Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

the georgia case is for a lot of these we need translators, former prosecutors. what fani willis charged was the clearest thing we all saw with our own eyes. and i had this conversation in the 8:00 hour. what trump told his voters his first year as president in 2017 from a podium was don't believe what you see, don't believe what you hear, only believe me. and what fani willis indicted yesterday just blows that out of the water. in state court we could see with our own eyes. and my understanding -- again, you're the lawyer in these conversations -- was that if this, then that. so if this criminal enterprise with us corrupt in nature and all in pursuance of a crime, then all of these acts were a part of it and all these people were a part of it. from the outside having worked in politics, that's what it looked like to me. so, to read that narrative is what made that indictment, the fourth in just a few short months, different from the others. >> i agree. i think you put that very well. sometimes we have this thing, and when we cover government and stuff, sometimes, as you well know from your white house purge, there might be good reasons why something is confidential. there might be good reasons why we don't get the news, the information right away, and there's those tradeoffs. last night for the nation was one of those times you say, yeah. but seeing it in realtime, in reality with transparency and accountability, and did everyone is afforded their rights -- that's a good thing in a season where we've seen frankly a lot of bad things. so nicolle, great tag teaming with you and rachel and the team. hope you get some rest. see you soon. >> you too. i'll go upstairs and watch you now. >> our thanks to nicolle wallace. we turn now to this first ever racketeering indictment of defendant donald trump and 18 coconspirators in georgia. d.a. willis' case is broad. it's tough. it is bad news for defendant trump and the codefendants, and later tonight we are actually going to present to you two new "beat" special reports with our reporting and revelations drawn from this very exhaustive indictment. we have that coming up in our coverage. i'll be with you for special coverage across two hours from now through 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. right now we begin with the facts and the legal process as it unfolded. you're seeing the exact legal process here as transparently presented. this is what open court looks like -- a contrast to earlier federal indictments. multiple cameras taking the public inside that historical criminal proceeding. the grand jury voted the charge. then the 98-page indictment was walked over. you see some of this here. and delivered to the court clerk. then that is stamped and signed, the historic document being formally processed. in court you see them walking in with it. it was presented to the presiding judge. the judge to review and sign. the cameras chronicling this legal, national history as it was made. >> all we could tell is it was printed on letter sized white paper and seemed to be about that thick and had a few different striations to it. >> all eyes you could see on fulton county and the courthouse. the grand jury reportedly poised to indict president trump. what we saw was the judge reviewing that indictment. >> this sweeping indictment accuses defendant trump of running the conspiracy. prosecutors assert that trump and allies had this long-running multipronged racketeering plot. that's how we got here. here's how all of this took off. >> former president donald j. trump has been criminally indicted in the state of georgia. >> it begins with the rico act. that's the big one, and it is broad. >> it's here, all 98 pages of it, and it has that infamous rico count. >> the grand jury issued arrest warrants for those who are charged. >> you're waking up to significant historic news. >> donald trump indicted overnight for the fourth time. >> this time by the state of georgia. if he were to be convicted he could not pardon himself. >> 18 codefendants have also been charged. >> his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, his former chief of staff mark meadows. >> the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election result. >> he's now facing four different felony trials as he runs for president. >> >> the d.a. has given all defendants until friday august 25th to voluntarily surrender. if anyone waives that option, which is generally in the defendant's interest, then the arrest warrant process would begin. people in or out of state would be found and brought in against their will. we are living through history. i just showed you, the way this played across the entire world. nicolle and i discussed how the facts and transparency really matter. you'll notice one of the clips we just showed you, on fox news, during the sean hannity coverage, one of donald trump's most loyal defenders, they couldn't resist showing the very newsworthy live video coverage. they couldn't resist that for whatever their reasons and judgments were because we got to see inside the process, the courtroom, the facts, the reality. so much of this began with lies, lies that as of last night georgia has indicted as racketeering, as a mafia style criminal case. but the lies of course continue. why would they stop if that's how we got here? so there are lies about the prosecutors, there are lies about the judicial process. there are lies about whether this is even happening, some of which we're not repeating. donald trump blatantly lied about the last couple days. yet the facts are what the case turns on when a jury is asked to find, and the facts were what was on display as we watched that quite historic set of developments into the night last night. we want to bring in two legal experts. david kelly was the chief of the famed sdny, a former federal prosecutor and i should mention, my former boss and jay tom morgan, former district attorney for dekalb county, georgia, a neighbor of fulton county. welcome to you both. david, in your courtrooms we don't see that kind of stuff and don't see televised trials. i begin at the big picture level. we've got a lot of details later tonight. on a big picture level, what do you think it meant for americans to begin to see the process transparently, to understand that human beings handled the presentation of evidence, that the grand jury held its vote, that it was all on the up and up, and that now this former president and many of his lawyers and allies are being treated as racketeering defendants? >> i think it's wonderful. we talked about this before, ari, where part of this whole exercise needs to be about transparency and accountability. i think it's a wonderful thing the federal courts don't have cameras in the courtroom. but there needs to be an exception in this case. what transpired last night highlights the reasons for that, to show people -- and i think it's most important this case -- that people see not only the process, but they also understand the facts. you and i have talked about this before -- facts matter, and i think part of this whole equation is the process and the other part is going to be the facts. and getting that out there and educating the public about what really transpired here i think is important for the criminal justice system and important to instill in the public a sense of confidence or renewed confidence in the system, and i think it's renewed confidence given the indictments and the people who violated the law -- probable cause means more than anything than not these folks engaged in these crimes. >> jay tom? >> i cannot emphasize enough the importance of cameras in the courtroom. i trood one of the first cases in georgia that was televised and several more since then, including prosecution of a public official using rico statute. just as -- said, sunshine is a form of disinfectant. this is not a case of letting them be hid from the public. the public needs to see and hear what each witness says under oath. and decide for themselves. this case will not only be tried by a jury, it will be tried in a court of public opinion, as it should be. i recall hearings where sam bergen presided over those, a trial attorney, and the american public got to see the evidence against the president in that case as well. let me just emphasize something else. having tried cases with cameras in the courtroom, there's one thing when a witness takes the stand to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and it's just a jury and a judge and the lawyers watching. when you've got a million people watching you testify under oath, it's my experience it really brings people to tell the truth. >> interesting. david, how strong is the rico case? >> it's looking very strong. it's detailed, it's in the weeds. it's an extraordinary indictment. the one thing i didn't like was the sbruktry paragraph, those defendants didn't accept the outcome of the election, which -- >> let me put that up. this is georgia versus trump. it says they lost. it says the other defendants, quote, refused to accept that trump lost and willfully joined the conspiracy. explain to us what you're thinking about that. >> so, the thing that caught my eye and kind of bugged me about it was, look, this is great work by these prosecutors, but part of what the whole trump mantra is is that he believed and still believes that he won the election. and this kind of lends credence. it creates a runway for him to take off from to, say that in fact they didn't