Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

wait is more than two hours. the problems with testing, particularly frustrating, of course, during this holiday week when a lot of people are trying to preserve the plans that they have. so the question now, what to do about those new year's eve parties. dr. fauci was asked and he said if you're talking about a larger party, 30, 40, 50 people and you don't know nch's vaccination status, he's saying that this is not the year to do that. >> alexandra field, thank you. let's bring in white house correspondent jeremy diamond who is traveling with president biden in rehoboth beach, delaware. president biden was asked about shortening the quarantine time for positive tests earlier today before we got this new guidance from the cdc. what did he have to say? >> that's right, jake. just hours before the cdc made this announcement, president biden was asked about this. he said that he would follow the advice of his medical experts when indeed they'd recommend a change to that isolation period. but it really is remarkable how quickly things have shifted at the white house and within the federal government's federal health response here on this isolation period. the president was also asked about this on friday and he said that that was not the recommendation of his public health experts at that time. that was just a day after the cdc shoernted that guidance for health care workers from 10 days to 7 days. now they're talking about five days of isolation for all americans and, of course, we have to note that even though the cdc is clearly citing medical evidence, companies across the country, including those airlines we were just hearing about have been pressuring the federal government to shorten that isolation period, citing the cost on economic activity as this omicron surge takes over the country. >> president biden earlier today joined a call between his covid task force and the nation's governors. he was able to speak to all of them, including republican governor asa hutchinson of arkansas who is one of more than a dozen republicans suing the biden administration over vaccine mandates. were they able to find some common ground? >> they certainly were, jake. this was not a combative call by all accounts, including the portion of the call that was not on camera and assessable to the media. this was really a call for the federal and state governments to get on the same page about this omicron variant. we heard governor asa hutchinson, the chair of the national governors association, praising the coordination that he's had with the federal government. he also praised president biden for remarks he made last week which hutchinson said were aimed at depoliticizing the response to the pandemic. an apparent reference to president biden touting the trump administration's efforts to get the vaccine. but they were also in agreement on one thing. and that is that there is not enough testing in this country yet and president biden made very clear that those images of long lines over the weekend showed, to him at least, that clearly they have a lot more work to do. the president saying several times clearly we have not done enough on testing. that was also something that dr. anthony fauci acknowledged earlier today. and so while they do have that plan to send those 500 million tests to americans who request them beginning next month there's a clear acknowledgment of what is an obvious failure to meet that testing demand right now around the holiday season and with omicron cases surging around the country. but also today, president biden authorizing the use of stafford act to use emergency funds so that hhs can stand up more testing sites in partnership with state and local governments across the country. >> and it has been a huge failure and not just one that we're experiencing. it's very visible. we see all this video of these incredibly long testing lines throughout the country in miami. leyla santiago interviewed somebody waiting in line for three hours, for a test. how worried is the white house about this? >> well, clearly they are worried enough that the president of the united states has now acknowledged not just once but repeatedly over the last week what is an apparent failure on the testing front saying several times that clearly his administration has not been able to meet that demand and that he wishes that he had done more. he said last week, for example, that he wishes that he had ordered those 500 million tests previously. now the white house has said the manufacturing capacity simply wasn't there. but we also heard president biden do today was try and thread the needle between acknowledging that failure and also making clear how much progress has been made over the last year. citing the fact that for example nine at-home covid tests have been approved. there were none when president biden came into office nearly a year ago. so that was kind of what you heard from the president. acknowledging on the one hand that they have come up short on the testing front but also that there has been a lot of progress in his time in office. >> jeremy diamond traveling with president biden in rehoboth beach, delaware. thanks so much. appreciate it. today, thousands of holiday travelers are scrambling to rebook flights after major u.s. airlines have k s s have cancel across the board. gleets to nadia romero outside hartsfield-jackson. you tell us if flights are gett canceled because crew and staff are out with covid. what are passengers saying about this? >> we spoke with plenty of passengers throughout the last few days and they tell me they were frantically checking their phones. some of them couldn't sleep the night before their flight just hoping they wouldn't get an alert from the airline that their flight had been canceled or delayed. but at last check, 1200 flights have been canceled today alone. you add that to the 1500 from yesterday. the numbers just get worse and worse. the passengers, many of them who haven't seen their families since december of 2019 sp. so two years ago. prepandemic. they wanted to take the flights despite all the inconveniences and travel delays they knew they'd expect on a normal holiday year. now add in the omicron variant. we spoke with travelers going further. one woman was leaving atlanta headed to hawaii. another came to atlanta from taiwan. listen to how they tried to navigate the omicron variant and holiday travel over the past couple of days. >> this year compared to last year 2020. >> last year was a lot easier. i came here last year for christmas as well. and it was a lot smoother than it is now. plus, with everything going on, i'm not sure how traveling is going to be affected so i want to make sure that while we can travel, take, you know, get it out of the way. >> so he was traveling from taiwan to atlanta. now headed to tampa. his flight was canceled but fortunately for him he was able to get on a flight two hours earlier so it didn't disrupt his travel plans altogether. jake, this has just been a domino effect. once you figure out that your flight is on, as soon as you get inside, you're seeing some of the longest lines we've seen since maybe the thanksgiving holiday, especially at tsa general boarding. taking people a long time to get through the other side to the security checkpoints. >> tell us about these four ocean cruise ships being turned away because of covid concern. tell us more about that. what's happening with those travelers? >> yeah, jake, this reminds us of the very beginning of covid where we had those cruise ships docked and we had all of those troubles. those four cruise ships were turned away from their ports of call. one was going to stop in mexico. the others were going to the caribbean. they had different levels of covid-19 outbreaks on board and so they were turned away and had to go back to their original port of entry. those cruise lines will tell you, they'll proudly say we tested everyone. you have to have a negative test, be fully vaccinated if you are a traveler which goes to show how hard it is to limit the spread of this omicron variant. >> nadia romero in atlanta, thank you. appreciate it. coming up in, we break down your questions about this new cdc guidance. shortening the time needed to isolate after testing positive with covid going from 10 days to 5. plus, how the power of superheroes is able to lure viewers back in to movie theaters. this year's blockbuster is back turning spidy sense into real cash. don't go anywhere. like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. in our health lead, let's dig in on our breaking news. the centers for disease control and prevention now recommending isolation for those who test positive for covid for only five days down from ten. dr. megan rainey is a professor of medicine and dean at brown university. what's your reaction to this brand-new cdc guidance cutting u isolation time by half? >> this is part good news, part a little bit of stretch of the science. the good news is that for folks who are vaccinated, there is increasing evidence that if we are asymptomatic, we are not infectious after five days. and we should be allowed to be back in society, back at work, back at school and back at play. the trouble is for the unvaccinated, the data is not as clear so they're extrapolating from what we've seen around the vaccinated to the unvaccinated as well. they do make the caveat that after that five days, if you're out in public, you should still be wearing a mask but you and i both know how often the unvaccinated are wearing masks out in public right now. so i'm a little nervous about that part of the recommendation. that said, overall, i'm glad to see the cdc following the science as we learn more about the virus. we should be changing our recommendations. i just wish this were done in a way that rewarded the vaccinated and didn't put the rest of us at risk. >> why do this now as cases are surging and all the health experts think this is going to get even worse over the next four to six weeks? >> i suspect that it is at least partly because of pressure from employers. listen, i spent the day in the emergency department today. we have six physicians currently among my group, our residents and attendings who are out sick with covid. none of them are severely ill because we've all been vaccinated and most of vus been boosted. having them out for ten days versus five days, it's a really big difference for my health care system. and that's true not just for health care systems but for airlines, as you were just talking about, for restaurants, schools. there's a lot of pressure as there are more cases to try to cut down on the isolation period if we can. and we can do it safely, particularly for the vaccinated. >> and what might this mean for schools? we've been seeing some universities moving back to virtual learning. that has some parents worried that, you know, grade schools, high schools might also go back to that, even though we have the secretary of education and dr. fauci and others saying there is no need to go back to virtual learning. what do you think this step might -- might this step play a role in keeping the schools open? >> i hope it will encourage us to