change in her. you don't want take c that strin homie. i'm just saying. well, i would rather do that >>at in a car accident. i'm about safety first. safety first. >> yes. don't go away. will be right back. >> show her you remember the jewelry has stackable bands, 189 half carat anniversary bands, 99 one carat, 699, two carat, three stone rings, 1490 thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct do you struggle to foresee and stay asleep tune all sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster. stay asleep longer so you can wake up refreshed. tune on the brand i trust. >> are you tired of that old out bath or shower? 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Cigarettes , Fina Bae , Huh , Wil , Nothing , It Shoulh D , Atf , Mask Ws , Ay , Faces , Foreverngtive , You Knowlo , Verbay , Hi Hadad , You Ka , Woman , Crime , Men , Ev , Jimi , I Don T Have Cats , Hunk , Cauliflower Ears , E , Wrestling , Everha Cauy Time , Finger , Evene , Guinea Pig , Anti Vaccine , Johnson And , Tickets , Taping , Magic Johnson , Bute , Paramount , Fox Nation Standup L , Wa Notvaccins , Huntington , Long Islan Thd , Friday October The 13th , 13 , Girlfriend , Chasers , Coot , Dems , Idaho Falls On October , New York , On September 16th , Sugarloaf , Loweora , Ladies , 16 , October The 28th , September 16th , October The 27th , 27 , 28 , Shows , Nation , Wasn T In America , Talk Show , Talk Nation , Scenario , Boot , Bit , Comedy , Clay Travis , Snowball Talk Nation , News Talk Nation , Games , Girls Podcast , Scandal , Tomi Lahren , Cain Podcast , Weedkiller Roundup , Victims , Cancer Victim , Roundup , Fox Nation , Illness , Lymphoma , The Main Ingredient , Don 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Lounge Chair , Mug Shot , Mug S Trump , Look , Tal Tara So Let S Talk Optics For Te A Second , Worlorld Dd Is , Mgo , Meo , Lounge , Ins , Likpect , Theba , Car , Countries , Boys , Slogan , Hood , Yeahprg , Trashod Are , Chair , Let S Go , Sitting , Goo A Gd , Ow W , Grandpey Sa Kinder , Chances , Balloons , Missiles , Spot On De , Debate , Thin K , Behind Closed Doors , Harry Truman , Hu Le Behinors , Anything , Covidt Poin , Golf , Lik , Lis T , Before , Agethis , Ei , Bubut , Paul Mccartney , Stage , Showre , Biden Couldn T , He Doesn T , Singinntsingg Joe E , List , Kids Likewh , Instruments , Saw , Pau Last Summer , Room , Likee , Joe Like , Hair , Soil , Like D , Puerto Ricans , Tha , That Ss , Somethings , Insult , Audience , Provemethinn Me , Normal , 80 , Age , Jimmy Ar , Forties , 30 , Sa Great Point P Morgan , Second , Hour T , Fastball , Front , Clashe J , He Loss , State Department , Fo About Ops , 52 , N , Administration , Presidents , Leaders , Upset , Rest , S Et , Cupp , Fellas , Bu Butt , Beach , Commentbeac , Che , Tone , Children , Unitedat , Literallyh Strning Alive In Hawaii , Stories , Somebody , On The Beach , House , Juxtaposh E , Comment , It Today , Ki , Whilth , Position , Maui , Workdy Ik , Term Limits , Offices , Timon Long E Know He , Vacatio , 29 , Like , Sides , Issue , Hm , Whw , Oval Office , Sm Get Him Out , Joe Answers , Likeet , Shimmy , It S Biden , Seey Heare , Video E He , Foro , Fetterman , 95 , Shower , Jacuzzi Bath , Hippies , Up Next , Tribal , Price , Bath Remodel , Installation Costs , Payments , Interest , Jacuzzi , Offer , Water , 65 , Stress , Mess , Tab , Safer , Waiting , Nurse , Bath Remodel Com , 3482867 , 800 3482867 , 40 , Nature , Health Field , Nutrition , Diet , Vegetables , Fruits , Big Change In My Life , Balance , 87 , Order , Cold , Discount Code , Celebrities , Ways , September 25th On Fox , Impact , Special Forces Toughest Test Season Premiere , Monday September 25th , 25 , Crowd , Smackdown On Fox , Planet , Spectacle , Superstars , Primetime , History Network Television , Progressive Sa Hey , Sister , Friday Night Smackdownk , Textdl , Ric , Neighbor , Marathons , Ve , We Ned Life Insurance Conversation , Sadl , 76 , Coverage , Plan , Conversation , Soh , Colonial Pan , 995 , Life Insurance , Life Insurancou , Reminder , Ju Y , Takeng , Colonial Pen , 85 , 50 , Real Life , Health Questions , 9 95 , 95 , Information , Beneficiary Planner , 1 , 35 , 0 35 , 90860604 , Gift , Hey , 90860601 , 908606 , Road , Pickup Truck , Where A Tribal Ranger , Climate Change Wackos Blocking , Day Neack , Rural Nevad , Downtown , Protesters , Officer , Rangers , Protest , Burning Man , Plowugh , M , Countercultur Roaanne Festival , Tyrus , Dow K , Pickup Trucru , Copi Wille Tos , Least , Critique E , Car A , Shame , Hills , Tc , Goode Tl , Truck Blowq , Brooke Fleetwood , Cop , Againt , Part , Havs E , Fee , Ff Whah , Someonthe , Parking Lot , Store , Power Tools , Ngs , Home Depot , Five , 00 , 500 , Police , More , Soe , Jurisdiction , Have T V , Answern , None , Smoke Signals , Ws , Roadblock , Ra , Feet , Flat Land , Favori , 20 , Wing , Counterculture Festival , Wates , Likent , G O Loo , Bunch , Festival Th , Festival , Surprisedl , Amount , Larry Kudlow , Caushawne , Burninxcellent G Man , Climate , Protest Blueprint , Box , Thateray , Getget , He Coyote , Acmeou , Liquo Nr Bravado , Lands , Hit , Oh Forgiveness , This Tooka , Somewhere , Dating , Soo Th , Gutfeld , Trail Of Tears , Drivin , G Isn T , Saidlike People Shouldn T , It Doesn T , R , Alternative , Jets , What Itis , Sensite , Story , Com , Support Group , Website , The Story , Figure , Chlamydia , Singlese , Poinpoint , Justich , Jets Le , Bubut Lifestyles , Condo , Doing Tips , Ultra , Times , Six , Four , Climate Protesters , Couple , Takesprotes , State Department Podium Being , Mme Blushk , Up In The World , Ti Driving , Attitude , Ofo , Greanks T , Agt O , Wyou , Tarted Grasangrabbing , Videos , Last , T , Doctor , Authorities , Need To Hae , Surel , Wela , Jus T Be Clear , Hometown , Tourist Bash , Barbie Gown , My Searchat , Kid D Coming Up , Pink Palace , Lithgow , Idea , Policy , Mine , Life Insurance Policy , U , Bills , Coventry , Crazshe , Siy , Ra She , 00000 , 100000 , Visits , Nry Dir , Dot Com Attention , Ats 800 , 800 496 9200 , 496 , 9200 , Hearing Aids , Rca , Fda , Counter , Revolutiont Mary Odyssey Hearing Aids Starting , Loe G Devicew , 99 , 9 , Hearing , Door , Devices , Work Beg , Thesclaim , Hearie Actuall , 5000 , 000 , Ots Hearing Aids , Low , Anywhere , Reclaims Joy F , Orfra Less Act Now , Compan , Quality , Leading , Ear , Sound , Dkids , Rechargeable , Volume , Getli , Doctors , Grandkids , Tools , Batteries , That Ith , Lor , Frustration , Carrying Case , Shippingw , Kito Plus , Hearing Aid , Hearing Aid Scheme , College Students , Murders , Cradle , 37997 , Eight Hundred , 3799786 , 800 3799786 , Brian K Burger , Student , Criminology , Emotion , Suspect , Blanks , Details , Idaho , Paint , Headlines , Fox Nation Subscription , Brian Coburg , 199 , Ingredients , Health Problems , Black , Body , Issues , Refreshed , Sleep A , Sleep Supplement , Lives , Patients , Miracle , Fears , Relaxium Com Act , 844 , 7141 , Nine , News , Coast To , Dealer , Wit , Ecstasy , Brad Van Janssen , Here Ans Brad , Matter Mostr , Ing Loca , Cs Ller Chubbier Cousin Morgan , Van Jansen , Hosfromt , Charge , Sports Bar , End Ofidn T The Night , Whomaoung , 24 , 8000 , Question , Chargesagherges E , Waitei Didn T Get , Big Tip Thatbip , Credit Card , Knowing Nashville , Tennessee , Didd Heta , Stopped S , Chargewith S And , Credit Card Company , Drinking , Heat , Homehey Driv , Credit Cardcredd Anthere , Sat Thert Drinking , 8 , , Bachelor Parties , I M So Excited , Bar Tab , Fo , Baby Alert , Catherine , Boy , Have Fun , Thanpay , There I M Sos A Boss , Media , Shakes , Real Estate , Pin , Portfoli O , Wisconsin , Boss Babes , Stuffout Sh , Leo , Barbie , Movie , Screaming , Inspiration , Demand , Movieke , Jacket , Vibe , Peac , Fore A All The Hype , Moe , Older Brothee , Ken Sieuse , Ken Ql , Can T , Funny It Doesn T , Comessubaru , Corvette , Sub , Pink Vette , Article , Title , Ths , Fairbanks , Alaska , Dream Subar U , Soan , Dark , Tourist , Town , Fairbani , He Saido , Sing Depressing , Wherheree , Ja A Couplemi Better It , Ex Wife S , Housop Ande , Future , Next Timeand Pe You Go , Real , Havro E , Cruise , Marriage , Cheaperap , Go Rec Don Te , Likethere , Winter , Daylight , Friends , Master , Day Todalikey , Coursere , The Darkness , Rope , Wante To Go , O The Review , Marks , Bruises , Bumps , My Headhe , Take Itmy Away , Jim J K , 12 , 2 , Arch Nemesis , Nwa World Heavyweight Championship , Goodbye , Wwean , Aisle , M E To Sa , Ali I , Friend , Stand Up Show , Unfortunatcause , Lifee Wors Up , Dt , Entertainment , Irony , Homeratund , Stag , Lifme Ae , Upn , Windham Rotunda , Condolences , Bupeople T , Rinad , Familydon Oh , 10 , Beat , Flip Side , Taco Bell , Dreams , Trouble Hearing Conversation Organs , Tyra , Burrito Supreme , M D , Loved Ones , Discussions , Amplifiers , Hearing Aids Don T Waste Thousands , Neo Hearing Aids , Price Point , Pair , 999 , 299 , Neo , Product , Amplifier , Models , Better , Technology , Customers , Noise , Hearings , Hearing Specialists , 1700 , 45 , Charging , Doubt , Ear Canal Design , Tiny , Anybody , Hearing Aids Stop , Loss , Research , Conversations , Hearing Aids Order , Audiologist , Trial , Shipping , Phone Call , Supplies , Candidates , Call , Gop , 845 , Nikki Haley You , America Reports , Taco Fans , Words , Boys Town , Card , Strip , Transactions , Credish Transact , Caco Bell Wantco , Ta Cyrus , Pic Story , Crim , Forgeeason , Jimk , Casey , Okayu , Gun , Burritos , Casillas Taca , High School Hangout , Robber , Tip , Screen , Guys Ol Hangos , Exactlybell Andk , Badscy , 230 , Some , Agreedthg Th , Usey Weren T , Thes , Cash People Weren T Handing , Bang , Wase , Wind , Areimmy , Ger , Up Touc , Sce Sameinow , Covidy , Tot A , Becauss , U Hey , Hotel , Stripper Credit Card , Cat , Weed Deale , Well T Ther You Know What , Fefeel , Goere , Meals , Thew Storagtoe , Yeahe , Yep , Lihree , Problem , Minority , Nutrients , Moren Th , Fast Foodfast , Yea H Fourth Meal , I M With You , Fast Food , General , Angioplasty , Tog , Surgery , Rgery , Business , Win , T Ofe , Border , Hurness Thi Had Le A Run , Tacos , Chips , Nachos , Gonna Go , Hav , Cheese , Bue , Weird Chcaus , Change , Besey Wt Fast Food , Ie , Taif What Se , Stripper , Counting , High School , Loose Change , Morgai , Checkers , Tesco , Strin Homie , Jewelry , Car Accident , Stackable Bands , Safety First , Don T Go Away , Carat , Thousands , Gifts , Carat Anniversary Bands , Three Stone Rings , Jewelry Exchange , 1490 Thousands , 189 , 699 , Sleep Support , Blend , Brand , Tune , Bath , Step , Blood Pressure , Placebo , Blind , Feeling Refreshed , Clinical Trial , Double Header , Fox 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240704 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Gutfeld 20240704

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countrhenumbert showy, you got y big shoes to fill. luckily, in greg's case, they're like a size three, so we should be okay. they'reould be actually honores in for a guy who truly does have it all these days hll t. mean he's got two top tv shows, a bestselling book. and if thaant weren't enough, he's off tonight because he just landed a job as peter dinklage, a stunt on game ofs thrones. >> sstuno, i mean, i mean. >> and you're hot.n you're hot. i'm actually kidding you. starring in a mission impossible spinoff where the mission is to get something off the top shelf. bu n impo t got jimmy.o now, i always take shots at him because he loves to shots at my wardrobe. and to be honest, like, he's totally right. i', i'm sure the only reason i sold out in vegas this weekend is my jackets made halfk . >> the people think it was a magic show. you knowt was gic , like, he wot my feelings. >> i really look like a perverted magician named david copperfield. >> you know, but there reallya g is. there's a bigger trick takiner g place around the country this week that we need to discuss. okay. thisg. this is serious. cbs news is reporting that rising cases could lead to a comeback from mask mandates. an hey, i've got an idea. idea. no, no, i've got an idea. >> how about you? but, like, seriously, after>>e all we've learned in the past few yearses, anyone who suggest we should bring back masks has more than a women'sbr has team. >> okay, let's start with the obvious. for one, masks. work,e it and there's plenty of data to prove it, so nobody should be on board with bringinulbeg ms back. because if we do that, then it's only a matter of time before we start bringing s ime back other things that dot work. >> and to be fair, that was tcha a cheap shot at don lemon, who really doep s have a lot of respect in the industry. in fact, when his staff found out he was fired of t, they acy chipped in to get him a submarine trip to the titani , and made him j a oh so silly. but not only do masks work to prevent covid, but a recent study published by the national byinstitute of health found that wearing n95 masks could actually expose users higher levels of toxic compounds and, of course, toxic compoundsed are often linked to things like seizures, cancer and dementia. and let'ngs lis it you not wants to get dementia in this day and age, or they will stick you right in the white house fet . :. so it's silly not to be fair.a mie >> i don't think anyone should judge how until they've tripped a mile in his shoes. bu ut -- [lt. masks but stick with masks don't work scientifically and know what else? they don't work romantically. okay. duringokay?hedemic, the far too people were tricked into thinking someone was way hotte r than they really were because the mask was covering upthin 60f their face. for example, here's a girl with a mask. it. okay. [lt itau. he is withou just saying. n yet lionsgate studios in hollywood recently forced its employeeood rece forces to p against the wuhan coronavirus. now, that one shouldn't surprise us because hollywood has always been scared to stand up to chincoa. o st but it's not just them. colleges have also broughtanup back mask mandates. but let's be honest, if colleges are worried about students catching virusek banned tinder. >> you know, that's. stchinrus theysorry if that hitr some people and sorry if it burns when you . >> hey. luckily, it's a small burnsmal anywayl , i love you, butow you know i love you, buddy. you know, i'm no.t going to pick on you once you get a free pass. next tim pk on ye. f yo now, a lot of you will ask a jimbo if these frickin masks don't work, then why are we bringingf them back,? don't >> i don't know why, but forkn u some reason, you guys sound like the cast ofe th wives in my head. i don't know why, but the truth is, likedon't kn, left leadersdd are drunk on power. they got addicted to controlling people during the pandemic t . other