Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

overturn roe versus wade. the breach prompted a wave of hostility from the left and the president is trying to capitalize on it. >> bill: this is dangerous stuff. poll numbers caving the president is cranking up the language condemning the bulk of the conservative movement and what could be his mid-term message. >> president biden: this maga crowd is the most extreme organization that existed in recent american history. >> dana: mark meredith is reporting live from the white house on a beautiful day in washington, d.c. >> good morning. a beautiful spring morning here. as you talked about not the best in terms of the environment. we're seeing the heated political comment of mr. president making it clear he isn't happy with what's going on with the pro-trump movement and make america great again movement. a notable change in tone for the president and the white house says it's intentional. >> he has made comments about the direction of some in the republican party. the maga direction of some in the republican party and struck by the hold his predecessor seems to have on far too many members. not all but far too many members of the party. >> it is president biden who continues to face poor polling and job approval ratings that could lead to massive losses for democrats in the mid-terms. 46% of registered voters prefer republican candidates compared to 39% democrats. republican support has surged through much of this year given inflation, border security and polarized political environment. following the leak of a draft supreme court opinion indicating roe versus wade may be overturned the president is calling it a radical decision given the heated political climate. new security barriers being set up around the supreme court. now there are growing concerns about the safety of each of the nine justices. fox learning there are discussions in congress to boost security not only for them but for their families as well. we have seen reports of protests plans near justice's homes in the d.c. area. cornyn writes we must protect justices and their families by sending police security to family members. i was at reagan airport and shocked how many police officers are there to help lawmakers make their way to the gates and now concern about the skoufrment as for what came out of the supreme court draft opinion the white house was asked whether it's outraged by the leaking of the document and said they didn't want to go that far saying it was only unprecedented. >> dana: all right. thank you, mark. >> bill: karl rove joins us now. analysis on this. good morning to you. a couple of things here i want to get to. first on the comment by the president. some might liken it to this from september of 2016. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. >> bill: you name it. and now you have this comment about recent american history which is the qualifier at the end. how will this play? >> well, i don't think it will fly very well. really, the trump movement is more dangerous than antifa or black lives matter or the anti-war protestors who broke up the 1968 democratic convention? i mean, this is over the top. not only that but it is easily going to be refuted. if a republican candidate for an office anywhere in the country comes across as a reasonable sane and sensible person they'll give a lie to the president's comment. it is one thing to pick out spifs i can elements and say here are the issues that divide us. to take a broad brush like this and paint the maga movement and all republicans as part of this is just a reach. it is not going to work well. sign of desperation on the part of the administration. >> dana: i imagine that ultramaga was probably poll tested and came back well. the vote preference democratic candidates 39%. republicans 46%. that's a significant a gap. tell me what you saw in the turnout numbers in ohio on tuesday that makes you think the republicans have an advantage this year. >> well, the numbers remember four years ago there were contested primaries in ohio for governor. open seat, both parties had big primaries. republican turnout was 380,000 and the democrats over 600,000. it looks like the republicans will be close to between a million one and a million two. the democrats will be lucky to get to 600,000. so it is 2-1 in what used to be a very purple state. my sense is, this is part of a trend that shows and suggests that ohio is no longer the swing state it used to be. 2-1 turnout republicans over democrats. when the democrats had a contested primary for governor it says to me the state has moved to the right and into the republican column. big problem for democrats. >> bill: i think -- can you request an unaffiliated voter ballot in ohio? >> not in a primary, no. ohio doesn't have partisan registration. you are called a republican or democrat by the primary you vote in. everybody is on the voter rolls, no r or d behind their name. >> bill: i'm trying to figure out the number is significantly higher in ohio. that's something to watch. as we go forward in the primaries this is a number that will stand out. we go to pennsylvania in less than two weeks now and you will come back with the turnout number again and it will tell us a lot. is ohio the exception or is ohio the rule for these primaries? >> thanks for suggesting a column topic. i'm monitoring this. i ought to write about it at some point. thank you, bill. >> bill: i was serious. >> i'm serious, too. look, you put your finger on it. we have polls that show the generic ballot and polls that show enthusiasm but those things get proven out in respective primary turn-outs. we saw it in texas, the first primary. republicans more than doubled the turnout the democrats had and we had a contested statewide race for governor but the -- and the democrats didn't. nonetheless it is still a sign of something when the gap in turnout is so significant as it was in texas and as we now see in ohio. let's keep watching. >> dana: it is really interesting. turnout is what really matters. you can only get that kind of analysis here on "america's newsroom." >> the people show up. let me make. the people who show up to vote really matter. i thank you. i appreciate that. great insight. >> dana: take that with you through your day. >> bill: it's novel. nice to see you. they had a big debate last night. dr. oz was taking shots. we see how well he can defend them. >> dana: he was giving them back as well. we have this on crime in new york city. new poll shows that crime is by far the most urgent issue among voters in new york city. 49% of voters say crime is the top issue and this comes as new nypd data shows a major spike in subway crime and robberies. david lee miller has the latest for us. hi. >> an overnight shooting in mid town that left two people dead just the latest reason new yorkers say they're fed up with crime. it happened not far from times square at a makeshift recording studio. police are looking for multiple suspects. new yorkers meanwhile are looking for a solution. registered voters surveyed overwhelmingly pick crime as the number one issue affecting the city. 49% cited crime. a second distant affordable housing at 15% and homelessness at 12%. eric adams who took office in january got thumbs down from most new yorkers on how he is handling crime. 54% say they disapprove. when it comes to the subways 43% said during daylight hours they feel very unsafe or somewhat unsafe. but that number shot up to 61% when asked about subway travel in the evening. one thing almost all new yorkers agree on is putting more cops in the subway. 86% say they support the idea. the latest crime statistics for the city show in april compared to the same period last year subway crime spiked more than any other category at 53%. while there has been a decrease in murders and shoongts, overall crime including assault and robberies increased city wide by 34%. new yorkers have their own theories for the crime surge. >> i think maybe the bail reform and state prison reform and socio-economically i think there are a lot of -- >> during the pandemic a lot of people lost their jobs and out of work. >> concerned about crime is not unique to new york city. voters surveyed in los angeles picked crime and public safety as the second most important issue when deciding who to support for mayor. the number one issue, they said, was homelessness. dana. >> dana: it is a huge issue. thank you, david lee. >> was the department aware of her tiktok videos? >> senator, -- >> they're really quite precocious. >> homeland security question claimed ignorance if he knew the woman at the helm of this disinformation board. >> dana: amber heard will be back on the stand after a tense first day of testimony where she described the first time johnny depp allegedly hit her. >> bill: a man storming the stage against dave chappelle with a knife. is this also an attack on free speech, we ask? >> a trained man. was that will smith? no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ♪ together with mom i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility, for a va loan, which lets you buy a home with no down payment. helping veterans buy homes - that's newday usa. >> dana: amber heard will return to the stand today after the actress began her tearful testimony about johnny depp. she described the alleged abuse in their marriage. >> no, i didn't want to leave him. i didn't want this to be the reality. i didn't want the man i was in love with -- i know you don't come back from that. it broke my heart. >> onlookers noticed depp would not make eye contact with heard when she was testifying. it continues today. >> bill: new questions over the safety of performers and free speech after dave chappelle was attacked on stage. tuesday night comedy show at the iconic hollywood bowl. police releasing pictures of the weapon used in the attack. jonathan hunt has the low down today where there is fallout again. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, bill. the netflix is a joke festival where dave chappelle was performing said on its own website everyone attending to have to go through metal detectors and bag searched. look what chappelle's attacker was able to get through the checks. a replica gun with a knife attached to the barrel. police say that's what 23-year-old isaiah lee was holding when he jumped onto the stage and charged the comedian. somehow getting past security that should have been there to prevent an audience member even getting close to the stage. lee hopped over a barrier and ran. he is an aspiring rapper who wrote a song called dave chappelle a couple of years ago. some of his family members say he has mental health issues. chappelle's spokesperson issued a statement saying the comedian's hollywood bowl shows were a huge success and refuses to allow last night's incident to overshadow the magic of this historic moment. while netflix said we care deeply about the safety of creators and strongly defend the right of stand-up comedians to perform on stage without fear of violence. chappelle has been criticized in the past for jokes he has made about the transgender community and he referenced that immediately after the attack. >> it was a trans man. >> now there is no evidence at this point that that is true and no evidence to suggest the attack was prompted by anger over his jokes. that is clearly a focus of the ongoing investigation as are the security lapses at the legend tear hollywood bowls. lapses that netflix didn't mention in their brief statement about the festival that was supposed to be all about laughter. >> bill: his security got there quickly, all things considered. two seconds is too long but they got there in about two seconds. >> it could have been so much worse. >> bill: good to see you. >> dana: homeland security secretary mayorkas coming under fire over the role of his department's newly formed disinformation governance board. watch here. >> senator, this board, this working group provides a very important function. >> no, it doesn't. >> we have been -- we have been executing our mission to address disinformation that threatens the security of the homeland for years. >> what does this board add? dissolve it? >> dana: katie pavlich. senator hawley for me. if you admit you got it wrong, take it off the table for now. study it and report back. instead mayorkas continues to try to defend it and it's not going that well. >> he was repeatedly asked during his testimony this week on capitol hill to define what the mission of this board is. he had a real hard time deciding what they were going to do, what their purpose was, and because he can't give that definition, the board is then primed for abuse. it used to be the term disinformation was used in the national security world to describe information that was injected into the united states by foreign actors trying to sew discord or push their own propaganda. clearly given the statements that we have from the woman nina jankowicz who has been put in charge of the board and statements she's made about republicans and free speech absolutionists and calling people disinformers. a term for them. clearly she is not focused on foreign actors or cartels like mayorkas was trying to explain yesterday by justifying the creation of this board. >> dana: this all comes as elon musk. they announced this board the same week elon musk bout twitter. we asked people. 45% of democrats said it is a bad thing. republicans 64% say it's a good thing. what do you read into that, if anything? >> well, i think, dana, twitter itself is used by political analysts and certainly used by people in washington, d.c. and reporters to promote their work and to talk to each other. if you look at the statistics on twitter and elon musk has brought this up, only 8% of americans are considered active on twitter. then out of that 8%, only 10% send 80% of the tweets and then of that, 45% of that figure are very far left democrats who are sending those tweets. so it is important when it comes to political discourse and where people get their news. the media amplifies what happens on twitter, which means these numbers aren't necessarily a reflection of how influential it is. the idea democrats have been so opposed to elon musk saying we want a fair playing field. rules will apply to everybody shows they are really interested in controlling the narrative rather than having a real conversation or diversity of thought on that platform. >> dana: i want to ask you about this. the white house being asked about the leaked roe versus wade decision out of the supreme court. this question was about the leak itself and here is what the white house press secretary said. >> i don't think we have a particular view on that other than to say that we certainly note the unprecedented nature of it. what we are mindful of and i spoke to the president about exactly this question yesterday and it's up to the department of justice to determine what if any actions they will take. >> dana: what happened to return to norms, katie? >> returning to norms, being respectful of the different branches of government. chief justice robert called it a betrayal. it was impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause within the court saying it's the gravest, most unforgivable sin and the opinion in question here, dana, justice alito wrote the justices should not be pressured by the public or politics to change their opinion or make decisions. think it is notable the white house is not only condemning this behavior of leaking from the court which puts the trust of the institution into question, but they are also not calling on the public to respect the space of the justices that we've seen far left activists going to their homes but they also aren't saying the justices should make decisions based on the law, not public pressure which i think is very telling about how they feel about what happened here. >> dana: katie pavlich. good to sigh. >> for us this is not going to change anything. for us war is going on for eight years now. the full-fledged war is going on for 70 days. >> bill: zelenskyy again exclusive interview only here on fox. putin's army continues to show no mercy. this time firing rockets into a children's amusement park. the delaware computer repairman who turned in hunter biden's laptop was accused of peddling russian misinformation. he is fighting back and going to take it before a judge in a court of law. >> it was pretty quick out of the gate that i was labeled a hacker and then after adam schiff and 51 intelligence experts deaf sided to tell the rest of the american people i was a russian asset. whoa. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 rx 450 hybrid all-wheel drive. finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hey businesses! matchinyou all deserveription. something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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he is suing all kinds of people. adam schiff, cnn and others, they accused him of peddling russian disinformation. that guy is john paul mac isaac. >> for the nation i felt fear for myself personally because of a lot of personal incriminating evidence i had seen on the laptop. i feared retaliation and an effort would be put in place to silence me. >> bill: joe concha is with us in person. nice to sigh. >> dana: what do you think of this jacket? >> i think it's tremendous. it will be memorable. >> bill: looks like summer. we forgot about summer around here. >> dana: the weather has been bad. >> bill: the sun is out today. does he have a case? >> absolutely, yes. for one thing you mentioned during the sound bite that the four names, john paul mac isaac. trust somebody with four names. but we've seen this man attacked in terms of his credibility or you go online and going -- when you look at the overall premise. is the laptop real? yes, "new york post" confirmed that 20 months ago in october of 2020 and "the new york times" and "washington post" got around to it. are the emails real? yes, they are. no one is disputing them and they show influence peddling and possible kick back to the president himself. so then john paul mac isaac sees what happened with nicholas sandmann when he sued to cnn, "washington post" for $250 million each and they had no argument and had to settle. why not me? my reputation has been destroyed, ability to earn a living has been destroyed. there has to be -- >> dana: you have to show actual malice. do you think he can prove that? >> that's the thing. was it intentional or just a mistake? when the mistake happens across all these news organizations after a while you have to think okay, there is a narrative being pushed and it may be intentional, yeah, just like it was with sandmann. >> he said after fighting to reveal the truth, all i want to know is -- all i want now is for the rest of the country to know there was a collective effort to block a real story with real consequences for the nation. he has been proofed right. >> the evidence is out there. we know because twitter has admitted that they censored stories around this, suppressed accounts or locked out accounts all together. it is all out there. no one can dispute it. i don't see how he loses this quite frankly. >> dana: the reporter that left "the new york times" and has a podcast now. she was asked this week about what she thinks happened to some of these news organizations. here is what she said. the question was particularly who has captured "the new york times"? she said an ideological minority who doesn't believe in all the news is fit to print. believes in pushing a political agenda and looking as cans at people's curiosity who they think in the wrong direction. >> she is one of the most fearless people out there. they are not going to be invited to cpac soon. this isn't a conservative argument. she calls herself a centrist and once said in her resignation letter showing up for work as a centrist at an american newspaper should not require bravery. it made me the subject of constant bullying by my colleagues who disagree with my views. she felt she had to leave. bennett who had the audacity to print an op-ed from tom cotton say we should consider using the national guard when protests get out of control. "new york times" said it didn't meet our standards. a majority of americans believe it's a good idea. >> dana: if a u.s. senator can't express his opinion in the "new york times," that isn't much of a paper. >> 52% agreed we should use the national guard. that's a good debate. 