keep schools open. i've been a vocal advocate since last summer, long before we got vaccinates, about the importance of in-person learning. masks are, of course, a critical component of that. so are vaccines. this new policy will allow teachers to stay in the classroom. will allow kids to get back to in-person learning more quickly. hopefully will encourage both grade schools and high schools but also colleges and universities to stay in person. >> on the matter of following the science, i want to ask your opinion about masking because it seems pretty clear the n95 masks are much better and more serious than some of the cloth masks. i mean, do you think the cdc should be telling people time to switch to n95s? there's no shortage of them now. everybody can get them. because the cloth masks are not as effective? they're more effective than nothing but not as effective as these actual professional masks. >> yeah, that's right. i would not be caught in the emergency department with just a cloth mask. i wear an n95 and then wear another mask on top of it to help keep it clean since i sometimes still do reuse them for an entire day. covid is an airborne virus and especially this new omicron variant spreads so easily that you really do need an n95, a kn95 or a kf94 to fully prevent its transmission. this would be a great time for the cdc to update its recommendations to make very clear that there is a gradation of masks and those home sewn cloth masks do not cut it against omicron. but the vaccines, of course, are our very best protection. >> absolutely, of course. we see cases in south africa trending down. that's where omicron, we first learned of it. based on that, what is your prediction for how long this surge might go on in the u.s.? >> so i hesitate to extrapolate directly from south africa to the united states for a couple of reasons. the first is, it's summer in south africa, winter here in the u.s. we have different patterns of living and socializing. that would be like comparing july in the u.s. to july in south africa. not a fair comparison. the second thing is that our population make-up is different and our country is different. we saw with delta variant that took india by storm over a couple of months. but it's been about six to nine months it's been slowly making its way through the united states. i worry that the same could be true with omicron. now in a best case scenario, we will follow the same pattern of a quick surge up and then a quick drop down in cases. but even in that best case scenario, jake, we are in for a heck of a january. i have gotten so many texts from friends today who have caught covid over the last few days over the holiday weekend. again, multiple colleagues who are out. we are in for a really tough month ahead. even if we do follow the same pattern as south africa. >> there are so many signs of people wanting to get back to normal. people flocked to movie theaters this weekend in a record box office opening for the new "spider-man." some airports saw more travelers before christmas than prepandemic levels. obviously to a degree, people are -- who are vaccinated and boosted are just -- they're factoring in the risks and they want to go back to their lives. how are you gauging how to live your life? do you go to the movies? do you eat out at restaurants? do you travel? how do you do it? >> so at this moment, i cannot afford to get sick. my colleagues cannot afford for me to get sick. so i am not going to the movies or out to restaurants. i am, however, responding time with small groups of people. we all do a rapid test right beforehand. we're all vaccinated. those of us that are eligible are boosted. i dont think that those of us who are vaccinated should go back to the life that we were living in 2020. because even as contagious as omicron is, if you are vaccinated, particularly if you are boosted and you're unlucky enough to catch it you're going to be okay. this is the thing that i'm telling people. make sure that you have rapid tests if at all possible. make sure that you have ibuprofen, tylenol, chicken soup, gatorade and have a pulse ox in case you get sick to help soothe your own anxiety and nerves to remind you that you'll be okay. but for most of us who are vaccinated, omicron in particular is going to be more like a cold. just take a little bit and be a little careful so you don't overwhelm the system right now. >> dr. rainey, good to see you. coming up next, follow the money. how the january 6th committee is trying to track down key players behind the insurrection. stay with us. a eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. with ww, i lost 30 pounds and i feel incredible. i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. join today for 50% off at hurry, offer ends december 27th. want to save on your home internet? 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>> well, this case sparked a lot of national attention. nearly 5 million signatures on that petition asking the colorado governor to reduce the sentence or grant clemency. we heard kim kardashian speaking out asking the governor to also grant clemency. the governor's office meanwhile telling cnn that it is reviewing the request. legal experts, however, don't expect him to get ahead of the initial system and even some of the victims' families are calling for him to stay out of it. >> lucy kafanov, thank you. the committee investigating the capitol insurrection is trying a new strategy to get answers about the money behind january 6th. that's next. the holidays are in full swing and you can feel the magic in the air. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. can you tell us what's happening? yeah, i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! oooh and i get a free year of apple tv+. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. and this is for new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers. like me! back to you. uh, hello!? 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>> we don't have any information on timing and that's because the case is only just assigned to a judge today. so we'll follow this closely, but at this point it's up in the air. he's making a lot of arguments we've already seen which are that this committee is politically lopsided and that it has no real legislative purpose. but these are arguments that two courts now have said are basically without merit. to try to block archive requests and so far judges are just not buying it. >> whitney wild, thanks. let's discuss this. bakari, let me start with you. among the many hats you wear, one of them is a lawyer. what's the point of figuring out who paid for the rallies? the rallies themselves are not being investigated. it's what happened at the capitol. >> well, you can't look at one without the other. i mean, this is why you have things such as racketeering when you look at who is financing projects, what happens in the middle and the end result. so by digging up and going to find out who financed the rallies, who paid for the buses, who paid for the robocalls, the radio ads, these individuals who actually paid for this rally, which led to an insurrection, they paid for this coup. and it's very important to know who they are and we'll see, because i've always said and i think many people, democrats, republicans and independents alike, they want accountability for these people who financed this coup or attempted coup and accountability for those who stormed the capitol. it's not just the number of people we've seen indicted for storming. also those individuals who paid for it and elected officials who aided and abetted. >> stewart, it is possible that the rallies themselves, again, not the attack on the capitol, but the rallies themselves, were funded by the trump campaign or trump himself. does that necessarily mean that the funding was there to create this coup, as bakari describes it? >> sure. i think it does. they were very clear about what they wanted to do. they wanted to stop the peaceful transfer of power. i mean, this is what they wanted pence to do. there's no secrets here. it's just a question of whether people are going to be held accountable. what's difficult for some people to wrap their minds around is that every level of the republican party was involved in this. white house staff, congressman, senators, their staffs, the republican governors association was involved. the rnc. major donors. i mean, you work for a congressman or senator, they don't go out the door without being staffed up. this was not just a sort of impromptu event. it was long in the planning. and people paid for it and they tried to overthrow the government of the united states. >> bakari, the committee has asked to speak to two republican members of congress. congressman scott perry of pennsylvania declined the committee's request. congressman jim jordan of ohio has not yet responded. do you think the committee would be willing to subpoena fellow members of congress? >> yes. i think they have to. if they're going to ultimately get the answers. one thing this committee can't do, you have already walked this far. you can't turn back now and short change the american public. so, yes, they have to drag these members in and let's not forget what we're talking about here. people died at this attempted coup. people died in the storming of the capitol. law enforcement was assaulted. i mean, this wasn't just some peaceful march on washington. this was actually a violent attempted insurrection. and so when you look at the results of it i think the individuals who financed this rally have just the same culpability as those individuals who stormed the capitol and equally as culpable are the members of congress who may even be held to a higher standard. i have a feeling we'll be seeing jim jordan and many others sitting in front of the committee and having to testify under oath. >> there are no signs congressman jordan or perry is going to be willing to cooperate. so taking it one step further. do you think there would be enough votes in the house to refer fellow members of congress to the justice department for criminal contempt of congress? >> i don't think republicans are going to rise to this challenge at all. this is a straight-up failure of republicans to hold basic law and order tenets that those of us that worked in the party would always like to think of ourselves as law and order party. so except for a few people here, liz leading the charge, republicans aren't going to help. this is why they were opposed to the creation of the 1/6 committee. they knew what it would uncover. >> congressman bennie thompson, the democrat who chairs the january 6th committee, told "the washington post" this about the investigation into former president trump, quote, i can assure you that if a criminal referral would be warranted, there would be no reluctance on the part of this committee to do that, unquote. bakari, is it too soon to be talking about trying to get former president trump charged? there's still financial records, white house records, testimony. the committee has not been able to get hold of yet. >> yeah, if you shoot at the king you better not miss. that's the saying that is oftentimes utilized, especially in a court