Evidence spells out how donald trump and his allies were just fine with riots in 2020 as the gop is, again, reviving a conspiracy about the coming election also the maga model, the vice presidential debate previews the gop's future. I believe that we have the most beautiful cousin tree in the world, the same maga messaging in more pleasant packaging and a riff from eddie vetter sounding off on donald trump for shilling $100,000, watches live at the table. Bakari sellers scott jennings ashley we, allison, bryan lanza and bomani jones with 33 days to go. Americans with different perspectives aren't talking to each other but here they do good evening. I'm abby phillip in new york. Let's get right to what america is talking about tonight. Jack smith makes his case in public just one month before the election. The special counsel is demanding that donald trump stand trial for his quest to cling to power. It is a revealing new accusation in a major filing and it shows that the former president knew the conspiracies were bs he peddled them anyway, and he did so illegally in his personal capacity. But here are some of the newer headlines from jack smith that you should pay attention to. Donald trump was told many times, many, many times by many people that these claims were false. He even acknowledged that one of his fame favorite conspiracy theorists was crazy. He was told that the conspiracies were quote, f'ing nuts. And he plotted to declare victory even if he had not won he and his allies look to spread conspiracies to create chaos one, even saying quote, make them riot when trump was told that mike pence was in danger at the capitol on january 6. Trump responded. So what the testimony, the phone evidence shows trump refused to take action during the insurrection but here's the big picture. There is a chance at the supreme court this whole immunity case out. So effectively is this the last chance that voters will have to see the evidence that jack smith has before they cast their ballot. Take that to the table. Here. I mean it is kind of unusual. First of all, for this to happen at this particular juncture. But some of it is because this case kept getting pushed back. And now we have basically jack smith putting all his cards on the table and saying, this is what we have. This is why we need to go to trial yeah. I guess the reality is, even if it goes to trial, the chances that we would get a verdict at this point before the election are very slim. I think the american people deserve to know what happened in this instance on january 6, many of us watched it with our eyes, many of us watched the january 6 hearings and her people who were close to donald trump on that day. Well, we'll still haven't really come out against donald trump in terms of being a candidate, saying that he did things that were not to uphold the constitution. And yet four years later, we're still, we solve this big question mark. I wish this case had been resolved months ago, even before the republican primary but here we are. So i still want to know all the facts, even if it feels a little late because the reality is january 6 happened and we need to know exactly what donald trump's role. New though. I mean, 11 days before in 2016, 11 days before hillary clinton and donald trump ran for president. James comey came out and had this new kind of recollection or come to jesus as we say down south. And so this isn't a new type of october surprise or anything of the sort. In fact, when you read what jack smith said, when you look at the evidence that he put forth, it's actually very sound, but this is something that's already baked into the cake. So the harris campaign, for example, is not looking and get this as some advantage. This isn't going to be, i mean, the question i have for newsmakers and journalists and those people, i remind people in a barbershop all the time. I'm not a journalist. I get paid to give my opinion. I'm a commentator sometimes scott thinks that he's a journalist to, but he's actually a commentator like me. But seeing here, coming data right? i remind people of that all the time because when it comes down to just asserting the facts of what happened we have to look at the facts that jack smith laid out. Those facts paint a very, very desperate picture by somebody who was running for president of the united states actually would like to ratify some of what my junior colleague i gotta get actually agree it is baked in. Look january 6 happened. I agree with you too. We all saw it. And people have formed opinions about it. This case has been going on for quite some time. There was a whole hearings on capitol hill, which everybody had a chance to watch. I don't think this it's filing is going to change anything. I think if you're mad at donald trump over this, you still are. And i think if you think he got a raw deal and you still think that the issue of democracy and the election was high up in the cnn poll this week, but that means different things to different people. There was a poll in georgia this week that but more voters thought trump would strengthen democracy than kamala harris. So i think it's gotten muddled as a political matter, but i agree with bakari. I do not see this changing the flow of the water in this campaign, right? yeah, i mean, look, i there is a degree to which people understand if they have a strong opinion about trump anderson jeremy, what he's about. But what are the things about this is that trump is actually running to be president. Again. And some of this information i think is pretty, i mean, let me just read an excerpt about this. This is the part about the rioting that was being discussed or when a colleague suggested that there was about to be unrest listen at the brooks brothers riot a violent effort to stop the vote count in florida in 2001 of the conspirators who's not named p5, responded, make them riot and do it. The defendant's campaign operatives and supporters