Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

we still don't know how hi managed to get out. we don't know whether he had any accomplices. so much we have no idea. this much we do. it could have been, as i said, so much worse. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." bryan llenas has been following this closely from the first records of it going down earlier today. bryan, what are we learning, if anything? >> neil, good afternoon. what we know is there's been a bolo, be on the alert look out for a u-haul van with arizona plate al 31408. all u-haul vehicles have arizona plates because that's where the company is based. they're looking specifically for this van in connection with a shooting from earlier this morning. they told police officers to take extreme precautions when stopping this vehicle. we're looking for a 5'5" black man, heavy build, 180 pounds. he was wearing a green construction vest and a gray sweatshirt when he managed to get away after unleashing mayhem in the new york city subways just before 8:30 a.m. here in brooklyn at the 36st street station. there's videos showing what police officers and the police commissioner says was a man who put on a gas mask as the subway car was going in to the station. he unleashed a gas canister and opened fire. he hit ten people with gunshot wounds. at least five are in critical condition. everyone is expected to survive. 18 people were injured with smoke inhalation and other shrapnel injuries. you can understand the mayhem that we're seeing there. a already law enforcement official says this could have been much worse had the suspect's gun not jammed. luckily it did jam. they found extended ammo magazines as well as extra gas canisters and fireworks in a bag on the scene. this guy got away somehow. there was also this video showing specifically and interesting and terrifying moment. a man in between both train cars and you can see one train car filling up with smoke where the firing happened and another train car that is completely with people trying to figure out what the heck is going on and trying to escape with their lives. governor kathy hochul spoke. this is what she had to say about the situation. in fact, i misspoke. we have new york city mayor adams that spoke about the situation. take a listen. >> we will not allow new yorkers to be terrorized by a single individual. nypd is searching for the suspect at large and we will find him. >> that's mayor eric adams. he told a local radio station that there was a malfunction with a camera system here on 36st street. we don't know he said whether or not it affected all of the cameras at that strain station, but a malfunction nonetheless. we know that police were able to get a photo of this perp based on eye witness cell phone video. interestingly enough, they have not sent out a photo of this suspect for the public or for the press to help in this on going search. we expect to hear more between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. today where why expect a press conference. neil? >> neil: thanks, bryan. meantime, we're focused on the president in iowa right now. he's talking up a plan to lower cost for working families. all of this on the same day that we got news that inflation continues to run at a 40-year high. up 8.5% in the consumer price index, which has been running at this rate since princess diana married charles. remember that? jacqui heinrich at the white house, all of that way before she was born. i remember it. jacqui, the administration will be pushing this idea that there's a way to get ahead of this. in iowa they'll spell out how? >> we're waiting to hear from the president on this. we expect certainly this waiver on what environmentalists call dirty gas sales to help bring down prices for some americans. the white house announced this waiver hours before the labor department dropped yet another eye-popping inflation report. they're trying to get ahead of that and say look, we're doing something on gas prices. e-15 is banned in most states because of smog concerns. gas prices are now soaring. the epa is considering lifts this ban year round. but it's only actually available in about 1.5% of the country's fuelling stations like the president's economic adviser told you earlier today. listen. >> there's about 2,300 stations in the midwest that sell e-15. this addition, this waiver to allow that sale in production will increase the supply of gasoline between june and mid september, probably lowering the price of the gallon by another 10 cents. >> it's not just gas that is training america's bank accounts. the u.s. has not seen price rises since 1981. reagan was president then. inflation hitting 8.5% year over year. everything from groceries to rent climbing. the white house says core inflation came in less hot than expected at 6.5%. it's still the largest 12-month change since august of 1982. among the biggest price increases, beef up 16%. poultry and pork not far behind. 15 and 13%. all six major food group indexes went up. team biden says that they have a plan. listen to this. >> we have an aggressive set of agenda items including families with child care, prescription drugs, the cost of health insurance, increasing the economy supply side to meet strong demand. that is the biden solution. >> critics say it was this kind of spending that caused problems in the first place. joe manchin writing here's the truth. we cannot spend our way to a balanced healthy economy and continue adding to our 30 trillion national debt. so basically calling for the u.s. to have an all of the above energy plan to try to bring down the price of gasoline before manchin would give any support to any kind of spending as the white house is floating as a solution to this inflation that continues. neil? >> neil: jacqui heinrich, we'll be hearing from the president on what his plans are and we'll speak to ken langone, the guy that co-founded home depot, what he makes of this environment for all businesses right now. he started pretty inflationary environment. he's coming up. right now lydia hu on the cpi report a has some wondering that this could stick around awhile. lydia? >> yeah, there's no signs that this is abating any time soon. we haven't seen these type of consumer prices in more than 40 years. movies like e.t. and annie were released in 1982. all consumer prices are up 8.5% over last year. the major drivers, food and energy. food is up 10% to break that down a little bit, meat is up almost 15%. eggs up 11. milk up 13%. vegetables 6%. and oil up 15%. we know americans are feeling all of this in their weekly grocery bills. gasoline up 48% over last year. >> inflation is setting 40-year highs. it's still accelerating. more than half of this month's increase are gasoline prices that are up 18%. it's necessities that continue to be the big factors pushing inflation higher. >> another pressure here is the cost of housing that is driven by the severe inventory shortage. increased 5% over the year, half a percent over the month. the real concern is the surge in inflation is wiping out gains and wages which are up 5.6% from a year ago. average hourly earnings slid 8.1%. americans are not slowing the benefits of higher pay that they net in this job market. >> neil: yeah, getting the best wage increases in decades and unfortunately the biggest inflation run-up in decades. thanks very much for that. lydia hu. kenny joins us, the case capitol advisingers managing partner. for a while, we were racing ahead 300 points on the dow, finishing up 90 points. at first they were surprised that a part of the core number which takes up food and energy barely budged last month. but then they thought better of writ. what happened? >> that was the initial reaction. they were looking for something positive and they focused on the one number, the core number, month over month when you take out food and energy. as lydia just said and your other guest just said, food, emergency and housing are the most expensive part and things that everybody needs. while it was focused on the one data point and the market is undersold, the market will try to go window shopping until 9:53. as analysts started to dissect the report and understand what the broader report meant and has anything changed, it hasn't changed and inflation is not abating. the momentum is still higher. so you look at what happened. we saw the market start to come under pressure and in fact go negative. again, end in negative territory as the conversation about inflation and the fed and how aggressive is the fed -- >> neil: seems to be that rates will keep going up. none of this changed that. >> i don't think any of it changes. you said it. when inflation was out of control in the 80s, interest rates were well above the inflation rate. so rates have to go higher if they're going to want to do something about taming it. >> martha: thanks, kenny. i appreciate it. to another ken, you might have heard of this fellow, ken langone, the co-founder of home depot. thanks for taking the time. >> thanks for having me on, stuart. >> neil: