Studio. we have dennis lockky. barry leonard in the middle and chris rini on the end. thank you all for being here. can you believe it has been 10 years. no. ainsley: hard to believe, right? definitely is. ainsley: tell us what that day was like. what was that day like fmr you? i was commuting back and forth. i did it every single week on a thursday. is started out like everyone. it was snowy and cold. i thought the light would be delayed. sure enough, not only delayed but sent to another gate. i was thinking it was just another flight. steve: absolutely. 1500 feet, there is a bird strike what was that like the next 70 seconds? we were up a little bit higher than that, and i after individual flyer. i flew every single solitary week. steve: you were the first person on the plane. i was. i was the first person thatรง boarded aircraft that day. ....