Dedicated followers of this here missive are well aware that The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the number crunchers from XTRENDS – live for the data. After exhaustive research on the interwebs, we have come to the infallible conclusion that there is no such month as Rocktober. Though this radio construct has a rich and semi-lauded history, we are here to declare its existence fake news. We can say, however, that the just-released OCTOBER survey is real. .
What is it about SEPTEMBER? Is there some mystical force lurking beneath the surface that serves as a muse for so many songwriters? What does this month have that others – like AUGUST or OCTOBER – lack? As we ponder this deep thought, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with our muses from XTRENDS – bring you the latest in NIELSEN fashion. This survey began on AUGUST 19th and ran full speed into SEPTEMBER 15th. It featured a long holiday weekend, .