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[cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] yes, all right! yes! let not your be troubled. It is friday so you know what that means, let's welcome tonight's guest. She has witnessed more fights than a cashier at a waffle house , charlie! [cheering and applause] greg: if it seems like he is judging you, that's his job, comedian vince august! [cheering and applause] greg: her husband tried to convince her that talking is bad for the baby. New york times bestselling author, cat! [cheering and applause] greg: and you need sir edmund hillary to see if he has dandruff. New york times bestselling author, comedian and former nwa world champion, tyrus! [cheering and applause] all right all right, all right. Before we get to some news stories, let's do this. ♪ ♪ greg leftovers! greg: it is leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use this weekend is always it is my first time reading them so if they suck we will by joe a pager from one of our jewish friends in tel aviv. [laughter] greg: terrible! comedian chris rock just endorsed kamala harris. If only someone could slap some sense into him. [laughter] greg: condoning violence! reporter ahlivia who cares was placed on leave from new york magazine after admitting to a relationship with rfk jr. The relationship has been described as, as opposed to phone which would have taken he had stephen hawking's things going on. Greg: this week we had the former president donald trump on the show. [cheering and applause] greg: all milk at! he said this was his best experience with fox solely because he didn't have to look at their face. But ratings should we had nearly 5 million viewers. [cheering and applause] meanwhile, oprah held an interview with kamala harris. So it really was the battle of presidential candidate interviews. On one hand you had an interviewer who is the most famous, influential talk show host on earth and on the other you had oprah. Didn't see that coming, right? in that interview, harris told oprah that she would shoot anyone who broke into her home which many believe is a clear message to nannies. [laughter] [applause] greg: but it's true the harris interview did feel like a very special episode of oprah. But instead of everyone getting a new car, everyone got an aneurysm. Any who, the state department says that haiti has been deemed too dangerous to travel to. Especially if you look like this. [laughter] greg: hezbollah is calling the attacks from their exploding pagers an act of war. That israel responded saying that this highly targeted act was meant to avoid collateral damage to the hezbollah loved ones. [cheering and applause] greg: they [bleep] goats. [laughter] not just for sport. Greg: not just for sport, no. Did he has been placed on suicide watch amidst his future in prison. They said i was on the same thing said one man. But combs will be well protected and closely guarded at all times, according to one insider. Speaking of hillary clinton, she is coming out with a new memoir. The title is something lost, something gained. Because dracula was already taken. [laughter] greg: joe i had another alternative, old man and the semen. I didn't how to work it in though. Delta airlines have reminded flight attendants they need to wear underwear. That makes it easier to clean up when the doors fall off and they [bleep] themselves. In response to hearing delta remind their workers to wear underwear, spirit airlines is reminding their customers to wear deodorant. And finally, california governor gavin newsom has signed to new laws that ban deep fakes. To celebrate the occasion, he shook hands with bigfoot and charlie manson. [applause] greg: let's do some news! she got left high and dry by a shirtless guy during a recent boat parade in panama city, florida,, cnn interview trump supporters about the important issues heading into the election. And at one point, reporter ellie reeve wished a shark had attacked her instead because she got bashed up worse than the s. S. Minnow after a three hour tour. What is your most important issue? the economy. Getting interest rates down, getting it where we can afford to live in america. Right now it is too expensive. Let me may be ask a slightly impolite question. But if you can afford a boat, you are not hurting so bad, right? because about cost a lot of money and that's a lot of upkeep listen, nobody gave me [bleep]. Iron everything that i got. I'm retired military, retired power plant and i'm successful and retired with boats, jet skis because i did it right. And everybody has that chance. Weather they choose are not, that is up to them. [cheering and applause] greg: here's a tip, lady. Never interview a guy with a beer in one hand and a solo cup and the other. It never goes well. This guy served his country and worked hard all of his life, no wonder cnn sees him as the problem. But the ignorant left always forgets that there is a long time between the economy starting to suck and everyone being poor. And the cnn bosses will surely fire that reporter long before they have to sell their own boats. The reporter should have said, sir, i'm out of my depth here, think you for your time, i'm going to go home. Instead she persisted. I would never try to take anything away from you in that way. But what i'm asking is, groceries are probably a smaller part of your budget then say someone who was a little worse off. I think it's interesting that people who