of law when individuals are seeking indictments. they are doing it the right way. going through following the money, following the paper. they are doing it the right way. congressman thompson is doing what he's supposed to do as leader of this committee. it's a bipartisan committee. they'll make sure that when they send a referral over, that it's going to be an actual case that you can win. it's not just one that exceeds the probable cause threshold. they would hope that they could prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. and the best part about this process and let's not forget is that the white house is doing what it's supposed to and what white houses have done over the time which is stay out of the department of justice's business when it comes to these type of prosecutions, et cetera. so i appreciate what kamala and joe biden are doing by just allowing this committee and allowing the department of justice to do their work. >> stuart, "the washington post" also has some new reporting about how trump loyalists in congress are trying to purge republicans that they feel are not loyal to trump sufficiently. one of the candidates supporting is a gentleman joe kent. he's challenging republican congresswoman jamie herary butler of washington state because herrera butler voted to impeach president trump over january 6th. he said a lot of it will be shaming republicans. i need to be going after the people in the republican party who want to go back to go along to get along. it's put up or shut up, unquote. we should note kent is out there pushing the lie that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. there, of course, wasn't. he falsely claims government agents were involved in the capitol riot and on and on and on. stuart, is this the future of the republican party? >> yes, it absolutely is the future of the republican party. look, we have to stop thinking what's happening here in the united states has never happened before elsewhere. there's a pretty prelictable pattern a lot of studies have been done. how modern deinemocracies fail. it's a test of whether our democracy is going to fail. and one of the steps are purges where people compete to be more pure. and that's what's happening here. and it's not going to stop. except for a few people. there's no anti-trump movement in the republican party. this is what the republican party wants to be, which, sad as it is to admit, is largely an autocratic movement. >> bakari, that's a republican staffer, former republican consultant saying that. but it doesn't seem as though the war that so many of these republicans are waging against facts and reality and democracy is hurting their chances at all when it comes to winning the house and maybe the senate back in 2022. does that say something about the weakness of the democrats? >> i think it says something about our failure to communicate the policies and successes that democrats have actually had. but i think what we're talking about is the fact that whatever margin i believe that is very possible that republicans do the gerrymandering and the momentum of the country are going to take back the house. it's a lot different in the senate but take back the house. that margin won't be -- that margin won't be as wide as it could be because you'll be having a lot of poor candidates. individuals who are challenging in primaries. individuals trying to, as we talked about, pass that purity test. our former colleague is talking about going against nancy mace because of her vote earlier on in her pushing back on donald trump and so you have these issues popping up all across the country which is going to give democrats some chance to win seats we otherwise wouldn't. >> bakari sellers and stuart stevens, thank you. spinning a web of box office gold. the new "spider-man" movie doing something that's not been done since 2019. what is it? 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>> well, spider-man had a big advantage being a movie that stars not only -- not only continuing that whole marvel cinematic universe story line but has the most beloved character, i think in comic books more or less in spider-man but also the advantage of, look, frankly being only in theaters. you mentioned "dune." big movie. did well. did okay. made about $4 million at the global box office. but hampered because it was in theaters and on hbo max simultaneously in the u.s. and some other territories. "no time to die" has done very well. it's grossed $775 million something like that. but it is a little bit limited here in the united states because older audiences are still a little hesitant to return to theaters, and "no time to die" is a james bond movie. james bond has always skewed a little older. stow had some draw backs there. "spider-man no way home" is a huge crowd-pleasing movie that people wanted to see in theaters it to avoid getting spoiled. that is like a very key thing that we need to keep in mind here. and one of the reasons it did such huge numbers on opening weekend. nobody was expecting a $250 million-style it's a testament to the character, to marvel. it's the testament to the fact that i think people are starting to get a little more comfortable with going to the movie theatres, which is, you know, not great timing given everything going on with omicron. but it is a, it's a, it's a big hit. big win for sony and marvel alike. >> and there is this shift. you talk about this. about one of the issues with doon is you could see it am home streaming or in the theatre. does what happened with spider-man, this huge box office smash, solidify not only that there will always be some appetite for movie theatres, but perhaps send a signal to hollywood, you really should not do the release in theatres and at home at the same time. you should try to do the theatre release to get these numbers. >> yeah, i mean, it's a really difficult balancing act for studios and i don't, you know, i don't want to second guess any of them. they have a ton of different things they're thinking about. but if you look at the movies that have done the best in the pandemic, the ones that have done the best were the ones available exclusively in theatres. so if you look "spider-man no way home," huge hit, exclusively in theatres, venom let there be carnage was a surprise hit. i don't think anybody was expecting that to have the biggest opening weekend of any movie before "spider-man no way home," but it had huge numbers because people were excited to see it and it was only in theatres. no time to die did well. very solid. held well and it did that because it was available only in theatres. you can even extend that back a bit. look at a movie like free guy. i think people were kind of skeptical like oh, they're going to keep free guy just in theatres? but they extended the life of the movie and they did a good job of getting it into the top ten on the year. i was a little surprised by how well that one held, but it's a fun movie. people wanted to go see it in theatres. what's especially interesting here is that all of these movies are basically films that appeal to young men. if you're looking at -- it's younger male audiences. those are the movies that are still doing really, really well. movies like west side story, which is available only in theatres, have not done as well. movies like the last dual. even house of gucci. which has done a little better. those are skewed towards a little older audiences. in some cases, more female centric audiences and they have not done as well. the young male audience is the one that has said we are done with delta, with omicron. we're done with covid, we're going back to the movie theatre. >> turning to our sports lead and growing, we have postponements and cancellations as the virus sweeps through the country. the nhl, the nba, the nfl all forced to remake their schedules and in college football, two more bowl games have been canceled while two are now searching for new teams after the university of miami and boise state withdrew. christine, these announcements bring the total number of college bowl games impacted in just the past week to six. how to you see this playing out as we approach the playoff fwam games this week? >> clearly omicron's not done with us and not done with sports and the college football, the big evening of course is new year's eve with the two semifinals and if one team is not able to play, it's just going to be a forfeit, which is quite a shock. all of the build up, september, october, november, then it's a forfeit. my strong guess is that there will not be a forfeit. at this point, these schools are the ones in charge of their numbers and it would take quite a president of a university or athletic director to announce the numbers. not saying they're cheating, but to be so forthright to knock themselves out of the game they have been pointing towards for this entire season and nick saban, the alabama coach, has said his team is fine and my guess is all four of the teams will be okay, but no doubt covid would be a part of each team, coaching staff, whether or not they'll report it or ignore it. >> and christine, the national hockey league just announced they're postponing three more games bringing the total number of postponed games to 70 but the nhl said they're planning to resume its regular-season tomorrow. nba and nfl have similarly seen a huge uptick in cases. do you think the leagues are taking it seriously enough? >> i think they're taking it as seriously as they can financially. they do not want to shutdown so they're bringing up minor leaguers in the nba. the nhl was going to have the christmas break. now it looks like it could be a new year's break. they'll have now the olympics than they would have had at the olympic tournament. they'll have those three weeks to kind of pack in any postponed games. so no. they want to keep playing and they're willing to put on an inferior product on the field and so far, fans are willing to accept that. >> good to see you. thank you so much. up next, the cdc shortening the isolation period for some people after they test positive for covid. dr. anthony fauci will be live on cnn to answer your questions about the changes. stay with us. ar 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) because everyone deserves better. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. what does a foster kid need from you? to be brave. to show up. for staying connected. the questions they weren't able to ask. show up for the first day of school, the last day at their current address. for the mornings when everything's wrong. for the manicure that makes everything right, for right now. show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at breaking news. the cdc just updated its guidelines for people who get covid or are exposed to it, shortening quarantine times for many americans as the omicron variant tears across the country. dr. fauci joins us live to explain the changes. this comes during a perilous week in the omicron crisis with new cases exploding, covid tests in short supply and high demand, and many more flights canceled. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. wolf blitzer is off today. i'm jim acosta. you're in "the situation room.

