Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

relaxed. people were starting to breathe i think a little better. but this is a sign that la leave practically on nato's doorstep, 43 miles from the poland border, not safe. there were strikes in luhansk. the governor urging people to evacuate, saying there are no safe places left in the region. and kreminna has fallen into russian hands. they entered the town with a huge amount of equipment. some tried to escape in their vehicles and russians opened fire on their car, killing at least four. ukraine's president zelenskyy telling cnn they are not willing to give up territory in the eastern part of the country to end the war. he says the coming battle in the donbas region could influence the war. russia telling ukrainian fighters, lay down your weapons or be eliminated. that ultimatum was rejected. yet another example of ukrainian resistance. russian troops have surrounded the city for some time. today some say mariupol will be closed for exit and entry and the men remaining there will be, quote, filtered out >> clarissa ward is live in dnipro where a russian missile struck overnight. clarissa, tell us what it is like there. >> reporter: well, again, it had been relatively calm here before, brianna. and life is still going about as normal. this town has been hit before. but as you mentioned, two missile strikes hitting on the outskirts of the city. authorities saying it was some kind of infrastructure facility, slightly vague language. two people injured, nobody killed. but everybody is seeing what is happening in the east, what is projected to get much worst in the east with president zelenskyy saying the battle for donbas is about to begin in the near future. and we visited one of the towns that will be very much in the crosshairs. at the cathedral in slovensk. we ask for your mercy, lord. please hear us. they have gathered here for orthodox palm sunday, carrying willows instead of palms, per the orthodox tradition. it is supposed to be a celebration of jesus's return to jerusalem. but there is little joy in this congregation. ukrainian officials say this city will be a decisive battleground in russia's imminent offensive in the donbas region. the streets are getting emptier as the fighting gets closer. those still here are being urged to leave. the air raid siren is an unrelenting wail. you can't hear it because the sirens are so loud, but we have heard a steady stream of ambassador in the distance. but as you can see here, people are just used to it. the children continue the play. the adults try to stay strong. they are a it whatting an evacuation bus to the safety of western ukraine. she is taking her grandchildren to lviv. their mother died three years ago. you hear what's happening here, she says. my husband is still at home. his health isn't good enough to make the journey. her granddaughter offers some support. oh, grandma, she says, i love you. anna is full of anguish that the international community has failed to rein in putin. when they show the children killed, i can't, she says. i cry. why can't they stop this one idiot. if they will send me, i will shoot him. seven weeks into this ugly war, there is no end in sight. pavel is saying good-bye to his wife olga. she doesn't want to let go of him. scenes of separation that have become all too familiar. everything will be okay, the organizer tells her. comforting words but a grim reality. ukrainian military officials in the region right in donbas say the russians have entered a town called kreminna. that is right on the front line. they said they had been trying to evacuate people, that that is now impossible because russian forces have been firing on civilian cars attempting to flee. they describe pretty harrowing sounding reports of street-to-street fighting going on in that town. and the fear is this is really now the beginning, the tipping point if you like for some kind of an all-out offensive on the eastern donbas region. but i do want to say the ukrainian forces have been hitting back hard going with the old proverb that the best defense is actually an offense. they have been launching a number of offenses to cut off russian supply lines as they begin to try to seize parts of this donbas region. brianna, john. >> clarissa, what do you make of the fact that the russians are gaining in kreminna but that comes against the back drop of ukrainians making real gains, more than 1,000 zelenskyy said recently? >> reporter: a lot of people said they hoped or they thought that putin would want to seek some kind of victory for victory day may 9th in russia. but if you look at what's happening on the ground and what we've seen happen over the last seven weeks, it's very clear that russian forces are getting into much more of a fight that they had anticipated and it's going to be much more difficult to pull off what it appears they're attempting to do. essentially they want to try to push down their forces from the north where they're currently engaged in heavy fight anything izium and up from the south from kherson, mariupol area and cut off or encircle ukrainian troops who would be trapped in a pocket there in the donbas region. but it does not look like this is going to be an easy fight. the ukrainians have far from given up. although, as you mentioned earlier, john, the anticipation is now that the city of mariupol will likely fall in the coming days. they are continuing to bombard that city. the azov stahl steel plant are wear they are hunkered down. we spoke to a driver in mariupol a couple weeks before the war began. he told us both of his parents had been killed in that city, and he has no way to go back there and bury them. . >> there are so many people in that situation. it's horrific. clarissa, thank you so much for that report from us from dnipro. joining us now is alex who plays professional basketball in ukraine. and he witnessed the bombings and killings that occurred over the weekend in mykolaiv, a city in southern ukraine. thank you so much for being with us. i'm so sorry for what has been happening and what you are witnessing. we appreciate you being our eyes here. we have seen intense shelling in mykolaiv, bombing over the weekend. what have you seen? >> where this happened is actually a place where people go play and just think about what's going on. and during the day, when there were just a few people sitting down, i don't know where, there was a missile that injured i think close to 10 people and killed two people. there is no army. there is no nothing that brings danger to russian soldiers. >> it's just a place for people to gather to get a little respite from what is happening there. i want to tell our viewers, alex, you took quite a few photos in mykolaiv. i do want to warn them the images we are about to show are incredibly graphic. what can you tell us about what unfolded before these photographs were taken and after? this appears to be people who were just, you know, taking a quiet moment. . >> well, this is -- it happens to us every three, four days. where everything quiets down a little bit. and then out of nowhere, especially around the place where i live, we had a bus that during the day people were just standing there waiting for a bus, and a missile flew in and killed nine people. as soon as i heard that, i twoept that place to-- went to that place to try to help people. if you are close to 10, 15 feet, if you are close to that range, most likely you're going to die. so you can be just walking on the street and a missile flies in for no reason. . >> the city there has been without water for days. i know one of the pipelines was damaged during fighting. are you still without water? >> we have a couple of places we get water. rivers. a lot of people are going to rivers. we fill it up, boil it, and use it to wash our dishes and clothes. another way, people who have the private houses, they still have water because every private house has its own path of water. so what i do, i got a car and around where i stay, i go fill up empty buckets or whatever people can find, especially older people who cannot carry a lot of stuff. i fill them up and take them to people. that's how we survive. >> alex, it is amazing what you have done. you brought your family to safety in poland. you chose to remain in mykolaiv even though you are not a ukrainian citizen. we see what you are doing to try to help people. thank you so much. >> thank you. a close ally of president biden was asked on face the nation about recent marks he made about the u.s. sending u.s. troops into ukraine, a move that the biden administration had made clear is off the table. here's senator coons' response. >> i think president biden leadership has been steady and constructive, but this is a critical moment. if vladimir putin, who has shown us how brutal he can be is allowed to just continue to massacre civilians, to commit war crimes throughout ukraine, without nato, without the west coming more forcefully to his aid, i deeply worry that what is going to happen next is we will see ukraine turn into syria. the american people cannot turn away from this tragedy in ukraine. i think the history of the 21st century returns and that putin will only stop when we stop him. joining us now cnn plus anchor of the source with kasie hunt who spoke to senator coons for clarification on this. >> good morning. . >> what is the clarification? good morning. >> well, i will just say that i think you heard senator coons talk about the moral outrage he feels. and i know, brianna, you were there and did such incredible reporting and helped us all understand the depths to which this is just devastating and from a humanitarian perspective, completely unacceptable. that is what you are hearing from senator coons there. and i think the idea that he was criticizing the president for how he's handled it or saying we need to send u.s. troops to ukraine is taking things a step too far. but i think he was expressing a concern that the u.s. maybe should not be out there in public ruling things out. we have heard this from both democrats and republicans who are saying, look, let's not take things off the table, not preemptively rule out anything. putin is sort of leading out there that he may go as far as using nuclear weapons. this is something to keep an eye on, something to watch. >> the biggest cudgel really isn't an american cudgel, it is a european one to do something with oil and gas embargo and just to say, no, we're not putting money in your coffers, russia. i wonder what the u.s. role is in that or not. >> i think you hit the nail on the head with that. as long as the europeans find it impossible to cut off those imports, we're going to be in some version of this conflict the way that we currently are. you have seen the u.s. try to plug some of the holes, ramp up and offer new ways whether it is to get american natural gas or other ways to do that. i think the response as well -- keep in mind, there is a wide range of tools the united states can use in terms of providing weapons we have not reached yet. there are a variety of other behind the scenes ways intelligence, other ways the u.s. is clearly helping that are not being said out loud. having this in american politics and what our politicians say in public doesn't give a full picture of what's going on. . >> that is a fair and important point. what you're talking about, what coops is talking about is america as a moral leader of marbling the forces are democracy. and the fact is that we have our own problems with our