Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

columnist for the hill. kirk making the bomb shell claim in her new member, saying that she made the edits because she wanted to protect the liberal justice from public back lash. explaining that ginsberg was, quote, elderly and probably didn't understand the question about the take a knee protest in the sports world. here is some of that interview that aired initially. >> when it comes to these football players, you may find their actions offensive but what you're saying is it's within their right to exercise those actions. >> if they want to be stupid, there's no law that should be prevent it. if they want to be arrogant, there's no law that prevents them from that. >> get this, couric now admits she left out the part where ginsberg said that those who kneel during the national anthem show, quote, contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from. as they became older they realized that this was youthful folly and that's why education is important. i think it's a terrible thing to do, but i wouldn't lock up a person for doing it. i would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act. >> wow. harris, you are one of the greatest journalists i know, and where thought that journalists share the facts as they are, not as they wants them to be. doesn't appear that way for katie couric. >> what's really unfortunate about this is that ruth bader ginsburg didn't live long enough to see that her legacy might have been a little different had the truth come out when it did. she clearly had some different ideas about what was going on with the colin kaepernicks of the world at the time and we didn't know that contemporaneously and she did end up taking heat for being out of touch - - it didn't seem like it made much sense. edited it down. katie couric, this is nots her rowe rodeo with this. we know she tampered with editing things before. you don't take things out of, you know, the realm of the context. so maybe her past set of glitches or whatever, gaps were based on what she thought it needed to say. the news, the facts don't need interpretation unless they are words that we don't often use. like when we hear supreme court language and somebody breaks that down and says this is what that means. you don't have have to omit stuff you can actually use more language to make it make sense. after ginsberg's interview, if she wanted to on set or wherever she presented that i think it was online, yahoo, whatever, she could simply have said you know we got into a di deeper discussion about this and these are some other things she told me. but she didn't do that. >> no. >> she made it play like she was in control of what the message should be. i mean, i've always liked katie couric's shows, i think she's a bubbly personality and fun fashion, but i'm not looking for her to interpret the english language for me. >> and to protect people who she admires when she said she was protecting ruth bader ginsburg. you know this emily more than anyone. rbg had an independent streak to her, she criticized roe v. wade despite being pro choice, and here was her streak again. does she really need protecting from katie couric? >> i think this is absolute y nayser narcissistic of katie couric. in her book she writes about how it's male-dominated industry how she supported and defended quote women whenever she could when she wasn't tearing them down as she said in other chapters. here he she is infantilizing a sitting supreme court justice thinking it takes katie couric to edit ruth bader ginsburg? absolutely not. and it was she who made the determination or the approval of the determination based on a colleague's recommendation that she was elderly and didn't understand the question? i find this a range of things from totally offensive to absolutely mind-blowing and the fact that now the late ruth bader ginsburg is not alive anymore to defend herself to correct the record and it remains with her edits? i guess thank goodness she came clean now, but i think it's too little too late and i thing it's revolting. >> it certainly is. joe, there's a little bit of a back story to this that's interesting. she does the interview and the head of public affairs for the supreme court comes to character and says rbg misspoke, please take it out, and katie couric kind of went through a conscious crisis should i take it out, should i not? the head of abc fews said keep it in, good for him for saying that. she goes over to the new york times david brook for advice. david brook says she probably just didn't understand the question. so really interesting back story there. she chose to listen to david brook. >> and if you watch the video -ts david brooks watched the video you would see that rbg absolutely understood the question. that was a coherent precise candid answer. there was no confusion about it. this is the least surprising thing i've seen since watching the sunrise in the east this morning and it was beautiful by the way. as you guys mentioned the same katie couric who that guns right documentary 5 years agee make gun owners look stupid and she was eviscerated for it in some circums outside of conservative media. couric received no reprimand for pushing narrative she knew to be false at the time. there was eve an deaf i defamation suit filed against her and she some how beat it because the judge said nothing harmal if was done to those gun owners besides making them look stupid in a highly watched documentary. when there's no accountability, guess what happens? the characters of the world will do it again. just like she did here with ruth bader ginsburg, protect the supreme court justice from her own opinion? i'm pretty sure that's not the job of a journalist. now, when you look at big picture, we're into dan rather territory at this point in terms of katie couric's legacy. like rather, katie was a very big deal in the previous century. she once signed to the largest financial deal in television news, 2001, america's sweetheart, people trusted and liked her. but we're always remembered ultimately for what we do last and given first the gun documentary and now this admission around intentionally leaving what would have been a huge news item on the cutting room floor particularly rbg, basically calling colin kaepernick stupid - - well, that's gonna make katie couric's legacy i think a tainted one ultimately. >> that's right. you're right to bring up her past perceptive editing. she made it seem leak the gun rights analysts didn't have an answer to the question, which they did. she apologized for that eight seconds. >> it does not make a difference to me. would scalia have gotten the same treat, aleto, would donald trump have gotten the same treatment? >> well, i think this does exemplify the enduring unshakeable arrogance of the big media gas bag and that is katie couric. by the way you were talking apot the cbs deal, right, joe in. the pay package? cbs would have put that money to better use if it had set it on fire. so katie couric is this - - she doesn't - - this is the big media gas bag way of behavior. you don't have a opinion, you are just simply right. and just. and correct. >> wow. >> always. so if this icon of women, if this supreme court joust us doesn't share katie's viewpoint, then oh, my word, something must be wrong with ruth bader ginsburg. right? and i don't - - it would be - - if katie couric was a real journalist, if she thought that ruth bader ginsburg at the time still sitting on the court didn't understand or didn't really hear what she, uh, was saying, then it was her duty. katie couric's, to let the public know that very thing, given the fact that if she wasn't cogent, she wasn't cogent enough to deal with more complicated and nuanced issues in front of the court that would affect the whole country. katie couric's not a journalist. ruth bader ginsburg clearly was sound and understanding and she was hearing and what she was saying, and in terms of this autobiography, it comes across as a biography that's written by somebody who hates katie couric, quite frankly. >> so true. >> my only ex planation for that is here's somebody who star has long faded, who's gasping for relevancy. >> nailed it. >> i do think it's interesting, something you said triggered this in me, that she goes our s-d the circle to find out what she should do, there are two power women in that room. shoo prom previous decades a power person in our industry of media, and ruth bader ginsburg on the supreme court. she goes to ask a man at the new york times what she should do with her interview with ginsberg. >> yes. >> it's mind boggling. so if she's the keeper, if katie couric's the keeper of women's issues, please rest that mantel from her hands. >> it's a great point. flansy pelosi said she's complaining the media is not helping her sell her leftest agenda but maybe she just needs to hire katie couric. tone deaf top official in the biden white house appears to think the current economic anxiety is a quote, high class problem, as americans are hit with the sticker shock at the grocery store, the pump, and just about everywhere they go [music] thousands of veteran homeowners have discovered the power of using their va home loan benefit to get money for their family. we called and we got $58,800. newday lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. i called and got $54,200. near record low rates means lower payments. turn your equity into cash with the newday 100 va cash out loan. overwhelmed by the ups and downs of frequent mood swings of bipolar i? ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar effectively treats depression, acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms with just one pill, once a day. elderly patients with 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called out of touch and clueless after a senior white house official promoted a tweet calling inflation and the supply chain chaos quote unquote high class problems. consumer prices have hit levels not seen in more than a decade. footed prices soaring, bacon, meet, vegetable prices up, the cost of heat expected to jump by 54 percent for some households this winter, like most of them.en. and the toy association is warning some children's gifts will cost up to 10 percent more this christmas. children won't get what they want due to the back log. and in response to the economic issues hurting americans across the country, the white house chief of staff, ron, retweeted, a post from a has beenrd professor, who claimed that current economic crisis are just high class problems. again, twice. so, um, joe, who is he talking about high class problems? i mean mean, i mentioned last hour, everybody needs diapers and feminine products and those thing we don't say out loud. do you have to be rich to need a a kleenex. >> or to buy baby food. wouldn't it be interesting to hear from the press secretary if she and the president agree with the perspective from the white house chief of staff that only the rich will suffer because of the crisis this administration created, do rich people only buy gas to get to work or drive their kids to school? or do - - if their - - >> if they're really rich they're taking delivery cars. >> i guess. they're probably using range remembers, they're not using the ford festiva i currently have in my driveway, that's for sure. meat, do rich people rent properties instead of buying them because you shared the numbers before, gas is up 42 percent year over year, a 7-year high. this hits the poor and middle class the hardest, and for those who don't know who the president's right-hand man is, because a lot of people out there i've heard that name, i'm sure i do. he's the chief of staff. he regularly retweets out the perspective of msnbc conspiracy theorist joy reed who makes alex jones look sane. maybe he should sit down with an interwith harris faulkner. i'm sure you would love to do that interview. >> i have interviewed him in the past in a past administration. i've always come in to be a very political person and so on and so forth. but you're right, it would be a chippier interview now. >> true. >> dagan. >> to joe's point, inflation is exactly the opposite of what that jason firmen retweet said. it is a regressive tax which hits lower income americans the very hardest. people are made poor because of run away inflation and biden and company's policies. in