accept it because they didn't believe it. now, you and i talked about this before. the question is, is that belief reasonable? and certainly it is not in the face of so much evidence, you know, when you hear from the attorney general of the united states saying there's nothing to be found or when you hear about all the different judges who have rejected the claims of voter fraud. and when raffensperger, the secretary of state in georgia told him outright. so it's not a reasonable belief, but i don't think it's a big issue, but it kind of bugged me that it was in there in that opening paragraph. but other than that i think it's well done. i think the other thing, too, is the fact that important thing here is that the conspirators in the smith indictment are named as defendants in this case. so a couple things that means to me. one, does that mean that that forecloses the possibility of them cooperating with jack smith? or does it really create more leverage now for jack smith and for fani willis to go ahead and try to convert these folks into cooperating witnesses? >> yeah, that's an interesting point, and one that many prosecutors and investigators are keeping an eye on, which is how does that play out, as we look at the many, many codefendants. former prosecutor david kelly, thank you. jay tom morgan, as our georgia expert i've asked you to stick around. we're going to hear from you on the other report we have. let me tell you what's coming up. this is a two-hour episode. we have a special report on the criminal racketeering law and how it's caught up with people like giuliani. first, a chance i haven't had something to do with you yet, we've gone through, our team, and scrutinized this entire, strong, exhaustive set of charges against all these individuals. we have the specific plots that target georgia. why it's a stronger case there. why it's different than jack smith. that special report is next. sp. . all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank for both. chase. make more of what's yours. my name is wendy, i'm 51 years old, and i'm a hospital 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the key allegedly criminal plots to overturn the election results and the aides, including trump's tactics of trying to hide behind his lawyers. these are maneuvers the d.a. has now indicted as criminal. the first time this case turns infamous or controversial figures into indicted coconspirators. take trump lawyer rudy giuliani, now indicted on 13 accounts, including lying and trying to get public officials to break and law and steal the race. that's what the charges say. here are receipts from giuliani's lying claims in a georgia legislative meeting. >> dominion and smartmatic, the connection to hugo chavez. it's a highly inaccurate machine. there's overwhelming evidence of fraud. you don't have to be a genius to know they aren't legitimate votes. >> he can lie about that in public, but lying to the authorities are illegal, as that former prosecutor knows bether than most hem faces his first charges, as does lawyer sidney powell, seven counts for her repeated plot with plans to willfully tamp we are electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines. now, powell hurt her case by writing this down in a contract with a data firm and then traveled for the purpose of willfully tampering with electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines. these defendants deny any wrong doing. charges, though, the new indictment lays out, many, many strands of these plots. this is important here. the d.a. is arguing together the evidence shows -- and it can of course test this. they have to prove it to a jury -- that it all went beyond legal services or hypotheticals. powell was busted for the jan 6th commitment where they attempted to appoint her with a council to georgia. here's some of the testimonial evidence. >> what they were proposing i thought was nuts. flynn screamed at me that i was a quitter and everything. kept on standing up and turning around and screaming at me. >> we landed where we started the meeting. sidney powell was fighting, mike flynn was fighting. they were looking for avenues that would enable -- that would result in president trump remaining president trump for a second term. >> yeah, that's the halting sort of sing song of someone trying to figure out, do i just say, steal the election? do i say coup? it was finished. it was over. the electoral college voted. president biden was holding military meetings. made it clear they weren't going the take orders from a coup leader after january 20th. that's what that was all about. the january 6th committee according to prosecutors and legal experts, has clearly advanced all of this because they gathered all that testimony. a lot of it was clearly true, fact-checked, corroborated. that's how investigations work. they also gave these individuals a chance to respond, which is only fair to tell their side of the story. you can imagine for example being in a meeting and saying, i heard about idea. i was in the room, i didn't endorse the idea. i left the room, wrote a memo to self, et cetera. you want to be fair when you conduct an investigation. here's what's new tonight. the january 6th committee gave lawyer sidney powell that opportunity. we have that footage. i'm reminding you. there she was testifying via zoom. but again, here is the problem with lying to the government. lawyers like powell know it is a crime. these charges say they did it any way. they cite her denial as more lies that were part of the criminal scheme. again, accountability coming out of georgia for what these investigators say was happening in washington. those are some of trump's indicted lawyers. he took steps to hide behind them. he was so hell bent on doing this he got involved with fingerprints. he was a hands-on conspirator according to the indictment, which has evidence of trump placing calls, demanding people join the coup. this is new from just what we got late last night. calls to the georgia senate leader, calls to georgia's republican governor who today spoke it again about trump's lies on this score. calls to georgia's attorney general, the top law enforcement official. and calls and efforts to get other critical voting officials to somehow join his out-of-sate coup option. now, in fairness to donald trump or any candidate scrutinizing their own results or loss, let's be clear -- those calls alone, absent everything else, would not legally be indictable. that is, i don't think a prosecutor or a fair-minded expert would say the calls are -- and the d.a. doesn't claim that. this is important. we're going to hear more about this going into cases and trials. what this d.a. is saying and what legal experts and rico experts will tell you is those calls are now evidence amidst the wider plots. they become acts to advance the conspiracy precisely because there was a conspiracy, because there was evidence of the wider plots involving several people. and again, a plot was not to chat with officials, double-check the numbers. the plot was to illegally steal and overturn the results. to take trump's lie that he won and try to criminally enact it. that's why the other trump aides are charged now for the first time. some of them are more associated, frankly, with propaganda than other types of physical criminality. take trump's spokesperson and lawyer jenna ellis. after trump lost -- and again, he lost in those few days after the first vote. it was tabulated. everybody called it -- the a.p., fox news, everyone. donald trump lost, biden won. biden's president-elect. ms. ellis spent those first few weeks in 2020 telling anyone that would listen a lie. she was out there lying and saying donald trump, quote, won in a landslide. seemed desperate, even frankly bizarre at the time. here is what this now indicted defendant claims in our november 2020 interview. our strategy is to make sure we continue to challenge all of these false and fraudulent results. the point of this of course is to get to fair and accurate results, because the election was stolen and president trump won by a landslide. >> i just quoted you a whole range of sources, including "the wall street journal" -- >> let me finish. i'm trying to answer your question. >> i understand, but -- you made a mis -- >> old on. take a pause and i will let you -- >> election integrity issues. >> i'll let you go again, but we have to make a pause. if you make false statements you don't just run rough shod. >> it went on like that. we gave ms. ellis time, fact checked her in time, and learned through the interview she was part of this wider effort to publicly claim that donald trump won in a landslide, which is a false lie. no crime in seeing that in public, posting it online, saying it in interviews, talking around and saying that. that's not in dispute. she's now charged in the georgia indictment for the violation of the rico act and for soliciting the violation of the oath of a public officer along with these other lawyers, meaning the public lies were advancing, laundering, you might say normalizing for maga people the idea this was inbounds and obviously was false. the secret part she's charged for is not the public part, although that may be furthering the conspiracy. the understood lying key thing is they say they have evidence she and others were trying to lie to the government and submit fraudulent documents and have people pretend to be public officials. you have freedom of fashion in america, right? you can wear anything. you can wear something