Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

the events leading up to january 6th are complex and require years of preparation, and they were saying that about one federal coup case --. trump faces two related coup cases in these jurisdictions of course, and two other additional cases. two other trials. now, this is a fact that also came up in court. so many pending criminal trials that these judges are not independently discussing scheduling a cascade of trials. so, this was in that federal courtroom as special counsel smith looked on, the federal judge said she already had conferred with the new york judge saying, quote, i realize that mr. trump's criminal case in new york is scheduled for trial on march 25th. i did speak briefly with judge merchan, the new york judge that is, to let him know i was considering a date that would overlap with his trial. the judge said march 4th, before the new york trial. you can see what's coming down with the trials, the primary calendar. there are many, many things facing this candidate defendant. there just aren't many wide open windows, so the defendant candidate will be facing civil trials, debates and primaries. the federal trial set one day before super tuesday. precedents we have and reporting available suggests president trump would under the norm rules have to be present in person for his criminal trials, some of which could clearly stretch weeks at a time, as politico put it. as for the fairness to this defendant, the federal judge also addressed these trump lawyer's claims that the plan here is, quote, too fast to be fair. that's kind of what they were arguing, the show trial thing. here's what the judge said. a trial start date of march 4th gives mr. trump seven months between indictment and trial, which i believe is sufficient time to advise with counsel and prepare his defense. if you think about where we started in 2016, we started this sort of trump era in government. in 2020, after he lost and then was linked to this insurrection and all the questions about accountability with that, to now, just these past few months, it really is reversing. sometimes we struggle in life, in media and news, in narrative to adjust our premises and lens and narrative. the old narrative was he and they are getting away with everything. well, something else seems to be happening here, and if you look at the mounting cries and objections quite literally of them, their definite may lie and bluster, but they understand, these trials are scheduled, some clearly scheduled to land before the election, some of them carry stiff jail time if convicted and, some soft them are in places with facts and evidence. this defendant may find it becomes a barrier not only to the white house, to his own very liberty. i want to bring in "new york times" writer emily bazelon. welcome back. your thoughts on these speedy trials, all of the above. just seems as if all these claims that are lining up on the runway, and they are trying to take off and there are all these competing considerations. trump obviously has an interest in delaying this as much as possible. for one thing if he's elected president he could try to make the federal charges go away, and also being under indictment is maybe not an asset with the voters, but having to go to trial, with these facts in the news every day is really not going to help him and will be an enormous distraction from campaigning. so, that's the dynamic. you have judges who want to move ahead. you have other defendants asking to move ahead very quickly with trial dates this october in a couple of cases. and then you have former president trump trying to delay, delay, delay as much as he can. >> yeah, and then in georgia you see just how quickly things shift. mark meadows didn't just spend all that time and energy trying to duck the jan.6 committee. there were four people that faced those contempt resolutions from the congress. two were indicted navarro and bannon, the other two, meadows and scovino were not. one, he didn't want to talk about it, which might be self-interest, and two, at times claiming he couldn't talk about it, that there were legal bars to that. all that went up in smoke. he talked about knit court for five hours. he certainly could have taken that same approach at the jan 6th committee. took until yesterday -- i want to read some of his defense we have for the first time. we didn't have that before. he talks about being on the infamous call with the georgia elections official and says that it was really about trying to find a, quote, less litigious resolution of the trump campaign against the state. what do you think of this sudden change or ability to testify? >> one of the things the legal process does is push people to speak to truth and explain themselves, because they're facing really serious consequences. so i think what you're seeing here is mark meadows is that the incentives have realigned. now he's trying to argue that he should be tried or his case should be heard in federal court because what he was doing was part of official government duties, and that would give him the right to remove the case to federal court. there's a complicated