were a little bit more comfortable are still so concerned about the economy. You see what i'm saying? because i want my money to go further. On inflation to go down, interest rates to go back down, i want all of that. But that covers everybody in the economy. Not just me, not just the poor or the rich, it encompasses everybody. [cheering and applause] greg: which she doesn't understand. So let's review. According to this genius from cnn, as long as you have money you should not worry about people who don't. Got it? in other words, he is capable of thinking about somebody else besides himself, on like that reporter. That boat owner does not live in a bubble or like many of the kamala harris constituents, a tent. At this rate you would think the reporter would often a life raft and paddle away but no, she kept going. Something i have heard from some people, tell me if this applies to you. They are worried their kids aren't able to afford a house or car. I trained my kids and taught my kids properly, they have great educations and they're both successful in their careers. They're doing better than me. Greg: in your face, jerk reporter! [cheering and applause] clearly this reporter is an idiot. But cnn's worse was sending her. Pick a reporter who understands the topic, not one that looks like she should work at a hot topic. But it reveals how reporters look at regular people. They think you live in a bubble because you do not live in their bubble. They come to a trump event with preordained assumptions and assumed a stereotypical view is good enough to do the job. But that is the attitude of the mainstream press and liberals in general. They are experts on how to spend other people's money. And knowing democrats, if someone hollered man overboard, she would probably throw him a tampon. But she is probably being groomed to be a cnn anchor, she's already dead weight. So next time cnn, maybe send brian to cover a boat event. [applause] it would probably be hilarious watching him spend the whole day getting chased by captain ahab. [cheering and applause] greg: charli, you are a reporter. When you interview someone or go to a venue, you come prepared. She believed that her assumptions would carry her through this assignment. All she had to do was look down on him. Yes, leftist logic really blows my mind on a continual basis. This girl kept doubling down. Like you said we thought the joke was over, no wait there's more. No wait there's more. It is really disgusting how she tries to convince this guy because he has some money, how much she has, none of us know. Greg: boats are necessarily expensive! i have a kayak! even if they are a kayak is good exercise. Haitians have boats. [laughter] [applause] no matter how much money you have, you want to stretch it as much as you possibly can or save it as much as you possibly can. Let's look at warren buffett is a great example. He is one who has always preached, you don't think i'm a billionaire unless i pinch every penny. He has been driving the same 2004 cadillac to work for years, he stops a mcdonald's and only buys his breakfast sandwich based on how good the economy is doing. This guy gave a master class in the american dream to this childless cat lady and he did it ever so eloquently. [cheering and applause] greg: i don't know if she is childless but she probably does own a cat so we will go with that. Vince, it was amazing to me that she was shocked that somebody is doing okay would actually care about an economy that affects everybody. They literally were at an event last night with oprah winfrey and everyone from hollywood about talking about all of the issues. So all of those people are allowed to have an opinion but if you have a boat, that's where we draw the line. Like no, you got a boat, come on, what you doing? you got to back off. I mean listen, i say it all the time, i know there people that say shut up and dribble and this and that, everyone has a platform, use it the way you want to. But you were going to have to reap the consequences. When you see someone with a boat , you are like listen, you are doing really well. You don't know if that boat is good. You've never been in that boat, that boat could suck for all you know. That could be a [bleep] boat. That could be a haitian boat. Yes. [laughter] pirates have boats. Greg: the skipper in gilligan's island, that minna was not a great boat. Titanic, not a great boat! [cheering and applause] just because you can boat, does not mean you can vote. [cheering and applause] greg: am i mistaken or does your dad own about? yes, my dad has about. Greg: but your dad is not a billionaire. No. He has a sailboat. But also, is okay if you have a really nice boat and you still want more. It's okay to be ambitious, that's what this country supposed to be about. It's the land of opportunity, not the land of, okay,, this is fine, i guess. And i wish that he would [bleep] with her more. I would have loved if he was like yes, i have this boat now because of the incident. . . And then just not elaborated further and watch to get really uncomfortable. Because you don't know by what circumstances somebody has a boat, what kind of boat it is. And ou have a boat, therefore you have no opinion. It is so ridiculous. And the worst part is, she didn't know. She thought she really had something here. She really did. She was like oh, well,, this may be a little have what is that about? like she went home being like, got him! she could probably