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, 10 , Cost , Activity , Omicron Surge , Biden Earlier , Asa Hutchinson , Republicans Aren T , Wall , Governors , Republican , Nation , Task Force , Arkansas , One , Administration , Portion , Ground , Accounts , Media , Vaccine Mandates , Assessable , Camera , Omicron Variant , Governments , State , Coordination , Page , Chair , Remarks , National Governors Association , Thing , Pandemic , Vaccine , Reference , Efforts , Agreement , Times , Something , Work , Lines , Images , Weekend , Failure , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Testing Demand , Holiday Season , Acknowledgment , 500 Million , Partnership , Emergency Funds , Testing Sites , Use , Stafford Act , Hhs , Test , Testing Lines , Line , Somebody Waiting , Video , Leyla Santiago , Three , Example , Manufacturing Capacity , Demand , Fact , Progress , None , Needle , Thread , Wasn T , Nine , Office , Hand , Holiday Travelers , Board , Thanks , Thousands , Nadia Romero , Kss , Gleets , Congressman , Crew , Hartsfield Jackson , Some , Couldn T , Airline , Alert , Phones , 1200 , Numbers , Families , Many , Haven T , Prepandemic , Sp , 1500 , December Of 2019 , 2019 , Travelers , Travel , Atlanta , Another , Headed To Hawaii , Inconveniences , Add , Woman , Omicron Variant And Holiday Travel , Taiwan , 2020 , Way , Everything , Traveling , Plus , Travel Plans , Domino Effect , To Atlanta , Tampa , Holiday , Boarding , Side , Security Checkpoints , General , Tsa , Concern , Ocean Cruise Ships , Others , Levels , Cruise Ships , Troubles , Outbreaks , Caribbean , 19 , Traveler , Everyone , Cruise Lines , Port Of Entry , Questions , Power , Positive , Spread , Coming Up In , 5 , Movie Theaters , Viewers , Moms , Blockbuster , Superheroes , Sense , Anywhere , Don T Go , Cash , Car , Experience , Respect , Customer , Birthday , Care , Breaking News , Health Lead , Dig , Professor , Medicine , Dean , Reaction , Brown University , Megan Rainey , Ten , Part , Bit , Science , News , Folks , Half , Stretch , Vaccinated , Society , Unvaccinated , School , Trouble , Play , Data , Extrapolating , Mask , Masks , Public , Both , Caveat , Virus , Recommendations , Rest , Didn T , Risk , Pressure , Health Experts , Employers , Six , Most , Residents , Attendings , Emergency Department Today , Group , Vus , Physicians , Schools , Difference , Restaurants , Health Care System , Health Care Systems , Parents , Learning , Universities , Mean , High Schools , Grade Schools , Need , Secretary , Education , Step Might , Step , Importance , Vaccinates , Advocate , Role , Vaccines , Policy , Teachers , Kids , Classroom , Masking , Colleges , Person , Matter , Opinion , N95 , Everybody , Cloth Masks , Shortage , Cloth , Cloth Mask , Emergency Department , Nothing , Reuse , Top , Gradation , Transmission , South Africa , Protection , Couple , Reasons , Surge , Prediction , Is , Socializing , Patterns , Comparison , Living , Delta Variant , Make Up , Storm , Same , Population , India , Pattern , Case Scenario , Caught Covid , Friends Today , Drop , Heck , Texts , Colleagues , Signs , Spider Man , Record , Box Office Opening , Airports , Degree , Movies , Life , Factoring , Risks , Lives , Groups , Chicken Soup , Ibuprofen , Tylenol , Case , Help , Nerves , Gatorade , Anxiety , Cold , Pulse Ox , Insurrection , Money , Stay , System , Eat Fresh , January 6th Committee , Players , 6 , January 6th , Bounce , Shampoo , Subway , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Body , Baja , Program , Ww , App , Ww Com , Hurry , Offer Ends December 27th , December 27th , 27 , Home , Xfinity , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Internet , Credit , Internet Service , Value , Equipment , Xfinity Mobile , 0 , Store , Click , 15 , Lead , Petition Calling , Leniency , 5 Million , Driver , Prison Sentence , Brakes , Truck Driver , Semitruck , Pile Up , Deadly Colorado Highway Crash , 110 , 28 , Laws , Sentence , Judge , Prosecutors , Hearing , More , Lucy Kafanov , Hands , Colorado , Denver , Request , Prosecution , January 13th , 13 , Court , Maderos , Alexis King , Defense , District Attorney , 20 , Victims , Facts , Process , Reporters , Conversations , Count , Sentencing , Issue , Defendant , Sentences , Cnn , Counts , Charges , Attorney , Sentencing Laws Need Reform , Vehicleal Homicide , Assault , Take A Look , Law , Danger , Mr , The Law Doesn T , Exceptions , Kind , Kinds , Crash , Influence , Drugs , Alcohol , 23 , Petition , Clemency , Position , Runaway Ramp , Signatures , Governor , Attention , Grant Clemency , Kim Kardashian , Committee , Don T , Capitol , Strategy , T Mobile , Holidays , Oooh , Air , Let S Go , Magic , Airpods , Swing , Dianne , Apple Tv , Customers , Iphone 13 Pro , Uh , Adults , Calling , Substitute Teaching , Addition , Greg , 68 , Man , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Healthier Brain , Job , Doesn T Offer , Health Coverage , 52 , 47 , 2 , Friend , Coverage , First , Payment , Prices , 60 , Personalpoints Program , Goals , Foods , 26 , Politics , Bank Records , Rallies , House Committee Investigating The Capitol Riot , Effort , Cnn Law Enforcement Correspondent Whitney Wild , Records , Subpoena , Challenge , House Select Committee , Taylor Budawich , Donald Trump , Rally , Funding , Spokesman , Jpmorgan Chase , Information , Release , Claims Budawich , Investigation , Motion , File A Motionuring , Organization , Social Media , Radio Advertising Campaign , Jurisdiction , Anything , Budawich , 501 , Election , Sources , Results , Source , Attendance , Claims , January 6th Ellipse Rally , 200000 , 00000 , Advertising Campaign , Finances , Point , Timing , Arguments , Up In The Air , Courts , Purpose , Bakari , Archive Requests , Judges , Merit , Hats , Other , Lawyer , Projects , Result , Robocalls , Buses , Individuals , Coup , Democrats , Independents , Led , Radio Ads , Accountability , Storming , Number , Officials , Campaign , Stewart , Attack , Abetted , It , Transfer , Minds , Secrets , Level , Pence , Accountable , Senators , Senator , Donors , Door , Sort , Republican Governors Association , Rnc , Members , Congress , Planning , Event , Pennsylvania , Scott Perry , Jim Jordan , Yes , Ohio , Answers , Short Change The American , Law Enforcement , Peaceful March On Washington , Front , Standard , Culpability , Feeling , House , Votes , Oath , Justice Department For Criminal Contempt Of Congress , Law And Order , Charge , Tenets , Trump , Congressman Thompson , Creation , The Washington Post , 1 6 , Referral , Testimony , Reluctance , Hold , King , Saying , Indictments , Leader , Referral Over , Paper , Threshold , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Houses , Prosecutions , Joe Biden , Type , Department Of Justice , Et Cetera , Kamala , Candidates , Stuart Stevens , Reporting , Loyalists , Congresswoman , Butler , Jamie , Trump Over January 6th , Gentleman Joe Kent , Washington State , Herrera Butler , Herary , Lie , Shaming Republicans , Fraud , Kent , Up Or Shut , Future , Government Agents , On And , Thinking , Studies , Elsewhere , Democracy , Steps , Purges , Movement , Which , War , Staffer , Chances , Doesn T , Reality , Consultant , Policies , Senate , Weakness , Successes , 2022 , Margin , Gerrymandering , Momentum , , Purity Test , Colleague , Primaries , Nancy , Issues , Chance , Vote , Mace , Movie , Box Office , Wouldn T , Seats , Gold , Web , Bakari Sellers , Ingestion , Heartburn , Upset Stomach , Pepto Bismol , Action , Relief , Coating , Soothing , Diarrheaaaa , Project Managers , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Support , 833 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , 4673 , Calhope Org , Pop Culture Lead , Strangers , Spaces , Film , Time , Spider Man No Way Home , Box Office Record Raking , Don T Go Well Together But Marvel S , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , James Bond , Films , Dune , Sonny Bunch , Character , Advantage , Weren T , Comic Books , Marvel Cinematic Universe Story Line , Theaters , Big Movie , 4 Million , Million , Audiences , Little , No Time To Die , Territories , Hbo Max , 775 Million , 75 Million , Older , Draw , Stow , Mind , Nobody , 50 Million , 250 Million , Testament , Movie Theatres , Marvel , Hit , It S A , Shift , Win , Sony , Theatre , Theatres , Signal , Appetite , Hollywood , Ones , Best , At The Movies , Studios , I Don T Want To Second Guess , Ton , Balancing Act , Surprise Hit , Opening , Carnage , Venom , Anybody , Guy , Appeal , Fun , Men , Movies Like West Side Story , Movies Like The Last Dual , House Of Gucci , Audience , Better , Delta , Female Centric , Nhl , Nfl , Movie Theatre , Growing , Cancellations , Nba , Teams , Bowl Games , Boise State , Schedules , College Football , University Of Miami , Playoff Fwam Games , College Bowl Games , Playing , Announcements , Christine , Team , Forfeit , Shock , Semifinals , Evening , Build Up , September , Guess , University , Athletic Director , October , November , Game , Pointing , Season , Cheating , Nick Saban , Alabama Coach , Coaching Staff , No Doubt , Uptick , 70 , Leagues , Leaguers , Olympic , Break , Olympics , Pack , Christmas Break , Up Next , Field , Inferior Product , Fans , Changes , Ar 100 , 100 , Offer , Techno Wizardry , Spot , License Plate , Carvana , Verizon , Kate , Phone , Deal , Carolers , 1000 , 000 , Security , Family , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Family Safe Browsing , Control , Pause Wifi , Foster Kid Need , Show Up , Manicure , Address , Wrong , First Day Of School , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Guidelines , Shortening Quarantine Times , Omicron , Supply , Tears , Exploding , Crisis , Around The World , Wolf Blitzer , Jim Acosta , Situation Room ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240709