that criticizes the government or has political views. but that doesn't mean you can dress up as a police officer and try to kidnap people, right? that makes sense. you can't dress up as a public official or an elector either. so that's what she's indicted for. now, another part of the case is different than jack smith's case in the other probes. you heard follow the money. here, the d.a., follow the lies as late as they went, which is way past president biden being sworn in. you remember inauguration day? take it all the way back. i mentioned biden's november win was the obvious end of the race for most people. the january 6th insurrection ended some of that last-ditch talk and challenges from election deniers and republicans, who saw how bad things got. let's look at -- i want to show biden again. the reason i want to you see this is this is january 20th. in the real world everyone saw the lawful transfer of power. that was the president-elect becoming the president. all rational people around the world understood what was happening. here's what's new tonight. defendant trump pressing on. eight months after, president trump still pushing in writing for an official to commit fraumd a written command to desertfy the election and announce the true winner at donald trump. now, i've used some legal terms. what i'm going to tell you about that being the final chronological chapter in this environment, that donald trump as the defendant was pushing that eight months after inauguration, we have a word for that, it is absolutely bananas. but the fact that it's bananas -- let's bring it back up. let that sink in. it's bananas. it is that simple. but let me be clear why you have this bunch of bananas on your screen tonight. to think that it's so bananas it shouldn't be dealt with is to fall into the trap. this d.a. who is clearly strong and tough and broad in her view of how she enforces the law is not giving donald trump a pass because of course he's lying and he says weird things and wild things and he's just joking or trolling or allowed to be bananas. she's saying if you come into her state and break the law, doesn't matter how bananas is it, she'll use the laws to the fullest extent. that is the key point we land on. we're going to bring in the former georgia attorney and melissa murray when we're back in 60 seconds. e back in 60 seconds. 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do you think those look like strong evidence to you if you were trying to this case? >> i think it would be strong evidence and the fact that it makes the -- strength of the evidence is the fact that they included the rico count, which allows them to take what would normally be a small stream of evidence and expand to it include activities, as you indicated earlier in your lead-in that may not even be chargeable if they were standing alone. so i think the evidence is extremely strong and will allow the prosecutor to present the complete picture of what happened. >> could you elaborate on that point? i tried to draw the distinction. i expect we'll hear more about it from the detractor in the case. the defendants are innocent. they have every right to make their defense and criticism of what's in there. but as i told viewers, i think it's fair to say not only this d.a. but most prosecutors would not charge a bunch of calls -- even as i mentioned, outlandish or bananas called to officials if that was the entire and total conduct. what the d.a. seems to have done effectively is put it in the wider context of all of these plots, some of which are blatant foreignry and fraud, blatant efforts to impersonate officials. you can't pretend to be the chief of police legally and try to pull people over. you can't pretend to be an elector. what do you think about that distinction given your experience trying cases in georgia and how a jury -- how you present to a jury that this might be unethical, but alone we couldn't charge it, but together it now becomes evidence? >> well, you tie it into the conspiracy. in this case you have 18 defendants in addition to president trump. they were all acting in different locations, involved in different activities. but as i said earlier, because of the rico count, the prosecutor's able to bring that all together to paint a broader picture for the jury, for the court. but to show that they were acting in concert, that they were acting as part of the conspiracy, but with one ultimate goal. so i think that that makes it extremely powerful, and it certainly adds a lot of strengths to the case. >> professor? >> well, we've always been talking about the idea of a speaking indictment. like, jack smith had a speaking indictment that really told a strong narrative. this rico charge gives fani willis the opportunity to have not just a speaking indictment, but a screeching indictment that tells a wide and sweeping story ability all the different acts that were in furtherance of what is essentially an alleged criminal syndicate with the former president of the united states at the top. and mr. tarver is right, some charges are relatively an dine, and some of the charges of conduct would not arise to a felony, in te aggregate it becomes -- in a way they become a much larger case with the mafia or mob or street gangs. that's the broader claim being made here. in a trial, this could be unwieldy. jurors could have a hard time keeping track of the details and that's a 19-person indictment. it could be unwieldy, but in terms of playing to the public for this stage of the case, it is incredibly effective. >> yeah. and edward, in conclusion, i got about 40 seconds, when i showed the trump spokesperson. we gave her time, we were trying to understand in late november what she was doing -- the theories then were more benign. donald trump is a sore loser. his feelings are hurt. give him time to absorb it. this is the toddler theory of the presidency. i don't know if you're familiar. the professor and i discussed it before. now it's pursuant to what the d.a. says is a criminal plot. that type of public stuff, while legal on its own was trying to soften the ground, get the type of superfans or, you know, propaganda victims, whatever you want to call it, to get closer to their plot, which is to stage elector fraud, edward. >> well, i think you're right. i don't think that any of them anticipated that the district attorney, that the prosecutor fani willis would rely on the georgia rico statute, which is pretty broad compared to the statute in other states, to bring together all of the activity that took place as part of this conspiracy. i think you're exactly right. >> with your georgia experience we wanted to get your read on everything. appreciate you coing on. professor murray agreed to return at the top of the hour as we continue our second hour special live coverage tonight. thank you both. we were just talking about rico and how powerful it is. that is our next special report. rarely do we have two in an hour, but this is a special case in history. how the mafia case, the case giuliani used to lead ensnared him and his client trump, next. t d that goes places a regular mop just can't. mop smarter with the new swiffer powermop. my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. 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>> in a rico case if you can charge one you can charge -- >> them all. got it. >> that is different than how many criminal statutes work. it started as a federal law, and now different states have their own versions. what i'm about to walk you through is why donald trump is more likely to end up in an unpardonable, unreviewable prison sentence than he was yesterday morning. the law was first designed to go after the mafia. over the decades prosecutors expanded it as a powerful tool for any enterprise. here's the fulton county d.a. last night explaining all of it. >> rather than abide by georgia's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election result. as you examine the indictment, you will see acts that are identified as overt acts and those that are identified as predicate acts, sometimes called acts of racketeering activity. the rico charges has time that you have to serve, so it's not a probated sentence. >> she knows the law. the defendants better learn it. some of them may have reason to need to know how to get out of a rico case, because it's very, very hard. as you heard the d.a. lay out there just the actual law, and this is how it works, and in georgia it's the kind of case she says does not allow for nonprison probation sentences if you're convicted. i want to show you an update to a chart we have shown before. this is now georgia specific. what you see are the arrows of different plots and as of last night, the red ones have been indicted in georgia, and the bottom few are different than some of the plots we've shown in the national doj case. you see the poll worker case th saw in dark knight, hits everyone. those mandatory minimums start at five years. this indictment and charges could be the toughest for trump to date. >> 71 pages, 161 separate acts all described as the constituent elements of that rico charge. >> d.a. willis is pursuing a rico case against the former president. >> you don't want to just look at the very top. >> remember rico really is just being able to talk about everybody's dirty laundry. >> the rico statutes were designed for the mob, but they have been used far beyond the mob. >> the rico charge, which seems so powerful and potent here, and for donald trump, perilous. >> it has been such for