democracy. congressman fred upton raised that 24 weekend on "meet the press". i want to play a clip he made about death threats and how they might have contributed to his decision to leave congress. let's listen. >> you got death threats. >> i did. >> it made it easier to say, i'm out. . >> well, death threats, they were never like -- we had this last year. but it was pretty crazy. remember, that was a republican bill. literally a year ago this week governor hogan brought a bunch of us to his place. republicans, democrats, senators, governors, house members, both sides of the aisle, we defined what infrastructure ought to be and decided how to pay for it. it passed 69-30 in the senate. it was the issue all last summer. lindsey graham, trump's best friend, voted for it. >> it's going to be detriment getting good people to run. i have a school board member that lives on my street. he had death throats, too, just over the mask mandate. >> a story in georgia they can't find anybody to be the elections person in fulton county. >> i believe it. i believe it. it puts you at risk particularly when they threaten not only you, but when they threaten your spouse, your kids or whatever, that's what really makes it frightening. >> death threats for infrastructure. death threats crowding out people from running. threats to people's families. is this common in your coverage of congress? . >> yes. it's exploded in the last two to four years, especially in the wake of january 6th. and it happened for republicans. frankly, republicans took criticism for citing death threats as a reason why they were afraid to vote to impeach donald trump. it really says a lot about the people of the united states of america. many of whom are being spun up by these politicians, right. one of the things adam kinzinger says repeatedly, there is a vacuum of leadership. people aren't saying, hey, guys, this is not how we conduct ourselves. this is not what we should do. instead, we are left with people who kind of allow this to become commonplace or somewhat acceptable. when you talk to members privately, they're often reluctant to talk about it on camera. i'm glad fred upton shined light on it because they are all worried about their own families. they said it just exploded. they get them on their personal cell phones. the capitol police have had to add staff and people to deal with it because they have to take the threats seriously, even if people are just deciding the person on the other end of the phone isn't a person. you can't make that assumption. and i think to underscore what congressman upton said, it is very important for our democracy that there are people of strength, integrity, character and skill that serve in our congress. and there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to say, yeah i yeah, i am willing to step up. fulton georgia, a critical place in georgia, after what happened. these are significant problems for our democracy. you see it in the people that are then grab the headlines on capitol hill. some of these people you never would have seen them there years ago. it's starting to creep into the senate as well. we are starting to see in the senate races. it's a real problem. and congressman upton has been one of the few people willing to cross the aisle and work with others. as he said there, he's leaving, getting out. >> it is an alarming trend. . >> it cuts to the heart of our democracy. we are a self-governing republic. with he need good people to step up. and death threats crowd them out. thank you. >> thank you. >> weekdays at 4:00 p.m. on cnn plus. we're going to continue to follow breaking news out of eastern ukraine where a ukrainian official says control of the town of kreminna has been lost to russian forces. to the west in lviv, as many as seven people killed and a dozen others injured including a child during overnight missile strikes. we are live there from the ground. wet dishes? spots? cloudy glasses? when detergent alone isn't enenough... ...add finish jet dry 3 in 1. to dryry, prevent spots, and protect glasses against clcloudiness. the dishes aren't done without finish jet dry 3 in 1. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections 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furman, south carolina. las vegas. baltimore. columbia, twice. stockton, california, twice. >> brooklyn, twice. bronx. baton rouge. elin, illinois. cedar rapids, iowa, willow brook, california, indianapolis, washington, d.c., miami, philadelphia, hartford, covington, kentucky buffalo, sacramento, frank, dallas, shelby, monroe, colorado springs. shreveport, walterboro, holster, cleveland, colorado springs, stockton, waterbury, chicago, milwaukee, houston, austin, norfolk, fayetteville, dumas, arkansas. madison heights, dallas, fort worth, in you iberia. lansing, chicago, fort lauderdale, irving ton, ozark, reading, chicago, rochester, columbia, baltimore, autaugavville, columbus, aurora, skwreufl, knoxville, minneapolis, hazleton, pennsylvania. louisville, kentucky. lub lubbock, texas. monroe, lala, chester, glendale. >> we have seen wisconsin, west hollywood, murfreesboro, tennessee, little rock, springfield, missouri, phoenix, romeoville, fresno twice, wilmington, lass cruces. cors corsicana. >> blacksburg, oroville, milwaukee, raleigh, bakersfield, inglewood, savannah, brunswick, eugene, oregon, montgomery. dillon, kenosha, south bend, denver. all told, 151 people have been killed in those shootings and more than 600 hurt. . >> now, this morning, a manhunt is under way for multiple gunmen after a party in pittsburgh cut short the life of two teenagers. mass shootings in south carolina and boston over the holiday weekend, leaving several people injured. cnn's shimon prokupecz is joining us now. it is an epidemic. and i think just looking at that we see the proportions of it. >> yet again, as you said, monday morning, here we are reporting on several incidents of shootings across this country. this morning we're reporting on three separate incidents nearly 40 people injured as a result of gunfire. one of those involved dozens of minors at a house party who some of them jumping out of windows to flee the gunfire. >> i have multiple shootings. >> reporter: in pittsburgh, a mass shooting at a short-term rental property. two 17-year-olds were killed. police say eight others wounded by the gunfire early sunday morning. . >> it's heartbreaking. here we are easter and we have multiple families. two that won't see a loved one. >> reporter: police say as many as 200 people were at the party. most of them underage. >> how can you even have a holiday when your child was involved in something traumatic like this. >> reporter: according to the police chief, multiple shooters firing more than 90 rounds inside and outside of the house. some partygoers jumped out of windows, leaving some with broken bones and cuts, police say. the seven for the suspects is under way. and officials are urging anyone with information to come forward as investigators process as many as eight separate crime scenes. in columbia, south carolina, one man was arrested after a mass shooting at a mall on saturday >> we didn't know who was shooting, what direction it was coming from. i mean, it was really ter terrifying. >> reporter: the 22-year-old appeared in court sunday. khrurg to the columbia police department, he is charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol. cnn has not been able to determine if price has a lawyer. he's been released on house arrest. police said they believe those involved in the shooting knew one another. the shooting left 14 people injured, at least nine suffered gunshot wounds, and five others hurt while attempting to leave the scene. about 100 miles south of columbia in hampton county, south carolina, police say nine people were shot early sunday morning at a lounge. cnn affiliate wtoc tv reported the lounge was hosting an easter bash when the shots rang out. some people jumped into nearby ditches to avoid being hit, wtoc reported. the south carolina law enforcement division is leading the investigation. in boston, police said two people were shot in the city's chinatown neighborhood. . >> both males were transported to local hospitals and both are listed in critical condition with life-threatening injuries. >> reporter: the vehicle they were fleeing in crashed. two were injured in the crash. they do not believe the injuries are life threatening. boston police say what led to the shooting is still unclear. but the investigation is ongoing. brianna, certainly law enforcement all across the country is scrambling to try and stop this explosion of gun violence that we are seeing all across the country. one common theme we're seeing in a lot of shootings when we come back from the weekend is a lot of innocent bystanders. people out partying, shopping, just having birthday parties are getting in the caught of cross fire between rival gangs, choosing to pull out guns to settle disputes. . >> it's awful. thank you so much for doing that report >> easter weekend also. it's just horrific. breaking news out of mariupol. heavy fighting is ongoing there in the city after ukrainian defenders refused to surrender to russian forces. evacuate now. officials in luhansk urging civilians to leave as president zelenskyy warns of an incoming russian offensive. and the warning that president zelenskyy and the pope are issuing this morning about vladimir putin's potential use of nuclear weapons. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. ukrainian president zelenskyy is sounding the alarm, and not just for ukraine. he told cnn that countries around the world should be prepared for the possibility that vladimir putin could use tactical nuclear weapons. >> not only me. i think all the world, all the countries have to be worried. because you know that it can be not real information. but it can be truth. because when they begin to speak about one or another battles oren mys or nuclear weapons or some chemical, you know, issues, chemical weapons, they could do it. they can. for them life of the people, nothing. that's why. we should not be afraid. be ready. but that is not a question to ukraine but for all the world. i think so. >> joining us now, cnn global affairs analyst kim dozer and counterterrorism adviser phil mudd. it's great to have you both here for a conversation that could not be more important. phil, let's just start with you. what's your reaction to zelenskyy's warning here. . >> look, if you're sitting in the white house, even if you consider a 1% less chance that putin would use a nuclear tactical weapon, you cannot sit in front of the president and say we're not considering those options. mr. president, with he didn't think about the implications. when you are thinking about the implications it is not just what does the u.s. do. how do we talk to the europeans. how do we prepare militarily for a response. what is a low end response, what is a eye end response, what is the humanitarian response, what are second-level consequences you to think in terms of advising the president but also the complications. you can't do it on the fly. >> i was just going to say you have to be thinking what could the military target be? putin wouldn't use a tactical weapon unless he thinks it will get him somewhere on the battlefield. perhaps it is hitting 40,000 ukrainian troops that are prosecuting the war against the donbas and they are the only thing in between putin taking all of eastern ukraine or not. but then the fallout would be hitting all the