he s got so many german troops with him that this shouldn t be that difficult. but he has no idea how the british are going to attack. what allenby does, rather than just smash up against the wall like happened twice before in gaza, he s going to go inland. he executed this brilliant that is still studied in military academies where he outflanked the ottomans and within weeks marched on jerusalem. djemal pasha, of course, was in overall command of the battle front. so the germans say to djemal pasha, look, you re out. and djemal pasha says, no, this is my army, this is my land. but germany being germany says, not only are you out, you will never see jerusalem again. and true to their word, djemal
and he chooses marian who is young, beautiful, cultured, generally loved by everybody. herod s relationship with marian, they would have made really good reality television. on the one hand, herod deeply loved her, and expressed his love in grandiose gestures. on the other hand, she constantly berated him about his status and he always felt a sense of inferiority around her. the very jerusalem story because it contains both love and hate, as jerusalem as auls always does. you have this young, ruthless, self-made king. you have this princess of the grandest, royalest family. it s like a kardashian marrying
pasha never sees jerusalem again. he was eventually removed to the russian front and eventually became a political refugee. and djemal pasha was ultimately killed by an armenian because he had a hand in the armenian genocide. with command of the holy city now directly in their hands, the germans turn their attention to destroying the british. the germans are going to make sure that for every inch of ground the british advance, they are going to bleed. and as the british advance towards jerusalem, the desert theater becomes a brutal, brutal place for battle. the combat is fierce. it s ugly. this is desert combat at its very worst. but for all his success, general allenby will soon learn
powerful generals controlling rome. mark antony meets and and falls in love with cleopatra, and establishes his base of operations in alexandria in egypt. he is a bit of what we today call a player. he was master of horse, cavalry commander for julius caesar. mark antony and herod the great, they re old war buddies. and herod the great actually saved mark antony s skin on one occasion. so, they owe each other quite a bit. mark antony and herod had had a very intimate relationship that, of course, cleopatra knew of and was very, very jealous. and cleopatra wants what herod the great has jerusalem. cleopatra wants jerusalem under egyptian control because it gives her another kind of a gateway to the east.
but what s left of it are the stones of the south, eastern, and western walls, which you can see today. so, all that herod had worked for. the things that he wanted most this physical legacy vanished. anytime jerusalem has someone come along who wants everything to himself, for some reason, jerusalem says that s not the way the city of god is going to be. and that s because, as history has shown us, the times when jerusalem is at peace is when this city is shared by its people. the jews emerge differently