question about whether if a judge rules in his behavior on moving to federal court, that pulls all of the other 18 defendants in the georgia case with mr. meadows into federal court. that's a really tricky issue. meadows is trying to do the best he can, because he thinks that will be a better jury pool for him and just a better venue. one would think that these questions about whether he was pursuing his official duty or not, these are tricky issues. however, in trying to prove that's what he was doing, he provided a lot of details about these calls, about his involvement in them, and it's a sort of side effect of the more procedural aspects of the case that we're learning more about the substance. >> what does it tell you about how many these people strenuously insisted they were defending principles of secrecy, separation of powers and suddenly i guess they're not. >> there's a kind of irony here that previously we were hearing about how this was all privileged information, part of meadows' duty as white house chief of staff, but he couldn't talk about that because of his confidentiality and duties and his responsibility in that office. and now he is much more inclined to spill the beans because he has to provide specifics to the judge to explain exactly -- under questioning exactly how they related to being white house chief of staff. still seems like a tricky question. as you say, they are nuances to that. to understand the observation you draw, in all fairness, mr. meadows' interest in trying to move his trial to a different venue obviously was enough to cough up testimony, as you said. but this insurrection which was waged against the government, this nation, if he cares to claim he was on the right side of that, the honest, nonviolent government side and not the insurrection side, getting to the bottom of that apparently wasn't enough. that wasn't a good reason. i think although everybody has moved their standards lower, we should note that and what that says about someone like him who has taken an oath to uphold the constitution. we have a lot coming tonight, emily. thanks for being here. what else is coming up, i can tell you, the grammys to colbert, jean batiste. he is one of our mavericks. also we're going to look at this rico charge and how it has led to two different outcomes in georgia cases. a wider look al criminal justs i want to share. but first we can turn to something completely different and very important to a lot of peep's lives. how this president took this big step, built it on the obamacare that he and his predecessor, one back, his former president, built together. we'll have that for you in 6 a seconds. that for you in 6 a seconds. astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! the citi custom cash® card a different kind of card that automatically adjusts to your spending earn 5% cash back on your top eligible spend category up to $500 spent each billing cycle learn more at listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day. secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪♪ >> reporter: thank you, everybody. >> who could forget that moment? that was then the vice president joe biden obviously sharing what he intended to be kind of a personal moment, but you know how those hot mics work, and it became history. the larger history was the hailing of president obama signing the aca into law. that was 2010. it was indeed a big deal. i'll just call it a big deal. obama's landmark legislation was initially controversial in some ways, it was resisted in some ways, but you the point tonight is more about policy than partisanship, which why i want to get into this with you with many things going on in the country. obamacare transformed parts of the american health care system, and it has done that over time in concert with even republican-led states it expanded coverage to not one or two or five or 10 million americans but roughly 35 million americans, people who didn't have health insurance up until these changes. it also changed the rules. so something that a lot of people care about, if you ever find someone in your family goes through this, finding they have a preexisting condition, what they use to discriminate against people. a whole other stuff i'm not going to list off because we only have so much time wham obamacare did not do is crack big pharma's grip. while some made changes, big, controversial at the time, it didn't break through that barrier, and there are a lot of reasons for that. cutting drug prices is something that many different democratic politicians have talked up, and frankly some sort of less traditional libertarian republicans -- although not the mainstream republican leaders. in fact, if you go back, then president obama talked a lot about it on the campaign trail and as president. >> canada, mexico, their governments are both purchaser of these drugs, and so they negotiate much cheaper prices with the drug companies. we still don't do that, and i actually think it's something we should do. it will save us money. >> something you could do. it's something that, as he said, would save the government money and help patients, help americans. and if you are a