exactly what they ve been doing on the western front against the germans, and they re fiascos both times. it cost a lot of british soldiers lives, in the thousands. it was a very humiliating defeat for them, so they retreated. so djemal pasha, sitting in jerusalem, he sort of becomes the hero, and this is one of the really kind of outstanding ottoman victories, these two battles of gaza. after the british are beaten back, the arab revolt plans an assault of its own. for the arab revolt, the really important city was damascus. prince faisal knew the importance of damascus, wanted to be in damascus. it s a very important place historically, religiously and strategically. damascus was the first real capital for the islamic empire outside of arabia.
about once-weekly ozempicĀ®. oh, oh, oh, ozempicĀ®! you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. herod has convinced octavian to allow him to remain in control of jerusalem. but when he returns to the holy city, he finds the royal family in turmoil. mariamne and members of her family are sequestered under armed guard while herod is away. and when herod comes back, some other members of the family start spreading rumors that mariamne had had an affair with her guard. herod has the guard killed. and then, turns his attention to his wife. herod and mariamne are
outlive him. he is trying to build his way out of depression. he builds a series of fortified desert palaces along the eastern frontier, including overlooking the dead sea. he built whole cities like on the coast where, in addition to building a city, he built the largest artificial harbor that had ever been constructed up to that point. and at samaria, the ancient capital at the northern kingdom of israel, he built another city. one of the main figures that have dominated palestinian geography and we owe to him the major monuments of palestine. prior to king herod, jerusalem was small, cramped,
hussein. it s a big sign that islam has recovered jerusalem. saladin, himself, got down on his hands and knees and cleaned the temple mount with rosewater to purify it again as an islamic shrine. while saladin focuses on jerusalem, the crusaders have regrouped under the command of king guy. saladin allowed king guy to go freely on the condition that he sail across the sea, meaning he goes back to france from whence he came. guy is not so naive. he recognizes that he still has another card to play. he goes to this little island about two miles offshore and comes back and says, i ve been overseas. in allowing him to live, saladin unwittingly allowed king guy to reconstitute his army.
then, and mount a charge on jerusalem. without acre, they really had very little hope of doing it. learning of the attack, saladin marches the full might of his army to acre. but what saladin is not counting on is european crusaders on ships coming towards him in droves, with one of those soldiers being one of the most ferocious warriors of all time richard the lionheart. king richard i of england may very well be the polar opposite of saladin. he kills and leaves the dead bodies around so that other people are afraid of him. he s fearless.