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yes, i agree. hu huh. all right. >> you have excellent taste. e. happy monday, everyone. so, washington hit 100 degrees for the first time in almost eight years, and it was so hot. president biden is decomposingtc at twice the normal rate. >> it was so hot. fel jerry nadler filled his pantss with all 31 flavors. it was so hot. instead of. >> nancy pelosi injectedd he her face with soft serve and it was so hot. >> barack obama move da. back to kenya. what? i don't know. i didn't get it. i don't get it. well, anyway, the cnn presidential debate is just days away and a lot of people are wonderindaysa log kind of de >> joe biden will be on forthe the debate. debawell, if you only knew somek who might be knowledgeable in this areanowln th. also we've also learned that joe biden has a massive debate prepn team that includes 16 people. why so many? full disclosure.eopl only four people are there to help with the debate. the othee therr are there in cae joe needs an organ donors . >> political commentators suggest biden's more the debatee to avoid resting old face, which would be an improvement from his rest in peace base. but there is a downside. o joe smiling when he smiles. he often looks more like the guy biden is tryinft mor th. and if he hold hs the smilel for more than 8 seconds, we'll all assume he is pantssum new york held a fat beach day to create the accepting environmen t, the plus size community. unity.and no one was happier foe event than these hungry fellas. >> to the monologue. why, that audience just faded after the fourth joke. what's wrong with you people? all righat witt. >> a fact checking website called snopes, which usually cae further left than a one legged roller blade or jets brandedn false. the explosive idea that trump once called neo-naziexplosivs in charlottesville. very fine people. wow. what's next, a 2024 expose about this young up and coming singer called elvis presley.-con >> because while the left hasg across brian stelter's chin, we've calling it out from the start. it's only taken the left seven years to finally cop to the fact that the verified people hoax was actually a hoax, which coincidentally is the same amount of time it takes joe biden to find his way out of a walk in close fint. but for the corporate press, this might actually be fast breaking news. they're still catching up on this new dance crazth c oe c, the macarena. >> but what's most disturbind - if you recall, the dim, dark n, s of 2020, joe bide the very fine people quote from trump as his reason for running for president. well, that and hoping to learn it. the oval office cushions hopin reallyresist were stain resistant. but heanhe sai said despite alll audio and video evidence showinaudio ang, that it didn'ty so if you were to say that joeo biden's entireto presidency is predicated on a lie, that he and, the media sold the public, you'd actually be speaking more truth than biden was when he launched that presidency. lauand do so without needing al adderall suppository. as >> but as i always say, justano because you've cured one hoax, you brace for another one. and at thursday night's cnno se presidential debate, we're about to see thi ls latest one sprout like a blackhead in the folds of jerry nadler'sd. back. >> yep, january 6 is about to be sold to us as the most abt significant date since 911 december 7th and july 4th rolled into one. if they made it any more of a holiday. there'd be a mattres juls sale.e so expect jake and dana to pusht january 6 like a hot dog cart up sixth avenue because of joe's disastrous policies. that'sh all they got. so if you are voting against trump due to this insurrectione, section narrative, ask yourself this did i fall for the very yol people narrative, too? and all the other hoaxes we detailede and hoaxes on this she crossfire, hurricane, the fake laptop, the tape, on and on and on. >> be honest with yourself. di.ard i hear trump foment any violence with my own faculties? you did? fin because like the fine people hoax. it was editee peopled. e th trump didn't try to topple the government or encourage it. in fact, trump saint or dai to peacefully. >> but joe pro will bleatestt ot january 6, 2021. he doesn't have many six left, but it was one day. unl unlike all the protests we'vike had antifa to the pro-hamas crowd doing millions and untold . while the likes of alvin bragg dropped the charges like a hot . >> who am i kidding? he's never dropped a potato in his lifwhom ie. >> sn o how should trump handle yet another hoax? should he snarky show that he's too old to tell what's true? anymore? >> which shows call calls trump a convicted felon? should trump pivot to hunter? i can't believe i'm going ?evto say. but perhaps he should quote former new york governor andrew cuomo, the attorneycase general's case in new york, frankly, should never beenen brought. and if his name was not donald presp an.d if he wasn't running for president. from the former a.g. in new york, i'm tellineng that casen. would have never been brought. and that's what is offensive to people. >> and believe me, this guy is an expert on what's te to people.peop >> but trump could add that, m e unlike the biden family, the charges against him weren't real. rebut in an unprecedented fashi to keep trump fromtr being here at this debate. this was election interference in plain sight n inte, using the justice system to subvert democracy, subvert democracy. and surely biden's mental fitness will be brought up thursdays mentalwould be night.l but you just know, so will trump's. and, you know what the media does to a perfect, brilliant, beautiful statement that trump makes. >> they take a perfect, brilliant, beautiful statement that i make. i go for 2 hours without teleprompteri gorss. >> and if i say one word slightly out, they saypaired he's cognitively impaired. >> ha ha ha. n ca whereas biden can run into walls, he can fall off the stage, he can fall upup the stairs, he fills up. it's funny because it's true. pf but president trump, if you're watching and i know you are maybrewatchinge