Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

murders of young women. our leaders are finally doing something about late wednesday night, a statue a of theodore roosevelt that's a president cat was removed after standing in front of the american museum of natural history for more than 80 years. yeah, instead of removing the vagrants who've been, doing drugs and assaulting people, go after the inanimate step that'll make life better . but hey, teddy was evil. those glasses, that mustache, gu you probably wore those as a disguise while he was beating up people w of color. so get lost , you and take your racist horse with you. and what a heroic feat to rid us of teddy or at least his statue. so typical of libs to pick on something that can't hit back . by the way, the removal cost t the city twohe million bucks.. so where are they sending teddyt to private schoolhe and tifa could have done it for free with ropes with cnn looking the other way. hellcat wouldd' have done it for two sixers the beer, not the players but but where elsels would you like that money to go for more policing in the subways or the streets whereres crime is rampant? e shutth up. a bigot. did you know the statue was theyd so offensive covered it with a massive orange tarp, the same one brian stelter uses as a towel in thete steam room. the monuments. now in a libraryh in north dakota. so d like all residents fleeing new york to florida, it's probably safer in the new york post. t, a quote one of teddy's descendants, theodore roosevelt, the fifth cheered the removal saying the statue a place relocated to where its composition can be recontact contextualized to facilitate difficult, complex and inclusive discussions. >> well, thank you you pretentious. >> if teddy were alive, he dressed up like a white rhino to chase you through central park with a 12 gauge that you care about these statues. i don't i'm not into statues exceptpt for the . and even then the security atec the museum keeps a pretty good eye on me. but this is part of a larger problem. americans care about crime. they don't care about statues any more than they care about trans bathrooms or pronouns. but someone does. it's our w craven leaders who ae under the thumb of a tiny wokeme mob. this as crime explodes in everyi city run by lives. h weea hear the tragedies every dy but they don't get the outragege we saw over statues in those heady days of the george floyd riots with statues were dropping like jeffrey toobin pants during zoome call never gets old now many were confederate soldiers toppled by protesters, but it didn't stop there. evenoi the city leaders joined in just as one guy predicted in the proud tradition of america's great leaders fromas george washington. please don't takehi a statue this place to lincoln. teddyto roosevelt. i see they want to take teddy roosevelt down there trying to figure out why they don't know they're trying to take away our culture. they're trying to take away our history and our weakk leaders. they do it overnight. th these things have been thereor for one hundred and fifty years, for a hundred years. >> weak, weak people. we didn't deserve him. protesters tore down statues of anti slavery heroes as well as statues of governors. they remove monuments honoring citizens who fought in thera union army. they trashed statues of the missionary junipero serra. that's my high school. that's my school is named after him and they better leave by statue alone. i'm writingal tom bradyrs on horseback, of course. columbus was removed in chicago by lauri lightweight black kids getting shot by other black kids and she's like let's get that dead italian out here. if only we had a visual aid to shed some light on thesepr misplaced priorities. thank you all for coming. i'll keep this brief before turning them back over tonn the cnn sex crimes unit. after two years of exhausting a all of our resources, were have finally apprehended the man who haso caused our community so much pain and sadness. his reign of terror is oversa and we can finally feel safe again. now i'll give youfe one last loo at the son ofre a before we put him away for good. we also called his accomplice i believe they call that a getaway. but in conclusion, him and the horse he rode in on. oh , and if you call t the department in the pasthe couple of months about robberies and murders, i promise you we will returno your phone call. wewe just got to work out some staffing issues. think that's a police bust. so as crime spun out of control, our media saw progress in this pointless herge abe lincoln statue was toppled in portlandd. i guess they're siding with john wilkes booth, both thomas jefferson and george washington were also knocked down in that town. then they destroyed the city. of course, there's no correlation there. andrew jackson, mississippi, tt francis scott key k in sano francisco, ulysses s. grant also toppled in s.f., probably to be replaced by giant bronze pile of human. even h frederick douglas wasn't safefe. hehe was torn down in rochester, new york like brian kilmeade sleeze. t that's a head scratcher. the mary decaf imitated in tennessee. jesus christ decapitatedssee in miami probably because it needed a nose job godi even gone. he was vandalized in davis, california and we alldhi rememr what a he was and yetic the media and our politicians thought it was progress that this would help cities and help people. but what disney did to star wars they destroyed something and replaced ithey with somethig worse. the rest of us though we knew this was an excuse for mayhem, a gateway for more than just destroying statues and what came next ? businesses and police precincts destroyed. nothinggness is sacred. and whenen looting is defended as a good thing, society is as backwards as crisscrosses pants. there's a references c. it's the broken window theory on meth. you let society go to and it quite literally goes to . we have criminals released from prison to commit more crime on new york subways, l.a. bus stations, high end furniture stores. they'll stab you becausese they're a soulless cold as theow statues being torn down. and yet even now the statues are still a priority because fake virtue signaling is easier than dealing with realfe suffering and politicians were just more terrifiedririar the ma than they were of you. bill de blasio, ted wheeler, jacob frei. r if they were any more yellow, they'd be on the simpsons and now people are dying in part because leaders felt a piece of stone wass more harmful than a dude with a knife when the truth is sometimes the statue is the only thing between you and the dude with a knife. so now w the only say statue is the one in the white househe until they make a real one of them, then they'll tear itt down in a heartbeat. yeah, when he's feeling romantic, he runs his fingers through his own hair. co-host f of the five and oh the brand new jersey waters brought water smattering of applause he comes upp withp more plot than a great w figure up in the air. author walter kirn the irony ofm him being a writer for two years is that nobody knows his name. tv writer producer rob lowe. and speaking of that , everyoner at the bar yells cheers when he finally leaves fox news contributor at this because she drinks. yeah, jesse . yes, i oh, it's a serious issue crime. but ifst there was y a statue of you put up, how long after it went up would it take four a people to tear it down? well, it depends if it was a statue , i don't think i'mdo going to surprise anybody when i say that i am not that big of a fan of art. no, but i do appreciate statues because you're right. i do want to be a statue one day. and in all seriousness, we have when i say we i meany my assistant johnny. yeah. has calledstan, the mayor ofwh scranton. where did you get your start? allentown. allentown, allentown. and we>> are in activeti negotiations with the mayor to a statue of you. are you kidding? th now t grab this months ago now. yes. thank you , sir. thank you . all right. so we are now deciding whether this is going to be a on public or private land and we've actually found a price point. it's ten thousand dollars,in right? because it's going togg be the scale and it's actually smaller than you think because you're going to be depicted sitting down okay, because we know you get t uncomfortableha n you stand it. but that is true where there's going to be an unveilingnd ceremony to. you guys are all invited to it and we expect it to be toppled. yes, and eventually we may have to take it down. yes,s, you'll have canceled yourself and brought great shame on all of us and then we'll just put it in a basement somewhere. you know, i didn't expect that as an answer. th i'm very excited over this . yes, i believe you. yeah, didn't i tell you literally talk to me aboutab this months ago i wait. who pays for this ? that's also in negotiation. i bet i , i bet i can get a rich, lonely old man to pay and rob. well again only if it's and you're seated. i need that . that's what i think it has to bust to move in one way likehi i'm thinking like the great moments with mr. lincoln. i kind off want to stand up, do a monologue just like t the robot. i would like the chair to be made of glass so people can just let get that low. yeah. all right. well, i'm. going to leave you be roi drooled over the happiness f this . walter, how i know you're on you've got some dentals issues right now. oh , yeah.ight i cracked a tooth on the way to new york city and so i've got both novacaine and a pharmaceutical i won't name so i don't get robbed at on the way out of the building by either me or don't worry about the criminals. i'm waiting for you.m i know w what you got. so it's walter kirn unchained today. yes. yeah. what's your take on this crime versus statute? okay, i've got three points. number one , i'm not for the removal of statues in general, but if there's one statue i would remove it might be teddy roosevelt withia an indian and a black dude helping him on his horse. yeah. you know, so so i might make an exception for that one. >> number two, who judges statues guilty. yeah. who holds the trial right. > so i think the constitution should afford statues the right to a fair trial. >> that's a great point and id think they should be judged by a jury ofby their peers, othr statutes. yes, i think other statuesde should decide if, you know, george washington has to go or something. and i think the statue that'ss on trial should have the right to remainfu silent, which shouldn't be hard because it's a statue. >> yeah, well done, my friend. well prepared. no, not bad for a guy who's occy. i know i do some of my best thinking on have you watched the five makes you rethink the whole sackler family thing. it it's understood. rob you're saying that to you all along have been that's really cool actually i love the wellford brimley beard. bye. thank you .nk thank you . i'mk y like you know he he was t as old as he. yes. a as hes looked. no he wasn't and that's what i'm going for. yeah. so where do you are you i