Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

losing what many believe to be a fundamental human right. access to abortion. this week, the supreme court heard arguments about a mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks. this would be a clear violation of roe v. wade but the majority conservative supreme court appears poised to gut that precedent. during her question time, justice sonya sotomayor said tossing out roe because of the political balance of power could tarnish the court's reputation and open the flood gates to other challenges to well settled law. >> the new esteban that mississippi has put in place, the 6 week ban, the senate sponsor said, we're doing it because we have new justices on the supreme court. will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts? i don't see how it is possible. >> now, think about the realities of this. if roe v. wade fails, women could be denied access to vital form of health care in first time in nearly 50 years. millions of women lose their right to abortion overnight and the impact would be immediate. at the heart of this supreme court case is a lawsuit against the jackson women's health organization clinic. many of you might know that as the pink house in mississippi. it is the last remaining clinic in the state that provides abortion care and serves as a lifeline for many women in state and surrounding states like texas where a ban on abortions after six weeks has basically outlawed the procedure. the clinic is challenging the state law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy which is well before a fetus is viable, meaning it can survive on its own. if the court upholds mississippi's law, the overturning of roe, the impact would be felt across the country. 26 states have so-called trigger laws in place that would go into effect immediately. those states are highlighted in orange and you can see, it would cover entire swaths of the country. the ban would also create destination states which are highlighted in blue. those are states expected to stee an increase in out of town patients seeking abortions if these bans go into effect. so to make it clear, let's go back to the pink house in mississippi. if the last abortion provider in mississippi were forced to shut down, people seeking an abortion would be forced to look out of state. look at this. all of mississippi's neighboring states, mississippi, louisiana, arkansas, tennessee also have trigger laws in place. a person in mississippi seeking an abortion may have to drive 9 hours to kansas. add to that a 24 hour waiting period after your first appointment there if you can even get it. that's just one example. but the post roe future this country is facing right now. when you layer distance, state restrictions and the money needed to take off work and stay in another state for extended period of time, effectively removing the bodily autonomy for women who will no longer be able to decide for themselves when and whether to be pregnant and to give birth. abortion rights are essential to democracy and this country can't call itself one if we lose abortion rights. mary ziegler at college of law and the author of "abortion and the law in america: roe v. wade" and "after roe" and alexia johnson, democrat who spent five years running engagement outreach for planned parenthood. thank you for being here for this important discussion. hare, let me ask you about a recent op-ed you wrote for the "new york times" in which you said there are two likely scenarios for how this decision could go. the justice could throw out the so-called viability standard which is the underpinning of abortion law today or could do something much more radical saying precedent be damned. there's no right to abortion in america right now. how do you study this? how do you think this is going to go? >> i think they'll get rid of it al together in this case. i wasn't expecting it into this oral argument but now i was wrong. i think they'll repaiduate the roe precedent this summer and then criminalize almost all abortions within their borders. >> alexia, let's talk about what they said about this. every potential justice in the supreme court is asked about abortion. let's listen to what they said at the confirmation hearings. >> i would tell you that roe v. wade decided 1973, the supreme court has been reaffirmed, so a good judge will consider as precedent of the united states supreme court worthy as treatment of precedent like any other. >> as a judge, it is an important precedent of the supreme court. by it, i mean roe v. wade and planned parenthood versus kc that reaffirm many times, kc is precedent on precedent. >> roe is not a super precedent because calls have never ceased but doesn't mean roe should be overruled. it just means that it doesn't fall on the small handful of cases like margaret versus madison and brown versus board no one questions anymore. >> every case in which there's a prior precedent, first issue is the issue of stare decisis. it will follow prior precedence. there should be a special justification for overruling the prior precedent. >> well, beyond that, it's settled as a precedent of the court entitled to respect under principles of stare decisis and those principles applied in the kc case, explained when cases should be revisited and when they should not and it is setted as a precedent of the court, yes. >> okay, that seemed straightforward. they all said it's precedent and or super precedent and shouldn't be changed unless something substantial happened. what's up with that? >> interesting you play that and then think about the oral arguments this week and heard them question it and signaling that they might overturn roe v. wade and it's frustrating because it is a law for 50 years and then planned parenthood versus kc and let's stay honest here. this has become a political conversation as justice sonya sotomayor. this could leave a stench on the governing body we tend to turn to when all of these political arguments are questioning our fundamental rights but the highest law of the land will settle it, not in a political way but fundamental human rights way. i'm concerned this is what sop some justices said to be appointed but if you look in the oral arguments, that goes out the window and personal beliefs and biases that disregard the reality of low income women and black and brown women and people who are historically marginalized for living in these states that want to outlaw abortion. they're not considering the reality that is facing all of them. >> you have written a book about this, you said after roe, the lost history of the abortion debates. if you look at numbers in america right now, asked people if they like abortion or don't like abortion, it's a much closer split. if you ask people, the only important question and that's, do you believe abortion should be criminalized, not even close. the court is not, what the court seems to be doing is not in line with american sentiment. >> that's absolutely right. i think that's one of the questions, sort of justice sotomayor's question because not only is roe v. wade popular but well known. but the fate of abortion rights, everyone is paying attention and not just that the court would be overruling roe but overruling roe instantaneously, which sotomayor's point. no real build-up and a case that didn't require supreme court intervention. no split in the lower courts on this. there was no urgency that the court resolved this. and so this is going to feel like the court reaching out to put an end to roe v. wade simply because there are new justices on the court. three of them put there by donald trump who promised his justices in his words would be pro life and deliver into roe and that's exactly what we're seeing. that will lead to a perception that the court is partisan, almost certainly. >> a good point. there was no urgency from a legal perspective to get this done but a political perspective to get this done but i think that's what sotomayor was saying, right, that if you're just doing this for politics, that's going to be the stench. >> absolutely. we see this happening. >> thank you to both of you, it's good to have you here and we will continue to follow this very closely with both of you and i do recommend to our viewers to follow the work that you've both done because it will bring you up to speed with why this is happening right now. at the college of law, important books including abortion and the law in america, roe v. wade to the present. and then alencia. thanks to the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, millions of dollars invested in the fight against climate change. i caught up with u.s. energy secretary jennifer granholm to discuss america's clean energy future. plus, the omicron variant is here. we'll talk with virus experts and separate what's known from what's not and it's been seven years since russia invaded ukraine and illegally annexed the crimea region. russia appears to be planning another military offensive. nnin another military offensive mm. 