areas that he is planning to take. and depending where the winds blow, the rest of ukraine, eastern europe. these are second and third-order effects of that planning >> does he get what it would trigger? if he get how apoplectic the west would be? >> i don't know there's anyone in the kremlin telling him that. we heard from the austrian chancellor that putin thinks he's winning this war. and therefore you've got to think, okay, that russian tradition of not sending bad news up the chain of command is working against putin right now if that he seems to believe things are going better than they are, and he must, i don't know, blaming the captain of the "moskva" from that going down. there are a lot of generals already killed on the battlefield. he can't blame any more. >> eight. there have been eight general ralls. this is the isolation of dictators that leads to their decision-making brittle and isolated. the term of the scenario is sometimes called escalate to deescalate. in terms of the strategic response, what has been tkpwaeupld out? what is considered a best practice escalate to deescalate in this nightmare scenario. >> let me give you an interesting scenario. knee jerk would be respond in kind. your question is how to use this to increase isolation and the replacement of vladimir putin. as soon as you go low, you use a nuke, you might lose some of the europeans, moral situation globally. how do we ratchet up the pressure to get putin out using allies in western europe who remember world war ii and don't remember any of this. i am looking at it as an opportunity for diplomacy in squeezing not using nukes ourselves. >> cutting off all energy purchases in germany, not just tapering like they are doing now. india. beijing. do they really want to support a russia that is willing to launch nuclear weapons for a war of aggression? >> that would be a nightmare for everyone. the pope is warning, phil, about nuclear war. and there are a lot of people who are able to tune out quite a bit i think even when a war is going on. sometimes when the pope speaks up, people hear it. >> sort of. i would look at this and say you've got to think of this as python policy. think about diplomacy that is working with the europeans who have been reluctant to go toe to toe. obviously there's a military piece with nato. how do we get weapons faster and bigger into the area. there is a i huge economic piece cutting off things like russian gas, destroying the ruble. you mentioned the chinese. they're not on board yet. the indians have been iffy. 1 billion plus. looking at this python policy going every direction, you want people to say you can't be on his side. you've got to be on ours. >> and the ukrainians have said the pope is trying to get directly to vladimir putin and has been blocked in various ways. so this is a way of going over the heads of advisers, et cetera, and trying to reach, you know, vladimir putin who is a russian orthodox christian to say, hey, christian to ch christian, what you are doing is wrong. . >> i was going to say there couldn't be anything less christian. >> you took the words out of my mouth. an important conversation. thank you so much. all right. more on our breaking news. the eastern town of kreminna has fallen to russian forces. we're also live on the ground in lviv where russian forces struck a civilian target for the first time since they invaded ukraine. plus, the wife of a kremlin critic detained in russia joins us live stphraofplt and cnn's last remaining original employee said his life was saved when a colleague donated her kidney. they will join us next on "new day" for this great story. before nexexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours withouheartburn? as a main street bank, over 7 million kids pnc d develop their passion . and now we're providing 88 billion dollars to support underserved communities... ...helping us all move 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unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. last september, cnn's last remaining original employee, senior u.n. correspondent, richard roth, sent a letter to his co workers. he was in desperate need on of a new kidney. he said even though he received one 25 years ago, it was now dieing inside of him. that's when his colleague samira gentleman farry answered the call. they started intense testing around thanksgiving to see if she was a match. richard successfully received a kidney from the woman who he now calls his heroine. i want to ask you both the same question. richard, starting with you. how are you feeling physically and emotionally? . >> well a little sore, understandably, with the indecision. these are dangerous times. because i have very little immunosuppresion against any infection or disease. i'm going back after this interview to yale, new haven medical where the surgery was performed for my first checkup, as will samira. i'm very blessed. i'm not very lucky at the racetracks, one of my loves. but so far with this medical lifeline that samira has given me, it's onward and upward. >> it's >> samira, how are you feeling? >> i feel great. i'm getting stronger every day. as richard mentioned, i, too, have a followup appointment. i'm hoping to be cleared for travel to get back home to atlanta t. surgery was definitely easier on my body than on richard. i'm continuously rooting for him. >> you both look and sound great. i know you're both going through a lot. especially you, richard, right now. i want to tell the story of how this all came to be. when people come to work at cnn, they say, it's big. you and richard, you obviously knew of each other. you didn't work closely. you didn't have a rich where you were immediate colleagues. how did this all come to be? >> that's right. i kind of joke that my kidney met richard before i actually did in person. i had only worked with richard over the phone. i edited at my job some of his scripts. his email, i was moved by it. i knew he was a cnn original. i had a great admiration for what he did as a journalist and who he was. just as a human, it felt like something i could do at that point in my life. it just felt possible for me to do this. i knew just at a basic efl, i knew these surgeries are successful, but that the real difficulty -- are often successful, but the real difficulty is finding donors. i felt like i was at a place in my life where maybe i could raise my hand and get it started and maybe be the match. >> that takes enormous courage as well as kindness. richard, how do you thank someone who saved your life? >> i've been wondering about that. samira is not the type of person who looks to be getting pats on the back and the flory. she is not that type of person. so perhaps coming up with the right idea is even a little tougher, but i'll come up with something. you know, i'm very fortunate. there are 117,000 people looking for kidneys and livers, and many people die each day. i guess i could only ask people who are like samira or tend to lean that way to think about donating to a friend or a relative. samira was out of the hospital the next day. if it wasn't for our former leader, jeff zucker, reiterating my plea on the morning cnn conference call -- maybe samira the join in on how close it was to her hearing about me. >> please. >> i wouldn't have read the email. we get hundreds of emails. i wouldn't have read it. it's nothing about richard. you know how many emails we get a day and how much movement there is around this company, how much news moves around. if jeff hadn't said, hey, i need you guys to read richard roth's email, i probably would have missed it in the big scheme of things. i'm just really glad i didn't. richard doesn't need to do anything else. he's shown nothing but gratitude and courage through this whole process. i just really, really want people to understand that this would not be possible without our surgeons. we have amazing surgeons. we were in amazing hands. every time i think of them, i want to name them, dr. hawkinson and dr. kilcarney. their team was incredible. i knew this was completely doable, not just for me, but a lot of people. they really should be commended in this process. >> richard? >> can i briefly thank all the cnn people who tried to help me along the way and former cnn people. i'm inundated with emails and tweets, people who usually ask me, are you still working? and now it's better to get, how are you feeling. >> that is good news. richard, can you tell us a little bit about how you found out that samira was willing to help? how much time between sending that email out of sort of desperation, knowing that you were maybe going to get some help? >> i need to look back on this. as everyone knows, i save almost every email. i think it was an email, not a phone call, but i definitely want to check back. i know i saved one or two of her phone messages. she could have dropped out at any point. i had one or two people do that, we had doctors rule out some other cnn people. i always said for months, until this kidney is in me, i'm not holding out hope because that's how perilous it all is. many other cnn people do not know in my contract there's a clause that says, the last original, that every cnn employee has to be prepared to turn over an organ to me when i need it, bionic cnn employee at age 100. i don't know. >> that's some serious pull. >> richard, you are renowned in this company for your sense of humor and also for your warmth and your graciousness, and it is so beautiful to see that returned to you. samira, you are a hero. the surgeons are heroes, and it is just beautiful to speak with you both today. best of luck in both of your recoveries? >> thank you for having us. welcome back from ukraine. >> thank you. >> thank you, richard. samira and richard. i love it. >> what a beautiful story. we have breaking news of fighting and strikes in both east and western ukraine. officials say the eastern town of kreminna has been lost to russian forces as missiles are fired in lviv overnight, which we've rarely seen. cnn is live from lviv. on 24 hour d dried-on stains. skip the rinse with finish to save e our water. grillin'n', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater tottin cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, tryg. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. krt singles. square it. - hiring is step one when it comes to our growth. we can't open a new shop or a new location without the right people in place. i couldn't keep up until i found ziprecruiter. ziprecruiter helps us get out there quickly and get us qualified candidates quickly. they sent us applicants that matched what i was looking for. i've hired for every role, entry-level technicians, service advisors, store managers. ziprecruiter helps me find all the right people, even the most difficult jobs to fill. - [announcer] ziprecruiter, rated the number one hiring site. try it for free at wet dishes? 