Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240707

>> we begin in ukraine where 60 people are feared dead following a bombing on a school in the eastern luhansk region. local officials are saying 90 people were sheltering in that school when a russian plane bombed the building. there were rescued. we believe 60 were killed. a regional official says they are most likely dead. >> president biden is holding a virtual summit today with other g7 leaders and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. this meeting was deliberately scheduled ahead of russia's annual victory day celebrations which is tomorrow. it marks the nazi surrender in world war ii. president zelenskyy today marking a day of remembrance and celebration. it's marked every day on may 8th to honor the people who lost their lives during world war ii. >> translator: this year we say never again differently. we hear never again differently. it sounds painful, cruel, without an exclamation, but with a question mark, you say never again? tell ukraine about it. >> ukraine says all women, children and the elderly have been evacuated from that steel plant, azovstal, in the south near mariupol. nearly 300 civilians have now been rescued, according to officials. a new round of evacuations is to begin today to rescue the wounded, medics and military personnel still inside. we want to get more on the bombing of that school in the luhansk region of ukraine. it was being used a as shelter. isa soares is joining us from lviv. thank you very much for being with us. what are you learning about the school and the people there? >> good morning to you. this is just horrible, heartbreaking what we're seeing, the images of the school shelter really being turned into rubble with a russian bomb -- russians dropping that bomb on that school. this is what we know from officials. the luhansk governor of which this village is part of, tells us 90 people were sheltering in the basement of this school. that's almost the entire population of that village. they were in the basement sheltering from the russian onslaught when the russian bomb was dropped on that school. he said 60 people are most likely dead and 30 have been rescued from the rubble. of those 30, seven have been injured. this village is about 10 kilometers or so from the front lines, where we've seen the intensity of the battle in the donbas region that push and pull. an official in that area in the luhansk region told us they have seen weeks of artillery fire and air strikes, but ukrainian troops are holding their ground. so heartbreaking scene, these images, and it's just shattering. let me bring you up to date in what we heard the last few minutes. we have been hearing now from regional police in kharkiv. this has just broken in the last two minutes or so. a convoy of civilian vehicles, 15, in fact, were making their way near kharkiv -- from near kharkiv to ukrainian-held territory. they have been fired upon. several people have been killed. kharkiv police saying that the convoy -- they lost contact with the convoy. some people are missing and they've seen heavy fighting as they try to make that escape. police all said -- the chief investigator from kharkiv said to us that combat was ongoing. it was impossible to reach the column, but they found four corpses in the cars. the remains of a 13-year-old girl have also been positively identified. we'll continue to get more details but this just breaking in the last few minutes. >> just heartbreaking, isa, so many developments. thank you very much for staying on top of them. we'll come back to you later in the show. joining us to discuss the latest in russia's war on ukraine is cnn international diplomatic editor, nic robertson, he's in helsinki, and cnn global affairs analyst, david aaron miller. thank you for being with me this morning. nic, putin is expected to announce some kind of victory tomorrow during this may 9th commemoration. he will be speaking on red square. putin's forces do control a large stretch of land in southern and eastern ukraine stretching from crimea to the donbas. do you believe there's a chance that he stops there or do you believe there's signs that he will keep going, try to take odesa and the black sea and try for kyiv? >> odesa would be the more immediate concern for the ukrainians than kyiv. putin would have to have success along the whole of the black sea coast, but likely before he would want to turn and commit forces against kyiv. if he had swift success, that might encourage him to do that. the balance for him at the moment is to consider whether or not he continues calling this a special military operation or he decides to declare a war, which could imply conscription, of which there is a big anti feeling against in russia. a lot of young men wouldn't want to sign up for a war where they think they will lose their lives. as far as odesa is concerned, there's what the military might call shaping operations, naval activity off the coast. an increase over the past ten days or so of missile strikes in odesa. he would have to be able to move his ground forces to coordinate with the naval action as well to make a success there. putin is not having a great deal of success in advancing forces on the ground. will he want to take it? absolutely. can he? that is really not clear at the moment. >> a huge question. tomorrow we do expect to see, you know, the russians parading these armaments across red square. so much of the russian military force has been committed to this fight in ukraine. how closely will you and other analysts be watching what is actually paraded and parsing what is there in order to inform us about where russia's military stands right now? >> i think american intelligence will be monitoring that situation closely. the parades across russia will likely be thinner than usual, in large part because so much of the equipment is redeployed elsewhere in ukraine. the other interesting thing is there's reports that the russias are considering having a military parade in mariupol. no formal announcement has been made. clearly in putin's mind, since he was pushed back out of artillery range by ukrainian forces in kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city, consolidating control over mariupol, changing road signs, holding elections in towns and areas in the donbas which russians have controlled, it would be a victory he can package on a day that was supposed do be the culmination of putin's brilliant invasion of ukraine. so there's going to be a lot of spinning here, it seems to me. >> aaron, we just heard from the cia director, bill burns, he said that president putin is in a frame of mind where he doesn't believe he can afford to lose. if the cia director is saying that, what do you believe we can expect to see in the next phase of the war that started a couple weeks ago? how much more brutal do you think it can get? >> as a former ambassador to moscow, bill burns is able to read putin and clearly they're reading intelligence. there's no question about it. whether or not the russians have achieved what they wanted so far, putin is in this for keeps. it's the end game for him. in his own mind, he cannot lose. it's a mix of grievances and an ideology about return to russian greatness. in answer to your question, the war in eastern ukraine will be more brutal and we'll see more of the russian way of wash, wh war, which is turning the country into a target, civilian infrastructure. the cschool in luhansk, for instance. it will be brutal and a long campaign. that's why i think the president is meeting today with zelenskyy and the g7 in order to preempt and to demonstrate allied unity in the face of what is likely to be a conflict that will go on for months and months. >> as you mentioned, president biden meeting with g7 leaders. they invited president zelenskyy, he will participate virtually, of course. we would expect to hear a strong message out of that virtual meeting. can we expect any action out of it? >> it's going to be continual action. it will be a coming together again. reminding leaders to work together again for the continuity of purpose. for the continuation of financial support, military support for ukraine. it will be a very long war. we can expect president zelenskyy to do what he does when speaking to other leaders that is ask for more support, ask for more military support, ask for stronger sanctions against russia. the european union looking for