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were supposed to appear in court behind me here yesterday at 4:00 p.m. but they never showed up and of course, that triggering this multi-law enforcement search for them including the fbi, the u.s. marshal service as well as the local sheriff's department here. the attorney for the couple saying they left town for their own safety and on their way back, but it was a member of the public who identified a car, called police and that's when detroit police moved in. i want you to listen to what the police chief had to say. >> we got a tip that they were here, that possibly the fugitives were at this location. spotted, our officer spotted in a matter of minutes when they got here, they set up the perimeter. notified and activated our special response team. they came out. and they were able to take into custody. >> reporter: thousand the , now the couple is expected to be arraigned today. four counts of involuntary manslaughter but it is possible they could receive additional charges. yesterday, we heard some really stunning details from the prosecutor who explained why she is bringing charges against the couple. this is an unprecedented move according to law enforcement agencies, according to many legal analysts we've spoken to. we don't see manslaughter charges brought against the parents of shooters. so we said, listen, there's ample evidence, she says, that suggests that the actions of the parents or lack thereof contributed to this suspect walking in the high school and opening fire. though it is unprecedented and we asked her about that, she said she believes she has enough evidence to get a conviction, ali. >> thanks very much, we'll follow this closely with you as well as when the parents appear in court. that is expected to happen at some point today for their arraignment. so thanks very much. stay close to us. give us a wave if something is happening. we'll come right to you. prosecutors with a disturbing timeline of the events that occurred earlier this week. james and jennifer, the parents, purchased their 15-year-old son ethan the gun that he used to kill four students and injure seven others. officials say they were warned of their son's violent ideations. oxford high school teachers contacted when they caught ethan searching for ammunition on his phone one day, but oakland county prosecutor said they dismissed several dangerous warning signs. >> contacted via voice mail by school personnel regarding inappropriate internet search. they followed the voice mail up with the email but received no response from either parents. thereafter, exchanged text messages about the incident with her son on that day stating, quote, lol, i'm not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught, unquote. >> the four victims of this tragedy are hana. former prosecuting attorney, formerly worked in the eastern district. i appreciate having you here. some in the united states, if your weapon is not used properly, you are culpable. in michigan, it's not an automatic that it was let loose so you are actually responsible. >> you're right. and this is a bit of an unusual situation but i think everyone would agree that the facts here are very unusual. very thoughtful prosecutor and i think what she has decided based on the information that they have is that in essence, they set this tragedy in motion by the actions they took and some of the actions they failed to take in terms of their interaction with their son, ethan. >> there's a lot of examples of parents having some role in kids ultimately getting guns and doing things with them. kyle rittenhouse was a perfect example. sandy hook was an example of that. it does seem like a solvable problem. a consistent set of laws around the country with parents and guns, particularly parents as they get access to weapons for their kids who otherwise legally would not be able to have those weapons. usually by virtue of their age. >> that's absolutely right but it does become a bit of a slippery slope, doesn't it? what prosecutor mcdonald indicated that with gun ownership comes responsibility and appears from the fact the responsibility was lacking. the question comes, how far do parents have to go? do they have to get the trigger lock? it could become an interesting question and debate and unfortunately with tragedies like this, something i'm sure legislature will look closely at with how they could bring about new laws that could prevent these kind of tragedies. >> in this particular case, i know there's been some effort in michigan to try to figure out some law that would codify exactly what responsibilities parents have. what are the options available to michigan? obviously the prosecutor kara mcdonald is moving down this road of responsibility and the defense may argue that this isn't a law in michigan. this isn't actually a thing. are the texts and the actual role that the parents had to play in this and then the fact they were on the lam, does that contribute to their culpability? >> i think it does and in this particular case, what the prosecution will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt is that the parents were grossly negligent. not that they were negligent or just careless in how they handled this weapon but their actions amounted to gross negligence and there's no real necessarily set of facts that will prove that, but as we saw from the press conference yesterday with kara mcdonald, went to great lengths to set out the fact from this perspective, they were on notice of ethan's behavior, went to purchase a weapon to him that was seemingly a present for him. went to the shooting range to practice shooting and some of the texts and the voice mail messages that were left are certainly disturbing and the prosecutor would argue show that the fact the parents were on notice and failed to take action. >> good to see you, thank you for joining us this morning. a complicated case and helps to understand some of the law behind it. thomas crammer in oakland county. the omicron variant is here in the united states and it is spreading. if you're like me, you've got a lot of questions and we're going to try to answer some of them right after this break. to try to answ serome of them right after this break this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪♪ what the- henry? thanks! if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪♪ what a pain in the- alice? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it's walgreens season. feeling sluggish or weighed down? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can 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>> thanks for having me. a lot happened this past week and a lot to catch up on but one of the critical components in getting in front of outbreaks such as the sars-cov-2 is our testing capability. last year, it was dismal. i would give some kudos to the united states. we have, in the u.s., increased our testing surveillance from about 21% to less than 1% to 10%. however, it's not equally distributed across the country, not reaching all pockets of our country that we need to reach. there's still a lot of blind spots, still tests unavailable in many places and the cost of these tests are too expensive. so our government needs to do much more to get testing in the hands of more people at an affordable cost and couple the testing with genomic surveillance to track this virus. >> when we hear the term variant of concern, whether that's a term that has meaning in the immunology, virology community. it does appear to be more transmissible and hit people with antibodies already. what are your concerns about omicron? >> ali, we see a lot of mutations in this omicron variant, however, it's important to realize we have seen most of these mutations before in other