mean i don't see this to me. is it about statues. it's about how politicians can only have that one thing at a time. and so as crime is going on over here, everybody isdy going after inanimate objects while people are getting killed. well, yeah. i mean, first of all, i'm still a little ten grand for what was wrong aspirin's i think he brons really he doesn't deserve brahmbhatt aluminum foil balld the kind of shape that i can dou forck fifty .ls yes. and i think you know put the money somewhere else i would say about the stack it i is a long standings tradition for all politicians. easy stuff first. right. so it's easy to pull down the statue and then you can do that and you can buy yourself a month. yeah. while everything gets worse or everything gets better magically by itself. i don't really care about the statues actually maybe it's time to put have different heroes like i don't know it's not a work of art really. it's just a kind of a commemoration. so we should just decide who our you know, our new heroes are. mine would be the guy who like put the cheese in the crust. no cheesy crust, but why should the horse have to suffer? that is for the horse. did nothing did nothing wrong. yeah. it's w interesting. who are our modern heroes right now real housewives. yeah. at know, i think that you might have some ideas on the kind of statues that would matter most too the young people. the young demoiven given that you're you know, you'ret under forty just about just about i'm significantly under forty . that's because i'm so wise and accomplished yet i'm very accomplished and smart so people forget like there's no way she could be that . yeah. so i understand the reverse. will i get that . i get that all the time to liket really she's so successful. so how is 5 it not fifty advice don't grow a beard. i can't i've been trying i don't whenever this happens i always just like find out these statues exist. yeah i don'thing i don't notice the statues we've been to the museum of modern art. no i'm just always i went but i was on my phone the whole you know what it is? it's the streisand effect statue right. like this you don't know something until i'm likee oh that's that . oh wow. yeah. i didn't even know that was there what that was. i mean i'm sure i've been around it all these statues bute i just also want toclea again be clear that he's not joking because you when you hosted ford gragg when you f took your day off of your birthday, you had me you had some questions for me about hosting the show. you were very much like, well,h i have you here and then you t tried to leavehe that september to see it's still in motion. it's still there's been supplyup chain issues. we're workingpl on this.ain i don't w allentown is that goig to be that supportive of me? i don't think well, that's why we're negotiating the private as opposed to the public. first you've got to buypu the land. yes.>> all right. well, we solved nothing. this was completely derailed . my stach all right. up next , why hollywood can't keep quiet about the dc riotszi in your medicine cabinet. let sixty cool coming on saturday and the number one post shortening brand highly recommend that last night campany formula, a short code that can be stacked allergies, droplets just dangerous to your breathing. get msnbc your most ultra pure steam inhaler. it's on germs destroyed just pure effective state happy sinuses breathing again my pure mist do it. selling a home is expensive and stressful so we created our smart solar system to sell your home for top dollar and save thousands in commissions. i was amazed in the fact that my house sold one idea ideal agent saved me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars and the process was as easy as it. they are the number one way to sell our services available nationwide and there's zero obligation calls today or visit ideal agent .com. hey, why don't do some launches ,some laundry. your room and delivery came along. we can do that one or two. our captain. oh hi mr. we have to go. whatever you call to do it, be ready with room room. it's simple and convenient to take care of you when the moments right. you ready roman? 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that's another reason why i hate children. walter, your book up in the airm was turned into a movie starring that guy that looks like me.e. george clooney. yes. t you think this will turn out? well, i told my wife that we were w going to do a segment on this and she said wasn'ta january six already a moviemo? and i and i think what she meant by that was we now haveav the most heavily edited, you know, insurrectiont in history. i think they're already holding ten thousand hours of footage that they haven't released. >> why don't they just, youwhea know, releasese those and not make the movie yet? >> but the i want to know who's going to be cast as the, you, know, guy with the horns who you have who timothy chellaney. oh , nice guy. know what about what about epps reyaad? so who's the guy? david stringbean ray ill disguised said i was thinking of jeff daniels. s oh interesting. and he canan give a speech about how he's innocent as jeff daniels is very good in those roles as yeah. folsom liberal voice of reason except this time he's playing against type isian. a fascist. yes exactly. what about you rob? you're a hollywood insider. yeah. is hol is going to be fair and balanced. i hope not. i won't be that good if it is also the whole idea of like democracy. it isn't like ifra you whoever captures the capital gets our capture. the flag is just a building. it isn't like when the guys gonl and the cleaning crew comesy in , they're suddenly in charge. but you such a weird thing whent he's pointed that out. it's right. we're it's like goodwill hunting. they'll come out the middle of the night and write a new constitution, not how it works. i actually feel like it's goingo to be fun and spooky. but the problem is ultimately w the scary music is what are we going to do? >> right. we're going to steal her memo doesn't quite you know, i mean it's like i don't know, they got to come up. , they have to make it's got to be more january six , i think. yeah, that's what i write note as an executive would be make it not january six . make it something else that's scarier like xixi, ,. yeah, doesn't matter what happened. they got her . yeah yeah yeah they got it. they got it. they got to oliver stone. totally. yeah totally. that's what i would do. yes. make it four hours at four hours long with all of theseg elements and people meeting and parking lots and stuff likel that and then somebody raisewe their hand says wait a minute. so just then what happens? we get we go in , get shut up. you get set that she was actually babbitt gets shot dead but they're not going to concentrate on that cat. >> they're not going to look at her life. what do you think this is a good idea ? no, i don't think movies are that idea. i don't know, general. i don't think there's too long exactly. long and i just i can't watch movies. i can l watch like five to ten o twenty episodes of a show in a row. but a movie i find is too much commitment. that's right. it's like like if they did an emily and paris movie. not what i don'tie know what tht is. well - you can talk about it all day long. i want to see a fan fiction metaverse version of this january six plot where they actually win. yeah, that would be and once upon a time in dc. yeah yeah that's yeah. jo tarantino would do a great job. jesse the advantage i call them the hollywood dogs combination of hollywood and progs came upme with that just now pollywogs you guys can use it at home. is. that once they find a narrative they like they already have the machinery in place a so they could just pump out any kind of propaganda because they're already lockedd and loaded. >> we don't have that luxury. i think this movie is going too be a laugh riot. yes. yes. did you guys get that joke? yeah. oh , over my head. it was about guccifer. i wasn't really listening to the what else is either and the reason i kind of touched on there's no romance on january 6th. there's no 6. woman. there's no love. there was except t they killed her . yeah, that's right. we're not listening to me a either. you can't take a date to a january six movie. no, you can't make out in thee back of the movie theater. there's just nothing there forng that type of film to take off. yeah. if i had good some money and they better shoot it, which i might at some they'd better shoot it soon. yeah they do because the republicans in congress they won't let them have the set. yeah. sorry. youu know what what where are we going to say. i was just going to say there'sw better topics for films i would do like a like a hunter biden biopic. well yeah in fact you'repa a pandemic movie. oh there's going to bend 20 of those. they're doing one hundred movie and they're filming it i think in serbia right now. you who's directing it? our friend robert downey. really? yes. interesting isn't it? >> anyway, we've got to move on . up next , instead of teaching kids ten , they're force feeding racist slap in the world and everything with the children. i understand your son's going to charge to watch this guy premieres monday at i'm dr. brendan white. i've been an optometrist for twenty nine years now. i start taking down the major fruit and vegetable 20 something years ago. i've never seen my husband and i help preventative care. one of the things the families from i research fruits and vegetables are good for our so i've always liked to from medicine and the concept is clear from the title. this is the way christian is quiet. so my favorite question i get when i'm working in my clinic is doctor what do you and i don't i take both of major great product and i can't think of another product that are more broad reaching scale things that improve in our help. you start your journey to better health. call one hundred point sixty seven point one . i go to balance and nature don't come and don't forget to get 35% on the first four foot order by using discount code fox news if something happened to you, what would happen to them? 