progressive or a true libertarian, who doesn't think that the markets should sort of have a cartel, you might agree. a lot of mainstream republicans as i mentioned, did not. in 2003, the republicans restricted the federal government from even negotiating those cheaper prices for medicines with companies, to use the power the government might have to do so. the u.s. san outlier on this in the developed world. it's one of the only wealthy industrialized nations that doesn't have to wider set that would go beyond obamacare and what would cost more, what many european companies use, universal health coverage. there's also the anxiety about choices that affect people's lyes. after a certain age, no one's immune to it. it's also come through in our culture, in film. >> his heart is useless. he's going to need a transplant or he'll die. >> we got insurance. >> there are no provisions in your policy for a procedure of this magnitude. >> not one [ bleep ] md will write me a script. >> maybe this will help. i sold my life insurance policy. >> what you mean you won't cover me? i'm covered through my hmo. >> if you feel you're being treated unfairly, these are our appeals procedures which you have every legal right to pursue. >> i hope you are astonished as i am at the lengths to which a wealthy insurance company like the defendant will go to take money from a low-income family and then keep it by denying a legitimate claim. >> those are fictional stories, but they are not made up. this is something that people learn about. if you're super interested in health care policy, already know about it, follow the political debates you may recall it, or if you go through life enough sooner or later you face this and go, what do you mean? oo i have been paying into health care at work forever, and they tell me there's a cap. it's unfair, and it's not about left or right them brings us to some big news, because president biden is picking up where the obama/biden administration left off, and this is news tonight. the administration announcing today that this is a step, the first ten prescription drugs will now be on their list that are actually subject to those long sought price negotiations. >> a long time in coming. bill, we started doing this 25, 30 years ago. big pharma doesn't just get a blank check at your expension, the expense of the american people. on my watch, health care is a right, not a privilege in this country. we're going keep standing up to big pharma, and we're not going to back down. [ cheers and applause ] >> this is part of what is technically called the inflation reduction act from the white house. seniors are supposed to save money, and interestingly, so should the government. there's an independent office, nonpartisan. that's not a biden administration source, and they do these estimates. they project that just going forward with this, standing up the big pharma, could save the feds over $3 billion a year and over $100 billion in ten years. straightforward. here is some of how republicans tried to stop this on the way. >> the american people don't want the government shut down, and they don't want obamacare. >> coming together to stop obamacare is the essence of pragmatism because it is self-evident this isn't working. >> their bipartisan bill fails to enact any bipartisan accountability for big pharma. >> this is a classic example of the government breaking your legs, then calling itself a hero for giing you a crutch. >> is it, though? i mean, we love allegory around here. we showed you movie clips tonight. but i'm not sure lowering the price of subscription drugs while saving taxpayer money is like breaking your legs. you decide. i can't tell you everyone loves every part of obamacare. there are endless debates over these national health care policies in our country, and good people of good faith can debate them. i can tell you, on this issue, a lot of people on politics agree. we hear about how divided we are, but over 80% of americans when you ask them support the idea that we should use our power to negotiate drug prices rather than not, and if you do want to look biparty, that includes about 75% of republicans. wow, did i get to tell you some good news tonight? i always like when that happens? do we have two great guests to get in deeper, a former obama political person and a doctor who contributes more to the country than chai and i do as people talk. both here together on this important story when we come back. important story when we coe back ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? yeah. any truck can help you make a living. this one helps you build a life. chevy silverado. 