state? we already know they got the ability to rub elbows with people in the clinton orbit. and i guarantee you while some of those companies were motivated by doing good, some of them were motivated by at least also doing well. >> we have two different quid pro quos or two different blurring of the lines. the one at the state department that we're all talking about and we'll see one of these days, we'll find out if there ever was a quid pro quo. we certainly have here, though, is on the foundation side, the use of the foundation to make hundreds of millions of dollar dprz the clintons. now, i wonder, is the attorney general of new york going to shut the clinton foundation down like he shut the trump foundation down? i mean, which from what i have seen, i think the trump foundation probably needed to be shut down. but those are just nickels and dimes compared to the money here. they're using this foundation and bragging about using this foundation to make the clintons hundreds of millions of dollars.