important the city is symbolically and emotionally to christians and muslims. then negotiations of some of the most fascinating negotiations take place. they are exactly alike. peace negotiations between israeli and the palestinians. they say essentially you think jerusalem is yours and we think jerusalem is ours. solodyn declines to meet richard in person. it is not proper that leaders should meet. if we don t make an agreement, we may then fight again. so the person who tries to negotiate was the brother of solodyn. the name is aladdin.
because the medium is a cultural mirror. it needs to reflect all of our experiences. these shows are what we need. the jokes disarm you and you can see the human behind the humor . jerusalem is the universe city, the chosen city. the holy city. that s just blessing but it gives you its danger and ugliness, too. because it means that people believe that they must possess it absolutely.
horrible legacy. we have a way that the arabs or the muslims remember it as a form of modern attack. jerusalem is a site that believers fought over whether those believers have been muslims or christians for years because they believe that holding that land is important to their faith. if you are a believer, you believe absolutely your faith is the truth. so that s why in the case of jerusalem apply city, people are abso absolute, it is the only city on earth exists twice and it gives it as special nature but it also gives its danger and ugliness because it means that people believe they must possess it
further south and try to take. this way he can block from any kind of enforcement from the west. as richard the lionheart and his army moves off the coast, solodyn loses battle after battle. for solodyn is another setback. you can imagine a man used to winning victory after victory finding himself losing and losing to this small, rag tag army of crusaders. the best thing he can do is retrieve and guard the city of jerusalem. the crusaders is all about recovering jerusalem.
mound to pure fide as an islamic shrine. while he focuses on jerusalem, the crusaders have regrouped under the command of king guy. solodyn allowed king guy to go freely on the condition he goes back to france. guy is not so naive. he recognizes that he still has another card to play. in allowing him to live, he allowed him to reinstitute his army. king guy is about to be joined with history s most ferocious warriors.