both times. it cost a lot of british soldiers lives, in the thousands. it was a very humiliating defeat for them, so they retreated. so djemal pasha, sitting in jerusalem, he sort of becomes the hero, and this is one of the really kind of outstanding ottoman victories, these two battles of gaza. after the british are beaten back, the arab revolt plans an assault of its own. for the arab revolt, the really important city was damascus. prince faisal knew the importance of damascus, wanted to be in damascus. it s a very important place historically, religiously and strategically. damascus was the first real capital for the islamic empire outside of arabia. and it was so for almost a century under the dynasty that we call the amyiads.
general allenby and the british forces have captured jerusalem. but t.e. lawrence decides he must leave the holy city to help prince faisal and the arab revolt claim damascus. he s obsessed to get to damascus before the british do. he arrive there is with faisal. they go there and set up a provisional government. meanwhile, in italy, the european powers, without arab representation, met to implement the terms of the agreement. the legacy of the agreement is very horrible, because essentially it established the way the modern middle east is divided. but when it was first made public, a lot of arabs didn t believe that the british were honest with them and they are going to support the creation of an arab kingdom.
it s the family that had a lot to learn. jerusalem is the universal city, the chosen city, the holy city. that s its blessing, but it also gives it its danger and its ugliness too, because it means that people believe that they must possess it absolutely. the palestinian/israeli conflict that we are experiencing today, you ve seen it experienced in jerusalem for thousands of years.
captors in darah, and he goes back to this kind of desert hideout that he has been operating out of it. then he gradually makes his way back to arabia. lawrence is still reeling from his captivity, but he rushes to rejoin the british front. lawrence meets general allenby just outside jerusalem, where the british wait for their opportunity to strike. when the storm finally lifts, the british are expecting the bloodiest battle of their lives. they enter jerusalem, and it s complete silence. at that point in december of 1917, the germans kind of saw the handwriting on the wall. they had lost all of southern palestine very, very quickly. the british just kind of poured through. and the germans recognize that any kind of destruction in jerusalem would create such
solodyn did not kill every jerusalem. he allowed them to go back from the port where they came in. the city of acre. it was capitol of the crusade project in the middle east. it was important for them because the port was huge. the city is large. king guy has not got many men but he knows he needs to give them a target to fight for. he decides to attack acre. without acre they have little hope of doing its. learning the attack.