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U S , Bionic Cnn , Breaking News , Viewers , Announcer , All Around The World , In The City , Missile , Western Ukraine , Brianna Keilar , Launching Strikes , John Avlon , Russia , John Berman , April 18th , Four , 18 , Monday April 18th , People , Child , Others , Missiles , Military , Casualties , Warehouses , Officials , Seven , Three , Hit , Lviv , Windows , Attacks , Targets , Hotel Housing Evacuees , Curfew , Blast , Sign , Strikes , Better , Doorstep , Poland Border , La , Nato , Luhansk , 43 , Region , Places , Governor , Zelenskyy , Town , Kreminna , Car , Fire , Hands , Vehicles , Equipment , Amount , Territory , Weapons , World War Ii , Country , Part , Fighters , Battle In The Donbas , Troops , Exit , Entry , Ultimatum , Say Mariupol , Example , Resistance , Reporter , Dnipro , Clarissa Ward , Quote , Men , Kind , Life , Authorities , Outskirts , Infrastructure Facility , Two , East , Everybody , Battle For Donbas , Nobody , Language , Towns , Crosshairs , Cathedral , Slovensk , One , Lord , Mercy , Orthodox Palm Sunday , Joy , Willows , Tradition , Palms , Celebration , Return To Jerusalem , Jesus , Fighting , Streets , Donbas , Offensive , Congregation , Battleground , Emptier , Wail , Sirens , Air Raid Siren , Children , Play , Safety , Adults , Stream , Evacuation Bus , Ambassador , Distance , It Whatting , Home , Husband , Mother , Isn T , Grandchildren , Granddaughter , Anna , Grandma , Support , Anguish , Journey , I Love You , Putin , Community , Pavel , Olga , No End In Sight , Idiot , Scenes , Everything , Separation , Organizer , Ukrainian Military Officials , Words , Reality , Forces , Russians , Cars , Firing , Called Kreminna , Front Line , Fear , Reports , Beginning , Street To Fighting , Tipping Point , Offense , Defense , Proverb , Eastern Donbas , Supply Lines , Parts , Offenses , Number , Lot , Fact , Gains , Back Drop , 1000 , Ground , Victory , Victory Day , May 9th , 9 , More , Fight , Anything , Kherson , South , Mariupol , Izium , Encircle , North , Pocket , Anticipation , Azov Stahl Steel Plant , City , Way , Both , Driver , Parents , Alex , Situation , Bombings , Report , Basketball , Weekend , Mykolaiv , Southern Ukraine , Shelling , Killings , Eyes , Place , What S Going On , Bombing , Nothing , Army , Don T Know , 10 , In My Life , Respite , Photos , Soldiers , Danger , Photographs , Images , Show , Bit , Out Of Nowhere , Everything Quiets , Bus , Nine , Range , Street , Feet , 15 , Water , Reason , Pipelines , It , Dishes , Rivers , Couple , Clothes , House , Houses , Path , Buckets , Family , Stuff , Cannot , Biden , Citizen , Ally , Response , Move , Table , Biden Leadership , Senator Coons , President , Clear , Administration , Marks , Nation , Vladimir Putin , Massacre Civilians , War Crimes , West , Aid , Tragedy , Syria , History , Source , Kasie Hunt , Cnn Plus Anchor , 21 , Clarification , Senator , Outrage , Hearing , Reporting , There , Perspective , Depths , Things , Idea , Concern , Step , Saying , Republicans , Democrats , Rule , Something , Cudgel , Eye , Gas , Coffers , Oil , Embargo , Money , Isn T An American Cudgel , Role , Europeans , Head , Imports , Conflict , Nail , Version , Some , Ways , Ramp Up , Natural Gas , Holes , Tools , Mind , Behind The Scenes Ways Intelligence , Terms , Variety , Politicians , Doesn T , American Politics , Picture , Democracy , Point , Problems , Leader , Coops , Marbling , Congressman Upton , Congress , Death Threats , Decision , Meet The Press , Clip , 24 , Aisle , Infrastructure , Members , Hogan , Senators , Governors , Bunch , Sides , Bill , Senate , Lindsey Graham , Issue , Donald Trump , 30 , 69 , School Board Member , Anybody , Story , Detriment , Mask Mandate , Death Throats , Elections , My Street , Georgia , Risk , Kids , Fulton County , Spouse , Threats , Families , Running , Coverage , Yes , Criticism , Wake , January 6th , 6 , Many , Leadership , People Aren T , Vacuum , Guys , Adam Kinzinger , Police , Cell Phones , Add Staff , Capitol , Camera , Person , Isn T A Person , End , Assumption , Strength , Integrity , Skill , Character , Headlines , Problem , Races , Creep , Capitol Hill , Trend , Heart , Republic , Eastern Ukraine , Weekdays , Official , Control , On Cnn Plus , 00 , 4 , Spots , Glasses , Missile Strikes , Add Finish Jet , Finish Jet , Detergent , Isn T Enenough , Clcloudiness , Dryry , 3 , 1 , Symptoms , Moderate , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Infections , Dose , Cancer , Tracks , Relief , Serious , Injections , Stelara , Infection , Reactions , Vaccine , Doctor , Pres , Skin Growths , Sores , Brain Condition , Treatment , Lung Inflammation , Tb , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Moon , Chillin , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Dillin , Spillin , Smokin , Flippin , Dippin , Yolkin , Feeling , Grillin , Pair It , Share It , Bread , Spread , Tater Totting , Pie Ing , Feelin , Mealin , Kraft Singles , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Students , Internet , Comcast , Millions , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Possibilities , Shootings , Birthday Parties , Malls , Exception , Gun Violence Archive , 143 , Cities , Car Kaoeuf , 2022 , Times , Columbia , South Carolina , Philadelphia , Sacramento , Baltimore , Pittsburgh Furman , Las Vegas , California , Stockton , Indianapolis , Brooklyn , Willow Brook , Bronx , Baton Rouge , Elin , Illinois , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , Colorado Springs , Kentucky , Dallas , Monroe , Shelby , Hartford , Washington D C , Covington , Miami , Buffalo , Frank , Houston , Waterbury , Chicago , Milwaukee , Austin , Shreveport , Cleveland , Walterboro , Holster , Ton , Arkansas , Norfolk , Dumas , Fayetteville , Madison Heights , Fort Worth , You Iberia , Ozark , Reading , Fort Lauderdale , Lansing , Rochester , Irving , Columbus , Skwreufl , Autaugavville , Minneapolis , Knoxville , Hazleton , Aurora , Pennsylvania , Louisville , Lub Lubbock , Texas , Glendale , Lala , Chester , Missouri , Springfield , Little Rock , Romeoville , Tennessee , Murfreesboro , Phoenix , West Hollywood , Fresno , Wisconsin , Cors Corsicana , Wilmington , Lass Cruces , Bakersfield , Blacksburg , Oroville , Raleigh , Brunswick , Inglewood , Savannah , Wall , Montgomery , Dillon , Eugene , Oregon , Kenosha , South Bend , Denver , 151 , Party , Manhunt , Gunmen , Cut , Teenagers , Boston , Pittsburgh , 600 , Epidemic , Proportions , Monday Morning , Shimon Prokupecz , Dozens , Gunfire , Incidents , Result , Minors , House Party , 40 , Mass Shooting , Rental Property , Loved One , Won T , Gunfire Early Sunday Morning , 17 , Eight , 200 , Shooters , Most , Holiday , Police Chief , Anyone , Partygoers , Rounds , Bones , Cuts , Suspects , Police Say , 90 , Shooting , Information , Crime Scenes , Investigators , Mall On Saturday , One Man , Direction , Terrifying , Carrying , Pistol , Police Department , Court Sunday , Khrurg , 22 , Price , Another , Lawyer , House Arrest , 14 , Lounge , Scene , Sunday Morning , Gunshot Wounds , In Hampton County , 100 , Five , Ditches , Shots Rang Out , South Carolina Law Enforcement Division , Wtoc , Affiliate Wtoc Tv , Investigation , Hospitals , Condition , Males , Chinatown Neighborhood , Injuries , Vehicle , Crash , Led , Scrambling , Gun Violence , Law Enforcement , Explosion , Theme , Partying , Shopping , Cross Fire , Rival Gangs , Innocent Bystanders , Guns , Disputes , Defenders , Civilians , Pope , Warning , Use , Come On , Pain Relief , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Aleve X , Powerful , Capicola , Meat , Meats , Nonna , I Don T Cook , Refresh Italiano Subway , Thing , Perfect , Course , Friendly , Kitchen , Refre At Booking Com , Wait , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Subway , Booking Yeah , Alarm , Countries , World , Possibility , Truth , Battles Oren Mys , Issues , Chemical , Question , Kim Dozer , Ukraine , Phil Mudd , Cnn Global Affairs , Conversation , Chance , Reaction , White House , Let , Implications , Weapon , Options , Front , Mr , Eye End Response , Putin Wouldn T , Thinking , Military Target , Complications , Fly , Consequences , Battlefield , Somewhere , 40000 , Planning , Areas , Fallout , Winds Blow , The West , Effects , Rest , Eastern Europe , Austrian Chancellor , Kremlin , Bad News , I Don T Know , Captain , Chain Of Command , Isolation , Dictators , Generals , Moskva , Ralls , Scenario , Term , Decision Making , Escalate To Deescalate , Nightmare Scenario , Knee Jerk , Escalate , Practice , Nuke , Replacement , Low , Diplomacy , Pressure , Don T , Allies , Opportunity , Western Europe , Energy Purchases , Nukes , India , Germany , Beijing , Everyone , Nightmare , War Of Aggression , Nuclear War , Python Policy , Up , Toe To , Cutting , Military Piece , Piece , Ai , Indians , Ruble , Chinese , Python , Side , Reach , Advisers , Heads , Doing , Russian Orthodox Christian , Ch Christian , Et Cetera , Couldn T , Mouth , Time , Plus , Target , Wife , Critic , Kidney , Employee , Live Stphraofplt , Colleague , Night , Heartburn , Sleep , Nexexium 24hr , Main Street Bank , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Passion , Night Protection , Nexium 24hr , 7 Million , 88 Billion Dollars , 88 Billion , Emerge Tremfyant , Psoriatic Arthritis , Communities , Joints , Difference , Bank , Help , Ability , Tremfya , Patients , Movement , Mosquitoes , Voltaren , Migraine Medicine , Pro , Best , Pests , Orkin Pro , Call The Orkin , Light Bulb , Orkin , 5 , 52 , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Pill , Cause , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , 2 , Abbvie , Tiredness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Body , Allergies , Season , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Good , Xfi , Xfinity , Technology , Protection , Go , Wifi , Tech Upgrade Program , Connection , Upgrade Today , Xfi Complete , Last September , Richard Roth , Letter , Workers , Need , Co , Senior U N Correspondent , 25 , Will Samira , Gentleman Farry , Testing , The Call , Match , Woman , Heroine , Sore , Disease , Understandably , Indecision , Immunosuppresion , Surgery , Yale , Interview , Racetracks , Checkup , Loves , New Haven , Lifeline , Travel , Followup Appointment , On Richard , Atlanta , Sound , Look , Each Other , Big , Colleagues , Joke , Job , Email , Original , Admiration , Journalist , Scripts , Human , Point In My Life , Difficulty , Surgeries , Efl , Courage , Kindness , Donors , Hand , Type , Samira , Someone , Pats , Flory , Kidneys , Livers , Right , 117000 , Wasn T , Friend , Hospital , Relative , Conference Call , Join , Plea , Jeff Zucker , Emails , Company , Richard Doesn T , News Moves , Jeff Hadn T , Scheme , Surgeons , Process , Gratitude , Anything Else , Dr , Team , Hawkinson , Kilcarney , News , Tweets , Sort , Desperation , Phone Call , Doctors , Phone Messages , Hope , Clause , Contract , Organ , Pull , Hero , Heroes , Sense , Warmth , Humor , Graciousness , Luck , Richard , Recoveries , Finish , Stains , Grillin N , Singles , Tater Tottin , Tryg , Krt , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Ziprecruiter , Store Managers , Applicants , Candidates , Location , Advisors , Jobs , Hiring Site , Cloudiness , Medicare , Tightness , Prescription , Prescriptions , Plaque Psoriasis , Meds , Singlecare , Don T Overpay , Stinging , 80 , Skin , Majority , 16 , Ratings , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Angi , Angi Com , Around The World , Mission Sills Hit , Air Strikes , Barrage , Hit A Tire Repair Shop , 11 ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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relaxed. people were starting to breathe i think a little better. but this is a sign that la leave practically on nato's doorstep, 43 miles from the poland border, not safe. there were strikes in luhansk. the governor urging people to evacuate, saying there are no safe places left in the region. and kreminna has fallen into russian hands. they entered the town with a huge amount of equipment. some tried to escape in their vehicles and russians opened fire on their car, killing at