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wait is more than two hours. the problems with testing, particularly frustrating, of course, during this holiday week when a lot of people are trying to preserve the plans that they have. so the question now, what to do about those new year's eve parties. dr. fauci was asked and he said if you're talking about a larger party, 30, 40, 50 people and you don't know nch's vaccination status, he's saying that this is not the year to do that. >> alexandra field, thank you. let's bring in white house correspondent jeremy diamond who is traveling with president biden in rehoboth beach, delaware. president biden was asked about shortening the quarantine time for positive tests earlier today before we got this new guidance from the cdc. what did he have to say? >> that's right, jake. just hours before the cdc made this announcement, president biden was asked about this. he said that he would follow the advice of his medical experts when indeed they'd recommend a change to that isolation period. but it really is remarkable how quickly things have shifted at the white house and within the federal government's federal health response here on this isolation period. the president was also asked about this on friday and he said that that was not the recommendation of his public health experts at that time. that was just a day after the cdc shoernted that guidance for health care workers from 10 days to 7 days. now they're talking about five days of isolation for all americans and, of course, we have to note that even though the cdc is clearly citing medical evidence, companies across the country, including those airlines we were just hearing about have been pressuring the federal government to shorten that isolation period, citing the cost on economic activity as this omicron surge takes over the country. >> president biden earlier today joined a call between his covid task force and the nation's governors. he was able to speak to all of them, including republican governor asa hutchinson of arkansas who is one of more than a dozen republicans suing the biden administration over vaccine mandates. were they able to find some common ground? >> they certainly were, jake. this was not a combative call by all accounts, including the portion of the call that was not on camera and assessable to the media. this was really a call for the federal and state governments to get on the same page about this omicron variant. we heard governor asa hutchinson, the chair of the national governors association, praising the coordination that he's had with the federal government. he also praised president biden for remarks he made last week which hutchinson said were aimed at depoliticizing the response to the pandemic. an apparent reference to president biden touting the trump administration's efforts to get the vaccine. but they were also in agreement on one thing. and that is that there is not enough testing in this country yet and president biden made very clear that those images of long lines over the weekend showed, to him at least, that clearly they have a lot more work to do. the president saying several times clearly we have not done enough on testing. that was also something that dr. anthony fauci acknowledged earlier today. and so while they do have that plan to send those 500 million tests to americans who request them beginning next month there's a clear acknowledgment of what is an obvious failure to meet that testing demand right now around the holiday season and with omicron cases surging around the country. but also today, president biden authorizing the use of stafford act to use emergency funds so that hhs can stand up more testing sites in partnership with state and local governments across the country. >> and it has been a huge failure and not just one that we're experiencing. it's very visible. we see all this video of these incredibly long testing lines throughout the country in miami. leyla santiago interviewed somebody waiting in line for three hours, for a test. how worried is the white house about this? >> well, clearly they are worried enough that the president of the united states has now acknowledged not just once but repeatedly over the last week what is an apparent failure on the testing front saying several times that clearly his administration has not been able to meet that demand and that he wishes that he had done more. he said last week, for example, that he wishes that he had ordered those 500 million tests previously. now the white house has said the manufacturing capacity simply wasn't there. but we also heard president biden do today was try and thread the needle between acknowledging that failure and also making clear how much progress has been made over the last year. citing the fact that for example nine at-home covid tests have been approved. there were none when president biden came into office nearly a year ago. so that was kind of what you heard from the president. acknowledging on the one hand that they have come up short on the testing front but also that there has been a lot of progress in his time in office. >> jeremy diamond traveling with president biden in rehoboth beach, delaware. thanks so much. appreciate it. today, thousands of holiday travelers are scrambling to rebook flights after major u.s. airlines have k s s have cancel across the board. gleets to nadia romero outside hartsfield-jackson. you tell us if flights are gett canceled because crew and staff are out with covid. what are passengers saying about this? >> we spoke with plenty of passengers throughout the last few days and they tell me they were frantically checking their phones. some of them couldn't sleep the night before their flight just hoping they wouldn't get an alert from the airline that their flight had been canceled or delayed. but at last check, 1200 flights have been canceled today alone. you add that to the 1500 from yesterday. the numbers just get worse and worse. the passengers, many of them who haven't seen their families since december of 2019 sp. so two years ago. prepandemic. they wanted to take the flights despite all the inconveniences and travel delays they knew they'd expect on a normal holiday year. now add in the omicron variant. we spoke with travelers going further. one woman was leaving atlanta headed to hawaii. another came to atlanta from taiwan. listen to how they tried to navigate the omicron variant and holiday travel over the past couple of days. >> this year compared to last year 2020. >> last year was a lot easier. i came here last year for christmas as well. and it was a lot smoother than it is now. plus, with everything going on, i'm not sure how traveling is going to be affected so i want to make sure that while we can travel, take, you know, get it out of the way. >> so he was traveling from taiwan to atlanta. now headed to tampa. his flight was canceled but fortunately for him he was able to get on a flight two hours earlier so it didn't disrupt his travel plans altogether. jake, this has just been a domino effect. once you figure out that your flight is on, as soon as you get inside, you're seeing some of the longest lines we've seen since maybe the thanksgiving holiday, especially at tsa general boarding. taking people a long time to get through the other side to the security checkpoints. >> tell us about these four ocean cruise ships being turned away because of covid concern. tell us more about that. what's happening with those travelers? >> yeah, jake, this reminds us of the very beginning of covid where we had those cruise ships docked and we had all of those troubles. those four cruise ships were turned away from their ports of call. one was going to stop in mexico. the others were going to the caribbean. they had different levels of covid-19 outbreaks on board and so they were turned away and had to go back to their original port of entry. those cruise lines will tell you, they'll proudly say we tested everyone. you have to have a negative test, be fully vaccinated if you are a traveler which goes to show how hard it is to limit the spread of this omicron variant. >> nadia romero in atlanta, thank you. appreciate it. coming up in, we break down your questions about this new cdc guidance. shortening the time needed to isolate after testing positive with covid going from 10 days to 5. plus, how the power of superheroes is able to lure viewers back in to movie theaters. this year's blockbuster is back turning spidy sense into real cash. don't go anywhere. like we would treat our own moms, with care and respect. to us, the little things are the big things. which is why we do everything in our power to make buying a car an unforgettable experience. happy birthday. thank you. we treat every customer like we would treat our own moms. because that's what they deserve. in our health lead, let's dig in on our breaking news. the centers for disease control and prevention now recommending isolation for those who test positive for covid for only five days down from ten. dr. megan rainey is a professor of medicine and dean at brown university. what's your reaction to this brand-new cdc guidance cutting u isolation time by half? >> this is part good news, part a little bit of stretch of the science. the good news is that for folks who are vaccinated, there is increasing evidence that if we are asymptomatic, we are not infectious after five days. and we should be allowed to be back in society, back at work, back at school and back at play. the trouble is for the unvaccinated, the data is not as clear so they're extrapolating from what we've seen around the vaccinated to the unvaccinated as well. they do make the caveat that after that five days, if you're out in public, you should still be wearing a mask but you and i both know how often the unvaccinated are wearing masks out in public right now. so i'm a little nervous about that part of the recommendation. that said, overall, i'm glad to see the cdc following the science as we learn more about the virus. we should be changing our recommendations. i just wish this were done in a way that rewarded the vaccinated and didn't put the rest of us at risk. >> why do this now as cases are surging and all the health experts think this is going to get even worse over the next four to six weeks? >> i suspect that it is at least partly because of pressure from employers. listen, i spent the day in the emergency department today. we have six physicians currently among my group, our residents and attendings who are out sick with covid. none of them are severely ill because we've all been vaccinated and most of vus been boosted. having them out for ten days versus five days, it's a really big difference for my health care system. and that's true not just for health care systems but for airlines, as you were just talking about, for restaurants, schools. there's a lot of pressure as there are more cases to try to cut down on the isolation period if we can. and we can do it safely, particularly for the vaccinated. >> and what might this mean for schools? we've been seeing some universities moving back to virtual learning. that has some parents worried that, you know, grade schools, high schools might also go back to that, even though we have the secretary of education and dr. fauci and others saying there is no need to go back to virtual learning. what do you think this step might -- might this step play a role in keeping the schools open? >> i hope it will encourage us to keep schools open. i've been a vocal advocate since last summer, long before we got vaccinates, about the importance of in-person learning. masks are, of course, a critical component of that. so are vaccines. this new policy will allow teachers to stay in the classroom. will allow kids to get back to in-person learning more quickly. hopefully will encourage both grade schools and high schools but also colleges and universities to stay in person. >> on the