The month of MARCH conjures up so many passages. It’s the month of madness, it comes in like a lion yet somehow morphs into a lamb, and it features the return of everyone’s favorite talking point – daylight saving time! However, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – in close cahoots with the math mavens from XTRENDS – have a much narrower focus. We were pleasantly surprised to see that all 28 days of the survey fell within the boundaries of its .
The JANUARY survey – which began on JANUARY 6th and concluded on FEBRUARY 2nd – is kind of like the zombie apocalypse but in reverse. For the previous three surveys, mindless radio listeners were roaming the audio landscape in search of the intoxicating sounds of BURL IVES and his evil minions. AQH and cume migrated from their normally safe havens and congregated at outlets they usually do not patronize. Then, almost as if by magic, they return to their senses and – usually .
On the third book of CHRISTMAS my true love gave to me…well, we can be reasonably sure it wasn’t three French hens, whatever those are. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the poultry experts, among other things, from XTRENDS – bring you the HOLIDAY survey. A gleeful romp that began on DECEMBER 9th and reached its demise on JANUARY 5th. If we’re doing our math correctly – and we better be – this means that of the 28 days of .
The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – walking cheek by jowl with the numbers crunchers from XTRENDS – have completed our journey over the river and through the woods. Our reward? Another freakin’ survey. Rust never sleeps. The DECEMBER survey was fully infused with the stench of BURL IVES and featured the long THANKSGIVING break. It ran from NOVEMBER 11th through DECEMBER 8th. As you might expect, it also had a dramatic effect on the ratings fortunes of many .
Before we plow into the numbers, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with our fellow travelers from XTRENDS – have this existential question: is it “dressing” or “stuffing”? Since most of us eat this food product only once a year, we think it’s time we clear up this controversial topic. We’ll hang up and listen for your response …. Usually the NOVEMBER survey is not tainted by the stench of the freaking CHIPMUNKS but .