Evidence spells out how donald trump and his allies were just fine with riots in 2020 as the gop is, again, reviving a conspiracy about the coming election also the maga model, the vice presidential debate previews the gop s future. I believe that we have the most beautiful cousin tree in the world, the same maga messaging in more pleasant packaging and a riff from eddie vetter sounding off on donald trump for shilling $100,000, watches live at the table. Bakari sellers scott jennings ashley we, allison, bryan lanza and bomani jones with 33 days to go. Americans with different perspectives aren t talking to each other but here they do good evening. I m abby phillip in new york. Let s get right to what america is talking about tonight. Jack smith makes his case in public just one month before the election. The special counsel is demanding that donald trump stand trial for his quest to cling to power. It is a revealing new accusation in a major filing and it shows that the former preside
Okay. Okay. All rIght. Good afternoon. Theyre. All rIgh gought. L stay but. But only for one drInk. S Its frIday, so you knowo Yo What that means. Lets welcome tonIghts guests. HIs razors are the opposIte of act, not terrIble. ComedIan and founder of Wester N Razor company davId angelo. She says bless your heart. Before she rIps you apart. Cohost the Bottom LIne at fox busIness. Do you gIve a call and he madesI hIs bones kIll It. Bad guys wIth drones, Fox NatIonal SecurIty Analyst and Fox News ContrIbutor brad kItzmIller, comIccontrI[cht from havIng scabIes to makIng babIes. New york tImes best SellIng Author bucks. ThIs contrIbutor got to. Ats my favorIte rhyme scabIes In babIes Is accurate awesome. All rIght. Thaaccurate some news storIes, lets do thIs. Yeah. The Open Dregs leftovers. Mm yeah, Its leftovers the where I read the jokes we dId use thIs week. And as always Its my fIrst tIme readIng them. So If they , well send Joe Mackeyd not to vIew dresseda cupcake. Donald trump Is pla
YEEss, yEs. All Right. Ill takE it for now. It, happy mOnday, EvEryOnE. So last friday, JoE BidEn turnEd ovEr a CabinEt MEEting to his wifE, frida jill. If thats not bad Enough, hE thEn put huntEr in chargE of thE MEdicin NE and. All Right. VicE prEsidEnt will skip this yEars Al Smith Charity dinnEr. A fundraisEr that traditiOnally fEaturEs PrEsidEnt Ial candidatEs roasting Each othEr. YEp. ShE pullEd out at thE last minutE. Ifs PrEsidEnt Ial Only husband ha thE samE with thE nanny. D ha tErriblE. JanEt jacksOn, rEmEmbEr hEr was criticizEd for saying that Kamala Harris is black, but shEa would know hEr brothEr michaEl, was a whitE woman and a bEautiful OnE at that rEst in pEacE. Hillary ClintOn ArguEdl OnE that Kamala Harris doEsnt nEEd to clarify hEr Policy PositiOns to hEr variousguEd Tha Criticsr Po and instEad rEcommEnd simply killing thEmlins. ThE mEnEndEz BrothErs SEriEs On NEtflix is facing backlash ovEr thE allEgatiOns of Sibling Ox i i dOnt sEE thE big dEal, says OnE woman. I
Stay. YeS. All right. YeS. YeS. Let not yOur be troubled. Troubl ItS fridaedy So you know meanS what that meanS. LetS welcome tonightS gueSt. SheS wItneSSe, S welcomS more n a caShier at a waffle houSe. HoSt Of outtake thiS morning. Charlie arnott got three thingS wrong. If It SeemS like heS judging you, thatS hiS jOf Itb. ThatS comedian vidS auguSt. Her huSband tried to convince bd her that talking iS bad for the baby. New york timeS beSt Selling Authorfor the baby. EStSell foxr kat timpf. And you need Sir Edmund See he haS dandruff. New york timeS beSt Selling author, comedian and formeff. R N World Champion tyron. All right, all right. All right. Ge right. All right. Before we get to Some newS StorieS, letS d So thiS. GregS leftoverS. Yeah, ItS leftoverS where i read jokeS. I we did newS thiS week, and aS alwayS, ItS Mt ISy firSt time reading them, So if they will by Joe Mackey wil, a Page M one Of Our jewiSh friendS in tel aviShv. Terrible Comedian ChriS Rock juSt endorSed Kamala H
The best of my ability and my thanks to the justice. It is a fascinating book. Thank you very much for watching a busy news night. Laura coates live starts right now im Jim Acosta in for Laura Coates on this friday, the 13th. And if youre the superstitious kind, its a date that can phil a little unsettling slightly creepy. But if youre following this Years President Ial Campaign while is just another friday, just today alone, Donald Trump made a feeble attempt to distance himself from a Conspiracy Theorist while actively fueling the dangerous lie that migrants are eating pets in springfield, ohio is infamous debunked claim from Tuesdays Debate because now ricocheting across Social Media theyre eating the dogs eating the cats and the internet is having a good laugh, but the people in springfield, ohio are not a second Bomb Threat rattled that City Today just to trump stoked further division when he promised to target the city with Mass Deportations. If he wins we will do large deportati