least four. ukraine's president zelenskyy telling cnn they are not willing to give up territory in the eastern part of the country to end the war. he says the coming battle in the donbas region could influence the war. russia telling ukrainian fighters, lay down your weapons or be eliminated. that ultimatum was rejected. yet another example of ukrainian resistance. russian troops have surrounded the city for some time. today some say mariupol will be closed for exit and entry and the men remaining there will be, quote, filtered out >> clarissa ward is live in dnipro where a russian missile struck overnight. clarissa, tell us what it is like there. >> reporter: well, again, it had been relatively calm here before, brianna. and life is still going about as normal. this town has been hit before. but as you mentioned, two missile strikes hitting on the outskirts of the city. authorities saying it was some kind of infrastructure facility, slightly vague language. two people injured, nobody killed. but everybody is seeing what is happening in the east, what is projected to get much worst in the east with president zelenskyy saying the battle for donbas is about to begin in the near future. and we visited one of the towns that will be very much in the crosshairs. at the cathedral in slovensk. we ask for your mercy, lord. please hear us. they have gathered here for orthodox palm sunday, carrying willows instead of palms, per the orthodox tradition. it is supposed to be a celebration of jesus's return to jerusalem. but there is little joy in this congregation. ukrainian officials say this city will be a decisive battleground in russia's imminent offensive in the donbas region. the streets are getting emptier as the fighting gets closer. those still here are being urged to leave. the air raid siren is an unrelenting wail. you can't hear it because the sirens are so loud, but we have heard a steady stream of ambassador in the distance. but as you can see here, people are just used to it. the children continue the play. the adults try to stay strong. they are a it whatting an evacuation bus to the safety of western ukraine. she is taking her grandchildren to lviv. their mother died three years ago. you hear what's happening here, she says. my husband is still at home. his health isn't good enough to make the journey. her granddaughter offers some support. oh, grandma, she says, i love you. anna is full of anguish that the international community has failed to rein in putin. when they show the children killed, i can't, she says. i cry. why can't they stop this one idiot. if they will send me, i will shoot him. seven weeks into this ugly war, there is no end in sight. pavel is saying good-bye to his wife olga. she doesn't want to let go of him. scenes of separation that have become all too familiar. everything will be okay, the organizer tells her. comforting words but a grim reality. ukrainian military officials in the region right in donbas say the russians have entered a town called kreminna. that is right on the front line. they said they had been trying to evacuate people, that that is now impossible because russian forces have been firing on civilian cars attempting to flee. they describe pretty harrowing sounding reports of street-to-street fighting going on in that town. and the fear is this is really now the beginning, the tipping point if you like for some kind of an all-out offensive on the eastern donbas region. but i do want to say the ukrainian forces have been hitting back hard going with the old proverb that the best defense is actually an offense. they have been launching a number of offenses to cut off russian supply lines as they begin to try to seize parts of this donbas region. brianna, john. >> clarissa, what do you make of the fact that the russians are gaining in kreminna but that comes against the back drop of ukrainians making real gains, more than 1,000 zelenskyy said recently? >> reporter: a lot of people said they hoped or they thought that putin would want to seek some kind of victory for victory day may 9th in russia. but if you look at what's happening on the ground and what we've seen happen over the last seven weeks, it's very clear that russian forces are getting into much more of a fight that they had anticipated and it's going to be much more difficult to pull off what it appears they're attempting to do. essentially they want to try to push down their forces from the north where they're currently engaged in heavy fight anything izium and up from the south from kherson, mariupol area and cut off or encircle ukrainian troops who would be trapped in a pocket there in the donbas region. but it does not look like this is going to be an easy fight. the ukrainians have far from given up. although, as you mentioned earlier, john, the anticipation is now that the city of mariupol will likely fall in the coming days. they are continuing to bombard that city. the azov stahl steel plant are wear they are hunkered down. we spoke to a driver in mariupol a couple weeks before the war began. he told us both of his parents had been killed in that city, and he has no way to go back there and bury them. . >> there are so many people in that situation. it's horrific. clarissa, thank you so much for that report from us from dnipro. joining us now is alex who plays professional basketball in ukraine. and he witnessed the bombings and killings that occurred over the weekend in mykolaiv, a city in southern ukraine. thank you so much for being with us. i'm so sorry for what has been happening and what you are witnessing. we appreciate you being our eyes here. we have seen intense shelling in mykolaiv, bombing over the weekend. what have you seen? >> where this happened is actually a place where people go play and just think about what's going on. and during the day, when there were just a few people sitting down, i don't know where, there was a missile that injured i think close to 10 people and killed two people. there is no army. there is no nothing that brings danger to russian soldiers. >> it's just a place for people to gather to get a little respite from what is happening there. i want to tell our viewers, alex, you took quite a few photos in mykolaiv. i do want to warn them the images we are about to show are incredibly graphic. what can you tell us about what unfolded before these photographs were taken and after? this appears to be people who were just, you know, taking a quiet moment. . >> well, this is -- it happens to us every three, four days. where everything quiets down a little bit. and then out of nowhere, especially around the place where i live, we had a bus that during the day people were just standing there waiting for a bus, and a missile flew in and killed nine people. as soon as i heard that, i twoept that place to-- went to that place to try to help people. if you are close to 10, 15 feet, if you are close to that range, most likely you're going to die. so you can be just walking on the street and a missile flies in for no reason. . >> the city there has been without water for days. i know one of the pipelines was damaged during fighting. are you still without water? >> we have a couple of places we get water. rivers. a lot of people are going to rivers. we fill it up, boil it, and use it to wash our dishes and clothes. another way, people who have the private houses, they still have water because every private house has its own path of water. so what i do, i got a car and around where i stay, i go fill up empty buckets or whatever people can find, especially older people who cannot carry a lot of stuff. i fill them up and take them to people. that's how we survive. >> alex, it is amazing what you have done. you brought your family to safety in poland. you chose to remain in mykolaiv even though you are not a ukrainian citizen. we see what you are doing to try to help people. thank you so much. >> thank you. a close ally of president biden was asked on face the nation about recent marks he made about the u.s. sending u.s. troops into ukraine, a move that the biden administration had made clear is off the table. here's senator coons' response. >> i think president biden leadership has been steady and constructive, but this is a critical moment. if vladimir putin, who has shown us how brutal he can be is allowed to just continue to massacre civilians, to commit war crimes throughout ukraine, without nato, without the west coming more forcefully to his aid, i deeply worry that what is going to happen next is we will see ukraine turn into syria. the american people cannot turn away from this tragedy in ukraine. i think the history of the 21st century returns and that putin will only stop when we stop him. joining us now cnn plus anchor of the source with kasie hunt who spoke to senator coons for clarification on this. >> good morning. . >> what is the clarification? good morning. >> well, i will just say that i think you heard senator coons talk about the moral outrage he feels. and i know, brianna, you were there and did such incredible reporting and helped us all understand the depths to which this is just devastating and from a humanitarian perspective, completely unacceptable. that is what you are hearing from senator coons there. and i think the idea that he was criticizing the president for how he's handled it or saying we need to send u.s. troops to ukraine is taking things a step too far. but i think he was expressing a concern that the u.s. maybe should not be out there in public ruling things out. we have heard this from both democrats and republicans who are saying, look, let's not take things off the table, not preemptively rule out anything. putin is sort of leading out there that he may go as far as using nuclear weapons. this is something to keep an eye on, something to watch. >> the biggest cudgel really isn't an american cudgel, it is a european one to do something with oil and gas embargo and just to say, no, we're not putting money in your coffers, russia. i wonder what the u.s. role is in that or not. >> i think you hit the nail on the head with that. as long as the europeans find it impossible to cut off those imports, we're going to be in some version of this conflict the way that we currently are. you have seen the u.s. try to plug some of the holes, ramp up and offer new ways whether it is to get american natural gas or other ways to do that. i think the response as well -- keep in mind, there is a wide range of tools the united states can use in terms of providing weapons we have not reached yet. there are a variety of other behind the scenes ways intelligence, other ways the u.s. is clearly helping that are not being said out loud. having this in american politics and what our politicians say in public doesn't give a full picture of what's going on. . >> that is a fair and important point. what you're talking about, what coops is talking about is america as a moral leader of marbling the forces are democracy. and the fact is that we have our own problems with our democracy. congressman fred upton raised that 24 weekend on "meet the press". i want to play a clip he made about death threats and how they might have contributed to his decision to leave congress. let's listen. >> you got death threats. >> i did. >> it made it easier to say, i'm out. . >> well, death threats, they were never like -- we had this last year. but it was pretty crazy. remember, that was a republican bill. literally a year ago this week governor hogan brought a bunch of us to his place. republicans, democrats, senators, governors, house