it's neil. >> i think i know who you are. >> neil: i was thinking of the environment you and bernie started home depot. in it was very inflationary. you had stagflation. you got through it. but it's toughner an environment like that. are we entering in an environment like that now? >> i think your previous guest hit it right. we've got to get rates well above the inflation rate if we want to snap inflation. just like paul volcker did in 80 and 81. the tragedy is a year ago and i'm happy i said it public so it can be checked, i made it very clear, people i respect like stan, the same thing, this was not transitory. this was a real serious case of inflation. we lost a whole year on addressing the issue. only because frankly we have leadership today in america that isn't willing to admit when they're wrong. they made a terrible blunder here. now the price has to be paid. if you want to get inflation back, you want to benchmark, you will need interest higher than 8.5%. the other thing as is we have exacerbated the problem. for example, the energy issue in america. we didn't have to be deficient like we are. by now, that pipeline would be almost complete. now biden is blaming the oil companies? this is a disgrace. the oil companies are reacting to supply and demand. if they're making this much money, where are they in the numbers? it's wrong. it's absolutely wrong. knock is going anything about it yet in a way that will address the issue. the steps we're taking right now will not help. who is going to get hurt, neil? the little guy. the poor guy going paycheck to paycheck. >> neil: when you hear the administration is considering spending more money to deal with this, another program or relief at the pump, you know, any which way, wouldn't that make the inflation worse? >> let me tell you, if they had any sense, they would understand, it's like putting gasoline on a already hot fire. you don't put the flames out with more gasoline. you make the for more intense. is the last thing that we need. more government spending. by the way, until we fess up to the fact that we have a serious inflationary problem in america, we won't solve it. >> neil: let me ask you, ken as we hate to hear from the president, one thing i want your sense of, are we going to go into a recession? it's very hard to orchestrate a soft landing. you said interest rates should be at whatever the inflation rate is. we're a long way of that. wouldn't raising rates to that degree kill the economy? >> not only do i think we will have one, i hope we do have one because we're not -- just like paul volker went to the white house and said mr. president, if you want to solve this problem, we need to address this issue. we're going to bring hurt. there's no shortcut. when you go on a diet, you can't lose weight by eating more. >> neil: wait a minute. what do you mean you can't lose weight by eating more? >> by eating more. >> neil: we could make things worse? now, what i'm curious about is how much supply chain disruption, how much does that combine to just make for a lousy environment? a lot of people are turning negative. you became a billionaire bucking the trend and whatever the consensus views are. now you saying this wouldn't be transitory, you stood out. now the world agrees with you. you think there's a possibility here that consensus is wrong and we're heading for oblivion here? >> no. i think we can get through in, neil. but like anything else, no pain, no gain. we're going to have to take a bitter pill. higher interest rates, we're going to have to accept the fact that there's a chance of a recession. my hope is if there is a recession, it will be mild. my bet is there will be a recession. i don't think in 23 or 22 as much as i see it in 23. but all the signals are there. all the signs are there. >> neil: when you say the signs are there for a recession next year, not this year? >> all the signs -- i'm not smart enough to know exactly when. my bet is that the brunt of the recession will hit us nine months from now. when you start tightening down, all of a sudden you get a chain reaction. you have to have that. right now we haven't begun to address the issue. fixing inflation. you can only fix inflation one way. that's to tighten down. who gets hurt again? these poor people that are struggling paycheck -- the same people he says he wants to help, he's hurting. >> neil: the president is thank ago lot of people at this iowa event. we're told he will have a coordinated plan to deal with the pain at the pump. he opened aisle from the strategic federal reserve. there's talk of those having help paying gas bills. we don't know all of this. but do you think that he's become jimmy carter? >> oh, he's worse than jimmy carter. >> neil: hold on. the president is addressing big events today including shootings in new york. >> we're grateful for all the first responders that jumped in to action including civilians that didn't hesitate to help their fellow passengers and try to shield them. my team has been in touch with major adams, new york's police commissioner and the department of justice and fbi are working closely with the nypd on the ground. we're going to continue to stay in close contact with authorities as we learn more about this situation over the next hours and days. something could have broken between now and the last hour. i haven't heard the news. i haven't spoke to anyone. we're not letting up until we find the perpetrator. now, for the reasons i'm here today. i want to thank you, rachel. thank you, congress woman. when you hear about progress we're making in iowa on everything from fuels to bridges, you can thank cindy. i'm not joking. [applause] there's no fence at the white house high enough to keep her out. all kidding aside, you're doing a heck of a job. thank you. also want to say a special hello to someone that really wanted to be here today. he started -- he's the guy that brought me to the first bio fuel plant in iowa years ago. your former governor, tom vilsack. he couldn't be here today unfortunately. [applause] he went to a press event in washington. like 2/3s of the people that went, they got covid. he's doing fine. spoke to him. he couldn't be here. i'm here today to talk about the work we're doing to lower costs for american families and putting rural america at the center of our efforts to build in america, a lot of this has to do with this industry. i just had a chance to see the work you do here, turn more than 40 million bushels of local corn into 130 million gallons of ethanol a year. that's a lot. i want to see facilities like this all over the midwest. here's why. first, it supports farmers and the farm economy. you know, everybody thinks delaware is a big industrial state and banking state and dupont. we have a $4 billion industry called agriculture in delaware. it's mostly -- we have more chickens in delaware than you have in the entire midwest, i think. all kidding aside, it's a big industry in delaware. my state, everybody thinks is a industrial state. its a very rural state. the largest city outside of the main city of wilmington, delaware, is 150,000 people is 20,000 people. it's a rural state. so we understand about getting rural communities engaged and being able to make -- be able to make it generally. all of that corn in the silos is from farmers within 60 miles from here. knowing you have a buyer gives farmers peace of mind, certitude where they can be sold and get a fair price for it. second, creates good paying jobs be. over 400,000 jobs directly and indirectly supported by this industry nationwide. a lot of people. a lot of paychecks and good decent paychecks. third, reduces our reliance on foreign oil. adding this fuel to our gasoline. [applause] fourth, it gives you a choice at the pump. when you have a choice, you have competition. >> when you have competition, you have better prices. in addition to all that less harm to the environment, lower greenhouse gas emissions and even byproducts like grain here which does oh goes into animal feed and helps animal producers, this is an industry with a tremendous future. i set a zero carbon for the aviation sector by 2050. i speed with the head of major airlines. it will require billions of sustainable aviation fuel. you can't get to net zero without bio fuels. aviation. [applause] aviation is the case that we blend in a little bit of bio fuel. it's called drop-in. meaning 100% bio fuel. you don't need to take my word for it. take the word of the ceo of american airlines that said sustainable aviation fuel is the cornerstone of our strategy. the ceo of united air lines that called the first bio fuel powered flight a significant milestone to decarbonize our industry. to bring that future within reach, i propose sustainable fuel tax that will be brought together the governments and accsys, airlines, fuel producers, airports, clean air and more sustainable fuels for american aviation. that's how we'll get there. we can we're in the cusp of so many significant thing that will happen in this country in the next ten years. your children will see