fact, inflation adjusted wages, hourly wages this year, have fallen 2 percent since joe biden took office. so adjusting for inflation, people are making less money. i think this retweet from ron is kind of a manifestation of how bad the situation is in the white house of how they're struggling, trying to figure out what to to do, and heads will eventually start rolling. ron chain is arguably the closest a person to joe biden and he's been in the room when all these horrible decisions were made. watch him to maybe hut the sidewalk so to speak. also, the supply chain problem will get worked out probably after christmas, but the inflation problem is largely driven by this federal reserve just pumping money into the system, buying 120 billion-dollars of securities every month still. the head of the feds is up for reappointment in february. i am speculating but you watch, i bet you he does not get another term because this white house needs a scapegoat. whoever takes his place will be worse for inflation. >> if they wait until then to start to deal with these problems it may be too late. i want everybody to take a look at what was breaking last hour in william - - he's a few miles off shore of long beach california. the tankers are really stacked out there and the containers a ridiculous number with a whole lot of goods that could take as many as three weeks to get to shore and unloaded because of the worker shortage. we had a democrat contribute who argued they can hire people, i don't care that the shipping companies are lying when they say that they can't. and then you'll need the truckers to bring them to where we need them to be. that's a lot of good. and again, kayleigh, these are things we use every day. i don't know where this high class thing is coming from. what - - how out of touch can you be not to know that if you are a parent and you're changing dirty diapers today and you get down to five and you know to the store and the shelves are empty, that's a crisis. >> yes. >> and i don't care how you voted, at that point you're pointing in one direction. >> that's right. klain, i have something you want to post, patrice says when inflation hits the dollar store you have a big problem. she described her trip to a dollar store in maryland and there was an older lady there and she said she literally watched them ring up every item to check and make sure that it was a dollar because this woman was counting her dollars and now the dollar store is going to go up to 1.25, 1.50, there were some reporting maybe products could hit five dollars. this is not a high class problem, this affects every single american. but welcome to joe biden's america. >> from the biden administration , buttigieg a lot of people will get jobs the seasonal workers the holiday season affects the entire economy. he thinks the a fact we can't get our gifts is really funny. watch. >> i think there's always been two kinds of christmas shoppers, there's the ones who have all their lists completed by halloween, and thens. people like me who show up at the mall on christmas eve. if you're in that latter bucket, obviously there's going to be more challenges. >> emily. >> look, secretary buttigieg has an endearing personality, sure, but i think it's one or more example -f these elected decision-maker who have no idea what ordinary americans are facing or care about. what is high class about heating your home? what is high class about cereal and campbells soup? feeding your family gas. the trucking industry, freight. we have a screen we'll put up that shows for you exactly the change of consumer prices in this chart and it is frightening. what is high class about the cost of shelter? dagen i'm sure knows this more than me the tenant rent jumped a percent and a half in september. that's the sharpest rise as we head into the winter season and the price for heat is sky rocketing. owners equivalent rent which estimates what home owners would pay each month to rent their own home, that has risen almost a half a percent as well, the most since 2006. we pay the salaries of these amateur decision-makers and just as our dollars are now worth less, these guys are worthless. >> he's in charge of transportation and i have said this before, you've gotta understand the industry enough to know if there are that many ships offshore, prices are going to go up when they get get to port. you gotta pay somebody to take them off. maybe that doesn't touch pete buttigieg. remember he had problems in his hemostat of indiana reaching out to communities who were impoverished, kind of peteing them right where they sat, we call being in touch. we can't afford for him not to be in touch now. >> he rode rode a bicycle to the white house. who does understand that. >> take a photo. >> he wanted to show everybody how green he was so he took the bike out. we can't even make it up. up next, vice president kamala harris is once again facing back lash over something she said. we'll take a look at that. and some of her most controversial moments and her impact on the biden agenda in the upcoming mid-term. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes... but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know with freestyle libre 14 day, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best 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foundation tweeting one of the most anti-american administrations in the world currently resides in the white house. kamala harris is writing the talking points for beijing, moscow, and every enemy of the free world. these comments are just the latest in a long line of missteps and gaps harris has made since taking office. here's a look at some of the vice president's most notable blunders. >> do you plan to visit the border? >> um, not today. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. i mean mean, i don't understand the point that you're making. i'm not dysodontaing the importance the border. >> you're going to have to, um, xerox or photo copy your idea to send it in to prove a who you are. there are a whole lot of people who live in rural communities there's no kinko's or office max near them. >> back in israel which hurts my heart because as ethnic genocide - - >> your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed and it must be heard. >> we have a vice presidency that has been hallmarked by being utterly tone deaf, completely out of touch, totally incompetent, but there are many who aren't surprised by that. >> she ran a presidential campaign for the democrat nomination that was a disaster and ended before the first voting contest and magically she winds up the vice president of the united states one heartbeat away from the top job in the nation with a president who's clearly shaky and in decline. that makes us all so feel so good and reassured by her performance. i'm sure what those professional actor children she feelses more comfortable with them an had aen being in front of the press working off of an easy to read script but in terms of border, i think it shows you that the biden administration is bothered by the supply chain problem. that they at least step up and immediately start to try and solve that disaster but why not the border? because they want it that way. they're not doing anything to fix the problem, the influx of illegal immigrants aacross across our border whether it's drugs and human trafficking because that's how they want it. >> among the criticism the vice president has received the question was posed why govern a country you so clearly hate? >> wow. then that's a pretty good question; right? i mean, i don't know if she hates the country necessarily, but i put this more in the president and joe biden than i do kamala harris. in terms of him choosing her to be his running mate then also saying the first big job i'm gonna give you is to fix the crisis at the southern border. all he had to do, or his handlers, was look back if they truly wanted to solve the problem, is look back at her comments when she was a candidate, when she was a senator. she said illegal migration should be legalized she compare compared ice to the kkk and that's the person you're going to put in charge to fix the problem when she had no interest dining that whatsoever. then she tells migrants do not come, and they keep coming. we're on a pace now for 2.4 million people entering this country illegally this year. that is more than a the population of our fourth most populated city in houston. so look, i mean, yes, kamala harris is a train wreck, she's polling at 35 percent favorable in usa today she's not the plan b the democrats thought she would be. but that's on him for choosing her, not so much her being in a position where she is clearly over her head. >> kayleigh: some in the media have begun to change their tune. >> there is this chasm between the press and the people. you just heard from joe how unpopular she is among the american people but she was highly popular among the press. cnn wrote this glowing story of her and pelosi sitting behind the presidential address and said she's become one of biden's closest advisers, she was the last person in the room on the afghanistan decision now you have a cnn reporter saying she's supposed to be in charge of the border where is she? los angeles times had a whole beat dedicated to harris. and now:ment times calls her - - now l.a. times calls her ineffective. >> the last person in the room on the afghanistan stan decision and the first person to leave the room on the crisis at the border. you've got thinking polling numbers for both of these people. kamala harris and joe biden. him for his policies mainly and what he's doing. and her for not doing anything. i can't, i can't even get my mind around how different it would be if she leaned in. would love to find out. just attack any of the 7 or eight jobs the president has given you. it's got to be better than siccing while you're doing nothing. >> something would be better than nothing, and something good would be better than these continual tone deafness out of touch hideous comments. just ahead, the rolling stones retiring one of their greatest hits taking brown sugar off their set list for their u.s. tour. why critics say they is are surrendering to the woke mob and the band's response, next. 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[music] >> jumpin jack flash, the rolling stone's most played song live according to the set list dot fm. second on that list in 1971, the hit brown sugar. widely considered to have one of the greatest guitar riffs in history. you won't hear it at their shows any time soon. the band has cut the song from their set list after pushback over references to slavery, sex, and drugs, and when asked if why they're not playing the song anymore was because of heightened cultural sensitivity, guitarist keith richards said this, quote, i'm trying to figure out what the sisters where the beef is didn't they understand this was a song about the horrors of slavery? but they're trying to bury it. that's keith richards saying this. joe, i'll come to you. >> yeah, if we don't learn from the past we're condemned to repeat it even if it's in a song like brown sugar keith richards, the guy who wrote the song, he would know what the meaning is. i thinkless. a lot of songs out there that we dance along to that we sing to and we have zero idea what the actual meaning is. to your point, brown sugar, according to richards, is about the horrors of slavery, heroin and rape. he apparently wrote this song in under an hour. mick jagger said in an interview 26 years ago i would never write that song now. 26 years later it gets retired because that's the culture we live in. i'm just curious, then, when are all these critics out there going to start calling for every rap song that was ever misogynistic towards women, when are those going to be retired now as as well? if this is the game and these are the rules when do those editorials start happening? >> i want to give everybody just a taste of the lyrics because we're not going to play the song here. gold coast slave ship bound for the cotton fields sold in the market down in new orleans. scarred old flavor knows he's doing all right. as he begins to whip the woman just around midnight. brown sugar, how come you taste so good, so on and so forth. dagean, your thoughts? >> reading the lyrics and hearing them from you they're clearly distasteful but you