Hyperglycemia causes, symptoms and home remedies: In diabetes, hyperglycemia occurs when the body either doesn t produce enough insulin (as in type 1 diabetes) or becomes resistant to the effects of insulin (as in type 2 diabetes).
The connection between mental health, testosterone levels, and cognitive fitness underscores the importance of complete fitness in men. Hormonal balance, mental flexibility, and overall vitality is the best way to safeguard mental health and cognitive function.
Health benefits of chia seeds: With their versatility and nutritional value, chia seeds are a valuable addition to a healthy and balanced diet. Include these tiny seeds in your diet plan to control diabetes, keep heart healthy, improve digestion and ward off chronic diseases.
How to control diabetes: Pay attention to the quality of your sleep. It is one of the most powerful preventive and healing tools that kicks in the intelligence of your body and mind to heal and protect you.
Stress and trauma can trigger anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD, causing emotional turmoil and physical ailments like weakened immunity, chronic diseases, sleep disturbances, and pain.