48% say no. when you read and op-ed it is the point. it spurs conversation and unique thought. "the new york times" is run by a woke mob within its organization. they fired their public editor a couple of years ago and rely on comments section on social media. that's smart. >> bill: she would know, she worked there. great to see you. >> great to see that jacket. >> bill: just for you. >> dana: news fox news polling showing voter backlash as a growing number of liberal state push lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. betsy devos will weigh in. a smuggler leading border patrol on a child chase on the southern border as officials report a huge surge in new migrant encounters, a new report coming up. riders! let your queries be known. uh, how come we don't call ourselves bikers anymore? i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool. -seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. denied. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! 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it should. it's another bad scheme for california. >> dana: new york attorney general james announcing a settlement with turbotax operator intoou it. investigation found turbotax was deceiving customers by steering low income tax filers from free services. it will provide restitution to nearly 4.4 million turbotax customers. consumers are expected to receive a check of $30 for each year they used the service. >> bill: how about that? education said to be a major factor upcoming mid-terms. new fox poll finds that 55% of americans support banning teachers from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity before the grade of 4 or fourth grade now. former education secretary betsy devos with me now. good morning. a couple topics i want to get to. what have you found on gender identity k-3, what do you think? >> well, i think parents have clearly awakened to the fact that first of all in many cases their children haven't been learning the basics that they need to succeed in the future. they realize that their children have been held hostage through a government-run union-controlled system and they are fed up with it. they didn't sign up to co-parent with the government. and so the focus needs to be on giving kids back to learning what they need to succeed and to thrive in the future. the fact that -- they are stating the fact that we don't rank in the top 20 in any of the subject areas as compared to our international peers. the focus needs to be back on children learning and children being prepared to succeed as adults. parents know this. they are fed up with the government-run, union-controlled system. candidates who actually embrace the pro-student, pro-parent and pro-school choice agenda are going to clean up in this fall. >> bill: speaking of learning, covid didn't do anyone any favors no matter what the situation or the position was. the head of a big teachers union randi wine garten stated the obvious. >> our kids are in crisis. for two years of disruption, two years of looking at the screen, two years of not having a normal kind of routine and rhythm. recovery is really tough. >> bill: a lot of people who listen and say we were telling you that during covid. >> that's absolutely right. and she is just trying to gas light the american people but we're wiser than that. as early as late august, september 2020, way over a year and a half ago, she took the time to say we're ready -- teachers were ready to go back to schools and it was safe but it was trump and devoes with their political b.s. made them think otherwise. she trying to rewrite history and it is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. and it again is covering the failings of a system that has failed thousands and millions and millions of kids. >> bill: one other topic i want to get to. student loan forgiveness. it seems like the commander-in-chief is ready to do something on this at some level. one proposal, $10,000 maximum cap. you get relief if you make $125,000 a year, $150,000 for a couple. could go as high as $300,000 for a couple. a lot of income now. so here is what a former obama education department lawyer said. call for two. if the issue is litigated, he argues, the more persuasive analysis the end to support the conclusion the executive branch does not have the unilateral authority to engage in mass student debt cancellation. maybe that is a part of joe biden's calculation why he hasn't done it yet. it could be challenged in court and maybe you lose. what is your view on that? >> absolutely. this affirms what we opineed late in the trump administration. we put together a very in-depth memo examining this. what they are talking about is patently illegal. not only is it illegal but also unfair to 2 out of 3 americans who have never taken out student loans or student debt. and to those who have paid off their loans faithfully and continued to do what they've been expected to do. and so this is an issue that is only relevant in the twitters fear, not relevant to the tens of millions of adults in america for whom this issue is more a fairness issue and in this case what they are talking about is straight up illegal. >> bill: i still contend he will do something. what that is i don't know. perhaps it does go to the courts straight after that. betsy devos, thank you for coming back. nice to see you again. >> good to sigh, too. >> dana: amber heard giving emotional testimony yesterday on the abuse she allegedly suffered at the hand of her ex-husband johnny depp. stunning details as they prepares to retake the stand in just a few minutes. a deadly shoot-out at a marijuana dispensary leading to a manhunt. what happened here? 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especially with hr and payroll software. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier. >> dana: grim milestone to mark for america. the covid-19 death toll surpasses one million. more than 81 million recorded infections in the 27 months since the u.s. confirmed its first case of covid-19. while vaccines have certainly helped mitigate the risks there are an estimated 360 deaths per day. important to remember that and for those who have lost loved ones our hearts go out to you and sorry for your loss. >> bill: crossing one million is a big deal with what we've been through. this from california. watch this video. check this out. >> dana: i can barely watch it. >> bill: two suspects this botched robbery at a smoke shop in l.a. with a deadly shoot-out after security guard took out his own gun. could have been worse maybe. william la jeunesse is on that. take us inside that video. >> it is a miracle the security guard even survived. in l.a., bill. homicides now near a 15-year high. street gangs are targeting customers leaving restaurants and businesses have to fend off criminals looking for eefsy money. this security guard, however, is wearing a bullet proof vest. he is ready. these four men enter a smoke shop in compton. first two approach the front counter and don't buy anything. two others come in. last guy pulls out a gun and both fire almost instantly. guard goes down: the guard sustains wounds. the reverse angle. shooter trips over his wounded accomplice who struggles to get on his feet as the gang tries to leave, more shots are fired from the doorway. one later dies in the hospital. a second is caught. these two suspects flee in a getaway car and remain at large. the 23 and 21-year-old both wanted for murder. according to police the smoke shop was an illegal marijuana dispensary. neighboring businesses complained about the violence, but there is no enforcement of these type of businesses. the irony is pot in california is legal. the problem is pot smokers think the legal stuff is too expensive because of the taxes so these illegal pot stores remain and thrive and there is no shortage of product because of illegal grow houses in the empire providing the product. robbers got no pot, no money, but their friend, bill, dead. back to you. >> bill: william la jeunesse, thank you for that from los angeles. >> dana: fox news alert now top of the hour now topping the news. president biden bashing republicans calling them extreme as campaign season gets underway. is mid-term message on the economy failing to mention inflation? escalating rhetoric and what voters have to say about how biden is handling the economy. corporations and billionaires flooding the political landscape with huge sums of anonymous dark money bank rolling activity groups on the far left to push their radical agenda and the federal reserve moving to tackle inflation boosting a key rate by a half percent in a bid to cool down the economy. could they cool it too much and trigger a recession? more on those stories throughout the hour as we take you through it all. >> no, i didn't want to leave him and i didn't want this to be the reality. i didn't want to have the man i was in love with -- i know you don't come back from that. it broke my heart. i had to leave him. >> dana: amber heard taking the stand for the first time yesterday recalling her stormy and abusive relationship with actor johnny depp. she will be back on the stand any minute as she defends herself in a defamation case. i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. something else yesterday. i'm bill hemmer, riveting testimony. amber heard describing a whirl wind romance when she was 22 years old and harrowing details of physical abuse saying johnny depp's personality could change depending on what drug he was taking at the time. she also said depp called his abusive side the monster. that was a quote. front page "new york post" describing the toxic relationship as jekyll and heard. getting ready for another day in minutes there. david spunt live. >> both are in the courtroom right nou. amber heard and johnny depp. emotional many times yesterday describing not only physical and sexual abuse with her relationship with depp. he was high multiple times during their relationship and even accused her of hiding his drugs. we have a warning for our virus and listeners right now. what you are about to hear is disturbing and graphic. >> he was grabbing my breasts. he is touching my thighs. he rips my underwear off. and then he -- he proceeds to do a cavity search. >> amber heard details what she said was multiple episodes of violence as a result of depp's temper during her testimony. depp looked down instead of at the witness stand a few feet in front of him. >> i would look at him and he would ask me if i wanted to go again and shove me back down and eventually he just hit me. >> the actor is suing heard for defamation over a 2018 "washington post" op-ed she authored describing herself as a victim of domestic violence. the name johnny depp was never mentioned in the op-ed. he was never arrested or charged as a result of the abuse claims but remember, this is a libel trial meaning the burden is on johnny depp to say heard engaged in malice and demonstrated a reckless disregard for the truth in writing the op-ed. a high legal bar to prove. his team believes he can do it. amber heard is expected to say she did hit johnny depp but only in self-defense. bill and dana. >> bill: we'll be back there shortly. david spunt outside the courthouse. >> inflation is much too high and we understand the hardship it is causing. >> dana: jerome powell announcing a half point rate hike yesterday. warning more hikes are lightly in a bid to fight the worst administration since the reagan administration. larry kudlow joins us. what about the initial decision yesterday? >> the problem with this whole story is yeah, he raised the rate, the target rate by 50 basis points, half a percent. that's the most in 20 years. but dana, the problem is the inflation rate is the highest in 40 years. so the fed remains way behind the curve and we're in trouble and inflation is going to continue. we had a report out this morning labor costs increased over 7% year-on-year. that's probably the highest in close to 40 years. the federal reserve doesn't even acknowledge that. they didn't even mention wage, price spirals. they blamed it all on vladimir putin and ukraine and covid. they sound a lot like joe biden. i will bring them up in front of the truth board on the misinformation governance board. they are not talking straight to the american people who are suffering from falling real wages. so this is not a good story and the fed, by the way, yesterday again they are not selling bonds. they are waiting to strengthen their portfolio and not cutting back on the money supply. you saw the stock market went up over 900 points. like all these investors are cheering the fed is not doing very much of anything. so it is not a good story. i don't think it will end well. >> bill: i know a lot of people look at the 401ks and they aren't happy. they all expected them to raise half a point yesterday and then what they say is that the market has already built this in. built in what? my logic tells me if you build it in we should have been flat yesterday, but we weren't. we're up an astounding 1,000 points, 3%. we've already given half of that back. can you make sense of that? >> no, probably not. look, the market is very erratic day-to-day, to be honest with you. nobody can really understand or even predict these short run swings. my advice is always the same on the stock market. there is over 100 million people in the stock market. middle income folks, working folks, have 401ks and iras. that's their retirement savings. it might not be as huge as musk but to them is very important. my advice is buy and hold. you stay with them for the long run because in the long run, they perform better than any other asset class. and i know we are going to go through some tough times. look, the fed keeps talking about a soft landing. they will bring inflation back to 2%, right? it's at 8 and going to 2. the unemployment rate isn't going to go up. that is utter nonsense. they should go before the misinformation board. we are going to have a difficult time. there is going to be some tough, tough -- i think it will be hard to escape a recession. i don't think it is this year but i think it's next year. the point i'm trying to make is the sooner the fed acts decisively and takes aggressive action, it's up to them to bring down inflation. yeah, the better off we'll be in the long run. you can't have growth and prosperity without that. i don't know, it's all become so darn political and there are woke members of the federal reserve board that care more about climate change and social issues than they do about price stability. middle income people are making good money. wages are going up by 6 or 7%. but in real terms after inflation, they are losing money. as you say the stock market -- the stock market to date on the s&p whatever it is down, 10 or 12% but if you adjust for inflation it is down close to 20%. and the fed is not taking responsibility and on the other side of the coin we really should freeze government spending. for heaven sakes, and we should not be raising taxes as mr. schumer and mr. biden are suggesting. unlock the regulations for oil and gas and lng and pipelines that would help enormously. there are things we could do to help this story. things we should do to not hurt it anymore. but at the end of the day it is up to the fed and yesterday believe me, jay powell is no paul volker. i worked for paul volker at the new york fed. i hate to even say it. it was about 50 years ago. powell likes to use volker's name. volker is my hero. if powell's hero is volker he ought to act like volker. volker took decisive actions in the late 70s and early 80s. we took the pain for a year, year and a half. volker pulled in the money supply and reagan cut taxes. we ought to try the same thing right now. top the spengd. make the trump tax cuts permanent and the fed will haul in the money supply and bring their target rate above the inflation rate. and they are so -- yesterday basically powell ruled that out, which is one reason why stocks went up so much briefly. >> bill: thank you, larry. you make us all smarter. >> dana: thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> bill: thing about inflation everybody is watching it now, you, me. >> dana: everybody feels it. >> bill: everybody has their own story and example. every single day you can do this. buying flowers the other day. hope she is not watching. and dana, it is the same florist every time, every year. it is always $109. how much was it this year? >> dana: a lot more. we don't want to say because she might be watching. >> bill: $145. excuse me? you know what she said? we can't get anything, bill. we can't even get carnations and that's -- >> dana: then you think about the energy cost. fuel is up. energy prices are on to keep the lights on. everybody is paying for. it is starting to hurt people quite a bit on all of this. thank you to larry. >> bill: almost down 2% on the market. meantime there is this. okay, scenes like this at the southern border unfolding every day. a high speed chase. border patrol agents battling a record influx of migrants coming in illegally. it will escalate when title 42 is over in two weeks' time. nate foye is in roma, texas, with more. good morning. >> good morning to you. multiple crossings in roma overnight including a group of 20 or 30 migrants that our photographer caught turning themselves into border patrol. i want to show you new video as texas dps and border patrol agents chase a drug smuller who drives into the rio grande river on purpose to get back to mexico with 400 pounds of marijuana in the truck. look at this video playing out in brownsville, texas east of where we are in roma this morning. the chase starts in rural roads and takes over a grassy area surrounding the river and then you will see the truck go over an embankment and that's what border patrol agents call a splashdown. you will see in body cam video these border patrol agents get out of their vehicles. they confiscate the drugs but what you don't see in the video is the drug smuggler being taken into custody. the reason for that is because they purposely drive into the river so they can swim across the river to mexico. leave the drugs behind. in this case 486 pounds of marijuana confiscated. also here in roma, texas overnight i mentioned multiple groups crossing. overnight photographer caught a group of 20 migrants. this is putting a lot of pressure on this community specifically ngos and charities. we spoke to