a tragic earthquake in haiti. 316,000 people die. hillary there within days, as is bill. as people dig bodies out of building, bill promoeting a phone system. he receives a grant to create that very system. and a man previously unknown to haiti is now the biggest player in mobile phones in that country. there s no question that bill clinton s speaking fees tripled and quadrupled. his forically, prosecutors have looked for quid pro quos from politicians when they deliver to con stitch wents or contributors.
i want to follow up really quickly with andrea. andrea, there is a question about saudi arabia taking money from saudi arabia a country that has a deplorable record when it comes to women s rights. that question was asked, and what was her response there? that she will stand on the you know her record for women s rights, certainly a very laudable record. she is a hero to the women s movement, as she was yesterday in that u.n. leadership conference. but she has not explained, none of the clintons have explained the disparity thebetween the money they take for these foundations. bill clinton was asked about it in miami and said you know, we do good things what he said is that the disclosure is what s important. the public can decide because we disclose all of our contributors. and i think it s not totally clear in those e-mails will social correspondence with foreign leaders when you re secretary of state, is that work or is that personal? other favors? does that get deleted
commissioner constable say anything to mayor zimmer in words or substance along the lines of mayor zimmer s allegation. and this, mayor doherty said he did not hear commission constable say anything about quid pro quos or make threats to anyone. mayor doherty observed that zimmer may have been associating the subjects in her own mind, but that s not what constable said so the mastro report concludes that he appears to be telling the truth. we saw a problem with this. back in january, when zimmer first made her allegations, a reporter who knew that doherty had been on stage that night asked him that night. doherty told the recorder he didn t remember the conversation and remembered sitting in between zimmer and constable. and you can plainly see from the picture that doherty s memory was wrong there. given the fact that doherty had
row. that s matt doherty in the seat to the left. they state as fact that, quote, mayor doherty heard the conversation between mayor zimmer and commissioner constable and was with them on stage both before the start of the show and throughout the broadcast. the report states that doherty was well positioned to hear the conversation between mayor zimmer and commissioner constable. he was at the end of the first row and, therefore, not speaking with anyone else when mayor zimmer spoke with commissioner constable. the report says matt doherty heard what they said to each other and then, quote, matt doherty said he never heard commission commissioner constable say anything to mayor zimmer in words or substance along the lines of mayor zimmer s allegations and continues he did not hear commissioner constable say anything about quid pro quos or make any threats to anyone. he observed mayor zimmer may have been associating the subjects in her own mind but that is not what constable said. on t
be around money. so i think it does go back to your sniff test example which is because public integrity and part of the thing a public integrity unit does is really think about what is the public interest here and what are we trying to vindicate. and is the public being deprived. and in a democracy, remember that we re also thinking it s the judicial branch is not the only vindicator here. there s a court of public opinion and he can be wrong and we can be vindicated that way. and the world in which you operate, if you go back and read that opinion, so much of it is the appearance of corruption. that s the thing. we don t want any quid pro quos. but anxious quids are happening here and quos are happening here and as long as they show up at the same dinners and go to work at the same offices, they can kind of merrily cliny lily clin and that is the world of pibig f