matter of following the science, i want to ask your opinion about masking because it seems pretty clear the n95 masks are much better and more serious than some of the cloth masks. i mean, do you think the cdc should be telling people time to switch to n95s? there's no shortage of them now. everybody can get them. because the cloth masks are not as effective? they're more effective than nothing but not as effective as these actual professional masks. >> yeah, that's right. i would not be caught in the emergency department with just a cloth mask. i wear an n95 and then wear another mask on top of it to help keep it clean since i sometimes still do reuse them for an entire day. covid is an airborne virus and especially this new omicron variant spreads so easily that you really do need an n95, a kn95 or a kf94 to fully prevent its transmission. this would be a great time for the cdc to update its recommendations to make very clear that there is a gradation of masks and those home sewn cloth masks do not cut it against omicron. but the vaccines, of course, are our very best protection. >> absolutely, of course. we see cases in south africa trending down. that's where omicron, we first learned of it. based on that, what is your prediction for how long this surge might go on in the u.s.? >> so i hesitate to extrapolate directly from south africa to the united states for a couple of reasons. the first is, it's summer in south africa, winter here in the u.s. we have different patterns of living and socializing. that would be like comparing july in the u.s. to july in south africa. not a fair comparison. the second thing is that our population make-up is different and our country is different. we saw with delta variant that took india by storm over a couple of months. but it's been about six to nine months it's been slowly making its way through the united states. i worry that the same could be true with omicron. now in a best case scenario, we will follow the same pattern of a quick surge up and then a quick drop down in cases. but even in that best case scenario, jake, we are in for a heck of a january. i have gotten so many texts from friends today who have caught covid over the last few days over the holiday weekend. again, multiple colleagues who are out. we are in for a really tough month ahead. even if we do follow the same pattern as south africa. >> there are so many signs of people wanting to get back to normal. people flocked to movie theaters this weekend in a record box office opening for the new "spider-man." some airports saw more travelers before christmas than prepandemic levels. obviously to a degree, people are -- who are vaccinated and boosted are just -- they're factoring in the risks and they want to go back to their lives. how are you gauging how to live your life? do you go to the movies? do you eat out at restaurants? do you travel? how do you do it? >> so at this moment, i cannot afford to get sick. my colleagues cannot afford for me to get sick. so i am not going to the movies or out to restaurants. i am, however, responding time with small groups of people. we all do a rapid test right beforehand. we're all vaccinated. those of us that are eligible are boosted. i dont think that those of us who are vaccinated should go back to the life that we were living in 2020. because even as contagious as omicron is, if you are vaccinated, particularly if you are boosted and you're unlucky enough to catch it you're going to be okay. this is the thing that i'm telling people. make sure that you have rapid tests if at all possible. make sure that you have ibuprofen, tylenol, chicken soup, gatorade and have a pulse ox in case you get sick to help soothe your own anxiety and nerves to remind you that you'll be okay. but for most of us who are vaccinated, omicron in particular is going to be more like a cold. just take a little bit and be a little careful so you don't overwhelm the system right now. >> dr. rainey, good to see you. coming up next, follow the money. how the january 6th committee is trying to track down key players behind the insurrection. stay with us. a eat fresh. eat fresh. that's why subway bought time in my shampoo ad. to talk about the new baja chicken & bacon. body, bounce, and baja. bounce. eat fresh. with ww, i lost 30 pounds and i feel incredible. i love the new program because the app does all the work for you. it's never too late to start. join today for 50% off at hurry, offer ends december 27th. want to save on your home internet? xfinity is proud to support the emergency broadband benefit program. for a limited time, you may be eligible to qualify for a credit of up to $50 a month toward your internet service through this program. that's right! you could qualify for a credit of up to $50 a month toward your internet service and equipment. for even more value, switch to xfinity mobile, and you could pay as little as $15 a month for wireless. click, call, or visit a store to learn more. in our national lead, almost 5 million people have signed a petition calling for leniency in the case of a truck driver who received a 110-year prison sentence for a deadly colorado highway crash. the driver killed four people in 2019 after he says the brakes on his semitruck failed causing a devastating 28-car pile-up. prosecutors are requesting his sentence be reduced. the original judge said his hands were tied due to colorado's mandatory minimum laws. lucy kafanov joins us from denver with more. a hearing in this case just wrapped up a little while ago. tell us what happened. >> that's right, jake. the judge today scheduled a resentencing hearing for january 13th. they discussed how this was an unusual case because it's the prosecution which initiated this request for a lower sentence rather than the defense. now the district attorney alexis king asked the court to reconsider that lengthy 110-year prison sentence for maderos, potentially reducing it down to 20 or 30 years. she said this was based on the facts in the case and conversations with the victims and their families. she also tolde reporters today this san exceptional case and requires an exceptional process. when this court reconvenes it will be an in-person hearing but they do not want the defendant to testify. more broadly at issue in this case are the colorado mandatory minimum sentencing laws that require sentences for each count to be served consecutively rather than concurrently. maderos was convicted on 27 charges, including several counts of vehicleal homicide and vehi vehicular assault. his attorney telling cnn earlier today that the state's sentencing laws need reform. take a look. >> the law doesn't really distinguish between people like mr. maderos who is not a danger to society and other people that are sentenced to life that are a danger to society, and i think the law needs to make those kind of exceptions and understand that there is a difference between mr. maderos and those other kinds of people. >> he was 23 years old at the time of the crash. he was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. he said his brakes failed. but prosecutors argued he should have used the runaway ramp, and the new sentence will be determined next month. >> and what's the position of the governor's office on this petition to grant clemency? >> well, this case sparked a lot of national attention. nearly 5 million signatures on that petition asking the colorado governor to reduce the sentence or grant clemency. we heard kim kardashian speaking out asking the governor to also grant clemency. the governor's office meanwhile telling cnn that it is reviewing the request. legal experts, however, don't expect him to get ahead of the initial system and even some of the victims' families are calling for him to stay out of it. >> lucy kafanov, thank you. the committee investigating the capitol insurrection is trying a new strategy to get answers about the money behind january 6th. that's next. the holidays are in full swing and you can feel the magic in the air. especially at t-mobile! let's go to dianne. can you tell us what's happening? yeah, i got the awesome new iphone 13 pro and airpods, and t-mobile is paying for them both! oooh and i get a free year of apple tv+. upgrade to the iphone 13 pro and airpods both on us. only at t-mobile. and this is for new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers. like me! back to you. uh, hello!? 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>> we don't have any information on timing and that's because the case is only just assigned to a judge today. so we'll follow this closely, but at this point it's up in the air. he's making a lot of arguments we've already seen which are that this committee is politically lopsided and that it has no real legislative purpose. but these are arguments that two courts now have said are basically without merit. to try to block archive requests and so far judges are just not buying it. >> whitney wild, thanks. let's discuss this. bakari, let me start with you. among the many hats you wear, one of them is a lawyer. what's the point of figuring out who paid for the rallies? the rallies themselves are not being investigated. it's what happened at the capitol. >> well, you can't look at one without the other. i mean, this is why you have things such as racketeering when you look at who is financing projects, what happens in the middle and the end result. so by digging up and going to find out who financed the rallies, who paid for the buses, who paid for the robocalls, the radio ads, these individuals who actually paid for this rally, which led to an insurrection, they paid for this coup. and it's very important to know who they are and we'll see, because i've always said and i think many people, democrats, republicans and independents alike, they want accountability for these people who financed this coup or attempted coup and accountability for those who stormed the capitol. it's not just the number of people we've seen indicted for storming. also those individuals who paid for it and elected officials who aided and abetted. >> stewart, it is possible that the rallies themselves, again, not the attack on the capitol, but the rallies themselves, were funded by the trump campaign or trump himself. does that necessarily mean that the funding was there to create this coup, as bakari describes it? >> sure. i think it does. they were very clear about what they wanted to do. they wanted to stop the peaceful transfer of power. i mean, this is what they wanted pence to do. there's no secrets here. it's just a question of whether people are going to be held accountable. what's difficult for some people to wrap their minds around is that every level of the republican party was involved in this. white house staff, congressman, senators, their staffs, the republican governors association was involved. the rnc. major donors. i