The 1st Cavalry Division celebrated its 101st birthday over the course of a week with friendly competitions and ceremonies to build camaraderie around the heritage of the First Team, Sept.
powerful generals controlling rome. mark antony meets and and falls in love with cleopatra, and establishes his base of operations in alexandria in egypt. he is a bit of what we today call a player. he was master of horse, cavalry commander for julius caesar. mark antony and herod the great, they re old war buddies. and herod the great actually saved mark antony s skin on one occasion. so, they owe each other quite a bit. mark antony and herod had had a very intimate relationship that, of course, cleopatra knew of and was very, very jealous. and cleopatra wants what herod the great has jerusalem. cleopatra wants jerusalem under egyptian control because it gives her another kind of a gateway to the east.
and together they want to rule the world. mark antony was one of the powerful generals controlling rome. mark antony meets and falls in love with cleopatra and establishes his base of operations in alexandria in egypt. he s a bit of what we today call a player. he was master of horse, cavalry commander for julius caesar. mark antony and herod the great, they re old war buddies. and herod the great actually saved mark antony s skin on one occasion. so they owe each other quite a bit. mark antony and herod had had a very intimate relationship that, of course, cleopatra knew of. and was very, very jealous. and cleopatra wants what
operations in alexandria in egypt. he s a bit of what we today call a player. he was master of horse, cavalry commander for julius caesar. mark antony and herod the great, they re old war buddies. and herod the great actually saved mark antony s skin on one occasion. so they owe each other quite a bit. mark antony and herod had had a very intimate relationship. and cleopatra wants what herod the great has jerusalem. cleopatra wants jerusalem under egyptian control because it gives her another kind of a gateway to the east. she s able to trade with them. all of these trade routes coming in from the far east go down into what is now modern syria, modern lebanon and