more change in the next ten years than we've seen in the last 40 years. that's how rapidly technology is changing. so this industry has a role that has played a sustainable energy future. i'm here today because home grown bio fuels have a role to play right now, right now as we work to get -- [applause] as we work to get prices under control and reduce the cost for families. look, i grew up in a family, not a joke, where the price of a gallon of gasoline went up, it was a conversation at our kitchen table. it mattered. it mattered for my mom and dad. made a difference. we felt it. putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. the largest grain producers are not doing what they usually do. everything is going up. we saw the inflation data. 70% of the increase in prices in march came from putin's price hike in gasoline. we need to address this challenge with an urgency for demand. that's why i called on congress to move immediately to lowter cost of family's utility bills, prescription drug bills and lowering the deficit to reduce inflation pressures. we lowered it by $300 billion so far. we can do these things without raising a penny in tax on anybody in this hall. yeah. in this giant barn. look, it's going to make a big difference for families. you know, it's the most impactful way that congress can address inflation right now. even as we work with congress, i believe not going to wait to take action to help american -- >> neil: we're continuing to monitor the president on these developments and seizing on the latest inflation data saying that 70% of the oil run-up and the energy run-up we saw in the month when retail inflation was moving ahead at an 8.5% clip was the result of the ukraine wear and vladimir putin. ken langone back with us. the home depot co-founder. ken, he's not taking the blame for any of this inflation. that's clear. you know, interestingly enough, many surveys around including one that show as strong number of americans agree with him, constantly blaming this on vladimir putin, you know, on the greedy oil companies is registering. what do you think of that? >> well, i think it's sad. you can't address a problem until you think you have a problem. we have a serious problem. this inflationary pressure began long before russia went in to ukraine. this is a year ago. go back and look at your clips a year ago about inflation. by the way, he talks about all of these wonderful things that are going to come out of the ground going to help us with fuel needs? guess what happens when agriculture is supply and demand. when you draw off the supply of corn and these other products you need to make bio fuels, think of what happens to your food costs? a finite amount that we can produce. for those people that want a clean environment for our children, grandchildren around children that are not even born yet, that's well and good. but you can't do it overnight. this is what this guy tried to do. as i say, joy, first step in solving a problem is acknowledging you have a problem. we have a very serious inflationary problem in america. him blaming putin is not going to address the issue. putin was the guy that stopped the pipeline. putin wasn't the guy that put the limitations on leases. putin had nothing to do with that. what about the other course we're seeing all over? the sad thing, joe, as i sit here and i watch this man, the free leader of the world and i say to myself, how sad. how sad. >> neil: at least -- by the way, it's neil. you know -- >> neil, neil -- >> neil: you called me stuart before. you're a busy man. >> i am? i'm also 86 and i have trouble with my own name sometimes. okay? >> neil: let me ask you, you raise a good point, ken. kidding aside. this notion of what was going on. we had this price run up going long before the war in ukraine. i've been raising that with a number of the president's top officials. he is positioning it now as we're through the worst of it. in fact, some people when this number came out today, maybe these are our highs. it starts coming down from here. do you buy that? >> let's hope they're right. i'll buy it. going from 8.5% to 2 or 3% which is where you want to be is a lot of pain and suffering. that's the point that they -- it's like everything else. when some poor sad soul has an addiction, getting off the addiction is not an easy exercise. when you get there, you're at the promised land. if we're going from 8.5% to 2 to 3%, we have to take some pain. >> neil: can i get your take on this environment? we talk about inflation. it's rampant everywhere for the time being. i'm just curious how much of a slow down we're looking at. you talk about a recession. could come next year. but will it be as bad as the 70s? will we be looking at gas lines? will we be looking at that kind of stuff? how do you see it sort of sorting out? >> neil, so much of that depends on events that we have no control over right now. what happens in ukraine? what happens in europe? if we start spending more money for defense -- and we should be doing it -- if anything has happened because of this this ukraine sadness, there's no such thing as a land war anymore? get away from that. what i'm saying is there's events that could happen that could exacerbate where we are. on the other hand, i could see a soft landing. how soft? down 3 or 4%. okay? now, meantime, neil, we have to address the issue of higher rates and what it does to our budget. if interest rates go up 200 basis points, based on the current debt that we have outstanding, interest and the federal budget goes up $600 billion a year, in a year. that's a big number. that's a number you can't mess with. then on top of that, neil, 71% of our federal budget is entitledments. no politician alive wants to touch that. so where do we pull this thing in? i think we have the capacity to get the job done. but i would be remiss if i didn't say it's going to take some pain and suffering. i hope frankly that it's more pain and suffering on people like me than on the poor people that are working from pay check to paycheck who are struggling to educate their kids, to feed their kids, to clothe their kids. these are the people that we have to worry about. these are the people most effected negatively by inflation. >> neil: bob langone, a real pleasure. >> thank you, dr. neil. touche. you got me. >> neil: it was great having you on, ken. >> i look forward to seeing you in person. >> neil: thanks for all your doing, helping a lot of people. we're going to have more on this and the president is still talking up government plans and spending that will correct this inflation. if ken is right, it's that very strategy that could worsen it. we're on it after this. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at >> neil: the shooting incident in brooklyn injured ten people. but the guy that did it is gone. they can't find him. more after this. 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>> sounds like he well did have an accomplice. sounds like somebody was waiting to take him away. i don't know that, but i believe it. we're lucky that the shootings did not result in deaths. i've said that a shooting is a homicide with bad aim. fortunately it appears that all of these people are going to survive. but it's not surprising. we live in a climate now where criminals feel they can do whatever they want. >> neil: once again, if you think about it, last time we talked, there was a subway attack. a woman had been pushed on to the tracks. it occurred 48 hours after someone else was assaulted in a train station and raped. but there is a weird kind of fixation with subway stations, trains, that sort of thing. and if you think about it, it dates back to japan, to the sarin gas attack in tokyo. and how would you explain what's going on? >> well, it's a soft target. millions of people riding the subway. you can become anonymous very easily. there's not enough police in the subway even though mayor adams is trying to augment that. you can't be everywhere. it's the climate, neil. it's about the bail reform, it's about demonizing police. it's about erasing seven years of de blasio on crime. it's going to take awhile for adams. >> neil: you're good offering people advice. you have said if you see something, say something. i'm wondering -- that's a vulnerable position to be in, if you're in a subway car, a crazy guy comes in, does what he does. what do you recommend people do? how do they -- what do they look for, what do they to? what do they want to safeguard themselves from? >> well, they have to look for people that look for instance somebody wearing a tremendous amount of clothes that he shouldn't relative to the temperature. they should be looking for people that now of course everybody is wearing masks. people who are just acting out of the ordinary. they should get down really low if something begins and get to the doors as quickly as possible. this is not the first time. when i was commissioner, we arrested three palestinian kids that had real bombs and were going to blow up the subway in brooklyn. we got there before