have to take keith richards at his word that it's about the horrors of slavery. i think these guys are just too old and tired to deal with getting asked about it repeatedly. it's lake they just took the easy way out and stopped playing it, but to joe's point when are we gonna ban paul mccartney from performing i saw her standing there, with the opening lyrics she was just 17 and you know what i mean. so, i think the are plenty of people who might find that distasteful. and maybe every song written prior to 2020 - - >> that's really interesting. emily, you really chimed up there with just 17, you know what i mean. we have so many songs with the n-word in it, yet we have people who are willing to go to battle over that word depending on who says it. you can talk about that in black culture and society and whether or not that's acceptable and it's offensive if you gotta lean ut and turn it off because your kids are in the the car y think we're agreed upon it's not a good thing. >> and in the spectrum there's always going to be someone that's offended. so to me i see this as we're sensorring art and some how it's socially acceptable now to pick and choose what passes that mob test and what doesn't. if example we have the film that had the first african american recipient of an oscar in 1939, hattie mcdaniels, that film gone with the wind is cancels. dr. seuss' catalog is diluted. so there's hattie mcdaniels and there is the former first lady reading dr. seuss to children, which now part of his catalog being diluted some of those titles are now unacceptable. great gots standby, catcher in the rye, the list goes on this is literature. i think we should be reading books not burning them and i think we should be listening to songs not picking and choosing whether you play them or not is different than whether all of society can play them or not. >> i went out and bought those books when that whole thing was going on because i wanted to read them aloud to my kids so they know the stories. i want them to understand where we've been and you can only measure the presence and success by knowing what the past was. >> you went out and bought them. piers morgan wrote a piece that was really fascinating he said when they tried to ban baby it's cold outside, shot to the top of the charts. when gillette abandoned its male advertising, all of their sales plummeted. you cancel and you're just going to field the sales. >> he's right about that in most instances. just ahead, justice sonya sotomayer reare vealing a reason for some recent format changes at the u.s. supreme court. justices are now asking questions in order of seniority after a study showed female justices were being interrupted more often than their male colleagues. [music] anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. 50 years or older? they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> we are awaiting several live events coming up including a port of los angeles media briefing as the supply chain crisis continues. plus, a press conference by ian pryor a fight for our schools in loudoun county, virginia, as parents fight for their kids' education in the classroom. >> very shortly we await president biden's remarks on the pandemic and the nation's response to covid-19, we are watching all that for you come join john and me as america reports top of the hour. >> supreme court justice so sotomayor re - - . by allowing the joust uses to ask questions in order of their seniorities. she explains that the new system was put in place after studies showed that female justices on the floor were interrupted more by male justices and advocates. justice sotomayor adds this dynamic exists off the bench as well saying quote, most of the time women say things and they are not heard in the same way as men who might say the i identical thing. d, gen, do you agree? >> are women interrupted more by men or do women allow the interruption more? you know, you're in a box, you're in a vice grip if you're a woman. i don't let people interrupt me. i've more than once on tv to a man shouting over me said you see this? this is my mouth moving. that means i'm talking. that means you shut up. i've said that more than once. but then as a woman you get accused of, oh, she's angry, oh, she's vicious, oh, she's a nasty one. so... >> or worse. >> so - - yeah. so i choose to talk louder and shout and shut people down. so, the nicest i can do is pleat y finish and my finger goes up. >> i love it. >> you're a strong woman. harris, i also appreciate when people in the workplace uplift the voices of women. my former boss did that all the time, ser assanders was uninterrupt, i i was uninterrupted, kelly ann conway, i appreciate when men help women get their voices out there. >> it's true being around you and sarah and kelly anne, i from going to the white house no one's interrupt up thing any of you. and there were a lot of women in that consolation around the president at the time. when i'm interrupted these days, i actually just remind people that if their argument is really good it's worth waiting for ungetterred because if you begin talking when i am talking, i'm going to finish. >> yes. >> so no one will hear either one of us. >> yes. >> so if your argument's really good, waits until i'm done it's draw. i remember you and i siting here on the couch and i said oh, my gosh i just got an alert, justice thomas just asked questions in oral arguments he never had done so before. i wonder if it's this new system, the last one was chaotic and now he feels i'm going to get my voice out there because i won't we interrupted. >> it can happen to everywhere. i think dagen raises a good point. i think an apology comes more often from women. >> that's typically in society that we are really quick to say, oh, sorry or excuse me and be differential in that way. i appreciate the reminder that we need to own our space. every human should own their space and interrupting is always about the interrupter. the speaker, it's about their moment. if your interjecting to say i'm sorry i didn't catch that or a correction if needed. otherwise it's about the interrupter and makes them look bad. >> speak org -f the interrupter, one of these studies, joe, 46 out of 48 interruptions happen by men. what are you doing, joe? >> awe. >> wow, it's getting early around here. getting a hard break. i had so much to say say but there's finite time in campbell news so i guess you gotta go to your tease now, kelly. >> i'm not interrupting you, please. >> darn it. uh, look, i think in general, all right, i'm being serious here. we as hume beanings have a big problem with listening. whenever i'm at a part y people think they know what i'm going to say and they interrupt to finish my sentence when the punch line is coming. i think in general men and women listen more and sit back instead of jumping in with their own thoughts when somebody's halfway through their sentence. >> our producers just interrupted us just on time. more outnumbered in just a moment. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now, while mortgage rates are near all time lows. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $50,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. now's the time to use your va home loan benefit to get cash before mortgage rates begin to rise. call now. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. boost® high protein also has key nutrients this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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(all) me too! the all-new buick envision. built around you. all of you. he gave the president of the united states is talking about the covid response and vaccinations right now and could take questions. we don't know. if he doesn't turn his back on the reporters, undoubtedly they will ask him about the supply-chain grazers that we're in, and inflation. we will cover it all here on fox. >> hospitalizations are down 38 percent over the past six weeks. over the past to weeks, most of the country has improved as well. case rates are declining in 39 states, and hospital rates are declining in 38 states. we are down to 66 million some still in unacceptably high number unvaccinated people from nearly 100 million in july. that's important progress. but it's not to, now is not the time to let up. we have a lot more to do. we're in a critical period as we work to turn the corner on covid 19. first, we have to do more to vaccinate the 66 million unvaccinated people in america. it's essential. the vaccine requirements that we started rolling out in the summer our working. they are working. the labor department is going to issue an emergency rule for companies with 100 or more employees to implement vaccination requirements among their workforce. every day, we see more businesses implementing vaccination requirements and the mounting data shows that they work. businesses and organizations are implementing requirements are seen vaccination rates rise by an average of 20 percent or more to well over 90 percent. the number of employees vaccinated. let's be clear. vaccination requirements should not be another issue that divides us. that's why, we continue to the information that's in there and companies and communities are setting up and stepping up as well to combat these miss information. southwest airlines at the head of the pilots union and its ceo dismissed critics who claim vaccination mandates contributed to flight disruptions. school board members religious leaders, and doctors across the country our fighting misinformation and educating people about the importance of vaccines. all of these efforts will help us continue moving the dial to eliminate this disease. second, we are going to continue protecting the vaccinated. this week, the food and drug administration and the fda as reviewing data on the boosters. we expect a final decision from the fda and the centers for disease control and prevention, the cdc in the next couple of weeks. if they authorize the boosters, which would be strictly made based on the science, that decision will be based on the science, this will mean that all three vaccines will be available for boosters. already, more than one out of three eligibles you never have gotten there third shot, the booster and we will continue to provide that additional protection to seniors and others as we head into the holidays. these boosters are free, available, and convenient to get. the third point i'd like to make. we need to continue to keep our schools and our students safe. 96 percent of school districts are fully opened with children back in the classroom and for in person learning. we have been able to do this because we provided our schools come out the resources they need to protect children and the educators as well as the staff that works in the schools. we have been encouraging schools to implement important health measures like masking, testing, and getting everyone unvaccinated who is eligible to be vaccinated. i know parents out there are anxiously waiting for vaccine for children ages 5-11. the good news is the fda and outside experts from the cdc our set to make this determination is the whether the vaccine will be authorized for that age range in the next weeks. if authorized, we are ready, we have purchased enough vaccines for all children between the ages of 5-and 11 in the united states and it will be convenient for parents to get their children vaccinated at trusted locations and families will be able to sleep easier at night knowing their kids are protected as well. let me close with this. the plan i laid out in september is working. we are headed in the right direction. we have critical work to do. we can't let up now. my team and i are doing everything we can, but i'm calling on more businesses to step up. i'm calling on more parents to get their children vaccinated when they are eligible, and i'm asking everyone, everyone who hasn't gotten vaccinated to please get vaccinated. that's how we put this pandemic behind us. and accelerate our economic recovery. we can do this. i've said many times, god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you very much. >> vice president biden walking away without taking any questions from the press corps assembled as he gives an update for the nation on the progress in terms of getting people vaccinated for covid seeing the booster shots are available and they are free.