use similar tactics at other tabulation centers that part of this is about the conspiracy around on trump that was maybe they were welcoming violence at this point. But you're not going to affect people with something that they have to read as maybe the most disheartening part about this. The time to get people really charged up about what happened was on the day of january 6, were seeing like everybody involved in terms of conveying the message of what actually took place, realize, hey we can't tell people is this easy to overthrow the government? and the message was tamp down at that point. After that, we saw more, we saw the coverage from other countries. We saw more videos. And so how crazy it was, not just some kooky people walking around with funny hats and doing stuff, right? that was the time to affect people now, this just feels like another time that donald trump has gone to court because the truth is, if you still need somebody to convince you one direction or another about what happened on that day. You're done for people have decided no, we are willing to vote for to do that tried to overthrow the government the last time. And even if he tries to stick around for the rest of his life, there are some people who have decided that they're willing to go from that. It's crazy to me, but it's where we are. Yeah. There's in the in this filing the special counsel puts on paper a lot of what trump was saying about the 2020 election, about whether he was going to accept the results of it. This was months before the election, even happen. And it would be impossible to hear that without also hearing what he's been saying recently, listen a fair election of it's a fair election, and what i am 100% on board, but i've, i see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated. I can't go along with that i see that we had a fair and free election, which i hope to be able to say but if i see that, i will be you will ever see anybody more honorable than they didn't accept the results of the last election. Well, that's right because there were many problems with the last election so brian, is he seeding the ground to do what he did in 2020. Again no. Listen what he is saying is like we definitely definitely want a free and fair elections, but we don't want the rules changed at the last minute, like what happened last time in 2020 were rules were changed. One of the things about this document is that it pretty definitively debunks that. No, it doesn't yes, it does. I mean, that's okay. That's what lebanese interpretation without any stress, is no way to thanks elie in the sat test is what's going to debunk it and you're not giving the trump campaign is clearly states is that donald trump was told that he was going to lose and was also plotting before the election to say he was going to win. And it turns out in the january 6 hearings that they had the audio of steve bannon talking about this exact strategy. This is also in the document. Let's play it and what trump's going to do is just declare victory, right? he's going to declare victory. But that doesn't mean he's the winner going to say he's the democrats done more of our people, vote early that count there's voting mail and so they're going to have a natural disadvantage in trump's going to take advantage of that's our strategy they have evidence and testimony that trump was told that about how the voting works. And that he talked to people like bannon and others about a strategy to claim victory when he knew he lost. So that has nothing to do with irregularities. What's the strategy to allow that? they have is a document from her prosecutor that's putting his pipe dreams is a very thing that he wants to due to try to influence an election. What we've learned over the years in these documents and other cases that they very rarely make it to the court because when their stress test they fall off, either there's a disgruntled employee things were confused. All these other things. So just jack smith has presented his document that's the best that's going to get now it's going to get stress test between now and now in the court dates thank point is that donald trump knew he lost, claimed victory even though he knew he lost. But that is true. Let me just i actually agree with brian on the surface because there's somebody who practices law in federal courts around the country. You're absolutely right i do a lot of criminal defense work. I do a lot of civil rights work. I do kind of both sides of the table on this civil and criminal work but no one's ever seen the dove, which jack smith actually presented his case this, the depth, the nuance, the detail. It's fascinating. It's different and yes, i am actually be lisa, but that it gives a democrat for somebody who says that donald trump has a right to defend himself in the court of law the difference is that he cannot be treated as different. He's not anybody else. Yes, i will point is bakari is he has been treated differently. How it's weighing a little bit. Let me explain the court's first of all, changed new york. This is a different this is the steak. No, no, we're not talking about different. Let's let's keep him because right now when you say we're going to change how you're talking about, let's talk about this i want to talk about apples and oranges to the fact that the judge said we definitely need to hear this this hearing or we need to hear this case before an election. Why does the judge gets to make that determination? hold on for what wave it all also for asking me a question let me just add a little bit of context here because donald trump, actually, the reason we are even having this filing is because the supreme court stepped in to say donald trump gets to be treated differently. He has we have to adjudicate reason. We're having this filing is because jack smith's advance look, it's not deserve to be treated like it looks like celebrate recently facts that's why we have