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well, i mean, in a way, yes. yes,s, that's the answer you want. but also like does anybody think i mean, when you're in school and you played a game, you didn't learn anything when they wheeled in the video thing, you're like, oh , this isis great. i can just the children aren't learning anything from a game. i don't care what they don't think. but also i was looking at and i think i read it wrong one of the things that makes you one of the privilegesri you feel represented in media and when i first saw it, i looked feet represented in media and i thought, yeah, like you've got very privileged feet. you see your feet everywhere. just kind e of the i guess the points this whole game, which is to prove that , you know, whatever you've got, it's your your privilege. whatever i've got i'm not you owe me. yeah. everything is jesse obviously if you weree playing this game you'd be right up there but it almost pits other students against this students like you. it is like it's that happens naturally. but i think the reason the school ignored the executive order because he heed dropped it when he didn't have his vest on . yeah, that's. the youngkin vesti is a superpower.r. so that's probably whysu but i said this the other day and i'm going to repeat it because i'm just out of materialt.. let's just say i am an athletic, wealthy black. right. okay, and i am applying to be admitted to brown and let's say cat is a straight white male christian from florida if onlyy and she is also applying to brown and we have the samein scores now the black is getting in . right. right. so i don't see as someone w who likes to make sweeping generalizations, they're going to pay to get me in . yes. and my parents can't afford it. right. so it's listen, it's there's just more than being white, christian and straight and also about how much cash you have. yeah. and the price of all this that you get to go to brown. that analogy i would do anything i could to get out of here and i mean that i mean the school. yeah i know it's coming. youhing know the funny thing is bingo is like a game for o old white people. so you just priming allld these kids to hang out with old white people, that's got to be bad,ot right, kat? i guess t so.o. i guess that's a very look, i don't think my opinion matters because these aren't my kids. i i think it's you know, the parents should have the choices when it comes to this . i think it's a furtherof argumet of so many arguments to give parents more options when it comesests m to schools for their kids. i don't want to don't i don't think it's my place to worry about how any kid turns out, which is actually why i don't have any because i don't wantwa that responsibility. so you're okay witht privilegep bingo. i if i if parents want to send a school that has privilege bingo and they can do that . there should be options and choices. and again, i don't have kids for a reason will becausetr you're a straight white >> yeah right. yes., i'm a man i , i don't think the parents the teachers should >> arrested. no i think they should be forced to play privilege. bingo. first. io right.n and ii think the question should be like this you get every summer off, you get a state funded pension. do you get to make little kids cry and tell them what to do every day? yeah, that's a privilege. but that's my joke. and nowto i'm going to return to my ícsi colma. i'm so jealous. all right. coming up, m eminem's more inclusive. the whole point remains elusive . i will bless those who bless you here in israel and the former soviet union for the jewish people are living in very difficult times. thered are now thousands ofnd destitute elderly j who are desperately in need of basic food. the international fellowship of christians is on the ground with survival food the need for food is growing. call or go right now and say i will bless these children of abraham. it's the elderly widows who are hurting the most. many of them are also holocaust survivor who are once again crying out for help. god respond to their need, as you can see is extremely as you can see is extremely urgent right now. you can give a gift of life ofo twenty five dollars that will help russian emergencydo. food x to an elderly jewish person who doesn't have enough to eat together. we bring them comfort and love but just as important we bring them to life saving food banks a gift of twenty five dollars will help russia. one emergency food box withy your response. their pain and suffering willno continue inside of every box we put a note that says this box is donated because of the generous christians aroundan the world. this trustedgijewi ministry is g christians like me a way to tangibly let jewish people n who are in need around the world, wherever in the world the jewish people lovey the greatest need. our spiritual mandate is togo feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans qunol go online now and say i will savepr your life. i will bless and comfort the jewish people. i'm jonathan lawson here toli tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. thathe eighty five and looking to buy t life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the threere p'? 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b whenag i eat a bag of eminem two i wonder which color and shape best represents my identity. >> no, because it's chocolate and also it's obviouslyng the orange one but the iconic candye company is giving the mascots makeovers to make them more inclusive t. how are they doing this ?y well, obviously by changing their footwear instead of go go boots the seductress green eminem will b wear sneakers. additionally, their voices will be updated. the tone that's more welcoming. sorry, kat, no voiceovers for you, said catherine. slight interesting chief growth officer at mars rigley. e who better to commit to a world with more moments of fun by increasing sense of o belonging around the globe that eminem'sfin i don't know, maybe three musketeers we could replace their swords withh protest signs. butt honestly this is weird ifth you really trulyis want to make it eminem feel like they belong, you probably shouldn't be eating them. i mean, what kind of message does it send to children when you devour these little non binary bonbons for commentariat we go to oury candy correspondance. oh , oh that was not a candy corresponded cat. yes, okay, they want to makeu' their little characters inclusive and then you're going to eat them. you know, i have so many thoughts on this. yeah, i do.o. , the green eminemth is a snake. yes. the new one . the new one . okay, listen to the little sad little statements and she sayshe i think we all win when we see more women in leading roles. soso i'm happy to take on the part of supportive friend when they succeed. okay, like none of you guysou ae women but women all knowik that the women they're like i'm a woman and i'm a woman and they're called pro women. i am you can't trust them. the real women, they just do b it. they don't need to brag aboutth it like they're running some kind of campaigne and she admits she's doing that . she said the part of a supportive friend when they succeed. right. like okay.t yeah, i bet you want to be you know, their friend when they succeed like you conniving, climbing little. i do not trust her . b all right? i don't want to be her friend. m she somehow made it worse. that's that's the worst kind run from women like the green eminem, the new green nachmanoff. >> yes, the green eminem is an disgusting, opportunistic evil. wow. wow. you know, rob, i have to say this is corporal since may be the most embarrassing anthony in all of themmb because they're so obvious about likery trying to create a distraction. please don'ttr come after us for our diabetic starter kit, which is what candy is right. you know, we look at what wewe did to our little character. right. but don't a looke at all the problems sugar causes. you don't look at the comorbidity you're creating . yes. i was interested though. cat is projecting a lot intold the green eminem. i feel like c we should not we really should come back to that at some point, maybe the next. i'm not reflecting on my own. yeah, no.o. totally interesting. i don't want to get we're out of time. yeah right. but i just say like they eminem's are kind of the progressives idea of the futureve of the human being. right. we're all kindd of shiny and a different color and we have no . that's kind of where they want us to t go. and if you put them in your mouth, a color comes off. i don't know what that means. this ishi part of this weird thing,ei jesse , where we have o make sure, um, seven billione people in the planetin, not a single person can have their feelings hurt. so they everybody's h got to do something to make sure everybody's okay. i'm going to tryis my hand at comedy again. oh , god. and hope it works this time. am i camee up with some offensive candies. okay, i think we need to change their branding butterfinger. oh yeah. oh yeah but his finger very good good good. hershey's kisses hershey's consensual. >> very good jolly rancher jolly sustainable rancher so i just stop there you go. like you know i'm going to save some for the fox we already tape it. b youy did a great job on the i would say butterfingers butge their finger but they're therer that's my only my only note. thank you . then you can fit more than one last words to you walter. t so this is all fake. yeah. eminem's were already woke a bowl of rainbow colored candies is as well as it gets. yeah g that's true but theyr wanted to get the pr for going woke so they had to invent a problem. they had to invent a confession. oh we aren't as wokeness we cane be and so this is fake. no to wear skittles. yeah skittles just going toci stay racist and you knowst because that will give america a choice. yeahca exactly. >> exactly. yeah good. you are number three. i had my wife right out my because she knew i'd be taking these painkillers and that thanks girl. i think i think we got to do a special gutfeld episode where we are all on painkillers if we announce it beforehand then it's not a problem. right? just research. yeah, research. we could call it the cnn new year's eve special first we first we all have to break your finger though so we can get a prescription. but their finger. up next , tips for jesse sims debut show is intermeshed. when i show balance in nature, there was no chemicals. everything was nature oriented and i say, wow, that sounds pretty good. i just found that my energy level was starting to wane. so i was looking for an edge and alternator's and that difference made what fun for me personally it's been a game changer. it is giving me energy and the foundation to attack life with . as i got into my 60s i started noticing i just didn't quite have the same energy and drive i heard the balance the nature commercials on the radio a lot and i thought that makes sense to me that we're not really getting all the fruits and vegetables that we should and i just if ever there was a reason to start thinking about yourself, this would be a good way to start start your journey to better health by going down to meet your doctor. and don't forget you can go to fox news investment rate increases are forecast. stocks could possibly be stock . yet experts say apartment building values and rents are currently appreciating in an estimated three point eight six point eight million more homes are needed now this is likely due to real estate being locked in a limited supply, high demand diversify now by investing in real estate alongside nra and industry leader with a fifteen year track record call 888 fourteen four that's eight hundred eight hundred fourteen for men over forty five that a large have you up to your two or more times a night. ruwart out your live system is a minimally invasive procedure that reopens a