variants and sort of fizzled out. what's unique about the mutations in omicron is the combination. now several of those previous have combined and those mutations could impact where they produce from the vaccines or from previous infection or bind you in the virus and do those mutations, make those antibodies bind less well. therefore, is the virus able to escape? i want to highlight that we expect this to happen. we expect some variation in our immune response from previous infection and from vaccines, but everything we've seen still, ali, tells us that if you're fully vaccinated, you're going to have some protection, even against omicron from being severely ill, hospitalized and dying. so it's really important to realize that the vaccines we have, they may not always prevent you from getting infected, but they can save your life and important to be vaccinated as soon as possible. >> rick, we have not heard yet, and i don't know whether this is just bad reporting or it's true, we've not heard yet of deaths connected to omicron reported. does that mean anything to you or are we just too early in the reporting to understand this? >> we're tracking it really closely. the first thing we see, ali, is an increase in cases and we are blessed that we have an early warning system. our pandemic prevention institute was supporting the groups in africa and around the world. that early warning system, ali, is the only reason right now we are even looking for omicron in the population around the world. but what we see with sars-cov-2 in the past is an early increase, you might see increases in hospitalizations and they are and the next indicator is an increase in deaths. so far, what we have seen is that people who are vaccinated are experiencing really mild and moderate illness. so it gives me a lot of confidence that if we're vaccinated, that's likely the outcome you'll see in the omicron variant. although we need much more data to say that with certainty. >> all of this sounds like, all right, maybe we've got the tools to deal with this, except this business about it's spreading amongst children under 5 in south africa. obviously, we do not have the defenses for children under 5 in place globally. >> we don't, and again, that's an interesting early data set. we have to look very carefully into that. clearly, children under 5 are unvaccinated. we do have data, we're getting data to be able to consider the use of the vaccines that we have in younger children, younger position. so we need to accelerate getting that data set. i am concerned, as you mentioned, that this virus, this omicron variant, might be a fast spreader, might be a fast mover, more transmissible, however, i'm still comforted that we know that this is an airborne virus. we do have the tools, as you mentioned, n-95 respirators provide great protection in airborne viruses such as this. we need to take omicron as a decision point in this response to the pandemic. are we, as a nation, going to invest in systems capable of detecting this variant, these viruses quickly and are we going to follow that early warning with action and equity to get the vaccines and vaccinations around the world and in the unvaccinated population in our country, or are we going to allow this virus to continue to dictate how we live our lives? this is a decision point, omicron is getting the opportunity. we should act now. >> rick, thanks as always for making time for us so early in the morning. we really need the information and the analysis that people like you have. dr. rick bright, senior at the rockefeller foundation. conversation with energy secretary jennifer granholm. the white house's historic investment to fight climate change and the future of clean energy but before that, inflation, a term with ominous overtones but why knowing that history may calm some of your fears. g that history may calm some of your fears. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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[screams and laughter] yeah! xfinity brought us together after all. get started with xfinity internet and ask about wifi speed fast than a gig. click, call or visit a store today. after signing the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law last month the biden administration is now laser focused on pursuing its climate-related agenda items. this week jennifer granholm toured cities across the northeast highlighting the white house's unprecedented investment in fighting climate change. i caught up with her on one leg of her trip at the port of providence, rhode island, where she made clear that this country's clean energy future will not only provide our children with a better world, but one with a much greater economic opportunity. i don't think people understand that because they haven't seen it here, the amazing amount of jobs that will be created in this energy sector. when you think about how broad it is. yes, it's offshore wind. it's onshore wind. it is the vehicles. it's the solar panels. it is the stuff that goes around the solar panels which are the racks and the trackers. it is the geothermal, it's the hydro power. it's the nuclear and the whole ball of wax. so many jobs and all of the supply chain that could be made in the united states and you're starting to see it happen here. >> the idea is unlimited energy sources, domestically, that can be used locally and eventually we'll figure out ways to store it better, but it's domestic and it solves supply chain issues? >> given we get a lot of our energy that are fossil fuels which as we know right now the prices are very volatile, right? if you look at gasoline. most people have a gas-powered engine and they see it at the pump every day. if you're one of the lucky ones who has an electric vehicle you don't even need a gasoline station. it doesn't register because you don't have to go there. you pay a huge amount less of maintaining the vehicle because it has fewer moving parts and the battery that makes up that vehicle that's got to be built somewhere. that's more jobs, of course, and often we get those batteries from asia, but this president wants to onshore that as a piece of the supply chain, as well. >> there are a lot of people that will not purchase an electric vehicle for a few reasons. one of which is the so-called range anxiety, this fear that they won't be able to charge their car in the midst of their journey or the midst of their day and that's one of the issues and it's one that they're trying to address. >> two issues. it's a range anxiety and people who will not find a charging station near them and won't be able to power the vehicle and the second is that the vehicle itself will be too expensive. the bipartisan infrastructure law has addressed both of those. in the bipartisan infrastructure law we can build up to 500,000 charging stations and particularly in areas where the private sector has not gone yet. so we'll have the charging stations available and bring down the price of the electric vehicle through tax credits at the dealer. so i go to the dealer. off the hood will be a $7,500 tax credit to bring that car down to the price of a gas engine vehicle. >> there are some who are critizing the democratic party of being too far left on the issue of the environment. how do you address those criticisms? >> you know what? democrat states and republican states are all in on building out clean. i was recently in north dakota. they are -- that governor, he is all about building out the clean energy economy even though they have a lot of fossil fuel investments because he sees it as growing the pie. texas is, like, number one in wind, number two in solar. they have built out the whole infrastructure and have put thousands and thousands of people to work. so that may be what politicians are saying, but who happening on the ground is that the private sector and government are partnering to make sure that people have the opportunity to get jobs in this sector. people need to understand this is a transition. we're not going to flip a switch and be off of fossil fuels tomorrow. what we want to do is grow the pie and build out this clean energy side so that the people who have been working in oil and gasser in mining for coal, we want them to see themselves as building out energy 2.0 which is this clean energy future. >> what will be the thing that moves the needle? we had to release oil from the strategic reserves. >> how do