you let's be clear, is because the court now has to decide which of these allegations actually get to be tried because donald trump as a former president, has, according to the supreme court, some presumption of immunity for some of his actions. That is literally the definition of being treated differently. That's the differentiation of every president actually benefit is the definition of every president getting that benefit, not just president trump. That's the definition of president biden getting that benefit. Does the president of everybody going forward, the supreme court said, every president gets down saying, is that the old mean he's not being treated differently is that an accurate abby treated differently? lee is that of course, has said there are some things that he can do. The supreme court the american president can do certain things. Do you think joe biden doesn't have the supreme the supreme court's coverage on this. Do you think the next president is my only point is that what's the house other than that? that he's actually being treated differently in this case. Well, the evidence is jack smith wanted to accelerate this case we've all heard about it. We've all seen it. And that's never happened before. He's old. But is that about donald trump in particular, were in the face of an election and he's actually running forward in the face of all of this, like the absurdity of the idea that that disqualified or rather the first place, we skipped all over that step and we get to right here, it has to be accelerated because we got this thing, this hard to get say this i said that the cake was baked. I think it's at the point where if you open the oven a cake, it's still fall. And i think donald trump should fall as a candidate because last night we watched his running mate refused to acknowledge whether or not donald trump has won or lost that election. And i think the issue is is that if you can't even knowledge that you lost in 2020, i'm curious to see. Do you think that donald trump can let me finish the war? did you think donald trump lost the election in 2020 less, i'm not going to, there we go. Why this case disagree with you and i know i'm not i disagree with me when i wonder i got my point because her mom i know because i'm not going to run i can about cakes. Let me cook. So you're ok. So if you don't want to talk about that, that's why it's so important that this case actually be litigated is because the reason why we're in in this situation is because you all can't accept the facts of democracy when you can't accept the facts of democracy, you'd try to overturn cornyn because you aren't behaving as good quality americans who are believed in what this country was founded on, quite dangerous what i love ashley tried to enter it. All my heart. I know multiple times. Let me just give you some advice. I wouldn't go down this way by reading amount no i disagree with her because i think that we're at a point now where the only way that you can preserve democracy is to beat donald trump at the ballot box. And i think that as much as we want to say that the agreement that the judicial system in the court and the rule of law has a role in they do. Yes the timing of that is fast as you want to say, is jack smith is trying to move it, et cetera the only day that we have to determine whether they're not democracy is what it is. It's november 5, correct. And it's actually already arrived in the most amazing thing is if donald trump wins the presidency of the united states, again then maybe our comments about what democracy is and who he is. Maybe we have to rethink those things. I hear there's a difference. Hold is that if he wins but the rules, i won't storm the capital but here's, here's the thing i might be there. There's a thing because we started this segment by saying this is in the hands of voters. Yeah, that's actually what this is about. This is not actually about this getting solved before election day. This is about voters and the facts will matter to some voters, but the jury here that the people are looking at this case, commercial, looking at the new york case, but they're looking at it. Looking at holistically, like all the cases he's been in involved in. And we'll see what the people wanted to do. They have the facts. Yeah. Everyone stick around coming up next to equal to 2020 is underway right now in one key state, republicans are pushing dominion conspiracies, yet again, plus is what we saw from jd vance, the future of maga just packaged a little different we'll discuss that he is the smartest son. Is ever done this for a living james was famous for winning races, teams believes that change if the economy stupid i apologize to know what that man is it to fisted catcher, i am saying and publicly what people say and turns out i have enough money. I could just shut up carbon. Winning is everything stupid saturday at seven on cnn football season already and not a satellite dish in sight hardly recognize a ruse. I grew up on the map squall killed great all the wind and what everyone else is watching nonstop football on directtv. Tell me whose houses this air house. 