kill joa little kindness, you could say, with all due respectndness., foh sake, joe, and for the sake of the nation, you should juste go. there are just some things you can't do anymore, like walkinthere arhingg and talking managing the leadership of the free world ande fr. also taking a leak in under 8 minutes. but maybe don't say that mr. kee trump. perhaps just keep it short and sweep itsweet t and say, joe, yr a good run. >>un 50 years on the government dime. maybtimee it's time, mr. presid, to give this country a break. a break.we all could use one le. >> well, scary. yes. this law professor, his favorite drink is pina colada. >> fox news contributor and author of that new book, the in new book, the indispensable right. jonathan turley. his kids were disappointed when they found out they weren'e dit adopted. actor, writer and comedian jamie lissauer had brain wantsse free markets, but butter heart wants free soup. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor eric kat timpf and even his shadow can't lift more weight than you. "new york times" bestselling authort than y, former nwa worlp darris. >> so jonathan, congratulations on the new book. it's been out for a couple days. i'm sure it's amazinit's br g. i bet it's smart, clear and smat honest. >> you know, actually, chapter six is all the jokes that greg ou stole from me. >> and, you know, just taking out the word federalism, oker putting in doesn't fool anyone. you know, you realizfor anybodyu can't take the out of federalism. that's what they always say. s so this is kind of a broad monologue, but what do you think about the debate hosts in the sense that they have all of this emotional, ideological. >> like they do not like trump. how are they to rise above that? >> well, it's sort of hard whena compared one of the participants to hitler. yeah. ntit's sort of a lot of runway i to gain before you get to the point where like, okay, he's keeping an open mind on that, but it'll be very because all the expectations is that it's going to be a manhunist that going to be no one there that's going to give him a good shake. sohia shake i'm hoping that theh going to defy those expectations. but we'leyoingl see. because there's a lot of stuffot that they have to ask biden about. a few little things like why you lied about not knowing about your sons of his business dealings. >> and of course, really uncle was eaten by cannibals. i actually got to tell you, i'm much more interested in that one. >> mm-hmm. no, but i think you're there's. a lot of questions that they have to ask. biden an >> ithere's t of questiod i doun to bring up the fine people jokes, but they should. >> jamie, you know, we talk a lot about. >> biden's cognitive impairment a lot. but do you think? that's the big story here. did you notice i left out an yoe ct about your cognitiv impairment? i did. as weird. we're all waiting for it. yetive imp >> we we fors. >> yeah, i think it's a i think they made a huge mistake when they are trying to go after trump'ars like a problem with trump's cognition. like, that'ss -- think she shoud go on to something he'd be strong in, like, oh, let's have a staring contestmethin, you know, like something biden would be better at. and yet i honestly, sometimessoi when i'm watching biden, i was watching on my laptop, erne i thought my internet was slow and it was just biden beinslowge that's just what he's like. and i'm just sick of like the spin, you know, like, man, biden has dementia. the like, oh, he always has a fresh take he alwa. >> like he fell up the stairs. he's trying parkou, her and yeah i just i word you know they saya they said that phrase like ohe, he's got one foot in the grave. in the grave. biden haas twos i'm sorry, did you just say one foot in the grave? i think i might have you subliminally getting violent toward>> youins him to not let that come out. yeah, i think. too ol i do. but, yeah, he's.d.yo he's too old. he's got to step dowu ha ste ans needs one person on each arm to help him so it doesn't fallrn . cat. >>s guy bidse cnn, thi said that that biden should smilld smilee >> do you think it's wise for him to smile, giveen then tf the country? >> like good old time joe. right. that's joe the thing. i think smiling more implies that the person knows when giv to smile. >> yeah. like if you give him the advice and that's in his head, like, just smilee hi sohi more, then yeah, he might try to throw some in where it's not the most appropriate. >> yes. i think, you know, i think that's the least of his worries. but again, i think the bar really i've been say this over in the bar really is so low and it is even, you know, these debate moderators, obviously, as you out when you've set the bar for yourself at like comparing this guy to hitler, you kind of know compari where your point of view is and stance. it will be more difficult, but it's even more difficult. again when you really do feel s like it's so easy to look like you're being meato loon. >> biden and he is the leaders of the frethe world, so he shoud be you. you shouldn't be in that situation. but you really it does it really is hard because that's so many times what people reporters are interviewing him. he'll say something so off the wall that theywing hl sa kie on because we're like, wait, is that true? what is that? and people don't actually push hie don'sh himm on it because ie a normal conversation that you can have with a person. you say, wait, i don't think that that's true. >> so i think that there's going to be a lot of that regardless. and that regai general counselt the same thing. they just move on rather than puttin -counsellg in a difficuln in front of a jury. >> yeah, exactly right. exactly. so if that's the situation sit with the special counsel, how are we going expect to differ from a debate on cnn? speciaali don't, unfortunately. >> all right, tyrus, what aree r your thoughts? >> shoughts are i since apparently he's because he saw the president ask for a drug test. u you heard here first. never afraid of which is true. s truei just i feel like i don'w if it's going to be