you square the incentives to keep gas prices low with the need to move on with non-fossil fuels. >> this president feels strongly that everyday citizens should not be hurting by prices at the pump and that's why he's hurting with this. this is a transition. we don't want people hurting and we want to build out clean and eventually we'll be at a place where most people will be driving electric vehicles, but we're not there today. >> you are on the cusp of new forms of energy and some that are cheaper than they are and some that are quite affordable right now. the danger is you don't want to tip us over into an inflationary era. >> first of all, long term, the best strategy for energy prices to be stable and low and reliable is to build out a clean energy future and that means wind and solar. it means batteries to make sure you can store that and it is the whole ball of wax. right now it is cheaper. wind and solar in most places are cheaper than fossil fuels because we've already got enough supply out there. we've done the technological advances to reduce the cost. the department of energy, we are focused on how do we bring down costs further, and we want to look at new forms of clean technology like hydrogen, clean hydrogen from renewable sources, for example, could be the answer to dispatchable clean base load power, but weir not there yet. this is why the technology solutions are very important at these early stages. >> we haven't had new nuclear power generation in the united states for a long time. is that going to play a part in this future? >> one, nuclear now provides 50% of our clean energy in this country. 20% of our only energy. if we want to get to 100% clean energy, nuclear has to be a piece of it. people are nervous about nuclear from legacy issues. we have a blue ribbon, gold ribbon, whatever it is standard in the united states. our nuclear regulatory commission is extremely strict, and we have not had incidents, and -- certainly within recent memory. >> yeah. >> sometimes people are nervous because of the nuclear waste that often sits adjacent to these nuclear power plants because we have not as a nation settled on where a safe repository is. so this week we just launched a -- from the recommendations of a blue-ribbon commission, a consent-based siting process where we're putting out a request for information about what should it look like. who might be interested for compensation in being able to safely store nuclear waste? and that, i think, once we identify that in partnership with the community, that will, i think, take a lot of the -- the naysayers, that will give them a chance to reconsider. >> gives them a stake in it. >> yeah. >> one of these days, this spot we're standing in will be relevant because of the offshore power. what is the elevator pitch for offshore electricity generation. >> that it will be cheap, power and these wind turbines will be miles and miles offshore so you don't want to see them. people don't want to think about energy. when they flip on the switch they want reliability and they want the lights to come on and not pay an arm and a leg for it and that is into the future, but we're not there yet. >> my thanks to secretary granholm for her time and allowing me to tag along on her tour. >> the arraignment of the parents of the high school shooter is expected to tak

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Statistics , Eight , Bingo , Shortages , Price Controls , Consumer Demand , Supply Chain Normalized , Jerome Powell , Fixed Income , Fed Chair , O Man , Wrinkles , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Message , Dryer , Medicare , Plans , Prescription Costs , Premiums , Plan Finder , Oh Yeah , Mark , So Uh , Open Enrollment Ends December 7th , December 7th , Prescription Plans , Helpers , Department Of Health Human Services , Sleigh , Roads , Toys , Mountain , Wishes , Bridges , Nerve Aches , Homes , Fun , Anyone , Feet , United States Postal Service , Job , Holiday Deliveries , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Relief , Discomfort , Nervivenerve Relief , Weakness , Worry Sweetie , Try Nervivenerve , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Gig , Wifi , Shot , Claps , Chuckles , Tv , Xfinity , Nice , Laughter , Speed , Click , Store , Leg , Cities , Agenda Items , Laser , Trip , Fighting Climate Change , Haven T , Port , Providence , Jobs , Wind , Amount , Vehicles , Energy Sector , Solar Panels 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Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709 :

Transcripts For MSNBC Velshi 20240709

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losing what many believe to be a fundamental human right. access to abortion. this week, the supreme court heard arguments about a mississippi law that bans most abortions after 15 weeks. this would be a clear violation of roe v. wade but the majority conservative supreme court appears poised to gut that precedent. during her question time, justice sonya sotomayor said tossing out roe because of the political balance of power could tarnish the court's reputation and open the flood gates to other challenges to well settled law. >> the new esteban that mississippi has put in place, the 6 week ban, the senate sponsor said, we're doing it because we have new justices on the supreme court. will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the constitution and its reading are just political acts? i don't see how it is possible. >> now, think about the realities of this. if roe v. wade fails, women could be denied access to vital form of health care in first time in nearly 50 years. millions of women lose their right to abortion overnight and the impact would be immediate. at the heart of this supreme court case is a lawsuit against the jackson women's health organization clinic. many of you might know that as the pink house in mississippi. it is the last remaining clinic in the state that provides abortion care and serves as a lifeline for many women in state and surrounding states like texas where a ban on abortions after six weeks has basically outlawed the procedure. the clinic is challenging the state law banning abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy which is well before a fetus is viable, meaning it can survive on its own. if the court upholds mississippi's law, the overturning of roe, the impact would be felt across the country. 26 states have so-called trigger laws in place that would go into effect immediately. those states are highlighted in orange and you can see, it would cover entire swaths of the country. the ban would also create destination states which are highlighted in blue. those are states expected to stee an increase in out of town patients seeking abortions if these bans go into effect. so to make it clear, let's go back to the pink house in mississippi. if the last abortion provider in mississippi were forced to shut down, people seeking an abortion would be forced to look out of state. look at this. all of mississippi's neighboring states, mississippi, louisiana, arkansas, tennessee also have trigger laws in place. a person in mississippi seeking an abortion may have to drive 9 hours to kansas. add to that a 24 hour waiting period after your first appointment there if you can even get it. that's just one example. but the post roe future this country is facing right now. when you layer distance, state restrictions and the money needed to take off work and stay in another state for extended period of time, effectively removing the bodily autonomy for women who will no longer be able to decide for themselves when and whether to be pregnant and to give birth. abortion rights are essential to democracy and this country can't call itself one if we lose abortion rights. mary ziegler at college of law and the author of "abortion and the law in america: roe v. wade" and "after roe" and alexia johnson, democrat who spent five years running engagement outreach for planned parenthood. thank you for being here for this important discussion. hare, let me ask you about a recent op-ed you wrote for the "new york times" in which you said there are two likely scenarios for how this decision could go. the justice could throw out the so-called viability standard which is the underpinning of abortion law today or could do something much more radical saying precedent be damned. there's no right to abortion in america right now. how do you