adequate or would you like to see more information than was contained in comey s statement today? well, i think the notification by the director of the fbi today was appropriate but it s just so important that this new information come forward. obviously it s in the midst of an avalanche of information that s been coming out about the years of hillary clinton s tenure as secretary of state, a private family foundation, the existence of a private server, when we learn about quid pro quos that were offered by her state department to change classified information status to the fbi. we learn of friends of the clintons being flagged for contracts to rebuild haiti and on goes the list but now that the fbi has reinitiated this investigation, which is all tonight appropriate because no one is above the law, if there s new pertinent information that s what they should do, in addition
it was not even a close call. in the weeks since, they saw other republicans who were disappointed in the ought come seeking to relitigate the handling and calling director comby who throughout his career has been someone of utmost integrity and professional reputation who was the number two in the bush justice department. they suggested that there were quid pro quos even after the fbi denies it. donald trump himself have called the bureau s integrity into question. and the rep tarnishing that the congressional republicans have been engaging in. for something like this to be conveyed 11 days before an election and to be sent to chair men who have shown no discretion for keeping anything
state? we already know they got the ability to rub elbows with people in the clinton orbit. and i guarantee you while some of those companies were motivated by doing good, some of them were motivated by at least also doing well. we have two different quid pro quos or two different blurring of the lines. the one at the state department that we re all talking about and we ll see one of these days, we ll find out if there ever was a quid pro quo. we certainly have here, though, is on the foundation side, the use of the foundation to make hundreds of millions of dollar dprz the clintons. now, i wonder, is the attorney general of new york going to shut the clinton foundation down like he shut the trump foundation down? i mean, which from what i have seen, i think the trump foundation probably needed to be shut down. but those are just nickels and dimes compared to the money here. they re using this foundation and bragging about using this foundation to make the clintons hundreds of millio
about the clinton foundation, the quid pro quos and those things. you can t really disprove a negative, any time spent talking about that you re off message. i presume chris wallace will ask about that stuff, i think donald trump will press it. i think she should stepped past it. she s going to be the next president of the united states, she ll be the first woman, come to office at a time that s partisan and polarized, her approval numbers not too much better than they are right now and her job to try to bring this country together and she can start that tomorrow night by looking like a grownup and looking past the childish questions. mindy, at this moment, do you think you anticipate democrats controlling the senate and/or the house come november 9th? i m sort of on the fence about it. i think there s a chance, just given what s going on and if hillary continues to snowball her lead, and she s going into places like arizona, and who knows a week from now what other
bernanke also into libya. do you see an economic crisis with oil that may become very difficult for the west? the u.s. is $18 trillion in debt and saudi arabia ran a deficit of $90 billion. the human rights going on in saudi arabia, the way that saudi arabia exports for example. and also the arms trade. the arms trade is thriving between the u.s. and saudi arabia. i think that s something with the quid pro quos of the goings on needs to be addressed in terms of moving forward. we ve hit a the love continen continencouldn lot of continents. what about colombia? i think in colombia there is