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>> yeah, this is a historic moment. as you pointed out, we have been prevented from negotiating drug prices. we're one of the only countries in the developed, rich country world that can't negotiate prices. so we give drug companies patents. we give them a monopoly therefore on a drug and say, charge what you will, and of course the economists will tell you they're going to charge -- the sky's will limit until the profits go down, and that's what's happened. and what we really need is to say, look, we think you need a fair price for a drug. we're going to pay the price that the drug improves health. and drugs that really improve health, cure people of their cancer, we're going to pay for that. drugs that don't do a lot, we shouldn't be paying a lot, and we shouldn't be burdening both the average american but also the government and everyone who pays premiums with high prices. you know, we know what the price could be in a lot of drugs, like one of the blood thinner drugs on this list. it's $100 in canada, $500 for a patient in the u.s., same pill! >> yeah, and doctor, we showed some of the movie clips. just to remind folks while there are these polarized partisan lens for these things, this isn't really naturally an area of partisan debate within the public, maybe only for pretty goods and their financial backers, doctor. >> look, it is the case, as you point out, 77% of identified republicans are for drug price negotiations. the drug prices have gotten so high that even republicans say it's not actually right that drug companies set the prices at -- some of the drugs on the list, $133,000 a year is what's being charged they say, well, the patients don't pay that. it's true, but we know -- we all end up paying it because we're paying the taxes that have to fund that, first of all, and second of all, when the copays, hauch the patient has to pay just gets over $2,000 they recollect stop taking their drugs and don't get the benefit of those drugs, and that's actually one of the reasons i think president biden was right when he said, this is going to improve the health of the american population, because people will be able to take their drugs more when the prices are lower, and that's a very important benefit. it's not just about the money. it's also about the health because high prices mean people can't always take their medications. >> chai? >> yeah, if you think about it historically, opposition to democratic reforms on health care have been a defining element of politics. the tea party was opposition to the affordable care act and obamacare and those reforms. i will predict that after today's speech, what you will hear from republicans are crickets. it will be silence. this is a very popular set of policies. they're not going to oppose it. they know that the rich men north of richmond applies to the pharma executives who are hurt by the reforms that bide has -- and harris want to enact in many ways. >> do you just hate that song, chai? this is your second reference to it. >> i'm fun fortunately in the political space you hear a lot, and it's an ear worm. it's in your head quite a bit. >> it has a catchiness to it. go ahead. >> i will say, i don't hate it. not the slam dunk of republican politics that i think conservatives claim. but it is a popular song, an economically pop ewe lace song and this is an economist pop ewe lace move. it goes to the pen ignore of our times, fighting for americans that is more fair, more equitable when health-care access is a -- >> can i just raise -- >> no, i got to go doctor. vi one more thing, but it pertains to you. chai, my dad's also a doctor. they always think they're moderating. dr. emanuel, i mention you had provide more societal value more than chai or myself. that's just a fact. does that apply to both of your brothers, neither of whom do public health work? the floor is yours. >> i love my brothers and they contribute a lot to american society. let me just say one other thing, which is we are now 13 years past the passage of the affordable care act. we have been waiting for a republican plan that would be the alternative, and i can tell you, you know, chai mentioned crickets, we have had crickets. we have had no coherent plan that is both going to get us to expanded coverage, lower costs, and improved quality, and that tells you something about the vacuousness of what's being done by republicans in terms of health care. the health-care system functioning well? nope. we have to improve it. but we have to have policies to improve it, and i will say this is one policy -- i don't like everything about it, but it actually is taking us in the right direction. >> i think you're right about that, and in all seriousness about the national republican party. the other silver lining of bipartisanship that i mentioned in our report tonight is that's true for the national republicans and just about everyone running for president, which is the next future step. as you said, what are this an offering? i will say, there are pretty red states like ohio that late to the game did join the plan, and that's interesting, because -- to join the obamacare plans and subsidize health care, and that's why the number's not 5 million, it's 35 million. at the local level, for whatever reason, those people might be closer to the hospital system, closer to constituents. they move toward what is you and the administration you work for did, which is striking. dr. en emanuel, very politic with the brother question. che, thank you. >> love my brothers. >> love all you guys. thanks for being here. coming up, jean batiste make his mavericks debut. we're excited to get to everything from social change to playing live in public. and his musical family. but first, our next report is something very important -- why a father is calling out the criminal justice system for keeping his son in jail before a rico trial while trump and so many other rico defendants roam free. scent of gain flings... time stops. 