people see the mask as their own maga hat and that they wear it as a waaty ofey're telling the world they're liberal. which kind of makes sense because i'd want to cover my face in public too, if too my party wrecked the whole country. >> you knof myw, you know, you u . red army, the red army. ot >> but the vast majority of people in both parties who playe ,along with mask mandates, actually do so because they're scared. the medie media two years pumpig people full of fear. and in the end, we all got screwed from watching. debbie does lockdowns, you knodw ,because all of that fear was used to push covid restrictions that led to much higher rates of depression, substance abuse and suicides. in f tin to this day, only one g has caused more suicides. >> but unlike the clintons, the virus wasn't nearly as dangerouss dare as we were tt and it's nowhere nearly as dangerous now. the k out the cdc's dashboard of covid deaths for the week of august 19th shows that just d deathsdegistered deaths ha the as the primary cause of death, meaning those people didn'dee peoplet from co. they died with covid, meaning people telling you it's time to mask up aren't full of concern. >>l they're. tol yet, despite all of this, over the weekend, the president told reporterreporters he plans to ae congress for more money to develop a new vaccineva. man now, i'll admit it's nice to see this white house making news for a drug besides cocaine . jimmy jimmy.cuss but there's no need to discussbs any drugs. on the vaccines didn't stop transmission. yet everyey time another politician got covid, po message fore same on twitter saying, i just tested positive for covi d. d and i just want to say i'm so glad i've been vaccine boosted or it would have been way. >> hello? that's like me saying, i just jut. out my wife is pregnan but i just want to thank god we used a or she would have been way more pregnant. r shyou. like you're saying, it didn'yota workyi. thing okay? the government was wrong about every single thing. they pusheed d on during covid, especially mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccines. o yet to this day, there's been no national discussion about it because a country soleft w politically divided people on the left would rather go on pretending rathe o they were ri. in an effort to claim the moral high ground. but in the endeffort all wind uo paying the cost if the government takes away more of our freedoms. so froe govern m my money biden can ask for more covid cash. but if i were congress, i'dif quote the late great bob barker and happy gilmore and say were wrong,, every year.e pric what a red meat man. ests. let's welcome tonight's guest. it's a hot one.dads he hangs out with more divorced dads than a waitress. actor, comedian, writer jamie lynn sat in the house. hi. oh, they love him.e they love him. tal okay, real talk. she is my fourth favorite. morgan after jp piercecaptain. and captain, founder of polariss national security. morgan ortagus, everybody, national true story.ue sto she once got arresteryd for grand theft. oh, awesome. fox news contributor kat timpf. what a nice intrutorpf o to me and nice to be here. he's got more fans than phoenixs in july. new "new york times" best selling author, fox news contributor, comedian and former nw a wor world champion tyrus is hereld. >> ty i go i go right to you ona this one. okay. they've been wrongrally about everything. literally everything. so at this point, like, wouldn't we be better off taking advice from a magic eight ball or you concernemagigi would bring the wrong eight ball? >> well, you can't use the term wrong. okay8 . ong. >> there's no wrong.ot wro it's their truth. just likngs the we have our it'h their truth. >> i think thiink thiss is all the timing of this is just very i'm not a conspiracy v-- theoris guy. i don't believe in that stuff, but i feel like this is going to leadon't bet id to. n i don't know, no debatesvoting and probably a lot of mail in voting. it's comin.: it'sg. i feel like that's where this party's kind of going. i like know,. th yeah, that's what it's going to be. i just. just put it out there. biden's goin n'to be ready. he's got to microphones. he's ready to dos s out there. but covid. so i'l l be in the basement. let me know. it turns out. and the only thing being we'll be seeing is we'll be seeing president trump's court proceedingeing pres that a on every day, all day, nonstopnn . and there'll be no debatingd and it will be a distraction. and then lo and behold,on 17 gazillion bazillion mail in voteson will go in and we'll get biden to. but to be fairt , still waitingl for biden, one. a >> jamie, i'm coming to youe as a comedian because isn'isn't true technically as guys that travel that covid is not a topcn ten virus in comedy condos. >> it is really not. i've.ten gotten a lot of stufft in comedy kind of but never. i got bedbugs oncegs. did you really? i got bed. yeah. i feel like i forgot everyone ing.g before i started.he >> i just said earlier therere was, like, a joke. it was lik wasa joke ie, gee, iu jamie . sed i sort like, you know, jimmy didn't, like, see, you know, he heard me screaming aneard me d good job. and then you also kind of took a shot at, like, i hang out there, which is like i do, buta it's. >> dw o you know the worst thing about ? last time that i saw they had there was a to was a go counter. there there's foodwa to go. and that's like people going, man, i love i hate, but i love food. >> you guys have. how coul] d i? it's just going to be tough to do. one ladyn it' said i forgot wh, but she said, like getting people to go back to covid protocol is going to be difficult. b ficult >> and she goes, it's like it's like putting the genie back in the bottle. .e e backthat's what she said. i was like, that's a terrible analogy. like t, first of all, it sounds like you don't think it's real, right, with a genie. and also, i feelink it'swith a e having never like, used a genie befored , do you know, i mean, like, wouldn't you just wish for no covid? and i'no andm ferrari or someth? >> it would be easier. no, i like this. morgan for somethi you grew up p so when it comes to biden wanting another vaccine, used to watching people inject themselves with drugs, it's true. >>u're use see what what is it : the government try to force the drugs into everybody's. i i said this before, i definitely grew up on like meth or territory. i don't know. what was your questions about the about the vaccine? >> yes, it is.