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, English , Shows , Personality , Fashion , Streak , Emily , Anyone , Choice , Roe V Wade , Quote Women , Industry , Y Nayser , Infantilizing A Sitting Supreme Court Justice , Determination , Chapters , Approval , Fact , Range , Record , Recommendation , Colleague , Court Didn T , Joe In , Back Story , Head , Goodness , Bit , Public Affairs , Crisis , Kind , Character , Rbg Misspoke , Abc Fews , New York Times , Advice , David Brook , Confusion , Answer , Video , Sunrise , East , Guns , Years Agee Make Gun Owners , Circums , 5 , Media , Nothing , Deaf I Defamation , Reprimand , Judge , Narrative , Gun Owners , Characters , Accountability , Documentary , Protect The Supreme Court Justice , Point , Deal , Journalist , Terms , Opinion , Job , Picture , Territory , Television News , Gun Documentary , America S Sweetheart , 2001 , Stupid Well , Cutting Room Floor , News Item , Ultimately , Colin Kaepernick , That S Gonna , Gun Rights Analysts , Leak , Eight , Treatment , Difference , Aleto , Donald Trump , Money , Pay , Cbs , Use , On Fire , Arrogance , Big Media Gas Bag , Apot , Behavior , Women , Something , Joust , U S , Word , Doesn T Share Katie , Icon , Viewpoint , Liberty Uh , Country , Issues , Court , , Front , Duty , She Wasn T Cogent , Public , Biography , Hearing , Autobiography , Written By , Planation , Star , Ex , Relevancy , Room , Power , Circle , Shoo Prom , Two , Yes , Keeper , Man , Mind Boggling , Agenda , Official , Hands , Tone Deaf , Mantel , Flansy Pelosi , Leftest , White House , Everywhere , Class Problem , Grocery Store , Anxiety , Hit , Pump , Sticker Shock , Music , Thousands , Family , Veteran Homeowners , Va Home Loan , 8800 , 58800 , Cash , Home , Value , Equity , Rates , Payments , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Newday , 100 , 54200 , 4200 , Vraylar , Mood Swings , Ups And Downs , Lows , Bipolar , Adults , Relief , Symptoms , Medicines , Highs , Depression , Episodes , Pill , Psychosis , Patients , Children , Doctor , Changes , Death , Fever , Thoughts , Risk , Muscles , Reaction , Muscle Movements , Stroke , Antidepressants , Side Effects , Cholesterol , Prescriptions , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Weight Gain , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , 0 , 2 , Everyone , Mission , Strength , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Vitamins , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Protein , Cadillac Lyriq , Classical Music Plays , Regina , Brass Band , Um Uh , New Orleans , 30 , Coast , Cadillac , Palm Springs , Woman , Tech , Cost , Chip , Insurance , Windshield , Couple , Trust Safelite , Farmers Market , Liberty , Liberty Mutual , Singers , Service , Car Insurance , Customization , Dj , Throwback , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Liberty The White House , Out Of Touch , Tweet Calling Inflation , Senior , Supply Chain Chaos Quote Unquote High , Prices , Most , Class Problems , Consumer Prices , Households , Winter , Levels , Bacon , 54 , Response , Gifts , Back Log , Them En , Toy Association , 10 , Ron Chain , Um , Post , Retweeted , Beenrd Professor , Products , Everybody , Baby Food , Needs Diapers , Kleenex , President , Administration , Gas , Perspective , Rich , Chief Of Staff , Wouldn T , Press Secretary , Kids , Delivery Cars , Do , Middle Class , Ford Festiva , Poor , Numbers , High , Driveway , Meat , Buying , Properties , Hardest , Sure , 42 , 7 , Lot , Who Don T Know , Retweets , Name , Msnbc , Conspiracy Theorist Joy Reed , Interwith , Alex Jones , Inflation , Opposite , True , Dagan , Joe Biden , Company , Tax , Policies , Because , Jason Firmen Retweet , Run Away , Office , Retweet , Wages , Heads , Situation , Manifestation , Supply Chain Problem , Decisions , Sidewalk , System , Inflation Problem , Securities , Reappointment , Feds , 120 Billion , Problems , Place , Term , Scapegoat , Look , Containers , Shore , He , Tankers , Long Beach California , Number , Goods , Care , Democrat , Shipping Companies , Worker Shortage , Three , Class , Good , Kayleigh , Truckers , Store , Shelves , Diapers , Parent , Five , One Direction , Problem , Dollar Store , Klain , Trip , Maryland , Patrice , Dollar , Dollars , Item , Reporting , Lady , 1 25 , Five Dollars , 1 50 , Single , Secretary Buttigieg , Kinds , Jobs , Workers , Holiday Season , Economy , Watch , Shoppers , Ones , Lists , Bucket , Thens , Challenges , Halloween , Mall On Christmas Eve , Idea , Example , Decision Maker , Screen , Trucking Industry , Family Gas , Change , Soup , Cereal , Chart , Shelter , Tenant Rent , Half , Winter Season , Rise , Dagen , Home Owners , Price , Sky Rocketing , Well , Rent , Salaries , 2006 , Guys , Charge , Decision Makers , Ships , Before , Transportation , Communities , Port , Hemostat , Doesn T Touch Pete Buttigieg , Indiana , Photo , Peteing , Bicycle , Kamala Harris , Some , Impact , Bike Out , Up Next , Mid Term , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , Activity , Glucose , 14 , Mystery , Glucose Levels , A1c , Medicare , Kayak , Ocean , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Spreadsheets , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Notion , No Other , Kitchen Sink , Project , Entertainment Center , Wayfair , Explorers , Shores , Americas , Voyage , European , 1934 , Disease , Nations , Wave , Land , Violence , Devastation , Remarks , Pushback , Administrations , Director , Heritage Foundation Tweeting One , Nile Gardner , Vice President , Talking Points , Missteps , Line , Enemy , Moscow , Beijing , Border , You Haven T , Haven T , Blunders , Europe , Importance , Xerox , Back , Heart , Genocide , Office Max , Kinko , Israel , Vice Presidency , Experience , Deaf , Aren T , Who , Disaster , Nomination , Contest , Campaign , Heartbeat , Voting , Nation , Performance , Decline , Actor Children , Press , Script , Aen , Influx , Anything , Drugs , Immigrants , Criticism , Human Trafficking , Running Mate , Handlers , Candidate , Migration , Migrants , Ice , Senator , Interest Dining , Kkk , Houston , Pace , Population , City , 2 4 Million , Being , Polling , Train Wreck , Position , Usa Today , Plan B , 35 , Chasm , Tune , Story , Advisers , Address , Afghanistan Decision , Cnn , Los Angeles Times , Reporter , Ment Times , Beat , Thinking Polling Numbers , Both , Afghanistan Stan Decision , Mind , Brown Sugar , Tone Deafness , Siccing , Greatest Hits , The Rolling Stones , Band , Critics , Set List , Mob , Tour , Surrendering , Rate , Save Thousands , Costs , Advantage , Apr , Newday Low Rate Refi , One Dollar , 2 48 , Crohn S , Medication , Flare Up , Ulcerative Colitis , Moderate , Stelara , Inflammation , Cancer , Intestine , Serious , Uc , Flight , Infections , Surface , Tb , Vaccine , Lung Inflammation , Pres , Remission , Reactions , Infection , Sores , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Salonpas , Arthritis Pain , Pain Relief Ingredient , Arthritis Gel , Bank , Backhand , Medicine , Prescription Strength , Tennis Grunts , Goggles , Pair , Wallet , Modesm Feature , Checking Account , Overdraft Fee , 24 , Pnc Bank , List , Song , Guitar Riffs In History , Jumpin Jack Flash , Set List Dot Fm , 1971 , Slavery , Sensitivity , References , Sex , Keith Richards , Horrors , Sisters , Beef , Meaning , Songs , To Richards , Heroin , Zero , Culture , Calling , Rape , Mick Jagger , 26 , Lyrics , Rap Song , Editorials , Game , Rules , Taste , Cotton , Slave Ship , Market Down In New Orleans , Gold Coast , Flavor , Dagean , Lake , Performing , Saw Her Standing There , Paul Mccartney , 17 , The N Word , 2020 , Ut , Car , Spectrum , Offensive , Black Culture And Society , Gone With The Wind , Someone , Mob Test , Art , Seuss , Dr , Catalog , Cancels , First Lady , Recipient , Oscar , Hattie Mcdaniels , African American , 1939 , Reading Books , Great Gots Standby , Literature , Reading , Titles , Catcher In The Rye , Wall , Society , Books , Piece , Piers Morgan , Presence , Stories , Success , Sales , Gillette , Charts , Top , Advertising , Baby It S Cold Outside , Questions , Justices , Order , Seniority , Instances , Study , Reason , Format , Sonya Sotomayer , Reare Vealing , Colleagues , Shingles , Anybody , Camera Man , Uncle , Rash , Baby , Pharmacist , Whaaaat , 50 , Network , It Woah , Wireless , 5g , Cool , Sweet , Bucks , Clam Aroonies , 30 Bucks , Internet , Events , Schools , Classroom , Plus , Supply Chain Crisis , Press Conference , Fight , Ian Pryor A , Media Briefing , Loudoun County , Port Of Los Angeles , Virginia , Pandemic , John , Covid 19 , Supreme Court Justice So Sotomayor Re , 19 , Studies , Seniorities , Floor , Men , Advocates , Dynamic , Bench , More , Interruption , Vice Grip , Box , D , Mouth Moving , Tv , Man Shouting , Finger , Nicest , Finish , Nasty One , Pleat Y , Vicious , Voices , Workplace Uplift , Boss , Ser Assanders , Uninterrupt , No One , Kelly Anne , Kelly Ann Conway , Ii , Sarah , Argument , Worth , Consolation , Ungetterred , Thomas , One Of Us , Oral Arguments , Draw , Couch , Gosh , Alert , The Last One , Voice , Apology , Interrupter , Space , Interrupting , Human , Differential , Speaker , Reminder , Interjecting , Correction , Interruptions , Wow , Awe , Break , Say , 46 , 48 , Listening , Tease , General , Hume Beanings , Sentence , Punch Line , Jumping , Time Highs , Producers , Values , Mortgage Rates , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , 50000 , 0000 , Home Loan , Expenses , Debt , Va , Peace Of Mind , High Protein , Age , Muscle Health , Boost , 20 , 16 , Nutrients , Immune Support , Skin , Makeup , Need , Wipes , Remover , Cleansers , Neutrogena , Buick , Spin Class , Wi Fi Password , Massaging Seat , Apple , Spot , Parking , Envision , Vaccinations , Reporters , All Of You , Hospitalizations , Supply Chain Grazers , 38 , Six , States , Case Rates , Hospital Rates , 39 , 66 Million , Progress , Corner , 100 Million , Vaccine Requirements , First , Vaccination Requirements , Companies , Labor Department , Employees , Emergency Rule , Working , Workforce , Businesses , Vaccination Rates , Requirements , Data , Organizations , Average , Vaccination , Issue , 90 , Information , Southwest Airlines , Miss , Doctors , Fighting , Flight Disruptions , Ceo , Misinformation , Leaders , School Board Members , Pilots Union , Vaccines , Dial , Efforts , Second , Boosters , Decision , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Vaccinated , Reviewing Data , Food And Drug Administration , Science , Booster , Seniors , Protection , Shot , Holidays , Eligibles , Others , Students , Educators , Person Learning , School Districts , Resources , 96 , Staff , Testing , Masking , Health Measures , Experts , 11 , Ages , Families , Plan , Locations , Work , Everything , Direction , Team , Hasn T , Times , Recovery , Troops , God , Booster Shots , Press Corps , Update ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Outnumbered 20240709