channel with no cutting helping men make fewer nighttime bathroom trips, no side effects, serious bleeding and infection events in the u.s. ask your urologist about your or eight hundred sixty five six sixty six hundred today the end of an era during the screening for their final and performing russia back one eighty four for sector. >> what advice do you have to share with a man who over gels his hair? here's some friendly advice for a host you'll watch every day twice. right. jesse watters is going to be hosting jesse watters watters primetime starting mondayto and we're looking forward to iti like we look forward escapee's kid, .but it's all part of dana perino. its plan to gradually easef off the five on advice of her therapist. unsurprisingly, the logo looks like a bunch ofht natty lightt cans after jesse gets done smashing them on his head inng a stadium parking lot. but l because i'm such a generos person, i've decided to devoteid this segment to giving of advicee on how not to completey screw it up if it's already nott too late anyway. jesse , i just hope you don't continue this tradition. >> we wait for that program for black thing. it goes into an ignacio's gotta go. oh , find looksee on hand like this . >> oh , i was going to say that never gets old butld that gets old . tips for jesse ? yeah, sure. j this is a huge opportunity, o right. hugepp,. you've been waiting forhi your whole life which means you would be devastated if you screwed it up like you would never forgive yourself. plus you have w your kids all that . so just try not a tobo think abt that . i don't think i've got yeah. it might mess you up mentally. all right. will rob, you think how can jesse watters primetime be every bit as successfululit? cheers. well i mean you're alreadylr halfway there i would sayea stop doing this show you oh this is actually my last gutfeld.ry yeah,in don't tell them either because this is live, right? yeah.l i would also like i'll tell you what i told greg, which is that it's probably not going to work. yeah. yeah. but also i thinkouto you need to remember is that greg is not your friend, that this is like you're in a different primetime. it's only a certain o on the slots and he wants allfyo of them. i know youu now have one of them . i know this is not this is not a game anymore. i he's not a nice man. he's also really important for you understand he is not a well know that i know. m okay,an yes.dv that's good advice thing a little more. i want everyone to get along that's who i am. i wish everybody well i'm just telling you that he will shiv you you in a heartbeat right now he's texting upstairs saying like i don't thinkt jesse's got it i. just lay off the sauce before the first show. yeah, embarrassing right now . that's what i would say to them. walter, any advice? go ade blond, whatever works so well for the blogs. yeah,work that's it. okay, it was my not life not going well. no, nong, >> i was thinking of someone else. it was blog butat y you're doing great now you know i can tell by your logo that you're trying to confuse it. put the logo up. you're trying to confuseot viewersba with monday night football, right? yeah, definitely some that and you're definitely courting people into sports and. i don't like to sit and watch w sports . anybody that likes toik sit,esnt i want them to watch exactly on a scale of zero to 100% what will be the percentage of red meat versus the percentage of seat no. it's a hard news show. we're no opinion, no opinion. just going to be hard news coverage. my advice to you is to go i hope no one took that seriously back . thereri will be a lot of red meat. so i had my red meat. i'm saying things that i care about. exactly because you are king ofu red meat. ou you know, my advice to you is to go all in on this new phenomenon i keep hearing about called kuhnen. that's a phrase i'm not really supposed to say anymore. t what's that correct. well, cuidad, it's just i mean, i don't know. i mean i don't know what to say about it either, but i think it's a good you're a block b you can't come up with a story just put into the google machine. >> okay, are you soldier i know what happened right already. >> i was all about you. i'm your friend. hey, let's take a walk. don't do it. hey, you want some clothes? >> yeah. come over here in the back maga hat. >>fr yes. no, i make him sit in the front seat but i'd sit in the back seat. that's true . >> yeah, that's true . all right. don't go away. we'll be right back . in your medicine let's take these calls coming back and the number one post name brand highly recommend. i can't. i can't. you need to think formula short . i can think stacho allergies droplets dangerous to your breathing get much more mist ultra pure steam inhaler. it's germs destroyed just pure happy sinuses good breathing again my pure mist. do it guys. it's time to get what you want with help from ageless male max the doctor recommended solution for boosting testosterone right at its source while supporting a rapid 64% boost and nitric oxide production which can be handy in the gym and in the bedroom get the undisputed best selling testosterone booster nationwide be the man you want to be. you deserve that feeling here relief you put in the work whether you're training for a marathon or just living one . the powerboats and powerboats move from sharper image here for you. every move, every step, every direction take it signs of how are your credentials? 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is it is it cresting? you took it about an hour ago in the five milligram oxycodone. yeah, i've sat on i've satf on this set many times, but i've never noticed that the river in that backdrop iser ali> . yes, y it is back . i just saw a giant bass jump. it is. you're right. it is. that is not the drug. that is the actual river i in that scene. yes. well, that'ss good. walter, please tell meatloaf we miss him. >> yeah, yeah. you mean i'm going his way? well, i think you're almost have your walterer you're not shot as walter whatever you do, do not walk toward the light. oh , that everybody wants to walk the light.d so what are the lights? all. right. we got to good luck, jesse watters. thank you , rob. walter kurchatov fox news tonight night with evil bridges next . i'm told i love you america. hello everybody. i'm jesse watters along with greg gutfeld, gillian turner, harold ford jr.r dagen mcdowell five o'clock in new york city. and thisr. is a five nine by everyone out there who is frustrated, sad, angryut, off, feel those emotions, go to kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do this weekendee and then wake up on monday morning. we got to keep it's been a doozy of a week for the biden white house

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Aboutth , The Green Eminem , You Conniving , B , Green Nachmanoff , Corporal , Likery , Disgusting , Evil , Anthony , Themmb , Kit , Starter , Character , Sugar , Causes , Comorbidity , Don T A Looke , On My Own , C , Intold , Kindd , Human Being , Futureve , Mouth , To T Go , Progressives , Ishi , Everybody , Seven Billione People , Feelings , Okay , Planetin , O Make Sure , Um , Finger , Offensive Candies , Comedy , Oh Yeah , Branding Butterfinger , Hershey S , Jolly Rancher Sustainable , Hershey S Kisses , Therer , Fox , Words , B Youy , Yeah G , Bowl , Theyr , Candies , Fake , Pr , Oh We Aren T , Confession , Skittles , Stay , Wokeness We Cane , Toci , Painkillers , Number , Choice , Yeahca , Thanks Girl , Episode , Gutfeld , Research , Just Research , New Year S Eve Special First , Nature , Balance , Prescription , Intermeshed , Tips For Jesse Sims Debut Show , Energy Level , Chemicals , Alternator , Edge , Wane , Energy , Game Changer , Difference , Foundation , 60 , Lot , Commercials , Radio , Investment Rate , Supply , Homes , Stocks , Real Estate , Apartment Building , Stock , Values , Rents , Demand , Forecast , Experts , Eight , Eight Million , Men , Industry Leader , Nra , Fifteen , Fourteen , Forty Five , Eight Hundred , 888 , Procedure , Night , Channel , System , Cutting , Side Effects , Screening , Urologist , Infection , Bleeding , Bathroom Trips , Eight Hundred Sixty Five , Sixty Six Hundred , Final , Sector , Eighty Four , Man , Advice , Escapee , Jesse Watters Primetime Starting Mondayto , Host , Gels , Logo , Therapist , Parking Lot , Inng A , Cans , Stadium , Natty Lightt , Generos Person , Dana Perino , Bunch Ofht , Unsurprisingly , Advicee , Screw , Gotta Go , Ignacio , Looksee , Butld , O Right , Opportunity , Tips , Sure , Hugepp , Tobo Think Abt , Successfululit , Gutfeld Ry Yeah , Yeah Li , Sayea , O , Primetime , Allfyo , Slots , Well Know , Yes Dv , M Okay , Texting Upstairs , Heartbeat , More , Don T Thinkt Jesse , Sauce , Go Ade 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

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murders of young women. our leaders are finally doing something about late wednesday night, a statue a of theodore roosevelt that's a president cat was removed after standing in front of the american museum of natural history for more than 80 years. yeah, instead of removing the vagrants who've been, doing drugs and assaulting people, go after the inanimate step that'll make life better . but hey, teddy was evil. those glasses, that mustache, gu you probably wore those as a disguise while he was beating up people w of color. so get lost , you and take your racist horse with you. and what a heroic feat to rid us of teddy or at least his statue. so typical of libs to pick on something that can't hit back . by the way, the removal cost t the city twohe million bucks.. so where are they sending teddyt to private schoolhe and tifa could have done it for free with ropes with cnn looking the other way. hellcat wouldd' have done it for two sixers the beer, not the players but but where elsels would you like that money to go for more policing in the subways or the streets whereres crime is rampant? e shutth up. a bigot. did you know the statue was theyd so offensive covered it with a massive orange tarp, the same one brian stelter uses as a towel in thete steam room. the monuments. now in a libraryh in north dakota. so d like all residents fleeing new york to florida, it's probably safer in the new york post. t, a quote one of teddy's descendants, theodore roosevelt, the fifth cheered the removal saying the statue a place relocated to where its composition can be recontact contextualized to facilitate difficult, complex and inclusive discussions. >> well, thank you you pretentious. >> if teddy were alive, he dressed up like a white rhino to chase you through central park with a 12 gauge that you care about these statues. i don't i'm not into statues exceptpt for the . and even then the security atec the museum keeps a pretty good eye on me. but this is part of a larger problem. americans care about crime. they don't care about statues any more than they care about trans bathrooms or pronouns. but someone does. it's our w craven leaders who ae under the