one person who was working with a charity this morning. >> sound bite? >> thought we had a sound bite. we'll work to get it to you later in the day. essentially they are seeing hundreds of people crossing in roma and this community is not built for it. there is one bus that goes to houston at 10:00 a.m. every day. they have a hard time dealing with the influx of migrants. >> bill: nice to sigh on the border. >> dana: we'll take you into the hearing where amber heard is back on stand. i want to make sure we warn all of you that there could be graphic language and images as this hearing continues. she is testifying. let's listen in. >> i let him rent my apartment for the vultures, what he called the press. and he said now that we were like a known couple, now that it was out in the press, that my apartment wasn't safe effectively for me. i had a modest apartment in los angeles and so he started saying i needed to have security on me or we would bring out the neighboring houses because of the vultures and it was a conversation and then that conversation evolved into i should move in with him. always want i had me to go with his security guards and wanted me to have his credit card. i wouldn't except that. the conversation about moving in became, you know, hard to resist because i was increasingly becoming a part of his life and also loving his family and feeling like, you know, more stability would mean more stability with him and his struggles with drug and alcohol use and i thought i would minimize some of the jealousy and insecurity that he had. it was hard for me to work, justify working every audition, every meeting, every script i got with a negotiation or fight. i had to justify it like as if i was saying hey, let's have an open relationship. i thought that would be minimized if i could make him feel more secure by, you know, if we lived together certainly there would be more security, right? that was my reasoning. >> so you talked about reading scripts and things. what did you do differently in terms of pursuing your acting career? >> well, i've always -- i believe in really -- i have been really dependent and never imagined not working. working from the earliest time i can imagine. i come from parents who worked until they literally couldn't anymore. i never, never imagined myself having to explain my job or justify my job. i did, you know. i am independent and i see myself as independent and strong willed and i had to bargain. every time i would get a script it would be, you know, i thought you weren't taking another job. i would always say you're kidding me, that's crazy. i have to work and i support my family. when i moved out to l.a. i would get a check for a gig, $600. safe half to me, send half to my family. i kept having to justify taking work by saying i'm supporting my parents, you know, i'm supporting my sister and family, i have to work. he would say you don't have to work, kid. let me take care of you. you don't have to work. it sounds sweet and romantic in some ways but it became a real fight every time i got a script, it was what kind of -- how i was dressing, what kind of behavior i would have. did i have a sex scene? and then i started saying no, i won't take the sex scenes or i will take the part where i don't play, you know, that kind of character or then i started minimizing the kind of kissing scenes that i had and eventually i had to change the wardrobe that i could have in the movie. i couldn't have a sex scene but that all was -- it didn't happen all at once, of course. little thing after little thing after little thing and eventually i found myself pushing as many scripts off my desk as i could taking the ones that had minimal makeup, dress is conservative as possible. finding ways to minimize the scenes i had where i had a romantic involvement of any kind. it was a constant battle and negotiation. >> let me take you back. did you, as a result of your discussions with mr. depp about moving in, did there come a time that you did move in with him? >> objection, leading. >> overruled. >> yes. >> let me ask you this. you talked about penthouse appointments and suites. could you explain to the jury the different places that mr. depp had in los angeles and what they were called just so we have some context here when we are going through all this? >> it's a little confusing, i imagine. i think he had four or five mansions in this beautiful border of beverly hills and west hollywood and all on a cul de sac and we called it -- the name of the street. five houses, i think five houses, it could be four, all effectively he had the whole street. then he had about five penthouses downtown on the same floor of the eastern columbia building that you've heard about the ecb and sweetser was johnny's kingdom. one of those houses was like a whole house with his man cave, the studio. and it was where we hung out and we spent some time in there but it was effectively johnny's, you know, place and then there was the downtown places. and they were effectively empty save for some furniture and one of johnny's friends, isaac, who you met. and he lived there at some point before johnny and i eventually decided to move in together. >> are we talking about the penthouses or suites here? >> isaac lived in the penthouses. the rest of them were about -- pretty much empty and my best friend, who i was very, very, very close to, went through a breakup and he kindly insisted on moving her into this penthouse and, of course, she said no for the first few times but he insisted. they were empty and we would love to have her move down there and he very kindly moved by best friend downtown. >> rocky? but the problem is like 30 or 45 minutes from west hollywood where my place was which we call orange at the time. >> okay. so when did you move into the penthouses? >> shortly after he moved rocky, my best friend, into the penthouse. she was in one of these in the apartments and somewhere around that time i -- i think it took me some time, actually, but after that i eventually agreed to move in with him and give up my place, although it made me nervous to be honest. we were in a relationship that was serious and constantly traveling. we were in l.a. for a matter of days or weeks. we would each do a job. i'd come back for a photo shoot or read carpet and go visit him on a location. an incidible amount of travel and movement so we weren't really living the day-to-day that you might normally with a partner where you have a home and you move in together and have one home. we didn't have that. it was different. >> i want to take you to september of 2013. what were you filming at that time? >> london fields. yes, that's right. i had just started. >> did there come a time when you became engaged to mr. depp? >> well, yeah. it was difficult because that role was a very difficult role. every time -- every scene that involved sexuality or romance was like -- i would look at that on the page and it felt like -- i would feel my gut tighten because i knew it was going to be an issue. but johnny dropped me off. he -- i gave him the script, sent him pictures of what i was wearing in my wardrobe fittings. i sent him everything. i shared my script with his team and the fighting eventually kind of minimized. it was clear i was going to do this job and i told myself i had to do this job. and johnny had to go to london, i think, for some pre-production stuff for a movie he was going to do, a smaller part in, i think. it was called -- i think it was into the woods is my best guess. so he dropped me off in london and when he dropped me off in london we had a few days at this hotel that we first, you know, consummated our relationship in. it was when we were on the london press tour and our relationship developed. that was the same hotel we were in, the same room, which johnny liked to be in the same room. and it was in a suite. he got down on one knee and said i want you to be my girl, be my girl forever, my woman, my girl. i want you to be the rest of my life. say yes to me. he said he wanted to spend every day -- he promised me that every day when i woke up that i would wake up and he would make me smile at least once, and that would be his goal. and, you know, i looked into his eyes and i saw my future and hope. like blind hope. it was one of the most -- i can't describe that kind of joy, you know? i thought, you know, if we were married, then this is real, this is real, this isn't a thing of -- this isn't chaotic and this will change. i had so much hope in that moment. and i just said to him over and over again are you serious? are you serious? are you sure? he didn't have a ring so i thought is this an impulse thing? in my experience johnny can be very impulsive. and he said over and over again, be my woman forever. i want you to be my wife, my wife, my wife. i, of course, cried. we had a wonderful evening, and i -- he left shortly after and i was like -- the next day i had to go to work and i couldn't tell anyone and i wasn't sure. part of me was worried that he didn't mean it or wasn't sure. i just didn't want it to be an impulse thing. i didn't want to mention it or bring it up. i didn't want to -- i walked around for a few days like i had butterflys under my skin and then he brought my dad out to london with my best friend and my dad told me, you know, johnny has asked me permission for your hand in marriage. and i felt like the luckiest woman in the world. >> so while you were filming london fields and johnny had gone back to l.a. what if any issues did you have with him on fraternizing with the cast? i'm going to ask michelle, can you pull up defendant's exhibit 188, please? >> your honor, i'm going to object on hearsay. >> 188a. i have redacted everything except what mr. depp says. admission against interest. do you have that? while they're working on that, can you tell us what transpired between you and mr. depp when you wanted to do something with a cast member? >> as i said, he came to london for his own work and also he dropped me off in london where i had to be for a few months to film this movie. and he asked me to marry him. he brought my best friend and my dad out. they left. and shortly after they left, my co-star, one of my co-stars invited me to go to a concert with him and some of the cast to break the ice and i would be working with him for the next few months. and i had already -- i already knew i couldn't be photographed even if it was platonic i couldn't be photographed with men or women that other people could possibly spin as romantic. i had learned that in january the hard way. so i asked him permission if i could go to this concert with the cast. and i, you know, i said johnny, my co-star -- >> objection, your honor, hearsay. >> don't tell us what the co-star was, just tell us what your communication was with mr. depp. >> her communications are hearsay, objection. >> sustain the objection. >> i'm not sure i understand. >> if you want to approach. >> yes. [attorneys talking with judge] [off the record discussion] >> bill: so this could be a bit of a delay as we watch the mutual destruction society play out in front of us. brian claypool is an attorney watching this. brian. you have been struck by how much testimony has been allowed in the case that you believe has gone so far away from the issue at hand. so what do you make of her testimony? >> good morning. great to be back with you. look, every civil jury trial is like high stage drama. lawyers draft a script and then witnesses and the parties of the case star in the script. this is really a tale of two scripts. remember depp put on the stand to your point. evidence allowed of amber heard hitting him. that she was throwing things at him, that she threw a vodka bottle and cut off his finger. threw a mineral can and hurt him above the nose. that evidence came in during the case. i don't think it should have come in. this is a defamation case. >> bill: stand by. thank you for that. >> that the engagement would be off and the relationship would be off and that i was foolish, naive, for thinking that people could invite me to a concert in a platonic way. >> objection, hearsay. >> she said what mr. depp said. i don't understand. >> i'll overrule that objection. >> please continue. >> he said i was foolish and that no one could invite me to -- how could i be so dumb that think that somebody could just invite me to a concert. why would they want to hang out with me? obviously it was because they wanted more from me and that i probably wanted more, too, you know. i was basically asking for it. you are going to go backstage. what will you say to the band and i know how this plays out. who is the other girl that will be there. how can you be so stupid and foolish? you should be smarter than this. and i apologized. that whole evening i think for hours i spent on the phone with him texting, calling, talking, hanging up, he would hang up on me and be up set and send me cryptic messages about my foolishness and i'm already doing a movie where i play this character when i -- like i read the script and i thought this character was empowered sexually and by the time i have got johnny's feedback on it i had been convinced that actually i was just being used. that i was just being used. it was clear that was all i had to offer and i was too foolish to see it. and i had -- >> i am going to stop you there because i want you to take a look at defendant's exhibit 188a. do you recognize this portion of the text chain between you and mr. depp? >> yes, i do. >> this is on september 9, 2013? >> yes, it is. >> okay. and these statements mr. depp made to you during that evening that you just described to the jury? >> yes. >> i will move the admission of defendant's 188a. >> no objection. >> in evidence as redacted. do i have this redaction? >> we'll need to give you a hard copy. thank you. >> and if i -- and if i can draw your attention to it, he first says i don't want to make anything an issue, baby, but i have been on the ground 14 hours from moving your side and then he said you know what i want, who i am and where i want to go with us. you know very well what type of fucking man i am and you lay a gauntlet before me that always attracts me into a very tempting test. what's behind that door? almost impossible to not take you on. you want me to roll the dice? this sounds more like an aggravated ultimatum that soft words. don't test me, please. did he tell you that? >> yes, he did. >> what did you understand that to mean? >> it was clear it was a threat that if i wanted -- >> objection, speculation. >> i think she can say what she understood it to mean. >> i will sustain the objection. >> let's move on then to the filming of mordecai with mr. bet knee in october and november 2013. where did that take place? >> in london. >> okay. and what, if any, involvement did you have? were you there for any part of that filming? >> part of it. i happened to be in london already for the film i was just telling you about and johnny came to london shortly after to film his own movies. he did the smaller -- i think it was a smaller role in into the woods and he was filming mordecai after that. so after i finished my movie i moved in with him into his house in london. a rented house in london. >> okay. and describe your experiences during that time period with mr. depp. >> it was really touch and go. he was filming with paul bettney and there were days when he wouldn't come home or they couldn't get him up on set. he would be asleep in his trailer, sleeping whatever he had done the night before off. i remember he missed a few days of work that way. it struck me because in my experience in our job, you don't miss work. it doesn't matter how sick you are, you go. it is millions of dollars every single day. they are filming and i had not experienced someone who could effectively just control the set like that. to that extent. and one day he didn't come home and i was worried sick. i found out that he was in a hotel room with -- >> objection, hearsay. >> move forward. >> they had to carry him home. >> objection, hearsay. >> i watched it. >> okay. go ahead. >> please continue. >> i watched. actually, i was shocked that he could do it. one of the security guards carried johnny like a baby into the house. and i looked at that and his boots were hanging over the security guard's arm who had to negotiate getting through the doorway carrying johnny like this and i watched this, his assistant and the other security guard shaking their head. just shaking their head acknowledging this is how bad it is and i remember thinking this has got to be it. this has got to change. this is surely, this is it. and he was understandably very, very sick for at least two days is my recollection. and in that two days, i had a lot of conversations with his team. i won't say what they were. but i felt at that juncture very encouraged that everybody and myself were on the same page. and i felt encouraged that we were in a new chapter. that johnny had finally hit rock bottom and finally he felt like changing for good. and i felt really supported by these conversations i was having with the people he was close to and that he trusted. >> november 2013, did you have any contact with lily rose that led to any discussions with mr. depp? >> objection, leading. >> if, if any, connection did you have with lily rose. >> objection calls for hearsay, leading. >> i'll sustain the objection. >> november 2013, what, if any, interaction did you have with lily rose, without saying anything she said? >> objection, hearsay. >> it's interaction, your honor. i'm not asking what she said. >> lay a foundation. >> did there come a time in november 2013 that you saw lily rose? >> yes, she came to stay with us for sometime in the winter around november, i believe, 2013. >> when you said they who are you referring to. >> johnny's kids, jack and lily. >> was there a particular incident that led to disagreement with mr. depp? >> objection, leading. >> sustained. >> what, if any, interaction did you have with lily rose that led to an argument with mr. depp ?oo >> objection, leading. >> what, if any. >> let us approach. [discussion off the record with attorneys and judge] >> dana: so we continue to watch the testimony of amber heard in the trial. unlike during his testimony, there were not many interruptions like there have been here. we'll go back to her now. >> please describe that. >> i didn't -- you know, these kids were -- i found them to be these beautiful, wildly intelligent little weirdos in the best way, you know? they were -- i was falling in love with them and, you know, they were in my life at that time, a short amount of time but i loved it and i started to feel very protective and, you know, johnny's sobriety meant he was there and then he wasn't. and the nature of our lives with travel and work and he was there and he wasn't. lily rose had a crush on >> objection, hearsay. >> i'll overrule. >> please continue. >> this argument happened because johnny was -- i didn't agree that this gentleman, a famous musician, over the age of 18, spent the night at the house and i felt protective over lily rose and concerned. and naturally they were not my children. not my place and i understand that and it was a sensitive subject and i understand why johnny got so upset with me and that and the introduction of the weed with his daughter. she was so young, i just felt protective. again, it's not my place, i understand that. and i made him really angry by weighing in on that. >> did there come