a sixth round of sanctions that will hit banks, broadcasters, turn off a large spigot of money flowing to russia. by later this year, they hope to stop importing russian oil into the european union. it's a continuity of message. it's maintaining the drive. and, think about it, there's been such a huge energy and push over the past few months, that has to be maintained. there was energy at the beginning. this really has to be reinvigorated, regularly and routinely. this is part of that process. >> we have heard that message from president zelenskyy over and over. thank you for what you're doing but we need more. we have to leave it there. thank you very much for joining me. so tomorrow marks russia's commemoration of the defeat of nazi germany in world war ii. but this year's victory day, as they call it, takes on a different meaning in the midst of russia's war against ukraine. cnn's matthew chance tells us more. >> reporter: nighttime on the cobbles of red square. russia is planning its next steps. this is a rehearsal for the annual victory day parade, every may 9th commemorating the soviet defeat of nazi germany. it's also the dramatic stage for the kremlin to showcase its military power and to celebrate it. i'm looking forward to its grand scale, says this moscowvite. we will show the power and strength of our country, he says. though who really needs a reminder. these are the latest, brutal images from ukraine where russia is continuing what it calls its special military operation. the kremlin says this is also a fight against nazis. even though ukraine has a jewish president, it's being drilled into russians that their country's soldiers are yet again battling fascists. it's a comparison dismissed in the west but which many russians seem prepared to accept. every year i go to these rehearsals, says this man, who gives his name as misha. this year it's more special because of the special military operation happening in ukraine, he says. today i wave the flag to support our army. but i hope it will end soon, he adds. a hint of awareness, perhaps, at the horrific cost. this is what victory day is meant to mark. the soviet union's role in the allied victory in the second world war. russia sustained millions of casualties, paying an enormous sacrifice. but the power of a military parade to bolster national pride has never been lost on the kremlin's leaders. least of all, president putin, whose victory day parades have, for years, heralded russia's resurgence as a military power. there's speculation this year's parade will form the backdrop for a major announcement on ukraine. victory day still marks russia's triumphant past. what the kremlin really wants is to celebrate that elusive victory in the present. matthew chance, cnn, moscow. senate democrats are promising a vote on codifying abortion rights into law after the leak of that supreme court draft opinion overturning roe versus wade. yesterday, abortion rights activists protested outside the homes of chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh. >> now this document that we've seen is only a draft. it was obtained by "politico." it could be weeks before an official court ruling is released. activists are already gearing up, demanding action from lawmakers. dani daniella diaz joins us now. >> we expect the women's protection act to be introduced on wednesday. we are not expecting there to be enough votes to break the 60-vote threshold for the filibuster even if every single democrat senator signs on for the legislation. there are not many republican senators a tht all that would support this, and so that will fail. chuck schumer wants all the senators on the record for where they stand on the issue. other than that the senate is working on trying to pass a ukraine supplemental bill that the biden administration requested a few weeks ago. that's a priority for republicans and democrats. the issue is whether the democrats should combine that legislation with a covid package that they've already written. the republicans don't want that covid-19 legislation included with the ukraine supplemental package. separately in the house, we're also expecting a bill to be put on the floor that would allow capitol staff to unionize. we're expecting that legislation to pass. of course, it does need to pass the senate for that to happen. that would be a major victory for labor activists that wanted that ability for capitol staff to unionize for years. it's going to be a busy week this week on capitol hill and we expect this legislation to be put on the floor both in the senate and the house. >> and you will have a busy week. good luck being in the middle of all of that. daniella diaz, thank you very much. despite a hot job market, people are still leaving their jobs. so is this a problem that is specific to the pandemic or is it a bigger issue with the work force in america? we'll look at that next. when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i el kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with mirac-gro. i got call from some scammer who had the nerve to ask for my medicare number. i was not born yesterday. when someone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal 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are they just finding other jobs? is this a pandemic issue that really ended up highlighting an issue that had been existing all along? >> thank you very much for having me. thanks for talking about this subject. i think normally, we have to remember some things. this number, while it's really high, is only 3% of the work force. and we normally see a quit rate of about 3 million a month. during the great recession when i was at labor, nobody was leaving their job. it dipped under 20 mill million the first time. i think this is a part of a normal process but certain things are pushing the number up. you think about the kids who graduated from college or high school in 2019 and 2020, they had no opportunities. the labor market was pretty stagnant at that point. so they took jobs that were not what they wanted. i think we're seeing a lot of that. instead of people talking about the great resignation, this is a reset. this is people who took jobs during the recession to get by, to make ends meet. now they're looking to restart their career. >> i know we've heard how employers had to reconfigure employmentt for americans. work from home, modifying hours and whatnot. is that sustainable? >> look, i think it's really positive that for the first time, you know, people seem to be considering -- employers seem to be considering workers' needs. more flexibility, certainly higher pay, we're seeing that. but they're looking at how do people like to work? you mentioned remayorkas working but also giving them flexibility in their hours so they can get a better balance between home life and their professional life. i think employers are looking at that. what i think is exciting is that employers are starting to invest in workers. you read a lot of stories, you hear a lot on your station about employers who are using education as a benefit. helping employees earn more by learning more. that's a great positive for us as a nation. in terms of our work force. i don't want to leave this question without saying a lot easier for a large employer to have their resources to do that. i do worry that small employers are having a difficult time keeping up. they have to figure out another way to define flexibility that is not as expensive as their larger employers can afford. >> i yunderstand that the retai and manufacturing sectors have been struggling to find good workers. why those industries in particular having such a problem? >> you are so good. i want to start with manufacturing. people have this crazy myth that manufacturing is dirty, dark and dangerous. advanced manufacturing in the united states today is almost like working in an operating room. they're doing advanced skill level tasks, working in teams, working side by side with robots and automation. it's an exciting place to solve a problem. by the way, manufacturing jobs are such good jobs if you're in a time when you need to make more money, you can work double shifts. you make a great salary with a great benefit package with small, medium and large-sized employers. that's a category itself. let's debunk that myth, these are great jobs. retail always had a lot of churn. they've always been a catalyst for people to get their first job or to build a work history. unfortunately for a lot of retail employers, whether they've selling clothing or the ones we're most familiar with, grocery stores, they end up giving people opportunity and part of it is, yes, they'd like to retain their great work force, but they also recognize that they launch people on to careers in every sector. >> yeah. jane oates, appreciate that you took time to talk to us. really learned something from you. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> yes, we did. teachers taking on big tech. the harm they say facebook is doing to kids and how plan to use their pensions to push for change. that's coming up. just ask your cvs pharmacist. we search for savings for you. from coupopons to lower costs options. plus, earn up to $50 extra bucks rewards each year just for filling at cvs pharmacy. check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ america's second largest teachers union is taking on social media giant meta. according to the american federation of teachers, its members pension funds hold a combined 30 million shares of facebook, that equates to a value of 6$6.3 billion. now they've using that financial leverage. they're calling on meta to launch an independent investigation of the impact of facebook and instagram usage in children. randy weingarten with us now, president of the american federation of teachers. thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> happy mother's day. >> happy mother's day to you as well and to all of the teachers, at some point they probably feel like moms in the classroom. we know that. i wanted to ask you about that number. i mean, it's huge, 3.6 billion. what kind of power do you feel that gives you to really get some information for your students and to make a change here? >> so, look, you know, teachers -- teacher pension systems have been around for a very long time. you know, teachers really rely on those pensions so that for us to write a letter like this, you know, we have to really think through what it means and why it's important and it is important because what facebook and other social media have done and the whistle-blower frances hogan has shown this, is that the way in which they're algorithms work, they make kids feel bad about themselves. they have their own internal information, facebook does, that found that 32% of girls who suffer from poor self-esteem feel wosrse after spending time on instagram. the way in which these algorithms work, if you say something about food, all of a sudden you will see content about food anxieties and about weight issues. we saw this on other things as well. so we basically are saying to facebook, you know, actually have an independent auditor that looks at this. be more transparent. we know that took when it was started was about bringing us together. but it shouldn't be making people feel worse, particularly after a pandemic where lots of people were on their scenes for a lot of time. we need to actually stop the loneliness and we need to increase self-esteem, not decrease it. that's why we did it. there's a lot of things that facebook could do that's salutory, but we have to stop an algorithm from making people feel worse. that's why we're doing it. >> have you received a response from facebook? >> we're doing this for the shareholders meeting. no, we have not received a response from facebook yet. we had frances hogan on a couple of webinars with us, including one this past week with parents and with doctors and with kids. you know, we're making sure that our members understand and frankly that parents understand how problematic these algorithms are. the algorithms are about making money and they choose the content that people see. >> what are you hearing from teachers and how all of this impacts their classrooms and interactions that they have? >> it's not a secret that this has been a really hard year. everyone -- and we understood pre-pandemic that being in school is far better than remote education. i don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that out. >> sure. >> we have been trying since april of 2020 to figure out how to get back in school and get back in school safely. and this year everyone was euphoric about coming back into school and being in person. but you can see so many, you know, emotional issues, social issues, loneliness issues. and some of it is because of people weren't together and some of it is because of how much time kids spend on the screens. it's interesting that the tech companies themselves -- and i've seen them interviewed -- many of the ceos of tech companies don't let their kids on screens very much. teachers are seeing this. they're seeing this in the triggering. they're seeing this in the anxiety. and we want to help kids be kids. >> sure. randi weingarten, it's a great point to make there. thank you very much for taking time to talk with us this morning. >> thank you. >> such an important topic. the united nations is saying more than 5 million people have fled ukraine since the start of the russian invasion. coming up next, we'll take you to one country that has been welcoming in ukrainian refugees. we'll show you some of the challenges that they've been facing. stay with us. i need a lawn...quick. the fast way to bring it up to speed... scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass. everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? the u.s. state department is "dismayed and deeply concerned" over new orders announced by the taliban, which is, of course, ruling in afghanistan. women in afghanistan must now completely cover their faces in public, the taliban says, meaning a traditional burqa, like the one you're seeing there covering their entire bodies, their heads and faces. if a woman does not follow this rule, they say, her male guardian will be visited and advised and could eventually be jailed and sentenced. women who work in government offices who do not follow the new decree, do not cover themselves will be fired. this is the latest taliban restriction on women after earlier crackdowns on driving and barring women and girls from education. first lady jill biden is in eastern europe this weekend. she's getting a first-hand look at the ukrainian refugee crisis there. right now she's in slovakia. this is a part of her four-day tour. she visited a school a bit ago to mark mother's day and meet with students and teachers. she'll meet with the country's first female president at some point today. yesterday, first lady biden visited a school in romania and heard heartbreaking stories from women and children who escaped the war in ukraine. this school in bucharest opened its doors to refugee stoops after russia's invasion began in february. since the war began, more than 27,000 ukrainian refugees have already been accepted to ireland. >> that's right. ireland has pledged to place no cap on the number of refugees that it takes in. irish-born son donie o'sullivan returned to ireland. >> reporter: this 15th century castle on ireland's west coast is about as far from ukraine as you can get in europe. but for a group of ukrainian families fleeing the war, it's now home. >> it's really amazing, the castle. i never dreamed that i could live in castle in future, but now i live with my two boys, with my family. >> reporter: the great hall. >> the great hall. this is where we have our celebrations and big dinners. >> reporter: the owner didn't have to think long about traveling to poland to offer up his castle to refugees. >> we decided that we had to do something. we had no real plan. we were nervous and thinking how do we do this. it's pretty simple, you get your credit card out, book a flight and fly to poland. >> reporter: per capita, the country of 5 million people has taken in more ukrainian refugees than many of its neighbors in western europe. the country says more than 27,000 have arrived so far. the united kingdom has had roughly the same number of refugees arrive despite having a population more than 13 times the size. but not all refugees in ireland received the royal treatment. the government has warned that resources are stretched. >> look, it's not ideal. it's not all the gold standard accommodation that we would like. but this is a crisis situation. most people are in hotels. some people are in more basic accommodation. yes, it is getting more difficult, particularly as it is clear now this war is not going to end any time soon. >> reporter: authorities