With Hollywood’s writers striking, broadcast networks and streaming platforms may soon be forced to adapt their programming and production plans. Even in light of a potential mix-up, however, media industry leaders believe viewership will remain steady – and advertisers will simply follow audience eyeballs.
Despite the commercial success of films like the new Super Mario Bros. Movie, streaming will continue to win out in the entertainment wars, argues W Media Research’s Karsten Weide.
Despite the commercial success of films like the new Super Mario Bros. Movie, streaming will continue to win out in the entertainment wars, argues W Media Research's Karsten Weide.
A shift from the ‘cord-cutting’ narrative, an eye on the dreaded ‘reach plateau’ and the increasing importance of data clean rooms: Ampersand’s Andrew Ward spells out the biggest dynamics shaping media planning, buying and selling in TV and premium video today.
A shift from the 'cord-cutting' narrative, an eye on the dreaded 'reach plateau' and the increasing importance of data clean rooms: Ampersand's Andrew Ward spells out the biggest trends shaping media planning, buying and selling in TV and premium video today.