>> jim yes. it's insane to see them pushing more vaccineis i, knowing thator didn't work. >> no. i mean, i'm sure big pharma donated to him more than anyon>n . >> yeah. you know, i just don't know. the one thing that's crazy about all this is i was listening to the the suicide rate in this country has goneally. up astronomically. th. ental health issues you know, i talked to teachers that are having such a hard time with kids and school anl po and they have these, you know, personality, you know, societana l because they just don't know how to interact like they used to. so i don't know. i i have to say, what does it say about your political party ifg a global pandemic is a good thing for you? >> yeah. and that'sfoat's how how like t your turn out. >> like, like maybe mayb youe your policies aren't that great. >> if you have to rely on a 100 year pandemic to get tt's o people to come out and vote for, you know, it's so true. >> and they want them to stay home. you're right. you're rightthem. tayyrus yup. >> iris is right.d like the first covid was made in a chinese lab. was a lathis one was made in dnc headquarters. you know what i mean? it's like, yeah, we'll sta headt >> no, he's 100% i came to you last because i know you werste a little thro by the polite intro and i wanted to on. >> do you see a world where we. just reconfigure society and how they did smoking and smokin you see whereg. d >> are we just going to have masking and non masking smoking and nooking, an was wild. >> you remember that. you'd be in there and you'd>> like kat: a baby and they likea no, the cigarettes are over there, your baby's fina bae. >> it was a wild world back then, huh? wil >> but what was wilder wasde the mask world. yeah, i like then. how even beft the study came out saying that maybe you could get cancer fros or what?itno it was not like there was there nothing bad about mask ws. ay? >> yeah, it was weird. enoug okay? it shoulh.d be for if you're lie me, you're always, like, wondering if people are mad atf you. the masks make it a lot harder:i . >> it's like h i hadad to verbay ask a lot more often. you knowlo, i like seeing people's faces also. >> i wasted like i don't think i'm going to be. i mean, i'm not going to be attractive foreverngtive, you ka what i mean? especially because i'm a woman and like we get cast aside way earliet r than not, even thoughs men die first. ev so i do way so many oidf my good years wearing a mask. i don't know how long i got before this face starts to fall. that's a crime. i'm nomaskt it again. thank you. and real questions, jimi. i don't have cats. yeah. >>e. but i tur i think you're a hunk. i think cauliflower ears from wrestling and everha cauy time. >> i put those masks on, it pinches and make me look like guinea pig, and they pop offey all the time. >> what am i suppose d to know? you're supposed to give them the finger. and just to be clear, i'm not evene , like, anti-vaccine. i got the johnson and johnson. what they didn't tell me is it wa notvaccins magic johnson andn johnson? >> bute i can't catch covid? but, man, i can catch a pass. okay, before w e go, tickets are available for the taping of my one hour fox nation standup l . it is friday, october the 13th at the paramount in huntington, long islan thd. girlfriend. i'll also be in sugarloaf, new york, on september 16th. loweora, october the 27th, and idaho falls on october the 28th. s onget your tickets now. >> there's a lot of chubby chasers out there, ladies. and up next, biden's such an old coot. >> even dems want to give him the boot. >> america, can we talk? this is a talk show because nobody does it better than talk nation on nation. just imagine this scenario. talk nation is the only you can get all of these shows. let's be really clear. i think he's going a little bit too far, if you will cain podcast. the scandal feels like it's snowball talk nation has all the outkick shows. i'm your leader, clay travis. welcome back to the games for girls podcast. tomi lahren is fearless starts right now and so much more wildly unscripted comedy. the good news talk nation. >> only on fox nation are you a cancer victim who used the weedkiller roundup. did you know that billions dollars have been set aside to pay victims of serious illness caused roundup? 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a ne a new poll finds that anthn overwhelming majority of americans, 77%, think president biden is too old for a second term. even 69% of democrats say e's yo longer up to the task. and that's saying something because half of those voters are dead. and jimmy, come on.he's >> as for joe, if this monthlrey was any indication, alreadyhingt in full on retirement mode. loything to add, mr.o mr. pres? >> no, no, no.ok, look, look, i'm noi't old. >> i'm not too old. and i'm like a kid. bu kidt you know, maybe i'm old here and here, but not up here. >> up here. i i remember. a remember my phone number as a kid. >> it was let's say i had a shop. shh, shh, shh, shh. >> hello? hello? heo isit's there. you tell him it's pain and. good job for those. jamie? >> jamie, jamie. we are bagging on biden. but wasn't he technically correct? the state of the union whene sad he said now is the time to choose between unity and she's going to have to have? >> yes, i thought. i thought he made a great point. i don't think it his like teleprompter. i don't think there's a lot of spacesschminiga. think in. it's always just kind of like one long sentence. number one, he was like build back better, build back better. >> i was like, did he say bread, milk, butter, or are we making pancake bui bacs. >> what is go? they said, did you see what you just kind said it. but like yes, 70%, 77% said that he could not can didn't think he could continue effectively and this is crazy but the other 23% did you seese this were wrone g and then thats crazy and then kind of a fun'd video where he got he was getting booed. >> wasn't that kinwasn'td of fu? >> yeah. did you hear when people were like, boo boo? he was like, oh my god, the goats, they're coming. meo, mgo. tal tara so let's talk optics for te a second, okay? looking out at how bad the worlorld dd is, what do you think's a better look for america? trump in a mug shot or o biden in a lounge chair? mug s trump in a mug shot or biden ins the lounge? what do you think they actually respect? more likpect more? e or i think they respect whoever got biden out of the lounge chair because that was going to be quite a task. i thin.k k you want other countries to see that our president is willing to go there. yeahprg to g. you know, and his slogan is, i the boys in the hood are always hard talking trashod are, will w your car going nothing alive to be legit. >> put trump like that to me. a mug shot. >> he'll back up. u yeah, they see. oh, grandpey sa kinder. all, he doesn't blame them all sitting in a chair. ow >> w they're going to be like, you know what? maybe it's a goo a gd now. to invade. >> let's go. let's go. he's asleep. let's jimmy: his chances are wn come, you know, like a little kids balloons , like, you know, those are missiles. as theba president, i thinkwhat what he said is spot but is the joke on us because biden has been telling people behind closed doors he's going to beat harry truman, hu le behinors,h? i expect truman to win w the debate. but i thin k has a real shot here. biden's he is old. not i know he's not too old to fine after he got covid, though. yeah, makes it a lot harder for hi m to. >> make me afraid of golf. yeah. like if he can get covidt poin and live, we could get anything i like. i'm going to be okay. g. i don't really think it's an , age that i've said this before, bubut the age thing, yes, there is. there is a thing there. o >> but i don't think his agethis even makes the lis t. . the things that i'm concerned about, you know, lik?ei went paul mccartney is older than joe biden. i went and saw paul mccartney live pau last summer. he put it on a three hour showre playing all these instruments, singinntsingg joe.e biden couldn't even make his way onto that stage. you know, the list of kids likewh he doesn't seem to know who's alive and who's deado'iv and ths dead people are in the room with the on time. he shakes hands with the air. you know, he babbles i was raised by puerto ricans