members, both sides of the aisle, we defined what infrastructure ought to be and decided how to pay for it. it passed 69-30 in the senate. it was the issue all last summer. lindsey graham, trump's best friend, voted for it. >> it's going to be detriment getting good people to run. i have a school board member that lives on my street. he had death throats, too, just over the mask mandate. >> a story in georgia they can't find anybody to be the elections person in fulton county. >> i believe it. i believe it. it puts you at risk particularly when they threaten not only you, but when they threaten your spouse, your kids or whatever, that's what really makes it frightening. >> death threats for infrastructure. death threats crowding out people from running. threats to people's families. is this common in your coverage of congress? . >> yes. it's exploded in the last two to four years, especially in the wake of january 6th. and it happened for republicans. frankly, republicans took criticism for citing death threats as a reason why they were afraid to vote to impeach donald trump. it really says a lot about the people of the united states of america. many of whom are being spun up by these politicians, right. one of the things adam kinzinger says repeatedly, there is a vacuum of leadership. people aren't saying, hey, guys, this is not how we conduct ourselves. this is not what we should do. instead, we are left with people who kind of allow this to become commonplace or somewhat acceptable. when you talk to members privately, they're often reluctant to talk about it on camera. i'm glad fred upton shined light on it because they are all worried about their own families. they said it just exploded. they get them on their personal cell phones. the capitol police have had to add staff and people to deal with it because they have to take the threats seriously, even if people are just deciding the person on the other end of the phone isn't a person. you can't make that assumption. and i think to underscore what congressman upton said, it is very important for our democracy that there are people of strength, integrity, character and skill that serve in our congress. and there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to say, yeah i yeah, i am willing to step up. fulton georgia, a critical place in georgia, after what happened. these are significant problems for our democracy. you see it in the people that are then grab the headlines on capitol hill. some of these people you never would have seen them there years ago. it's starting to creep into the senate as well. we are starting to see in the senate races. it's a real problem. and congressman upton has been one of the few people willing to cross the aisle and work with others. as he said there, he's leaving, getting out. >> it is an alarming trend. . >> it cuts to the heart of our democracy. we are a self-governing republic. with he need good people to step up. and death threats crowd them out. thank you. >> thank you. >> weekdays at 4:00 p.m. on cnn plus. we're going to continue to follow breaking news out of eastern ukraine where a ukrainian official says control of the town of kreminna has been lost to russian forces. to the west in lviv, as many as seven people killed and a dozen others injured including a child during overnight missile strikes. we are live there from the ground. wet dishes? spots? cloudy glasses? when detergent alone isn't enenough... ...add finish jet dry 3 in 1. to dryry, prevent spots, and protect glasses against clcloudiness. the dishes aren't done without finish jet dry 3 in 1. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections 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share it. kraft singles. square it. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. each monday it's sadly becoming a trend to report on violent weekends in america. from birthday parties, to malls, this weekend was no exception. according to the gun violence archive, there have been 143 mass shootings in the united states this year alone. now, keep in mind the year isn't even four months old yet. cnn and the car kaoeuf defined mass shootings is one that injures or kills four or more people. here are the cities in 2022 away. philadelphia, four times. sacramento, three times. pittsburgh furman, south carolina. las vegas. baltimore. columbia, twice. stockton, california, twice. >> brooklyn, twice. bronx. baton rouge. elin, illinois. cedar rapids, iowa, willow brook, california, indianapolis, washington, d.c., miami, philadelphia, hartford, covington, kentucky buffalo, sacramento, frank, dallas, shelby, monroe, colorado springs. shreveport, walterboro, holster, cleveland, colorado springs, stockton, waterbury, chicago, milwaukee, houston, austin, norfolk, fayetteville, dumas, arkansas. madison heights, dallas, fort worth, in you iberia. lansing, chicago, fort lauderdale, irving ton, ozark, reading, chicago, rochester, columbia, baltimore, autaugavville, columbus, aurora, skwreufl, knoxville, minneapolis, hazleton, pennsylvania. louisville, kentucky. lub lubbock, texas. monroe, lala, chester, glendale. >> we have seen wisconsin, west hollywood, murfreesboro, tennessee, little rock, springfield, missouri, phoenix, romeoville, fresno twice, wilmington, lass cruces. cors corsicana. >> blacksburg, oroville, milwaukee, raleigh, bakersfield, inglewood, savannah, brunswick, eugene, oregon, montgomery. dillon, kenosha, south bend, denver. all told, 151 people have been killed in those shootings and more than 600 hurt. . >> now, this morning, a manhunt is under way for multiple gunmen after a party in pittsburgh cut short the life of two teenagers. mass shootings in south carolina and boston over the holiday weekend, leaving several people injured. cnn's shimon prokupecz is joining us now. it is an epidemic. and i think just looking at that we see the proportions of it. >> yet again, as you said, monday morning, here we are reporting on several incidents of shootings across this country. this morning we're reporting on three separate incidents nearly 40 people injured as a result of gunfire. one of those involved dozens of minors at a house party who some of them jumping out of windows to flee the gunfire. >> i have multiple shootings. >> reporter: in pittsburgh, a mass shooting at a short-term rental property. two 17-year-olds were killed. police say eight others wounded by the gunfire early sunday morning. . >> it's heartbreaking. here we are easter and we have multiple families. two that won't see a loved one. >> reporter: police say as many as 200 people were at the party. most of them underage. >> how can you even have a holiday when your child was involved in something traumatic like this. >> reporter: according to the police chief, multiple shooters firing more than 90 rounds inside and outside of the house. some partygoers jumped out of windows, leaving some with broken bones and cuts, police say. the seven for the suspects is under way. and officials are urging anyone with information to come forward as investigators process as many as eight separate crime scenes. in columbia, south carolina, one man was arrested after a mass shooting at a mall on saturday >> we didn't know who was shooting, what direction it was coming from. i mean, it was really ter terrifying. >> reporter: the 22-year-old appeared in court sunday. khrurg to the columbia police department, he is charged with unlawful carrying of a pistol. cnn has not been able to determine if price has a lawyer. he's been released on house arrest. police said they believe those involved in the shooting knew one another. the shooting left 14 people injured, at least nine suffered gunshot wounds, and five others hurt while attempting to leave the scene. about 100 miles south of columbia in hampton county, south carolina, police say nine people were shot early sunday morning at a lounge. cnn affiliate wtoc tv reported the lounge was hosting an easter bash when the shots rang out. some people jumped into nearby ditches to avoid being hit, wtoc reported. the south carolina law enforcement division is leading the investigation. in boston, police said two people were shot in the city's chinatown neighborhood. . >> both males were transported to local hospitals and both are listed in critical condition with life-threatening injuries. >> reporter: the vehicle they were fleeing in crashed. two were injured in the crash. they do not believe the injuries are life threatening. boston police say what led to the shooting is still unclear. but the investigation is ongoing. brianna, certainly law enforcement all across the country is scrambling to try and stop this explosion of gun violence that we are seeing all across the country. one common theme we're seeing in a lot of shootings when we come back from the weekend is a lot of innocent bystanders. people out partying, shopping, just having birthday parties are getting in the caught of cross fire between rival gangs, choosing to pull out guns to settle disputes. . >> it's awful. thank you so much for doing that report >> easter weekend also. it's just horrific. breaking news out of mariupol. heavy fighting is ongoing there in the city after ukrainian defenders refused to surrender to russian forces. evacuate now. officials in luhansk urging civilians to leave as president zelenskyy warns of an incoming russian offensive. and the warning that president zelenskyy and the pope are issuing this morning about vladimir putin's potential use of nuclear weapons. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ aleve x. its revolutionary rollerball design delivers fast, powerful, long-lasting pain relief. aleve it, and see what's possible. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. just like my nonna makes when she cooks! i don't cook. wait, what? it's a good thing he's so handsome. subway keeps refreshing and refre- at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. ukrainian president zelenskyy is sounding the alarm, and not just for ukraine. he told cnn that countries around the world should be prepared for the possibility that vladimir putin could use tactical nuclear weapons. >> not only me. i think all the world, all the countries have to be worried. because you know that it can be not real information. but it can be truth. because when they begin to speak about one or another battles oren mys or nuclear weapons or some chemical, you know, issues, chemical weapons, they could do it. they can. for them life of the people, nothing. that's why. we should not be afraid. be ready. but that is not a question to ukraine but for all the world. i think so. >> joining us now, cnn global affairs analyst kim dozer and counterterrorism adviser phil mudd. it's great to have you both here for a conversation that could not be more important. phil, let's just start with you. what's your reaction to zelenskyy's warning here. . >> look, if you're sitting in the white house, even if you consider a 1% less chance that putin would use a nuclear tactical weapon, you cannot sit in front of the president and say we're not considering those options. mr. president, with he didn't think about the implications. when you are thinking about the implications it is not just what does the u.s. do. how do we talk to the europeans. how do we prepare militarily for a response. what is a low end response, what is a eye end response, what is the humanitarian response, what are second-level consequences you to think in terms of advising the president but also the complications. you can't do it on