thumb of a tiny wokeme mob. this as crime explodes in everyi city run by lives. h weea hear the tragedies every dy but they don't get the outragege we saw over statues in those heady days of the george floyd riots with statues were dropping like jeffrey toobin pants during zoome call never gets old now many were confederate soldiers toppled by protesters, but it didn't stop there. evenoi the city leaders joined in just as one guy predicted in the proud tradition of america's great leaders fromas george washington. please don't takehi a statue this place to lincoln. teddyto roosevelt. i see they want to take teddy roosevelt down there trying to figure out why they don't know they're trying to take away our culture. they're trying to take away our history and our weakk leaders. they do it overnight. th these things have been thereor for one hundred and fifty years, for a hundred years. >> weak, weak people. we didn't deserve him. protesters tore down statues of anti slavery heroes as well as statues of governors. they remove monuments honoring citizens who fought in thera union army. they trashed statues of the missionary junipero serra. that's my high school. that's my school is named after him and they better leave by statue alone. i'm writingal tom bradyrs on horseback, of course. columbus was removed in chicago by lauri lightweight black kids getting shot by other black kids and she's like let's get that dead italian out here. if only we had a visual aid to shed some light on thesepr misplaced priorities. thank you all for coming. i'll keep this brief before turning them back over tonn the cnn sex crimes unit. after two years of exhausting a all of our resources, were have finally apprehended the man who haso caused our community so much pain and sadness. his reign of terror is oversa and we can finally feel safe again. now i'll give youfe one last loo at the son ofre a before we put him away for good. we also called his accomplice i believe they call that a getaway. but in conclusion, him and the horse he rode in on. oh , and if you call t the department in the pasthe couple of months about robberies and murders, i promise you we will returno your phone call. wewe just got to work out some staffing issues. think that's a police bust. so as crime spun out of control, our media saw progress in this pointless herge abe lincoln statue was toppled in portlandd. i guess they're siding with john wilkes booth, both thomas jefferson and george washington were also knocked down in that town. then they destroyed the city. of course, there's no correlation there. andrew jackson, mississippi, tt francis scott key k in sano francisco, ulysses s. grant also toppled in s.f., probably to be replaced by giant bronze pile of human. even h frederick douglas wasn't safefe. hehe was torn down in rochester, new york like brian kilmeade sleeze. t that's a head scratcher. the mary decaf imitated in tennessee. jesus christ decapitatedssee in miami probably because it needed a nose job godi even gone. he was vandalized in davis, california and we alldhi rememr what a he was and yetic the media and our politicians thought it was progress that this would help cities and help people. but what disney did to star wars they destroyed something and replaced ithey with somethig worse. the rest of us though we knew this was an excuse for mayhem, a gateway for more than just destroying statues and what came next ? businesses and police precincts destroyed. nothinggness is sacred. and whenen looting is defended as a good thing, society is as backwards as crisscrosses pants. there's a references c. it's the broken window theory on meth. you let society go to and it quite literally goes to . we have criminals released from prison to commit more crime on new york subways, l.a. bus stations, high end furniture stores. they'll stab you becausese they're a soulless cold as theow statues being torn down. and yet even now the statues are still a priority because fake virtue signaling is easier than dealing with realfe suffering and politicians were just more terrifiedririar the ma than they were of you. bill de blasio, ted wheeler, jacob frei. r if they were any more yellow, they'd be on the simpsons and now people are dying in part because leaders felt a piece of stone wass more harmful than a dude with a knife when the truth is sometimes the statue is the only thing between you and the dude with a knife. so now w the only say statue is the one in the white househe until they make a real one of them, then they'll tear itt down in a heartbeat. yeah, when he's feeling romantic, he runs his fingers through his own hair. co-host f of the five and oh the brand new jersey waters brought water smattering of applause he comes upp withp more plot than a great w figure up in the air. author walter kirn the irony ofm him being a writer for two years is that nobody knows his name. tv writer producer rob lowe. and speaking of that , everyoner at the bar yells cheers when he finally leaves fox news contributor at this because she drinks. yeah, jesse . yes, i oh, it's a serious issue crime. but ifst there was y a statue of you put up, how long after it went up would it take four a people to tear it down? well, it depends if it was a statue , i don't think i'mdo going to surprise anybody when i say that i am not that big of a fan of art. no, but i do appreciate statues because you're right. i do want to be a statue one day. and in all seriousness, we have when i say we i meany my assistant johnny. yeah. has calledstan, the mayor ofwh scranton. where did you get your start? allentown. allentown, allentown. and we>> are in activeti negotiations with the mayor to a statue of you. are you kidding? th now t grab this months ago now. yes. thank you , sir. thank you . all right. so we are now deciding whether this is going to be a on public or private land and we've actually found a price point. it's ten thousand dollars,in right? because it's going togg be the scale and it's actually smaller than you think because you're going to be depicted sitting down okay, because we know you get t uncomfortableha n you stand it. but that is true where there's going to be an unveilingnd ceremony to. you guys are all invited to it and we expect it to be toppled. yes, and eventually we may have to take it down. yes,s, you'll have canceled yourself and brought great shame on all of us and then we'll just put it in a basement somewhere. you know, i didn't expect that as an answer. th i'm very excited over this . yes, i believe you. yeah, didn't i tell you literally talk to me aboutab this months ago i wait. who pays for this ? that's also in negotiation. i bet i , i bet i can get a rich, lonely old man to pay and rob. well again only if it's and you're seated. i need that . that's what i think it has to bust to move in one way likehi i'm thinking like the great moments with mr. lincoln. i kind off want to stand up, do a monologue just like t the robot. i would like the chair to be made of glass so people can just let get that low. yeah. all right. well, i'm. going to leave you be roi drooled over the happiness f this . walter, how i know you're on you've got some dentals issues right now. oh , yeah.ight i cracked a tooth on the way to new york city and so i've got both novacaine and a pharmaceutical i won't name so i don't get robbed at on the way out of the building by either me or don't worry about the criminals. i'm waiting for you.m i know w what you got. so it's walter kirn unchained today. yes. yeah. what's your take on this crime versus statute? okay, i've got three points. number one , i'm not for the removal of statues in general, but if there's one statue i would remove it might be teddy roosevelt withia an indian and a black dude helping him on his horse. yeah. you know, so so i might make an exception for that one. >> number two, who judges statues guilty. yeah. who holds the trial right. > so i think the constitution should afford statues the right to a fair trial. >> that's a great point and id think they should be judged by a jury ofby their peers, othr statutes. yes, i think other statuesde should decide if, you know, george washington has to go or something. and i think the statue that'ss on trial should have the right to remainfu silent, which shouldn't be hard because it's a statue. >> yeah, well done, my friend. well prepared. no, not bad for a guy who's occy. i know i do some of my best thinking on have you watched the five makes you rethink the whole sackler family thing. it it's understood. rob you're saying that to you all along have been that's really cool actually i love the wellford brimley beard. bye. thank you .nk thank you . i'mk y like you know he he was t as old as he. yes. a as hes looked. no he wasn't and that's what i'm going for. yeah. so where do you are you i mean i don't see this to me. is it about statues. it's about how politicians can only have that one thing at a time. and so as crime is going on over here, everybody isdy going after inanimate objects while people are getting killed. well, yeah. i mean, first of all, i'm still a little ten grand for what was wrong aspirin's i think he brons really he doesn't deserve brahmbhatt aluminum foil balld the kind of shape that i can dou forck fifty .ls yes. and i think you know put the money somewhere else i would say about the stack it i is a long standings tradition for all politicians. easy stuff first. right. so it's easy to pull down the statue and then you can do that and you can buy yourself a month. yeah. while everything gets worse or everything gets better magically by itself. i don't really care about the statues actually maybe it's time to put have different heroes like i don't know it's not a work of art really. it's just a kind of a commemoration. so we should just decide who our you know, our new heroes are. mine would be the guy who like put the cheese in the crust. no cheesy crust, but why should the horse have to suffer? that is for the horse. did nothing did nothing wrong. yeah. it's w interesting. who are our modern heroes right now real housewives. yeah. at know, i think that you might have some ideas on the kind of statues that would matter most too the young people. the young demoiven given that you're you know, you'ret under forty just about just about i'm significantly under forty . that's because i'm so wise and accomplished yet i'm very accomplished and smart so people forget like there's no way she could be that . yeah. so i understand the reverse. will i get that . i get that all the time to liket really she's so successful. so how is 5 it not fifty advice don't grow a beard. i can't i've been trying i don't whenever this happens i always just like find out these statues exist. yeah i don'thing i don't notice the statues we've been to the museum of modern art. no i'm just always i went but i was on my phone the whole you know what it is? it's the streisand effect statue right. like this you don't know something until i'm likee oh that's that . oh wow. yeah. i didn't even know that was there what that was. i mean i'm sure i've been around it all these statues bute i just also want toclea again be clear that he's not joking because you when you hosted ford gragg when you f took your day off of your birthday, you had me you had some questions for me about hosting the show. you were very much like, well,h i have you here and then you t tried to leavehe that september to see it's still in motion. it's still there's been supplyup chain issues. we're workingpl on this.ain i don't w allentown is that goig to be that supportive of me? i don't think well, that's why we're negotiating the private as opposed to the public. first you've got to buypu the land. yes.