like d he said he had oil, cancer and all of us we're just like that'ss were tha joe like, whats is not normal. likee is supposed to be like,t s get joe biden. >> it all would all be normal. about.thing i >> this is normal.of and i think it's an insult to all of the wonderful brilliant 80 somethings in our audience to say that it's an thing. yeah, if he could do it,so it's like he's provemethinn me. >> that age is just a number, but not in the way that i he thinks he did. you buried to be fair, he was never sharp in his 30. thank you. forties either. he was never has been fairjust t i'm going to put that out there. yeah. when they say like they have in front of the clashe >> j: he loss. really he's lost his fastball. i'm like, hello. he was thrown 52 miles an hour.t thank you. let''s a great point p. morgan as someone who worked in the state department, though, let's talks fo about ops for a second. okay. in what world does this s adminia administration it's an to be showing the rest of the world, our presidents, . cupp for the entire month of august. >> yeah so, fellas, the female leaders are upset, you know, i mean,n, he probably needed che vacation, bu butt was it was a little tone deaf when people's children are literallyh strning alive in hawaii and in the unitedat states. and he just says no commentbeac as he gets off the beach. i mean, the juxtaposh.e position of of literally someone i read these stories, somebody is stuck at workdy ik their ki are in their house in maui and their kids burned alive whilth he wae he's hanging out on the beach and just says, no comment. don't have anything to sayg to t about it today. yeah. so, you know, i don't know. the l n. needs the vacatio i'll teli l you, i think i saidu this earlier today. i think term limits would servl and would serve us all really well. i've been calling on this for a long timon long e. know he's been in offices. i think he got elected when not as 29, 30. if we had term limits, this might not be an issue today. hm it goes for both sides, like, sm get him out. go find something else to do with your time. likeet with yo like, you know, bad whw they call the oval office, joe answers and the like. >> can we speak to someone like fetterman? you know, did that foro you laugh that fetterman video breaks my heart because if you ever seey heare the video e he's struggling to pronounce i 95 was like, i 95. >> and he finally says it.s biden yells out, bingo, shimmy. >> up next, hippies get greased by the tribal. are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower? now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel. we're waiving all installation costs, no interest and no payments for one year. jacuzzi has been water feel great for over 65 years, and now you can get a gorgeous custom bath remodel at a price you can afford with no stress and no mess. >> i've been trying to get him to remodel that bath for years. >> i called and they didn't just one day and at a price we could afford. >> every time i stepped over my old tab, i worried i might fall. i don't have those two years anymore. with jacuzzi, you can get a safer, easy entry shower to keep you feeling comfortable and independent at home. your new jacuzzi, bath or shower is waiting. now is the best time to call. we're waiving all installation costs with no interest and no payments for one year. go to jacuzzi, bath remodel com or call 800 3482867 call now. >> i was a nurse over 40 years and i'm still working the health field. fruits and vegetables are very important for our diet i recommend balance and nature to everybody that i associate with good nutrition plus taking the balanced nature has made a big change in my life. i don't feel 87 years now i feel like a kid inside i'll balance in nature forever. >> get 40% off your first preferred order when you use discount code. fox these celebrities are about to find out how the cold will kill you in minutes. you want to underestimate me? 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no, absolutely not. >> that that is just beyond pale and shame on you. there's no reason to have a perfectly goode tl truck blowq as it drives over the the hills. the all my onlue they critique e is the officer. i feel like he got out of the car a little quickly. he hhe had at least plenty of tc to back up. >> yeah, go over again. k d goback up and go over againt i mean, that's the least he could have donehe that. my favorite part was like, over environmental protesters. ff whah, and i'm a off cop who's going to win. fee we all have feelings, lady. we all havs e feelings. >> so, you know, we're seeing o more of this. and it's like the other day, someonthe decide to steal $500 f power tools from home depot, ngs and the store couldn't do anything. so five guys in the parking lot hogtieuyd him and left him ther the cold part is he's there because they defunded the police. soe as we're starting to seee o more of this and tribal police don't have to answern', have't v their own jurisdiction, they don't have to worry about twitter, none of that stuff. they mighte worry r none o get a few mean smoke signals, but it will pass. >> it will pas ws that my favorite part, okay, is that this was on the way to burning man. >> yeah. y to burning ndand they are on the ra is clearly because you could go around that roadblock. on either side. >> there was about 20 feet of flat land and they were all like, what do we do? favori >> that wates my favorite part about. all of this is that they were protesting burning man. yeah, because e the counterculture festival for them is to right-wing. >> yeah, i think you might need to find something else to do, you know, like, they're like, affluent people are ruining burning man. i'm likent , you are upset because you couldn't afford to g o. loo just admit it. this is not like if you look w , ok out there in the world that's it's not burning man. okay? this festival th this festival. that's a very short amount of time. and it's not like a bunch of larry kudlow is running around. there. i would tell you that right now, although maybe likehe 40 years ago, i would tel be surprisedl if that's what you're doing. you're doing nothing but harm to your own caushawne. nobody's seeing that. and like, wow, what an excellent point they make about burninxcellent g man being maga. >> j >> nobody is nobody's going to fall for that now. it's so stupidim because most ot the people going probably agree with them on the climate. yeah, that's the part i don'tht get. >> yeah, but when you getget. your protest blueprint from acmeou while he coyote can't do nothing that's going to thateray from that roadblock literally came in a wooden box with liquo n r bravado. oh forgiveness. well okay, now, jimi, this tooka place on tribal lands. >> does that hit home for you?fe because you're dating? life has been a trail of tears somewhere. gutfeld but greg, you're so right. >> yeah. this is it's what's soo th they were also protesting private jets. >> he said they said you saidlike people shouldn't be here. but i feel like but isn't it those but these people are drivin, g isn't that an alternative to private life? it doesn't make any sensite. ma i did i don't know what burnt burning man is. i never have known what itis, r the story comes up and i go, i'm finally at a figure. so i went to burning man .com. it's a support group for guys with chlamydia. the