they did. that was in 99. subways are always a target. we have to go back to arresting turnstile jumpers, we have to get more of these anti-gun units on the street and we have to start putting people in jail rather than saying that gee, we're sorry you committed this crime. you can go back out on the street. we have to change the whole mentality. there has to be a belief from criminals, as they commit a crime, they're going to get arrested and end up in jail. >> neil: there's a concept. thanks, howard safer on those developments. we'll keep you posted if we learn more about the u-haul vehicle that they're trying to track down. that's all we know. we also know that the assailant is missing. he's on the lam. from all indications, he walked out in the rush of those that did. meantime, half a world away, focusing on something that was all of the focus. that is ukraine. still very much a concern, especially amid reports from vladimir putin that he's up the ante considerably. alex hogan in lviv with more. alex? >> russian president vladimir putin says that peace talks have reached a dead end. meanwhile here on the ground, the death toll continues to rise. we'll break town the latest from ukraine and tell the stories of some of the people that are helping civilians getting out of these conflict areas. that's coming up after the break. nobody told you? subway's refreshing with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. because you gotta you gotta refresh to be fresh watch: serena williams... wonder woman...ta serena... wonder woman... serena... ace. get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. directv stream. now get $30 off over 3 months. 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just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. >> neil: vladimir putin has opinion stepping out of public or talking more publicly about why he got in to the war. that it was inevitable. alex hogan in ukraine and what they fear could come next. alex? >> hi, neil. russian president vladimir putin says peace talks have reached a dead end. the president visited the eastern side of the country saying his military will achieve its goal in the ukraine. the pentagon says they're looking at reports of a possible weapons attack that could have taken place in the eastern side of the country in mariupol. the pentagon says it cannot confirm those reports, which the kremlin has denied. the city of mariupol has been largely surrounded by russian forces for weeks on end. the mayor says up to 20,000 people could die. among the unsung heros, getting residents in and out of the areas are the train conductors and staff. much of the country has come to a survival stan-point lead. they have not stopped working. they said even if they're personally afraid, they won't let it show. >> what are we doing right now? we're working and helping and supporting our country. that's what we're doing. >> our mission is to help those people. we can't be afraid because we can scare them as well. >> passengers on this train are coming here to lviv hoping to find safety. those here on this train are heading back to kyiv. they're not sure what they'll be coming home to. >> outside of the capitol, residents are going back to demolished towns where hundreds of civilians have been killed and hundreds of bodies have been buried under the rubble. under a stark difference in the western side of the country. now back here in lviv, while this might look like a typical european city, it's far from normal. it's far from untouched. many of the men that i have talked with say that they have sent their wives and their children to other countries so they they can stay safe and unicef says that 2/3s of all of the children across the country have been displaced and out of their homes. neil? >> neil: thank you, alex. let's go to kirk lippold on what he makes of vladimir putin's statgy right now. sounds like a take no prisoners strategy and sounds like he's going to double down and triple down. a general hired to do this job that was butchering civilians in syria. what do you make of this? >> what you're seeing is -- first, thank you for having me on what you're watching is vladimir putin is in fact taking a step back. becoming president of russia and turning the war over to his generals. the general known as the butcher of syria like you mentioned is ruthless. what we're seeing in eastern and southern parts of the country is that he's pausing all the units, consolidating forces, getting in reinforcements and supplying them. granted you'll have a lot of green and new recruits but he's leveraging what russia has. that is a great number of bodies that can overwhelm the ukrainians. at this point europe is going to have to come through as well as the united states quicker and faster and more lethal weaponry. we're not doing that. germany is pausing and poland is really proving to be the champ in this. >> neil: commander, what type of weapons change for ukraine or its needs change given the fact that this will become a ground war now? i'm wondering how heavy artillery changes in the process. >> neil, i think you're going to see what you just touched on. they need heavier artillery with longer dianswer thes, no battle hardened tanks and more stand-off weaponry that they can reach out and touch the russians with. they're still vulnerable in their supply chains because they still do not do logistics well. but what you're seeing now with the general, he's beginning to integrate and coordinate how this campaign is now going to be conducted. that's very bad for the ukrainians. up until this point, it's been piecemeal. it's not be coordinated. that's how they pushed the russians back and allowed them to achieve the victories that we're seeing that pushed them out of the area around kyiv. we're not going to see that as yo go further south. so what you'll see now with this integrated strategy is a more ruthless approach, it's a no prisoners taken, they're going to slaughter at will. if the reports prove true, they're going to begin to use chemical weapons other than this one-time test or reported in mariupol. >> neil: and there's no response to that. almost all indications, they were dabbling in that. thanks, kirk lippold. the former u.s.s. cole commander talking about a guy experienced with terror. you remember the yemen attack on his ship that predated the 9-11 attacks. we're on that and the latest incident in new york subway station here that has 28 people injured, all expected to survive. the guy that orchestrated on the lam. thoughts where he might be and what he did to get out of there after this. to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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>> think god there were no active devices. the body count would've been much, much higher. the fact that he brought all of these items in as part of his attack shows that this was something that he gave a lot of thought to. thank god there was the cell phone image. there may be more. this is part of the investigative process that the nypd is going to have to do. this could be a long haul type of investigation. because he is out on the loose. the weapon is key here because not only can they trace the origin of the weapon and if it's been used in the other crimes. but also there's a possibility of dna on that weapon as well, as well as on the -- >> neil: we have an image that you can't see, we apologize. it's loaded with some explosives. we just don't know what else he had or whether he dropped it in a hurry and left it after reportedly his gun jammed. we mentioned the nonfunctioning camera at the subway station. we know there are cameras all over the place. particularly in the brooklyn area when you come out of a place, they are everywhere. they will pick up something, right? >> absolutely and that's part of the investigative process which is going to be -- it's very extensive. they're going to have to examine the footage from multiple cameras on multiple stops, witness testimony is going to be critical here to see where this guy got on. of course the mass chaos and confusion, he did a stellar job of doing that. the other question i have, neil. where was the police presence on the subway? where was the patrol officers? is one of the reasons that the subway system has become much more dangerous because the lack of law enforcement officers in the subways because over the defund the police movement because of the issues that have taken place. anti-law enforcement. >> neil: i apologize here. we are coming to the end. hopefully going to get more updates on the new york police department. the guy who is behind this is still on the lamb. here comes "the five." >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino with judge tarina perino, harold ford jr., greg gutfeld, jesse watters. authorities set to give an update on the new york city subway shooting at any moment, as we get brand-new details on what happened. right now a large-scale m

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