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Maga allies of donald trump are already seating georgia with one of the most baseless, bogus and bananas conspiracies from 2020, that dominion voting machines will decide the election now already in court documents, gop officials are alleging that these machines will be manipulated by someone, anyone to flip the election away from donald trump. Now, let me just take you back down to memory lane in case you forgot what the whole dominion conspiracy is all about. Here is it explained by the one and only sidney powell voting systems, the smartmatic technology software and the software that goes in other computerized voting systems here as well, not just dominion kenyan were created in villians in venezuela at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out so four years later, more of this i mean, it just it is a little baffling if it weren't so serious but this is nonsense. Actually, the idea that they could tell you, hey, we already got the plan in case we lose to say we didn't lose and to say it in public. And again, this is not disqualified or an obvious red flag that, hey, he's a maybe people that you said that trust is maddening in mind blowing to me i mean, i find it really baffling that this is even being allowed to happen. One of the interesting parts about this lawsuit is that they're relying on one of the things that trump allies were indicted over, which is tampering with the voting machines in coffee county as a predicate for this lawsuit that that makes no sense. Yeah. I mean, i guess let me do it. No, i guess people can say anything they want in a lawsuit documents it's up just over we're all you're a lawyer. I don't know. But good window. But that is doesn't make it true and it doesn't necessarily make it make it. So in sitting at this table, on november 20th hearing hopefully not used scott, but republicans saying, well, we there was a lawsuit about this and that lawsuit, what i mean there two things. I mean, that was the playbook the last time around, but file a bunch of frivolous lawsuits and then after the fact say, well, we litigated this. And so it's an issue and that is improper. Look, i have the highest hope and regard for the diffuse nature of our elections. The people who run them at the county level, at the state level, there's a reason i strongly oppose the federalization of elections because i think the diffused statelevel network, the way we do it, i think it works. I think it strengthens it and i think it fortifies it against people who would try to do at harm. That's my view. I think that will happen again, i think we're going to have a fair election. I think we should be able to trust the results that's my that's my belief. I think there are two things. One is there things that are more serious than what what's happening with? this lawsuit. I mean, for example, you have a number of people who were thrown off voter rosen, state of georgia, the same state. This lawsuit was filed immediately after they registered to vote at a kamala harris rally, right? you have the purging of voter rolls that that is happening in texas? i don't mean to disclose any person personal conversations, but somebody he knows my heart, but somebody i talked to often is bishop jake's and bishop jake's was even tossed off a roll over voter roll in texas. And so you're seeing this purging of the voting rolls, state after state after state. And you're seeing what's happening georgia, you're seeing what's happening in places that it really matters. Oklahoma, for example excuse me, nebraska, for example, where this will arizona, arizona where this matters. So you talk about those things and i think that that matters just slightly more than frivolous lawsuits and and so the other thing i think that you're exactly right it's not just this lawsuit, but this lawsuit is part of all of those things that you're talking about and this is the landscape that was actually early summer. I was covering this stuff in 2020. The lead to the 2020 election looked a lot like me. Let me also say this though, and this is my naivete. This is my i just turned 40 last week. So this is my youth just want to even say i humbly believe that the best day for the republican party is going to be somewhere around november 6 through the eighth of this year because i firmly believe that at that i get beat at the polls, which matters the most and then a lot of them will cut loose of donald trump. They'll cut loose of these lawsuits that you'll see. The people who see the face that you're making. I said, you throw naivete at the beginning of this week, but i just let me, let me have some faith and hope and democracy and what that looks like. The logic is that trump has no power after that point because he can't run again. And so then they'll break free. I just think they're looking for their own june team. What do we call it? when a lot of white people have, do you think they looking for it? no, i think they'll have it though. There's a lot of skepticism at this i, you know, i do agree with scott that the power or not you're agree with scott? yeah. Bakari our election systems, our powered by little local people who are public servants who don't get paid. A lot of money, but every year, look for in primary and general election seasons and counting the votes. But those people can only be as strong as the folks like rudy giuliani or people who do things and say things like a sidney powell who actually put their life and danger like ruby freeman or shaye moss. So we can believe in the power of our public servants to protect our democracy. But we also have to call nonsense, nonsense, and call out lawsuits like this when we know they are frivolous, when they put those public servants at risk. And that's actually what the republican secretary of state in the state of georgia is saying all the time, because it's his job to keep these people protected. Everyone. Hold on for us because coming up next from complimenting his opponent to presenting policies did jd vance show what the future of maga might look like? maybe in that posttrump world. But in different wrapping paper, we're going to discuss that culture over the edge. 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And this is cnn a look at what you might call maga 2. 