website has nothing to do with the story. i but it was i feel likeit they do have a little bit of a poinpoint with private jets le i'm vehemently against private jets until i can afford them can and that and also they're against singlese use plastics which i am too except for and which justich, while we're doing tips and stuff, i'd w like condo to recommend and know if you guys are in the, you know, bubut lifestyles if you never tried the ultra thin oh my god s as soon as it breaks it's like you're not even wearinitkeg one you me i've experienced at least four times. who am i kidding? six i morgan said you support the climate protesters. >> why? i it takesprotes lot to make me blush, and you guys just make it. but i thin mme blushk he just dg >> just like a couple of years e ago at the state department podium state being, you know, about like somewhere and i'md talking about lifestyle kind ofo breaking i have moved up in the world. i'm happy you're here. >> i guess what i love about this, i just love the american west. >> i love the attitude. they're juste. like hippies i ti driving right through it. >> i think it's greanks t. but people are starting to fight back because there was that video not long agt o. it wasn't in america. it was somewhere else where tarted grasangrabbing the girl by their hair and taking them off the road. >> and then they've got people, i've there wyou know there was n that was like, hey, my kids, i'm trying to take them to the doctor. they wouldn'm the the t. i'm g so i think that wela need to hae now, i'm glad it was the authorities doing it but the more videos we have, this may be the last of these stupid hippies will be out doing that for surel be. jimmy and just jus: t be clear, that the video where they're pulling the woman by the hair that was not in america. >> that was in my searchat was, history. i >> but oh, i kid.d. coming up. a tourist bash is lithgow's hometown and a pink palace. >> your barbie gown. these bills are crazshe's siy. u >> she has no idea.ra she's sitting on a gold mine. she doesn't know that if sheen owns a life insurance policy, $100,000 or more, she can sell all or part of it to coventry for even a term policy. nry dir after shece find out if you're sitting on a gold mine called coventry direct today ats 800 496 9200, or visits? 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>> i hope not. heat i hopnge. but listen, he yeah, he said se that he didn't agree with the chargewith s and, so he stopped.s he froze. he called the credit card company and froze his credit cardcredd anthere and sat thert drinking. >> so we don't do that. everybody comes in nashville fo r. >> your bachelor parties. have fun. pay your bar tab to tip your waitress. thanpay your, tik you. >> yes, thank you. well said that said catherine. oh, boy. i'm so excited. are you, though? there'i'm sos a boss baby alert in wisconsin. okay . usually when you hear about boss babes in the media, they're like, sell and work out shakes and stuffout sh. s this lady, brooke fleetwood has a real estate portfoli o. to leo. and she painted another one of her houses pin k to capitalizes off of the barbie movie. she said barbie was inspiration, so i needsod to up and paint this pink very quickly to keep up with the barbie movie, to keep up the demand. to i just love the idea of her screaming at people to paint it faster so she can make money, because then they ask her if she see the movieke and she said, i'm waiting fore a all the hype to die down so i can. and peac the moe. >> i love her. i love i think she's great. i don't know her, but i don't need to know her to know that i love her. i like her. her vibe. yeah. and i can't make fun of barbie because in this jacket, i look like ken'sieuse in older brothee >> can't, you know, you know, looking at that house, though,[l i'm sure there is no ken. >> o, there's a lot of pink.vette, >> oh, that's it doesn't come with a corvette. it comes comessubaru with a sub. yeah. is that what you're telling me? barbie's dream subar u. i >> jamie, we had your way. soan the article i have, and ths actually kind of said so. i live in fairbanks, alaska. you may know that. >> so this article is this. the title is the most depressed, depressing town i've ever visited. one tourist says about fairbanks, alaska. fairbani was first surprised tt was only one tourist, but this guy said he said it was it was so mean. >> he saido , he , it's like dark,sing depressing. there is no future. and people got mad and they were like, next timeand pe you go, why don't you visit more things than just jamie and his ex-wife's housop ande? s ja a couplemi >> i love it. i do love it there, cause t my kids there. so that's wherheree i hang out with my kids. but for real, if you go like i would, i would recommend, go rec don'te the or get trapped there through a marriage and havro e to, you know, it's so much cheaperap . the cruise is like so much cheaper. and there' s but it can get depressing. do you like there's likethere' sometimes during the winter, there's only one hour of daylight, one, can you imagine? and so i like it, though, because i feel like really productive r when there's only one, you know, i'll be like, man, i just stuff all day todalikey, you know, and like and of coursere the darkness gets to, you know, i call my friends, i go,. master, the dark is like it gets it gets depressing. you know, i kindkind of lik of, i feel like killing myself, but it's so dark. >> can't even find a rope. so i should. >> i should have quit wante to go. and that's why i wrote o the review. but it's signed. >> jim >> j.k. tyrus, take itmy away. so last night, with all the bumps and bruises and marks on my headhe, i notice i'm missing something. >> i lost £12 . >> i defended the nwa world heavyweight championship against my lifetime arch nemesis, easy three. and if i lost, i would retire and lost. >> and i'm retired from wrestling 20 years. >> and it was also bittersweet. there it was. we defended it easy three and i broke in together in the wwean and it was a it was a great night. it was cool. my kids walked the aisle with m e. to sa it was a great way to say goodbye and was a bittersweet weekend because retiring is a good thing, but unfortunatcause ali i lost a dear friend that right before i actually hadg in to stand up show because i doayi everything in groups versus at a stand up show. >> 30 minutes from going out and windham rotunda, a lot of people would know him as bray wyatt died at his homeratund. dt and it was a very, very somber, sad weekend. and the irony of lifme ae i put i said sometimes the worst thing about entertainment sometimes is real lifee wors up >> and real life showed upn stag 10 minutes before i went out. >> stage had to make people laugh, bupeople t we do what wet have to do. we got it done to his familydon oh, my condolences. but i'm glad i left it all out there in the rinad i thereg. >> i will miss him. and you just really quick. you got to look at the flip side of this, okay? you got paid four years to beato people up as opposed to guys like me and jamie who pay to get beat up. you know what i mean? and so i think it was amazing. give it up for tyra. so that's how i did that. up next, taco bell dreams of cash only for burrito supreme. do you have trouble hearing conversation organs? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from m.d. hearing aids don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or. settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers. right now, you can get to revolutionary m.d. neo hearing aids regularly. $999 for only $299 a pair. i feel that m.d. hearing is a super by because for the price point anyone can pretty much afford it. don't be fooled by higher priced hearing aids. the neo a true hearing aid, not an amplifier. it has rechargeable technology that many customers say are superior to more expensive models. i think that the m.d. hearing aid is a much better product than the more expensive hearing aid that i tried. >> every neo is supported by m.d. hearings team of audiologists and licensed hearing specialists call eight hundred and 45 1700. now the fda registered neo offers superior noise and a tiny in the ear canal design that is almost invisible best of all. they are incredibly affordable. and if you call now, will that in a portable charging case and ship your order absolutely free. without a doubt. i'd definitely recommend m.d. hearing to anybody for any reason. do your research look into m.d. hearing if you've got mild to moderate loss, give m.d. hearing a call and just try it. nothing to lose. >> it'll help a lot of people that can't afford expensive hearing aids stop missing out on important conversations or wasting thousands dollars on expensive hearing aids order now and you'll get to know your hearing aids with a portable charging case. free shipping, free lifetime u.s. based audiologist support and a 45 day risk free trial for only $299. supplies are limited, so don't delay a better hearing is just a phone call away. call 845 1700. that's 845. >> 1700 to gop candidates. america reports nikki haley you. >> for any age. any stage boys town. >> a story in five words. catch me outside taco fans. so check this out.ta cyrus. caco bell wantco belnts to elime cash transactions, you only pay by credish transact. so we're basically what? how many months away from going to a strip and just swiping a card down a stripper'sn ? is that joke why we did this story? no, i didn't. i didn't pic story?>> jimk. i feel it's like it is okay. i feel like i got so it was going. that was a way it worked. is it taco going without money? yeah. forget the fact. forgeeason why is because crim so bad. they don't want to get robbed anymore. so when the when they break through and they're like, give me all your gun. okayu , i got three burritos. >> casey is phenomenal. you know, the best part is when they robbed casillas taca ken ql and they ask the robber if he wants to leave a tip on the screen. >> yeah, yeah, exactlybell andk >> but i will never talk badscy. about taco bell because taco bell was my high school hangout where i got to watch guys ol hangos and girlfriend around, be cool and nothing tastes better at 230 in the morning than taco bell. >> bang. agreedthg th to cut some of thes but this, they said, wase because of covid, because it would make it healthier because usey weren't handing around cash people weren't handing, you know, touching so much cash. but now we all wind up touching sce sameinow w up touc. >> isn't that germy here?re yes. this ger is it. >> this is it. because of covid, you can'u cant just say things are because of j covid. just because you just because people areimmy: they dat: just are because of go when they said the vaccine know becauss because like are you tot a hotel and they're like, we don't clean your room anymore because of covidy in that's like a real thing. >> it's like, no, you don't clean the room anymore. during you made that up during covid and you saved a lot of money doing it. that's o you do it. w >> don't do it because ofit during covid. oh, shut up. u hey, man. jamie, is itp.>> tyrus is it pot they're just trying to let these people keep their cash for their weed deale r as well?t ther >> you know what? i think cat was right that fefeel, like. >> jimi wrote down stripper credit card and work backwards. yeahe jimmy wrot. just here to get to get to thew storagtoe questions. >> do you guys remember taco bell? you remember the fourth mealuseh thing? yep. yeah, they were like, cause there's, like, three meals, and then they goere was lihree . that's like the food you eat from, like, midnight before i am. i'm like,, yea h. >> fourth meal and then fifth. since i went there. yeah, i think it's moren th the only problem i have a problem like with i might be in the minority here with fast foodfast in general.hi i feel like this is like nutrients we put into our body. should we e get them as fastuo get t as we can? like, maybe like, take your time with i faswet. rgery. do you know? i mean, like, it's not like i'll pull over and make it a quick surgery. >> you know, i'm going to get a speedy and angioplasty. i'm just sayin g tog fast food.. >> don't know if it's a good idea. in general. i'm with you. but morgan, i think we could agree on this. if this does hurt their business, this will be the first thing under joe biden that wn this hurness thi had le a run for the border was a goode one. >> could we just take the win and get out of her t ofe? in it's not going to hurt their business. i i'm going to use my a lot of time i am g to talk about how much i love taco bell. i think i'm gonna go there after the show. actually, i do i always get toet hard tacos with a bunch of bue hot and you've got to get the nachos and cheese, but taco bell, you're doing something nao weird with the nacho chips because they have this a little bit of a weird chcaus hav. f so some are from taco bell's watching. if you could fix those chips, i'd really appreciat ie it. but they're not going to lose any business because taco bell is the besey wt fast food. >> i love it there will be car. actually i just thought about this what will you alle change lose change. yeah. your car that you pay fo r everything at 230 in the morning? >> yeah. i read in high school. i remember like counting. do i hav >> morgai was e dollars so i can get to tesco's if you're having a problem getting rid of loose change. >>taif sitting right now this is checkers at somewhere loose change. >> the stripper will take a change in her. you don't want take c that strin homie. i'm just saying. well, i would rather do that >>at in a car accident. i'm about safety first. safety first. >> yes. don't go away. will be right back. >> show her you remember the jewelry has stackable bands, 189 half carat anniversary bands, 99 one carat, 699, two carat, three stone rings, 1490 thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct do you struggle to foresee and stay asleep tune all sleep support has a unique blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep faster. stay asleep longer so you can wake up refreshed. tune on the brand i trust. >> are you tired of that old out bath or shower? 