>> all right. well, we solved nothing. this was completely derailed . my stach all right. up next , why hollywood can't keep quiet about the dc riotszi in your medicine cabinet. let sixty cool coming on saturday and the number one post shortening brand highly recommend that last night campany formula, a short code that can be stacked allergies, droplets just dangerous to your breathing. get msnbc your most ultra pure steam inhaler. it's on germs destroyed just pure effective state happy sinuses breathing again my pure mist do it. selling a home is expensive and stressful so we created our smart solar system to sell your home for top dollar and save thousands in commissions. i was amazed in the fact that my house sold one idea ideal agent saved me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars and the process was as easy as it. they are the number one way to sell our services available nationwide and there's zero obligation calls today or visit ideal agent .com. hey, why don't do some launches ,some laundry. your room and delivery came along. we can do that one or two. our captain. oh hi mr. we have to go. whatever you call to do it, be ready with room room. it's simple and convenient to take care of you when the moments right. you ready roman? 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that's another reason why i hate children. walter, your book up in the airm was turned into a movie starring that guy that looks like me.e. george clooney. yes. t you think this will turn out? well, i told my wife that we were w going to do a segment on this and she said wasn'ta january six already a moviemo? and i and i think what she meant by that was we now haveav the most heavily edited, you know, insurrectiont in history. i think they're already holding ten thousand hours of footage that they haven't released. >> why don't they just, youwhea know, releasese those and not make the movie yet? >> but the i want to know who's going to be cast as the, you, know, guy with the horns who you have who timothy chellaney. oh , nice guy. know what about what about epps reyaad? so who's the guy? david stringbean ray ill disguised said i was thinking of jeff daniels. s oh interesting. and he canan give a speech about how he's innocent as jeff daniels is very good in those roles as yeah. folsom liberal voice of reason except this time he's playing against type isian. a fascist. yes exactly. what about you rob? you're a hollywood insider. yeah. is hol is going to be fair and balanced. i hope not. i won't be that good if it is also the whole idea of like democracy. it isn't like ifra you whoever captures the capital gets our capture. the flag is just a building. it isn't like when the guys gonl and the cleaning crew comesy in , they're suddenly in charge. but you such a weird thing whent he's pointed that out. it's right. we're it's like goodwill hunting. they'll come out the middle of the night and write a new constitution, not how it works. i actually feel like it's goingo to be fun and spooky. but the problem is ultimately w the scary music is what are we going to do? >> right. we're going to steal her memo doesn't quite you know, i mean it's like i don't know, they got to come up. , they have to make it's got to be more january six , i think. yeah, that's what i write note as an executive would be make it not january six . make it something else that's scarier like xixi, ,. yeah, doesn't matter what happened. they got her . yeah yeah yeah they got it. they got it. they got to oliver stone. totally. yeah totally. that's what i would do. yes. make it four hours at four hours long with all of theseg elements and people meeting and parking lots and stuff likel that and then somebody raisewe their hand says wait a minute. so just then what happens? we get we go in , get shut up. you get set that she was actually babbitt gets shot dead but they're not going to concentrate on that cat. >> they're not going to look at her life. what do you think this is a good idea ? no, i don't think movies are that idea. i don't know, general. i don't think there's too long exactly. long and i just i can't watch movies. i can l watch like five to ten o twenty episodes of a show in a row. but a movie i find is too much commitment. that's right. it's like like if they did an emily and paris movie. not what i don'tie know what tht is. well - you can talk about it all day long. i want to see a fan fiction metaverse version of this january six plot where they actually win. yeah, that would be and once upon a time in dc. yeah yeah that's yeah. jo tarantino would do a great job. jesse the advantage i call them the hollywood dogs combination of hollywood and progs came upme with that just now pollywogs you guys can use it at home. is. that once they find a narrative they like they already have the machinery in place a so they could just pump out any kind of propaganda because they're already lockedd and loaded. >> we don't have that luxury. i think this movie is going too be a laugh riot. yes. yes. did you guys get that joke? yeah. oh , over my head. it was about guccifer. i wasn't really listening to the what else is either and the reason i kind of touched on there's no romance on january 6th. there's no 6. woman. there's no love. there was except t they killed her . yeah, that's right. we're not listening to me a either. you can't take a date to a january six movie. no, you can't make out in thee back of the movie theater. there's just nothing there forng that type of film to take off. yeah. if i had good some money and they better shoot it, which i might at some they'd better shoot it soon. yeah they do because the republicans in congress they won't let them have the set. yeah. sorry. youu know what what where are we going to say. i was just going to say there'sw better topics for films i would do like a like a hunter biden biopic. well yeah in fact you'repa a pandemic movie. oh there's going to bend 20 of those. they're doing one hundred movie and they're filming it i think in serbia right now. you who's directing it? our friend robert downey. really? yes. interesting isn't it? >> anyway, we've got to move on . up next , instead of teaching kids ten , they're force feeding racist slap in the world and everything with the children. i understand your son's going to charge to watch this guy premieres monday at i'm dr. brendan white. i've been an optometrist for twenty nine years now. i start taking down the major fruit and vegetable 20 something years ago. i've never seen my husband and i help preventative care. one of the things the families from i research fruits and vegetables are good for our so i've always liked to from medicine and the concept is clear from the title. this is the way christian is quiet. so my favorite question i get when i'm working in my clinic is doctor what do you and i don't i take both of major great product and i can't think of another product that are more broad reaching scale things that improve in our help. you start your journey to better health. call one hundred point sixty seven point one . i go to balance and nature don't come and don't forget to get 35% on the first four foot order by using discount code fox news if something happened to you, what would happen to them? 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well, i mean, in a way, yes. yes,s, that's the answer you want. but also like does anybody think i mean, when you're in school and you played a game, you didn't learn anything when they wheeled in the video thing, you're like, oh , this isis great. i can just the children aren't learning anything from a game. i don't care what they don't think. but also i was looking at and i think i read it wrong one of the things that makes you one of the privilegesri you feel represented in media and when i first saw it, i looked feet represented in media and i thought, yeah, like you've got very privileged feet. you see your feet everywhere. just kind e of the i guess the points this whole game, which is to prove that , you know, whatever you've got, it's your your privilege. whatever i've got i'm not you owe me. yeah. everything is jesse obviously if you weree playing this game you'd be right up there but it almost pits other students against this students like you. it is like it's that happens naturally. but i think the reason the school ignored the executive order because he heed dropped it when he didn't have his vest on . yeah, that's. the youngkin vesti is a superpower.r. so that's probably whysu but i said this the other day and i'm going to repeat it because i'm just out of materialt.. let's just say i am an athletic, wealthy black. right. okay, and i am applying to be admitted to brown and let's say cat is a straight white male christian from florida if onlyy and she is also applying to brown and we have the samein scores now the black is getting in . right. right. so i don't see as someone w who likes to make sweeping generalizations, they're going to pay to get me in . yes. and my parents can't afford it. right. so it's listen, it's there's just more than being white, christian and straight and also about how much cash you have. yeah. and the price of all this that you get to go to brown. that analogy i would do anything i could to get out of here and i mean that i mean the school. yeah i know it's coming. youhing know the funny thing is bingo is like a game for o old white people. so you just priming allld these kids to hang out with old white people, that's got to be bad,ot right, kat? i guess t so.o. i guess that's a very look, i don't think my opinion matters because these aren't my kids. i i think it's you know, the parents should have the choices when it comes to this . i think it's a furtherof argumet of so many arguments to give parents more options when it comesests m to schools for their kids. i don't want to don't i don't think it's my place to worry about how any kid turns out, which is actually why i don't have any because i don't wantwa that responsibility. so you're okay witht privilegep bingo. i if i if parents want to send a school that has privilege bingo and they can do that . there should be options and choices. and again, i don't have kids for a reason will becausetr you're a straight white >> yeah right. yes., i'm a man i , i don't think the parents the teachers should >> arrested. no i think they should