0, jd vance taken donald trump's rough and sometimes aggressive rhetoric and delivering it maybe more smoothly, more palatable last night during the vp debate, let's give you an example here. Here's both trump and vance talking about haitian immigrants look at what's happening to the towns all over the united states and a lot of towns don't want to talk. I'm not going to be a aurorae are springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because there's so embarrassed by it. In springfield. They're eating the dogs, the people that came in, they're eating the cats. They're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there in springfield, ohio and in communities all across this country. You've got schools that are overwhelmed. You've got hospitals that are overwhelmed. You've got housing that is totally unaffordable because we brought in millions of illegal immigrants to compete with americans for scarce home it's quite the contrast, and it looks like based on some of the information that we have that maybe it worked at cnn's polling of that night, found vance saw in 19 point jump in favourability from his pre debate to post debate back at the table here. I mean that was just one of many moments where laundering in a way, trump and washing it up a little bit and then presenting it in a different way. But it's, it's very different and it's meant to move people who are independent voters into a place where maybe they can consider the trump family. What do we mad about that? he's running a campaign that he is effectively communicating and articulating the republican party platform as it relates to illegal immigration or any other issue jd vance did the most effective job of any republican this year of landing out what a fiercely administration would look like and people are like, oh, my gosh, she shouldn't be allowed to be here. But it's all so i mean, it's incredibly misleading because first of all let's take another example. He tried to claim falsely that he never supported a national abortion ban. He did. He literally said, i never supported that and he actually did. Yeah. Listen, i think when you saw that last night, we jd and i think the criticism you have today is that he's actually very effective communicate you're right. He saw it effective. But if it's not true, it's also just i mean, i lose i think i think governor walz has the issue of say, not true statements as well. Yeah. They both have these things, but at the end of the day, jd was an effective communicator through the debate. And tim walz wasn't. And that's what the voters looked at. And that's what you see in the polling. That, that's important. I disagree with you on the latter part because i do think actually that jd vance wasn't effective, communicated throughout the day. I think that's why poll after poll, you see his favorability rise because there were a lot of things that you saw on the deepest, darkest parts of the twitter. Twittersphere, and internet that showed that he was weird guy and fundamentally believe that he is weird guy, that he is isn't that he is high. But instead believe i think i think he's what's weird about him. I think he i think he's so slick that he is intellectually dishonest and i think that it uses off of him. But that's fine. I think last night, one of the things that jd vance did last night, which people do not give enough credit for? oh, he didn't help donald trump. Like, let's not even talk about that. Like he did nothing for 2024. What jd vance did though what's a little fire himself for 2028 and so anybody who thinks that he helped out, the person who is running as vice president for it's silly. And i think both of you all know that i think i think tim walz tim walz. And let me just stick up for my guy for source tim walz did have more than admirable job. He showed up, he was affable. People liked him and i actually before scott ways in i really what what hurts me to my core is when people talk about individuals with language that i don't think suffices buffoon just ignorant, et cetera. For somebody who served in the military, for somebody who's been in a classroom and look, we can disagree on policy, but my fundamental issue with that is that he gave her life to service and yes, you can say that he misspoke. You can say that did he lied. You can say all of these things. I just don't like or appreciate the caricatures boys jd vance. Jd vance serve in the military and you just sat here and called him weird without being able to tell me why. No, i can actually tell you why. Okay. I think i think the reason that i was is that does that does that give you from been called me? and i just think that the reason i would call him weird is the infatuation he has with women who have no children. I think the infatuation he has with my wife's or her uterus, the cervix, or the fact no, it's not a come on. I mean, that is exactly why i would call them no, but but the reason that i think he has such a joke favorability, it wasn't that he was that dam likable or impressive, is that he was a weirdo to america prior to this. The cap stuff is kind of whatever it is, but the way that he is fixate, but the way he speaks. But that's not the point. The point is whether or not it's true. The point is whether or not it's at the forefront of people's minds, the way that he's talked about women in all those, at the forefront as minds in bait allowed him to talk about things that mattered a little bit more, even if he was up there, not necessarily telling the truth all the time without the things that people find to be weird, to be so prevalent. So i don't think he i don't think it was right. He came out he came on bates saying, okay, they were so nice to each other. They were so cordial. This that and the other and actually to bakari's point about the tone of politics. Here is jd vance. Today, not on the debate stage talking about tim walz did this debate and then i talked to the president and afterwards, and we talked a little bit about what actually happened and, you know, some of the points that i made, some of the points governor walz made he made this observation. He said that tim walz said that he was friends with school shooters twice. And i said that was probably they only the third or fourth dumb his comments and walz made that night okay. So just first of all, that was clearly a mistake. Tim walz had actually just talked about