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columnist for the hill. kirk making the bomb shell claim in her new member, saying that she made the edits because she wanted to protect the liberal justice from public back lash. explaining that ginsberg was, quote, elderly and probably didn't understand the question about the take a knee protest in the sports world. here is some of that interview that aired initially. >> when it comes to these football players, you may find their actions offensive but what you're saying is it's within their right to exercise those actions. >> if they want to be stupid, there's no law that should be prevent it. if they want to be arrogant, there's no law that prevents them from that. >> get this, couric now admits she left out the part where ginsberg said that those who kneel during the national anthem show, quote, contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from. as they became older they realized that this was youthful folly and that's why education is important. i think it's a terrible thing to do, but i wouldn't lock up a person for doing it. i would point out how ridiculous it seems to me to do such an act. >> wow. harris, you are one of the greatest journalists i know, and where thought that journalists share the facts as they are, not as they wants them to be. doesn't appear that way for katie couric. >> what's really unfortunate about this is that ruth bader ginsburg didn't live long enough to see that her legacy might have been a little different had the truth come out when it did. she clearly had some different ideas about what was going on with the colin kaepernicks of the world at the time and we didn't know that contemporaneously and she did end up taking heat for being out of touch - - it didn't seem like it made much sense. edited it down. katie couric, this is nots her rowe rodeo with this. we know she tampered with editing things before. you don't take things out of, you know, the realm of the context. so maybe her past set of glitches or whatever, gaps were based on what she thought it needed to say. the news, the facts don't need interpretation unless they are words that we don't often use. like when we hear supreme court language and somebody breaks that down and says this is what that means. you don't have have to omit stuff you can actually use more language to make it make sense. after ginsberg's interview, if she wanted to on set or wherever she presented that i think it was online, yahoo, whatever, she could simply have said you know we got into a di deeper discussion about this and these are some other things she told me. but she didn't do that. >> no. >> she made it play like she was in control of what the message should be. i mean, i've always liked katie couric's shows, i think she's a bubbly personality and fun fashion, but i'm not looking for her to interpret the english language for me. >> and to protect people who she admires when she said she was protecting ruth bader ginsburg. you know this emily more than anyone. rbg had an independent streak to her, she criticized roe v. wade despite being pro choice, and here was her streak again. does she really need protecting from katie couric? >> i think this is absolute y nayser narcissistic of katie couric. in her book she writes about how it's male-dominated industry how she supported and defended quote women whenever she could when she wasn't tearing them down as she said in other chapters. here he she is infantilizing a sitting supreme court justice thinking it takes katie couric to edit ruth bader ginsburg? absolutely not. and it was she who made the determination or the approval of the determination based on a colleague's recommendation that she was elderly and didn't understand the question? i find this a range of things from totally offensive to absolutely mind-blowing and the fact that now the late ruth bader ginsburg is not alive anymore to defend herself to correct the record and it remains with her edits? i guess thank goodness she came clean now, but i think it's too little too late and i thing it's revolting. >> it certainly is. joe, there's a little bit of a back story to this that's interesting. she does the interview and the head of public affairs for the supreme court comes to character and says rbg misspoke, please take it out, and katie couric kind of went through a conscious crisis should i take it out, should i not? the head of abc fews said keep it in, good for him for saying that. she goes over to the new york times david brook for advice. david brook says she probably just didn't understand the question. so really interesting back story there. she chose to listen to david brook. >> and if you watch the video -ts david brooks watched the video you would see that rbg absolutely understood the question. that was a coherent precise candid answer. there was no confusion about it. this is the least surprising thing i've seen since watching the sunrise in the east this morning and it was beautiful by the way. as you guys mentioned the same katie couric who that guns right documentary 5 years agee make gun owners look stupid and she was eviscerated for it in some circums outside of conservative media. couric received no reprimand for pushing narrative she knew to be false at the time. there was eve an deaf i defamation suit filed against her and she some how beat it because the judge said nothing harmal if was done to those gun owners besides making them look stupid in a highly watched documentary. when there's no accountability, guess what happens? the characters of the world will do it again. just like she did here with ruth bader ginsburg, protect the supreme court justice from her own opinion? i'm pretty sure that's not the job of a journalist. now, when you look at big picture, we're into dan rather territory at this point in terms of katie couric's legacy. like rather, katie was a very big deal in the previous century. she once signed to the largest financial deal in television news, 2001, america's sweetheart, people trusted and liked her. but we're always remembered ultimately for what we do last and given first the gun documentary and now this admission around intentionally leaving what would have been a huge news item on the cutting room floor particularly rbg, basically calling colin kaepernick stupid - - well, that's gonna make katie couric's legacy i think a tainted one ultimately. >> that's right. you're right to bring up her past perceptive editing. she made it seem leak the gun rights analysts didn't have an answer to the question, which they did. she apologized for that eight seconds. >> it does not make a difference to me. would scalia have gotten the same treat, aleto, would donald trump have gotten the same treatment? >> well, i think this does exemplify the enduring unshakeable arrogance of the big media gas bag and that is katie couric. by the way you were talking apot the cbs deal, right, joe in. the pay package? cbs would have put that money to better use if it had set it on fire. so katie couric is this - - she doesn't - - this is the big media gas bag way of behavior. you don't have a opinion, you are just simply right. and just. and correct. >> wow. >> always. so if this icon of women, if this supreme court joust us doesn't share katie's viewpoint, then oh, my word, something must be wrong with ruth bader ginsburg. right? and i don't - - it would be - - if katie couric was a real journalist, if she thought that ruth bader ginsburg at the time still sitting on the court didn't understand or didn't really hear what she, uh, was saying, then it was her duty. katie couric's, to let the public know that very thing, given the fact that if she wasn't cogent, she wasn't cogent enough to deal with more complicated and nuanced issues in front of the court that would affect the whole country. katie couric's not a journalist. ruth bader ginsburg clearly was sound and understanding and she was hearing and what she was saying, and in terms of this autobiography, it comes across as a biography that's written by somebody who hates katie couric, quite frankly. >> so true. >> my only ex planation for that is here's somebody who star has long faded, who's gasping for relevancy. >> nailed it. >> i do think it's interesting, something you said triggered this in me, that she goes our s-d the circle to find out what she should do, there are two power women in that room. shoo prom previous decades a power person in our industry of media, and ruth bader ginsburg on the supreme court. she goes to ask a man at the new york times what she should do with her interview with ginsberg. >> yes. >> it's mind boggling. so if she's the keeper, if katie couric's the keeper of women's issues, please rest that mantel from her hands. >> it's a great point. flansy pelosi said she's complaining the media is not helping her sell her leftest agenda but maybe she just needs to hire katie couric. tone deaf top official in the biden white house appears to think the current economic anxiety is a quote, high class problem, as americans are hit with the sticker shock at the grocery store, the pump, and just about everywhere they go [music] thousands of veteran homeowners have discovered the power of using their va home loan benefit to get money for their family. we called and we got $58,800. newday lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. i called and got $54,200. near record low rates means lower payments. turn your equity into cash with the newday 100 va cash out loan. overwhelmed by the ups and downs of frequent mood swings of bipolar i? ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs. vraylar effectively treats depression, acute manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms with just one pill, once a day. elderly patients with 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stormy day. classical music plays. um uh, brass band, new orleans. ♪ ♪ she drives hands free... along the coast. make it palm springs. ♪ cadillac is going electric. if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. experience the all-electric cadillac lyriq. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... if you want to be bold, you have to go off-script. trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> the white house is taking some heat for being called or as it's being called out of touch and clueless after a senior white house official promoted a tweet calling inflation and the supply chain chaos quote unquote high class problems. consumer prices have hit levels not seen in more than a decade. footed prices soaring, bacon, meet, vegetable prices up, the cost of heat expected to jump by 54 percent for some households this winter, like most of them.en. and the toy association is warning some children's gifts will cost up to 10 percent more this christmas. children won't get what they want due to the back log. and in response to the economic issues hurting americans across the country, the white house chief of staff, ron, retweeted, a post from a has beenrd professor, who claimed that current economic crisis are just high class problems. again, twice. so, um, joe, who is he talking about high class problems? i mean mean, i mentioned last hour, everybody needs diapers and feminine products and those thing we don't say out loud. do you have to be rich to need a a kleenex. >> or to buy baby food. wouldn't it be interesting to hear from the press secretary if she and the president agree with the perspective from the white house chief of staff that only the rich will suffer because of the crisis this administration created, do rich people only buy gas to get to work or drive their kids to school? or do - - if their - - >> if they're really rich they're taking delivery cars. >> i guess. they're probably using range remembers, they're not using the ford festiva i currently have in my driveway, that's for sure. meat, do rich people rent properties instead of buying them because you shared the numbers before, gas is up 42 percent year over year, a 7-year high. this hits the poor and middle class the hardest, and for those who don't know who the president's right-hand man is, because a lot of people out there i've heard that name, i'm sure i do. he's the chief of staff. he regularly retweets out the perspective of msnbc conspiracy theorist joy reed who makes alex jones look sane. maybe he should sit down with an interwith harris faulkner. i'm sure you would love to do that interview. >> i have interviewed him in the past in a past administration. i've always come in to be a very political person and so on and so forth. but you're right, it would be a chippier interview now. >> true. >> dagan. >> to joe's point, inflation is exactly the opposite of what that jason firmen retweet said. it is a regressive tax which hits lower income americans the very hardest. people are made poor because of run away inflation and biden and company's policies. in fact, inflation adjusted wages, hourly wages this year, have fallen 2 percent since joe biden took office. so adjusting for inflation, people are making less money. i think this retweet from ron is kind of a manifestation of how bad the situation is in the white house of how they're struggling, trying to figure out what to to do, and heads will eventually start rolling. ron chain is arguably the closest a person to joe biden and he's been in the room when all these horrible decisions were made. watch him to maybe hut the sidewalk so to speak. also, the supply chain problem will get worked out probably after christmas, but the inflation problem is largely driven by this federal reserve just pumping money into the system, buying 120 