be forced to play privilege. bingo. first. io right.n and ii think the question should be like this you get every summer off, you get a state funded pension. do you get to make little kids cry and tell them what to do every day? yeah, that's a privilege. but that's my joke. and nowto i'm going to return to my ícsi colma. i'm so jealous. all right. coming up, m eminem's more inclusive. the whole point remains elusive . i will bless those who bless you here in israel and the former soviet union for the jewish people are living in very difficult times. thered are now thousands ofnd destitute elderly j who are desperately in need of basic food. the international fellowship of christians is on the ground with survival food the need for food is growing. call or go right now and say i will bless these children of abraham. it's the elderly widows who are hurting the most. many of them are also holocaust survivor who are once again crying out for help. god respond to their need, as you can see is extremely as you can see is extremely urgent right now. you can give a gift of life ofo twenty five dollars that will help russian emergencydo. food x to an elderly jewish person who doesn't have enough to eat together. we bring them comfort and love but just as important we bring them to life saving food banks a gift of twenty five dollars will help russia. one emergency food box withy your response. their pain and suffering willno continue inside of every box we put a note that says this box is donated because of the generous christians aroundan the world. this trustedgijewi ministry is g christians like me a way to tangibly let jewish people n who are in need around the world, wherever in the world the jewish people lovey the greatest need. our spiritual mandate is togo feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans qunol go online now and say i will savepr your life. i will bless and comfort the jewish people. i'm jonathan lawson here toli tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. thathe eighty five and looking to buy t life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the threere p'? 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b whenag i eat a bag of eminem two i wonder which color and shape best represents my identity. >> no, because it's chocolate and also it's obviouslyng the orange one but the iconic candye company is giving the mascots makeovers to make them more inclusive t. how are they doing this ?y well, obviously by changing their footwear instead of go go boots the seductress green eminem will b wear sneakers. additionally, their voices will be updated. the tone that's more welcoming. sorry, kat, no voiceovers for you, said catherine. slight interesting chief growth officer at mars rigley. e who better to commit to a world with more moments of fun by increasing sense of o belonging around the globe that eminem'sfin i don't know, maybe three musketeers we could replace their swords withh protest signs. butt honestly this is weird ifth you really trulyis want to make it eminem feel like they belong, you probably shouldn't be eating them. i mean, what kind of message does it send to children when you devour these little non binary bonbons for commentariat we go to oury candy correspondance. oh , oh that was not a candy corresponded cat. yes, okay, they want to makeu' their little characters inclusive and then you're going to eat them. you know, i have so many thoughts on this. yeah, i do.o. , the green eminemth is a snake. yes. the new one . the new one . okay, listen to the little sad little statements and she sayshe i think we all win when we see more women in leading roles. soso i'm happy to take on the part of supportive friend when they succeed. okay, like none of you guysou ae women but women all knowik that the women they're like i'm a woman and i'm a woman and they're called pro women. i am you can't trust them. the real women, they just do b it. they don't need to brag aboutth it like they're running some kind of campaigne and she admits she's doing that . she said the part of a supportive friend when they succeed. right. like okay.t yeah, i bet you want to be you know, their friend when they succeed like you conniving, climbing little. i do not trust her . b all right? i don't want to be her friend. m she somehow made it worse. that's that's the worst kind run from women like the green eminem, the new green nachmanoff. >> yes, the green eminem is an disgusting, opportunistic evil. wow. wow. you know, rob, i have to say this is corporal since may be the most embarrassing anthony in all of themmb because they're so obvious about likery trying to create a distraction. please don'ttr come after us for our diabetic starter kit, which is what candy is right. you know, we look at what wewe did to our little character. right. but don't a looke at all the problems sugar causes. you don't look at the comorbidity you're creating . yes. i was interested though. cat is projecting a lot intold the green eminem. i feel like c we should not we really should come back to that at some point, maybe the next. i'm not reflecting on my own. yeah, no.o. totally interesting. i don't want to get we're out of time. yeah right. but i just say like they eminem's are kind of the progressives idea of the futureve of the human being. right. we're all kindd of shiny and a different color and we have no . that's kind of where they want us to t go. and if you put them in your mouth, a color comes off. i don't know what that means. this ishi part of this weird thing,ei jesse , where we have o make sure, um, seven billione people in the planetin, not a single person can have their feelings hurt. so they everybody's h got to do something to make sure everybody's okay. i'm going to tryis my hand at comedy again. oh , god. and hope it works this time. am i camee up with some offensive candies. okay, i think we need to change their branding butterfinger. oh yeah. oh yeah but his finger very good good good. hershey's kisses hershey's consensual. >> very good jolly rancher jolly sustainable rancher so i just stop there you go. like you know i'm going to save some for the fox we already tape it. b youy did a great job on the i would say butterfingers butge their finger but they're therer that's my only my only note. thank you . then you can fit more than one last words to you walter. t so this is all fake. yeah. eminem's were already woke a bowl of rainbow colored candies is as well as it gets. yeah g that's true but theyr wanted to get the pr for going woke so they had to invent a problem. they had to invent a confession. oh we aren't as wokeness we cane be and so this is fake. no to wear skittles. yeah skittles just going toci stay racist and you knowst because that will give america a choice. yeahca exactly. >> exactly. yeah good. you are number three. i had my wife right out my because she knew i'd be taking these painkillers and that thanks girl. i think i think we got to do a special gutfeld episode where we are all on painkillers if we announce it beforehand then it's not a problem. right? just research. yeah, research. we could call it the cnn new year's eve special first we first we all have to break your finger though so we can get a prescription. but their finger. up next , tips for jesse sims debut show is intermeshed. when i show balance in nature, there was no chemicals. everything was nature oriented and i say, wow, that sounds pretty good. i just found that my energy level was starting to wane. so i was looking for an edge and alternator's and that difference made what fun for me personally it's been a game changer. it is giving me energy and the foundation to attack life with . as i got into my 60s i started noticing i just didn't quite have the same energy and drive i heard the balance the nature commercials on the radio a lot and i thought that makes sense to me that we're not really getting all the fruits and vegetables that we should and i just if ever there was a reason to start thinking about yourself, this would be a good way to start start your journey to better health by going down to meet your doctor. and don't forget you can go to fox news investment rate increases are forecast. stocks could possibly be stock . yet experts say apartment building values and rents are currently appreciating in an estimated three point eight six point eight million more homes are needed now this is likely due to real estate being locked in a limited supply, high demand diversify now by investing in real estate alongside nra and industry leader with a fifteen year track record call 888 fourteen four that's eight hundred eight hundred fourteen for men over forty five that a large have you up to your two or more times a night. ruwart out your live system is a minimally invasive procedure that reopens a channel with no cutting helping men make fewer nighttime bathroom trips, no side effects, serious bleeding and infection events in the u.s. ask your urologist about your or eight hundred sixty five six sixty six hundred today the end of an era during the screening for their final and performing russia back one eighty four for sector. >> what advice do you have to share with a man who over gels his hair? here's some friendly advice for a host you'll watch every day twice. right. jesse watters is going to be hosting jesse watters watters primetime starting mondayto and we're looking forward to iti like we look forward escapee's kid, .but it's all part of dana perino. its plan to gradually easef off the five on advice of her therapist. unsurprisingly, the logo looks like a bunch ofht natty lightt cans after jesse gets done smashing them on his head inng a stadium parking lot. but l because i'm such a generos person, i've decided to devoteid this segment to giving of advicee on how not to completey screw it up if it's already nott too late anyway. jesse , i just hope you don't continue this tradition. >> we wait for that program for black thing. it goes into an ignacio's gotta go. oh , find looksee on hand like this . >> oh , i was going to say that never gets old butld that gets old . tips for jesse ? yeah, sure. j this is a huge opportunity, o right. hugepp,. you've been waiting forhi your whole life which means you would be devastated if you screwed it up like you would never forgive yourself. plus you have w your kids all that . so just try not a tobo think abt that . i don't think i've got yeah. it might mess you up mentally. all right. will rob, you think how can jesse watters primetime be every bit as successfululit? cheers. well i mean you're alreadylr halfway there i would sayea stop doing this show you oh this is actually my last gutfeld.ry yeah,in don't tell them either because this is live, right? yeah.l i would also like i'll tell you what i told greg, which is that it's probably not going to work. yeah. yeah. but also i thinkouto you need to remember is that greg is not your friend, that this is like you're in a different primetime. it's only a certain o on the slots and he wants allfyo of