a time that there was a family engagement gathering? >> well, we celebrated thanksgiving in london. the kids were there. there was a stint of sobriety following how sick he got on set with paul. after one of his drunk binges and he kind of just came alive again, you know. he even played a prank on me about having relapseed when he hadn't relapseed. i started to kind of feel that with the kids being around i did think that maybe this was it. we were on a good path, meaning to sobriety, that this was it. and our life was peaceful for a minute. it was -- it went to back to being wonderful and there were these moments that just felt so wonderful. >> objection, your honor, not responsive. >> i'll sustain the objection. >> there was an engagement party. >> yes, come christmas of 2013 johnny had rented this beautiful mansion in malibu on the beach. it was gorgeous. and he brought my family out and his family was out in l.a. and we stayed in the rented mansion and were all together for the holidays and one evening we were going to his mother's house. his mother who you've heard about was older and sick. but at home being cared for. and he -- one evening we were going to have christmas dinner there with her around the time of her birthday as well, and my best friend said you should -- >> objection, hearsay. >> go ahead. go past that. what did you do? >> we went to betty sue's house, his mother's house and johnny proposed in front of our families in this big surprise -- he surprised me, got down on one knee and i cried and hugged my mother and hugged his mother and he gave me this enormous diamond ring and it was a nice time. >> we take you into january and february of 2014. you had -- you employed a woman named kate james, is that correct? what if any relationship did you have with kate james? >> she was my assistant at the time and i hired her sometime in 2012. and had as minimal contact with her as i possibly could. >> and why is that? >> she was -- it was difficult -- troubled and inconsistent that she drank on the job and stuff like that and her behavior was horrible. >> objection. >> kate james testified and bias -- >> allow it, go ahead. >> okay. please describe for the jury what job responsibilities kate had and how you communicated with her and kind of how that worked? >> objection, compound. >> overruled. >> thank you. >> we had minimal person to person interaction because i was hardly ever in l.a. if i was, i was there for a few days at a time and johnny and i kind of lived in this insular bubble anyway when we were together. but we would send emails, texts and a lot of voice memos, voice notes. and, you know, i found that if i said kate, you know, if you love the car running with your doors open and your kids in the car on the street -- >> objection, hearsay. >> she is testifying about context. >> sustain the objection. next question. >> i will ask you to take a look at defendant's exhibit 209. >> your honor, i'll object on hearsay grounds. hearsay. >> may have i lay the foundation first? ms. heard, did you communicate with kate james by email in the ordinary course of your business? >> yes, i did. >> and i am going to ask you to take a look at defendant's 209. is this a communication that was between you and kate james that was in the ordinary course of business with her as an employee? >> yes, it is. >> i will move the admission of defendant's exhibit 209. >> still hearsay, your honor. if there is hearsay involved inside the business record there is still objection to hearsay. >> the business records exception. i don't -- i don't agree. i think the point -- >> approach. >> bill: brian, you are still with us. where are we headed? >> this is important testimony. kate james was amber's assistant for three years. she testified in a videotape deposition that amber heard was very difficult to deal with. that she was very callous. at one point kate james test notified amber heard got in her face four inches from her face and actually spit in her face after kate james asked for a raise. kate james also testified to important fact. remember there was testimony early on about some abuse taking place on a plane ride that depp allegedly twisted the wrist of a flight attendant and abused amber heard. kate james said when amber got home instead of her going to the apartment she went to the chateau hotel and was partying with her girlfriends. there is definitely animus between kate james and amber heard. >> dana: so what is the back and forth here? when we watch the depp testimony there were hardly any objections through the whole thing. this is interrupted every two seconds with an objection. >> you raise a good point. there is a big difference between depp testifying and her testifying. he was thoughtful and think before he responded. his answers were narrow and tighter. if you watch heard's testimony it is unusual in a jury trial for a judge to allow amber heard. she is narrateing and going on and on. she was asked what happened -- how did you meet kate james? instead of saying i hired her. i hired her and she was difficult to work with. that's beyond -- >> objection, hearsay. >> miss james testified. >> sustain the objection. >> all right. you can take that down, michelle. >> in the february -- i will jump to february and march 2016. what if any communications did you have with mr. depp about a pre-nup? >> after the engagement, but before the engagement party, i start evidence to -- i started to feel like it would make, you know, i know that he earned significantly more than me, successful act tofrment -- actor. i brought it up to him and my therapist. >> objection, hearsay. >> she is just saying she brought it up to her therapist not saying what she said. >> please focus on mr. depp, okay? >> of course. johnny said he would tear it up if -- he said if you ever brought one up to me or ever saw one and got my hands on it i'd tear it up. only way out of this is death. only way out of this is death. and i -- i thought it -- i thought it would be like -- i didn't care either way but i did feel that it would eliminate suspicion or doubt and it would make things easier. and i told him over and over again, you know, are you sure? are you sure? maybe we should do this. and he -- one time he said to me are you already thinking of how you are getting out of this and planning to get out of this, kid? are you already planning on leaving? that was the same -- it was around the same time as the moving in together conversation. he accused me of having one foot out. and they were happening around the same time. i still had my apartment and we were engaged now. he was asking me to redecorate his main house and move into the ecb building downtown where my best friend was living at this time. while the decorations and the remodeling had been done on sweetser, these conversations with happening how to build our future together and how we were going to move forward together and i -- you know, i would have forgotten about the extent that we had those conversations early on in the engagement if it hadn't been for my therapist's notes. >> if it hadn't been for what? >> my therapist's notes at the time when i was talking to her about that and my conversations with her. >> objection. >> let's take you to march 2014. was there an engagement party? >> yes. so yeah, it was march 2014. >> please describe for the jury. >> we had an engagement party and we decided that when we did get married we would have a small wedding. something intimate. but our lives were kind of big -- his life was extremely big, and we needed -- we wanted to have a bigger engagement party than a wedding and get our guests and family our friends and have a big event of it as opposed to making the wedding something that was big and, you know, so we put it on the engagement party and had a bunch of people. a lot of friends, business acquaintances, a lot of family. i had all of my family, friends and childhood friends come out for it and i even invited my therapist. a big event. >> okay. describe what took place at the engagement party. >> we walk in together and we took some pictures and said a few hellos and then johnny disappeared upstairs. i guess it's like a coast -- coat room. a big abandoned building rented out for events. he disappeared upstairs almost the entire party, i would say. kind of came down at the end when we were leaving and came down once because at the time he was sharing drugs with my dad. >> objection. speculation. lack of foundation. >> how do you know he was sharing drugs with your dad? >> i was there. i watched it. >> please continue. >> my dad at the time was on the same -- was addicted to the same thing johnny was. and so my dad had -- either my dad ran out or johnny ran out. i can't recall which of the two ran out but there was, you know, they needed more, of course, and had to leave the party -- my dad actually left with johnny's security to go get more drugs from -- >> objection, calls for speculation. >> how do you know that? >> they told me. >> hearsay. >> sustained. >> they left to go whatever and then they came back with drugs and everything was okay in terms of the withdrawal symptoms, i don't know what you call it that the point. but he still stayed upstairs and -- >> you are referring to mr. depp? >> yes, i am. shortly after that i tried to get johnny to come downstairs and he just snapped at me. just verbally told me to shut the [bleep] up and i remember talking to my mom of the irony of it. we were at an engagement party. that was a pretty -- pretty much it for the engagement party and i went downstairs and entertained guests and smiled and took pictures and put on a face and, you know, went about my evening. >> take you to may 2014, the met gala. could you please tell the jury what a met gala is and what is involved in that? >> objection, compound. >> overruled. >> met gala is a big event, annual event. celebrity event in new york, a fashion event but it is just a major red carpet event. and you have to be invited and it's kind of a thing. and we were invited that year. and i had already gone to the previous year or two and this year we were going to go together. and at some point in the evening we're sitting across the table and johnny starts asking me about this woman. he thought i was looking at this woman in a sexual way. and i kind of rned it around on him and said -- >> objection, hearsay. >> it's context, your honor. >> you can't tell us what you said to him. tell us what mr. depp said to you. >> he was accusing me of flirting and that's how the argument started. i don't recall what other accusation i was fielding that the moment. typically in my experience with him it wasn't just one. he would make a point and then he would go on to a different accusation. but i remember what started it is this accusation that i had been flirting at this event. we get back to the hotel room and johnny shoves me and grabs me by the collarbone area. not really my neck but top of my neck. the top of my -- above my collarbone and below my neck. i think at that point when we were still in the living room i shoved him back but i can't -- i don't really recall too many specifics. i remember he threw a bottle at me. he missed me but broke the chandelier. at some point i remember maybe this was the shove that i was talking about, but at some point johnny and i are in a struggle in the living room and he shoved me down on the sofa and i get up and trying to get him off of me. at some point he whacks me in the face and i had not -- at the time been -- like i didn't -- i think it was the first time is this a broken nose? at the time i was unsure what that feeling was. but i suspected i had a broken nose. and other than that i was relatively unscathed. but i remember my nose being swollen, discolored, red an

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Side , Drug , Personality , Monster , Toxic Relationship , Courtroom , Nou , David Spunt , Jekyll , Drugs , Warning , Breasts , Virus , Listeners , Graphic , Thighs , Underwear , Cavity Search , Result , Front , Episodes , Witness Stand , Temper , Defamation , 2018 , Libel Trial , Domestic Violence , Victim , Disregard , Burden , Bar , Courthouse , Self Defense , Hardship , Hit , Half Point Rate Hike , Hikes , Jerome Powell , Most , Target Rate , Basis Points , Larry Kudlow , Inflation Rate , Trouble , Curve , 40 , Federal Reserve Doesn T , Highest , Labor Costs , Wage , 7 , Price Spirals , Wages , Bonds , The Way , Suffering , Stock Market , Money Supply , Portfolio , 900 , Market , Point Yesterday , Logic , 401 , Back , 1000 , Same , Advice , Swings , Nobody , 100 Million , Musk , Working Folks , Folks , Retirement Savings , 401ks And Iras , Run , Long Run , Asset Class , Unemployment Rate , Nonsense , Landing , Tough , Misinformation Board , Growth , Fed Acts Decisively , Price Stability , Prosperity , Climate Change , 6 , Responsibility , Government Spending , Coin , Regulations , Pipelines , Oil , Gas , Lng , Heaven Sakes , Schumer , Paul Volker , Powell , Hero , Volker , Powell S , My Hero , Pain , Early 80s , Out , Tax , Spengd , Larry , Stocks , Smarter , Hope , Florist , Example , Buying Flowers , 09 , 109 , 145 , , Energy Cost , Energy Prices , Fuel , The Lights On , Carnations , Record , Migrants , Scenes , Influx , Agents , High Speed Chase , Group , Roma , Crossings , Nate Foye , Marijuana , Chase A Drug Smuller , Photographer , Truck , Rio Grande River , Texas Dps , 400 , River , Truck Go , The Chase , Roads , Brownsville , Border Patrol Agents , Body Cam Video , Vehicles , Splashdown , Embankment , Custody , Drug Smuggler , Mexico , 486 , Charities , Crossing , Ngos , Charity , Bus , Houston , The Border , Hundreds , 00 , Hearing , Images , Apartment , Press , The Press , Vultures , Wasn T Safe , Houses , Security Guards , Credit Card , Wouldn T , Family , Stability , Use , Struggles , Audition , Alcohol , Jealousy , Insecurity , Script , Negotiation , Reading Scripts , Reasoning , Acting Career , Couldn T , Script It , Willed , Gig , Crazy , 600 , Kid , Care , Sister , Sex Scene , Ways , Dressing , Character , Don T Play , Kissing , Movie , Cried , Wardrobe , Ones , Scripts , Conservative , Dress , Makeup , Desk , Involvement , Battle , Oo Objection , Move , Jury , Context , Places , Suites , Penthouse Appointments , West Hollywood , Mansions , Beverly Hills , Five , The Street , Street , Cul De Sac , Got Johnny , Penthouses , Sweetser , Floor , Kingdom , Eastern Columbia Building , Ecb , House , Johnny S , Studio , Downtown Places , Man Cave , Save , Furniture , Isaac , Best Friend , Penthouse , Breakup , Best Friend Downtown , Rocky , Apartments , Somewhere , Photo Shoot , Carpet , Visit , Travel , Partner , Location , Incidible , 2013 , September Of 2013 , London Fields , Scene , Romance , Sexuality , Gut , Wardrobe Fittings , Into The Woods , Guess , Press Tour , Knee , Suite , Be My Girl , My Girl , Rest Of My Life , Goal , Joy , Blind Hope , Isn T A , Isn T Chaotic , Impulse Thing , Experience , Ring , Wife , Wasn T Sure , Dad , Permission , Under My Skin , Defendant , Cast , Michelle , Fraternizing , Exhibit 188 , Hearsay , Honor , 188 , Admission , Interest , Cast Member , Concert , Co Star , Co Stars , Ice , Platonic I Couldn T , Women , My Co Star , Communication , Communications , Attorneys , Discussion , Mutual Destruction Society Play Out In Front , Delay , Brian Claypool , Attorney , Drama , Lawyers , Every Civil Jury Trial , Case Star In The Script , Tale , Witnesses , Nose , Vodka Bottle , Mineral , Engagement , Objection , Girl , Band , Texting , Phone , Calling , Talking , Messages , Foolishness , Hanging Up , Feedback , Look , Exhibit 188a , Portion , Text Chain , September 9 2013 , 9 , Defendant S 188a , Attention , Redaction , Copy , Baby , 14 , Test , Door , Gauntlet , Dice , Words , Ultimatum , Don T Test Me , Speculation , Threat , Filming , Filming Mordecai , Bet Knee , November 2013 , October , Movies , Film , Smaller , Experiences , Paul Bettney , Touch And Go , Sleeping , Trailer , Him Up On Set , Miss , Someone , Extent , Set , Hotel Room , Sick , Boots , Arm , Assistant , This Is It , Recollection , Conversations , Juncture , Chapter , Good , Page , Rock Bottom , Lily Rose , Contact , Objection Calls , Connection , Interaction , Foundation , Winter , Jack , Lily , Disagreement , Sustained , Interruptions , Trial , Weirdos , Sobriety , Crush , Gentleman , Age , 18 , Weed , Daughter , Introduction , Family Engagement Gathering , Stint , Binges , Feel , He Hadn T Relapseed , Relapseed , Prank , Path , Engagement Party , Mansion , On The Beach , Malibu , Holidays , Well , Dinner , Betty Sue , Surprise , Diamond Ring , 2014 , February Of 2014 , January , Kate James , 2012 , Bias , Job Responsibilities , Compound , Bubble , Texts , Voice Notes , Voice Memos , Doors , Car , Car Running , Hearsay Grounds , Exhibit 209 , 209 , Ms , Foundation First , Course , Email , Employee , Business Records Exception , Videotape Deposition , Three , Face , Plane Ride , Flight Attendant , Raise , Wrist , Depp , Partying , Girlfriends , Animus , Chateau , Objections , Difference , Jury Trial , Answers , Beyond , Pre Nup , March 2016 , February , Therapist , Actor , Act Tofrment , Death , Hands , Suspicion , Doubt , Moving , Ecb Building Downtown , Decorations , Remodeling , Hadn T , Notes , 2014 Please , March 2014 , Wedding , Event , Guests , Big , Bunch , Business Acquaintances , Childhood , Coat Room , Hellos , Coast , Upstairs , Events , Big Abandoned Building , Lack , Johnny Ran Out , Ran Out , Whatever , Withdrawal Symptoms , May 2014 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240708