a bigger scandal because two things will happen if the drug test is if they're both tested where afterwards, one will know where the cocaine came froocaineme tht because that's the only thing that gets you up like that. like you look at anybody likeh a there's a great movie with denzel. he was drunk out of his mind. like, what are we going to d o in? this drug dealer luckily showed up in time, was give us some cocaine. it's a cure all.ti sai him he could testify great. for about 45 minutes before his conscience showed up. oing this thing we're going to seeis is not a debate. he's going over the questions right no hew. mm-hmm. the the only thing is, tapper, and them's only objectived this because they have created this martyrdom to where m journalistc integrity and all that stuff doesn't mean anything because they have to stope to hitler. he's going to destroy hey. docrac so we're going to do our part by going at him. so every questio by gon guarante will be as a convicted felon, de as a convicted felon, as a misogynistic. you werelos a convicted of ofr s sexual harassment or assault, all these thingssaulthese th. and you have all these court cases. how do you feel it's fair to run? they're going to keep goinl they ag and going until they get him because they're anticipating him to fightecause back. and then biden's will be these little lobbed questions about like, how are you feelin o when you were when you were able to make sure that poor studentsts were paid. why was that difficult for you? and i guarante.e you,r on the only way i'm only watching for one reason to see how many times, to he saying convict, convict, convicted victim, fellbers for fallacy and then remembers the smile. ause all right. something about the job feels different. >> your wallet, whatever. >> do it for less. when harbor freight. >> i i try to put my arm around any vet that i can absolutely at new day, usa. that's what we're doing. we put our arm around the veterans. ancial sion for i think of the there. he needs to refi his home. he may want to purchase and wefc can help them and provide that financial solution for them and their families. it's a great, rewarding feeling. everybody in company, they havet that deference and that respect that deference and that respect and thatak love for the veterann that makes this company so unique. kidney do takes care of veteras like new day of veteras >> if you have chronic kidney disease. >> you can reduce the risk o kidney failurn cause e with r sicker because there are places you'd like to bede or g more se that can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosiau that may be fatal dehydration, urinary tract or yeast urinary tract or yeast infectionsld a rare life threatening ofn of the perineum could occur. >> stop taking for a second. ♪ right. if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction or ketoacidosis, take we have a new home. >> what's this? 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>> and we don't like that? i want to begety>> we do clear. we don't use the term illegal undocumented in the document and they're are illegal aliens. >> yet another perfect encapsulatiofecttsn of the lefts ghoulish aims. their outrage over wordsthre oua priority above and beyond the outrage over the heinous . ty soo pretty soon undocumented individual would be considered racisted to. >> how about differently illegal or persons of uncertain citizenship? >> may maybe human beingshuma with documents aren't in english. how soon before we use the same linguistic camouflage for rachel moore and or jocelynt gary with symone sanders prefer post living persons of, unknown pulse, or people who identifywn as deceased? you think i'm kidding? but sanders and other braindead leftists don't wannders ann-deac the complicity of their actions. so they desperately use languageti th, a cowardly costume to escape the very real evidence c the of, their misdee. and they expect pliant tools like michael to do the same. >> but those victims are deadke just like the insides of simon m sanders. >> jamie, do you like to employ euphemism and rhetoric to camouflage the real. an obvious personatol failings u in your life? i've never. i wish i knew what some thoshose words meant ]. so i wanted rewatch this cliprt and i have a smart tv so i i couldn't get msnbc. >> but not to get all semantic, but i was an english major. i remember when i was choosing majors, i was like, this whole thing'lish majs in english, i so this. thing and in this situation, undocumented is not incorrect, yot illegal is correct and provides more detail. so like you could say, likd saet about me, you could be like, oh, he's broke. so you learn a little something or he'll, oh, he's divorcehihe'w ,you know, i'm broke and some took it. o it's more. it is illegal. illegal makeook its, by the wayf aliens kind of offensive, too, and they just let that go. of thebut i'm tired of people pp semantics. this is absolutely silly. i remember onceopl e my wife going, i didn't have an affair. >> i had some undocumented overdocument some that was i wat my daddy. i visited hi i visitm one time. >> hi. can i just really quick sayt jo all the jokes i make about my accent, they're just jokes based on factske . tyrus, what is happening? michael steele? i don't know what they're all awful. except for that poor guy in the middle. no, he. he actually stoo? d his because he's better than me. because i would not have used that terem. i don't know what she would have said to me when i would have said invading terrorists, because that's what they are. so i'm sorry, you don't like word. but you know what? i also no one in this country likes someone getting murderedba either because you letting criminals in theirusttin, emptyg their jails and they're like asylums to come to america. h and the there is we don't thve asylums to anybody. soe they're just the floodgates are wide open. and instead of it should never be about voting. two women were and murdered among hundreds, not thousands t in this country. these are just the ones that get reported and getting founhis cothese are