billion-dollars of securities every month still. the head of the feds is up for reappointment in february. i am speculating but you watch, i bet you he does not get another term because this white house needs a scapegoat. whoever takes his place will be worse for inflation. >> if they wait until then to start to deal with these problems it may be too late. i want everybody to take a look at what was breaking last hour in william - - he's a few miles off shore of long beach california. the tankers are really stacked out there and the containers a ridiculous number with a whole lot of goods that could take as many as three weeks to get to shore and unloaded because of the worker shortage. we had a democrat contribute who argued they can hire people, i don't care that the shipping companies are lying when they say that they can't. and then you'll need the truckers to bring them to where we need them to be. that's a lot of good. and again, kayleigh, these are things we use every day. i don't know where this high class thing is coming from. what - - how out of touch can you be not to know that if you are a parent and you're changing dirty diapers today and you get down to five and you know to the store and the shelves are empty, that's a crisis. >> yes. >> and i don't care how you voted, at that point you're pointing in one direction. >> that's right. klain, i have something you want to post, patrice says when inflation hits the dollar store you have a big problem. she described her trip to a dollar store in maryland and there was an older lady there and she said she literally watched them ring up every item to check and make sure that it was a dollar because this woman was counting her dollars and now the dollar store is going to go up to 1.25, 1.50, there were some reporting maybe products could hit five dollars. this is not a high class problem, this affects every single american. but welcome to joe biden's america. >> from the biden administration , buttigieg a lot of people will get jobs the seasonal workers the holiday season affects the entire economy. he thinks the a fact we can't get our gifts is really funny. watch. >> i think there's always been two kinds of christmas shoppers, there's the ones who have all their lists completed by halloween, and thens. people like me who show up at the mall on christmas eve. if you're in that latter bucket, obviously there's going to be more challenges. >> emily. >> look, secretary buttigieg has an endearing personality, sure, but i think it's one or more example -f these elected decision-maker who have no idea what ordinary americans are facing or care about. what is high class about heating your home? what is high class about cereal and campbells soup? feeding your family gas. the trucking industry, freight. we have a screen we'll put up that shows for you exactly the change of consumer prices in this chart and it is frightening. what is high class about the cost of shelter? dagen i'm sure knows this more than me the tenant rent jumped a percent and a half in september. that's the sharpest rise as we head into the winter season and the price for heat is sky rocketing. owners equivalent rent which estimates what home owners would pay each month to rent their own home, that has risen almost a half a percent as well, the most since 2006. we pay the salaries of these amateur decision-makers and just as our dollars are now worth less, these guys are worthless. >> he's in charge of transportation and i have said this before, you've gotta understand the industry enough to know if there are that many ships offshore, prices are going to go up when they get get to port. you gotta pay somebody to take them off. maybe that doesn't touch pete buttigieg. remember he had problems in his hemostat of indiana reaching out to communities who were impoverished, kind of peteing them right where they sat, we call being in touch. we can't afford for him not to be in touch now. >> he rode rode a bicycle to the white house. who does understand that. >> take a photo. >> he wanted to show everybody how green he was so he took the bike out. we can't even make it up. up next, vice president kamala harris is once again facing back lash over something she said. we'll take a look at that. and some of her most controversial moments and her impact on the biden agenda in the upcoming mid-term. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes... but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know with freestyle libre 14 day, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best 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foundation tweeting one of the most anti-american administrations in the world currently resides in the white house. kamala harris is writing the talking points for beijing, moscow, and every enemy of the free world. these comments are just the latest in a long line of missteps and gaps harris has made since taking office. here's a look at some of the vice president's most notable blunders. >> do you plan to visit the border? >> um, not today. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. i mean mean, i don't understand the point that you're making. i'm not dysodontaing the importance the border. >> you're going to have to, um, xerox or photo copy your idea to send it in to prove a who you are. there are a whole lot of people who live in rural communities there's no kinko's or office max near them. >> back in israel which hurts my heart because as ethnic genocide - - >> your perspective, your experience, your truth cannot be suppressed and it must be heard. >> we have a vice presidency that has been hallmarked by being utterly tone deaf, completely out of touch, totally incompetent, but there are many who aren't surprised by that. >> she ran a presidential campaign for the democrat nomination that was a disaster and ended before the first voting contest and magically she winds up the vice president of the united states one heartbeat away from the top job in the nation with a president who's clearly shaky and in decline. that makes us all so feel so good and reassured by her performance. i'm sure what those professional actor children she feelses more comfortable with them an had aen being in front of the press working off of an easy to read script but in terms of border, i think it shows you that the biden administration is bothered by the supply chain problem. that they at least step up and immediately start to try and solve that disaster but why not the border? because they want it that way. they're not doing anything to fix the problem, the influx of illegal immigrants aacross across our border whether it's drugs and human trafficking because that's how they want it. >> among the criticism the vice president has received the question was posed why govern a country you so clearly hate? >> wow. then that's a pretty good question; right? i mean, i don't know if she hates the country necessarily, but i put this more in the president and joe biden than i do kamala harris. in terms of him choosing her to be his running mate then also saying the first big job i'm gonna give you is to fix the crisis at the southern border. all he had to do, or his handlers, was look back if they truly wanted to solve the problem, is look back at her comments when she was a candidate, when she was a senator. she said illegal migration should be legalized she compare compared ice to the kkk and that's the person you're going to put in charge to fix the problem when she had no interest dining that whatsoever. then she tells migrants do not come, and they keep coming. we're on a pace now for 2.4 million people entering this country illegally this year. that is more than a the population of our fourth most populated city in houston. so look, i mean, yes, kamala harris is a train wreck, she's polling at 35 percent favorable in usa today she's not the plan b the democrats thought she would be. but that's on him for choosing her, not so much her being in a position where she is clearly over her head. >> kayleigh: some in the media have begun to change their tune. >> there is this chasm between the press and the people. you just heard from joe how unpopular she is among the american people but she was highly popular among the press. cnn wrote this glowing story of her and pelosi sitting behind the presidential address and said she's become one of biden's closest advisers, she was the last person in the room on the afghanistan decision now you have a cnn reporter saying she's supposed to be in charge of the border where is she? los angeles times had a whole beat dedicated to harris. and now:ment times calls her - - now l.a. times calls her ineffective. >> the last person in the room on the afghanistan stan decision and the first person to leave the room on the crisis at the border. you've got thinking polling numbers for both of these people. kamala harris and joe biden. him for his policies mainly and what he's doing. and her for not doing anything. i can't, i can't even get my mind around how different it would be if she leaned in. would love to find out. just attack any of the 7 or eight jobs the president has given you. it's got to be better than siccing while you're doing nothing. >> something would be better than nothing, and something good would be better than these continual tone deafness out of touch hideous comments. just ahead, the rolling stones retiring one of their greatest hits taking brown sugar off their set list for their u.s. tour. why critics say they is are surrendering to the woke mob and the band's response, next. 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[music] >> jumpin jack flash, the rolling stone's most played song live according to the set list dot fm. second on that list in 1971, the hit brown sugar. widely considered to have one of the greatest guitar riffs in history. you won't hear it at their shows any time soon. the band has cut the song from their set list after pushback over references to slavery, sex, and drugs, and when asked if why they're not playing the song anymore was because of heightened cultural sensitivity, guitarist keith richards said this, quote, i'm trying to figure out what the sisters where the beef is didn't they understand this was a song about the horrors of slavery? but they're trying to bury it. that's keith richards saying this. joe, i'll come to you. >> yeah, if we don't learn from the past we're condemned to repeat it even if it's in a song like brown sugar keith richards, the guy who wrote the song, he would know what the meaning is. i thinkless. a lot of songs out there that we dance along to that we sing to and we have zero idea what the actual meaning is. to your point, brown sugar, according to richards, is about the horrors of slavery, heroin and rape. he apparently wrote this song in under an hour. mick jagger said in an interview 26 years ago i would never write that song now. 26 years later it gets retired because that's the culture we live in. i'm just curious, then, when are all these critics out there going to start calling for every rap song that was ever misogynistic towards women, when are those going to be retired now as as well? if this is the game and these are the rules when do those editorials start happening? >> i want to give everybody just a taste of the lyrics because we're not going to play the song here. gold coast slave ship bound for the cotton fields sold in the market down in new orleans. scarred old flavor knows he's doing all right. as he begins to whip the woman just around midnight. brown sugar, how come you taste so good, so on and so forth. dagean, your thoughts? >> reading the lyrics and hearing them from you they're clearly distasteful but you have to take keith richards at his word that it's about the horrors of slavery. i think these guys are just too old and tired to deal with getting asked about it repeatedly. it's lake they just took the easy way out and stopped playing it, but to joe's point when are we gonna ban paul mccartney from performing i saw her standing there, with the opening lyrics she was just 17 and you know what i mean. so, i think the are plenty of people who might find that distasteful. and maybe every song written prior to 2020 - - >> that's really interesting. emily, you really chimed up there with just 17, you