study this? how do you think this is going to go? >> i think they'll get rid of it al together in this case. i wasn't expecting it into this oral argument but now i was wrong. i think they'll repaiduate the roe precedent this summer and then criminalize almost all abortions within their borders. >> alexia, let's talk about what they said about this. every potential justice in the supreme court is asked about abortion. let's listen to what they said at the confirmation hearings. >> i would tell you that roe v. wade decided 1973, the supreme court has been reaffirmed, so a good judge will consider as precedent of the united states supreme court worthy as treatment of precedent like any other. >> as a judge, it is an important precedent of the supreme court. by it, i mean roe v. wade and planned parenthood versus kc that reaffirm many times, kc is precedent on precedent. >> roe is not a super precedent because calls have never ceased but doesn't mean roe should be overruled. it just means that it doesn't fall on the small handful of cases like margaret versus madison and brown versus board no one questions anymore. >> every case in which there's a prior precedent, first issue is the issue of stare decisis. it will follow prior precedence. there should be a special justification for overruling the prior precedent. >> well, beyond that, it's settled as a precedent of the court entitled to respect under principles of stare decisis and those principles applied in the kc case, explained when cases should be revisited and when they should not and it is setted as a precedent of the court, yes. >> okay, that seemed straightforward. they all said it's precedent and or super precedent and shouldn't be changed unless something substantial happened. what's up with that? >> interesting you play that and then think about the oral arguments this week and heard them question it and signaling that they might overturn roe v. wade and it's frustrating because it is a law for 50 years and then planned parenthood versus kc and let's stay honest here. this has become a political conversation as justice sonya sotomayor. this could leave a stench on the governing body we tend to turn to when all of these political arguments are questioning our fundamental rights but the highest law of the land will settle it, not in a political way but fundamental human rights way. i'm concerned this is what sop some justices said to be appointed but if you look in the oral arguments, that goes out the window and personal beliefs and biases that disregard the reality of low income women and black and brown women and people who are historically marginalized for living in these states that want to outlaw abortion. they're not considering the reality that is facing all of them. >> you have written a book about this, you said after roe, the lost history of the abortion debates. if you look at numbers in america right now, asked people if they like abortion or don't like abortion, it's a much closer split. if you ask people, the only important question and that's, do you believe abortion should be criminalized, not even close. the court is not, what the court seems to be doing is not in line with american sentiment. >> that's absolutely right. i think that's one of the questions, sort of justice sotomayor's question because not only is roe v. wade popular but well known. but the fate of abortion rights, everyone is paying attention and not just that the court would be overruling roe but overruling roe instantaneously, which sotomayor's point. no real build-up and a case that didn't require supreme court intervention. no split in the lower courts on this. there was no urgency that the court resolved this. and so this is going to feel like the court reaching out to put an end to roe v. wade simply because there are new justices on the court. three of them put there by donald trump who promised his justices in his words would be pro life and deliver into roe and that's exactly what we're seeing. that will lead to a perception that the court is partisan, almost certainly. >> a good point. there was no urgency from a legal perspective to get this done but a political perspective to get this done but i think that's what sotomayor was saying, right, that if you're just doing this for politics, that's going to be the stench. >> absolutely. we see this happening. >> thank you to both of you, it's good to have you here and we will continue to follow this very closely with both of you and i do recommend to our viewers to follow the work that you've both done because it will bring you up to speed with why this is happening right now. at the college of law, important books including abortion and the law in america, roe v. wade to the present. and then alencia. thanks to the passage of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, millions of dollars invested in the fight against climate change. i caught up with u.s. energy secretary jennifer granholm to discuss america's clean energy future. plus, the omicron variant is here. we'll talk with virus experts and separate what's known from what's not and it's been seven years since russia invaded ukraine and illegally annexed the crimea region. russia appears to be planning another military offensive. nnin another military offensive mm. 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were supposed to appear in court behind me here yesterday at 4:00 p.m. but they never showed up and of course, that triggering this multi-law enforcement search for them including the fbi, the u.s. marshal service as well as the local sheriff's department here. the attorney for the couple saying they left town for their own safety and on their way back, but it was a member of the public who identified a car, called police and that's when detroit police moved in. i want you to listen to what the police chief had to say. >> we got a tip that they were here, that possibly the fugitives were at this location. spotted, our officer spotted in a matter of minutes when they got here, they set up the perimeter. notified and activated our special response team. they came out. and they were able to take into custody. >> reporter: thousand the , now the couple is expected to be arraigned today. four counts of involuntary manslaughter but it is possible they could receive additional charges. yesterday, we heard some really stunning details from the prosecutor who explained why she is bringing charges against the couple. this is an unprecedented move according to law enforcement agencies, according to many legal analysts we've spoken to. we don't see manslaughter charges brought against the parents of shooters. so we said, listen, there's ample evidence, she says, that suggests that the actions of the parents or lack thereof contributed to this suspect walking in the high school and opening fire. though it is unprecedented and we asked her about that, she said she believes she has enough evidence to get a conviction, ali. >> thanks very much, we'll follow this closely with you as well as when the parents appear in court. that is expected to happen at some point today for their arraignment. so thanks very much. stay close to us. give us a wave if something is happening. we'll come right to you. prosecutors with a disturbing timeline of the events that occurred earlier this week. james and jennifer, the parents, purchased their 15-year-old son ethan the gun that he used to kill four students and injure seven others. officials say they were warned of their son's violent ideations. oxford high school teachers contacted when they caught ethan searching for ammunition on his phone one day, but oakland county prosecutor said they dismissed several dangerous warning signs. >> contacted via voice mail by school personnel regarding inappropriate internet search. they followed the voice mail up with the email but received no response from either parents. thereafter, exchanged text messages about the incident with her son on that day stating, quote, lol, i'm not mad at you. you have to learn not to get caught, unquote. >> the four victims of this tragedy are hana. former prosecuting attorney, formerly worked in the eastern district. i appreciate having you here. some in the united states, if your weapon is not used properly, you are culpable. in michigan, it's not an automatic that it was let loose so you are actually responsible. >> you're right. and this is a bit of an unusual situation but i