onesd right i'd lovelo been the case where language has been mutated for politicas political, i don'. >> ideological reasons. no. you know what's interestingok ta in a book that i recently read, i the indispensable. >> yeah, yeah. but actually what's funny is that all those people trying to limit free speech today are using terms that were usedhr at the beginning of the republic to fight free speech by the british crown-speech , bt adams. they referred to fake news. they referred to formso fake. of disinformation. there's nothing new about it. it's just that's what people jun when they want to silence other people. want tis idea of objecting to the words that you use. we've been facing that in'v academia 30 years. >> i mean, and i started to notice that words being eliminated at such a rate that i was afraid i'rate thad he my classes in mime. >> i mean, it was there was like word after word was taken away and.t li i think that the american people don't like it. itt there's also a clearly purpose to this, right. if you can control how peopl teu talk c, you can control what thy say. >> what say you, kat last word to you. >> well,u. i. with you. i think. say you control people talk. you control what they say. >> because that may be the stupidest thing ever. no. well, no, i think it makes a lot of sense. and i and i also think that what's really sad is that that conversation i don't think' the conversations that the thine, ve for exampl having are any more substantive than that one. >> mm-hmm. when it comes to immigration.enn specifically, i think it's people will focus on the language or wcu. >> they'll focus on this or that emotional appeal. and then they're morl.e on kind of just slamming down the other person for what they said or the way they said something than actually solving what isa y clearly a very broken system and has been for quite some time. >> wel bel, kat.plause i think there are. up next, the leftist fringe up next, the leftist fringe gets totally unhinged. >> oh, i can't wait for this family getaway. shingles doesn't care. shingles is a painful, shingles is a painful, blistering ras for weeks. >> there's nothing like a day out with friends. that's nice. but she doesn't care. an99% of adults 50 years oo already have the virusutyears oo that causes shingles inside them, and it can reactivate at any time. at any time. a perfect daingrix pcts. outing. guess what? 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if you or a loved one have suffered from a severe illness, you may be eligible. a settlement offer ranging from 100,000 to $550000 without a court filing. morgan and morgan is already helping over 15,000 veterans and their families in the fight towards justice. for more information, call the number on your screen or visit ww dot camp lagoon injury icon. we got another clip from you. it's vinnie yo la de hey hey hi to like a buffoon a stage aoc ventura rage jiabao bowman declares war before voters himow the door. our second video of the day comes to us from repimour ses. aoc jamaal bowman at a rally in the bronx on saturday, which for some reason included lots of yelling and flailing as they spoke out against american support a spoke of isrl first. >> bowmat bowmann who is in danh of losing his house seat and his mind and? >> we all see your dance leaves and we don't let the guns down. we are already showing blatant the kind of the mother stuff, but we're going to show them bateman, bateman. >> okay. okay. okay. dude if you had if you havee if to lead a chant with your own name you, you're already lostyoe and rolling up your sleeves. >> it doesn't maker sl you any y less fatter. i don' >> i don't know where you got that piece of advice from, but you're still fatt wheou. i bowman also waved his stool in the air, showing that he's prepared to take furniturer shof when he gets kicked out of the office. >>he als he also said this peop. me why i got foul mouthed. what am i supposed to do? you coming after mminge? you coming after my family? yo my children?r >> i'm not supposed to fight back. >> now, if this guy wasn't juste an idiot, he'd realize you just gave the argument for thee is israel response to october 7th.. het he's too self-centered and egotistica'sl. his note that the same defense he has over his pitiful congressionatiful pal he condema response to the and murders of over 1000 people. so let's go to aoc, who's g definitely grown and. >> if you're measuring that craziness so nuts as she become. re's a well, here's a fun little comparison between her now and just a few years ago . >> watch your miami for people can be sucky. top athletes. o wi but are you ready to win this country back? are you ready to go? >> you use term the occupation of palestine. >> what did you mean by that. oh, i think what i meant is like the the settlementsreasn that are increasing in some of these areas and places where or palestinians are experiencing difficulty in acces diffis to their housing and homes. >> it's not all about fight the greatest guy theory. the >> i am not the expert on geopolitics on this issue. weolitics know that the absoluh leveling of gaza is being paidtr for with the funds that are being kept from our health care. >> for m f our healthcare.e i ja through a human rights lens and s ani not use the right words. >> yeah, we noticed. so you think the occupationup is something you lisatiot at a b fair? >> i don't think she sounded this confused since her bartende. k r when she thoughtt on a mai tai had a knot in it. kat trump had massive rallylikea just like a couple of weeks ago in the bronx. i thin wee ak maybe they had a e of hundred here, and half of them were reporters. what's that saofmy? >> what does it say, kat? yeah, he's. i mean, he's in danger actually losing his seat. >> and i think that's for reason. okay. . i think it is interesting that the rally was also outside. >> but for him, i feel like it y to be outside because if he did it inside, he'd be running the risk that noifdt a singlet o person there would be funny enough to pull the fire alarm. >> yeanglerson theh, that's true here's the