know what i mean. we have so many songs with the n-word in it, yet we have people who are willing to go to battle over that word depending on who says it. you can talk about that in black culture and society and whether or not that's acceptable and it's offensive if you gotta lean ut and turn it off because your kids are in the the car y think we're agreed upon it's not a good thing. >> and in the spectrum there's always going to be someone that's offended. so to me i see this as we're sensorring art and some how it's socially acceptable now to pick and choose what passes that mob test and what doesn't. if example we have the film that had the first african american recipient of an oscar in 1939, hattie mcdaniels, that film gone with the wind is cancels. dr. seuss' catalog is diluted. so there's hattie mcdaniels and there is the former first lady reading dr. seuss to children, which now part of his catalog being diluted some of those titles are now unacceptable. great gots standby, catcher in the rye, the list goes on this is literature. i think we should be reading books not burning them and i think we should be listening to songs not picking and choosing whether you play them or not is different than whether all of society can play them or not. >> i went out and bought those books when that whole thing was going on because i wanted to read them aloud to my kids so they know the stories. i want them to understand where we've been and you can only measure the presence and success by knowing what the past was. >> you went out and bought them. piers morgan wrote a piece that was really fascinating he said when they tried to ban baby it's cold outside, shot to the top of the charts. when gillette abandoned its male advertising, all of their sales plummeted. you cancel and you're just going to field the sales. >> he's right about that in most instances. just ahead, justice sonya sotomayer reare vealing a reason for some recent format changes at the u.s. supreme court. justices are now asking questions in order of seniority after a study showed female justices were being interrupted more often than their male colleagues. [music] anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. 50 years or older? they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ and there you have it- woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. -big deal! ...we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, i get that too and mine has 5g included. that's cool, but ours save us serious clam-aroonies. relax people, my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one upping itself. >> we are awaiting several live events coming up including a port of los angeles media briefing as the supply chain crisis continues. plus, a press conference by ian pryor a fight for our schools in loudoun county, virginia, as parents fight for their kids' education in the classroom. >> very shortly we await president biden's remarks on the pandemic and the nation's response to covid-19, we are watching all that for you come join john and me as america reports top of the hour. >> supreme court justice so sotomayor re - - . by allowing the joust uses to ask questions in order of their seniorities. she explains that the new system was put in place after studies showed that female justices on the floor were interrupted more by male justices and advocates. justice sotomayor adds this dynamic exists off the bench as well saying quote, most of the time women say things and they are not heard in the same way as men who might say the i identical thing. d, gen, do you agree? >> are women interrupted more by men or do women allow the interruption more? you know, you're in a box, you're in a vice grip if you're a woman. i don't let people interrupt me. i've more than once on tv to a man shouting over me said you see this? this is my mouth moving. that means i'm talking. that means you shut up. i've said that more than once. but then as a woman you get accused of, oh, she's angry, oh, she's vicious, oh, she's a nasty one. so... >> or worse. >> so - - yeah. so i choose to talk louder and shout and shut people down. so, the nicest i can do is pleat y finish and my finger goes up. >> i love it. >> you're a strong woman. harris, i also appreciate when people in the workplace uplift the voices of women. my former boss did that all the time, ser assanders was uninterrupt, i i was uninterrupted, kelly ann conway, i appreciate when men help women get their voices out there. >> it's true being around you and sarah and kelly anne, i from going to the white house no one's interrupt up thing any of you. and there were a lot of women in that consolation around the president at the time. when i'm interrupted these days, i actually just remind people that if their argument is really good it's worth waiting for ungetterred because if you begin talking when i am talking, i'm going to finish. >> yes. >> so no one will hear either one of us. >> yes. >> so if your argument's really good, waits until i'm done it's draw. i remember you and i siting here on the couch and i said oh, my gosh i just got an alert, justice thomas just asked questions in oral arguments he never had done so before. i wonder if it's this new system, the last one was chaotic and now he feels i'm going to get my voice out there because i won't we interrupted. >> it can happen to everywhere. i think dagen raises a good point. i think an apology comes more often from women. >> that's typically in society that we are really quick to say, oh, sorry or excuse me and be differential in that way. i appreciate the reminder that we need to own our space. every human should own their space and interrupting is always about the interrupter. the speaker, it's about their moment. if your interjecting to say i'm sorry i didn't catch that or a correction if needed. otherwise it's about the interrupter and makes them look bad. >> speak org -f the interrupter, one of these studies, joe, 46 out of 48 interruptions happen by men. what are you doing, joe? >> awe. >> wow, it's getting early around here. getting a hard break. i had so much to say say but there's finite time in campbell news so i guess you gotta go to your tease now, kelly. >> i'm not interrupting you, please. >> darn it. uh, look, i think in general, all right, i'm being serious here. we as hume beanings have a big problem with listening. whenever i'm at a part y people think they know what i'm going to say and they interrupt to finish my sentence when the punch line is coming. i think in general men and women listen more and sit back instead of jumping in with their own thoughts when somebody's halfway through their sentence. >> our producers just interrupted us just on time. more outnumbered in just a moment. because home values have climbed to all time highs. and so has your equity. turn it into cash now, while mortgage rates are near all time lows. the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. you could take out more than $50,000. use it to improve your home. pay off high rate debt. pay for big expenses. or put it in the bank for real peace of mind. now's the time to use your va home loan benefit to get cash before mortgage rates begin to rise. call now. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. boost® high protein also has key nutrients this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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(all) me too! the all-new buick envision. built around you. all of you. he gave the president of the united states is talking about the covid response and vaccinations right now and could take questions. we don't know. if he doesn't turn his back on the reporters, undoubtedly they will ask him about the supply-chain grazers that we're in, and inflation. we will cover it all here on fox. >> hospitalizations are down 38 percent over the past six weeks. over the past to weeks, most of the country has improved as well. case rates are declining in 39 states, and hospital rates are declining in 38 states. we are down to 66 million some still in unacceptably high number unvaccinated people from nearly 100 million in july. that's important progress. but it's not to, now is not the time to let up. we have a lot more to do. we're in a critical period as we work to turn the corner on covid 19. first, we have to do more to vaccinate the 66 million unvaccinated people in america. it's essential. the vaccine requirements that we started rolling out in the summer our working. they are working. the labor department is going to issue an emergency rule for companies with 100 or more employees to implement vaccination requirements among their workforce. every day, we see more businesses implementing vaccination requirements and the mounting data shows that they work. businesses and organizations are implementing requirements are seen vaccination rates rise by an average of 20 percent or more to well over 90 percent. the number of employees vaccinated. let's be clear. vaccination requirements should not be another issue that divides us. that's why, we continue to the information that's in there and companies and communities are setting up and stepping up as well to combat these miss information. southwest airlines at the head of the pilots union and its ceo dismissed critics who claim vaccination mandates contributed to flight disruptions. school board members religious leaders, and doctors across the country our fighting misinformation and educating people about the importance of vaccines. all of these efforts will help us continue moving the dial to eliminate this disease. second, we are going to continue protecting the vaccinated. this week, the food and drug administration and the fda as reviewing data on the boosters. we expect a final decision from the fda and the centers for disease control and prevention, the cdc in the next couple of weeks. if they authorize the boosters, which would be strictly made based on the science, that decision will be based on the science, this will mean that all three vaccines will be available for boosters. already, more than one out of three eligibles you never have gotten there third shot, the booster and we will continue to provide that additional protection to seniors and others as we head into the holidays. these boosters are free, available, and convenient to get. the third point i'd like to make. we need to continue to keep our schools and our students safe. 96 percent of school districts are fully opened with children back in the classroom and for in person learning. we have been able to do this because we provided our schools come out the resources they need to protect children and the educators as well as the staff that works in the schools. we have been encouraging schools to implement important health measures like masking, testing, and getting everyone unvaccinated who is eligible to be vaccinated. i know parents out there are anxiously waiting for vaccine for children ages 5-11. the good news is the fda and outside experts from the cdc our set to make this determination is the whether the vaccine will be authorized for that age range in the next weeks. if authorized, we are ready, we have purchased enough vaccines for all children between the ages of 5-and 11 in the united states and it will be convenient for parents to get their children vaccinated at trusted locations and families will be able to sleep easier at night knowing their kids are protected as well. let me close with this. the plan i laid out in september is working. we are headed in the right direction. we have critical work to do. we can't let up now. my team and i are doing everything we can, but i'm calling on more businesses to step up. i'm calling on more parents to get their children vaccinated when they are eligible, and i'm asking everyone, everyone who hasn't gotten vaccinated to please get vaccinated. that's how we put this pandemic behind us. and accelerate our economic recovery. we can do this. i've said many times, god bless you all and may god protect our troops. thank you very much. >> vice president biden walking away without taking any questions from the press corps assembled as he gives an update for the nation on the progress in terms of getting people vaccinated for covid seeing the booster shots are available and they are free.