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overturn roe versus wade. the breach prompted a wave of hostility from the left and the president is trying to capitalize on it. >> bill: this is dangerous stuff. poll numbers caving the president is cranking up the language condemning the bulk of the conservative movement and what could be his mid-term message. >> president biden: this maga crowd is the most extreme organization that existed in recent american history. >> dana: mark meredith is reporting live from the white house on a beautiful day in washington, d.c. >> good morning. a beautiful spring morning here. as you talked about not the best in terms of the environment. we're seeing the heated political comment of mr. president making it clear he isn't happy with what's going on with the pro-trump movement and make america great again movement. a notable change in tone for the president and the white house says it's intentional. >> he has made comments about the direction of some in the republican party. the maga direction of some in the republican party and struck by the hold his predecessor seems to have on far too many members. not all but far too many members of the party. >> it is president biden who continues to face poor polling and job approval ratings that could lead to massive losses for democrats in the mid-terms. 46% of registered voters prefer republican candidates compared to 39% democrats. republican support has surged through much of this year given inflation, border security and polarized political environment. following the leak of a draft supreme court opinion indicating roe versus wade may be overturned the president is calling it a radical decision given the heated political climate. new security barriers being set up around the supreme court. now there are growing concerns about the safety of each of the nine justices. fox learning there are discussions in congress to boost security not only for them but for their families as well. we have seen reports of protests plans near justice's homes in the d.c. area. cornyn writes we must protect justices and their families by sending police security to family members. i was at reagan airport and shocked how many police officers are there to help lawmakers make their way to the gates and now concern about the skoufrment as for what came out of the supreme court draft opinion the white house was asked whether it's outraged by the leaking of the document and said they didn't want to go that far saying it was only unprecedented. >> dana: all right. thank you, mark. >> bill: karl rove joins us now. analysis on this. good morning to you. a couple of things here i want to get to. first on the comment by the president. some might liken it to this from september of 2016. >> you can put half of trump supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. >> bill: you name it. and now you have this comment about recent american history which is the qualifier at the end. how will this play? >> well, i don't think it will fly very well. really, the trump movement is more dangerous than antifa or black lives matter or the anti-war protestors who broke up the 1968 democratic convention? i mean, this is over the top. not only that but it is easily going to be refuted. if a republican candidate for an office anywhere in the country comes across as a reasonable sane and sensible person they'll give a lie to the president's comment. it is one thing to pick out spifs i can elements and say here are the issues that divide us. to take a broad brush like this and paint the maga movement and all republicans as part of this is just a reach. it is not going to work well. sign of desperation on the part of the administration. >> dana: i imagine that ultramaga was probably poll tested and came back well. the vote preference democratic candidates 39%. republicans 46%. that's a significant a gap. tell me what you saw in the turnout numbers in ohio on tuesday that makes you think the republicans have an advantage this year. >> well, the numbers remember four years ago there were contested primaries in ohio for governor. open seat, both parties had big primaries. republican turnout was 380,000 and the democrats over 600,000. it looks like the republicans will be close to between a million one and a million two. the democrats will be lucky to get to 600,000. so it is 2-1 in what used to be a very purple state. my sense is, this is part of a trend that shows and suggests that ohio is no longer the swing state it used to be. 2-1 turnout republicans over democrats. when the democrats had a contested primary for governor it says to me the state has moved to the right and into the republican column. big problem for democrats. >> bill: i think -- can you request an unaffiliated voter ballot in ohio? >> not in a primary, no. ohio doesn't have partisan registration. you are called a republican or democrat by the primary you vote in. everybody is on the voter rolls, no r or d behind their name. >> bill: i'm trying to figure out the number is significantly higher in ohio. that's something to watch. as we go forward in the primaries this is a number that will stand out. we go to pennsylvania in less than two weeks now and you will come back with the turnout number again and it will tell us a lot. is ohio the exception or is ohio the rule for these primaries? >> thanks for suggesting a column topic. i'm monitoring this. i ought to write about it at some point. thank you, bill. >> bill: i was serious. >> i'm serious, too. look, you put your finger on it. we have polls that show the generic ballot and polls that show enthusiasm but those things get proven out in respective primary turn-outs. we saw it in texas, the first primary. republicans more than doubled the turnout the democrats had and we had a contested statewide race for governor but the -- and the democrats didn't. nonetheless it is still a sign of something when the gap in turnout is so significant as it was in texas and as we now see in ohio. let's keep watching. >> dana: it is really interesting. turnout is what really matters. you can only get that kind of analysis here on "america's newsroom." >> the people show up. let me make. the people who show up to vote really matter. i thank you. i appreciate that. great insight. >> dana: take that with you through your day. >> bill: it's novel. nice to see you. they had a big debate last night. dr. oz was taking shots. we see how well he can defend them. >> dana: he was giving them back as well. we have this on crime in new york city. new poll shows that crime is by far the most urgent issue among voters in new york city. 49% of voters say crime is the top issue and this comes as new nypd data shows a major spike in subway crime and robberies. david lee miller has the latest for us. hi. >> an overnight shooting in mid town that left two people dead just the latest reason new yorkers say they're fed up with crime. it happened not far from times square at a makeshift recording studio. police are looking for multiple suspects. new yorkers meanwhile are looking for a solution. registered voters surveyed overwhelmingly pick crime as the number one issue affecting the city. 49% cited crime. a second distant affordable housing at 15% and homelessness at 12%. eric adams who took office in january got thumbs down from most new yorkers on how he is handling crime. 54% say they disapprove. when it comes to the subways 43% said during daylight hours they feel very unsafe or somewhat unsafe. but that number shot up to 61% when asked about subway travel in the evening. one thing almost all new yorkers agree on is putting more cops in the subway. 86% say they support the idea. the latest crime statistics for the city show in april compared to the same period last year subway crime spiked more than any other category at 53%. while there has been a decrease in murders and shoongts, overall crime including assault and robberies increased city wide by 34%. new yorkers have their own theories for the crime surge. >> i think maybe the bail reform and state prison reform and socio-economically i think there are a lot of -- >> during the pandemic a lot of people lost their jobs and out of work. >> concerned about crime is not unique to new york city. voters surveyed in los angeles picked crime and public safety as the second most important issue when deciding who to support for mayor. the number one issue, they said, was homelessness. dana. >> dana: it is a huge issue. thank you, david lee. >> was the department aware of her tiktok videos? >> senator, -- >> they're really quite precocious. >> homeland security question claimed ignorance if he knew the woman at the helm of this disinformation board. >> dana: amber heard will be back on the stand after a tense first day of testimony where she described the first time johnny depp allegedly hit her. >> bill: a man storming the stage against dave chappelle with a knife. is this also an attack on free speech, we ask? >> a trained man. was that will smith? no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. ♪ together with mom i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility, for a va loan, which lets you buy a home with no down payment. helping veterans buy homes - that's newday usa. >> dana: amber heard will return to the stand today after the actress began her tearful testimony about johnny depp. she described the alleged abuse in their marriage. >> no, i didn't want to leave him. i didn't want this to be the reality. i didn't want the man i was in love with -- i know you don't come back from that. it broke my heart. >> onlookers noticed depp would not make eye contact with heard when she was testifying. it continues today. >> bill: new questions over the safety of performers and free speech after dave chappelle was attacked on stage. tuesday night comedy show at the iconic hollywood bowl. police releasing pictures of the weapon used in the attack. jonathan hunt has the low down today where there is fallout again. good morning to you. >> good morning to you, bill. the netflix is a joke festival where dave chappelle was performing said on its own website everyone attending to have to go through metal detectors and bag searched. look what chappelle's attacker was able to get through the checks. a replica gun with a knife attached to the barrel. police say that's what 23-year-old isaiah lee was holding when he jumped onto the stage and charged the comedian. somehow getting past security that should have been there to prevent an audience member even getting close to the stage. lee hopped over a barrier and ran. he is an aspiring rapper who wrote a song called dave chappelle a couple of years ago. some of his family members say he has mental health issues. chappelle's spokesperson issued a statement saying the comedian's hollywood bowl shows were a huge success and refuses to allow last night's incident to overshadow the magic of this historic moment. while netflix said we care deeply about the safety of creators and strongly defend the right of stand-up comedians to perform on stage without fear of violence. chappelle has been criticized in the past for jokes he has made about the transgender community and he referenced that immediately after the attack. >> it was a trans man. >> now there is no evidence at this point that that is true and no evidence to suggest the attack was prompted by anger over his jokes. that is clearly a focus of the ongoing investigation as are the security lapses at the legend tear hollywood bowls. lapses that netflix didn't mention in their brief statement about the festival that was supposed to be all about laughter. >> bill: his security got there quickly, all things considered. two seconds is too long but they got there in about two seconds. >> it could have been so much worse. >> bill: good to see you. >> dana: homeland security secretary mayorkas coming under fire over the role of his department's newly formed disinformation governance board. watch here. >> senator, this board, this working group provides a very important function. >> no, it doesn't. >> we have been -- we have been executing our mission to address disinformation that threatens the security of the homeland for years. >> what does this board add? dissolve it? >> dana: katie pavlich. senator hawley for me. if you admit you got it wrong, take it off the table for now. study it and report back. instead mayorkas continues to try to defend it and it's not going that well. >> he was repeatedly asked during his testimony this week on capitol hill to define what the mission of this board is. he had a real hard time deciding what they were going to do, what their purpose was, and because he can't give that definition, the board is then primed for abuse. it used to be the term disinformation was used in the national security world to describe information that was injected into the united states by foreign actors trying to sew discord or push their own propaganda. clearly given the statements that we have from the woman nina jankowicz who has been put in charge of the board and statements she's made about republicans and free speech absolutionists and calling people disinformers. a term for them. clearly she is not focused on foreign actors or cartels like mayorkas was trying to explain yesterday by justifying the creation of this board. >> dana: this all comes as elon musk. they announced this board the same week elon musk bout twitter. we asked people. 45% of democrats said it is a bad thing. republicans 64% say it's a good thing. what do you read into that, if anything? >> well, i think, dana, twitter itself is used by political analysts and certainly used by people in washington, d.c. and reporters to promote their work and to talk to each other. if you look at the statistics on twitter and elon musk has brought this up, only 8% of americans are considered active on twitter. then out of that 8%, only 10% send 80% of the tweets and then of that, 45% of that figure are very far left democrats who are sending those tweets. so it is important when it comes to political discourse and where people get their news. the media amplifies what happens on twitter, which means these numbers aren't necessarily a reflection of how influential it is. the idea democrats have been so opposed to elon musk saying we want a fair playing field. rules will apply to everybody shows they are really interested in controlling the narrative rather than having a real conversation or diversity of thought on that platform. >> dana: i want to ask you about this. the white house being asked about the leaked roe versus wade decision out of the supreme court. this question was about the leak itself and here is what the white house press secretary said. >> i don't think we have a particular view on that other than to say that we certainly note the unprecedented nature of it. what we are mindful of and i spoke to the president about exactly this question yesterday and it's up to the department of justice to determine what if any actions they will take. >> dana: what happened to return to norms, katie? >> returning to norms, being respectful of the different branches of government. chief justice robert called it a betrayal. it was impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause within the court saying it's the gravest, most unforgivable sin and the opinion in question here, dana, justice alito wrote the justices should not be pressured by the public or politics to change their opinion or make decisions. think it is notable the white house is not only condemning this behavior of leaking from the court which puts the trust of the institution into question, but they are also not calling on the public to respect the space of the justices that we've seen far left activists going to their homes but they also aren't saying the justices should make decisions based on the law, not public pressure which i think is very telling about how they feel about what happened here. >> dana: katie pavlich. good to sigh. >> for us this is not going to change anything. for us war is going on for eight years now. the full-fledged war is going on for 70 days. >> bill: zelenskyy again exclusive interview only here on fox. putin's army continues to show no mercy. this time firing rockets into a children's amusement park. the delaware computer repairman who turned in hunter biden's laptop was accused of peddling russian misinformation. he is fighting back and going to take it before a judge in a court of law. >> it was pretty quick out of the gate that i was labeled a hacker and then after adam schiff and 51 intelligence experts deaf sided to tell the rest of the american people i was a russian asset. whoa. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 rx 450 hybrid all-wheel drive. finally. our honeymoon. it took awhile, but at least we got a great deal on our hotel with kayak. i was afraid we wouldn't go.. with our divorce and.... great divorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at once. kayak. search one and done. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit hey businesses! matchinyou all deserveription. something epic! so we're giving every business, our best deals on every iphone - including the iphone 13 pro with 5g. that's the one with the amazing camera? 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he is suing all kinds of people. adam schiff, cnn and others, they accused him of peddling russian disinformation. that guy is john paul mac isaac. >> for the nation i felt fear for myself personally because of a lot of personal incriminating evidence i had seen on the laptop. i feared retaliation and an effort would be put in place to silence me. >> bill: joe concha is with us in person. nice to sigh. >> dana: what do you think of this jacket? >> i think it's tremendous. it will be memorable. >> bill: looks like summer. we forgot about summer around here. >> dana: the weather has been bad. >> bill: the sun is out today. does he have a case? >> absolutely, yes. for one thing you mentioned during the sound bite that the four names, john paul mac isaac. trust somebody with four names. but we've seen this man attacked in terms of his credibility or you go online and going -- when you look at the overall premise. is the laptop real? yes, "new york post" confirmed that 20 months ago in october of 2020 and "the new york times" and "washington post" got around to it. are the emails real? yes, they are. no one is disputing them and they show influence peddling and possible kick back to the president himself. so then john paul mac isaac sees what happened with nicholas sandmann when he sued to cnn, "washington post" for $250 million each and they had no argument and had to settle. why not me? my reputation has been destroyed, ability to earn a living has been destroyed. there has to be -- >> dana: you have to show actual malice. do you think he can prove that? >> that's the thing. was it intentional or just a mistake? when the mistake happens across all these news organizations after a while you have to think okay, there is a narrative being pushed and it may be intentional, yeah, just like it was with sandmann. >> he said after fighting to reveal the truth, all i want to know is -- all i want now is for the rest of the country to know there was a collective effort to block a real story with real consequences for the nation. he has been proofed right. >> the evidence is out there. we know because twitter has admitted that they censored stories around this, suppressed accounts or locked out accounts all together. it is all out there. no one can dispute it. i don't see how he loses this quite frankly. >> dana: the reporter that left "the new york times" and has a podcast now. she was asked this week about what she thinks happened to some of these news organizations. here is what she said. the question was particularly who has captured "the new york times"? she said an ideological minority who doesn't believe in all the news is fit to print. believes in pushing a political agenda and looking as cans at people's curiosity who they think in the wrong direction. >> she is one of the most fearless people out there. they are not going to be invited to cpac soon. this isn't a conservative argument. she calls herself a centrist and once said in her resignation letter showing up for work as a centrist at an american newspaper should not require bravery. it made me the subject of constant bullying by my colleagues who disagree with my views. she felt she had to leave. bennett who had the audacity to print an op-ed from tom cotton say we should consider using the national guard when protests get out of control. "new york times" said it didn't meet our standards. a majority of americans believe it's a good idea. >> dana: if a u.s. senator can't express his opinion in the "new york times," that isn't much of a paper. >> 52% agreed we should use the national guard. that's a good debate. 