muslims. the muslims of the city wants the throw out the werner werner. solodun is famous for his generosity. his administrator says we got to hide money from him because if he got it, he ll give it away. in order to conquer jerusalem, he s first got to unite all of the desperate era of armies into one. meaning, he spent a lot of his career fighting against other muslims. he would say i don t want to fight you, you should come on my
he received the commandments of how muslims should pray. that s very symbolic and it showcases how important jerusalem is to muslim worship but also muslim identity. muslim leaders ruled jewrusalem from 638 until the first crusade. juthe aim is to recover the crisis city from the hands of the muslims. they were able to control of the huge part of palestine. essentially, they banned the
the conflict we are experiencing today, you see it experienced in jerusalem for thousands of years. for the jews, where solomon built the holy temple. fo for muslims, where muhammad made the journey. no other individual changed the landscape in the way herod the great did. at a time of islamic rule, the british badly wanted to control the holy land.
sons and his family descends into internal warfare. when solodyn dies, muslim unity dies with him. i don t think the struggle between solodyn and richard was ever a struggle. it was a struggle for what jerusalem presents and what also the role. with solodyn, the desire to conquer jerusalem really did come from this deep conviction to control jerusalem, to control this holy site and control the dome of the rock and would move is islam forward. the legacy of the crusades and jerusalem among arabs is a