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Cigarettes , Fina Bae , Huh , Wil , Nothing , It Shoulh D , Atf , Mask Ws , Ay , Faces , Foreverngtive , You Knowlo , Verbay , Hi Hadad , You Ka , Woman , Crime , Men , Ev , Jimi , I Don T Have Cats , Hunk , Cauliflower Ears , E , Wrestling , Everha Cauy Time , Finger , Evene , Guinea Pig , Anti Vaccine , Johnson And , Tickets , Taping , Magic Johnson , Bute , Paramount , Fox Nation Standup L , Wa Notvaccins , Huntington , Long Islan Thd , Friday October The 13th , 13 , Girlfriend , Chasers , Coot , Dems , Idaho Falls On October , New York , On September 16th , Sugarloaf , Loweora , Ladies , 16 , October The 28th , September 16th , October The 27th , 27 , 28 , Shows , Nation , Wasn T In America , Talk Show , Talk Nation , Scenario , Boot , Bit , Comedy , Clay Travis , Snowball Talk Nation , News Talk Nation , Games , Girls Podcast , Scandal , Tomi Lahren , Cain Podcast , Weedkiller Roundup , Victims , Cancer Victim , Roundup , Fox Nation , Illness , Lymphoma , The Main Ingredient , Don 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Lounge Chair , Mug Shot , Mug S Trump , Look , Tal Tara So Let S Talk Optics For Te A Second , Worlorld Dd Is , Mgo , Meo , Lounge , Ins , Likpect , Theba , Car , Countries , Boys , Slogan , Hood , Yeahprg , Trashod Are , Chair , Let S Go , Sitting , Goo A Gd , Ow W , Grandpey Sa Kinder , Chances , Balloons , Missiles , Spot On De , Debate , Thin K , Behind Closed Doors , Harry Truman , Hu Le Behinors , Anything , Covidt Poin , Golf , Lik , Lis T , Before , Agethis , Ei , Bubut , Paul Mccartney , Stage , Showre , Biden Couldn T , He Doesn T , Singinntsingg Joe E , List , Kids Likewh , Instruments , Saw , Pau Last Summer , Room , Likee , Joe Like , Hair , Soil , Like D , Puerto Ricans , Tha , That Ss , Somethings , Insult , Audience , Provemethinn Me , Normal , 80 , Age , Jimmy Ar , Forties , 30 , Sa Great Point P Morgan , Second , Hour T , Fastball , Front , Clashe J , He Loss , State Department , Fo About Ops , 52 , N , Administration , Presidents , Leaders , Upset , Rest , S Et , Cupp , Fellas , Bu Butt , Beach , Commentbeac , Che , Tone , Children , Unitedat , Literallyh Strning Alive In Hawaii , Stories , Somebody , On The Beach , House , Juxtaposh E , Comment , It Today , Ki , Whilth , Position , Maui , Workdy Ik , Term Limits , Offices , Timon Long E Know He , Vacatio , 29 , Like , Sides , Issue , Hm , Whw , Oval Office , Sm Get Him Out , Joe Answers , Likeet , Shimmy , It S Biden , Seey Heare , Video E He , Foro , Fetterman , 95 , Shower , Jacuzzi Bath , Hippies , Up Next , Tribal , Price , Bath Remodel , Installation Costs , Payments , Interest , Jacuzzi , Offer , Water , 65 , Stress , Mess , Tab , Safer , Waiting , Nurse , Bath Remodel Com , 3482867 , 800 3482867 , 40 , Nature , Health Field , Nutrition , Diet , Vegetables , Fruits , Big Change In My Life , Balance , 87 , Order , Cold , Discount Code , Celebrities , Ways , September 25th On Fox , Impact , Special Forces Toughest Test Season Premiere , Monday September 25th , 25 , Crowd , Smackdown On Fox , Planet , Spectacle , Superstars , Primetime , History Network Television , Progressive Sa Hey , Sister , Friday Night Smackdownk , Textdl , Ric , Neighbor , Marathons , Ve , We Ned Life Insurance Conversation , Sadl , 76 , Coverage , Plan , Conversation , Soh , Colonial Pan , 995 , Life Insurance , Life Insurancou , Reminder , Ju Y , Takeng , Colonial Pen , 85 , 50 , Real Life , Health Questions , 9 95 , 95 , Information , Beneficiary Planner , 1 , 35 , 0 35 , 90860604 , Gift , Hey , 90860601 , 908606 , Road , Pickup Truck , Where A Tribal Ranger , Climate Change Wackos Blocking , Day Neack , Rural Nevad , Downtown , Protesters , Officer , Rangers , Protest , Burning Man , Plowugh , M , Countercultur Roaanne Festival , Tyrus , Dow K , Pickup Trucru , Copi Wille Tos , Least , Critique E , Car A , Shame , Hills , Tc , Goode Tl , Truck Blowq , Brooke Fleetwood , Cop , Againt , Part , Havs E , Fee , Ff Whah , Someonthe , Parking Lot , Store , Power Tools , Ngs , Home Depot , Five , 00 , 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, Screaming , Inspiration , Demand , Movieke , Jacket , Vibe , Peac , Fore A All The Hype , Moe , Older Brothee , Ken Sieuse , Ken Ql , Can T , Funny It Doesn T , Comessubaru , Corvette , Sub , Pink Vette , Article , Title , Ths , Fairbanks , Alaska , Dream Subar U , Soan , Dark , Tourist , Town , Fairbani , He Saido , Sing Depressing , Wherheree , Ja A Couplemi Better It , Ex Wife S , Housop Ande , Future , Next Timeand Pe You Go , Real , Havro E , Cruise , Marriage , Cheaperap , Go Rec Don Te , Likethere , Winter , Daylight , Friends , Master , Day Todalikey , Coursere , The Darkness , Rope , Wante To Go , O The Review , Marks , Bruises , Bumps , My Headhe , Take Itmy Away , Jim J K , 12 , 2 , Arch Nemesis , Nwa World Heavyweight Championship , Goodbye , Wwean , Aisle , M E To Sa , Ali I , Friend , Stand Up Show , Unfortunatcause , Lifee Wors Up , Dt , Entertainment , Irony , Homeratund , Stag , Lifme Ae , Upn , Windham Rotunda , Condolences , Bupeople T , Rinad , Familydon Oh , 10 , Beat , Flip Side , Taco Bell , Dreams , Trouble Hearing Conversation Organs , Tyra , Burrito Supreme , M D , Loved Ones , Discussions , Amplifiers , Hearing Aids Don T Waste Thousands , Neo Hearing Aids , Price Point , Pair , 999 , 299 , Neo , Product , Amplifier , Models , Better , Technology , Customers , Noise , Hearings , Hearing Specialists , 1700 , 45 , Charging , Doubt , Ear Canal Design , Tiny , Anybody , Hearing Aids Stop , Loss , Research , Conversations , Hearing Aids Order , Audiologist , Trial , Shipping , Phone Call , Supplies , Candidates , Call , Gop , 845 , Nikki Haley You , America Reports , Taco Fans , Words , Boys Town , Card , Strip , Transactions , Credish Transact , Caco Bell Wantco , Ta Cyrus , Pic Story , Crim , Forgeeason , Jimk , Casey , Okayu , Gun , Burritos , Casillas Taca , High School Hangout , Robber , Tip , Screen , Guys Ol Hangos , Exactlybell Andk , Badscy , 230 , Some , Agreedthg Th , Usey Weren T , Thes , Cash People Weren T Handing , Bang , Wase , Wind , Areimmy , Ger , Up Touc , Sce Sameinow , Covidy , Tot A , Becauss , U Hey , Hotel , Stripper Credit Card , Cat , Weed Deale , Well T Ther You Know What , Fefeel , Goere , Meals , Thew Storagtoe , Yeahe , Yep , Lihree , Problem , Minority , Nutrients , Moren Th , Fast Foodfast , Yea H Fourth Meal , I M With You , Fast Food , General , Angioplasty , Tog , Surgery , Rgery , Business , Win , T Ofe , Border , Hurness Thi Had Le A Run , Tacos , Chips , Nachos , Gonna Go , Hav , Cheese , Bue , Weird Chcaus , Change , Besey Wt Fast Food , Ie , Taif What Se , Stripper , Counting , High School , Loose Change , Morgai , Checkers , Tesco , Strin Homie , Jewelry , Car Accident , Stackable Bands , Safety First , Don T Go Away , Carat , Thousands , Gifts , Carat Anniversary Bands , Three Stone Rings , Jewelry Exchange , 1490 Thousands , 189 , 699 , Sleep Support , Blend , Brand , Tune , Bath , Step , Blood Pressure , Placebo , Blind , Feeling Refreshed , Clinical Trial , Double Header , Fox Sports Christian Mccaffrey , Niners , Running Back , Touchdowns , Love , Steelers , Chapter , Rivalry , Kenny Pickett , America S Game , Jordan , Clap , Header , Football , Bears , Leap , Justin Fields , Incredible , Craft , Goddess , Die , Apple , Dan Harmon , Rick And Morty , Idiot , Football Wrap Part , Premieres , Start , Sounds , Name , Civilization , Animation Domination , 47 , Selectquote , Trust Me , Peace Of Mind , Aneurysm , Thanks , Exam , Whatcom , Million , 2 Million , Studio Audience , Behalf , Newsnight , The Ingraham Angle , King , Laura Ingraham , Charming Little Catch , Lat Ne , Margaret Ortega , Angle , Perspective , Sentiments , Season , Focus , Election , Washington , Donald Trump , Wishful Thinking , Ballot , Perso , Consternation , Nominee , Nomination , Lockdown , Panic ,

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