them. i know youu now have one of them . i know this is not this is not a game anymore. i he's not a nice man. he's also really important for you understand he is not a well know that i know. m okay,an yes.dv that's good advice thing a little more. i want everyone to get along that's who i am. i wish everybody well i'm just telling you that he will shiv you you in a heartbeat right now he's texting upstairs saying like i don't thinkt jesse's got it i. just lay off the sauce before the first show. yeah, embarrassing right now . that's what i would say to them. walter, any advice? go ade blond, whatever works so well for the blogs. yeah,work that's it. okay, it was my not life not going well. no, nong, >> i was thinking of someone else. it was blog butat y you're doing great now you know i can tell by your logo that you're trying to confuse it. put the logo up. you're trying to confuseot viewersba with monday night football, right? yeah, definitely some that and you're definitely courting people into sports and. i don't like to sit and watch w sports . anybody that likes toik sit,esnt i want them to watch exactly on a scale of zero to 100% what will be the percentage of red meat versus the percentage of seat no. it's a hard news show. we're no opinion, no opinion. just going to be hard news coverage. my advice to you is to go i hope no one took that seriously back . thereri will be a lot of red meat. so i had my red meat. i'm saying things that i care about. exactly because you are king ofu red meat. ou you know, my advice to you is to go all in on this new phenomenon i keep hearing about called kuhnen. that's a phrase i'm not really supposed to say anymore. t what's that correct. well, cuidad, it's just i mean, i don't know. i mean i don't know what to say about it either, but i think it's a good you're a block b you can't come up with a story just put into the google machine. >> okay, are you soldier i know what happened right already. >> i was all about you. i'm your friend. hey, let's take a walk. don't do it. hey, you want some clothes? >> yeah. come over here in the back maga hat. >>fr yes. no, i make him sit in the front seat but i'd sit in the back seat. that's true . >> yeah, that's true . all right. don't go away. we'll be right back . in your medicine let's take these calls coming back and the number one post name brand highly recommend. i can't. i can't. you need to think formula short . i can think stacho allergies droplets dangerous to your breathing get much more mist ultra pure steam inhaler. it's germs destroyed just pure happy sinuses good breathing again my pure mist. do it guys. it's time to get what you want with help from ageless male max the doctor recommended solution for boosting testosterone right at its source while supporting a rapid 64% boost and nitric oxide production which can be handy in the gym and in the bedroom get the undisputed best selling testosterone booster nationwide be the man you want to be. you deserve that feeling here relief you put in the work whether you're training for a marathon or just living one . the powerboats and powerboats move from sharper image here for you. every move, every step, every direction take it signs of how are your credentials? 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is it is it cresting? you took it about an hour ago in the five milligram oxycodone. yeah, i've sat on i've satf on this set many times, but i've never noticed that the river in that backdrop iser ali> . yes, y it is back . i just saw a giant bass jump. it is. you're right. it is. that is not the drug. that is the actual river i in that scene. yes. well, that'ss good. walter, please tell meatloaf we miss him. >> yeah, yeah. you mean i'm going his way? well, i think you're almost have your walterer you're not shot as walter whatever you do, do not walk toward the light. oh , that everybody wants to walk the light.d so what are the lights? all. right. we got to good luck, jesse watters. thank you , rob. walter kurchatov fox news tonight night with evil bridges next . i'm told i love you america. hello everybody. i'm jesse watters along with greg gutfeld, gillian turner, harold ford jr.r dagen mcdowell five o'clock in new york city. and thisr. is a five nine by everyone out there who is frustrated, sad, angryut, off, feel those emotions, go to kickboxing class, have a margarita, do whatever you need to do this weekendee and then wake up on monday morning. we got to keep it's been a doozy of a week for the biden white house

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Five , One Million Dollar , Twenty Two Dollars , Twenty Two , Price , Insurance , Text , Thirty Two , Hit Comedy Tv , Mom , Bicamerally , Emergencies , Pivoting Thirty Days On Fox , Hulu , Thirty , 40 , Forty Nine , Students , Privilege Bingo , Bicamerally Playoffs Saturday Seven Fatima Fox Sports , Seven , Privilegd , Older Peopleiv , State Curriculum Laws , Game Calledvi Identifyingnc A Privilege , Virginia , Fairfax County , Enjoyedpr , Parents , Some , Luck , Bedroom , Military Kid , Ofs , Ar Being White Male , Privilege , Office , Bunk , Act , Stuart Varney , Glen Youngkin , Learning , Assistant Superintendent , Schoolrgin , Band , Silliness , Biases , Concepts , School District , Exercise Encouragesco , Ba Privilege , Granddad , Military Kids , Boy , Readines , I Hae , Doas , Normandy , Apologized , Backlash , District , Blackface , Racists , Spokesperson , Category , Brats , Wonder Schools , Teachersrs , Game , Anything , Video Thing , Children Aren T Learning Anything , Isis Great , Feet , Media , Privilegesri , Everywhere , Whatever , Executive Order , Black , Youngkin Vesti , Vest On , Superpower R , Materialt , Scores , Onlyy , Samein , Someone W , Generalizations , Cash , Analogy , Brown , Youhing , Kids , Bingo , Opinion , Look , O Old , Aren T My Kids Ii , Allld , So O , Kat , Kid , Options , Choices , Arguments , Comesests M , Furtherof Argumet , I Don T Have Kids , Responsibility , Privilegep , Wantwa , I M A Man , Teachers , Io Right N And Ii , Pension , Coming Up , M Eminem , Nowto , Ícsi Colma , Soviet Union , Israel , Times , Need , Food , Elderly J , Thered , Survival Food , Christians , Fellowship , Ground , Widows , Most , Abraham , Gift , Survivor , God , Person , Life Saving , Food Banks , Jewish , Russian Emergencydo , Twenty Five , Twenty Five Dollars , Box , Russia , Willno , Box Withy , Response , Jewish People N , Trustedgijewi Ministry Is G , Mandate , Orphans Qunol Go , Togo , Program , Colonial Penn , Eighty Five , Budget , Ps , P S , Three P , Threere P , Coverage , Smoker , 9 , Sixty Five , Nine Dollars , Ninety Five , Nine , Medications , Fixed Income , Ifrd , Call , Rate , Nine Dollarsea , Populary , Plan , Health Questions , Lifetime Rate Luck , Isth , Nine Dollarsis , Exam , Acceptance , Noan N , Direction , Information , Beneficiary Planner , Money Back Guarantee , Guide , Wishes , Loved Ones , 30 , 800 , 1 , Eight Hundred Two , Hands , Bag , Color , Iconic Candye Company , Makeovers , Chocolate , Identity , Obviouslyng The Orange One , Tone , Voices , Footwear , Voiceovers , Go Boots The Seductress Green Eminem , Will B , Wear Sneakers , Fun , Sense , Chief Growth Officer , O Belonging , Eminem Sfin , Globe , Catherine , Mars Rigley , Message , Ifth , Swords Withh Protest Signs , Candy , Oh , Commentariat , Binary , Bonbons , Oury Candy Correspondance , Characters , Eminemth , Snake , Thoughts , Do O , Makeu , Women , Statements , Knowik , Win , Soso , None , You Guysou Ae Women , B It , Campaigne , Aboutth , The Green Eminem , You Conniving , B , Green Nachmanoff , Corporal , Likery , Disgusting , Evil , Anthony , Themmb , Kit , Starter , Character , Sugar , Causes , Comorbidity , Don T A Looke , On My Own , C , Intold , Kindd , Human Being , Futureve , Mouth , To T Go , Progressives , Ishi , Everybody , Seven Billione People , Feelings , Okay , Planetin , O Make Sure , Um , Finger , Offensive Candies , Comedy , Oh Yeah , Branding Butterfinger , Hershey S , Jolly Rancher Sustainable , Hershey S Kisses , Therer , Fox , Words , B Youy , Yeah G , Bowl , Theyr , Candies , Fake , Pr , Oh We Aren T , Confession , Skittles , Stay , Wokeness We Cane , Toci , Painkillers , Number , Choice , Yeahca , Thanks Girl , Episode , Gutfeld , Research , Just Research , New Year S Eve Special First , Nature , Balance , Prescription , Intermeshed , Tips For Jesse Sims Debut Show , Energy Level , Chemicals , Alternator , Edge , Wane , Energy , Game Changer , Difference , Foundation , 60 , Lot , Commercials , Radio , Investment Rate , Supply , Homes , Stocks , Real Estate , Apartment Building , Stock , Values , Rents , Demand , Forecast , Experts , Eight , Eight Million , Men , Industry Leader , Nra , Fifteen , Fourteen , Forty Five , Eight Hundred , 888 , Procedure , Night , Channel , System , Cutting , Side Effects , Screening , Urologist , Infection , Bleeding , Bathroom Trips , Eight Hundred Sixty Five , Sixty Six Hundred , Final , Sector , Eighty Four , Man , Advice , Escapee , Jesse Watters Primetime Starting Mondayto , Host , Gels , Logo , Therapist , Parking Lot , Inng A , Cans , Stadium , Natty Lightt , Generos Person , Dana Perino , Bunch Ofht , Unsurprisingly , Advicee , Screw , Gotta Go , Ignacio , Looksee , Butld , O Right , Opportunity , Tips , Sure , Hugepp , Tobo Think Abt , Successfululit , Gutfeld Ry Yeah , Yeah Li , Sayea , O , Primetime , Allfyo , Slots , Well Know , Yes Dv , M Okay , Texting Upstairs , Heartbeat , More , Don T Thinkt Jesse , Sauce , Go Ade Blond , It I , Someone Else , Blogs , Butat Y , No Ne , Nong , Sports , Monday Night Football , Watch W Sports , Confuseot Viewersba , Red Meat , Percentage , Seat , News Show , Toik Sit , Esnt , 100 , No One , News Coverage , Thereri , King , Ofu , Phenomenon , Phrase , Kuhnen , Don T Know , Soldier , Block B , Cuidad , Google Machine , Walk , Clothes , Hat , Fr Yes , Calls , Back Seat , Don T Go Away , Formula , Mist Ultra , It Guys , Nitric Oxide , Testosterone , Boost , Solution , Gym , 64 , Best Selling Testosterone Booster , Feeling , Move , Powerboats , Image , Work , Marathon , Credentials , Roger , Dozens , Unemployables , Value , Playoffs , Water , Fox Sports , Leakiness Bicamerally , 70 , Ice , Season , Lone Star , Tv Drama , Monday Fox , Cleaning Lady , Experience , Commission , Icing , Style , Cake , Twelve Thousand Dollars , Twelve Thousand , Hiring Ideal Agent , Payments , Mortgage , Agents , Results , Discount Brokers , He G , Cds , Passeded Away Yesterday , Authentic , Meatloaf Cds Sat Down , It Cresting , Update , Let S Go , Me E , He Willso Benngr , River , Backdrop , Milligram Oxycodone , Bass , Iser Ali , Satf , Drug , Scene , That Ss Good , Rob , Walterer , Light , Lights , Light D , Tonight Night With Evil Bridges Next , I Love You America , Walter Kurchatov , Thisr , Harold Ford Jr , Dagen Mcdowell , Gillian Turner , Margarita , Weekendee , Emotions , Doozy , White House , Monday Morning , Angryut , Sad , Go To Kickboxing Class ,

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