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we still don't know how hi managed to get out. we don't know whether he had any accomplices. so much we have no idea. this much we do. it could have been, as i said, so much worse. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." bryan llenas has been following this closely from the first records of it going down earlier today. bryan, what are we learning, if anything? >> neil, good afternoon. what we know is there's been a bolo, be on the alert look out for a u-haul van with arizona plate al 31408. all u-haul vehicles have arizona plates because that's where the company is based. they're looking specifically for this van in connection with a shooting from earlier this morning. they told police officers to take extreme precautions when stopping this vehicle. we're looking for a 5'5" black man, heavy build, 180 pounds. he was wearing a green construction vest and a gray sweatshirt when he managed to get away after unleashing mayhem in the new york city subways just before 8:30 a.m. here in brooklyn at the 36st street station. there's videos showing what police officers and the police commissioner says was a man who put on a gas mask as the subway car was going in to the station. he unleashed a gas canister and opened fire. he hit ten people with gunshot wounds. at least five are in critical condition. everyone is expected to survive. 18 people were injured with smoke inhalation and other shrapnel injuries. you can understand the mayhem that we're seeing there. a already law enforcement official says this could have been much worse had the suspect's gun not jammed. luckily it did jam. they found extended ammo magazines as well as extra gas canisters and fireworks in a bag on the scene. this guy got away somehow. there was also this video showing specifically and interesting and terrifying moment. a man in between both train cars and you can see one train car filling up with smoke where the firing happened and another train car that is completely with people trying to figure out what the heck is going on and trying to escape with their lives. governor kathy hochul spoke. this is what she had to say about the situation. in fact, i misspoke. we have new york city mayor adams that spoke about the situation. take a listen. >> we will not allow new yorkers to be terrorized by a single individual. nypd is searching for the suspect at large and we will find him. >> that's mayor eric adams. he told a local radio station that there was a malfunction with a camera system here on 36st street. we don't know he said whether or not it affected all of the cameras at that strain station, but a malfunction nonetheless. we know that police were able to get a photo of this perp based on eye witness cell phone video. interestingly enough, they have not sent out a photo of this suspect for the public or for the press to help in this on going search. we expect to hear more between 5:00 and 6:00 p.m. today where why expect a press conference. neil? >> neil: thanks, bryan. meantime, we're focused on the president in iowa right now. he's talking up a plan to lower cost for working families. all of this on the same day that we got news that inflation continues to run at a 40-year high. up 8.5% in the consumer price index, which has been running at this rate since princess diana married charles. remember that? jacqui heinrich at the white house, all of that way before she was born. i remember it. jacqui, the administration will be pushing this idea that there's a way to get ahead of this. in iowa they'll spell out how? >> we're waiting to hear from the president on this. we expect certainly this waiver on what environmentalists call dirty gas sales to help bring down prices for some americans. the white house announced this waiver hours before the labor department dropped yet another eye-popping inflation report. they're trying to get ahead of that and say look, we're doing something on gas prices. e-15 is banned in most states because of smog concerns. gas prices are now soaring. the epa is considering lifts this ban year round. but it's only actually available in about 1.5% of the country's fuelling stations like the president's economic adviser told you earlier today. listen. >> there's about 2,300 stations in the midwest that sell e-15. this addition, this waiver to allow that sale in production will increase the supply of gasoline between june and mid september, probably lowering the price of the gallon by another 10 cents. >> it's not just gas that is training america's bank accounts. the u.s. has not seen price rises since 1981. reagan was president then. inflation hitting 8.5% year over year. everything from groceries to rent climbing. the white house says core inflation came in less hot than expected at 6.5%. it's still the largest 12-month change since august of 1982. among the biggest price increases, beef up 16%. poultry and pork not far behind. 15 and 13%. all six major food group indexes went up. team biden says that they have a plan. listen to this. >> we have an aggressive set of agenda items including families with child care, prescription drugs, the cost of health insurance, increasing the economy supply side to meet strong demand. that is the biden solution. >> critics say it was this kind of spending that caused problems in the first place. joe manchin writing here's the truth. we cannot spend our way to a balanced healthy economy and continue adding to our 30 trillion national debt. so basically calling for the u.s. to have an all of the above energy plan to try to bring down the price of gasoline before manchin would give any support to any kind of spending as the white house is floating as a solution to this inflation that continues. neil? >> neil: jacqui heinrich, we'll be hearing from the president on what his plans are and we'll speak to ken langone, the guy that co-founded home depot, what he makes of this environment for all businesses right now. he started pretty inflationary environment. he's coming up. right now lydia hu on the cpi report a has some wondering that this could stick around awhile. lydia? >> yeah, there's no signs that this is abating any time soon. we haven't seen these type of consumer prices in more than 40 years. movies like e.t. and annie were released in 1982. all consumer prices are up 8.5% over last year. the major drivers, food and energy. food is up 10% to break that down a little bit, meat is up almost 15%. eggs up 11. milk up 13%. vegetables 6%. and oil up 15%. we know americans are feeling all of this in their weekly grocery bills. gasoline up 48% over last year. >> inflation is setting 40-year highs. it's still accelerating. more than half of this month's increase are gasoline prices that are up 18%. it's necessities that continue to be the big factors pushing inflation higher. >> another pressure here is the cost of housing that is driven by the severe inventory shortage. increased 5% over the year, half a percent over the month. the real concern is the surge in inflation is wiping out gains and wages which are up 5.6% from a year ago. average hourly earnings slid 8.1%. americans are not slowing the benefits of higher pay that they net in this job market. >> neil: yeah, getting the best wage increases in decades and unfortunately the biggest inflation run-up in decades. thanks very much for that. lydia hu. kenny joins us, the case capitol advisingers managing partner. for a while, we were racing ahead 300 points on the dow, finishing up 90 points. at first they were surprised that a part of the core number which takes up food and energy barely budged last month. but then they thought better of writ. what happened? >> that was the initial reaction. they were looking for something positive and they focused on the one number, the core number, month over month when you take out food and energy. as lydia just said and your other guest just said, food, emergency and housing are the most expensive part and things that everybody needs. while it was focused on the one data point and the market is undersold, the market will try to go window shopping until 9:53. as analysts started to dissect the report and understand what the broader report meant and has anything changed, it hasn't changed and inflation is not abating. the momentum is still higher. so you look at what happened. we saw the market start to come under pressure and in fact go negative. again, end in negative territory as the conversation about inflation and the fed and how aggressive is the fed -- >> neil: seems to be that rates will keep going up. none of this changed that. >> i don't think any of it changes. you said it. when inflation was out of control in the 80s, interest rates were well above the inflation rate. so rates have to go higher if they're going to want to do something about taming it. >> martha: thanks, kenny. i appreciate it. to another ken, you might have heard of this fellow, ken langone, the co-founder of home depot. thanks for taking the time. >> thanks for having me on, stuart. >> neil: it's neil. >> i think i know who you are. >> neil: i was thinking of the environment