watch this will segment and still think she was totally in the right. Greg: tyrus, i think she went there specifically to find thinking there will be a lot of bigots here because she covers white supremacy. You're right. I think what happens is in their meeting in their van it's like, hey,, we are about to rollup on a bunch of trump supporters by the water. Which means really stupid racist people on boats. Go do what you do! i don't need notes, these dumb and their boats. Once i expose them for owning boats, they will be diving in the water trying to hide. They're stupid. This is woke. This is woke. So you have about. And my question is, how did you get here? did you fly a plane? were you in a nice car? is there sunblock and close in sunglasses? you must be doing well, wire you here? she wouldn't know what to do. But that's what this is about with them, their preconceived notion of what rightwingers are like. And whenever they are exposed to the fact that they are not this fictitious dragon that they want them to be, they regular people who roll up their sleeves, work for a living, raise his children and now in his elder years, he bought a [bleep] boat. So when i buy a boat when my kids are old enough for me to not have to legally pay for them anymore, i will buy that boat. [cheering and applause] greg: yeah. [cheering and applause] i know dad's who by boats while their kids are still growing up. Greg: we have to move on, up next, come all the rambles and then our panel on scrambles. [cheering and applause] gum problems could be the start of a domino effect parodontax active gum repair breath freshener clinically proven to help reverse the 4 signs of early gum disease a toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. This is steve. Steve takes voquezna. This is steve's stomach, where voquezna can kick some acid, heal acidrelated damage to the esophagus called erosive esophagitis, and relieve related heartburn. Voquezna is the first and only fdaapproved treatment of its kind. 93% of adults were healed by two months. Of those healed, 79% stayed healed. And voquezna can provide heartburnfree days and nights. Other serious stomach conditions may still exist. Don't take if allergic to voquezna or while on products with rilpivirine. Voquezna may cause serious side effects including kidney problems, diarrhea, bone fractures, severe skin reactions, low vitamin b12 or magnesium levels, and stomach growths. Call your doctor if you have diarrhea, stomach pain or fever that won't go away, decreased or bloody urine, seizures, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, jitteriness, muscle aches or weakness, spasms of hands, feet, or voice. Voquezna can help kick some acid, and so can you. Ask your doctor about voquezna. (♪) the best way to solve a problem is to keep it from happening. (♪) at evernorth, we combine medical and pharmacy data with behavioral health data to identify members in need of care. Predicting and treating behavioral health issues quickly. . . While lowering costs for plan sponsors and members. That's wonder made possible. Evernorth health services announcer: it's time to play guess the question. [cheering and applause] greg: welcome to guess the question. We will present three word salads from kamala harris at the event that held opera and you can guess what the question was asked of her, here is the first one. We love our country. I love our country. I know we all do, that's why everybody is here right now, we love our country. We take pride in the privilege of being american. We believe in what is possible. We believe and what can be. And we believe in fighting for that. That is how we came into being. One of the greatest expressions of patriotism is to fight for the ideals of who we are, which includes freedom to make decisions about your own body, freedom to be safe from gun violence, freedom to have access to the ballot box, freedom to be who you are and just be. Greg: my guess is she's making an argument for assisted suicide. What you think the question was? where was joe biden? [laughter] greg: what you think, cat? probably something about specific policy plan. Greg: you're close! tyrus? does weed and wine affect your mind? greg: the question asked was what is in your heart to say to particularly those people who are still undecided or indifferent or on the fence? next click! see if you can figure out what prompted this mess of an answer. First of all, thank you both for being here. And yours is a story i hear around the country as i travel. And in terms of both rightly having the right to have aspirations and dreams and ambitions for your family and working hard and finding that the american dream is for this generation and so many recently, far more elusive than it has been. And we need to deal with that. And there are a number of ways. One is bringing down the cost of everyday necessities including groceries. Greg: charli, what you think the question was? probably in response to the woman asking what do i do if i have found out that my husband is actually a liberal? greg: cat? probably just like, how are you? [laughter] greg: tyrus? greg: how to convince your wife is a good idea to have a threesome. Greg: vintcent? no seriously, where is joe biden? greg: the question that the couple asked was, we would really love to know what your plan is to lower the cost of living. Greg: i was right. Greg: here's the next clip, this answer went on for 3 minutes, here are the low lights. It