thomas, with all due respect, didn t disclose this information in january or february of this that year. this has been kind of withheld, it would seem. and this is exactly the problem because the supreme court, all of the justices are sort of free agents when it comes to ethics. they don t operate under the same rules and constraints that federal judges or federal prosecutors or members of the bar do. it s incumbent upon them to be very careful and police their ethics on their own and the problem is the one you point out, was justice thomas s lone ruling was that parse of his jurisprudence or motivated by something else. we don t know. that tends to cast the court s integrity into doubt, and that s precisely the sort of situation justices and judges need to avoid by recusing from cases that could call the court s integrity into question. yeah, and as you say, we are not issuing a final report or
campaign, and any individuals associated with it, i think it s important for there to be that level of independence and for there to be full cooperation and providing answers to questions and evidence when necessary in order to have a speedy conclusion that is done fairly. it s etched in stone outside the department of justice, it says when law ends tyranny begins. i think it s important for there to be that independent that s. congressman, a number of your fellow republicans on capitol hill and elsewhere are calling robert mueller s integrity into question. the president said in the interview with the new york times he thinks mueller is going to treat him fairly. does it bother you so many of your fellow republicans are questioning mueller s intentions and even his credibility? well, as it relates to robert mueller, he comes into this
it was not even a close call. in the weeks since, they saw other republicans who were disappointed in the ought come seeking to relitigate the handling and calling director comby who throughout his career has been someone of utmost integrity and professional reputation who was the number two in the bush justice department. they suggested that there were quid pro quos even after the fbi denies it. donald trump himself have called the bureau s integrity into question. and the rep tarnishing that the congressional republicans have been engaging in. for something like this to be conveyed 11 days before an election and to be sent to chair men who have shown no discretion for keeping anything