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Five , One Direction , Problem , Dollar Store , Klain , Trip , Maryland , Patrice , Dollar , Dollars , Item , Reporting , Lady , 1 25 , Five Dollars , 1 50 , Single , Secretary Buttigieg , Kinds , Jobs , Workers , Holiday Season , Economy , Watch , Shoppers , Ones , Lists , Bucket , Thens , Challenges , Halloween , Mall On Christmas Eve , Idea , Example , Decision Maker , Screen , Trucking Industry , Family Gas , Change , Soup , Cereal , Chart , Shelter , Tenant Rent , Half , Winter Season , Rise , Dagen , Home Owners , Price , Sky Rocketing , Well , Rent , Salaries , 2006 , Guys , Charge , Decision Makers , Ships , Before , Transportation , Communities , Port , Hemostat , Doesn T Touch Pete Buttigieg , Indiana , Photo , Peteing , Bicycle , Kamala Harris , Some , Impact , Bike Out , Up Next , Mid Term , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , Activity , Glucose , 14 , Mystery , Glucose Levels , A1c , Medicare , Kayak , Ocean , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Spreadsheets , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Notion , No Other , Kitchen Sink , Project , Entertainment Center , Wayfair , Explorers , Shores , Americas , Voyage , European , 1934 , Disease , Nations , Wave , Land , Violence , Devastation , Remarks , Pushback , Administrations , Director , Heritage Foundation Tweeting One , Nile Gardner , Vice President , Talking Points , Missteps , Line , Enemy , Moscow , Beijing , Border , You Haven T , Haven T , Blunders , Europe , Importance , Xerox , Back , Heart , Genocide , Office Max , Kinko , Israel , Vice Presidency , Experience , Deaf , Aren T , Who , Disaster , Nomination , Contest , Campaign , Heartbeat , Voting , Nation , Performance , Decline , Actor Children , Press , Script , Aen , Influx , Anything , Drugs , Immigrants , Criticism , Human Trafficking , Running Mate , Handlers , Candidate , Migration , Migrants , Ice , Senator , Interest Dining , Kkk , Houston , Pace , Population , City , 2 4 Million , Being , Polling , Train Wreck , Position , Usa Today , Plan B , 35 , Chasm , Tune , Story , Advisers , Address , Afghanistan Decision , Cnn , Los Angeles Times , Reporter , Ment Times , Beat , Thinking Polling Numbers , Both , Afghanistan Stan Decision , Mind , Brown Sugar , Tone Deafness , Siccing , Greatest Hits , The Rolling Stones , Band , Critics , Set List , Mob , Tour , Surrendering , Rate , Save Thousands , Costs , Advantage , Apr , Newday Low Rate Refi , One Dollar , 2 48 , Crohn S , Medication , Flare Up , Ulcerative Colitis , Moderate , Stelara , Inflammation , Cancer , Intestine , Serious , Uc , Flight , Infections , Surface , Tb , Vaccine , Lung Inflammation , Pres , Remission , Reactions , Infection , Sores , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Salonpas , Arthritis Pain , Pain Relief Ingredient , Arthritis Gel , Bank , Backhand , Medicine , Prescription Strength , Tennis Grunts , Goggles , Pair , Wallet , Modesm Feature , Checking Account , Overdraft Fee , 24 , Pnc Bank , List , Song , Guitar Riffs In History , Jumpin Jack Flash , Set List Dot Fm , 1971 , Slavery , Sensitivity , References , Sex , Keith Richards , Horrors , Sisters , Beef , Meaning , Songs , To Richards , Heroin , Zero , Culture , Calling , Rape , Mick Jagger , 26 , Lyrics , Rap Song , Editorials , Game , Rules , Taste , Cotton , Slave Ship , Market Down In New Orleans , Gold Coast , Flavor , Dagean , Lake , Performing , Saw Her Standing There , Paul Mccartney , 17 , The N Word , 2020 , Ut , Car , Spectrum , Offensive , Black Culture And Society , Gone With The Wind , Someone , Mob Test , Art , Seuss , Dr , Catalog , Cancels , First Lady , Recipient , Oscar , Hattie Mcdaniels , African American , 1939 , Reading Books , Great Gots Standby , Literature , Reading , Titles , Catcher In The Rye , Wall , Society , Books , Piece , Piers Morgan , Presence , Stories , Success , Sales , Gillette , Charts , Top , Advertising , Baby It S Cold Outside , Questions , Justices , Order , Seniority , Instances , Study , Reason , Format , Sonya Sotomayer , Reare Vealing , Colleagues , Shingles , Anybody , Camera Man , Uncle , Rash , Baby , Pharmacist , Whaaaat , 50 , Network , It Woah , Wireless , 5g , Cool , Sweet , Bucks , Clam Aroonies , 30 Bucks , Internet , Events , Schools , Classroom , Plus , Supply Chain Crisis , Press Conference , Fight , Ian Pryor A , Media Briefing , Loudoun County , Port Of Los Angeles , Virginia , Pandemic , John , Covid 19 , Supreme Court Justice So Sotomayor Re , 19 , Studies , Seniorities , Floor , Men , Advocates , Dynamic , Bench , More , Interruption , Vice Grip , Box , D , Mouth Moving , Tv , Man Shouting , Finger , Nicest , Finish , Nasty One , Pleat Y , Vicious , Voices , Workplace Uplift , Boss , Ser Assanders , Uninterrupt , No One , Kelly Anne , Kelly Ann Conway , Ii , Sarah , Argument , Worth , Consolation , Ungetterred , Thomas , One Of Us , Oral Arguments , Draw , Couch , Gosh , Alert , The Last One , Voice , Apology , Interrupter , Space , Interrupting , Human , Differential , Speaker , Reminder , Interjecting , Correction , Interruptions , Wow , Awe , Break , Say , 46 , 48 , Listening , Tease , General , Hume Beanings , Sentence , Punch Line , Jumping , Time Highs , Producers , Values , Mortgage Rates , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , 50000 , 0000 , Home Loan , Expenses , Debt , Va , Peace Of Mind , High Protein , Age , Muscle Health , Boost , 20 , 16 , Nutrients , Immune Support , Skin , Makeup , Need , Wipes , Remover , Cleansers , Neutrogena , Buick , Spin Class , Wi Fi Password , Massaging Seat , Apple , Spot , Parking , Envision , Vaccinations , Reporters , All Of You , Hospitalizations , Supply Chain Grazers , 38 , Six , States , Case Rates , Hospital Rates , 39 , 66 Million , Progress , Corner , 100 Million , Vaccine Requirements , First , Vaccination Requirements , Companies , Labor Department , Employees , Emergency Rule , Working , Workforce , Businesses , Vaccination Rates , Requirements , Data , Organizations , Average , Vaccination , Issue , 90 , Information , Southwest Airlines , Miss , Doctors , Fighting , Flight Disruptions , Ceo , Misinformation , Leaders , School Board Members , Pilots Union , Vaccines , Dial , Efforts , Second , Boosters , Decision , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Vaccinated , Reviewing Data , Food And Drug Administration , Science , Booster , Seniors , Protection , Shot , Holidays , Eligibles , Others , Students , Educators , Person Learning , School Districts , Resources , 96 , Staff , Testing , Masking , Health Measures , Experts , 11 , Ages , Families , Plan , Locations , Work , Everything , Direction , Team , Hasn T , Times , Recovery , Troops , God , Booster Shots , Press Corps , Update ,

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