other rico defendants. this d.a. has used these rake tearing laws for prosecutions of gang related activity and people in completely other professions. you have to go back, because the feds struggled to deal with the group and racketeering related problems of organized crime. if you go back decades, america had a real mafia problem. it had to deal with the way different mobsters and gangsters not only operated but how they managed to keep a distance from the underlying crimes, meaning you could get this thing over here or money laundering over there or one or two people but it was hard to get them all. this goes all the way back to the '50s when then robert kennedy was leading the congressional effort to figure out how they could better tackle those problems. we have this old footage, consider we dug this up from a government hearing over 70 years ago, soit's not perfect video. if you listen closely, you'll start to understand why they developed these laws to do what witnesses and others were resisting. >> during this period of your close friendship, he hired benny the bug ross. he hires a liquor bootleger, he got a charter. >> i cannot remember whether he was or not, as i said. i just don't recall. >> can't remember what you talked about and can't remember whether he was there? >> i can't remember anything of any importance, mr. kennedy. i can't recall it. >> that was the dodging, congress punched back. by 1970, they passed this rico law as a way to go after all of the mobsters together. everyone's crime is shared. this is a broad law. now, some argue that when you fish with too big a net, you risk getting tangled up yourself. and there may be ways rico prosecutions can be unwieldy, but it also has been effective against crime families as mentioned. if you look at the numbers, it was used against 24 different mafia families and considered a strong new weapon, convicting people like gambino boss john gotti. this da is not the first prosecutor to take these tools well beyond the mob. then there are some pretty famous prosecutors who touted rico as the way to solve crime. >> i do think that the work in my office and other parts of the justice department has changed the definition of the problem of crime in america. >> we're going to have to attack it as a business, not just as individual crime. >> we have followed up with civil rico cases. there will be some point in the future in which we'll destroy the power of the mafia. >> then prosecutor rudy giuliani saying rico is how you destroy crime. here we are, and we can report for the first time ever, that same prosecutor, that former prosecutor rudy giuliani, who became a trump lawyer, now charged under the very criminal statute he once touted. so why is this so scary for these defendants? we actually have our real 60-second break. this time, just 60 seconds. this special report concludes next. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. welcome back. we have heard a lot more about rico, if you follow the news, in these last sort of 16, 18 hours because we just showed this law that was built to go after elusive gangsters and mafiosos that rudy giuliani once touted, is now being used against rudy giuliani, against trump, and every other person to steal your vote and overthrow the election. it's a strong move from the atlanta d.a. it is one that she has used before to great effect. i told you we're doing a two-hour special tonight. that means i'm picking up our coverage joined by professor murray at the top of the 7:00 p.m. we're going to reset here. our special live coverage will continue, and professor murray is going to join me for the conclusion of what we were discussing about this perilous rico path for these dflts and her analysis as well as other experts about what lies ahead. i'll stay with you, if you stay with me i'll see you at the top of the hour. was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. 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(josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. chase. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. (vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. i'm ari melber. it is 7:00 p.m. on the east coast. welcome back to our live continuing coverage of the trump indictments. we have been looking at these new charges of defendant trump. i have a breakdown of why the rico case is so strong. if you happened to be watching earlier, this continues with new information, some of what we raised. if you're joining us for the first time, you're going to get the conclusion of this special report

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, Leslie , Addition , Family , Difference , Narrator , Education , Grant , Food Pantries , Wellness Centers , Reimagining Public Education , Holistic Approach , Apologies , Break , Yes , Congress , Sweeping , Ones , Ways , Coup Crimes , Mind , Georgia Edward Tarver , Highlights , Edward , Multimonth Set , We Cannot , Push Georgia , Strength , Rico Count , Stream , Activities , Chargeable , Lead In , Distinction , Picture , Detractor , Defense , Viewers , Criticism , Conduct , Context , Blatant Foreignry , Chief , Police , Acting , Locations , Concert , Speaking Indictment , Professor , Strengths , Goal , Rico Charge , Screeching Indictment , Mr , Syndicate , Furtherance , Story Ability , Felony , Dine , Mafia , Mob , Claim , Street Gangs , Track , Playing , Jurors , Conclusion , Stage , 40 , Presidency , Toddler Theory , Feelings , Loser , Hurt , Theories , Type , Ground , Superfans , Plot , Propaganda Victims , States , Activity , Place , Coing On , Client Trump , Mafia Case , Td , Mop , Classes , Swiffer Powermop , Husband , Coworkers , Shingles Doesn T Care , Shingrix , Shingles , 90 , 50 , Fainting , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Muscle Pain , Injection Site , Redness , Shivering , Tiredness , Zero Dollars , Zero , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Blood Tests , Doctors , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Patches , Ned , Psoriatic Arthritis , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Weight Loss , Movie , Crowd Gasp , Caplyta , Lyte , Relief , Bipolar Depression , Ting , Lows , Before Dawn , Bipolar , Mood Changes , Medicines , Behaviors , Movement Disorders , Movements , Risks , Aren T , Report Fever , Permanent , Spend Category , Sm Card , Categories , Savings , Support , Tabs , Caplyta Com , Cucumber Water , Billing Cycle , Citi Custom , 5 , Card , Delectables , Voice , Cat , Delectables Lickable , Grab More Delectables , Chevy Silverado , Treat , Truck , Camera Views , Package , Z71 Off Road , Weekdays , Living , Dishwasher , 80 , Dare , Handwashing , Utilities , Cascade , 130 , 30 , Events , Problems , The Dark Knight , Investments , Calculation , Statutes , Versions , Prison Sentence , Tool , Unpardonable , D A , Predicate Acts , Sentence , Probated , Racketeering Activity , Chart , Probation Sentences , Nonprison , Update , Specific , Few , Poll Worker , Arrows , Minimums , Toughest , Th Saw , Elements , 161 , 71 , Laundry , Prosecutions , Gang , Perilous , Organized Crime , Professions , Group , Feds , Gangsters , Mobsters , Distance , Real Mafia Problem , Money Laundering , Robert Kennedy , Government Hearing , Video , Soit , 70 , Charter , Friendship , Benny , The Bug Ross , Liquor Bootleger , Don T Recall , Rico Law , Dodging , 1970 , Crime Families , Big A Net , Tools , Weapon , Gambino Boss , John Gotti , Office , Parts , Business , Justice , Definition , Department , Trump Lawyer , Skyrizi , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Crohn S , Bowel Movements , Symptom Relief , Il 23 , 4 , 23 , Infections , Remission , Endoscopic Improvement , Liver Problems , Gastroenterologist , 16 , Mafiosos , Person , Atlanta , Effect , Special , 7 , Path , Analysis , Eczema , Business Internet , Business Grade Internet , Switch , Show , Itch , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Topical , Fast , Rinvoq Relief , 100 , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Lymphoma , Blood Clots , Heart Attack , Tears , Tb , Coach , Manager , Save Goals , Snack Dad , Check , Finances , Anddd Check This Out , Soccer Camp , Magic , Bankers , Orange Slicesss , Sophie , City , T Mobile Home Internet , Second , Signal , Step , Trees , Tree Crashes , Daughter , Chainsaw , Chainsaw Revs , Ton , Xfinity , Mulch , East Coast , Defendant Trump , Breakdown ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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the georgia case is for a lot of these we need translators, former prosecutors. what fani willis charged was the clearest thing we all saw with our own eyes. and i had this conversation in the 8:00 hour. what trump told his voters his first year as president in 2017 from a podium was don't believe what you see, don't believe what you hear, only believe me. and what fani willis indicted yesterday just blows that out of the water. in state court we could see with our own eyes. and my understanding -- again, you're the lawyer in these conversations -- was that if this, then that. so if this criminal enterprise with us corrupt in nature and all in pursuance of a crime, then all of these acts were a part of it and all these people were a part of it. from the outside having worked in politics, that's what it looked like to me. so, to read that narrative is what made that indictment, the fourth in just a few short months, different from the others. >> i agree. i think you put that very well. sometimes we have this thing, and when we cover government