mean, you work for a congressman or senator, they don't go out the door without being staffed up. this was not just a sort of impromptu event. it was long in the planning. and people paid for it and they tried to overthrow the government of the united states. >> bakari, the committee has asked to speak to two republican members of congress. congressman scott perry of pennsylvania declined the committee's request. congressman jim jordan of ohio has not yet responded. do you think the committee would be willing to subpoena fellow members of congress? >> yes. i think they have to. if they're going to ultimately get the answers. one thing this committee can't do, you have already walked this far. you can't turn back now and short change the american public. so, yes, they have to drag these members in and let's not forget what we're talking about here. people died at this attempted coup. people died in the storming of the capitol. law enforcement was assaulted. i mean, this wasn't just some peaceful march on washington. this was actually a violent attempted insurrection. and so when you look at the results of it i think the individuals who financed this rally have just the same culpability as those individuals who stormed the capitol and equally as culpable are the members of congress who may even be held to a higher standard. i have a feeling we'll be seeing jim jordan and many others sitting in front of the committee and having to testify under oath. >> there are no signs congressman jordan or perry is going to be willing to cooperate. so taking it one step further. do you think there would be enough votes in the house to refer fellow members of congress to the justice department for criminal contempt of congress? >> i don't think republicans are going to rise to this challenge at all. this is a straight-up failure of republicans to hold basic law and order tenets that those of us that worked in the party would always like to think of ourselves as law and order party. so except for a few people here, liz leading the charge, republicans aren't going to help. this is why they were opposed to the creation of the 1/6 committee. they knew what it would uncover. >> congressman bennie thompson, the democrat who chairs the january 6th committee, told "the washington post" this about the investigation into former president trump, quote, i can assure you that if a criminal referral would be warranted, there would be no reluctance on the part of this committee to do that, unquote. bakari, is it too soon to be talking about trying to get former president trump charged? there's still financial records, white house records, testimony. the committee has not been able to get hold of yet. >> yeah, if you shoot at the king you better not miss. that's the saying that is oftentimes utilized, especially in a court of law when individuals are seeking indictments. they are doing it the right way. going through following the money, following the paper. they are doing it the right way. congressman thompson is doing what he's supposed to do as leader of this committee. it's a bipartisan committee. they'll make sure that when they send a referral over, that it's going to be an actual case that you can win. it's not just one that exceeds the probable cause threshold. they would hope that they could prove this beyond a reasonable doubt. and the best part about this process and let's not forget is that the white house is doing what it's supposed to and what white houses have done over the time which is stay out of the department of justice's business when it comes to these type of prosecutions, et cetera. so i appreciate what kamala and joe biden are doing by just allowing this committee and allowing the department of justice to do their work. >> stuart, "the washington post" also has some new reporting about how trump loyalists in congress are trying to purge republicans that they feel are not loyal to trump sufficiently. one of the candidates supporting is a gentleman joe kent. he's challenging republican congresswoman jamie herary butler of washington state because herrera butler voted to impeach president trump over january 6th. he said a lot of it will be shaming republicans. i need to be going after the people in the republican party who want to go back to go along to get along. it's put up or shut up, unquote. we should note kent is out there pushing the lie that there was widespread fraud in the 2020 election. there, of course, wasn't. he falsely claims government agents were involved in the capitol riot and on and on and on. stuart, is this the future of the republican party? >> yes, it absolutely is the future of the republican party. look, we have to stop thinking what's happening here in the united states has never happened before elsewhere. there's a pretty prelictable pattern a lot of studies have been done. how modern deinemocracies fail. it's a test of whether our democracy is going to fail. and one of the steps are purges where people compete to be more pure. and that's what's happening here. and it's not going to stop. except for a few people. there's no anti-trump movement in the republican party. this is what the republican party wants to be, which, sad as it is to admit, is largely an autocratic movement. >> bakari, that's a republican staffer, former republican consultant saying that. but it doesn't seem as though the war that so many of these republicans are waging against facts and reality and democracy is hurting their chances at all when it comes to winning the house and maybe the senate back in 2022. does that say something about the weakness of the democrats? >> i think it says something about our failure to communicate the policies and successes that democrats have actually had. but i think what we're talking about is the fact that whatever margin i believe that is very possible that republicans do the gerrymandering and the momentum of the country are going to take back the house. it's a lot different in the senate but take back the house. that margin won't be -- that margin won't be as wide as it could be because you'll be having a lot of poor candidates. individuals who are challenging in primaries. individuals trying to, as we talked about, pass that purity test. our former colleague is talking about going against nancy mace because of her vote earlier on in her pushing back on donald trump and so you have these issues popping up all across the country which is going to give democrats some chance to win seats we otherwise wouldn't. >> bakari sellers and stuart stevens, thank you. spinning a web of box office gold. the new "spider-man" movie doing something that's not been done since 2019. what is it? 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>> well, spider-man had a big advantage being a movie that stars not only -- not only continuing that whole marvel cinematic universe story line but has the most beloved character, i think in comic books more or less in spider-man but also the advantage of, look, frankly being only in theaters. you mentioned "dune." big movie. did well. did okay. made about $4 million at the global box office. but hampered because it was in theaters and on hbo max simultaneously in the u.s. and some other territories. "no time to die" has done very well. it's grossed $775 million something like that. but it is a little bit limited here in the united states because older audiences are still a little hesitant to return to theaters, and "no time to die" is a james bond movie. james bond has always skewed a little older. stow had some draw backs there. "spider-man no way home" is a huge crowd-pleasing movie that people wanted to see in theaters it to avoid getting spoiled. that is like a very key thing that we need to keep in mind here. and one of the reasons it did such huge numbers on opening weekend. nobody was expecting a $250 million-style it's a testament to the character, to marvel. it's the testament to the fact that i think people are starting to get a little more comfortable with going to the movie theatres, which is, you know, not great timing given everything going on with omicron. but it is a, it's a, it's a big hit. big win for sony and marvel alike. >> and there is this shift. you talk about this. about one of the issues with doon is you could see it am home streaming or in the theatre. does what happened with spider-man, this huge box office smash, solidify not only that there will always be some appetite for movie theatres, but perhaps send a signal to hollywood, you really should not do the release in theatres and at home at the same time. you should try to do the theatre release to get these numbers. >> yeah, i mean, it's a really difficult balancing act for studios and i don't, you know, i don't want to second guess any of them. they have a ton of different things they're thinking about. but if you look at the movies that have done the best in the pandemic, the ones that have done the best were the ones available exclusively in theatres. so if you look "spider-man no way home," huge hit, exclusively in theatres, venom let there be carnage was a surprise hit. i don't think anybody was expecting that to have the biggest opening weekend of any movie before "spider-man no way home," but it had huge numbers because people were excited to see it and it was only in theatres. no time to die did well. very solid. held well and it did that because it was available only in theatres. you can even extend that back a bit. look at a movie like free guy. i think people were kind of skeptical like oh, they're going to keep free guy just in theatres? but they extended the life of the movie and they did a good job of getting it into the top ten on the year. i was a little surprised by how well that one held, but it's a fun movie. people wanted to go see it in theatres. what's especially interesting here is that all of these movies are basically films that appeal to young men. if you're looking at -- it's younger male audiences. those are the movies that are still doing really, really well. movies like west side story, which is available only in theatres, have not done as well. movies like the last dual. even house of gucci. which has done a little better. those are skewed towards a little older audiences. in some cases, more female centric audiences and they have not done as well. the young male audience is the one that has said we are done with delta, with omicron. we're done with covid, we're going back to the movie theatre. >> turning to our sports lead and growing, we have postponements and cancellations as the virus sweeps through the country. the nhl, the nba, the nfl all forced to remake their schedules and in college football, two more bowl games have been canceled while two are now searching for new teams after the university of miami and boise state withdrew. christine, these announcements bring the total number of college