48% say no. when you read and op-ed it is the point. it spurs conversation and unique thought. "the new york times" is run by a woke mob within its organization. they fired their public editor a couple of years ago and rely on comments section on social media. that's smart. >> bill: she would know, she worked there. great to see you. >> great to see that jacket. >> bill: just for you. >> dana: news fox news polling showing voter backlash as a growing number of liberal state push lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. betsy devos will weigh in. a smuggler leading border patrol on a child chase on the southern border as officials report a huge surge in new migrant encounters, a new report coming up. riders! let your queries be known. uh, how come we don't call ourselves bikers anymore? i mean, "riders" is cool, but "bikers" really cool. -seriously? -denied. can we go back to meeting at the rec center? the commute here is brutal. denied. how do we feel about getting a quote to see if we can save with america's number one motorcycle insurer? should flo stop asking the same question every time? -approved! -[ altered voice ] denied! 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it should. it's another bad scheme for california. >> dana: new york attorney general james announcing a settlement with turbotax operator intoou it. investigation found turbotax was deceiving customers by steering low income tax filers from free services. it will provide restitution to nearly 4.4 million turbotax customers. consumers are expected to receive a check of $30 for each year they used the service. >> bill: how about that? education said to be a major factor upcoming mid-terms. new fox poll finds that 55% of americans support banning teachers from talking about sexual orientation or gender identity before the grade of 4 or fourth grade now. former education secretary betsy devos with me now. good morning. a couple topics i want to get to. what have you found on gender identity k-3, what do you think? >> well, i think parents have clearly awakened to the fact that first of all in many cases their children haven't been learning the basics that they need to succeed in the future. they realize that their children have been held hostage through a government-run union-controlled system and they are fed up with it. they didn't sign up to co-parent with the government. and so the focus needs to be on giving kids back to learning what they need to succeed and to thrive in the future. the fact that -- they are stating the fact that we don't rank in the top 20 in any of the subject areas as compared to our international peers. the focus needs to be back on children learning and children being prepared to succeed as adults. parents know this. they are fed up with the government-run, union-controlled system. candidates who actually embrace the pro-student, pro-parent and pro-school choice agenda are going to clean up in this fall. >> bill: speaking of learning, covid didn't do anyone any favors no matter what the situation or the position was. the head of a big teachers union randi wine garten stated the obvious. >> our kids are in crisis. for two years of disruption, two years of looking at the screen, two years of not having a normal kind of routine and rhythm. recovery is really tough. >> bill: a lot of people who listen and say we were telling you that during covid. >> that's absolutely right. and she is just trying to gas light the american people but we're wiser than that. as early as late august, september 2020, way over a year and a half ago, she took the time to say we're ready -- teachers were ready to go back to schools and it was safe but it was trump and devoes with their political b.s. made them think otherwise. she trying to rewrite history and it is absolutely ridiculous and wrong. and it again is covering the failings of a system that has failed thousands and millions and millions of kids. >> bill: one other topic i want to get to. student loan forgiveness. it seems like the commander-in-chief is ready to do something on this at some level. one proposal, $10,000 maximum cap. you get relief if you make $125,000 a year, $150,000 for a couple. could go as high as $300,000 for a couple. a lot of income now. so here is what a former obama education department lawyer said. call for two. if the issue is litigated, he argues, the more persuasive analysis the end to support the conclusion the executive branch does not have the unilateral authority to engage in mass student debt cancellation. maybe that is a part of joe biden's calculation why he hasn't done it yet. it could be challenged in court and maybe you lose. what is your view on that? >> absolutely. this affirms what we opineed late in the trump administration. we put together a very in-depth memo examining this. what they are talking about is patently illegal. not only is it illegal but also unfair to 2 out of 3 americans who have never taken out student loans or student debt. and to those who have paid off their loans faithfully and continued to do what they've been expected to do. and so this is an issue that is only relevant in the twitters fear, not relevant to the tens of millions of adults in america for whom this issue is more a fairness issue and in this case what they are talking about is straight up illegal. >> bill: i still contend he will do something. what that is i don't know. perhaps it does go to the courts straight after that. betsy devos, thank you for coming back. nice to see you again. >> good to sigh, too. >> dana: amber heard giving emotional testimony yesterday on the abuse she allegedly suffered at the hand of her ex-husband johnny depp. stunning details as they prepares to retake the stand in just a few minutes. a deadly shoot-out at a marijuana dispensary leading to a manhunt. what happened here? 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especially with hr and payroll software. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in a single, easy-to-use software. visit and schedule a demo today. when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. men, you need to get off the couch and get with the program. with golo, i lost 50 pounds. it feels really good to be able to button your jacket and not worry about it blowing up. -(laughs) -go to to lose weight and get healthier. >> dana: grim milestone to mark for america. the covid-19 death toll surpasses one million. more than 81 million recorded infections in the 27 months since the u.s. confirmed its first case of covid-19. while vaccines have certainly helped mitigate the risks there are an estimated 360 deaths per day. important to remember that and for those who have lost loved ones our hearts go out to you and sorry for your loss. >> bill: crossing one million is a big deal with what we've been through. this from california. watch this video. check this out. >> dana: i can barely watch it. >> bill: two suspects this botched robbery at a smoke shop in l.a. with a deadly shoot-out after security guard took out his own gun. could have been worse maybe. william la jeunesse is on that. take us inside that video. >> it is a miracle the security guard even survived. in l.a., bill. homicides now near a 15-year high. street gangs are targeting customers leaving restaurants and businesses have to fend off criminals looking for eefsy money. this security guard, however, is wearing a bullet proof vest. he is ready. these four men enter a smoke shop in compton. first two approach the front counter and don't buy anything. two others come in. last guy pulls out a gun and both fire almost instantly. guard goes down: the guard sustains wounds. the reverse angle. shooter trips over his wounded accomplice who struggles to get on his feet as the gang tries to leave, more shots are fired from the doorway. one later dies in the hospital. a second is caught. these two suspects flee in a getaway car and remain at large. the 23 and 21-year-old both wanted for murder. according to police the smoke shop was an illegal marijuana dispensary. neighboring businesses complained about the violence, but there is no enforcement of these type of businesses. the irony is pot in california is legal. the problem is pot smokers think the legal stuff is too expensive because of the taxes so these illegal pot stores remain and thrive and there is no shortage of product because of illegal grow houses in the empire providing the product. robbers got no pot, no money, but their friend, bill, dead. back to you. >> bill: william la jeunesse, thank you for that from los angeles. >> dana: fox news alert now top of the hour now topping the news. president biden bashing republicans calling them extreme as campaign season gets underway. is mid-term message on the economy failing to mention inflation? escalating rhetoric and what voters have to say about how biden is handling the economy. corporations and billionaires flooding the political landscape with huge sums of anonymous dark money bank rolling activity groups on the far left to push their radical agenda and the federal reserve moving to tackle inflation boosting a key rate by a half percent in a bid to cool down the economy. could they cool it too much and trigger a recession? more on those stories throughout the hour as we take you through it all. >> no, i didn't want to leave him and i didn't want this to be the reality. i didn't want to have the man i was in love with -- i know you don't come back from that. it broke my heart. i had to leave him. >> dana: amber heard taking the stand for the first time yesterday recalling her stormy and abusive relationship with actor johnny depp. she will be back on the stand any minute as she defends herself in a defamation case. i'm dana perino. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. something else yesterday. i'm bill hemmer, riveting testimony. amber heard describing a whirl wind romance when she was 22 years old and harrowing details of physical abuse saying johnny depp's personality could change depending on what drug he was taking at the time. she also said depp called his abusive side the monster. that was a quote. front page "new york post" describing the toxic relationship as jekyll and heard. getting ready for another day in minutes there. david spunt live. >> both are in the courtroom right nou. amber heard and johnny depp. emotional many times yesterday describing not only physical and sexual abuse with her relationship with depp. he was high multiple times during their relationship and even accused her of hiding his drugs. we have a warning for our virus and listeners right now. what you are about to hear is disturbing and graphic. >> he was grabbing my breasts. he is touching my thighs. he rips my underwear off. and then he -- he proceeds to do a cavity search. >> amber heard details what she said was multiple episodes of violence as a result of depp's temper during her testimony. depp looked down instead of at the witness stand a few feet in front of him. >> i would look at him and he would ask me if i wanted to go again and shove me back down and eventually he just hit me. >> the actor is suing heard for defamation over a 2018 "washington post" op-ed she authored describing herself as a victim of domestic violence. the name johnny depp was never mentioned in the op-ed. he was never arrested or charged as a result of the abuse claims but remember, this is a libel trial meaning the burden is on johnny depp to say heard engaged in malice and demonstrated a reckless disregard for the truth in writing the op-ed. a high legal bar to prove. his team believes he can do it. amber heard is expected to say she did hit johnny depp but only in self-defense. bill and dana. >> bill: we'll be back there shortly. david spunt outside the courthouse. >> inflation is much too high and we understand the hardship it is causing. >> dana: jerome powell announcing a half point rate hike yesterday. warning more hikes are lightly in a bid to fight the worst administration since the reagan administration. larry kudlow joins us. what about the initial decision yesterday? >> the problem with this whole story is yeah, he raised the rate, the target rate by 50 basis points, half a percent. that's the most in 20 years. but dana, the problem is the inflation rate is the highest in 40 years. so the fed remains way behind the curve and we're in trouble and inflation is going to continue. we had a report out this morning labor costs increased over 7% year-on-year. that's probably the highest in close to 40 years. the federal reserve doesn't even acknowledge that. they didn't even mention wage, price spirals. they blamed it all on vladimir putin and ukraine and covid. they sound a lot like joe biden. i will bring them up in front of the truth board on the misinformation governance board. they are not talking straight to the american people who are suffering from falling real wages. so this is not a good story and the fed, by the way, yesterday again they are not selling bonds. they are waiting to strengthen their portfolio and not cutting back on the money supply. you saw the stock market went up over 900 points. like all these investors are cheering the fed is not doing very much of anything. so it is not a good story. i don't think it will end well. >> bill: i know a lot of people look at the 401ks and they aren't happy. they all expected them to raise half a point yesterday and then what they say is that the market has already built this in. built in what? my logic tells me if you build it in we should have been flat yesterday, but we weren't. we're up an astounding 1,000 points, 3%. we've already given half of that back. can you make sense of that? >> no, probably not. look, the market is very erratic day-to-day, to be honest with you. nobody can really understand or even predict these short run swings. my advice is always the same on the stock market. there is over 100 million people in the stock market. middle income folks, working folks, have 401ks and iras. that's their retirement savings. it might not be as huge as musk but to them is very important. my advice is buy and hold. you stay with them for the long run because in the long run, they perform better than any other asset class. and i know we are going to go through some tough times. look, the fed keeps talking about a soft landing. they will bring inflation back to 2%, right? it's at 8 and going to 2. the unemployment rate isn't going to go up. that is utter nonsense. they should go before the misinformation board. we are going to have a difficult time. there is going to be some tough, tough -- i think it will be hard to escape a recession. i don't think it is this year but i think it's next year. the point i'm trying to make is the sooner the fed acts decisively and takes aggressive action, it's up to them to bring down inflation. yeah, the better off we'll be in the long run. you can't have growth and prosperity without that. i don't know, it's all become so darn political and there are woke members of the federal reserve board that care more about climate change and social issues than they do about price stability. middle income people are making good money. wages are going up by 6 or 7%. but in real terms after inflation, they are losing money. as you say the stock market -- the stock market to date on the s&p whatever it is down, 10 or 12% but if you adjust for inflation it is down close to 20%. and the fed is not taking responsibility and on the other side of the coin we really should freeze government spending. for heaven sakes, and we should not be raising taxes as mr. schumer and mr. biden are suggesting. unlock the regulations for oil and gas and lng and pipelines that would help enormously. there are things we could do to help this story. things we should do to not hurt it anymore. but at the end of the day it is up to the fed and yesterday believe me, jay powell is no paul volker. i worked for paul volker at the new york fed. i hate to even say it. it was about 50 years ago. powell likes to use volker's name. volker is my hero. if powell's hero is volker he ought to act like volker. volker took decisive actions in the late 70s and early 80s. we took the pain for a year, year and a half. volker pulled in the money supply and reagan cut taxes. we ought to try the same thing right now. top the spengd. make the trump tax cuts permanent and the fed will haul in the money supply and bring their target rate above the inflation rate. and they are so -- yesterday basically powell ruled that out, which is one reason why stocks went up so much briefly. >> bill: thank you, larry. you make us all smarter. >> dana: thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> bill: thing about inflation everybody is watching it now, you, me. >> dana: everybody feels it. >> bill: everybody has their own story and example. every single day you can do this. buying flowers the other day. hope she is not watching. and dana, it is the same florist every time, every year. it is always $109. how much was it this year? >> dana: a lot more. we don't want to say because she might be watching. >> bill: $145. excuse me? you know what she said? we can't get anything, bill. we can't even get carnations and that's -- >> dana: then you think about the energy cost. fuel is up. energy prices are on to keep the lights on. everybody is paying for. it is starting to hurt people quite a bit on all of this. thank you to larry. >> bill: almost down 2% on the market. meantime there is this. okay, scenes like this at the southern border unfolding every day. a high speed chase. border patrol agents battling a record influx of migrants coming in illegally. it will escalate when title 42 is over in two weeks' time. nate foye is in roma, texas, with more. good morning. >> good morning to you. multiple crossings in roma overnight including a group of 20 or 30 migrants that our photographer caught turning themselves into border patrol. i want to show you new video as texas dps and border patrol agents chase a drug smuller who drives into the rio grande river on purpose to get back to mexico with 400 pounds of marijuana in the truck. look at this video playing out in brownsville, texas east of where we are in roma this morning. the chase starts in rural roads and takes over a grassy area surrounding the river and then you will see the truck go over an embankment and that's what border patrol agents call a splashdown. you will see in body cam video these border patrol agents get out of their vehicles. they confiscate the drugs but what you don't see in the video is the drug smuggler being taken into custody. the reason for that is because they purposely drive into the river so they can swim across the river to mexico. leave the drugs behind. in this case 486 pounds of marijuana confiscated. also here in roma, texas overnight i mentioned multiple groups crossing. overnight photographer caught a group of 20 migrants. this is putting a lot of pressure on this community specifically ngos and charities. we spoke to one person who was working with a charity this morning. >> sound bite? >> thought we had a sound bite. we'll work to get it to you later in the day. essentially they are seeing hundreds of people crossing in roma and this community is not built for it. there is one bus that goes to houston at 10:00 a.m. every day. they have a hard time dealing with the influx of migrants. >> bill: nice to sigh on the border. >> dana: we'll take you into the hearing where amber heard is back on stand. i want to make sure we warn all of you that there could be graphic language and images as this hearing continues. she is testifying. let's listen in. >> i let him rent my apartment for the vultures, what he called the press. and he said now that we were like a known couple, now that it was out in the press, that my apartment wasn't safe effectively for me. i had a modest apartment in los angeles and so he started saying i needed to have security on me or we would bring out the neighboring houses because of the vultures and it was a conversation and then that