and stuff, sometimes, as you well know from your white house purge, there might be good reasons why something is confidential. there might be good reasons why we don't get the news, the information right away, and there's those tradeoffs. last night for the nation was one of those times you say, yeah. but seeing it in realtime, in reality with transparency and accountability, and did everyone is afforded their rights -- that's a good thing in a season where we've seen frankly a lot of bad things. so nicolle, great tag teaming with you and rachel and the team. hope you get some rest. see you soon. >> you too. i'll go upstairs and watch you now. >> our thanks to nicolle wallace. we turn now to this first ever racketeering indictment of defendant donald trump and 18 coconspirators in georgia. d.a. willis' case is broad. it's tough. it is bad news for defendant trump and the codefendants, and later tonight we are actually going to present to you two new "beat" special reports with our reporting and revelations drawn from this very exhaustive indictment. we have that coming up in our coverage. i'll be with you for special coverage across two hours from now through 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. right now we begin with the facts and the legal process as it unfolded. you're seeing the exact legal process here as transparently presented. this is what open court looks like -- a contrast to earlier federal indictments. multiple cameras taking the public inside that historical criminal proceeding. the grand jury voted the charge. then the 98-page indictment was walked over. you see some of this here. and delivered to the court clerk. then that is stamped and signed, the historic document being formally processed. in court you see them walking in with it. it was presented to the presiding judge. the judge to review and sign. the cameras chronicling this legal, national history as it was made. >> all we could tell is it was printed on letter sized white paper and seemed to be about that thick and had a few different striations to it. >> all eyes you could see on fulton county and the courthouse. the grand jury reportedly poised to indict president trump. what we saw was the judge reviewing that indictment. >> this sweeping indictment accuses defendant trump of running the conspiracy. prosecutors assert that trump and allies had this long-running multipronged racketeering plot. that's how we got here. here's how all of this took off. >> former president donald j. trump has been criminally indicted in the state of georgia. >> it begins with the rico act. that's the big one, and it is broad. >> it's here, all 98 pages of it, and it has that infamous rico count. >> the grand jury issued arrest warrants for those who are charged. >> you're waking up to significant historic news. >> donald trump indicted overnight for the fourth time. >> this time by the state of georgia. if he were to be convicted he could not pardon himself. >> 18 codefendants have also been charged. >> his personal attorney, rudy giuliani, his former chief of staff mark meadows. >> the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election result. >> he's now facing four different felony trials as he runs for president. >> >> the d.a. has given all defendants until friday august 25th to voluntarily surrender. if anyone waives that option, which is generally in the defendant's interest, then the arrest warrant process would begin. people in or out of state would be found and brought in against their will. we are living through history. i just showed you, the way this played across the entire world. nicolle and i discussed how the facts and transparency really matter. you'll notice one of the clips we just showed you, on fox news, during the sean hannity coverage, one of donald trump's most loyal defenders, they couldn't resist showing the very newsworthy live video coverage. they couldn't resist that for whatever their reasons and judgments were because we got to see inside the process, the courtroom, the facts, the reality. so much of this began with lies, lies that as of last night georgia has indicted as racketeering, as a mafia style criminal case. but the lies of course continue. why would they stop if that's how we got here? so there are lies about the prosecutors, there are lies about the judicial process. there are lies about whether this is even happening, some of which we're not repeating. donald trump blatantly lied about the last couple days. yet the facts are what the case turns on when a jury is asked to find, and the facts were what was on display as we watched that quite historic set of developments into the night last night. we want to bring in two legal experts. david kelly was the chief of the famed sdny, a former federal prosecutor and i should mention, my former boss and jay tom morgan, former district attorney for dekalb county, georgia, a neighbor of fulton county. welcome to you both. david, in your courtrooms we don't see that kind of stuff and don't see televised trials. i begin at the big picture level. we've got a lot of details later tonight. on a big picture level, what do you think it meant for americans to begin to see the process transparently, to understand that human beings handled the presentation of evidence, that the grand jury held its vote, that it was all on the up and up, and that now this former president and many of his lawyers and allies are being treated as racketeering defendants? >> i think it's wonderful. we talked about this before, ari, where part of this whole exercise needs to be about transparency and accountability. i think it's a wonderful thing the federal courts don't have cameras in the courtroom. but there needs to be an exception in this case. what transpired last night highlights the reasons for that, to show people -- and i think it's most important this case -- that people see not only the process, but they also understand the facts. you and i have talked about this before -- facts matter, and i think part of this whole equation is the process and the other part is going to be the facts. and getting that out there and educating the public about what really transpired here i think is important for the criminal justice system and important to instill in the public a sense of confidence or renewed confidence in the system, and i think it's renewed confidence given the indictments and the people who violated the law -- probable cause means more than anything than not these folks engaged in these crimes. >> jay tom? >> i cannot emphasize enough the importance of cameras in the courtroom. i trood one of the first cases in georgia that was televised and several more since then, including prosecution of a public official using rico statute. just as -- said, sunshine is a form of disinfectant. this is not a case of letting them be hid from the public. the public needs to see and hear what each witness says under oath. and decide for themselves. this case will not only be tried by a jury, it will be tried in a court of public opinion, as it should be. i recall hearings where sam bergen presided over those, a trial attorney, and the american public got to see the evidence against the president in that case as well. let me just emphasize something else. having tried cases with cameras in the courtroom, there's one thing when a witness takes the stand to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and it's just a jury and a judge and the lawyers watching. when you've got a million people watching you testify under oath, it's my experience it really brings people to tell the truth. >> interesting. david, how strong is the rico case? >> it's looking very strong. it's detailed, it's in the weeds. it's an extraordinary indictment. the one thing i didn't like was the sbruktry paragraph, those defendants didn't accept the outcome of the election, which -- >> let me put that up. this is georgia versus trump. it says they lost. it says the other defendants, quote, refused to accept that trump lost and willfully joined the conspiracy. explain to us what you're thinking about that. >> so, the thing that caught my eye and kind of bugged me about it was, look, this is great work by these prosecutors, but part of what the whole trump mantra is is that he believed and still believes that he won the election. and this kind of lends credence. it creates a runway for him to take off from to, say that in fact they didn't accept it because they didn't believe it. now, you and i talked about this before. the question is, is that belief reasonable? and certainly it is not in the face of so much evidence, you know, when you hear from the attorney general of the united states saying there's nothing to be found or when you hear about all the different judges who have rejected the claims of voter fraud. and when raffensperger, the secretary of state in georgia told him outright. so it's not a reasonable belief, but i don't think it's a big issue, but it kind of bugged me that it was in there in that opening paragraph. but other than that i think it's well done. i think the other thing, too, is the fact that important thing here is that the conspirators in the smith indictment are named as defendants in this case. so a couple things that means to me. one, does that mean that that forecloses the possibility of them cooperating with jack smith? or does it really create more leverage now for jack smith and for fani willis to go ahead and try to convert these folks into cooperating witnesses? >> yeah, that's an interesting point, and one that many