the fly. >> i was just going to say you have to be thinking what could the military target be? putin wouldn't use a tactical weapon unless he thinks it will get him somewhere on the battlefield. perhaps it is hitting 40,000 ukrainian troops that are prosecuting the war against the donbas and they are the only thing in between putin taking all of eastern ukraine or not. but then the fallout would be hitting all the areas that he is planning to take. and depending where the winds blow, the rest of ukraine, eastern europe. these are second and third-order effects of that planning >> does he get what it would trigger? if he get how apoplectic the west would be? >> i don't know there's anyone in the kremlin telling him that. we heard from the austrian chancellor that putin thinks he's winning this war. and therefore you've got to think, okay, that russian tradition of not sending bad news up the chain of command is working against putin right now if that he seems to believe things are going better than they are, and he must, i don't know, blaming the captain of the "moskva" from that going down. there are a lot of generals already killed on the battlefield. he can't blame any more. >> eight. there have been eight general ralls. this is the isolation of dictators that leads to their decision-making brittle and isolated. the term of the scenario is sometimes called escalate to deescalate. in terms of the strategic response, what has been tkpwaeupld out? what is considered a best practice escalate to deescalate in this nightmare scenario. >> let me give you an interesting scenario. knee jerk would be respond in kind. your question is how to use this to increase isolation and the replacement of vladimir putin. as soon as you go low, you use a nuke, you might lose some of the europeans, moral situation globally. how do we ratchet up the pressure to get putin out using allies in western europe who remember world war ii and don't remember any of this. i am looking at it as an opportunity for diplomacy in squeezing not using nukes ourselves. >> cutting off all energy purchases in germany, not just tapering like they are doing now. india. beijing. do they really want to support a russia that is willing to launch nuclear weapons for a war of aggression? >> that would be a nightmare for everyone. the pope is warning, phil, about nuclear war. and there are a lot of people who are able to tune out quite a bit i think even when a war is going on. sometimes when the pope speaks up, people hear it. >> sort of. i would look at this and say you've got to think of this as python policy. think about diplomacy that is working with the europeans who have been reluctant to go toe to toe. obviously there's a military piece with nato. how do we get weapons faster and bigger into the area. there is a i huge economic piece cutting off things like russian gas, destroying the ruble. you mentioned the chinese. they're not on board yet. the indians have been iffy. 1 billion plus. looking at this python policy going every direction, you want people to say you can't be on his side. you've got to be on ours. >> and the ukrainians have said the pope is trying to get directly to vladimir putin and has been blocked in various ways. so this is a way of going over the heads of advisers, et cetera, and trying to reach, you know, vladimir putin who is a russian orthodox christian to say, hey, christian to ch christian, what you are doing is wrong. . >> i was going to say there couldn't be anything less christian. >> you took the words out of my mouth. an important conversation. thank you so much. all right. more on our breaking news. the eastern town of kreminna has fallen to russian forces. we're also live on the ground in lviv where russian forces struck a civilian target for the first time since they invaded ukraine. plus, the wife of a kremlin critic detained in russia joins us live stphraofplt and cnn's last remaining original employee said his life was saved when a colleague donated her kidney. they will join us next on "new day" for this great story. before nexexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours withouheartburn? as a main street bank, over 7 million kids pnc d develop their passion . and now we're providing 88 billion dollars to support underserved communities... ...helping us all move 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unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. only xfinity will upgrade your tech after 3 years for a more reliable connection. get that and more with xfi complete. upgrade today. last september, cnn's last remaining original employee, senior u.n. correspondent, richard roth, sent a letter to his co workers. he was in desperate need on of a new kidney. he said even though he received one 25 years ago, it was now dieing inside of him. that's when his colleague samira gentleman farry answered the call. they started intense testing around thanksgiving to see if she was a match. richard successfully received a kidney from the woman who he now calls his heroine. i want to ask you both the same question. richard, starting with you. how are you feeling physically and emotionally? . >> well a little sore, understandably, with the indecision. these are dangerous times. because i have very little immunosuppresion against any infection or disease. i'm going back after this interview to yale, new haven medical where the surgery was performed for my first checkup, as will samira. i'm very blessed. i'm not very lucky at the racetracks, one of my loves. but so far with this medical lifeline that samira has given me, it's onward and upward. >> it's >> samira, how are you feeling? >> i feel great. i'm getting stronger every day. as richard mentioned, i, too, have a followup appointment. i'm hoping to be cleared for travel to get back home to atlanta t. surgery was definitely easier on my body than on richard. i'm continuously rooting for him. >> you both look and sound great. i know you're both going through a lot. especially you, richard, right now. i want to tell the story of how this all came to be. when people come to work at cnn, they say, it's big. you and richard, you obviously knew of each other. you didn't work closely. you didn't have a rich where you were immediate colleagues. how did this all come to be? >> that's right. i kind of joke that my kidney met richard before i actually did in person. i had only worked with richard over the phone. i edited at my job some of his scripts. his email, i was moved by it. i knew he was a cnn original. i had a great admiration for what he did as a journalist and who he was. just as a human, it felt like something i could do at that point in my life. it just felt possible for me to do this. i knew just at a basic efl, i knew these surgeries are successful, but that the real difficulty -- are often successful, but the real difficulty is finding donors. i felt like i was at a place in my life where maybe i could raise my hand and get it started and maybe be the match. >> that takes enormous courage as well as kindness. richard, how do you thank someone who saved your life? >> i've been wondering about that. samira is not the type of person who looks to be getting pats on the back and the flory. she is not that type of person. so perhaps coming up with the right idea is even a little tougher, but i'll come up with something. you know, i'm very fortunate. there are 117,000 people looking for kidneys and livers, and many people die each day. i guess i could only ask people who are like samira or tend to lean that way to think about donating to a friend or a relative. samira was out of the hospital the next day. if it wasn't for our former leader, jeff zucker, reiterating my plea on the morning cnn conference call -- maybe samira the join in on how close it was to her hearing about me. >> please. >> i wouldn't have read the email. we get hundreds of emails. i wouldn't have read it. it's nothing about richard. you know how many emails we get a day and how much movement there is around this company, how much news moves around. if jeff hadn't said, hey, i need you guys to read richard roth's email, i probably would have missed it in the big scheme of things. i'm just really glad i didn't. richard doesn't need to do anything else. he's shown nothing but gratitude and courage through this whole process. i just really, really want people to understand that this would not be possible without our surgeons. we have amazing surgeons. we were in amazing hands. every time i think of them, i want to name them, dr. hawkinson and dr. kilcarney. their team was incredible. i knew this was completely doable, not just for me, but a lot of people. they really should be commended in this process. >> richard? >> can i briefly thank all the cnn people who tried to help me along the way and former cnn people. i'm inundated with emails and tweets, people who usually ask me, are you still working? and now it's better to get, how are you feeling. >> that is good news. richard, can you tell us a little bit about how you found out that samira was willing to help? how much time between sending that email out of sort of desperation, knowing that you were maybe going to get some help? >> i need to look back on this. as everyone knows, i save almost every email. i think it was an email, not a phone call, but i definitely want to check back. i know i saved one or two of her phone messages. she could have dropped out at any point. i had one or two people do that, we had doctors rule out some other cnn people. i always said for months, until this kidney is in me, i'm not holding out hope because that's how perilous it all is. many other cnn people do not know in my contract there's a clause that says, the last original, that every cnn employee has to be prepared to turn over an organ to me when i need it, bionic cnn employee at age 100. i don't know. >> that's some serious pull. >> richard, you are renowned in this company for your sense of humor and also for your warmth and your graciousness, and it is so beautiful to see that returned to you. samira, you are a hero. the surgeons are heroes, and it is just beautiful to speak with you both today. best of luck in both of your recoveries? >> thank you for having us. welcome back from ukraine. >> thank you. >> thank you, richard. samira and richard. i love it. >> what a beautiful story. we have breaking news of fighting and strikes in both east and western ukraine. officials say the eastern town of kreminna has been lost to russian forces as missiles are fired in lviv overnight, which we've rarely seen. cnn is live from lviv. on 24 hour d dried-on stains. skip the rinse with finish to save e our water. grillin'n', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater tottin cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, tryg. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. krt singles. square it. - hiring is step one when it comes to our growth. we can't open a new shop or a new location without the right people in place. i couldn't keep up until i found ziprecruiter. ziprecruiter helps us get out there quickly and get us qualified candidates quickly. they sent us applicants that matched what i was looking for. i've hired for every role, entry-level technicians, service advisors, store managers. ziprecruiter helps me find all the right people, even the most difficult jobs to fill. - [announcer] ziprecruiter, rated the number one hiring site. try it for free at wet dishes? 