think everyone would agree that the facts here are very unusual. very thoughtful prosecutor and i think what she has decided based on the information that they have is that in essence, they set this tragedy in motion by the actions they took and some of the actions they failed to take in terms of their interaction with their son, ethan. >> there's a lot of examples of parents having some role in kids ultimately getting guns and doing things with them. kyle rittenhouse was a perfect example. sandy hook was an example of that. it does seem like a solvable problem. a consistent set of laws around the country with parents and guns, particularly parents as they get access to weapons for their kids who otherwise legally would not be able to have those weapons. usually by virtue of their age. >> that's absolutely right but it does become a bit of a slippery slope, doesn't it? what prosecutor mcdonald indicated that with gun ownership comes responsibility and appears from the fact the responsibility was lacking. the question comes, how far do parents have to go? do they have to get the trigger lock? it could become an interesting question and debate and unfortunately with tragedies like this, something i'm sure legislature will look closely at with how they could bring about new laws that could prevent these kind of tragedies. >> in this particular case, i know there's been some effort in michigan to try to figure out some law that would codify exactly what responsibilities parents have. what are the options available to michigan? obviously the prosecutor kara mcdonald is moving down this road of responsibility and the defense may argue that this isn't a law in michigan. this isn't actually a thing. are the texts and the actual role that the parents had to play in this and then the fact they were on the lam, does that contribute to their culpability? >> i think it does and in this particular case, what the prosecution will have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt is that the parents were grossly negligent. not that they were negligent or just careless in how they handled this weapon but their actions amounted to gross negligence and there's no real necessarily set of facts that will prove that, but as we saw from the press conference yesterday with kara mcdonald, went to great lengths to set out the fact from this perspective, they were on notice of ethan's behavior, went to purchase a weapon to him that was seemingly a present for him. went to the shooting range to practice shooting and some of the texts and the voice mail messages that were left are certainly disturbing and the prosecutor would argue show that the fact the parents were on notice and failed to take action. >> good to see you, thank you for joining us this morning. a complicated case and helps to understand some of the law behind it. thomas crammer in oakland county. the omicron variant is here in the united states and it is spreading. if you're like me, you've got a lot of questions and we're going to try to answer some of them right after this break. to try to answ serome of them right after this break this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. ♪♪ what the- henry? thanks! if it's “out decorating the neighbors” season, it's walgreens season. ♪♪ what a pain in the- alice? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it's walgreens season. feeling sluggish or weighed down? if it's “let's wrap this up” season, it could be a sign that your digestive system isn't working at it's best taking metamucil everyday can 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[uplifting music playing] ♪ i had a dream that someday ♪ ♪ i would just fly, fly away ♪ mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at some 9 million doses of vaccine are going to africa to fight the omicron variant. part of the pledge to send more than 200 million vaccines abroad in the next 100 days. right now, just over 7% of people in africa are vaccinated. the continent needs all the help it can get against this highly transmissible variant. new study out of south africa said omicron is three times more likely to cause reinfection in people who had covid than previous variants like delta and beta before it. hardest hit in south africa, a top government adviser said a sharp increase in hospitalizations across all age groups but particularly in children under the age of 5. now, that does not bode well for the youngest of the young here in the united states where kids of that age are currently ineligible to be vaccinated. meanwhile, more new confirmed cases of omicron in the united states are being identified. so far, cases have been reported in 11 states. georgia, maryland, new jersey, pennsylvania, utah, all declared in the last day. others include california, colorado, hawaii, minnesota, nebraska and new york. overnight, louisiana department of health reported a probable case in that state. all this unfolds, the biggest question mark looms large, whether our current crop of vaccines and boosters can provide adequate defense and immunity. i'm joined by rick bright, immunologist and serves as the senior vice president of pandemic prevention and response at the rockefeller foundation. you are my go-to when these things happen. when i started at the beginning of covid, things going around and we were not testing properly. is our testing regimen ready for omicron in the united states? >> thanks for having me. a lot happened this past week and a lot to catch up on but one of the critical components in getting in front of outbreaks such as the sars-cov-2 is our testing capability. last year, it was dismal. i would give some kudos to the united states. we have, in the u.s., increased our testing surveillance from about 21% to less than 1% to 10%. however, it's not equally distributed across the country, not reaching all pockets of our country that we need to reach. there's still a lot of blind spots, still tests unavailable in many places and the cost of these tests are too expensive. so our government needs to do much more to get testing in the hands of more people at an affordable cost and couple the testing with genomic surveillance to track this virus. >> when we hear the term variant of concern, whether that's a term that has meaning in the immunology, virology community. it does appear to be more transmissible and hit people with antibodies already. what are your concerns about omicron? >> ali, we see a lot of mutations in this omicron variant, however, it's important to realize we have seen most of these mutations before in other variants and sort of fizzled out. what's unique about the mutations in omicron is the combination. now several of those previous have combined and those mutations could impact where they produce from the vaccines or from previous infection or bind you in the virus and do those mutations, make those antibodies bind less well. therefore, is the virus able to escape? i want to highlight that we expect this to happen. we expect some variation in our immune response from previous infection and from vaccines, but everything we've seen still, ali, tells us that if you're fully vaccinated, you're going to have some protection, even against omicron from being severely ill, hospitalized and dying. so it's really important to realize that the vaccines we have, they may not always prevent you from getting infected, but they can save your life and important to be vaccinated as soon as possible. >> rick, we have not heard yet, and i don't know whether this is just bad reporting or it's true, we've not heard yet of deaths connected to omicron reported. does that mean anything to you or are we just too early in the reporting to understand this? >> we're tracking it really closely. the first thing we see, ali, is an increase in cases and we are blessed that we have an early warning system. our pandemic prevention institute was supporting the groups in africa and around the world. that early warning system, ali, is the only reason right now we are even looking for omicron in the population around the world. but what we see with sars-cov-2 in the past is an early increase, you might see increases in hospitalizations and they are and the next indicator is an increase in deaths. so far, what we have seen is that people who are vaccinated are experiencing really mild and moderate illness. so it gives me a lot of confidence that if we're vaccinated, that's likely the outcome