prosecutors and investigators are keeping an eye on, which is how does that play out, as we look at the many, many codefendants. former prosecutor david kelly, thank you. jay tom morgan, as our georgia expert i've asked you to stick around. we're going to hear from you on the other report we have. let me tell you what's coming up. this is a two-hour episode. we have a special report on the criminal racketeering law and how it's caught up with people like giuliani. first, a chance i haven't had something to do with you yet, we've gone through, our team, and scrutinized this entire, strong, exhaustive set of charges against all these individuals. we have the specific plots that target georgia. why it's a stronger case there. why it's different than jack smith. that special report is next. sp. . all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer? she's taking control with her own account for college. three futures, all with chase. freedom for kids. control for parents. one bank for both. chase. make more of what's yours. my name is wendy, i'm 51 years old, and i'm a hospital 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the key allegedly criminal plots to overturn the election results and the aides, including trump's tactics of trying to hide behind his lawyers. these are maneuvers the d.a. has now indicted as criminal. the first time this case turns infamous or controversial figures into indicted coconspirators. take trump lawyer rudy giuliani, now indicted on 13 accounts, including lying and trying to get public officials to break and law and steal the race. that's what the charges say. here are receipts from giuliani's lying claims in a georgia legislative meeting. >> dominion and smartmatic, the connection to hugo chavez. it's a highly inaccurate machine. there's overwhelming evidence of fraud. you don't have to be a genius to know they aren't legitimate votes. >> he can lie about that in public, but lying to the authorities are illegal, as that former prosecutor knows bether than most hem faces his first charges, as does lawyer sidney powell, seven counts for her repeated plot with plans to willfully tamp we are electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines. now, powell hurt her case by writing this down in a contract with a data firm and then traveled for the purpose of willfully tampering with electronic ballot markers and tabulating machines. these defendants deny any wrong doing. charges, though, the new indictment lays out, many, many strands of these plots. this is important here. the d.a. is arguing together the evidence shows -- and it can of course test this. they have to prove it to a jury -- that it all went beyond legal services or hypotheticals. powell was busted for the jan 6th commitment where they attempted to appoint her with a council to georgia. here's some of the testimonial evidence. >> what they were proposing i thought was nuts. flynn screamed at me that i was a quitter and everything. kept on standing up and turning around and screaming at me. >> we landed where we started the meeting. sidney powell was fighting, mike flynn was fighting. they were looking for avenues that would enable -- that would result in president trump remaining president trump for a second term. >> yeah, that's the halting sort of sing song of someone trying to figure out, do i just say, steal the election? do i say coup? it was finished. it was over. the electoral college voted. president biden was holding military meetings. made it clear they weren't going the take orders from a coup leader after january 20th. that's what that was all about. the january 6th committee according to prosecutors and legal experts, has clearly advanced all of this because they gathered all that testimony. a lot of it was clearly true, fact-checked, corroborated. that's how investigations work. they also gave these individuals a chance to respond, which is only fair to tell their side of the story. you can imagine for example being in a meeting and saying, i heard about idea. i was in the room, i didn't endorse the idea. i left the room, wrote a memo to self, et cetera. you want to be fair when you conduct an investigation. here's what's new tonight. the january 6th committee gave lawyer sidney powell that opportunity. we have that footage. i'm reminding you. there she was testifying via zoom. but again, here is the problem with lying to the government. lawyers like powell know it is a crime. these charges say they did it any way. they cite her denial as more lies that were part of the criminal scheme. again, accountability coming out of georgia for what these investigators say was happening in washington. those are some of trump's indicted lawyers. he took steps to hide behind them. he was so hell bent on doing this he got involved with fingerprints. he was a hands-on conspirator according to the indictment, which has evidence of trump placing calls, demanding people join the coup. this is new from just what we got late last night. calls to the georgia senate leader, calls to georgia's republican governor who today spoke it again about trump's lies on this score. calls to georgia's attorney general, the top law enforcement official. and calls and efforts to get other critical voting officials to somehow join his out-of-sate coup option. now, in fairness to donald trump or any candidate scrutinizing their own results or loss, let's be clear -- those calls alone, absent everything else, would not legally be indictable. that is, i don't think a prosecutor or a fair-minded expert would say the calls are -- and the d.a. doesn't claim that. this is important. we're going to hear more about this going into cases and trials. what this d.a. is saying and what legal experts and rico experts will tell you is those calls are now evidence amidst the wider plots. they become acts to advance the conspiracy precisely because there was a conspiracy, because there was evidence of the wider plots involving several people. and again, a plot was not to chat with officials, double-check the numbers. the plot was to illegally steal and overturn the results. to take trump's lie that he won and try to criminally enact it. that's why the other trump aides are charged now for the first time. some of them are more associated, frankly, with propaganda than other types of physical criminality. take trump's spokesperson and lawyer jenna ellis. after trump lost -- and again, he lost in those few days after the first vote. it was tabulated. everybody called it -- the a.p., fox news, everyone. donald trump lost, biden won. biden's president-elect. ms. ellis spent those first few weeks in 2020 telling anyone that would listen a lie. she was out there lying and saying donald trump, quote, won in a landslide. seemed desperate, even frankly bizarre at the time. here is what this now indicted defendant claims in our november 2020 interview. our strategy is to make sure we continue to challenge all of these false and fraudulent results. the point of this of course is to get to fair and accurate results, because the election was stolen and president trump won by a landslide. >> i just quoted you a whole range of sources, including "the wall street journal" -- >> let me finish. i'm trying to answer your question. >> i understand, but -- you made a mis -- >> old on. take a pause and i will let you -- >> election integrity issues. >> i'll let you go again, but we have to make a pause. if you make false statements you don't just run rough shod. >> it went on like that. we gave ms. ellis time, fact checked her in time, and learned through the interview she was part of this wider effort to publicly claim that donald trump won in a landslide, which is a false lie. no crime in seeing that in public, posting it online, saying it in interviews, talking around and saying that. that's not in dispute. she's now charged in the georgia indictment for the violation of the rico act and for soliciting the violation of the oath of a public officer along with these other lawyers, meaning the public lies were advancing, laundering, you might say normalizing for maga people the idea this was inbounds and obviously was false. the secret part she's charged for is not the public part, although that may be furthering the conspiracy. the understood lying key thing is they say they have evidence she and others were trying to lie to the government and submit fraudulent documents and have people pretend to be public officials. you have freedom of fashion in america, right? you can wear anything. you can wear something that criticizes the government or has political views. but that doesn't mean you can dress up as a police officer and try to kidnap people, right? that makes sense. you can't dress up as a public official or an elector either. so that's what she's indicted for. now, another part of the case is different than jack smith's case in the other probes. you heard follow the money. here, the d.a., follow the lies as late as they went, which is way past president biden being sworn in. you remember inauguration day? take it all the way back. i mentioned biden's november win was the obvious end of the race for most people. the january 6th insurrection ended some of that last-ditch talk and challenges from election deniers and republicans, who saw how bad things got. let's look at -- i want to show biden again. the reason i want to you see this is this is january 20th. in the real world everyone saw the lawful transfer of power. that was the president-elect becoming the president. all rational people around the world understood what was happening. here's what's new tonight. defendant trump pressing on. eight months after, president trump still pushing in writing for an official to commit fraumd a written command to desertfy the election and announce the true winner at donald trump. now, i've used some legal terms. what i'm going to tell you about that being the final chronological chapter in this environment, that donald trump as the defendant was pushing that eight months after inauguration, we have a word for that, it is absolutely bananas. but the fact that it's bananas -- let's bring it back up. let that sink in. it's bananas. it is that simple. but let me be clear why you have this bunch of bananas on your screen tonight. to think that it's so bananas it shouldn't be dealt with is to fall into the trap. this d.a. who is clearly strong and tough and broad in her view of how she enforces the law is not giving donald trump a pass because of course he's lying and he says weird things and wild things and he's just joking or trolling or allowed to be bananas. she's saying if you come into her state and break the law, doesn't matter how bananas is it, she'll use the laws to the fullest extent. that is the key point we land on. we're going to bring in the former georgia attorney and melissa murray when we're back in 60 seconds. e back in 60 seconds. 