thing. every time i see aoc, i always giggle to myself and think, well, there's one place i'm noto moving. so. and that's about as far as she's never passedut any lawsd o while she's been in. she's really done nothing but complain and cryothingcomplo these type of rallies in front o of about 70 people.n't and again, they didn't need the microphones. i think that's what made it awkward. you probably could have put the mics. everyone could hear you pretty good. you were c yelling? he' to which i know he was tryingo to be passionate, but in wrestlinbenateg we have there's' a reason why you don't yell on the microphone. it annoyn the s people and you're streaming and yelling about they coming after your familabouy and you're doing all these things. so where's your family? shouldn't they be with holding your hands, showing that unity? no, he's there. they just say his family's not in danger. because if you ever even felt a whiff of your family be in fal danger, they'd always be with you. this is what they do. he needs to go not in to for the stuffth he pulled with pulling the fire alarm. he's a washe pu at his job, and at least his community has figured it out and voted his out. so that should be aoc should be more worried that i don'tlk know if she can. and another thing, if you're going to talk with music ,make sure it's instrumental. >> yeah, because we heardi i couldn't tell the difference between her and cardcoull thi. not that there's a stretch there, but one of them has a writer. m s yeah. >> yo, you know, jonathan jamaal bowman is, i think, the only male in thesq, squad. i'm not sure. yes, i'me. i'm practicing my old resting face for the. >> but yeah, i mean, it's one of those one of those moments where you're like, you know,. benjamin disraeli when he gave all of his speeches in the parliament, what, he lacked a stool swinging a stool at people. a stool.n, you get to youo an really ask you look at these two and you ask, how did wu e get, you know, congress was all it was always filled with peopl e that you didn't necessarily like, but they weren't this. >> yeah, they weren't swinging a stool around and screaming profanities was you actually, they were relatively family friendly eventsthey w could actually take a kid to congress. do you know my my favorite my was when velma was outside of the house of representatives and. all of his colleagues were coming out and he was screaming atou the top of his lungs and all of this, his colleagues, about gun rightss aboughts. ally and one of them came up and said, you really shouldn't. you really shouldn't be screaming like that. and he said, i was screaming before you interrupte d me. and i thought, man, that couldta be his epitaph. know i was screaming before you interrupted me. that's what congress has becomea . >> it's become this primal scream session. you know, i havel scream feelin that at the debate on thursday, president biden will also swing be swinging a stool. >> mm-hmhism. ] yeah, a little humor there, jamie. very little. probably a little solid joke. a little bit of corn to laugh at that. >> i like. i'm not going to jump on it. t >> what are your thoughts? wellyo, i seen that much flailig and yelling since my wedding nigh st. weddin >>g and it's not what you thin i was alone waiting for her c to come up and this tears is so right to this. all those videos should have been captioned. people that don't know how microphonehas because they'e supposed to amplify your voice . yeah. and they're like screaming. and i do appreciate aoc, though. they always say like, ohscream, perform like no one's watching, which she did. but it wash she di easy because no one was watching. >> i also don't think s you're supposed to roll up your sleeves if you're wearing short sleeves. you weari shoi think i think tk that's the solution, notthey having to roll them up because there are shortly and he rolled and then he realize sleeveshed it only wt to his neck, he was like, looks. it's a sure thin meng. i heard fetterman walk away. i was like, man, you dress like an lik nice sleeve. >> done. ] you're done. i'm totally done. all righely donet. >> coming up, you look wiped. >> the reparations grift will make you miffed. >> everybody and everybody you know, screwing siri, a city clientmo uses city's financial expertise to help drive its growth righ and keep its supy chain moving so more pet parents can get they need right when they need it. >> keeping more pets of families happy. for the love of moving d for the love of progress. >> after 30 years of research brain, scientistsan have discovered the key factors rie and memory issues. >> i'm trying to get a thought can't find the right way to say it.n the right way to say it.n i noticed as ifo gotg. into mynt, the right way to say it.n i noticed as ifo gotg. fifties, i started feeling like i was like a little more forgetfulti actil. the wo >> little more brain fog.rl >> little more brain fog.rl introducing neuro cue the breakthrough multi ingredient multi action brain ingredient multi action brain care supplement develope one of the world's leading brain doctors, dr. result of years of research studying the precise nutrients your brain needs to perform better. better. neuro cu e contains a keyroq ingredient clinically shown to influence brain performanceeo in as little as seven days. and within just two months, and within just two months, a combination of ingredients found in neuro cue has been or t, focus and concentration. >> we've all seen othet neuroqrh supplements that only focus on one or two factors, action formulare boost, renew and protect in a. signific for more comprehensive brain care and noticeable result is in an internal study, four out of five neuro cue users saw improvement in just 30 days. >> i would say within a week's time i was able to think clearer was the first thing. >> i can see that there is an i i have to do around the house. >> once i started taking with m her out, i was like things were just coming right back to me very quickly and i was really excited about that. >> i feel like it helps with my mental clarity and focus now