have set up emergency camp beds in an arena in cork, they will repurpose student hopes and holiday homes. the government needs better long-term plans in place some say. >> that we've been able to accommodate people with such short notice. if you asked me that before the war, i would have said it's impossible. now we need to think of a long-term plan for this. there's also this concern of why aren't we able to do all the thing we have done for ukrainian refugees and apply that to all people seeking asylum in ireland. >> reporter: lucky cambula from south africa shared a room in a government-run facility for years. living in limbo until his papers were processed. he's now campaigning for better accommodations for all asylum seekers. >> shows all along that the government is capable of treating us better. >> reporter: unlike other asylum seekers, ukrainian refugees were immediately granted the right to work and received welfare payments in ireland. thousands of children were enrolled quickly in irish schools. >> they had everything sorted for these guys within two hours. it was quite incredible. makes you proud to be irish. >> donie o'sullivan, cnn, galway. thank you. there are some warm temperatures, high winds and dry conditions fueling fire concerns in the southwest. we'll tell you what we know. stay close. thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ . in cnn's original series stanley tucci, searching for italy, stanley visits the region that made the dream of a unified italy a reality. >> here's a look at -- how puts its own spin on fondue. >> if there's one dish they're famous for it's fondue. on this side of the mountains it's called funduta, and over here, they make it a little differently. >> the difference between, for example, switzerland and france, they have funduta with different cheese. >> what do they use? >> greer. >> italian fontina cheese make it so luscious it doesn't need the white wine they add in france or switzerland. >> such a beautiful part of that country. what an amazing show. catch an you will new episode of stanley tucci searching for italy tonight here on cnn at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. now, today there are new fears that wildfires in the southwest could get even worse. officials are warning that warm temperatures, dry conditions and high winds could fuel those flames. >> cnn's allison chin car with us, buck us through what's going on. >> rain close, but not close enough to the areas that really need it. showers and thunderstorms expected in the upper midwest, but just to the south of that, record temperatures and that's one of the ingredients that's going to fuel a lot of the fire concerns. now, yesterday we had 15 locations that set or tied records temperatures. again, all spread across that area. amarillo, texas actually reaching 101 degrees. not only was that record for the day but it's also the earliest date they've ever hit triple digits. san antonio likely hitting triple digits yet again today. a lot of other areas reaching into the 90s. it's not just the temperature, keep in mind, that feels like temperature is likely going to be in the triple digits because of the humidity that's added into the air in some of those spots, especially the closer you get to the mississippi river basin. now, looking at over the next several days, starting today, all the way through friday, over 200 locations looking at potentially setting some records. that's one of the ingredients we're looking at that's going to fuel the fire concerns. you have low humidities on the western side, areas of arizona, new mexico, and west texas, and also very gusty winds, up around 40, 50, even 60 miles per hour. and that's a concern for a lot of those ongoing wildfires. >> a major concern, and we know you'll be watching that closely. allison chinchar, thank you very much. and allison, stay with us for a second. of course today is mother's day. we want to give a huge shoutout to all of the moms out there. >> absolutely. this includes you, allison, look at you, with your little guy here, happy mother's day to you. you are such a good mom. >> very sweet. >> thank you so much, and happy mother's day to you, too, christy. >> i think this was from our first christmas together, a beautiful, wonderful kind mother of five. i hope she's watching, if she's not, the first thing i'll do when i get off set is give her a call. i love you, happy mother's day. >> i have to say the same thing to my mom. she always gave me a beautiful place to come home to. once you leave for college and go your own ways, there's something about going home. she always made it special. mom, i love you too. thank you so much for all of your wisdom and your care, not just of me, but of your grand kids too, and happy mother's day to all of you out there too. we are grateful to spend this time with you, and we wish all of you some really good memories today. we hope that happens for you. and alex, i hope you get to sleep in soon. >> christy, are your kids doing anything for you? >> softball fields all day. >> happy mother's day to the both of you. to my mom, to all the mothers out there. 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, 27 , Woman , Termites , What S Going On , Perfect , Birchwood , Candy Bar , Pro , Experience , Best , Orkin , Call The Orkin , 120 , Professional , Pests , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Milk , Little , Lactose , Coffees , Moo , Lactaid , Mabel , 100 , U S State Department , Faces , Women In Afghanistan , Burqa , Public , Taliban , Orders , Afghanistan , Government Offices , Guardian , Rule , Heads , Bodies , Restriction , Crackdowns , Decree , Refugee , Crisis , Tour , Eastern Europe , Slovakia , First Lady , Yesterday , Romania , 15th Century Castle On Ireland , Doors , Bucharest , 27000 , Donie O Sullivan , Irish , Cap , Families , Group , West Coast , Boys , Owner , Castle , Family , Celebrations , Dinners , The Castle , Great Hall , Credit Card Out , Capita , Neighbors , Flight , Western Europe , Poland , United Kingdom , Government , Size , Accommodation , Crisis Situation , Hotels , Gold Standard , Holiday Homes , Arena , Student Hopes , Authorities , Emergency Camp Beds , Cork , Plans , Notice , Say , Room , Asylum , Aren T , Facility , Lucky Cambula , South Africa , Asylum Seekers , Accommodations , Papers , Limbo , Living , Better , Schools , Welfare Payments , Thousands , Winds , Temperatures , Guys , Galway , Conditions , Fire Concerns , Southwest , Printer , Amount , Ink , Ecotank , Epson , Epson Ecotank , Cartridge , Few , Bolts , Audio Entertainment , Who , Do Venture , Protection , Dermatologists , Joy , Beach Defense , Brand , Stytelling , Auble , Sun , The Suncare , Nerogena , It Cheers , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Skin , Range , Colors , Diabetes , Guidance , Health , Phone , Meter , Neutrogena , Onetouch Verio , Fasenra , Sound , Asthma Medication , Nature Breathing , Eosinophils , Use , Steroid , Asthma Attacks , Maintenance Dose , Inhaler , Adults , 7 , Rescue Medication , Sore Throat , Caesar , Team , Hail , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Pssst Julius , Stanley , Series , Reality , Dream , Italy , Stanley Tucci , Side , Look , Spin , 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Disorders , Caution , Relationship , Heart , Debt , Credit Card Debt , Fees , Sofi , Matter , Everywhere , Personal Loan , Wasn T Good , Loan , Rate , Rates , Grown Up , K Go To Sofi Com , Baby Got Back , 100k , 00k , Sir , Discover , Unlimited Cashback Match , Learning , Paul , Entertainment , Watchathon Week , Access , Prime Video , Xfinity , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , Wifi , Voice , Holiday , Starz , Holi , And Peacock , Hbo Max , Nay , Girl , Right , Isn T , Couldn T , Gaming , Hundreds , Devices , Bandwidth , Riding A Cheetah Fast , Unison , Slaying , Decision , Shock , Questions , Plus , Body , Outrage , Maga Crowd , Inflation , Script , Radicalism , Joe Biden , Midterm ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240707