you and bernie started home depot. in it was very inflationary. you had stagflation. you got through it. but it's toughner an environment like that. are we entering in an environment like that now? >> i think your previous guest hit it right. we've got to get rates well above the inflation rate if we want to snap inflation. just like paul volcker did in 80 and 81. the tragedy is a year ago and i'm happy i said it public so it can be checked, i made it very clear, people i respect like stan, the same thing, this was not transitory. this was a real serious case of inflation. we lost a whole year on addressing the issue. only because frankly we have leadership today in america that isn't willing to admit when they're wrong. they made a terrible blunder here. now the price has to be paid. if you want to get inflation back, you want to benchmark, you will need interest higher than 8.5%. the other thing as is we have exacerbated the problem. for example, the energy issue in america. we didn't have to be deficient like we are. by now, that pipeline would be almost complete. now biden is blaming the oil companies? this is a disgrace. the oil companies are reacting to supply and demand. if they're making this much money, where are they in the numbers? it's wrong. it's absolutely wrong. knock is going anything about it yet in a way that will address the issue. the steps we're taking right now will not help. who is going to get hurt, neil? the little guy. the poor guy going paycheck to paycheck. >> neil: when you hear the administration is considering spending more money to deal with this, another program or relief at the pump, you know, any which way, wouldn't that make the inflation worse? >> let me tell you, if they had any sense, they would understand, it's like putting gasoline on a already hot fire. you don't put the flames out with more gasoline. you make the for more intense. is the last thing that we need. more government spending. by the way, until we fess up to the fact that we have a serious inflationary problem in america, we won't solve it. >> neil: let me ask you, ken as we hate to hear from the president, one thing i want your sense of, are we going to go into a recession? it's very hard to orchestrate a soft landing. you said interest rates should be at whatever the inflation rate is. we're a long way of that. wouldn't raising rates to that degree kill the economy? >> not only do i think we will have one, i hope we do have one because we're not -- just like paul volker went to the white house and said mr. president, if you want to solve this problem, we need to address this issue. we're going to bring hurt. there's no shortcut. when you go on a diet, you can't lose weight by eating more. >> neil: wait a minute. what do you mean you can't lose weight by eating more? >> by eating more. >> neil: we could make things worse? now, what i'm curious about is how much supply chain disruption, how much does that combine to just make for a lousy environment? a lot of people are turning negative. you became a billionaire bucking the trend and whatever the consensus views are. now you saying this wouldn't be transitory, you stood out. now the world agrees with you. you think there's a possibility here that consensus is wrong and we're heading for oblivion here? >> no. i think we can get through in, neil. but like anything else, no pain, no gain. we're going to have to take a bitter pill. higher interest rates, we're going to have to accept the fact that there's a chance of a recession. my hope is if there is a recession, it will be mild. my bet is there will be a recession. i don't think in 23 or 22 as much as i see it in 23. but all the signals are there. all the signs are there. >> neil: when you say the signs are there for a recession next year, not this year? >> all the signs -- i'm not smart enough to know exactly when. my bet is that the brunt of the recession will hit us nine months from now. when you start tightening down, all of a sudden you get a chain reaction. you have to have that. right now we haven't begun to address the issue. fixing inflation. you can only fix inflation one way. that's to tighten down. who gets hurt again? these poor people that are struggling paycheck -- the same people he says he wants to help, he's hurting. >> neil: the president is thank ago lot of people at this iowa event. we're told he will have a coordinated plan to deal with the pain at the pump. he opened aisle from the strategic federal reserve. there's talk of those having help paying gas bills. we don't know all of this. but do you think that he's become jimmy carter? >> oh, he's worse than jimmy carter. >> neil: hold on. the president is addressing big events today including shootings in new york. >> we're grateful for all the first responders that jumped in to action including civilians that didn't hesitate to help their fellow passengers and try to shield them. my team has been in touch with major adams, new york's police commissioner and the department of justice and fbi are working closely with the nypd on the ground. we're going to continue to stay in close contact with authorities as we learn more about this situation over the next hours and days. something could have broken between now and the last hour. i haven't heard the news. i haven't spoke to anyone. we're not letting up until we find the perpetrator. now, for the reasons i'm here today. i want to thank you, rachel. thank you, congress woman. when you hear about progress we're making in iowa on everything from fuels to bridges, you can thank cindy. i'm not joking. [applause] there's no fence at the white house high enough to keep her out. all kidding aside, you're doing a heck of a job. thank you. also want to say a special hello to someone that really wanted to be here today. he started -- he's the guy that brought me to the first bio fuel plant in iowa years ago. your former governor, tom vilsack. he couldn't be here today unfortunately. [applause] he went to a press event in washington. like 2/3s of the people that went, they got covid. he's doing fine. spoke to him. he couldn't be here. i'm here today to talk about the work we're doing to lower costs for american families and putting rural america at the center of our efforts to build in america, a lot of this has to do with this industry. i just had a chance to see the work you do here, turn more than 40 million bushels of local corn into 130 million gallons of ethanol a year. that's a lot. i want to see facilities like this all over the midwest. here's why. first, it supports farmers and the farm economy. you know, everybody thinks delaware is a big industrial state and banking state and dupont. we have a $4 billion industry called agriculture in delaware. it's mostly -- we have more chickens in delaware than you have in the entire midwest, i think. all kidding aside, it's a big industry in delaware. my state, everybody thinks is a industrial state. its a very rural state. the largest city outside of the main city of wilmington, delaware, is 150,000 people is 20,000 people. it's a rural state. so we understand about getting rural communities engaged and being able to make -- be able to make it generally. all of that corn in the silos is from farmers within 60 miles from here. knowing you have a buyer gives farmers peace of mind, certitude where they can be sold and get a fair price for it. second, creates good paying jobs be. over 400,000 jobs directly and indirectly supported by this industry nationwide. a lot of people. a lot of paychecks and good decent paychecks. third, reduces our reliance on foreign oil. adding this fuel to our gasoline. [applause] fourth, it gives you a choice at the pump. when you have a choice, you have competition. >> when you have competition, you have better prices. in addition to all that less harm to the environment, lower greenhouse gas emissions and even byproducts like grain here which does oh goes into animal feed and helps animal producers, this is an industry with a tremendous future. i set a zero carbon for the aviation sector by 2050. i speed with the head of major airlines. it will require billions of sustainable aviation fuel. you can't get to net zero without bio fuels. aviation. [applause] aviation is the case that we blend in a little bit of bio fuel. it's called drop-in. meaning 100% bio fuel. you don't need to take my word for it. take the word of the ceo of american airlines that said sustainable aviation fuel is the cornerstone of our strategy. the ceo of united air lines that called the first bio fuel powered flight a significant milestone to decarbonize our industry. to bring that future within reach, i propose sustainable fuel tax that will be brought together the governments and accsys, airlines, fuel producers, airports, clean air and more sustainable fuels for american aviation. that's how we'll get there. we can we're in the cusp of so many significant thing that will happen in this country in the next ten years. your children will see more change in the next ten years than we've seen in the last 40 years. that's how