to and getting things done as well as my memory and recall call or go online now to find out how you can try neural cue 4995 plus. get free shipping act now and you'll also receive neuro cues fast dissolving sleep now oral strips to boost brain recovery while you sleep, go to income or call 1-800- 4750898. that's 1-800- 4750898 order. >> now if you're about to replace your roof stock, there's a solution about percent less expensive. nine out of ten roofs can be saved by roof max guaranteed to extend the life of your current roof by to 15 years at a fraction of the cost of a new roof roof. max's deep penetrating power restores flexibility and water protection. nobody wants to replace their roof. restore it instead with roof max for 80% less. >> call now for a free roof inspection. >> two men misunderstood each other. it was a two. don't, man. what's wrong between you is going to consume both our families. you are talking about starting another civil war. that's what reality. god devil, it's hatfield is threatening to kill us. i will not give you one more this families were killed innocent. they're trying to kill you. this about stealing and murdering? 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you just kick the can down >> jroad the dow you know, jami, to put it in language you'd understand. >> imagine alimony to a woman. l >> not only were you notar divorced with you, never married, you're never mee dih,t wow. i just agree with everything tige i agreer said. t now i feel like that'sthin the safest thingg. i read deep into this. they were saying, like, they're trying to make it soy we people in prison. wouldn't have to work if they didn't want to. that was paro t wat this bill, which und i had a lot of trouble understanding, that i was just like, maer n, work. can you imagine, though, if you when you're done with work, you're like, oh, i'm dong inore in prison? >> i was just thinking how bad ? oh, it's likp e there's like, no tgifs thinki, right in prison,l' you know, unless it's like, thank god it was just a finger k . >> it's a it was i justwhenev all whenever i see these stories, i just go, i'm going. to california. yeah. like i'm never going to california. they can i'neveto california. it.s at i don't need any more store.nd i was at the bookstore the other day and i saw this book. it was like 300 pages. and it was called why the benefits of fish oil sawook i go, you know what?you got i'm just going to take it. you got me. o read i don't need to read that.don't i don't need to go to california. they can have ito go to . that >>me i don't know what that means, cat, but you must hatemeg this as a small government girl. >> well, it alsoir, as you pointed out, it's none of this money goes to just paying people. >> no, i was reading this. it said the money will help support proposalhes, including having the state apologize for inflicting harm on black californiansologize.. >> how does the apology cost money exactly. yacht >> they can have like a yacht rockt. t tho i >> it's amazing what the government can spend money . and nobody was like, what? what? >> how much money does the apology cost? right. imagine there are a lot of things that we're paying for that is just like this. of course, there are likethere committees. we pay for their donuts. wearmmittees pay for their driny for their little trips. hote, it's coming from us. it's all a grift. we need to shrink this government. wewe nee to cut it to pieces. i didn't mean to get serious. s. >> so how olympians will stay cool despite a stupid rule. fl do you want to close out?at but taking the gains is smart here , right? feel more confident with stock ratings from jpmorgan analysts in the chase app when you've got a decision to make the answer is jpmorgan management reignite your passion with custom anniversary bands from the jewelry exchange to carat fancy lab bands 1491 carat classic natural bands, 990 half carat natural for 99 unlimited choices guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange direct home. the place where you create those special moments, we celebrate the home and the way you live in it. at three day blinds, we help you create that special place. and because we know you're busy ,we bring the showroom to you at your convenience and provide design expert to help you find the perfect solution that fits your style and budget. three blinds. you'll love the treatment. >> call or go online right now to schedule your free in-home design. hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. what times you can't control the amount of sleep that you're getting. i know it's scary unless you use relaxium sleep relaxing . i'm sleep is a product that's made from natural ingredients and it usually works from the very first night you try it relaxium sleep has studied, tested and designed by a neurologist to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. >> relaxium sleep work from very first night i took, i had more focus and mental clarity than i've had in years. i wake up feeling alert and, like i've had the best night's sleep, stop being afraid and start sleeping your fears away with relaxium sleep your body, your mind will thank you. >> take relaxium sleep. it'll work. i promise you it'll work. mike huckabee is so confident that relaxium will work for you. he's asked us to give away 1000 bottles. visit, try relaxium dot com or 800 8011737. >> the headlines, the events, the story. martha maccallum breaks down every angle. here's where the big and relax. >> ellipse does all the work for you all now in order. >> ellipse five more words u.s. air conditioners to france. the u.s. olympic team will bring their own air olnditioning units to paris despite olympic organizers efforts to lower carbon emissions by notym effor includw in the athletes room. >> so it's now byob, ac do you have air conditioning? do you have air conditioning al you currently live alone in a in a studio igloo with a shared toilet? >> some people have it. i a lot of stuff he said, really hit home. i think this is an advantage the french athlete because onlye like one in ten houses