conversation evolved into i should move in with him. always want i had me to go with his security guards and wanted me to have his credit card. i wouldn't except that. the conversation about moving in became, you know, hard to resist because i was increasingly becoming a part of his life and also loving his family and feeling like, you know, more stability would mean more stability with him and his struggles with drug and alcohol use and i thought i would minimize some of the jealousy and insecurity that he had. it was hard for me to work, justify working every audition, every meeting, every script i got with a negotiation or fight. i had to justify it like as if i was saying hey, let's have an open relationship. i thought that would be minimized if i could make him feel more secure by, you know, if we lived together certainly there would be more security, right? that was my reasoning. >> so you talked about reading scripts and things. what did you do differently in terms of pursuing your acting career? >> well, i've always -- i believe in really -- i have been really dependent and never imagined not working. working from the earliest time i can imagine. i come from parents who worked until they literally couldn't anymore. i never, never imagined myself having to explain my job or justify my job. i did, you know. i am independent and i see myself as independent and strong willed and i had to bargain. every time i would get a script it would be, you know, i thought you weren't taking another job. i would always say you're kidding me, that's crazy. i have to work and i support my family. when i moved out to l.a. i would get a check for a gig, $600. safe half to me, send half to my family. i kept having to justify taking work by saying i'm supporting my parents, you know, i'm supporting my sister and family, i have to work. he would say you don't have to work, kid. let me take care of you. you don't have to work. it sounds sweet and romantic in some ways but it became a real fight every time i got a script, it was what kind of -- how i was dressing, what kind of behavior i would have. did i have a sex scene? and then i started saying no, i won't take the sex scenes or i will take the part where i don't play, you know, that kind of character or then i started minimizing the kind of kissing scenes that i had and eventually i had to change the wardrobe that i could have in the movie. i couldn't have a sex scene but that all was -- it didn't happen all at once, of course. little thing after little thing after little thing and eventually i found myself pushing as many scripts off my desk as i could taking the ones that had minimal makeup, dress is conservative as possible. finding ways to minimize the scenes i had where i had a romantic involvement of any kind. it was a constant battle and negotiation. >> let me take you back. did you, as a result of your discussions with mr. depp about moving in, did there come a time that you did move in with him? >> objection, leading. >> overruled. >> yes. >> let me ask you this. you talked about penthouse appointments and suites. could you explain to the jury the different places that mr. depp had in los angeles and what they were called just so we have some context here when we are going through all this? >> it's a little confusing, i imagine. i think he had four or five mansions in this beautiful border of beverly hills and west hollywood and all on a cul de sac and we called it -- the name of the street. five houses, i think five houses, it could be four, all effectively he had the whole street. then he had about five penthouses downtown on the same floor of the eastern columbia building that you've heard about the ecb and sweetser was johnny's kingdom. one of those houses was like a whole house with his man cave, the studio. and it was where we hung out and we spent some time in there but it was effectively johnny's, you know, place and then there was the downtown places. and they were effectively empty save for some furniture and one of johnny's friends, isaac, who you met. and he lived there at some point before johnny and i eventually decided to move in together. >> are we talking about the penthouses or suites here? >> isaac lived in the penthouses. the rest of them were about -- pretty much empty and my best friend, who i was very, very, very close to, went through a breakup and he kindly insisted on moving her into this penthouse and, of course, she said no for the first few times but he insisted. they were empty and we would love to have her move down there and he very kindly moved by best friend downtown. >> rocky? but the problem is like 30 or 45 minutes from west hollywood where my place was which we call orange at the time. >> okay. so when did you move into the penthouses? >> shortly after he moved rocky, my best friend, into the penthouse. she was in one of these in the apartments and somewhere around that time i -- i think it took me some time, actually, but after that i eventually agreed to move in with him and give up my place, although it made me nervous to be honest. we were in a relationship that was serious and constantly traveling. we were in l.a. for a matter of days or weeks. we would each do a job. i'd come back for a photo shoot or read carpet and go visit him on a location. an incidible amount of travel and movement so we weren't really living the day-to-day that you might normally with a partner where you have a home and you move in together and have one home. we didn't have that. it was different. >> i want to take you to september of 2013. what were you filming at that time? >> london fields. yes, that's right. i had just started. >> did there come a time when you became engaged to mr. depp? >> well, yeah. it was difficult because that role was a very difficult role. every time -- every scene that involved sexuality or romance was like -- i would look at that on the page and it felt like -- i would feel my gut tighten because i knew it was going to be an issue. but johnny dropped me off. he -- i gave him the script, sent him pictures of what i was wearing in my wardrobe fittings. i sent him everything. i shared my script with his team and the fighting eventually kind of minimized. it was clear i was going to do this job and i told myself i had to do this job. and johnny had to go to london, i think, for some pre-production stuff for a movie he was going to do, a smaller part in, i think. it was called -- i think it was into the woods is my best guess. so he dropped me off in london and when he dropped me off in london we had a few days at this hotel that we first, you know, consummated our relationship in. it was when we were on the london press tour and our relationship developed. that was the same hotel we were in, the same room, which johnny liked to be in the same room. and it was in a suite. he got down on one knee and said i want you to be my girl, be my girl forever, my woman, my girl. i want you to be the rest of my life. say yes to me. he said he wanted to spend every day -- he promised me that every day when i woke up that i would wake up and he would make me smile at least once, and that would be his goal. and, you know, i looked into his eyes and i saw my future and hope. like blind hope. it was one of the most -- i can't describe that kind of joy, you know? i thought, you know, if we were married, then this is real, this is real, this isn't a thing of -- this isn't chaotic and this will change. i had so much hope in that moment. and i just said to him over and over again are you serious? are you serious? are you sure? he didn't have a ring so i thought is this an impulse thing? in my experience johnny can be very impulsive. and he said over and over again, be my woman forever. i want you to be my wife, my wife, my wife. i, of course, cried. we had a wonderful evening, and i -- he left shortly after and i was like -- the next day i had to go to work and i couldn't tell anyone and i wasn't sure. part of me was worried that he didn't mean it or wasn't sure. i just didn't want it to be an impulse thing. i didn't want to mention it or bring it up. i didn't want to -- i walked around for a few days like i had butterflys under my skin and then he brought my dad out to london with my best friend and my dad told me, you know, johnny has asked me permission for your hand in marriage. and i felt like the luckiest woman in the world. >> so while you were filming london fields and johnny had gone back to l.a. what if any issues did you have with him on fraternizing with the cast? i'm going to ask michelle, can you pull up defendant's exhibit 188, please? >> your honor, i'm going to object on hearsay. >> 188a. i have redacted everything except what mr. depp says. admission against interest. do you have that? while they're working on that, can you tell us what transpired between you and mr. depp when you wanted to do something with a cast member? >> as i said, he came to london for his own work and also he dropped me off in london where i had to be for a few months to film this movie. and he asked me to marry him. he brought my best friend and my dad out. they left. and shortly after they left, my co-star, one of my co-stars invited me to go to a concert with him and some of the cast to break the ice and i would be working with him for the next few months. and i had already -- i already knew i couldn't be photographed even if it was platonic i couldn't be photographed with men or women that other people could possibly spin as romantic. i had learned that in january the hard way. so i asked him permission if i could go to this concert with the cast. and i, you know, i said johnny, my co-star -- >> objection, your honor, hearsay. >> don't tell us what the co-star was, just tell us what your communication was with mr. depp. >> her communications are hearsay, objection. >> sustain the objection. >> i'm not sure i understand. >> if you want to approach. >> yes. [attorneys talking with judge] [off the record discussion] >> bill: so this could be a bit of a delay as we watch the mutual destruction society play out in front of us. brian claypool is an attorney watching this. brian. you have been struck by how much testimony has been allowed in the case that you believe has gone so far away from the issue at hand. so what do you make of her testimony? >> good morning. great to be back with you. look, every civil jury trial is like high stage drama. lawyers draft a script and then witnesses and the parties of the case star in the script. this is really a tale of two scripts. remember depp put on the stand to your point. evidence allowed of amber heard hitting him. that she was throwing things at him, that she threw a vodka bottle and cut off his finger. threw a mineral can and hurt him above the nose. that evidence came in during the case. i don't think it should have come in. this is a defamation case. >> bill: stand by. thank you for that. >> that the engagement would be off and the relationship would be off and that i was foolish, naive, for thinking that people could invite me to a concert in a platonic way. >> objection, hearsay. >> she said what mr. depp said. i don't understand. >> i'll overrule that objection. >> please continue. >> he said i was foolish and that no one could invite me to -- how could i be so dumb that think that somebody could just invite me to a concert. why would they want to hang out with me? obviously it was because they wanted more from me and that i probably wanted more, too, you know. i was basically asking for it. you are going to go backstage. what will you say to the band and i know how this plays out. who is the other girl that will be there. how can you be so stupid and foolish? you should be smarter than this. and i apologized. that whole evening i think for hours i spent on the phone with him texting, calling, talking, hanging up, he would hang up on me and be up set and send me cryptic messages about my foolishness and i'm already doing a movie where i play this character when i -- like i read the script and i thought this character was empowered sexually and by the time i have got johnny's feedback on it i had been convinced that actually i was just being used. that i was just being used. it was clear that was all i had to offer and i was too foolish to see it. and i had -- >> i am going to stop you there because i want you to take a look at defendant's exhibit 188a. do you recognize this portion of the text chain between you and mr. depp? >> yes, i do. >> this is on september 9, 2013? >> yes, it is. >> okay. and these statements mr. depp made to you during that evening that you just described to the jury? >> yes. >> i will move the admission of defendant's 188a. >> no objection. >> in evidence as redacted. do i have this redaction? >> we'll need to give you a hard copy. thank you. >> and if i -- and if i can draw your attention to it, he first says i don't want to make anything an issue, baby, but i have been on the ground 14 hours from moving your side and then he said you know what i want, who i am and where i want to go with us. you know very well what type of fucking man i am and you lay a gauntlet before me that always attracts me into a very tempting test. what's behind that door? almost impossible to not take you on. you want me to roll the dice? this sounds more like an aggravated ultimatum that soft words. don't test me, please. did he tell you that? >> yes, he did. >> what did you understand that to mean? >> it was clear it was a threat that if i wanted -- >> objection, speculation. >> i think she can say what she understood it to mean. >> i will sustain the objection. >> let's move on then to the filming of mordecai with mr. bet knee in october and november 2013. where did that take place? >> in london. >> okay. and what, if any, involvement did you have? were you there for any part of that filming? >> part of it. i happened to be in london already for the film i was just telling you about and johnny came to london shortly after to film his own movies. he did the smaller -- i think it was a smaller role in into the woods and he was filming mordecai after that. so after i finished my movie i moved in with him into his house in london. a rented house in london. >> okay. and describe your experiences during that time period with mr. depp. >> it was really touch and go. he was filming with paul bettney and there were days when he wouldn't come home or they couldn't get him up on set. he would be asleep in his trailer, sleeping whatever he had done the night before off. i remember he missed a few days of work that way. it struck me because in my experience in our job, you don't miss work. it doesn't matter how sick you are, you go. it is millions of dollars every single day. they are filming and i had not experienced someone who could effectively just control the set like that. to that extent. and one day he didn't come home and i was worried sick. i found out that he was in a hotel room with -- >> objection, hearsay. >> move forward. >> they had to carry him home. >> objection, hearsay. >> i watched it. >> okay. go ahead. >> please continue. >> i watched. actually, i was shocked that he could do it. one of the security guards carried johnny like a baby into the house. and i looked at that and his boots were hanging over the security guard's arm who had to negotiate getting through the doorway carrying johnny like this and i watched this, his assistant and the other security guard shaking their head. just shaking their head acknowledging this is how bad it is and i remember thinking this has got to be it. this has got to change. this is surely, this is it. and he was understandably very, very sick for at least two days is my recollection. and in that two days, i had a lot of conversations with his team. i won't say what they were. but i felt at that juncture very encouraged that everybody and myself were on the same page. and i felt encouraged that we were in a new chapter. that johnny had finally hit rock bottom and finally he felt like changing for good. and i felt really supported by these conversations i was having with the people he was close to and that he trusted. >> november 2013, did you have any contact with lily rose that led to any discussions with mr. depp? >> objection, leading. >> if, if any, connection did you have with lily rose. >> objection calls for hearsay, leading. >> i'll sustain the objection. >> november 2013, what, if any, interaction did you have with lily rose, without saying anything she said? >> objection, hearsay. >> it's interaction, your honor. i'm not asking what she said. >> lay a foundation. >> did there come a time in november 2013 that you saw lily rose? >> yes, she came to stay with us for sometime in the winter around november, i believe, 2013. >> when you said they who are you referring to. >> johnny's kids, jack and lily. >> was there a particular incident that led to disagreement with mr. depp? >> objection, leading. >> sustained. >> what, if any, interaction did you have with lily rose that led to an argument with mr. depp ?oo >> objection, leading. >> what, if any. >> let us approach. [discussion off the record with attorneys and judge] >> dana: so we continue to watch the testimony of amber heard in the trial. unlike during his testimony, there were not many interruptions like there have been here. we'll go back to her now. >> please describe that. >> i didn't -- you know, these kids were -- i found them to be these beautiful, wildly intelligent little weirdos in the best way, you know? they were -- i was falling in love with them and, you know, they were in my life at that time, a short amount of time but i loved it and i started to feel very protective and, you know, johnny's sobriety meant he was there and then he wasn't. and the nature of our lives with travel and work and he was there and he wasn't. lily rose had a crush on >> objection, hearsay. >> i'll overrule. >> please continue. >> this argument happened because johnny was -- i didn't agree that this gentleman, a famous musician, over the age of 18, spent the night at the house and i felt protective over lily rose and concerned. and naturally they were not my children. not my place and i understand that and it was a sensitive subject and i understand why johnny got so upset with me and that and the introduction of the weed with his daughter. she was so young, i just felt protective. again, it's not my place, i understand that. and i made him really angry by weighing in on that. >> did there come a time that there was a family engagement gathering? >> well, we celebrated thanksgiving in london. the kids were there. there was a stint of sobriety following how sick he got on set with paul. after one of his drunk binges and he kind of just came alive again, you know. he even played a prank on me about having relapseed when he hadn't relapseed. i started to kind of feel that with the kids being around i did think that maybe this was it. we were on a good path, meaning to sobriety, that this was it. and our life was peaceful for a minute. it was -- it went to back to being wonderful and there were these moments that just felt so wonderful. >> objection, your honor, not responsive. >> i'll sustain the objection. >> there was an engagement party. >> yes, come christmas of 2013 johnny had rented this beautiful mansion in malibu on the beach. it was gorgeous. and he brought my family out and his family was out in l.a. and we stayed in the rented mansion and were all together for the holidays and one evening we were going to his mother's