is a wonderful and important question. You know my background was as a prosecutor and i was also the elected attorney general for two terms of the border state. So this is not a theoretical issue for me, this is something i worked on. Sadly, where we are now can be traced most recently back to the fact that when the united states congress members members of the congress, particularly conservative republicans came up with a border security bill and donald trump called those up and said don't put that built on the floor for a vote, he blocked the bill. And you know why? because he preferred to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. Greg: all right tyrus, what was the question? what's going on with your cain? greg: cat? since she started bringing up donald trump i would say someone probably asked her why she didn't do something about something. That's usually how it goes. Greg: yes, when ever they ask or do something it's because of trump. Greg: vince? which mcdonald's did you work at? [laughter] greg: all right, charli? i know the question of this. Should i just give away the answer? greg: sure. We're dying to know because we have no [bleep] clue. It was about the border and she didn't give an answer like she never does. Donald trump is why. . . But did you see the guy who asked the question? he looked to the side and gave a nod. Almost like it was a joke like it was a bet for him to go to this press conference and ask the question like she was going to answer. You are 1000% right because his home boy was sitting next woman said no matter what you ask her, answer will be donald trump. And he looked at him like dan back how did you know that? but i thought the answer that question was i haven't been to europe. Isn't that that answer? regardless we were all unburdened. But finally, this is the part of the game, it's just a nice piece of hypocrisy, here is harris on guns. I said it so powerful at the convention when you said you have guns at the debate. I'm a gum owner, my running mate is a gun owner. I know that! if anyone breaks into my house they are getting shot. Yes, i hear that. Probably should not have said that. [laughter] my staff to deal with that later. Greg: yes, you shouldn't have said that because this is what you also said. Just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home does not mean that we are not going to walk into that home and check to see if you have been responsible and safe and the way you conduct yourself. Greg: cat? doesn't look good. [laughter] she's going to have to deal with that! it doesn't look good. It makes it a lot harder to say i'm not going to do that. Well roll the tape! exactly! but she's done that so many times where she backtracks and says something completely different than she said four years ago and no one seems to be paying attention. Especially her voters. No one is paying attention. Why is no one talking about the first time i've ever seen oprah winfrey's daughter? what she wanted to say was whomever that stupid [bleep] at the debate or the dnc that drew me out? stedman was upset, he was double parked when she literally said nothing! opera if oprah can save you, nobody can save you! you know what i mean? [cheering and applause] if jesus christ came down and said, hey, overall take it from here, what the heck? now i'm back. Greg: this is somebody that bailed out felons and again, she has different rules than the people that she rules over. But this is the thing and i will get serious because as a gun owner, as someone who has a carry permit, that is the worst answer to get to that question and this is the person that wants to take away my gun. The person who cannot answer the question herself. So before you start talking about guns, talk to people that are responsible about guns and maybe then you will protect our right. As opposed to take them away. Greg: i like that game! that is a good game, i hope we only have to play it for like 50 more days. I hope we don't do it for four years. Th back like tyson. It works on sweat from: stress, heat and activity. It provides 3x stress sweat protection. Secret works. [♪] my mental health was better. 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Usually i just pronounce it idiot. You almost said it! you almost it! i will say it anyway i want to. But to mispronounce it you also misjudge or. That is a congresswoman, you need to acknowledge her. If i purposefully mispronounce your name that you would not like it. Her policies are joe biden's policies, she owns it. This viciousness, ma'am. That is the history and legacy of white disregard for the humanity of black people. 's and i are calling me racist? that is b. S. You are disrespecting kamala harris and that is part and parcel of. [simultaneous talking] that is offensive. I'm not calling you a racist. Greg: that is a great show. [laughter] that guy is so far up his own but he could eat his own breakfast twice. By the way, democrats mispronounce trump's name all the time as hitler. But he thought his backandforth was just flirting. Fast forward to this week during house oversight hearing, mace outed dyson as a twofaced creep. I would like to also enter into the record, a screenshot of a text message i received from the esteemed professor , michael eric dyson after my cnn interview begged me for photos in this text, he says after calling me a racist on cnn, don't tell anybody, we look good together and scent me a kissing emoji. After that the guy