An die ferne Geliebte, Op. 98, Schumann’s
Liederkries, Op. 39, and Beethoven’s
Aus Goethes Faust, Op. 75, No. 3. Register and view here until April 18.
8 pm ET: Tippet Rise Art Center presents
Spring Festival. For the first day of Tippet Rise’s Spring Festival, two films have been captured at the DiMenna Center. The first features violinist Katie Hyun—founding member of the Amphion String Quartet—performing Vytautas Barkauskas’s Partita for violin solo. For the second film, Tippet Rise’s Artistic Advisor Pedja Mužijevic performs in a program titled
Is It Real (A Loving Homage to Surrealism), which includes music and spoken word by Satie, Schwitters, and Antheil. At 7:30 pm ET there will be a “backstage” gathering via Zoom, giving artists the opportunity to discuss their performances, followed by the release of the films. View here.