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U S , Bionic Cnn , Breaking News , Viewers , Announcer , All Around The World , In The City , Missile , Western Ukraine , Brianna Keilar , Launching Strikes , John Avlon , Russia , John Berman , April 18th , Four , 18 , Monday April 18th , People , Child , Others , Missiles , Military , Casualties , Warehouses , Officials , Seven , Three , Hit , Lviv , Windows , Attacks , Targets , Hotel Housing Evacuees , Curfew , Blast , Sign , Strikes , Better , Doorstep , Poland Border , La , Nato , Luhansk , 43 , Region , Places , Governor , Zelenskyy , Town , Kreminna , Car , Fire , Hands , Vehicles , Equipment , Amount , Territory , Weapons , World War Ii , Country , Part , Fighters , Battle In The Donbas , Troops , Exit , Entry , Ultimatum , Say Mariupol , Example , Resistance , Reporter , Dnipro , Clarissa Ward , Quote , Men , Kind , Life , Authorities , Outskirts , Infrastructure Facility , Two , East , Everybody , Battle For Donbas , Nobody , Language , Towns , Crosshairs , Cathedral , Slovensk , One , Lord , Mercy , Orthodox Palm Sunday , Joy , Willows , Tradition , Palms , Celebration , Return To Jerusalem , Jesus , Fighting , Streets , Donbas , Offensive , Congregation , Battleground , Emptier , Wail , Sirens , Air Raid Siren , Children , Play , Safety , Adults , Stream , Evacuation Bus , Ambassador , Distance , It Whatting , Home , Husband , Mother , Isn T , Grandchildren , Granddaughter , Anna , Grandma , Support , Anguish , Journey , I Love You , Putin , Community , Pavel , Olga , No End In Sight , Idiot , Scenes , Everything , Separation , Organizer , Ukrainian Military Officials , Words , Reality , Forces , Russians , Cars , Firing , Called Kreminna , Front Line , Fear , Reports , Beginning , Street To Fighting , Tipping Point , Offense , Defense , Proverb , Eastern Donbas , Supply Lines , Parts , Offenses , Number , Lot , Fact , Gains , Back Drop , 1000 , Ground , Victory , Victory Day , May 9th , 9 , More , Fight , Anything , Kherson , South , Mariupol , Izium , Encircle , North , Pocket , Anticipation , Azov Stahl Steel Plant , City , Way , Both , Driver , Parents , Alex , Situation , Bombings , Report , Basketball , Weekend , Mykolaiv , Southern Ukraine , Shelling , Killings , Eyes , Place , What S Going On , Bombing , Nothing , Army , Don T Know , 10 , In My Life , Respite , Photos , Soldiers , Danger , Photographs , Images , Show , Bit , Out Of Nowhere , Everything Quiets , Bus , Nine , Range , Street , Feet , 15 , Water , Reason , Pipelines , It , Dishes , Rivers , Couple , Clothes , House , Houses , Path , Buckets , Family , Stuff , Cannot , Biden , Citizen , Ally , Response , Move , Table , Biden Leadership , Senator Coons , President , Clear , Administration , Marks , Nation , Vladimir Putin , Massacre Civilians , War Crimes , West , Aid , Tragedy , Syria , History , Source , Kasie Hunt , Cnn Plus Anchor , 21 , Clarification , Senator , Outrage , Hearing , Reporting , There , Perspective , Depths , Things , Idea , Concern , Step , Saying , Republicans , Democrats , Rule , Something , Cudgel , Eye , Gas , Coffers , Oil , Embargo , Money , Isn T An American Cudgel , Role , Europeans , Head , Imports , Conflict , Nail , Version , Some , Ways , Ramp Up , Natural Gas , Holes , Tools , Mind , Behind The Scenes Ways Intelligence , Terms , Variety , Politicians , Doesn T , American Politics , Picture , Democracy , Point , Problems , Leader , Coops , Marbling , Congressman Upton , Congress , Death Threats , Decision , Meet The Press , Clip , 24 , Aisle , Infrastructure , Members , Hogan , Senators , Governors , Bunch , Sides , Bill , Senate , Lindsey Graham , Issue , Donald Trump , 30 , 69 , School Board Member , Anybody , Story , Detriment , Mask Mandate , Death Throats , Elections , My Street , Georgia , Risk , Kids , Fulton County , Spouse , Threats , Families , Running , Coverage , Yes , Criticism , Wake , January 6th , 6 , Many , Leadership , People Aren T , Vacuum , Guys , Adam Kinzinger , Police , Cell Phones , Add Staff , Capitol , Camera , Person , Isn T A Person , End , Assumption , Strength , Integrity , Skill , Character , Headlines , Problem , Races , Creep , Capitol Hill , Trend , Heart , Republic , Eastern Ukraine , Weekdays , Official , Control , On Cnn Plus , 00 , 4 , Spots , Glasses , Missile Strikes , Add Finish Jet , Finish Jet , Detergent , Isn T Enenough , Clcloudiness , Dryry , 3 , 1 , Symptoms , Moderate , Crohn S Disease , Ulcerative Colitis , Infections , Dose , Cancer , Tracks , Relief , Serious , Injections , Stelara , Infection , Reactions , Vaccine , Doctor , Pres , Skin Growths , Sores , Brain Condition , Treatment , Lung Inflammation , Tb , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Moon , Chillin , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Dillin , Spillin , Smokin , Flippin , Dippin , Yolkin , Feeling , Grillin , Pair It , Share It , Bread , Spread , Tater Totting , Pie Ing , Feelin , Mealin , Kraft Singles , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Recording Artist , Students , Internet , Comcast , Millions , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , Possibilities , Shootings , Birthday Parties , Malls , Exception , Gun Violence Archive , 143 , Cities , Car Kaoeuf , 2022 , Times , Columbia , South Carolina , Philadelphia , Sacramento , Baltimore , Pittsburgh Furman , Las Vegas , California , Stockton , Indianapolis , Brooklyn , Willow Brook , Bronx , Baton Rouge , Elin , Illinois , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , Colorado Springs , Kentucky , Dallas , Monroe , Shelby , Hartford , Washington D C , Covington , Miami , Buffalo , Frank , Houston , Waterbury , Chicago , Milwaukee , Austin , Shreveport , Cleveland , Walterboro , Holster , Ton , Arkansas , Norfolk , Dumas , Fayetteville , Madison Heights , Fort Worth , You Iberia , Ozark , Reading , Fort Lauderdale , Lansing , Rochester , Irving , Columbus , Skwreufl , Autaugavville , Minneapolis , Knoxville , Hazleton , Aurora , Pennsylvania , Louisville , Lub Lubbock , Texas , Glendale , Lala , Chester , Missouri , Springfield , Little Rock , Romeoville , Tennessee , Murfreesboro , Phoenix , West Hollywood , Fresno , Wisconsin , Cors Corsicana , Wilmington , Lass Cruces , Bakersfield , Blacksburg , Oroville , Raleigh , Brunswick , Inglewood , Savannah , Wall , Montgomery , Dillon , Eugene , Oregon , Kenosha , South Bend , Denver , 151 , Party , Manhunt , Gunmen , Cut , Teenagers , Boston , Pittsburgh , 600 , Epidemic , Proportions , Monday Morning , Shimon Prokupecz , Dozens , Gunfire , Incidents , Result , Minors , House Party , 40 , Mass Shooting , Rental Property , Loved One , Won T , Gunfire Early Sunday Morning , 17 , Eight , 200 , Shooters , Most , Holiday , Police Chief , Anyone , Partygoers , Rounds , Bones , Cuts , Suspects , Police Say , 90 , Shooting , Information , Crime Scenes , Investigators , Mall On Saturday , One Man , Direction , Terrifying , Carrying , Pistol , Police Department , Court Sunday , Khrurg , 22 , Price , Another , Lawyer , House Arrest , 14 , Lounge , Scene , Sunday Morning , Gunshot Wounds , In Hampton County , 100 , Five , Ditches , Shots Rang Out , South Carolina Law Enforcement Division , Wtoc , Affiliate Wtoc Tv , Investigation , Hospitals , Condition , Males , Chinatown Neighborhood , Injuries , Vehicle , Crash , Led , Scrambling , Gun Violence , Law Enforcement , Explosion , Theme , Partying , Shopping , Cross Fire , Rival Gangs , Innocent Bystanders , Guns , Disputes , Defenders , Civilians , Pope , Warning , Use , Come On , Pain Relief , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Aleve X , Powerful , Capicola , Meat , Meats , Nonna , I Don T Cook , Refresh Italiano Subway , Thing , Perfect , Course , Friendly , Kitchen , Refre At Booking Com , Wait , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Subway , Booking Yeah , Alarm , Countries , World , Possibility , Truth , Battles Oren Mys , Issues , Chemical , Question , Kim Dozer , Ukraine , Phil Mudd , Cnn Global Affairs , Conversation , Chance , Reaction , White House , Let , Implications , Weapon , Options , Front , Mr , Eye End Response , Putin Wouldn T , Thinking , Military Target , Complications , Fly , Consequences , Battlefield , Somewhere , 40000 , Planning , Areas , Fallout , Winds Blow , The West , Effects , Rest , Eastern Europe , Austrian Chancellor , Kremlin , Bad News , I Don T Know , Captain , Chain Of Command , Isolation , Dictators , Generals , Moskva , Ralls , Scenario , Term , Decision Making , Escalate To Deescalate , Nightmare Scenario , Knee Jerk , Escalate , Practice , Nuke , Replacement , Low , Diplomacy , Pressure , Don T , Allies , Opportunity , Western Europe , Energy Purchases , Nukes , India , Germany , Beijing , Everyone , Nightmare , War Of Aggression , Nuclear War , Python Policy , Up , Toe To , Cutting , Military Piece , Piece , Ai , Indians , Ruble , Chinese , Python , Side , Reach , Advisers , Heads , Doing , Russian Orthodox Christian , Ch Christian , Et Cetera , Couldn T , Mouth , Time , Plus , Target , Wife , Critic , Kidney , Employee , Live Stphraofplt , Colleague , Night , Heartburn , Sleep , Nexexium 24hr , Main Street Bank , It Starts , Dream , Acid , Passion , Night Protection , Nexium 24hr , 7 Million , 88 Billion Dollars , 88 Billion , Emerge Tremfyant , Psoriatic Arthritis , Communities , Joints , Difference , Bank , Help , Ability , Tremfya , Patients , Movement , Mosquitoes , Voltaren , Migraine Medicine , Pro , Best , Pests , Orkin Pro , Call The Orkin , Light Bulb , Orkin , 5 , 52 , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Pill , Cause , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , 2 , Abbvie , Tiredness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Body , Allergies , Season , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Good , Xfi , Xfinity , Technology , Protection , Go , Wifi , Tech Upgrade Program , Connection , Upgrade Today , Xfi Complete , Last September , Richard Roth , Letter , Workers , Need , Co , Senior U N Correspondent , 25 , Will Samira , Gentleman Farry , Testing , The Call , Match , Woman , Heroine , Sore , Disease , Understandably , Indecision , Immunosuppresion , Surgery , Yale , Interview , Racetracks , Checkup , Loves , New Haven , Lifeline , Travel , Followup Appointment , On Richard , Atlanta , Sound , Look , Each Other , Big , Colleagues , Joke , Job , Email , Original , Admiration , Journalist , Scripts , Human , Point In My Life , Difficulty , Surgeries , Efl , Courage , Kindness , Donors , Hand , Type , Samira , Someone , Pats , Flory , Kidneys , Livers , Right , 117000 , Wasn T , Friend , Hospital , Relative , Conference Call , Join , Plea , Jeff Zucker , Emails , Company , Richard Doesn T , News Moves , Jeff Hadn T , Scheme , Surgeons , Process , Gratitude , Anything Else , Dr , Team , Hawkinson , Kilcarney , News , Tweets , Sort , Desperation , Phone Call , Doctors , Phone Messages , Hope , Clause , Contract , Organ , Pull , Hero , Heroes , Sense , Warmth , Humor , Graciousness , Luck , Richard , Recoveries , Finish , Stains , Grillin N , Singles , Tater Tottin , Tryg , Krt , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Ziprecruiter , Store Managers , Applicants , Candidates , Location , Advisors , Jobs , Hiring Site , Cloudiness , Medicare , Tightness , Prescription , Prescriptions , Plaque Psoriasis , Meds , Singlecare , Don T Overpay , Stinging , 80 , Skin , Majority , 16 , Ratings , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Angi , Angi Com , Around The World , Mission Sills Hit , Air Strikes , Barrage , Hit A Tire Repair Shop , 11 ,

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