says i'm gorgeous and all these photos, i don't think he is that bent out of shape over how anyone pronounces kamala harris' name and if we will hold use that standard, it has to be both sides and not just one or the other. Greg: no wonder he is named dyson, he sucks. [laughter] greg: are you surprised by this, tyrus? no i'm not. I have been dealing with this story [bleep] or years, can't stand it. When i was a bodyguard for snoopy went to the phoenix allstar game and snoop and tyrell owens and one of the things new used let me do was argue about basketball i was a celtics fan, he was a lakers fan would go to these events and we would talk basketball. What dyson does and reverend jesse jackson used to do is they show up at these sporting events and they find a celebrity and they just try to ease on and with everybody with no tickets, ladies and gentlemen. And then they try to hang out and then weaseled his way in there by saying the pontification of lubrication, the seats are open from one brother to another, know you're not getting my seat, have a nice day. This is what he does. He goes on tv, he is a current, listen professor. What did he take, gender studies? because all he does as if someone says something racist or presumed racist or out of context, this is how he makes his living. Then he shows up on behalf of all black people, we never voted him in and he sits there and says a bunch of words that don't make sense, accuses it and then you see who he really is. We look cute together. How many other people has he said that where if you don't like me your racist. He should never be on anything, he wouldn't make it over here because you can see him coming a mile away, he is the only person i think kamala harris would be very direct with and say no, i'm not talking to you. That's the only person. Greg: cat, i don't like the idea of sharing personal tax but is it does that get a pass when someone on tv insinuates you are racist and then afterward says, hey,, you are cute. And she responded by laughing. Which every woman has done that. When the creepy person says something you don't want to be like you one of those, you're disgusting, leave me alone so you just laugh like that. And you throw your phone to the other side of the couch hoping you never hear it vibrate again. But, yes,, sharing private texts is yucky but he really went all in on her. So pick one. Greg: exactly! exactly. What do you make of this, charlie? it kind of illustrates that a lot of people that call you racist on tv would still date you. Yeah. He was the one sending her messages but i definitely have had my fair share of people that have sent me messages who would say i would love to debate our differences over drinks. Greg: who said that? i'm not one to share the private tax. Greg: find their names! we may disagree but i would like to get you intoxicated. But i will say yes, he waters? i have worked with michael eric dyson when i was at espn and i was hosting first take, he was a regular guest on the show and i wasn't allowed to say anything back then so i would just have to smile and nod, yes, yes back the big words that are coming out of your mouth, yes, true. He is a race baiter. He certainly is r but he also jumped in with me on the red carpet of a super bowl party for a picture and he knows the points i make on this channel. So clearly there is some regularity in his persona. But it is what it is, i suppose. Greg: did he ever text you, vents? no. To things with this. One, my legal name is actually vincenzo. No one can pronounce vincenzo and i never took it as an attack on italy. I don't assume right away, this is an antiitalian thing. So that is first. Can we be less sensitive about people that can't pronounce foreign names? that's one. And two cacti wrist, that's why i go to hockey games, that [bleep] never happens at a hockey game. What happened to you. It didn't happen with us to, he had to go pontificate somewhere else. [laughter] also, everyone says her name differently all the time, no matter what side you are on. It's one of those names where it comes out sometimes differently, every time you say it. Greg: after a couple glasses of wine, she can't say her name. Up next, is it becoming a trend to spoil a movies and? tim [cheering and applause] xiidra was made for that, so relief is lasting. Xiidra treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. Don't use if allergic to xiidra and seek medical help if needed. Common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort, blurred vision, and unusual taste sensation. Don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. Before using xiidra, remove contact lenses and wait fifteen minutes before reinserting. Dry eye over and over? it's time for xiidra. Announcer: a story in five words. [cheering and applause] greg: you want to know the ending. Cat, research suggests that knowing the end of movies, tv shows and books can enhance the enjoyment and understanding of the story by allowing people to consume it without the anxiety and stress of uncertainty. Do you feel that way about life? if they could tell you right now that this is when you were going to die see? boy did i kill that segment. [laughter] i didn't know it would and that way. Fix it. But they [bleep] goats on haitian boats. Greg: all right cat, you have to rhyme. No, i'm not. I don't know. To answer ai don't know. I think this is women. Greg: it's me to! when i'm watching a movie and i am interested in the