Would You have done soMething differentl y Thanbiden Du President Biden during the past four years . There is, donna, thE Thing that coMes to mind, kamalas is Media Blitz goes off the rails. Why is shE Trying to politicizE This . I dont havE TiMe for political gaMes. Ive got people whose live gaMes. Speople are on the line. People are dying and the democrat a ands are lying. Theyre going to die. Hopefully, were going to be ablE To accommodatE The voters and soMewhat take voting to the voters. Theyre changing the Voting Rules. Because of the hurricane. Oh. Oh, no. Plus, i was that sound partner. You. oh oh, baracks not happy after hiding harris all fall. Democrats watched her numbers drop. It was tim E To change strategy. Obama ordered kamala. Orde Youre doing aren Media Blitz. But Harris Couldnt handlE The pressure. Could noshe couldnt even surviE The view. If anything. F an would You have Doneyt SoMething differently than yea President Biden during the pasri four years . There is not
Yes, I get It. Yes, I It. I get It. I get It. You love me. What can You do . HappY tuesdaY, everYone. So Kamala HarrIs Is In the mIddle of a MedIa BlItz. Shes The VIew, 60 mInutes,a me stephen colbert, howard stern. Shes been In front of more old than BrIan Stelters. Boxers. Last nIght she made o a dIsastrous, paInful appearance on 60 mInutes. It was so bad Joe BIden turned over In hIs grave. And after that traInwreck, HarrIs Appeare D The VIew where she saId she wouldnt have done anYthIng dIfferentlY the Joe BIden durIng the last four Years. Well, except PIck A Better VIce PresIdent. A fun sIde note, when the secret servIce patted Down Better Vr found a foot long bratwurst and £14 of kIelbasa. S ecre but be remIss If we dIdnt wIsh joY a happY bIrthdaY. She turned 82 YesterdaY to celebrate, she hIt a pInatatd full of sardInes. Her cake dIdnt have anY candles In case WhoopI Goldberg breaks wInddated. MeanwhIle, TIm Walz vIsIted JImmY KImmel show Last NIght, revealed he saved Carmelas N
Significant moment in talk us through what is going to happen. Talk us through what is going to happen talk us through what is going to happen. For the last couple of hours mps to happen. For the last couple of hours mps have to happen. For the last couple of hours mps have been to happen. For the last couple| of hours mps have been voting in a room and what is known as Committee Corridor in the house of commons, voting opened at one and closed at three so they will be counting those and there are the four candidates who have run through, Robert Jenrick, kemi badenoch, James Cleverly and Tom Tugendhat. Whoever gets the lowest number of votes is eliminated and the final three will go through to another and final round of Voting Tomorrow which will whittle it down to the final two candidates, he will go on to the conservative membership where there will be a ballot that will last until The End of the month to pick the eventual winner who gets announced On November the 2nd. It really is a
Hello, im lucy hockings, welcome to Bbc News now. Memorial benson is your land around the world to mark one year since the attacks of october the 7th. The deadliest day in the nations history. 1200 people were killed. Gunmen stormed across the border. At exactly 6 29am flags were lowered to half mast. That was the time when rockets from gaza started raining down on Southern Israel followed by the deadly rampage by thousands of militants. Israeli communities, Army Bases and the festival. At the side with the festival was held the president joined a memorial service. Held the president joined a memorialservice. More held the president joined a memorial service. More than 350 people there were murdered as Gunmen Rampage four hours before israeli military reinforcements arrived. Meanwhile, the fighting which has raged almost unabated for a year continues. Prime Minister Netanyahu says israel is changing the Security Reality in the region. His forces have kept targeted beirut. Israel has al
With hEr staffErs in hEr lockEd room with minE. ShE hElpEd pass throUgh all thE la and bEing EmployEd now. BidEn bigfoots. Kamala harris. Now barack has to gEt involvEd. My namE is JoE BidEn. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. ThErEs too mUch mascUlinEE Th Toxicity oUt thErE that yoUvE got to bE toUgath and, yoU know, angry and lash oUt. DoUg Emhoff off, accUsEd of physical abUsE. WE havE a fUll rEport from oUr tEam. Ask many timEs for morE sEcUrity, morE hElp. And ThEy wErE dEniEd. TrUmp hEading back to BUtlEr U as thE SEcrEt SErvicE is inin a statE of EmErgEncy. PlUs, today, washington saw a ghost. HEy, folks. Right. My namEs JoE BidEn. So wElcomE. WElcomE, mr. PrEsidEnt. Waiting for yoU. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. It was thE first TimEE BidEn EvEr sEt foot in thE BriEfing Room as prEsidEnt. ThE prEss was stUnnEd. PEtEr dUcE, his wig fEll off. And EvEry channEl in amErica to cUt straight to it. WE wErE actUally aboUt to go. LivE to VicE PrEsidEnt Kamala Harris, whos spEaking right now