have air conditioning so they're probably used to training like this. it's much likers when athletes t go to denver, they have the altitude, they have trouble haveg because thoseble co athletes live at that altitude. i was actually just in denver and theympe at tha go they go t. they go, you should bring oxygen. and i goisten,, i go, listen, iw i'm not like the most famous comedian in the world, but imedt feel like that's something the club should provid should e >> try to's it's well known in france. they have a proble weln inm, bo. there are thousands of booksth writteousandn on this. the this can only make the body odor worse. not having air conditionin airsg. >>r- what say you?ctually i actually am going to support you on thios. but i think the amazing thing about bringing in your own air conditioning you is that they also found out that they can't swim in the seine. you saw that, that they were going to hav going toime people swimy foun in the same and then they found out that it's like filled with e colatwithi, which surprie one outside of paris. lems bes >> so i think they've got other problems besides ac. i. nsane.sane >> jane ha ha ha. ] >> yeah. you know, this is why benjamin franklin did better stand up >> tklin had gout. yes, he did have gout. yes, gout. there is a fun one, tyrus.. ten years. where are they going ten ye to? g ban?oi t you're going to have to travel and bring your own brinigerator, because that'so to be evil. the i'm sure. well, i'm just trying to figure ou t average american athletes. suitcase is going to look like t it's going to have an ac in it kind of morning after pills and ing-afte. t and they're not going to let them take the achi on the plane, so it'll just be hotn and sweaty. listen, i wrestled in francefran a bunch of times and i get it. like the only time i ever criedy in public in lyons, france, lloyd's, france. don't correct me. don't give it. it was lik it was like a wall. it was and it was wrestling edge and rey mysterio and i was like, you guys don't feel what i'm feeling. like it wasn't even a smell., it was jusitt punches to yourpue face of justs gym class. yeah. oh, and you could feel it breathe and it scraped on your lungs and then it got insiden your heart and started ripping away dreams and. wow. and i just. i'm just sad. but somebody somebody's me so we can get the out of here. pat, could that be the.e tr that they're trying to stickyi us to losing mo >> no. i think the strategy is also a grift, though. i think it's that they it'sen about you save money. >> it's like when hotels are like if you want to savear the by reusing your towel simply it's like no it certainly is about that not the cost issue with the electricity, water and labor electricity, water and labor necessary to was ds. >> don't go away' we'll be right back with customizeshot do my car insurance and i saved hundreds with all the money. >> i savedg thought i'd buy i stilts. hi, honey. hey. ohberty, l libertiberty., look,, hot dog stand. >> yes. super for what you need every day. >> liberty. liberty. thnew w er tee super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywoodth white smile. smile. new sensodyne clinical provides two shades, whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. >> i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. >> we had to take our old gas heating. that was a huge project. i was so overwhelmed because i started contacting people off of energy to work with people that knew what they were doing . >> it was a game changer. get started today at and ecom thursday. it's summer stuff. as the u.s. boasts the world's best players with copa america, the u.s. men's team looks to make historic this mckinney way as the stars and stripes put everything on the line. north end. bye, baby. time to break out the red, white and blue. this no fun, this championship of the americas usa thursday at 6 p.m. eastern on fox. >> did you know that there are over 75 million monthly tube viewers? 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Deadke , Life , Real , Failings , Rhetoric , Euphemism , Words , Semantic , Smart Tv , Cliprt , So Ii Couldn T Get , Majors , Thing Lish Majs , Likd Saet , Detail , He S Divorcehihe W , Some , O , Its , Semantics , Wayf Aliens Kind , Illegal Makeook , Thebut , App , Overdocument , Wife , Affair , Accent , Factske , Daddy , Sayt , Terrorists , Middle , Terem , Someone , Criminals , Jails , Asylums , H , Emptyg , Theirusttin , Hundreds , Ones , Women , Soe , Floodgates , Thve Asylums , Lovelo , Founhis Cothese , Language , Reasons , Politicas , Interestingok Ta , Speech , Funny , Republic , Usedhr , Crown Speech , Nbt , Adams , British , Nothing , Idea , Disinformation , Want Tis , 30 , Classes , Itt , Mime , Away And , Kat Last Word , Say , Purpose , U I , Conversations , Thine , Eve , Exampl , Appeal , Immigration Enn , Wcu , Leftist Fringe , System , Isa Y , Kat Plause , Wel Bel , Shingles , Shingles Doesn T Care , Painful , Ras , Family Getaway , Virusutyears Oo , Friends , An99 , 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, 00 , Sun Setter , Sun Certificate , Awning Solutions , The Sun Setter , Styles , In America , Sellinsolutiong Retractable Awng , Incredibles , Build Awning , Kit Local Dealer Info , Add Led Lighting , Build Price , Oasis , Enjoyment , Settlement Offer , Illness , Working Or Living At Camp Lagoon , 1987 , 1953 , Morgan , Justice , Screen , Fight , Number , Court Filing , Ww Dot Camp Lagoon Injury Icon , 15000 , 550000 , 50000 , Buffoon A Stage , Vinnie Yo La De , Clip , Rally , Door , War , Voters , Aoc Ventura Rage Jiabao Bowman , Aoc Jamaal Bowman , Repimour Ses , Lots , Yelling , House Seat , Flailing , Spoke , Danh , Bowmat Bowmann , Isrl First , Stuff , Dance Leaves , Guns , Mother , Sleeves , You , Chant , Bateman , I Don T , I Bowman , Stool , Hair , It Doesn T Maker Sl , Piece , Furniturer Shof , Fatt Wheou , Children , Office , Als , Mminge , Het He , Argument , Guy Wasn T Juste An Idiot , October 7th , Israel , Egotistica Sl , Aoc , He Condema , Defense , Murders , Note , Craziness , Let S Go , Pitiful