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do you think those look like strong evidence to you if you were trying to this case? >> i think it would be strong evidence and the fact that it makes the -- strength of the evidence is the fact that they included the rico count, which allows them to take what would normally be a small stream of evidence and expand to it include activities, as you indicated earlier in your lead-in that may not even be chargeable if they were standing alone. so i think the evidence is extremely strong and will allow the prosecutor to present the complete picture of what happened. >> could you elaborate on that point? i tried to draw the distinction. i expect we'll hear more about it from the detractor in the case. the defendants are innocent. they have every right to make their defense and criticism of what's in there. but as i told viewers, i think it's fair to say not only this d.a. but most prosecutors would not charge a bunch of calls -- even as i mentioned, outlandish or bananas called to officials if that was the entire and total conduct. what the d.a. seems to have done effectively is put it in the wider context of all of these plots, some of which are blatant foreignry and fraud, blatant efforts to impersonate officials. you can't pretend to be the chief of police legally and try to pull people over. you can't pretend to be an elector. what do you think about that distinction given your experience trying cases in georgia and how a jury -- how you present to a jury that this might be unethical, but alone we couldn't charge it, but together it now becomes evidence? >> well, you tie it into the conspiracy. in this case you have 18 defendants in addition to president trump. they were all acting in different locations, involved in different activities. but as i said earlier, because of the rico count, the prosecutor's able to bring that all together to paint a broader picture for the jury, for the court. but to show that they were acting in concert, that they were acting as part of the conspiracy, but with one ultimate goal. so i think that that makes it extremely powerful, and it certainly adds a lot of strengths to the case. >> professor? >> well, we've always been talking about the idea of a speaking indictment. like, jack smith had a speaking indictment that really told a strong narrative. this rico charge gives fani willis the opportunity to have not just a speaking indictment, but a screeching indictment that tells a wide and sweeping story ability all the different acts that were in furtherance of what is essentially an alleged criminal syndicate with the former president of the united states at the top. and mr. tarver is right, some charges are relatively an dine, and some of the charges of conduct would not arise to a felony, in te aggregate it becomes -- in a way they become a much larger case with the mafia or mob or street gangs. that's the broader claim being made here. in a trial, this could be unwieldy. jurors could have a hard time keeping track of the details and that's a 19-person indictment. it could be unwieldy, but in terms of playing to the public for this stage of the case, it is incredibly effective. >> yeah. and edward, in conclusion, i got about 40 seconds, when i showed the trump spokesperson. we gave her time, we were trying to understand in late november what she was doing -- the theories then were more benign. donald trump is a sore loser. his feelings are hurt. give him time to absorb it. this is the toddler theory of the presidency. i don't know if you're familiar. the professor and i discussed it before. now it's pursuant to what the d.a. says is a criminal plot. that type of public stuff, while legal on its own was trying to soften the ground, get the type of superfans or, you know, propaganda victims, whatever you want to call it, to get closer to their plot, which is to stage elector fraud, edward. >> well, i think you're right. i don't think that any of them anticipated that the district attorney, that the prosecutor fani willis would rely on the georgia rico statute, which is pretty broad compared to the statute in other states, to bring together all of the activity that took place as part of this conspiracy. i think you're exactly right. >> with your georgia experience we wanted to get your read on everything. appreciate you coing on. professor murray agreed to return at the top of the hour as we continue our second hour special live coverage tonight. thank you both. we were just talking about rico and how powerful it is. that is our next special report. rarely do we have two in an hour, but this is a special case in history. how the mafia case, the case giuliani used to lead ensnared him and his client trump, next. t d that goes places a regular mop just can't. mop smarter with the new swiffer powermop. my husband and i have never been more active. shingles doesn't care. i go to spin classes with my coworkers. good for you, shingles doesn't care. because no matter how healthy you feel, your risk of shingles sharply increases after age 50. but shingrix protects. proven over 90% effective, shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. shingles doesn't care but, shingrix protects. shingrix is now zero dollars for almost everyone. ask your doctor about shingrix today. 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>> in a rico case if you can charge one you can charge -- >> them all. got it. >> that is different than how many criminal statutes work. it started as a federal law, and now different states have their own versions. what i'm about to walk you through is why donald trump is more likely to end up in an unpardonable, unreviewable prison sentence than he was yesterday morning. the law was first designed to go after the mafia. over the decades prosecutors expanded it as a powerful tool for any enterprise. here's the fulton county d.a. last night explaining all of it. >> rather than abide by georgia's legal process for election challenges, the defendants engaged in a criminal racketeering enterprise to overturn georgia's presidential election result. as you examine the indictment, you will see acts that are identified as overt acts and those that are identified as predicate acts, sometimes called acts of racketeering activity. the rico charges has time that you have to serve, so it's not a probated sentence. >> she knows the law. the defendants better learn it. some of them may have reason to need to know how to get out of a rico case, because it's very, very hard. as you heard the d.a. lay out there just the actual law, and this is how it works, and in georgia it's the kind of case she says does not allow for nonprison probation sentences if you're convicted. i want to show you an update to a chart we have shown before. this is now georgia specific. what you see are the arrows of different plots and as of last night, the red ones have been indicted in georgia, and the bottom few are different than some of the plots we've shown in the national doj case. you see the poll worker case th saw in dark knight, hits everyone. those mandatory minimums start at five years. this indictment and charges could be the toughest for trump to date. >> 71 pages, 161 separate acts all described as the constituent elements of that rico charge. >> d.a. willis is pursuing a rico case against the former president. >> you don't want to just look at the very top. >> remember rico really is just being able to talk about everybody's dirty laundry. >> the rico statutes were designed for the mob, but they have been used far beyond the mob. >> the rico charge, which seems so powerful and potent here, and for donald trump, perilous. >> it has been such for other rico defendants. this d.a. has used these rake tearing laws for prosecutions of gang related activity and people in completely other professions. you have to go back, because the feds struggled to deal with the group and racketeering related problems of organized crime. if you go back decades, america had a real mafia problem. it had to deal with the way different mobsters and gangsters not only operated but how they managed to keep a distance from the underlying crimes, meaning you could get this