rapidly technology is changing. so this industry has a role that has played a sustainable energy future. i'm here today because home grown bio fuels have a role to play right now, right now as we work to get -- [applause] as we work to get prices under control and reduce the cost for families. look, i grew up in a family, not a joke, where the price of a gallon of gasoline went up, it was a conversation at our kitchen table. it mattered. it mattered for my mom and dad. made a difference. we felt it. putin's invasion of ukraine has driven up gas prices and food prices all over the world. the largest grain producers are not doing what they usually do. everything is going up. we saw the inflation data. 70% of the increase in prices in march came from putin's price hike in gasoline. we need to address this challenge with an urgency for demand. that's why i called on congress to move immediately to lowter cost of family's utility bills, prescription drug bills and lowering the deficit to reduce inflation pressures. we lowered it by $300 billion so far. we can do these things without raising a penny in tax on anybody in this hall. yeah. in this giant barn. look, it's going to make a big difference for families. you know, it's the most impactful way that congress can address inflation right now. even as we work with congress, i believe not going to wait to take action to help american -- >> neil: we're continuing to monitor the president on these developments and seizing on the latest inflation data saying that 70% of the oil run-up and the energy run-up we saw in the month when retail inflation was moving ahead at an 8.5% clip was the result of the ukraine wear and vladimir putin. ken langone back with us. the home depot co-founder. ken, he's not taking the blame for any of this inflation. that's clear. you know, interestingly enough, many surveys around including one that show as strong number of americans agree with him, constantly blaming this on vladimir putin, you know, on the greedy oil companies is registering. what do you think of that? >> well, i think it's sad. you can't address a problem until you think you have a problem. we have a serious problem. this inflationary pressure began long before russia went in to ukraine. this is a year ago. go back and look at your clips a year ago about inflation. by the way, he talks about all of these wonderful things that are going to come out of the ground going to help us with fuel needs? guess what happens when agriculture is supply and demand. when you draw off the supply of corn and these other products you need to make bio fuels, think of what happens to your food costs? a finite amount that we can produce. for those people that want a clean environment for our children, grandchildren around children that are not even born yet, that's well and good. but you can't do it overnight. this is what this guy tried to do. as i say, joy, first step in solving a problem is acknowledging you have a problem. we have a very serious inflationary problem in america. him blaming putin is not going to address the issue. putin was the guy that stopped the pipeline. putin wasn't the guy that put the limitations on leases. putin had nothing to do with that. what about the other course we're seeing all over? the sad thing, joe, as i sit here and i watch this man, the free leader of the world and i say to myself, how sad. how sad. >> neil: at least -- by the way, it's neil. you know -- >> neil, neil -- >> neil: you called me stuart before. you're a busy man. >> i am? i'm also 86 and i have trouble with my own name sometimes. okay? >> neil: let me ask you, you raise a good point, ken. kidding aside. this notion of what was going on. we had this price run up going long before the war in ukraine. i've been raising that with a number of the president's top officials. he is positioning it now as we're through the worst of it. in fact, some people when this number came out today, maybe these are our highs. it starts coming down from here. do you buy that? >> let's hope they're right. i'll buy it. going from 8.5% to 2 or 3% which is where you want to be is a lot of pain and suffering. that's the point that they -- it's like everything else. when some poor sad soul has an addiction, getting off the addiction is not an easy exercise. when you get there, you're at the promised land. if we're going from 8.5% to 2 to 3%, we have to take some pain. >> neil: can i get your take on this environment? we talk about inflation. it's rampant everywhere for the time being. i'm just curious how much of a slow down we're looking at. you talk about a recession. could come next year. but will it be as bad as the 70s? will we be looking at gas lines? will we be looking at that kind of stuff? how do you see it sort of sorting out? >> neil, so much of that depends on events that we have no control over right now. what happens in ukraine? what happens in europe? if we start spending more money for defense -- and we should be doing it -- if anything has happened because of this this ukraine sadness, there's no such thing as a land war anymore? get away from that. what i'm saying is there's events that could happen that could exacerbate where we are. on the other hand, i could see a soft landing. how soft? down 3 or 4%. okay? now, meantime, neil, we have to address the issue of higher rates and what it does to our budget. if interest rates go up 200 basis points, based on the current debt that we have outstanding, interest and the federal budget goes up $600 billion a year, in a year. that's a big number. that's a number you can't mess with. then on top of that, neil, 71% of our federal budget is entitledments. no politician alive wants to touch that. so where do we pull this thing in? i think we have the capacity to get the job done. but i would be remiss if i didn't say it's going to take some pain and suffering. i hope frankly that it's more pain and suffering on people like me than on the poor people that are working from pay check to paycheck who are struggling to educate their kids, to feed their kids, to clothe their kids. these are the people that we have to worry about. these are the people most effected negatively by inflation. >> neil: bob langone, a real pleasure. >> thank you, dr. neil. touche. you got me. >> neil: it was great having you on, ken. >> i look forward to seeing you in person. >> neil: thanks for all your doing, helping a lot of people. we're going to have more on this and the president is still talking up government plans and spending that will correct this inflation. if ken is right, it's that very strategy that could worsen it. we're on it after this. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart, and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at >> neil: the shooting incident in brooklyn injured ten people. but the guy that did it is gone. they can't find him. more after this. 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>> sounds like he well did have an accomplice. sounds like somebody was waiting to take him away. i don't know that, but i believe it. we're lucky that the shootings did not result in deaths. i've said that a shooting is a homicide with bad aim. fortunately it appears that all of these people are going to survive. but it's not surprising. we live in a climate now where criminals feel they can do whatever they want. >> neil: once again, if you think about it, last time we talked, there was a subway attack. a woman had been pushed on to the tracks. it occurred 48 hours after someone else was assaulted in a train station and raped. but there is a weird kind of fixation with subway stations, trains, that sort of thing. and if you think about it, it dates back to japan, to the sarin gas attack in tokyo. and how would you explain what's going on? >> well, it's a soft target. millions of people riding the subway. you can become anonymous very easily. there's not enough police in the subway even though mayor adams is trying to augment that. you can't be everywhere. it's the climate, neil. it's about the bail reform, it's about demonizing police. it's about erasing seven years of de blasio on crime. it's going to take awhile for adams. >> neil: you're good offering people advice. you have said if you see something, say something. i'm wondering -- that's a vulnerable position to be in, if you're in a subway car, a crazy guy comes in, does what he does. what do you recommend people do? how do they -- what do they look for, what do they to? what do they want to safeguard themselves from? >> well, they have to look for people that look for instance somebody wearing a tremendous amount of clothes that he shouldn't relative to the temperature. they should be looking for people that now of course everybody is wearing masks. people who are just acting out of the ordinary. they should get down really low if something begins and get to the doors as quickly as possible. this is not the first time. when i was commissioner, we arrested three palestinian kids that had real bombs and were going to blow up the subway in brooklyn. we got there