Congressionatiful , 1000 , Fire , Comparison , Well , Miami , Athletes , O Wi , Sucky , Settlementsreasn , Occupation , Areas , Palestine , Diffis , Palestinians , Housing , Difficulty , Homes , Issue , Funds , Health Care , Geopolitics , Paidtr , Ani , Human Rights Lens , Guy Theory , Weolitics , Mf Our Healthcare Ei Ja , Absoluh Leveling Of Gaza , Bartende , Knot , She Thoughtt , Occupationup , Mai Tai , Kat Trump , Danger , Rallylikea , Couple , Reporters , Oak , Ae , Hundred , The Bronx , Saofmy , Half , It Y , Seat , Singlet , Noifdt , Place , Fire Alarm , Think , Noto Moving , Yeanglerson Theh , Front O , People N T , Rallies , C Yelling , Type , Microphones , Mics , Cryothingcomplo , 70 , Wrestlinbenateg , Don T Yell , Microphone , Hands , Stuffth , Fal Danger , Whiff , Washe Pu , Community , Out , Music , Couldn T , Oyo , Stretch , Ms , Jonathan Jamaal Bowman , Thesq , Resting , Squad , I Me , Congress , Benjamin Disraeli , Stool Swinging A , Stool N , Speeches , Wu E , Peopl E , Parliament , Profanities , Kid , Friendly , My , They Weren T Swinging A Stool , Eventsthey W , Velma , Colleagues , Wall , Lungs , Top , Gun Rightss Aboughts , House Of Representatives , Screaming , Epitaph , Couldta , You Interrupte D , Primal Scream , Havel Scream Feelin , Humor , Debate , Corn , Bit , Weddin G , Tears , Wedding , Wellyo , Nigh St , Watching , It Wash She , Videos , Voice , Captioned , Ohscream , Tk , Notthey , Sleeve , Looks , Neck , Meng , Walk Away , Fetterman , Reparations Grift , Coming Up , Done , Righely Donet , Supy Chain , City , Growth Righ , Expertise , Pet , Screwing Siri , City Clientmo , Research Brain , Pets , Progress , Key , Moving D , Scientistsan , Thought , Issues , Rie , Fifties , Ifo Gotg , Mynt , Result , Action Brain , Ingredient , Action Brain Ingredient , Supplement , Brain Doctors , Research , Dr , Neuro Cue , Breakthrough Multi , Fog Rl , Cu E , Keyroq Ingredient , Combination , Brain Performanceeo , Focus , Concentration , Othet Neuroqrh , A Signific , Action Formulare Boost , Brain Care , Study , Saw , Users , Five , Clarity , House , Ii , Clearer , Relaxium Sleep , Neural Cue 4995 Plus , Neuro Cues , 4995 , Brain Recovery , Roof Stock , 1 800 4750898 , 4750898 , 1 , Water , Cost , Roof , Roofs , Fraction , Power , Max , Flexibility , Ten , Nine , 15 , Nobody , Men , Each Other , Roof Inspection , Restore , 80 , Reality , Civil War , God , Stealing , Hatfield , Innocent , Murdering , Forever , Bargain , Fox Nation , Deals , Mccoy , Shapiro , Fox Nation Com , Fox Nation Ncaa Com , Season , Hatfields And Mccoys , Ragsdale , Preparations , California , Gavin Newsomulreason , Billtes , Help , Partic , Tyra , 12 , Nt 12 Million , Activists , Payoff , Reparations Payments , Reparationsll Neverk Y Come , 12 Million , Yo Racism , Money , Answer , Land , Business , Money Reparations , Opportunity , Muley , Coursu Can Nythingwithoue , Generational Wealthd Buyous , 40 , Happenedto , Couldpp Have Black , Blacko With , D , Me Reparatio , Dayy Wantngive , Tre Iurlyhaire , So , Thing Ve , Giver , Women Dancers , College , Can , Politicians , Clowns , Millions , Cities , Flights , California Doesn , Dollars , About S Oft Have , Thethey , Pag Road , Woman , Alimony , Jami , Dow , T Wow , Mee Dih , Prison , Wouldn T , Safest Thingg , Saying , It Soy , That Sthin , Everything Tige , Agreer , Bill , Likp E , Maer N , Paro T Wat , Dong Inore , You Know , Stories , Tgifs Thinki , Finger K , That Don T , Bookstore , Pages , Fish Oil , Benefits , O Read , Ito Go To , Store , 300 , None , Me I Don T , Girl , It Alsoir , Apology Cost Money , Estate , Apologize , Yacht , Harm , Black Californiansologize , Support Proposalhes , Yacht Rockt , Wearmmittees , Apology , Driny , Donuts , Pay , Likethere Committees , Grift , Pieces , Trips , Hote , Wewe Nee , Gains , Olympians , Rule , Fl , Bands , Passion , Jewelry Exchange , Anniversary , Jpmorgan Management , Analysts , Stock Ratings , Carat Fancy Lab Bands 1491 Classic Natural , Decision , 1491 , 990 , Carat , Choices , Jewelry , Exchange , Blinds , Convenience , Design Expert , Style , Showroom , Budget , Three , Mike Huckabee , Treatment , Design , Arkansas , Neurologist , Sleep Relaxing , Night , Fears , Events , Headlines , Dot Com , Angle , Bottles , Martha Maccallum , 8011737 , 800 8011737 , Ellipse , U S Olympic Team , France , Air Conditioners , Air Olnditioning , Air Conditioning , Mac , Studio , Efforts , Organizers , Athletes Room , Carbon Emissions , Igloo , Notym Effor Includw , Air Conditioning Al , Olympic , Athlete , Advantage , Ia Lot , Toilet , Onlye , French , Altitude , Houses , Likers , At Tha Go They T , Training , Trouble Haveg , Oxygen , Theympe , Athletes T Go To Denver , Denver , Thoseble Co , Iw , Imedt , Weln Inm , Comedian , Club , Bo , Thousands , Body Odor , Booksth Writteousandn , Air Conditionin Airsg , Thios , What , Seine , Hav , Lems Bes , Toime People Swimy Foun , E Colatwithi , Paris , Gout , Benjamin Franklin , Fun One , Problems , Stand Up Tklin , Ha , I Nsane , Jane , Oi T , That So , Suitcase , Figure Ou T Average American Athletes , Brinigerator , Achi , Pills , Plane , Hotn , Ing Afte , Francefran A Bunch , Lyons , Guys Don T , Wasn T , Gym Class , Lloyd S , Wrestling Edge , Rey Mysterio , Smell , Yourpue , Somebody , Strategy , Pat , The E Tr , Mo No , Electricity , Labor , Hotels , Ads , Towel , Customizeshot , Don T Go Away , Savear , Car Insurance , Liberty , Hi , L Libertiberty , Hot Dog Stand , Er Tee Super Straight , Thnew Inicy Al W , Honey , Ohberty , Hollywoodth , Teeth , Patients , Gas Heating , Shades , Sensitivity Protection , Sensodyne , 24 7 , Game Changer , Project , Ecom , Summer Stuff , Stripes , Stars , Players , Everything , White , Championship , Line , Baby , Red , Blue , Eastern On Fox , Americas Usa , North End , Babies , Pants , Eyes , Tube Viewers , 75 Million , Concept , Object Permanence , Gas , Gallon , Lunch , Agassi Gas , Upside , Stake , Promo Code , Car , 25 , 0 25 , Promo Code White , Lunches , Delivery , Jo , Fourth Of July , Kayleigh Mcenany ,

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