character, i will go on to wikipedia and look at the plot summary. I have to read the plot summary because otherwise asked me has been too many about what's going on. You can't pay attention for that long. For multiple hours just staring at a screen, your mind isn't going to go anywhere else to the point rhyme like who's that guy? and he's like, the main character! it's not for everyone. This is why i watch movies alone. I watch movies alone. Listen, i know we just found out what a woman was last month that we are different and we are especially different when watching a [bleep] movie. We are in it for the longhaul. We're going to watch it. We will even wait for the credits to see if there is an extra scene for us. That is what guys do. Women there's nothing worse than when a man is into a movie and i'm like man this is a great movie and in hearing this and then i look up. What's going on? if i had a window on my chair i would roll it up. Can you stop and rewind it? i would be like know. So i go to my basement alone. Greg: vents, would you prefer the surprise? i do but i feel like it gets broken all of the time because of the internet and just news and information. Like every easter, how many times the are like we didn't read that book yet. And i find out [laughter] no, they're still on the old one, they didn't get to the new one yet. I know what happens. Greg: they say the sequel is never as good as the original ever since he got a kid, he just went soft. [laughter] greg: charli, do you agree that this is a gender difference? i definitely think that women have a harder time following i hate to call us out it's because we are thinking about more important things. We are. I also think there is an a. D. D. Element to all of this. We are all just incapable, like you said, staring at a screen. We used to be able to do it. Do you know how bad it is that i feel good about myself or looking at that screen enough this screen. You're just like i am so talented. But i do. I'm similar to you, sometimes the plot is too complicated for me to figure out so i will get on and look at recaps of each episode and i will start to read them and i get too far and go no, i just boil the plot for myself. But i still make it through and sometimes it does add but sometimes i get upset and it ruins it for me. Greg: when i go onto that, there's a channel that has nonstop interventions and i will go there just to see which ones dead. Because i don't want to watch i don't want to watch it and find out the guy didn't make it it's like that was a loss of my hour. I mean the easy solution is to just watch porn. Greg: that's your answer for everything! the ones with the good plots on the haitian boats. Greg: enough of this business. Do not go anywhere, viewer mail is up next. 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What if it's the wrong girl? [laughter] been there. Greg: you've got to keep the complement it's a lot harder if you don't actually care about the woman you're with, yeah. You don't have any of those thoughts about her, the whole moment can become more difficult. [laughter] greg: what is the best way for a guy to get out of the doghouse? i think instead of giving specific compliments it's doing something specific that you like being done or remembering something you wanted to do like an act of service type of deal. There's the five love languages so also, you should know your partners love language and just completely dive into it. Greg: what crazy selfhelp books are you reading? so yours as acts of service then, it must be. Minds are words of affirmation. Greg: what are you guys talking about? [laughter] it makes a lot of sense! we gave different answers because we have different love languages. Mines are words of affirmation which is why i have history of costante falling for people's bull [bleep] you know what, after hearing all of this, i'll be honest, i don't want to get out of the doghouse, i want to stay in the doghouse. I'm going to [bleep] invite tyrus over and will watch a movie! [applause] [cheering and applause] greg: tyrus, what is your love language? my love language is don't bother me. Listen, as many of you know, i have a plethora of children and whenever i was in the doghouse i would just move. [laughter] what is your love language, rig? greg: i need to know where this business is coming from? the world around you. So it is acts of service, gifts which if you say gifts, you are a d bag. Physical touch. Words of affirmation and acts of service and what's the other one? greg: cash? that's gift giving. Greg, this is how women make you feel bad for wanting to sleep together. You have to be quality time! quality time, give a gift, affirmation, pay attention to get it. That's why i move. You just move. Greg: i realize the universal answer to all of these problems can be found in dateline. Take your spouse hiking. [laughter] why do i suddenly understand the kamala harris answer better than i do this? greg: that's where she gets you. Her language of love is gibberish. J will be right back. Let's go whiskers. Jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. You only turn 30 once. And jen z? her credit's golden. Hello new apartment. Three jens getting ahead with chase. Solutions that grow with you. One bank for now. For later. For life. Chase. Make more of what's yours. An alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medicine directly at the source. 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