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school year, there's something new happening in california's public schools. jessie: they're called community schools. david: where parents and families, students and educators are making decisions as one. damien: it's a real sense of community. leslie: we saw double-digit gains in math, in english, and reading scores. david: it's an innovation that's transforming our public schools. narrator: california's community schools: reimagining public education. now four indictments and 91 counts facing donald trump and his historic mugshot echo around the world. reactions ranging from appreciation to justice system does apply to everyone to the jokes and memes and merchandise and spectacle of it all. there is also wider scrutiny on important issues that go beyond trump or any politician. take the new scrutiny on the discrimination. we've reported on here on this program before. failed discrimination against foreign minority defendants in our justice system. trump's booking process in georgia on these serious rico charges actually highlights this wider issue, because this defendant, donald trump, was in and out in minutes, while his former lawyer, michael cohen, who did time for actions involving donald trump, a fate other trump lawyers are now considering, well, mr. cohen made the point criticizing how this process played out. >> for this man to roll up like he's, you know, caesar coming through the gates of rome after victory -- he is an indicted defendant on 91 counts. he should not be given this sort of royal treatment. >> that is how cohen, the lawyer and convict felt. or take a pioneer in this whole field, civil rights attorney brian stevenson discussing cash bail, its wider implications, and how this fits into america's disparities. >> we're still living at a time when there is in presumption of dangerousness that gets assigned to black and brown people. i don't think we're really free in america. i think we're still burdened by our history of racial injustice. if you live in this country you li in a legacy where the history has created a smog, and we breathe that smog in and corrupts or ability to be fair and just with one another. >> racism, racial injustice its history and prevailing qualities as a kind of smog them matter because this kind of structural racism and blatant capitalist or cash discrimination functions in places that may have diverse leadership or may have made strides. that brings us to a comparison here. look at the exact same type of rico cases brought in the same place by the same d.a. compare the trump cases with many codefendants, some of whom are relatively unknown. he performs as young thug. he's an atlanta artist we've mentioned before. he is presumed innocent like any other rico defendant. we've shown you booking shots in this district from the others. here's his. yet unlike the others, unlike the vast majority of all the trump codefendants he has been stuck in jail from may of 2022, including tonight. his motions for any type of bond have been denied not once, twice, three times but four separate times. that is significant because the system is denying him bail even after they were very severe preconditions offered, including being in a house without any internet service, any electronic media, access denied for him to talk to anyone other than his lawyers. there was everyone a proposal he could be in a secret location, but at least prepare for his private school that way. those things were rejected, including monitoring. and the cash bail system reenforced this for others. some don't get to make the appeals because they don't have to money to get to cash bail or put down money for a bails bondsman. i want to share with you what his father is posting this week. this message about how trump and his crew got a bond, his son and others in the cell face the same charges but no bond. make justice fair. this is the american split screen. these are the same charges. if we take this seriously, they're both supposed to be presumed innocent, even in a rare case where someone like trump is charged, he roams free, the others did not. we discussed this with kevin lyles. we testified in some pretrial hearings. he works with young thug and those artists. here's what he said. >> ysl is on trial? why is music on trial? why are we not protecting black art? any other art form -- you can make movies, do anything else, but when it comes to us with lyrics, you want to put us on trial. i think it's unfair. >> these are big questions. we will keep reporting on the facts and pursuing them. i told you jean batiste is coming up. stay with me. ay with me is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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>> oh, man, of course i remember that. >> how did that feel? >> oh, man, i was terrified. that pattern that you