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>> we begin in ukraine where 60 people are feared dead following a bombing on a school in the eastern luhansk region. local officials are saying 90 people were sheltering in that school when a russian plane bombed the building. there were rescued. we believe 60 were killed. a regional official says they are most likely dead. >> president biden is holding a virtual summit today with other g7 leaders and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. this meeting was deliberately scheduled ahead of russia's annual victory day celebrations which is tomorrow. it marks the nazi surrender in world war ii. president zelenskyy today marking a day of remembrance and celebration. it's marked every day on may 8th to honor the people who lost their lives during world war ii. >> translator: this year we say never again differently. we hear never again differently. it sounds painful, cruel, without an exclamation, but with a question mark, you say never again? tell ukraine about it. >> ukraine says all women, children and the elderly have been evacuated from that steel plant, azovstal, in the south near mariupol. nearly 300 civilians have now been rescued, according to officials. a new round of evacuations is to begin today to rescue the wounded, medics and military personnel still inside. we want to get more on the bombing of that school in the luhansk region of ukraine. it was being used a as shelter. isa soares is joining us from lviv. thank you very much for being with us. what are you learning about the school and the people there? >> good morning to you. this is just horrible, heartbreaking what we're seeing, the images of the school shelter really being turned into rubble with a russian bomb -- russians dropping that bomb on that school. this is what we know from officials. the luhansk governor of which this village is part of, tells us 90 people were sheltering in the basement of this school. that's almost the entire population of that village. they were in the basement sheltering from the russian onslaught when the russian bomb was dropped on that school. he said 60 people are most likely dead and 30 have been rescued from the rubble. of those 30, seven have been injured. this village is about 10 kilometers or so from the front lines, where we've seen the intensity of the battle in the donbas region that push and pull. an official in that area in the luhansk region told us they have seen weeks of artillery fire and air strikes, but ukrainian troops are holding their ground. so heartbreaking scene, these images, and it's just shattering. let me bring you up to date in what we heard the last few minutes. we have been hearing now from regional police in kharkiv. this has just broken in the last two minutes or so. a convoy of civilian vehicles, 15, in fact, were making their way near kharkiv -- from near kharkiv to ukrainian-held territory. they have been fired upon. several people have been killed. kharkiv police saying that the convoy -- they lost contact with the convoy. some people are missing and they've seen heavy fighting as they try to make that escape. police all said -- the chief investigator from kharkiv said to us that combat was ongoing. it was impossible to reach the column, but they found four corpses in the cars. the remains of a 13-year-old girl have also been positively identified. we'll continue to get more details but this just breaking in the last few minutes. >> just heartbreaking, isa, so many developments. thank you very much for staying on top of them. we'll come back to you later in the show. joining us to discuss the latest in russia's war on ukraine is cnn international diplomatic editor, nic robertson, he's in helsinki, and cnn global affairs analyst, david aaron miller. thank you for being with me this morning. nic, putin is expected to announce some kind of victory tomorrow during this may 9th commemoration. he will be speaking on red square. putin's forces do control a large stretch of land in southern and eastern ukraine stretching from crimea to the donbas. do you believe there's a chance that he stops there or do you believe there's signs that he will keep going, try to take odesa and the black sea and try for kyiv? >> odesa would be the more immediate concern for the ukrainians than kyiv. putin would have to have success along the whole of the black sea coast, but likely before he would want to turn and commit forces against kyiv. if he had swift success, that might encourage him to do that. the balance for him at the moment is to consider whether or not he continues calling this a special military operation or he decides to declare a war, which could imply conscription, of which there is a big anti feeling against in russia. a lot of young men wouldn't want to sign up for a war where they think they will lose their lives. as far as odesa is concerned, there's what the military might call shaping operations, naval activity off the coast. an increase over the past ten days or so of missile strikes in odesa. he would have to be able to move his ground forces to coordinate with the naval action as well to make a success there. putin is not having a great deal of success in advancing forces on the ground. will he want to take it? absolutely. can he? that is really not clear at the moment. >> a huge question. tomorrow we do expect to see, you know, the russians parading these armaments across red square. so much of the russian military force has been committed to this fight in ukraine. how closely will you and other analysts be watching what is actually paraded and parsing what is there in order to inform us about where russia's military stands right now? >> i think american intelligence will be monitoring that situation closely. the parades across russia will likely be thinner than usual, in large part because so much of the equipment is redeployed elsewhere in ukraine. the other interesting thing is there's reports that the russias are considering having a military parade in mariupol. no formal announcement has been made. clearly in putin's mind, since he was pushed back out of artillery range by ukrainian forces in kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city, consolidating control over mariupol, changing road signs, holding elections in towns and areas in the donbas which russians have controlled, it would be a victory he can package on a day that was supposed do be the culmination of putin's brilliant invasion of ukraine. so there's going to be a lot of spinning here, it seems to me. >> aaron, we just heard from the cia director, bill burns, he said that president putin is in a frame of mind where he doesn't believe he can afford to lose. if the cia director is saying that, what do you believe we can expect to see in the next phase of the war that started a couple weeks ago? how much more brutal do you think it can get? >> as a former ambassador to moscow, bill burns is able to read putin and clearly they're reading intelligence. there's no question about it. whether or not the russians have achieved what they wanted so far, putin is in this for keeps. it's the end game for him. in his own mind, he cannot lose. it's a mix of grievances and an ideology about return to russian greatness. in answer to your question, the war in eastern ukraine will be more brutal and we'll see more of the russian way of wash, wh war, which is turning the country into a target, civilian infrastructure. the cschool in luhansk, for instance. it will be brutal and a long campaign. that's why i think the president is meeting today with zelenskyy and the g7 in order to preempt and to demonstrate allied unity in the face of what is likely to be a conflict that will go on for months and months. >> as you mentioned, president biden meeting with g7 leaders. they invited president zelenskyy, he will participate virtually, of course. we would expect to hear a strong message out of that virtual meeting. can we expect any action out of it? >> it's going to be continual action. it will be a coming together again. reminding leaders to work together again for the continuity of purpose. for the continuation of financial support, military support for ukraine. it will be a very long war. we can expect president zelenskyy to do what he does when speaking to other leaders that is ask for more support, ask for more military support, ask for stronger sanctions against russia. the european union looking for a sixth round of sanctions that will hit banks, broadcasters, turn off a large spigot of money flowing to russia. by later this year, they hope to stop importing russian oil into the european union. it's a continuity of message. it's maintaining the drive. and, think about it, there's been such a huge energy and push over the past few months, that has to be maintained. there was energy at the beginning. this