you'll see in the omicron variant. although we need much more data to say that with certainty. >> all of this sounds like, all right, maybe we've got the tools to deal with this, except this business about it's spreading amongst children under 5 in south africa. obviously, we do not have the defenses for children under 5 in place globally. >> we don't, and again, that's an interesting early data set. we have to look very carefully into that. clearly, children under 5 are unvaccinated. we do have data, we're getting data to be able to consider the use of the vaccines that we have in younger children, younger position. so we need to accelerate getting that data set. i am concerned, as you mentioned, that this virus, this omicron variant, might be a fast spreader, might be a fast mover, more transmissible, however, i'm still comforted that we know that this is an airborne virus. we do have the tools, as you mentioned, n-95 respirators provide great protection in airborne viruses such as this. we need to take omicron as a decision point in this response to the pandemic. are we, as a nation, going to invest in systems capable of detecting this variant, these viruses quickly and are we going to follow that early warning with action and equity to get the vaccines and vaccinations around the world and in the unvaccinated population in our country, or are we going to allow this virus to continue to dictate how we live our lives? this is a decision point, omicron is getting the opportunity. we should act now. >> rick, thanks as always for making time for us so early in the morning. we really need the information and the analysis that people like you have. dr. rick bright, senior at the rockefeller foundation. conversation with energy secretary jennifer granholm. the white house's historic investment to fight climate change and the future of clean energy but before that, inflation, a term with ominous overtones but why knowing that history may calm some of your fears. g that history may calm some of your fears. the airport can be a real challenge for new homeowners who have become their parents... okay, everybody, let's do a ticket check. paper tickets. we're off to a horrible start. ...but we can overcome it. we're not gonna point out our houses, landmarks, or major highways during takeoff. don't buy anything. i packed so many delicious snacks. -they're -- -nope. would you say, ballpark, when group two is gonna get boarded? 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[screams and laughter] yeah! xfinity brought us together after all. get started with xfinity internet and ask about wifi speed fast than a gig. click, call or visit a store today. after signing the bipartisan infrastructure bill into law last month the biden administration is now laser focused on pursuing its climate-related agenda items. this week jennifer granholm toured cities across the northeast highlighting the white house's unprecedented investment in fighting climate change. i caught up with her on one leg of her trip at the port of providence, rhode island, where she made clear that this country's clean energy future will not only provide our children with a better world, but one with a much greater economic opportunity. i don't think people understand that because they haven't seen it here, the amazing amount of jobs that will be created in this energy sector. when you think about how broad it is. yes, it's offshore wind. it's onshore wind. it is the vehicles. it's the solar panels. it is the stuff that goes around the solar panels which are the racks and the trackers. it is the geothermal, it's the hydro power. it's the nuclear and the whole ball of wax. so many jobs and all of the supply chain that could be made in the united states and you're starting to see it happen here. >> the idea is unlimited energy sources, domestically, that can be used locally and eventually we'll figure out ways to store it better, but it's domestic and it solves supply chain issues? >> given we get a lot of our energy that are fossil fuels which as we know right now the prices are very volatile, right? if you look at gasoline. most people have a gas-powered engine and they see it at the pump every day. if you're one of the lucky ones who has an electric vehicle you don't even need a gasoline station. it doesn't register because you don't have to go there. you pay a huge amount less of maintaining the vehicle because it has fewer moving parts and the battery that makes up that vehicle that's got to be built somewhere. that's more jobs, of course, and often we get those batteries from asia, but this president wants to onshore that as a piece of the supply chain, as well. >> there are a lot of people that will not purchase an electric vehicle for a few reasons. one of which is the so-called range anxiety, this fear that they won't be able to charge their car in the midst of their journey or the midst of their day and that's one of the issues and it's one that they're trying to address. >> two issues. it's a range anxiety and people who will not find a charging station near them and won't be able to power the vehicle and the second is that the vehicle itself will be too expensive. the bipartisan infrastructure law has addressed both of those. in the bipartisan infrastructure law we can build up to 500,000 charging stations and particularly in areas where the private sector has not gone yet. so we'll have the charging stations available and bring down the price of the electric vehicle through tax credits at the dealer. so i go to the dealer. off the hood will be a $7,500 tax credit to bring that car down to the price of a gas engine vehicle. >> there are some who are critizing the democratic party of being too far left on the issue of the environment. how do you address those criticisms? >> you know what? democrat states and republican states are all in on building out clean. i was recently in north dakota. they are -- that governor, he is all about building out the clean energy economy even though they have a lot of fossil fuel investments because he sees it as growing the pie. texas is, like, number one in wind, number two in solar. they have built out the whole infrastructure and have put thousands and thousands of people to work. so that may be what politicians are saying, but who happening on the ground is that the private sector and government are partnering to make sure that people have the opportunity to get jobs in this sector. people need to understand this is a transition. we're not going to flip a switch and be off of fossil fuels tomorrow. what we want to do is grow the pie and build out this clean energy side so that the people who have been working in oil and gasser in mining for coal, we want them to see themselves as building out energy 2.0 which is this clean energy future. >> what will be the thing that moves the needle? we had to release oil from the strategic reserves. >> how do you square the incentives to keep gas prices low with the need to move on with non-fossil fuels. >> this president feels strongly that everyday citizens should not be hurting by prices at the pump and that's why he's hurting with this. this is a transition. we don't want people hurting and we want to build out clean and eventually we'll be at a place where most people will be driving electric vehicles, but we're not there today. >> you are on the cusp of new forms of energy and some that are cheaper than they are and some that are quite affordable right now. the danger is you don't want to tip us over into an inflationary era. >> first of all, long term, the best strategy for energy prices to be stable and low and reliable is to build out a clean energy future and that means wind and solar. it means batteries to make sure you can store that and it is the whole ball of wax. right now it is cheaper. wind and solar in most places are cheaper than fossil fuels because we've already got enough supply out there. we've done the technological advances to reduce the cost. the department of energy, we are focused on how do we bring down costs further, and we want to look at new forms of clean technology like hydrogen, clean hydrogen from renewable sources, for example, could be the answer to dispatchable clean base load power, but weir not there yet. this is why the technology solutions are very important at these early stages. >> we haven't had new nuclear power generation in the united states for a long time. is that going to play a part in this future? >> one, nuclear now provides 50% of our clean energy in this country. 