see, that was the only pattern i knew at the time. and contrary to popular belief, when i first started playing music, it was not just, like, oh, it just came to you. >> right. >> there was one summer where i think that's when i started to have an understanding of what i wanted to say as an artist and my talent started to blossom, and then the next year it was like, i was playing five instruments and i was -- just something happened. i worked to get to that point where there's, like, this inflection point. you build to that, and then there's a moment where it all clicks. >> you talk about love. >> right, yeah. >> you seem drawn to these dualities, right? so tell us about love rise, social music. >> there's something special in the gray area. always. you can find something in there. >> mm-hmm. >> and love ride is this idea that we came up with. i came up with doing these street performances. and we would do these in the subways and street corners in new york for many years with my band stay human. we would two out and play, that would change from city to city. the thing would become the encore of a show that the venue might have 4,000, 5,000 people, we'd take those people tout venue, march up the street and cram into a coffee shop. it would feel like a riot, basically, at these things. the more and more people we would play for, the more times we'd do this throughout the world, it would feel like there was this rolling processional musical love riot going on. >> how much of that would play into the spirit of who we are? >> that was a big thing in new orleans, the second line tradition for when someone passes away.away. then if you take that inspiration and that evolves in my life and in my generation into the love riot with stay human. and then you build that concept of social music, which for me is the idea of what was music before it was entertainment, all those early forms of music in communities. and how do you integrate that with contemporary sounds and contemporary ideas. >> so you have that tradition, the line in new orleans. you have your take on it. and you have you doing it, improv, then turning it into something that's the more traditional album. and then fast forward, you're doing the line at, what, the french u.s. state dinner. >> yes. >> you got president biden in there. >> yes. >> what does that mean to you? ? i love just being myself in every room. i just love it. i love being able to really be myself. and that was a beautiful moment for my family. and that made it not just the honor of it, but it made the environment and when we talk about authenticity and sharing that real -- that real version of you're going to get the real sauce. this is the groove. >> and it's hard to front if you're in front of people who change your diapers. >> that's right on. they're going to look at you like -- >> use that if you can. >> we ned to continue this. america, america, you got to understand. this is not normal. we have not seen the likes of an ari melber in the news media space. he is connecting with you on multiple levels and educating you culturally, and also reaching the depth of seriousness and journalistic integrity that we all deserve. >> you're very kind, very kind. and this is why -- this is why you can only be in so many newsrooms. we need to be around musicians pause then you get the energy up. they call it the hype man in hip-hop, the band leader, whatever you want to call it, you get the energy up. let's take it to world music radio. tell us about the new album. >> it took ten years, not 11 or 12 years to get to this. but i just couldn't do this until we had the support and the success that's allowed for this record to happen. it's an expansive global popular music album. and it really is a concept record. you're guided through the album. >> what's the concept? >> you're guided through by a character that i play named billy bob. billy bob bobob. he's a traveling interstellar grillo. >> billy bob bobob. >> that's right, b4. b4 is taking you through this expansive radio broadcast, a supernatural radio broadcast, and you're given the instructions at the beginning as to how to partake, and it goes through all of these incredible sonic landscapes, this incredible journey. it's really a whole experience, it's a movie. >> no wonder you put lil wayne on it, because he's not a human. he's a martian. >> yes. see, you're good. there's so many things in this album that i have been wanting to do. >> yeah. >> and now i have been able to do them. >> it's amazing. then i think you might have become a new trivia answer off the album. i'll give it to you and you tell me. but i think it will become trivia name the only album that has lil wayne and kenny g. on it. >> it's true. >> i'm pretty sure. i don't know if there's a way to double check that, but i'm pretty sure. >> man, we did this record. that's crazy. lil wayne and kenny g. >> what does that tell us about your spread? we're used to features, collabs, and there's such a rich tradition because hip-hop grows out of the jazz, soul, funk tradition. are you as comfortable with kenny as weezy? >> i'm absolutely comfortable. that's the thing about it. there's always these forces that are trying to limit us. and there's always forces that are trying to make you be one thing. make you be lesser than what you are and all of us as human beings are expansive. >> john batiste, thank you for being here. >> there are forces trying to limit us. all listen to the wisdom. jon batiste joined us for this mavericks interview. go to and find the full interview that is out now. we had even more than we just showed you, so tune in for that. on youtube, you can see it all, and we'll be right back. ♪(epic music)♪ my renaissance was daring to dream. 