really has to be reinvigorated, regularly and routinely. this is part of that process. >> we have heard that message from president zelenskyy over and over. thank you for what you're doing but we need more. we have to leave it there. thank you very much for joining me. so tomorrow marks russia's commemoration of the defeat of nazi germany in world war ii. but this year's victory day, as they call it, takes on a different meaning in the midst of russia's war against ukraine. cnn's matthew chance tells us more. >> reporter: nighttime on the cobbles of red square. russia is planning its next steps. this is a rehearsal for the annual victory day parade, every may 9th commemorating the soviet defeat of nazi germany. it's also the dramatic stage for the kremlin to showcase its military power and to celebrate it. i'm looking forward to its grand scale, says this moscowvite. we will show the power and strength of our country, he says. though who really needs a reminder. these are the latest, brutal images from ukraine where russia is continuing what it calls its special military operation. the kremlin says this is also a fight against nazis. even though ukraine has a jewish president, it's being drilled into russians that their country's soldiers are yet again battling fascists. it's a comparison dismissed in the west but which many russians seem prepared to accept. every year i go to these rehearsals, says this man, who gives his name as misha. this year it's more special because of the special military operation happening in ukraine, he says. today i wave the flag to support our army. but i hope it will end soon, he adds. a hint of awareness, perhaps, at the horrific cost. this is what victory day is meant to mark. the soviet union's role in the allied victory in the second world war. russia sustained millions of casualties, paying an enormous sacrifice. but the power of a military parade to bolster national pride has never been lost on the kremlin's leaders. least of all, president putin, whose victory day parades have, for years, heralded russia's resurgence as a military power. there's speculation this year's parade will form the backdrop for a major announcement on ukraine. victory day still marks russia's triumphant past. what the kremlin really wants is to celebrate that elusive victory in the present. matthew chance, cnn, moscow. senate democrats are promising a vote on codifying abortion rights into law after the leak of that supreme court draft opinion overturning roe versus wade. yesterday, abortion rights activists protested outside the homes of chief justice john roberts and justice brett kavanaugh. >> now this document that we've seen is only a draft. it was obtained by "politico." it could be weeks before an official court ruling is released. activists are already gearing up, demanding action from lawmakers. dani daniella diaz joins us now. >> we expect the women's protection act to be introduced on wednesday. we are not expecting there to be enough votes to break the 60-vote threshold for the filibuster even if every single democrat senator signs on for the legislation. there are not many republican senators a tht all that would support this, and so that will fail. chuck schumer wants all the senators on the record for where they stand on the issue. other than that the senate is working on trying to pass a ukraine supplemental bill that the biden administration requested a few weeks ago. that's a priority for republicans and democrats. the issue is whether the democrats should combine that legislation with a covid package that they've already written. the republicans don't want that covid-19 legislation included with the ukraine supplemental package. separately in the house, we're also expecting a bill to be put on the floor that would allow capitol staff to unionize. we're expecting that legislation to pass. of course, it does need to pass the senate for that to happen. that would be a major victory for labor activists that wanted that ability for capitol staff to unionize for years. it's going to be a busy week this week on capitol hill and we expect this legislation to be put on the floor both in the senate and the house. >> and you will have a busy week. good luck being in the middle of all of that. daniella diaz, thank you very much. despite a hot job market, people are still leaving their jobs. so is this a problem that is specific to the pandemic or is it a bigger issue with the work force in america? we'll look at that next. when i'm on my hands and knees and i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just growing. i el kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with mirac-gro. i got call from some scammer who had the nerve to ask for my medicare number. i was not born yesterday. when someone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number with strangers. - if you get a call, text or email - strike! - asking for your medicare or personal 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are they just finding other jobs? is this a pandemic issue that really ended up highlighting an issue that had been existing all along? >> thank you very much for having me. thanks for talking about this subject. i think normally, we have to remember some things. this number, while it's really high, is only 3% of the work force. and we normally see a quit rate of about 3 million a month. during the great recession when i was at labor, nobody was leaving their job. it dipped under 20 mill million the first time. i think this is a part of a normal process but certain things are pushing the number up. you think about the kids who graduated from college or high school in 2019 and 2020, they had no opportunities. the labor market was pretty stagnant at that point. so they took jobs that were not what they wanted. i think we're seeing a lot of that. instead of people talking about the great resignation, this is a reset. this is people who took jobs during the recession to get by, to make ends meet. now they're looking to restart their career. >> i know we've heard how employers had to reconfigure employmentt for americans. work from home, modifying hours and whatnot. is that sustainable? >> look, i think it's really positive that for the first time, you know, people seem to be considering -- employers seem to be considering workers' needs. more flexibility, certainly higher pay, we're seeing that. but they're looking at how do people like to work? you mentioned remayorkas working but also giving them flexibility in their hours so they can get a better balance between home life and their professional life. i think employers are looking at that. what i think is exciting is that employers are starting to invest in workers. you read a lot of stories, you hear a lot on your station about employers who are using education as a benefit. helping employees earn more by learning more. that's a great positive for us as a nation. in terms of our work force. i don't want to leave this question without saying a lot easier for a large employer to have their resources to do that. i do worry that small employers are having a difficult time keeping up. they have to figure out another way to define flexibility that is not as expensive as their larger employers can afford. >> i yunderstand that the retai and manufacturing sectors have been struggling to find good workers. why those industries in particular having such a problem? >> you are so good. i want to start with manufacturing. people have this crazy myth that manufacturing is dirty, dark and dangerous. advanced manufacturing in the united states today is almost like working in an operating room. they're doing advanced skill level tasks, working in teams, working side by side with robots and automation. it's an exciting place to solve a problem. by the way, manufacturing jobs are such good jobs if you're in a time when you need to make more money, you can work double shifts. you make a great salary with a great benefit package with small, medium and large-sized employers. that's a category itself. let's debunk that myth, these are great jobs. retail always had a lot of churn. they've always been a catalyst for people to get their first job or to build a work history. unfortunately for a lot of retail employers, whether they've selling clothing or the ones we're most familiar with, grocery stores, they end up giving people opportunity and part of it is, yes, they'd like to retain their great work force, but they also recognize that they launch people on to careers in every sector. >> yeah. jane oates, appreciate that you took time to talk to us. really learned something from you. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> yes, we did. teachers taking on big tech. the harm they say facebook is doing to kids and how plan to use their pensions to push for change. that's coming up. just ask your cvs pharmacist. we search for savings for you. from coupopons to lower costs options. plus, earn up to $50 extra bucks rewards each year just for filling at cvs pharmacy. check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ america's second largest teachers union is taking on social media giant meta. according to the american federation of teachers, its members pension funds hold a combined 30 million shares of facebook, that equates to a value of 6$6.3 billion. now they've using that financial leverage. they're calling on meta to launch an independent investigation of the impact of facebook and instagram usage in children. randy weingarten with us now, president of the american federation of teachers. thank you very much for being with us. we appreciate it. >> happy mother's day. >> happy mother's day to you as well and to all of the teachers, at some point they probably feel like moms in the classroom. we know that. i wanted to ask you about that number. i mean, it's huge, 3.6 billion. what kind of power do you feel that gives you to really get some information for your students and to make a change here? >> so, look, you know, teachers -- teacher pension systems have been around for a very long time. you know, teachers really rely on those pensions so that for us to write a letter like this, you know, we have to really think through what it means and why it's important and it is important because what facebook and other social media have done and the whistle-blower frances hogan has shown this, is that the way in which they're algorithms work, they make kids feel bad about themselves. they have their own internal information, facebook does, that found that 32% of girls who suffer from poor self-esteem feel wosrse after spending time on instagram. the way in which these algorithms work, if you say something about food, all of a sudden you will see content about food anxieties and about weight issues. we saw this on other things as well. so we basically are saying to facebook, you know, actually have an independent auditor that looks at this. be more transparent. we know that took when it was started was about bringing us together. but it shouldn't be making people feel worse, particularly after a pandemic where lots of people were on their scenes for a lot of time. we need to actually stop the loneliness and we need to increase self-esteem, not decrease it. that's why we did it. there's a lot of things that facebook could do that's salutory, but we have to stop an algorithm from making people feel worse. that's why we're doing it. >> have you received a response from facebook? >> we're doing this for the shareholders meeting. no, we have not received a response from facebook yet. we had frances hogan on a couple of webinars with us, including one this past week with parents and with doctors and with kids. you know, we're making sure that our members understand and frankly that parents understand how problematic these algorithms are. the algorithms are about making money and they choose the content that people see. >> what are you hearing from teachers and how all of this impacts their classrooms and interactions that they have? >> it's not a secret that this has been a really hard year. everyone -- and we understood pre-pandemic that being in school is far better than remote education. i don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure that out. >> sure. >> we have been trying since april of 2020 to figure out how to get back in school and get back in school safely. and this year everyone was euphoric about coming back into school and being in person. but you can see so many, you know, emotional issues, social issues, loneliness issues. and some of it is because of people weren't together and some of it is because of how much time kids spend on the screens. it's interesting that the tech companies themselves -- and i've seen them interviewed -- many of the ceos of tech companies don't let their kids on screens very much. teachers are seeing this. they're seeing this in the triggering. they're seeing this in the anxiety. and we want to help kids be kids. >> sure. randi weingarten, it's a great point to make there. thank you very much for taking time to talk with us this morning. >> thank you. >> such an important topic. the united nations is saying more than 5 million people have fled ukraine since the start of the russian invasion. coming up next, we'll take you to one country that has been welcoming in ukrainian refugees. we'll show you some of the challenges that they've been facing. stay with us. i need a lawn...quick. the fast way to bring it up to speed... scotts turf builder rapid grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass. everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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(moo) mabel says for you, it's more like 5:15. man: mom, really? the u.s. state department is "dismayed and deeply concerned" over new orders announced by the taliban, which is, of course, ruling in afghanistan. women in afghanistan must now completely cover their faces in public, the taliban says, meaning a traditional burqa, like the one you're seeing there covering their entire bodies, their heads and faces. if a woman does not follow this rule, they say, her male guardian will be visited and advised and could eventually be jailed and sentenced. women who work in government offices who do not follow the new decree, do not cover themselves will be fired. this is the latest taliban restriction on women after earlier crackdowns on driving and barring women and girls from education. first lady jill biden is in eastern europe this weekend. she's getting a first-hand look at the ukrainian refugee crisis there. right now she's in slovakia. this is a part of her four-day tour. she visited a school a bit ago to mark mother's day and meet with students and teachers. she'll meet with the country's first female president at some point today. yesterday, first lady biden visited a school in romania and heard heartbreaking stories from women and children who escaped the war in ukraine. this school in bucharest opened its doors to refugee stoops after russia's invasion began in february. since the war began, more than 27,000 ukrainian refugees have already been accepted to ireland. >> that's right. ireland has pledged to place no cap on the number of refugees that it takes in. irish-born son donie o'sullivan returned to ireland. >> reporter: this 15th century castle on ireland's west coast is about as far from ukraine as you can get in europe. but for a group of ukrainian families fleeing the war, it's now home. >> it's really amazing, the castle. i never dreamed that i could live in castle in future, but now i live with my two boys, with my family. >> reporter: the great hall. >> the great hall. this is where we have our celebrations and big dinners. >> reporter: the owner didn't have to think long about traveling to poland to offer up his castle to refugees. >> we decided that we had to do something. we had no real plan. we were nervous and thinking how do we do this. it's pretty simple, you get your credit card out, book a flight and fly to poland. >> reporter: per capita, the country of 5 million people has taken in more ukrainian refugees than many of its neighbors in western europe. the country says more than 27,000 have arrived so far. the united kingdom has had roughly the same number of refugees arrive despite having a population more than 13 times the size. but not all refugees in ireland received the royal treatment. the government has warned that resources are stretched. >> look, it's not ideal. it's not all the gold standard accommodation that we would like. but this is a crisis situation. most people are in hotels. some people are in more basic accommodation. yes, it is getting more difficult, particularly as it is clear now this war is not going to end any time soon. >> reporter: authorities have set up emergency camp beds in an arena in cork, they will repurpose student hopes and holiday homes. the government needs better long-term plans in place some say. >> that we've been able to accommodate people with such short notice. if you asked me that before the war, i would have said it's impossible. now we need to think of a long-term plan for this. there's also this concern of why aren't we able to do all the thing we have done for ukrainian refugees and apply that to all people seeking asylum in ireland. >> reporter: lucky cambula from south africa shared a room in a government-run facility for years. living in limbo until his papers were processed. he's now campaigning for better accommodations for all asylum seekers. >> shows all along that the government is capable of treating us better. >> reporter: unlike other asylum seekers, ukrainian refugees were immediately granted the right to work and received welfare payments in ireland. thousands of children were enrolled quickly in irish schools. >> they had everything sorted for these guys within two hours. it was quite incredible. makes you proud to be irish. >> donie o'sullivan, cnn, galway. thank you. there are some warm temperatures, high winds and dry conditions fueling fire concerns in the southwest. we'll tell you what we know. stay close. thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! 