bowl games impacted in just the past week to six. how to you see this playing out as we approach the playoff fwam games this week? >> clearly omicron's not done with us and not done with sports and the college football, the big evening of course is new year's eve with the two semifinals and if one team is not able to play, it's just going to be a forfeit, which is quite a shock. all of the build up, september, october, november, then it's a forfeit. my strong guess is that there will not be a forfeit. at this point, these schools are the ones in charge of their numbers and it would take quite a president of a university or athletic director to announce the numbers. not saying they're cheating, but to be so forthright to knock themselves out of the game they have been pointing towards for this entire season and nick saban, the alabama coach, has said his team is fine and my guess is all four of the teams will be okay, but no doubt covid would be a part of each team, coaching staff, whether or not they'll report it or ignore it. >> and christine, the national hockey league just announced they're postponing three more games bringing the total number of postponed games to 70 but the nhl said they're planning to resume its regular-season tomorrow. nba and nfl have similarly seen a huge uptick in cases. do you think the leagues are taking it seriously enough? >> i think they're taking it as seriously as they can financially. they do not want to shutdown so they're bringing up minor leaguers in the nba. the nhl was going to have the christmas break. now it looks like it could be a new year's break. they'll have now the olympics than they would have had at the olympic tournament. they'll have those three weeks to kind of pack in any postponed games. so no. they want to keep playing and they're willing to put on an inferior product on the field and so far, fans are willing to accept that. >> good to see you. thank you so much. up next, the cdc shortening the isolation period for some people after they test positive for covid. dr. anthony fauci will be live on cnn to answer your questions about the changes. stay with us. ar 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. 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Couldn T , Airline , Alert , Phones , 1200 , Numbers , Families , Many , Haven T , Prepandemic , Sp , 1500 , December Of 2019 , 2019 , Travelers , Travel , Atlanta , Another , Headed To Hawaii , Inconveniences , Add , Woman , Omicron Variant And Holiday Travel , Taiwan , 2020 , Way , Everything , Traveling , Plus , Travel Plans , Domino Effect , To Atlanta , Tampa , Holiday , Boarding , Side , Security Checkpoints , General , Tsa , Concern , Ocean Cruise Ships , Others , Levels , Cruise Ships , Troubles , Outbreaks , Caribbean , 19 , Traveler , Everyone , Cruise Lines , Port Of Entry , Questions , Power , Positive , Spread , Coming Up In , 5 , Movie Theaters , Viewers , Moms , Blockbuster , Superheroes , Sense , Anywhere , Don T Go , Cash , Car , Experience , Respect , Customer , Birthday , Care , Breaking News , Health Lead , Dig , Professor , Medicine , Dean , Reaction , Brown University , Megan Rainey , Ten , Part , Bit , Science , News , Folks , Half , Stretch , Vaccinated , Society , Unvaccinated , School , Trouble , Play , Data , Extrapolating , Mask , Masks , Public , Both , Caveat , Virus , Recommendations , Rest , Didn T , Risk , Pressure , Health Experts , Employers , Six , Most , Residents , Attendings , Emergency Department Today , Group , Vus , Physicians , Schools , Difference , Restaurants , Health Care System , Health Care Systems , Parents , Learning , Universities , Mean , High Schools , Grade Schools , Need , Secretary , Education , Step Might , Step , Importance , Vaccinates , Advocate , Role , Vaccines , Policy , Teachers , Kids , Classroom , Masking , Colleges , Person , Matter , Opinion , N95 , Everybody , Cloth Masks , Shortage , Cloth , Cloth Mask , Emergency Department , Nothing , Reuse , Top , Gradation , Transmission , South Africa , Protection , Couple , Reasons , Surge , Prediction , Is , Socializing , Patterns , Comparison , Living , Delta Variant , Make Up , Storm , Same , Population , India , Pattern , Case Scenario , Caught Covid , Friends Today , Drop , Heck , Texts , Colleagues , Signs , Spider Man , Record , Box Office Opening , Airports , Degree , Movies , Life , Factoring , Risks , Lives , Groups , Chicken Soup , Ibuprofen , Tylenol , Case , Help , Nerves , Gatorade , Anxiety , Cold , Pulse Ox , Insurrection , Money , Stay , System , Eat Fresh , January 6th Committee , Players , 6 , January 6th , Bounce , Shampoo , Subway , Baja Chicken , Bacon , Body , Baja , Program , Ww , App , Ww Com , Hurry , Offer Ends December 27th , December 27th , 27 , Home , Xfinity , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Internet , Credit , Internet Service , Value , Equipment , Xfinity Mobile , 0 , Store , Click , 15 , Lead , Petition Calling , Leniency , 5 Million , Driver , Prison Sentence , Brakes , Truck Driver , Semitruck , Pile Up , Deadly Colorado Highway Crash , 110 , 28 , Laws , Sentence , Judge , Prosecutors , Hearing , More , Lucy Kafanov , Hands , Colorado , Denver , Request , Prosecution , January 13th , 13 , Court , Maderos , Alexis King , Defense , District Attorney , 20 , Victims , Facts , Process , Reporters , Conversations , Count , Sentencing , Issue , Defendant , Sentences , Cnn , Counts , Charges , Attorney , Sentencing Laws Need Reform , Vehicleal Homicide , Assault , Take A Look , Law , Danger , Mr , The Law Doesn T , Exceptions , Kind , Kinds , Crash , Influence , Drugs , Alcohol , 23 , Petition , Clemency , Position , Runaway Ramp , Signatures , Governor , Attention , Grant Clemency , Kim Kardashian , Committee , Don T , Capitol , Strategy , T Mobile , Holidays , Oooh , Air , Let S Go , Magic , Airpods , Swing , Dianne , Apple Tv , Customers , Iphone 13 Pro , Uh , Adults , Calling , Substitute Teaching , Addition , Greg , 68 , Man , Prevagen , Elephant , Memory , Healthier Brain , Job , Doesn T Offer , Health Coverage , 52 , 47 , 2 , Friend , Coverage , First , Payment , Prices , 60 , Personalpoints Program , Goals , Foods , 26 , Politics , Bank Records , Rallies , House Committee Investigating The Capitol Riot , Effort , Cnn Law Enforcement Correspondent Whitney Wild , Records , Subpoena , Challenge , House Select Committee , Taylor Budawich , Donald Trump , Rally , Funding , Spokesman , Jpmorgan Chase , Information , Release , Claims Budawich , Investigation , Motion , File A Motionuring , Organization , Social Media , Radio Advertising Campaign , Jurisdiction , Anything , Budawich , 501 , Election , Sources , Results , Source , Attendance , Claims , January 6th Ellipse Rally , 200000 , 00000 , Advertising Campaign , Finances , Point , Timing , Arguments , Up In The Air , Courts , Purpose , Bakari , Archive Requests , Judges , Merit , Hats , Other , Lawyer , Projects , Result , Robocalls , Buses , Individuals , Coup , Democrats , Independents , Led , Radio Ads , Accountability , Storming , Number , Officials , Campaign , Stewart , Attack , Abetted , It , Transfer , Minds , Secrets , Level , Pence , Accountable , Senators , Senator , Donors , Door , Sort , Republican Governors Association , Rnc , Members , Congress , Planning , Event , Pennsylvania , Scott Perry , Jim Jordan , Yes , Ohio , Answers , Short Change The American , Law Enforcement , Peaceful March On Washington , Front , Standard , Culpability , Feeling , House , Votes , Oath , Justice Department For Criminal Contempt Of Congress , Law And Order , Charge , Tenets , Trump , Congressman Thompson , Creation , The Washington Post , 1 6 , Referral , Testimony , Reluctance , Hold , King , Saying , Indictments , Leader , Referral Over , Paper , Threshold , Beyond A Reasonable Doubt , Houses , Prosecutions , Joe Biden , Type , Department Of Justice , Et Cetera , Kamala , Candidates , Stuart Stevens , Reporting , Loyalists , Congresswoman , Butler , Jamie , Trump Over January 6th , Gentleman Joe Kent , Washington State , Herrera Butler , Herary , Lie , Shaming Republicans , Fraud , Kent , Up Or Shut , Future , Government Agents , On And , Thinking , Studies , Elsewhere , Democracy , Steps , Purges , Movement , Which , War , Staffer , Chances , Doesn T , Reality , Consultant , Policies , Senate , Weakness , Successes , 2022 , Margin , Gerrymandering , Momentum , , Purity Test , Colleague , Primaries , Nancy , Issues , Chance , Vote , Mace , Movie , Box Office , Wouldn T , Seats , Gold , Web , Bakari Sellers , Ingestion , Heartburn , Upset Stomach , Pepto Bismol , Action , Relief , Coating , Soothing , Diarrheaaaa , Project Managers , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Support , 833 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , 4673 , Calhope Org , Pop Culture Lead , Strangers , Spaces , Film , Time , Spider Man No Way Home , Box Office Record Raking , Don T Go Well Together But Marvel S , A Billion , A Billion Dollars , James Bond , Films , Dune , Sonny Bunch , Character , Advantage , Weren T , Comic Books , Marvel Cinematic Universe Story Line , Theaters , Big Movie , 4 Million , Million , Audiences , Little , No Time To Die , Territories , Hbo Max , 775 Million , 75 Million , Older , Draw , Stow , Mind , Nobody , 50 Million , 250 Million , Testament , Movie Theatres , Marvel , Hit , It S A , Shift , Win , Sony , Theatre , Theatres , Signal , Appetite , Hollywood , Ones , Best , At The Movies , Studios , I Don T Want To Second Guess , Ton , Balancing Act , Surprise Hit , Opening , Carnage , Venom , Anybody , Guy , Appeal , Fun , Men , Movies Like West Side Story , Movies Like The Last Dual , House Of Gucci , Audience , Better , Delta , Female Centric , Nhl , Nfl , Movie Theatre , Growing , Cancellations , Nba , Teams , Bowl Games , Boise State , Schedules , College Football , University Of Miami , Playoff Fwam Games , College Bowl Games , Playing , Announcements , Christine , Team , Forfeit , Shock , Semifinals , Evening , Build Up , September , Guess , University , Athletic Director , October , November , Game , Pointing , Season , Cheating , Nick Saban , Alabama Coach , Coaching Staff , No Doubt , Uptick , 70 , Leagues , Leaguers , Olympic , Break , Olympics , Pack , Christmas Break , Up Next , Field , Inferior Product , Fans , Changes , Ar 100 , 100 , Offer , Techno Wizardry , Spot , License Plate , Carvana , Verizon , Kate , Phone , Deal , Carolers , 1000 , 000 , Security , Family , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Family Safe Browsing , Control , Pause Wifi , Foster Kid Need , Show Up , Manicure , Address , Wrong , First Day Of School , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Guidelines , Shortening Quarantine Times , Omicron , Supply , Tears , Exploding , Crisis , Around The World , Wolf Blitzer , Jim Acosta , Situation Room ,

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