thing over here or money laundering over there or one or two people but it was hard to get them all. this goes all the way back to the '50s when then robert kennedy was leading the congressional effort to figure out how they could better tackle those problems. we have this old footage, consider we dug this up from a government hearing over 70 years ago, soit's not perfect video. if you listen closely, you'll start to understand why they developed these laws to do what witnesses and others were resisting. >> during this period of your close friendship, he hired benny the bug ross. he hires a liquor bootleger, he got a charter. >> i cannot remember whether he was or not, as i said. i just don't recall. >> can't remember what you talked about and can't remember whether he was there? >> i can't remember anything of any importance, mr. kennedy. i can't recall it. >> that was the dodging, congress punched back. by 1970, they passed this rico law as a way to go after all of the mobsters together. everyone's crime is shared. this is a broad law. now, some argue that when you fish with too big a net, you risk getting tangled up yourself. and there may be ways rico prosecutions can be unwieldy, but it also has been effective against crime families as mentioned. if you look at the numbers, it was used against 24 different mafia families and considered a strong new weapon, convicting people like gambino boss john gotti. this da is not the first prosecutor to take these tools well beyond the mob. then there are some pretty famous prosecutors who touted rico as the way to solve crime. >> i do think that the work in my office and other parts of the justice department has changed the definition of the problem of crime in america. >> we're going to have to attack it as a business, not just as individual crime. >> we have followed up with civil rico cases. there will be some point in the future in which we'll destroy the power of the mafia. >> then prosecutor rudy giuliani saying rico is how you destroy crime. here we are, and we can report for the first time ever, that same prosecutor, that former prosecutor rudy giuliani, who became a trump lawyer, now charged under the very criminal statute he once touted. so why is this so scary for these defendants? we actually have our real 60-second break. this time, just 60 seconds. this special report concludes next. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. welcome back. we have heard a lot more about rico, if you follow the news, in these last sort of 16, 18 hours because we just showed this law that was built to go after elusive gangsters and mafiosos that rudy giuliani once touted, is now being used against rudy giuliani, against trump, and every other person to steal your vote and overthrow the election. it's a strong move from the atlanta d.a. it is one that she has used before to great effect. i told you we're doing a two-hour special tonight. that means i'm picking up our coverage joined by professor murray at the top of the 7:00 p.m. we're going to reset here. our special live coverage will continue, and professor murray is going to join me for the conclusion of what we were discussing about this perilous rico path for these dflts and her analysis as well as other experts about what lies ahead. i'll stay with you, if you stay with me i'll see you at the top of the hour. was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. 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(josh allen) is this your plan to watch the game today? (hero fan) i have to watch my neighbors' nfl sunday ticket. chase. (josh allen) it's not your best plan. but you know what is? myplan from verizon. (vo) for a limited time get nfl sunday ticket from youtubetv on us. a $449 value. plus, get a free samsung galaxy z flip5. only on verizon. we moved out of the city so our little sophie could appreciate nature. but then he got us t-mobile home internet. i was just trying to improve our signal, so some of the trees had to go. i might've taken it a step too far. (chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? what, we have a ton of mulch. i'm ari melber. it is 7:00 p.m. on the east coast. welcome back to our live continuing coverage of the trump indictments. we have been looking at these new charges of defendant trump. i have a breakdown of why the rico case is so strong. if you happened to be watching earlier, this continues with new information, some of what we raised. if you're joining us for the first time, you're going to get the conclusion of this special report

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Movement , Joy , Voltaren , Depression , Antidepressant , Lift , Depression Symptoms , Vraylar , Help , Death , Stroke , Thoughts , Dementia , Changes , Weight , Studies , Behavior , Impact , Adults , Antidepressants , Weight Gain , Fever , Confusion , Muscle Movements , Muscles , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Cholesterol , Children , Coma , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Stomach , Treatment , Fatigue , Sleep , Appetite , Dizziness , Stop Taking Jardiance , It , Pill , Type 2 Diabetes , Day S Staaart , Seee , Heart Disease , Sugar , Body , A1c , 24 7 , Ketoacidosis , Urinary Tract Infections , Perineum , Genital Yeast , Dehydration , Kidney Function , Jardiance May , Blood Sugar , Insulin , Dialysis , Sulfonylurea , Sensitivity , Rehardens Enamel , Sensitivity Gum , Majority , Patience , Enamel , Gums , Advocate , Sensodyne , Restore Gum Health , Families , Community Schools , Partners , Leadership , Communities , Schools , Educators , Students , New School , California S , Jessie , Leslie , Addition , Family , Difference , Narrator , Education , Grant , Food Pantries , Wellness Centers , Reimagining Public Education , Holistic Approach , Apologies , Break , Yes , Congress , Sweeping , Ones , Ways , Coup Crimes , Mind , Georgia Edward Tarver , Highlights , Edward , Multimonth Set , We Cannot , Push Georgia , Strength , Rico Count , Stream , Activities , Chargeable , Lead In , Distinction , Picture , Detractor , Defense , Viewers , Criticism , Conduct , Context , Blatant Foreignry , Chief , Police , Acting , Locations , Concert , Speaking Indictment , Professor , Strengths , Goal , Rico Charge , Screeching Indictment , Mr , Syndicate , Furtherance , Story Ability , Felony , Dine , Mafia , Mob , Claim , Street Gangs , Track , Playing , Jurors , Conclusion , Stage , 40 , Presidency , Toddler Theory , Feelings , Loser , Hurt , Theories , Type , Ground , Superfans , Plot , Propaganda Victims , States , Activity , Place , Coing On , Client Trump , Mafia Case , Td , Mop , Classes , Swiffer Powermop , Husband , Coworkers , Shingles Doesn T Care , Shingrix , Shingles , 90 , 50 , Fainting , Dose , Ingredients , Guillain BarrÉ Syndrome , Muscle Pain , Injection Site , Redness , Shivering , Tiredness , Zero Dollars , Zero , Ned S Plaque Psoriasis , Camera Shutter Sfx , Car Screech , City Ambience Sounds , Car Door Slam , Blood Tests , Doctors , Plaque Psoriasis , Flaky , Flaking , Otezla , Patches , Ned , Psoriatic Arthritis , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Weight Loss , Movie , Crowd Gasp , Caplyta , Lyte , Relief , Bipolar Depression , Ting , Lows , Before Dawn , Bipolar , Mood Changes , Medicines , Behaviors , Movement Disorders , Movements , Risks , Aren T , Report Fever , Permanent , Spend Category , Sm Card , Categories , Savings , Support , Tabs , Caplyta Com , Cucumber Water , Billing Cycle , Citi Custom , 5 , Card , Delectables , Voice , Cat , Delectables Lickable , Grab More Delectables , Chevy Silverado , Treat , Truck , Camera Views , Package , Z71 Off Road , Weekdays , Living , Dishwasher , 80 , Dare , Handwashing , Utilities , Cascade , 130 , 30 , Events , Problems , The Dark Knight , Investments , Calculation , Statutes , Versions , Prison Sentence , Tool , Unpardonable , D A , Predicate Acts , Sentence , Probated , Racketeering Activity , Chart , Probation Sentences , Nonprison , Update , Specific , Few , Poll Worker , Arrows , Minimums , Toughest , Th Saw , Elements , 161 , 71 , Laundry , Prosecutions , Gang , Perilous , Organized Crime , Professions , Group , Feds , Gangsters , Mobsters , Distance , Real Mafia Problem , Money Laundering , Robert Kennedy , Government Hearing , Video , Soit , 70 , Charter , Friendship , Benny , The Bug Ross , Liquor Bootleger , Don T Recall , Rico Law , Dodging , 1970 , Crime Families , Big A Net , Tools , Weapon , Gambino Boss , John Gotti , Office , Parts , Business , Justice , Definition , Department , Trump Lawyer , Skyrizi , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Crohn S , Bowel Movements , Symptom Relief , Il 23 , 4 , 23 , Infections , Remission , Endoscopic Improvement , Liver Problems , Gastroenterologist , 16 , Mafiosos , Person , Atlanta , Effect , Special , 7 , Path , Analysis , Eczema , Business Internet , Business Grade Internet , Switch , Show , Itch , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Topical , Fast , Rinvoq Relief , 100 , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Intestines , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Lymphoma , Blood Clots , Heart Attack , Tears , Tb , Coach , Manager , Save Goals , Snack Dad , Check , Finances , Anddd Check This Out , Soccer Camp , Magic , Bankers , Orange Slicesss , Sophie , City , T Mobile Home Internet , Second , Signal , Step , Trees , Tree Crashes , Daughter , Chainsaw , Chainsaw Revs , Ton , Xfinity , Mulch , East Coast , Defendant Trump , Breakdown ,

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