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(all): all hail, caesar! pssst julius! you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesar. we were just talking about you. yeah, you should probably get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ . in cnn's original series stanley tucci, searching for italy, stanley visits the region that made the dream of a unified italy a reality. >> here's a look at -- how puts its own spin on fondue. >> if there's one dish they're famous for it's fondue. on this side of the mountains it's called funduta, and over here, they make it a little differently. >> the difference between, for example, switzerland and france, they have funduta with different cheese. >> what do they use? >> greer. >> italian fontina cheese make it so luscious it doesn't need the white wine they add in france or switzerland. >> such a beautiful part of that country. what an amazing show. catch an you will new episode of stanley tucci searching for italy tonight here on cnn at 9:00 p.m. eastern time. now, today there are new fears that wildfires in the southwest could get even worse. officials are warning that warm temperatures, dry conditions and high winds could fuel those flames. >> cnn's allison chin car with us, buck us through what's going on. >> rain close, but not close enough to the areas that really need it. showers and thunderstorms expected in the upper midwest, but just to the south of that, record temperatures and that's one of the ingredients that's going to fuel a lot of the fire concerns. now, yesterday we had 15 locations that set or tied records temperatures. again, all spread across that area. amarillo, texas actually reaching 101 degrees. not only was that record for the day but it's also the earliest date they've ever hit triple digits. san antonio likely hitting triple digits yet again today. a lot of other areas reaching into the 90s. it's not just the temperature, keep in mind, that feels like temperature is likely going to be in the triple digits because of the humidity that's added into the air in some of those spots, especially the closer you get to the mississippi river basin. now, looking at over the next several days, starting today, all the way through friday, over 200 locations looking at potentially setting some records. that's one of the ingredients we're looking at that's going to fuel the fire concerns. you have low humidities on the western side, areas of arizona, new mexico, and west texas, and also very gusty winds, up around 40, 50, even 60 miles per hour. and that's a concern for a lot of those ongoing wildfires. >> a major concern, and we know you'll be watching that closely. allison chinchar, thank you very much. and allison, stay with us for a second. of course today is mother's day. we want to give a huge shoutout to all of the moms out there. >> absolutely. this includes you, allison, look at you, with your little guy here, happy mother's day to you. you are such a good mom. >> very sweet. >> thank you so much, and happy mother's day to you, too, christy. >> i think this was from our first christmas together, a beautiful, wonderful kind mother of five. i hope she's watching, if she's not, the first thing i'll do when i get off set is give her a call. i love you, happy mother's day. >> i have to say the same thing to my mom. she always gave me a beautiful place to come home to. once you leave for college and go your own ways, there's something about going home. she always made it special. mom, i love you too. thank you so much for all of your wisdom and your care, not just of me, but of your grand kids too, and happy mother's day to all of you out there too. we are grateful to spend this time with you, and we wish all of you some really good memories today. we hope that happens for you. and alex, i hope you get to sleep in soon. >> christy, are your kids doing anything for you? >> softball fields all day. >> happy mother's day to the both of you. to my mom, to all the mothers out there. 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Topic , 5 Million , Refugees , Challenges , Stay , Facing , Everything , Times , Speed , Seed , Lawn , Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass , Green Grass , Symptoms , Move , Crohn S Disease , Relief , Dose , Lawn Season , Yard , Ulcerative Colitis , Moderate , Stelara , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Treatment , Cancer , Injections , Serious , Skin Growths , Risk , Sores , Vaccine , Tb , Reactions , Remission , Pres , Brain Condition , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Asthma , Add On Treatment , Anything , Steroids , Nunormal , Breathing Problems , Nucala , Breathing , Help , Headache , Trouble , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Injection Site Reactions , Asthma Specialist , Back Pain , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Bed , Temperature Balancing , Sale , 360 , Care , Interest , Miss , Weekend Special , Science , Queen , Price , Ends Monday , January 2025 , 299 , 1299 , 2025 , Nutrition , Mission , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , Woman , Termites , What S Going On , Perfect , Birchwood , Candy Bar , Pro , Experience , Best , Orkin , Call The Orkin , 120 , Professional , Pests , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Milk , Little , Lactose , Coffees , Moo , Lactaid , Mabel , 100 , U S State Department , Faces , Women In Afghanistan , Burqa , Public , Taliban , Orders , Afghanistan , Government Offices , Guardian , Rule , Heads , Bodies , Restriction , Crackdowns , Decree , Refugee , Crisis , Tour , Eastern Europe , Slovakia , First Lady , Yesterday , Romania , 15th Century Castle On Ireland , Doors , Bucharest , 27000 , Donie O Sullivan , Irish , Cap , Families , Group , West Coast , Boys , Owner , Castle , Family , Celebrations , Dinners , The Castle , Great Hall , Credit Card Out , Capita , Neighbors , Flight , Western Europe , Poland , United Kingdom , Government , Size , Accommodation , Crisis Situation , Hotels , Gold Standard , Holiday Homes , Arena , Student Hopes , Authorities , Emergency Camp Beds , Cork , Plans , Notice , Say , Room , Asylum , Aren T , Facility , Lucky Cambula , South Africa , Asylum Seekers , Accommodations , Papers , Limbo , Living , Better , Schools , Welfare Payments , Thousands , Winds , Temperatures , Guys , Galway , Conditions , Fire Concerns , Southwest , Printer , Amount , Ink , Ecotank , Epson , Epson Ecotank , Cartridge , Few , Bolts , Audio Entertainment , Who , Do Venture , Protection , Dermatologists , Joy , Beach Defense , Brand , Stytelling , Auble , Sun , The Suncare , Nerogena , It Cheers , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Skin , Range , Colors , Diabetes , Guidance , Health , Phone , Meter , Neutrogena , Onetouch Verio , Fasenra , Sound , Asthma Medication , Nature Breathing , Eosinophils , Use , Steroid , Asthma Attacks , Maintenance Dose , Inhaler , Adults , 7 , Rescue Medication , Sore Throat , Caesar , Team , Hail , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Pssst Julius , Stanley , Series , Reality , Dream , Italy , Stanley Tucci , Side , Look , Spin , 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