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"the reidout" with joy reid is up next. . tonight on "the reidout" -- >> i was so offended the minute i read page one of trump's filing when they were asking for that absurd trial date of april 2026, because on page one, they cite powell versing alabama. the powell case involved nine african american teenagers ages 12 to 19, who were accused of sexually assaulting a white woman. they were arrested,

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Principles , Secrecy , Irony , He Couldn T , Nonpartisan , Chief Of Staff , Responsibility , Confidentiality , Information , Beans , Specifics , Observation , Nuances , Side , Government Side , Nation , Testimony , Everybody , Reason , Insurrection Side , Wasn T , Bottom , Standards Lower , Wasn T Enough , Someone , Thanks , Constitution , Grammys , Oath , To Colbert , Jean Batiste , Rico Charge , Mavericks , Outcomes , Wider Look Al Criminal Justs , Wham Obamacare , Step , Lives , President , Back , Peep , Predecessor , Citi Custom Cash , Astepro Allergy , Allergy , Allergy Sprays , 30 , Cash , Billing Cycle , Spending , Spend , Category , Citi Com Customcash Listen , 500 , 00 , 5 , Deodorant , Works , Secret , Odor , Ohhh Yesss , Joe Biden , Reporter , Obama , History , Hailing , Hot Mics Work , Aca Into Law , 2010 , Point , Ways , Policy , Landmark Legislation , Deal , Partisanship , Country , Health Care System , Republican , American , Coverage , Parts , States , Concert , Family , Americans , Changes , Health Insurance , 35 Million , 10 Million , Stuff , Preexisting Condition , Big Pharma S Grip , Big , Prices , Drug , Politicians , Reasons , Leaders , Up , Didn T , Drugs , Governments , Campaign Trail , Purchaser , Canada , Mexico , Money , Drug Companies , Help , Patients , Big Pharma Doesn T , Libertarian , Markets , Mainstream , Cartel , Progressive , Power , Companies , 2003 , World , Set , Nations , Doesn T , European , Culture , Choices , Heart , Anxiety , Age , Film , Transplant , Lyes , Insurance , Life Insurance Policy , Procedure , Magnitude , Script , Provisions , Md , Bleep , Right , Appeals Procedures , Hmo , Company , Claim , Lengths , Debates , Stories , Health Care Policy , Health Care , Go , Cap , Work Forever , Administration , List , Prescription Drugs , Ten , Bill , Price Negotiations , Watch , Expension , Cheers , Blank Check , Privilege , Applause , Seniors , Save Money , Inflation Reduction Act , Source , Estimates , Feds , Billion , 3 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, 10 , Medicine , Statism , Socialism , Methods , Children , Dr , Both , Zeke Emanuel , Chai Komanduri , Health Care Politics , Breakthrough , Announcement , Sea Change , Third Rail , Debate , Response , Speech , Kamala Harris , Country Music Lyrics , Ufo Sightings , Democratic , Say , Contrast , January 6th Mob , Mike Pence , Saw , Policies , Policy Wonk , Prescription Drug Costs , Republicans Cannot Compete , Battlefield , Cannot Compete , Negotiating Drug Prices , Problems , Countries , Drug Companies Patents , Monopoly , Economists , Charge , Sky , Profits , Health , Don T , Shouldn T , Cancer , Blood , Premiums , Hauch , Folks , Pill , Clips , 100 , Isn T , Area , Backers , Public , Goods , Republicans , 77 , 77 , 33000 , 133000 , Benefit , Taxes , Copays , 2000 , 000 , Population , Reforms , Medications , Opposition , Tea Party , Element , Crickets , Pharma Executives , Richmond , That Bide Has , Song , Reference , Want , Space , Head , Ear Worm , Bit , Slam Dunk , Conservatives , Catchiness , Economist Pop Ewe Lace Move , Lace , Pen , Fighting , Ewe , Dad , A , Fair , Health Care Access , Brothers , Emanuel , Public Health , Floor , Passage , American Society , Alternative , Costs , Terms , Quality , Vacuousness , Seriousness , Silver Lining , Direction , Report , Bipartisanship , Offering , Ohio , Plans , Number , Game , Level , 5 Million , Hospital System , Constituents , En Emanuel , Social Change To Playing Live In Public , Brother Question , You Guys , Che , Coming Up , Thank You , Mavericks Debut , Rico , Father , System , Jail , Son , Rico Trial , Criminal Justice , Love , Scent , Gain Flings , Flings , Laundry Detergent , Steve Kornacki , Cabenuva , Hiv , Adults , Hiv Treatment , Orlando , Reactions , Ingredients , Medicines , Pills Aren T On My Mind , Injections , Healthcare Provider , Depression , Liver Problems , Breastfeeding , Mental Health Concerns , Pregnancy , Treatment Appointments , I M Good To Go , Tiredness , Fever , Sleep Number , Word , Gab , Setting , Bed , Home Delivery , Base , 50 , Patriotic Kenny , Scooter , Sad , Amanda On Tiktok , Veterans , Tiktok , None , Mobility Scooters , Patriotic Kenny Foundation , 24 , 5000 , Families , David Goldberg , Parents , Schools , Community Schools , Educators , Students , New School , California S , California Teachers Association , Jessie , Innovation , Narrator , Gains , Reading Scores , Math , Making Decisions , Reimagining Public Education , Damien , Sense Of Community , English , Leslie , Donald Trump , Counts , 91 , Justice , Spectacle , Scrutiny , Politician , Appreciation , Merchandise , Jokes , Memes , Echo Around The World , Discrimination , Booking Process , Justice System , Program , Minority , Michael Cohen , Actions , Fate , Victory , Caesar , The Gates Of Rome , Cash Bail , Brian Stevenson , Pioneer , Royal Treatment , Civil Rights , Convict Felt , Presumption , Implications , Fits , Disparities , Dangerousness , Injustice , Smog , Legacy , You Li , Racism , Another , Qualities , Type , Functions , Comparison , Leadership , Strides , Place , Artist , Young Thug , Others , District , Shots , Majority , Bond , Motions , May , 2022 , May Of 2022 , Three , Electronic Media , House , Being , Preconditions , Anyone , Internet Service , Proposal , Location , Access , Cash Bail System , Private School , Bail , Appeals , Monitoring , Message , Bondsman , Crew , Cell , Split Screen , Kevin Lyles , Music , Hearings , Artists , Art Form , Art , Ysl , Reporting , Lyrics , Movies , Anything Else , Meet Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Surprise , Ay , Stay With Me , Fda , Rsv , Airways , Lungs , 82 , 94 , 60 , Immune Systems , Health Conditions , Vaccine , Pain , Pharmacist , Muscle Pain , Injection Site Pain , Headache , Fatigue , Make It Arexvy , Card , Spend Category , Categories , Anything , Tabs , Cucumber Water , Pensive Music , Broom Sweeping , Footsteps Crunching , Birds Tweeting , Food , All Around The World , Treats , Reality , Family Dinners , Bellies , Kids , School , Toddlers , Inflation , Conflict , Suffering , Malnutrition , Climate , Growth , Covid , Childhood , Fed Up , Famine , Lifetime , Progress , Hunger , Black , Need , All Over The World , Visiting Getfedupnow Org , Save The Children , 0 , Communities , Donation , Treatments , Work , Nutrients , Cause , Water , Impact , Government Grants , Dollar , 31 , December 31st , Support , Children In Need , Tote Bag , Wayfair , Wayfair S , Champagne Taste , Um Kelly , Hard Seltzer Budget , Salad Plates , Statement Lighting , Kelly Clarkson , Composer , Oscar , Golden Globe , Emmy , Sir , Whoo , Culture Bearers , Tribes , Family Culture , Largest , New Orleans , Musicians , Family Band , Cousins , Playing , Creator , Seven Brothers , Yoest , Drummers , Band , Junior Family Band , Drum Kit , Little Bongo Drums , Instruments , Types , Piano , Styles , Grateful Dead , Melting Pot , Layers , Archives , Snap , Louisiana , Fun , Members , The Kids , Fun Em , Playing Music , Pattern , Feel , Belief , Talent , Blossom , Understanding , Inflection Point , Clicks , Special , Dualities , Love Ride , Love Rise , Street Performances , Street Corners , Subways , Show , Play , Encore , Stay Human , City To , 4000 , More , Riot , Cram , Coffee Shop , The Street , People Tout Venue , Line , Spirit , Rolling Processional Musical Love Riot Going On , Concept , Funk Tradition , In My Life , Away , Inspiration , Generation , Tradition , Ideas , Forms , Entertainment , Contemporary Sounds , Album , Improv , Dinner , U S State , Fast Forward , French , Yes , Room , Version , Real , Honor , Authenticity , Environment , Front , Sauce , Groove , Diapers , Likes , We Ned , Ari Melber , Levels , Depth , News Media Space , Hip Hop , Newsrooms , Integrity , Hype Man , Band Leader , World Music Radio , 11 , 12 , Record , Success , Concept Record , Expansive Global Popular Music Album , Billy Bob Bobob , Character , Billy Bob , Traveling Interstellar Grillo , Radio Broadcast , That S Right , Instructions , B4 , Supernatural Radio Broadcast , Lil Wayne , Experience , Human , Journey , Landscapes , Wonder , Martian , Trivia Answer , Trivia , Kenny G , Check , Spread , Features , Collabs , Forces , Jazz , Soul , Weezy , Human Beings , Interview , John Batiste , Listen , Wisdom , Epic Music , Youtube , Renaissance , Electric , Cadillac , Popcorn , Mmm , Mouth , 5x Food Seal , Voice , Shrimp , Poligrip , Crispy Popcorn , Power Hold , Disaster , Hold , Denture , Darling , Flavor Drop , Fun Dining , Red Lobster , 20 , Copd , Breathing , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Symptom Improvement , Flare Ups , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Breztri , Eye , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Swelling , Football Career , Bunch , Australian Football , Football , Sport , Word It S Fitz Credible , Trouble , Trademark , Season , Xfinity Rewards Members , Xfinity Rewards , Platform , Ain T , Take A Look , Map , Legend , Election Night , News Show , Road , Viewer , Trucking , Go Bing Bong , Bing Bong , The Reidout , Joy Reid , Brooklyn , Msnbc , Page , Filing , April 2026 , Powell Case , Sexually , Page One , Nine African American , Woman , Powell Versing Alabama , Nine , 2026 ,

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