house. his mother who you've heard about was older and sick. but at home being cared for. and he -- one evening we were going to have christmas dinner there with her around the time of her birthday as well, and my best friend said you should -- >> objection, hearsay. >> go ahead. go past that. what did you do? >> we went to betty sue's house, his mother's house and johnny proposed in front of our families in this big surprise -- he surprised me, got down on one knee and i cried and hugged my mother and hugged his mother and he gave me this enormous diamond ring and it was a nice time. >> we take you into january and february of 2014. you had -- you employed a woman named kate james, is that correct? what if any relationship did you have with kate james? >> she was my assistant at the time and i hired her sometime in 2012. and had as minimal contact with her as i possibly could. >> and why is that? >> she was -- it was difficult -- troubled and inconsistent that she drank on the job and stuff like that and her behavior was horrible. >> objection. >> kate james testified and bias -- >> allow it, go ahead. >> okay. please describe for the jury what job responsibilities kate had and how you communicated with her and kind of how that worked? >> objection, compound. >> overruled. >> thank you. >> we had minimal person to person interaction because i was hardly ever in l.a. if i was, i was there for a few days at a time and johnny and i kind of lived in this insular bubble anyway when we were together. but we would send emails, texts and a lot of voice memos, voice notes. and, you know, i found that if i said kate, you know, if you love the car running with your doors open and your kids in the car on the street -- >> objection, hearsay. >> she is testifying about context. >> sustain the objection. next question. >> i will ask you to take a look at defendant's exhibit 209. >> your honor, i'll object on hearsay grounds. hearsay. >> may have i lay the foundation first? ms. heard, did you communicate with kate james by email in the ordinary course of your business? >> yes, i did. >> and i am going to ask you to take a look at defendant's 209. is this a communication that was between you and kate james that was in the ordinary course of business with her as an employee? >> yes, it is. >> i will move the admission of defendant's exhibit 209. >> still hearsay, your honor. if there is hearsay involved inside the business record there is still objection to hearsay. >> the business records exception. i don't -- i don't agree. i think the point -- >> approach. >> bill: brian, you are still with us. where are we headed? >> this is important testimony. kate james was amber's assistant for three years. she testified in a videotape deposition that amber heard was very difficult to deal with. that she was very callous. at one point kate james test notified amber heard got in her face four inches from her face and actually spit in her face after kate james asked for a raise. kate james also testified to important fact. remember there was testimony early on about some abuse taking place on a plane ride that depp allegedly twisted the wrist of a flight attendant and abused amber heard. kate james said when amber got home instead of her going to the apartment she went to the chateau hotel and was partying with her girlfriends. there is definitely animus between kate james and amber heard. >> dana: so what is the back and forth here? when we watch the depp testimony there were hardly any objections through the whole thing. this is interrupted every two seconds with an objection. >> you raise a good point. there is a big difference between depp testifying and her testifying. he was thoughtful and think before he responded. his answers were narrow and tighter. if you watch heard's testimony it is unusual in a jury trial for a judge to allow amber heard. she is narrateing and going on and on. she was asked what happened -- how did you meet kate james? instead of saying i hired her. i hired her and she was difficult to work with. that's beyond -- >> objection, hearsay. >> miss james testified. >> sustain the objection. >> all right. you can take that down, michelle. >> in the february -- i will jump to february and march 2016. what if any communications did you have with mr. depp about a pre-nup? >> after the engagement, but before the engagement party, i start evidence to -- i started to feel like it would make, you know, i know that he earned significantly more than me, successful act tofrment -- actor. i brought it up to him and my therapist. >> objection, hearsay. >> she is just saying she brought it up to her therapist not saying what she said. >> please focus on mr. depp, okay? >> of course. johnny said he would tear it up if -- he said if you ever brought one up to me or ever saw one and got my hands on it i'd tear it up. only way out of this is death. only way out of this is death. and i -- i thought it -- i thought it would be like -- i didn't care either way but i did feel that it would eliminate suspicion or doubt and it would make things easier. and i told him over and over again, you know, are you sure? are you sure? maybe we should do this. and he -- one time he said to me are you already thinking of how you are getting out of this and planning to get out of this, kid? are you already planning on leaving? that was the same -- it was around the same time as the moving in together conversation. he accused me of having one foot out. and they were happening around the same time. i still had my apartment and we were engaged now. he was asking me to redecorate his main house and move into the ecb building downtown where my best friend was living at this time. while the decorations and the remodeling had been done on sweetser, these conversations with happening how to build our future together and how we were going to move forward together and i -- you know, i would have forgotten about the extent that we had those conversations early on in the engagement if it hadn't been for my therapist's notes. >> if it hadn't been for what? >> my therapist's notes at the time when i was talking to her about that and my conversations with her. >> objection. >> let's take you to march 2014. was there an engagement party? >> yes. so yeah, it was march 2014. >> please describe for the jury. >> we had an engagement party and we decided that when we did get married we would have a small wedding. something intimate. but our lives were kind of big -- his life was extremely big, and we needed -- we wanted to have a bigger engagement party than a wedding and get our guests and family our friends and have a big event of it as opposed to making the wedding something that was big and, you know, so we put it on the engagement party and had a bunch of people. a lot of friends, business acquaintances, a lot of family. i had all of my family, friends and childhood friends come out for it and i even invited my therapist. a big event. >> okay. describe what took place at the engagement party. >> we walk in together and we took some pictures and said a few hellos and then johnny disappeared upstairs. i guess it's like a coast -- coat room. a big abandoned building rented out for events. he disappeared upstairs almost the entire party, i would say. kind of came down at the end when we were leaving and came down once because at the time he was sharing drugs with my dad. >> objection. speculation. lack of foundation. >> how do you know he was sharing drugs with your dad? >> i was there. i watched it. >> please continue. >> my dad at the time was on the same -- was addicted to the same thing johnny was. and so my dad had -- either my dad ran out or johnny ran out. i can't recall which of the two ran out but there was, you know, they needed more, of course, and had to leave the party -- my dad actually left with johnny's security to go get more drugs from -- >> objection, calls for speculation. >> how do you know that? >> they told me. >> hearsay. >> sustained. >> they left to go whatever and then they came back with drugs and everything was okay in terms of the withdrawal symptoms, i don't know what you call it that the point. but he still stayed upstairs and -- >> you are referring to mr. depp? >> yes, i am. shortly after that i tried to get johnny to come downstairs and he just snapped at me. just verbally told me to shut the [bleep] up and i remember talking to my mom of the irony of it. we were at an engagement party. that was a pretty -- pretty much it for the engagement party and i went downstairs and entertained guests and smiled and took pictures and put on a face and, you know, went about my evening. >> take you to may 2014, the met gala. could you please tell the jury what a met gala is and what is involved in that? >> objection, compound. >> overruled. >> met gala is a big event, annual event. celebrity event in new york, a fashion event but it is just a major red carpet event. and you have to be invited and it's kind of a thing. and we were invited that year. and i had already gone to the previous year or two and this year we were going to go together. and at some point in the evening we're sitting across the table and johnny starts asking me about this woman. he thought i was looking at this woman in a sexual way. and i kind of rned it around on him and said -- >> objection, hearsay. >> it's context, your honor. >> you can't tell us what you said to him. tell us what mr. depp said to you. >> he was accusing me of flirting and that's how the argument started. i don't recall what other accusation i was fielding that the moment. typically in my experience with him it wasn't just one. he would make a point and then he would go on to a different accusation. but i remember what started it is this accusation that i had been flirting at this event. we get back to the hotel room and johnny shoves me and grabs me by the collarbone area. not really my neck but top of my neck. the top of my -- above my collarbone and below my neck. i think at that point when we were still in the living room i shoved him back but i can't -- i don't really recall too many specifics. i remember he threw a bottle at me. he missed me but broke the chandelier. at some point i remember maybe this was the shove that i was talking about, but at some point johnny and i are in a struggle in the living room and he shoved me down on the sofa and i get up and trying to get him off of me. at some point he whacks me in the face and i had not -- at the time been -- like i didn't -- i think it was the first time is this a broken nose? at the time i was unsure what that feeling was. but i suspected i had a broken nose. and other than that i was relatively unscathed. but i remember my nose being swollen, discolored, red an

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, Discomfort , Container , Contacts , Vision , Taste Sensation , Side Effects , Eye Irritation , Surface , Fifteen , Dry Eye , Draftkings , Fanduel , State Corporations , Californians , Math , Promises , Sports Betting , Ballot Measure , Profits , 90 , States , Homeless , California , Scheme , Loopholes , Virginia , Arizona , James , Turbotax Operator Intoou , Settlement , Consumers , Customers , Restitution , Services , Income Tax Filers , 4 Million , Check , Teachers , Factor , Service , Education , Mid Terms , 55 , 30 , Grade , Education Secretary , Topics , Sexual Orientation , Gender Identity K 3 , 4 , Fact , Learning , Parents , Basics , Children Haven T , Cases , Kids , Children , System , Hostage , Union , Any , Subject Areas , Peers , Adults , Head , Covid Didn T , Anyone , Position , Pro Student , Speaking Of Learning , Teachers Union Randi Wine Garten , Disruption , Obvious , Crisis , Screen , Recovery , Covid , Rhythm , September 2020 , Schools , Devoes , B S , Millions , Thousands , Student Loan Forgiveness , Failings , Proposal , Level , Cap , 300000 , 125000 , 50000 , 25000 , 0000 , 10000 , 150000 , 00000 , Income , End , Lawyer , Obama Education Department , Joe Biden , Hasn T , Conclusion , Executive Branch , Student Debt Cancellation , Calculation , Authority , Memo , Student Loans , Loans , Student Debt , Twitters , Fairness , Tens , Courts , Amber , Shoot Out , Details , Ex Husband , Protein , Marijuana Dispensary Leading , Manhunt , Excited Yell , Thirty , Lover , Sugar , Nutrients , Quarrel , Sort , Company , Friends , Planet , Operations , Neighbors , Land , Products , Offering , Show Mom , Ground , Gift , Anti Fatigue Comfortmat , Round , Weathertech , Walmart , Protector , Vehicle , Finishes , Variety , Colors , Floorliner , Cupfone , Cargoliner , Gonna , Tool , Music , Employees , Software , Get , Hr Data , Payroll , Hr , Paycom , Single , Schedule A Demo Today , Visit Paycom Com , Men , Couch , Laughs , Program , Golo , Go To Golo Com , Milestone , Infections , Deaths , Vaccines , Death Toll , 19 , 27 , 81 Million , 360 , One Million , Video , Hearts , Loss , Loved Ones , Security Guard , Gun , Smoke Shop , Robbery , William La Jeunesse , Criminals , Restaurants , Miracle , High , Street Gangs , Homicides , Eefsy Money , In L A , Approach , Bullet Proof Vest , Counter , Compton , Don T Buy Anything , Down , Shooter Trips , Accomplice , Fire , Wounds , Reverse Angle , Doorway , Feet , Second , Getaway Car , Gang , Hospital , Both , Shop , Type , Smoke , Enforcement , Murder , Marijuana Dispensary , 21 , Taxes , Product , Stores , Smokers , Irony , Shortage , Money , Robbers , Grow Houses , Friend , Empire , Pot , Dead , Economy , Bashing , Campaign Season , Rhetoric , Groups , Corporations , Billionaires , Reserve , Landscape , Sums , Anonymous Dark Money Bank Rolling Activity , Bid , Recession , Rate , Relationship , Amber Heard Taking The Stand For First Time , Defamation Case , Whirl Wind Romance , Something Else , Side , Drug , Personality , Monster , Toxic Relationship , Courtroom , Nou , David Spunt , Jekyll , Drugs , Warning , Breasts , Virus , Listeners , Graphic , Thighs , Underwear , Cavity Search , Result , Front , Episodes , Witness Stand , Temper , Defamation , 2018 , Libel Trial , Domestic Violence , Victim , Disregard , Burden , Bar , Courthouse , Self Defense , Hardship , Hit , Half Point Rate Hike , Hikes , Jerome Powell , Most , Target Rate , Basis Points , Larry Kudlow , Inflation Rate , Trouble , Curve , 40 , Federal Reserve Doesn T , Highest , Labor Costs , Wage , 7 , Price Spirals , Wages , Bonds , The Way , Suffering , Stock Market , Money Supply , Portfolio , 900 , Market , Point Yesterday , Logic , 401 , Back , 1000 , Same , Advice , Swings , Nobody , 100 Million , Musk , Working Folks , Folks , Retirement Savings , 401ks And Iras , Run , Long Run , Asset Class , Unemployment Rate , Nonsense , Landing , Tough , Misinformation Board , Growth , Fed Acts Decisively , Price Stability , Prosperity , Climate Change , 6 , Responsibility , Government Spending , Coin , Regulations , Pipelines , Oil , Gas , Lng , Heaven Sakes , Schumer , Paul Volker , Powell , Hero , Volker , Powell S , My Hero , Pain , Early 80s , Out , Tax , Spengd , Larry , Stocks , Smarter , Hope , Florist , Example , Buying Flowers , 09 , 109 , 145 , , Energy Cost , Energy Prices , Fuel , The Lights On , Carnations , Record , Migrants , Scenes , Influx , Agents , High Speed Chase , Group , Roma , Crossings , Nate Foye , Marijuana , Chase A Drug Smuller , Photographer , Truck , Rio Grande River , Texas Dps , 400 , River , Truck Go , The Chase , Roads , Brownsville , Border Patrol Agents , Body Cam Video , Vehicles , Splashdown , Embankment , Custody , Drug Smuggler , Mexico , 486 , Charities , Crossing , Ngos , Charity , Bus , Houston , The Border , Hundreds , 00 , Hearing , Images , Apartment , Press , The Press , Vultures , Wasn T Safe , Houses , Security Guards , Credit Card , Wouldn T , Family , Stability , Use , Struggles , Audition , Alcohol , Jealousy , Insecurity , Script , Negotiation , Reading Scripts , Reasoning , Acting Career , Couldn T , Script It , Willed , Gig , Crazy , 600 , Kid , Care , Sister , Sex Scene , Ways , Dressing , Character , Don T Play , Kissing , Movie , Cried , Wardrobe , Ones , Scripts , Conservative , Dress , Makeup , Desk , Involvement , Battle , Oo Objection , Move , Jury , Context , Places , Suites , Penthouse Appointments , West Hollywood , Mansions , Beverly Hills , Five , The Street , Street , Cul De Sac , Got Johnny , Penthouses , Sweetser , Floor , Kingdom , Eastern Columbia Building , Ecb , House , Johnny S , Studio , Downtown Places , Man Cave , Save , Furniture , Isaac , Best Friend , Penthouse , Breakup , Best Friend Downtown , Rocky , Apartments , Somewhere , Photo Shoot , Carpet , Visit , Travel , Partner , Location , Incidible , 2013 , September Of 2013 , London Fields , Scene , Romance , Sexuality , Gut , Wardrobe Fittings , Into The Woods , Guess , Press Tour , Knee , Suite , Be My Girl , My Girl , Rest Of My Life , Goal , Joy , Blind Hope , Isn T A , Isn T Chaotic , Impulse Thing , Experience , Ring , Wife , Wasn T Sure , Dad , Permission , Under My Skin , Defendant , Cast , Michelle , Fraternizing , Exhibit 188 , Hearsay , Honor , 188 , Admission , Interest , Cast Member , Concert , Co Star , Co Stars , Ice , Platonic I Couldn T , Women , My Co Star , Communication , Communications , Attorneys , Discussion , Mutual Destruction Society Play Out In Front , Delay , Brian Claypool , Attorney , Drama , Lawyers , Every Civil Jury Trial , Case Star In The Script , Tale , Witnesses , Nose , Vodka Bottle , Mineral , Engagement , Objection , Girl , Band , Texting , Phone , Calling , Talking , Messages , Foolishness , Hanging Up , Feedback , Look , Exhibit 188a , Portion , Text Chain , September 9 2013 , 9 , Defendant S 188a , Attention , Redaction , Copy , Baby , 14 , Test , Door , Gauntlet , Dice , Words , Ultimatum , Don T Test Me , Speculation , Threat , Filming , Filming Mordecai , Bet Knee , November 2013 , October , Movies , Film , Smaller , Experiences , Paul Bettney , Touch And Go , Sleeping , Trailer , Him Up On Set , Miss , Someone , Extent , Set , Hotel Room , Sick , Boots , Arm , Assistant , This Is It , Recollection , Conversations , Juncture , Chapter , Good , Page , Rock Bottom , Lily Rose , Contact , Objection Calls , Connection , Interaction , Foundation , Winter , Jack , Lily , Disagreement , Sustained , Interruptions , Trial , Weirdos , Sobriety , Crush , Gentleman , Age , 18 , Weed , Daughter , Introduction , Family Engagement Gathering , Stint , Binges , Feel , He Hadn T Relapseed , Relapseed , Prank , Path , Engagement Party , Mansion , On The Beach , Malibu , Holidays , Well , Dinner , Betty Sue , Surprise , Diamond Ring , 2014 , February Of 2014 , January , Kate James , 2012 , Bias , Job Responsibilities , Compound , Bubble , Texts , Voice Notes , Voice Memos , Doors , Car , Car Running , Hearsay Grounds , Exhibit 209 , 209 , Ms , Foundation First , Course , Email , Employee , Business Records Exception , Videotape Deposition , Three , Face , Plane Ride , Flight Attendant , Raise , Wrist , Depp , Partying , Girlfriends , Animus , Chateau , Objections , Difference , Jury Trial , Answers , Beyond , Pre Nup , March 2016 , February , Therapist , Actor , Act Tofrment , Death , Hands , Suspicion , Doubt , Moving , Ecb Building Downtown , Decorations , Remodeling , Hadn T , Notes , 2014 Please , March 2014 , Wedding , Event , Guests , Big , Bunch , Business Acquaintances , Childhood , Coat Room , Hellos , Coast , Upstairs , Events , Big Abandoned Building , Lack , Johnny Ran Out , Ran Out , Whatever , Withdrawal Symptoms , May 2014 ,

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