before they did. that was in 99. subways are always a target. we have to go back to arresting turnstile jumpers, we have to get more of these anti-gun units on the street and we have to start putting people in jail rather than saying that gee, we're sorry you committed this crime. you can go back out on the street. we have to change the whole mentality. there has to be a belief from criminals, as they commit a crime, they're going to get arrested and end up in jail. >> neil: there's a concept. thanks, howard safer on those developments. we'll keep you posted if we learn more about the u-haul vehicle that they're trying to track down. that's all we know. we also know that the assailant is missing. he's on the lam. from all indications, he walked out in the rush of those that did. meantime, half a world away, focusing on something that was all of the focus. that is ukraine. still very much a concern, especially amid reports from vladimir putin that he's up the ante considerably. alex hogan in lviv with more. alex? >> russian president vladimir putin says that peace talks have reached a dead end. meanwhile here on the ground, the death toll continues to rise. we'll break town the latest from ukraine and tell the stories of some of the people that are helping civilians getting out of these conflict areas. that's coming up after the break. nobody told you? subway's refreshing with better ingredients, better footlongs, and better spokespeople. because you gotta you gotta refresh to be fresh watch: serena williams... wonder woman...ta serena... wonder woman... serena... ace. get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. directv stream. now get $30 off over 3 months. 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just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. >> neil: vladimir putin has opinion stepping out of public or talking more publicly about why he got in to the war. that it was inevitable. alex hogan in ukraine and what they fear could come next. alex? >> hi, neil. russian president vladimir putin says peace talks have reached a dead end. the president visited the eastern side of the country saying his military will achieve its goal in the ukraine. the pentagon says they're looking at reports of a possible weapons attack that could have taken place in the eastern side of the country in mariupol. the pentagon says it cannot confirm those reports, which the kremlin has denied. the city of mariupol has been largely surrounded by russian forces for weeks on end. the mayor says up to 20,000 people could die. among the unsung heros, getting residents in and out of the areas are the train conductors and staff. much of the country has come to a survival stan-point lead. they have not stopped working. they said even if they're personally afraid, they won't let it show. >> what are we doing right now? we're working and helping and supporting our country. that's what we're doing. >> our mission is to help those people. we can't be afraid because we can scare them as well. >> passengers on this train are coming here to lviv hoping to find safety. those here on this train are heading back to kyiv. they're not sure what they'll be coming home to. >> outside of the capitol, residents are going back to demolished towns where hundreds of civilians have been killed and hundreds of bodies have been buried under the rubble. under a stark difference in the western side of the country. now back here in lviv, while this might look like a typical european city, it's far from normal. it's far from untouched. many of the men that i have talked with say that they have sent their wives and their children to other countries so they they can stay safe and unicef says that 2/3s of all of the children across the country have been displaced and out of their homes. neil? >> neil: thank you, alex. let's go to kirk lippold on what he makes of vladimir putin's statgy right now. sounds like a take no prisoners strategy and sounds like he's going to double down and triple down. a general hired to do this job that was butchering civilians in syria. what do you make of this? >> what you're seeing is -- first, thank you for having me on what you're watching is vladimir putin is in fact taking a step back. becoming president of russia and turning the war over to his generals. the general known as the butcher of syria like you mentioned is ruthless. what we're seeing in eastern and southern parts of the country is that he's pausing all the units, consolidating forces, getting in reinforcements and supplying them. granted you'll have a lot of green and new recruits but he's leveraging what russia has. that is a great number of bodies that can overwhelm the ukrainians. at this point europe is going to have to come through as well as the united states quicker and faster and more lethal weaponry. we're not doing that. germany is pausing and poland is really proving to be the champ in this. >> neil: commander, what type of weapons change for ukraine or its needs change given the fact that this will become a ground war now? i'm wondering how heavy artillery changes in the process. >> neil, i think you're going to see what you just touched on. they need heavier artillery with longer dianswer thes, no battle hardened tanks and more stand-off weaponry that they can reach out and touch the russians with. they're still vulnerable in their supply chains because they still do not do logistics well. but what you're seeing now with the general, he's beginning to integrate and coordinate how this campaign is now going to be conducted. that's very bad for the ukrainians. up until this point, it's been piecemeal. it's not be coordinated. that's how they pushed the russians back and allowed them to achieve the victories that we're seeing that pushed them out of the area around kyiv. we're not going to see that as yo go further south. so what you'll see now with this integrated strategy is a more ruthless approach, it's a no prisoners taken, they're going to slaughter at will. if the reports prove true, they're going to begin to use chemical weapons other than this one-time test or reported in mariupol. >> neil: and there's no response to that. almost all indications, they were dabbling in that. thanks, kirk lippold. the former u.s.s. cole commander talking about a guy experienced with terror. you remember the yemen attack on his ship that predated the 9-11 attacks. we're on that and the latest incident in new york subway station here that has 28 people injured, all expected to survive. the guy that orchestrated on the lam. thoughts where he might be and what he did to get out of there after this. to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. >> tech: does your windshield have a crack? 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>> think god there were no active devices. the body count would've been much, much higher. the fact that he brought all of these items in as part of his attack shows that this was something that he gave a lot of thought to. thank god there was the cell phone image. there may be more. this is part of the investigative process that the nypd is going to have to do. this could be a long haul type of investigation. because he is out on the loose. the weapon is key here because not only can they trace the origin of the weapon and if it's been used in the other crimes. but also there's a possibility of dna on that weapon as well, as well as on the -- >> neil: we have an image that you can't see, we apologize. it's loaded with some explosives. we just don't know what else he had or whether he dropped it in a hurry and left it after reportedly his gun jammed. we mentioned the nonfunctioning camera at the subway station. we know there are cameras all over the place. particularly in the brooklyn area when you come out of a place, they are everywhere. they will pick up something, right? >> absolutely and that's part of the investigative process which is going to be -- it's very extensive. they're going to have to examine the footage from multiple cameras on multiple stops, witness testimony is going to be critical here to see where this guy got on. of course the mass chaos and confusion, he did a stellar job of doing that. the other question i have, neil. where was the police presence on the subway? where was the patrol officers? is one of the reasons that the subway system has become much more dangerous because the lack of law enforcement officers in the subways because over the defund the police movement because of the issues that have taken place. anti-law enforcement. >> neil: i apologize here. we are coming to the end. hopefully going to get more updates on the new york police department. the guy who is behind this is still on the lamb. here comes "the five." >> dana: hello, everyone. i am dana perino with judge tarina perino, harold ford jr., greg gutfeld, jesse watters. authorities set to give an update on the new york city subway shooting at any moment, as we get brand-new details on what happened. right now a large-scale m

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