20% of our only energy. if we want to get to 100% clean energy, nuclear has to be a piece of it. people are nervous about nuclear from legacy issues. we have a blue ribbon, gold ribbon, whatever it is standard in the united states. our nuclear regulatory commission is extremely strict, and we have not had incidents, and -- certainly within recent memory. >> yeah. >> sometimes people are nervous because of the nuclear waste that often sits adjacent to these nuclear power plants because we have not as a nation settled on where a safe repository is. so this week we just launched a -- from the recommendations of a blue-ribbon commission, a consent-based siting process where we're putting out a request for information about what should it look like. who might be interested for compensation in being able to safely store nuclear waste? and that, i think, once we identify that in partnership with the community, that will, i think, take a lot of the -- the naysayers, that will give them a chance to reconsider. >> gives them a stake in it. >> yeah. >> one of these days, this spot we're standing in will be relevant because of the offshore power. what is the elevator pitch for offshore electricity generation. >> that it will be cheap, power and these wind turbines will be miles and miles offshore so you don't want to see them. people don't want to think about energy. when they flip on the switch they want reliability and they want the lights to come on and not pay an arm and a leg for it and that is into the future, but we're not there yet. >> my thanks to secretary granholm for her time and allowing me to tag along on her tour. >> the arraignment of the parents of the high school shooter is expected to tak

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Bit , Em , You Don T Want , Mm , Tight , Uh , Home , Progressive , Subway , Roadside Assistance , Choice , Baja Steak Jack Tender , 24 7 , Stabbing Pains , Press Conference , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Steak , Electric Shocks , Retirement , Pulsing , Virus , Shingles , Rash , Nightmare , Events , Weekend Getaways , Chickenpox , Doctor , Pharmacist , Liquid , Cleaning Power , Oxi , Tide Pods Ultra , Sure , Service , Small Business , Flexibility , Stains , Comcast Business Mobile , Tide Pods , Ultra Oxi , Internet , Business , Data , Lines , Network , Customers , Match Data Options , Mix , Nationwide 5g , 0 , 30 , 5 , Term , Contract , Fees , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Biden , Troops , Intelligence , Thousands , Alarm Warning , Agencies , Moves , Groups , News , Post , Positions , Document , Soldiers , The Washington Post , Ukraine Border , Last Night , 70000 , Weapons , Position , Border , Equipment , Military Invasion , Officials , Satellite Video , Neighbor , Wrongdoing , 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Hospitalizations , Hit , Youngest , Adviser , Maryland , Utah , New Jersey , Pennsylvania , 11 , Department Of Health , New York , California , Colorado , Nebraska , Hawaii , Minnesota , Vice President , Rick Bright , Question Mark , Immunity , Boosters , Crop , Immunologist , Pandemic , Prevention , Beginning , Covid , Rockefeller Foundation , Components , Testing Regimen , Testing Capability , Testing Surveillance , Outbreaks , Sars Cov 2 , Kudos , 21 , 2 , Reach , Pockets , Cost , Testing , Places , Hands , Tests , Spots , Virology Community , Concern , Surveillance , Meaning , Genomic , Mutations , Antibodies , Concerns , Combination , Infection , Variation , Protection , Reporting , Deaths , Anything , Warning , Early Warning System , Reason , System , Around The World , Prevention Institute , World , Increases , Population , Indicator , Illness , Tools , Confidence , Sounds , Outcome , Certainty , We Don T , Data Set , Defenses , Use , Unvaccinated , Mover , Transmissible , Fast Spreader , Decision Point , Viruses , N 95 Respirators , 95 , Nation , Vaccinations , Equity , Opportunity , Lives , Analysis , Senior , Dr , Inflation , Investment , Fears , White House , Overtones , G , Airport , Challenge , Homeowners , Everybody , Houses , Highways , Ticket Check , Paper Tickets , Takeoff , Landmarks , Snacks , Subaru , Group Two , Auto , Vo , Retailers , Ballpark , 58 , Love Event , Meals , That S Why , Feeding America , One Hundred And Fifty Million , Advancement , Charity , Car Company , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Expert Bookkeeper , Linda , Hair Gel Expenses , Small Business Bookkeeping , Sounds Good , Intuit Quickbooks , Felipe , Super Emma , Experts , Live Bookkeeping , Profits , Steve , Skin , Safe , Cape , Hypoallergenic , Multi Vitamin , Tide Hygienic , Manhood , Chapter , Fermentation , Ingredients , Goodness , Body , Wellness , Condition , Urologist , Guy , Buildup , Bend , Erection , Xiaflex , Direction , Scar Tissue , Peyronie S Disease Or Pd , Fda , Treatment Area , Any , Stretching , Adult , Men , Exercises , Urethra , Collagenase , Activity , Back Pain Reactions , Side Effects , Reactions , Injury , Anaphylaxis , Penile Fracture , Symptoms , Treatment Cycle , May , Blood Thinners , Bleeding , Bleeding Condition , Bruising , Site , Bentcarrot Com On Paper , Economy , Businesses , Goods , Services , Price , Stock Market , Americans , Highs , Rise , Wages , Foods , Administration , Measuring , Episode , Last , Look , Prices , 2008 , Gas Prices , Stretch , Led , Uncertainty , Gulf War , Kuwait , 1989 , 1970 , 1991 , Oil , Oil Production , Embargo , Opec , Iranian Revolution , West , Episodes , Pump , Ones , Oil Supply , Cause , Oil Shocks , Comparison , Start , 1950 , 1969 , Rations , Families , Recession , Korean War , World War Ii , Stuff , Hoarding , Shortage , 19 , Post World War Ii America 1947 , 20 , 1947 , 1947 Inflation , Highest , Supply Shortages , Bureau Of Labor Statistics , Eight , Bingo , Shortages , Price Controls , Consumer Demand , Supply Chain Normalized , Jerome Powell , Fixed Income , Fed Chair , O Man , Wrinkles , Wrinkly , Shoes , Bounce Wrinkleguard , Megasheet , Message , Dryer , Medicare , Plans , Prescription Costs , Premiums , Plan Finder , Oh Yeah , Mark , So Uh , Open Enrollment Ends December 7th , December 7th , Prescription Plans , Helpers , Department Of Health Human Services , Sleigh , Roads , Toys , Mountain , Wishes , Bridges , Nerve Aches , Homes , Fun , Anyone , Feet , United States Postal Service , Job , Holiday Deliveries , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Relief , Discomfort , Nervivenerve Relief , Weakness , Worry Sweetie , Try Nervivenerve , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Gig , Wifi , Shot , Claps , Chuckles , Tv , Xfinity , Nice , Laughter , Speed , Click , Store , Leg , Cities , Agenda Items , Laser , Trip , Fighting Climate Change , Haven T , Port , Providence , Jobs , Wind , Amount , Vehicles , Energy Sector , Solar Panels , Supply Chain , Ball , Wax , Panels , Hydro Power , Geothermal , Trackers , Racks , Idea , Supply Chain Issues , Energy Sources , Ways , Energy , Fuels , Gasoline , Engine , Vehicle , Parts , Gasoline Station , Battery , It Doesn T , Batteries , Piece , Somewhere , Asia , Issues , Range Anxiety , Fear , Reasons , Midst , Anxiety , Journey , Infrastructure Law , Charging Station , Won T , Second , Sector , Charging Stations , Areas , Tax Credits , 500000 , Dealer , Gas Engine Vehicle , Tax Credit , Critizing , Off The Hood , 7500 , 500 , Governor , Building , Energy Economy , Criticisms , Environment , Republican , North Dakota , Solar , Pie , Fossil Fuel Investments , Number One , Transition , Politicians , Fossil Fuels , Switch , Side , Mining , Gasser , Coal , Needle , Reserves , 2 0 , Need , Citizens , Incentives , Forms , Cusp , Energy Prices , Danger , Strategy , Low , Department Of Energy , Advances , Costs , Supply , Hydrogen , Base Load Power , Answer , Sources , Technology , We Haven T , Generation , Stages , Technology Solutions , Blue Ribbon , Nuclear , Nuclear Regulatory Commission , Legacy , Incidents , Memory , Safe Repository , Plants , Recommendations , Siting Process , Blue Ribbon Commission , Compensation , Community , Partnership , Request , Naysayers , Chance , Stake , Electricity Generation , Elevator Pitch , Spot , Wind Turbines , Reliability , Lights , Arm , Secretary Granholm , High School Shooter , Tour , Tak ,

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