how his son had witnessed a shooting and jd vance admirably expressed shock and condolences about that, but but he was looking down at a piece of paper reading that comment. I mean, it's it's apples and oranges. I think i don't want to call names, but i do have other adjectives to describe jd fans. I think he is dishonest. I think he is disingenuous and i think he is disrespectful. I'll start in reverse. I think he is disrespectful we'll because he does talk about women like me who are single without children in a very disrespectful way and says that i'm like a secondclass citizen and i don't have anything invested in this country when i have been a public servants for almost 20 years of my life. And i think you consider me a friend and you would think i do have a lot to give to this country. I think he's disingenuous because he thought donald trump was hitler. And now he's his running mate. Now, you can change your mind, but that's a big leap, okay? i think he's dishonest is because he was up on stage and he is fact checked over and over and we know that the lie that he made about haitian immigrants was so hurtful and dangerous to that community that if you want to have a conversation about immigration habit to column of afula, a weirdo. Or anything, but that is not the type of person i want to be. Second in command and maybe take over because we have an old president and office. Okay. So everybody seems to be worried about jd vance and dishonesty or donald trump and dishonesty. I never hear the same concern about harris and the lies that she tells about trump or in walz himself, who gave the most disastrous response to a question about his own dishonesty, about being in tiananmen square that i've ever heard in a debate. He also did the same thing with dana bash when questioned about dishonesty. A couple of months ago and effectively what he has said is sorry guys, i'm too dumb to tell the truth. I mean, he called himself a knucklehead. I have bad grammar. This is a guy who holds himself up to be a school teacher and a coach. Is that the life lesson he's giving the kids that are under his care. Hey, you can lie and then you can just kind of slough it off as being, you know, too dumb to tell the truth i think we spend 99% of our time going down rabbit holes about vance and trump and honesty and campaign's. And we spent no time no time at all holding walz and harris to the same standard. I don't understand because i'll explain to you the difference. The difference is that when you lie about whether or not you indiana man's square and where were you were in hong kong or china during that summer or your military? but the different like there's a lot of issues with differences that amber thurman is dead and so there's a big difference when you want to say i'm lying, but but you want to say that somebody embellished about their record or where they were during a particular time when i tell you that someone wants to determine what a woman does with her body and her reproductive rights when i tell you that someone talks about having a national abortion ban and then gets on the stage and lies about it. And then when i tell you that amber thurman should be alive today, right. So yes, i would castigate. Right now if tim walz was in front of me and i would say, you know what that was, the poorest answer you gave him the debate. In fact, that said that this morning, i said on kasie, shall i say, look, that was the poorest answer he gave. But if you want to talk about the gravity of the decisions people make when they're vice president of the united states. I would rather have someone who misspoke and caught himself up in rhetoric and said, i'm on knucklehead. Then somebody who actually lies about an issue that would determine whether or not my wife, daughter died during childbirth because those things fundamentally mad. I mean, i think that that seems like a fair point. Well, here's what i would say the guy about tenement square. Here's all of that first of all it was a terrible answer. But that is not relevant to americans lives going forward. Well, here's, here's the answer, but car when kamala harris says, listen, i no longer support fracking quick as joe biden supports fracking, we say we have to believe it has biblical donald trump does not support a national abortion can ban his administration is not going to go anywhere near that. And so why are we giving jd the same benefit that we've been to asked to give? caught when he said he was, by the way, said, i want i want a ban fracking she colin harris herself said, i want to ban fracking. It's my values to ban fracking, which i am literally giving you a story about a woman who died while trying to give birth to a child in your response is fracking. Know my risk my response is you have to treat both of them the same way. If you're if you're saying tim walz's lives, don't matter and i think they do because it goes to this the first decision she made as the nominee. She chose someone who's clearly can't be stress tested, who's clearly lied about his military experience, who's clearly out about awards. He's received so much that the chamber of commerce of grassley had to come back and say, listen, you need to stop doing that. Who's now lied about his experience sentence walz on i was a bad the choice yeah. No, i was about to say, i don't want money. Let me give you a second to i was just say the argument that trump's not going to do this when he gets an office that is a dangerous phrase that i thought that biden now we had learned not to say that we know what donald trump will or will not do. What is too far. I don't know. You sure. You know that? i do good for you, bidisha, he listens to you all right. Everyone, hang tight off. He goes pearl jams at better, goes off on that $100,000. Watch. Trump watch. At that, we'll discuss that next. 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The same person who is every day telling us that citizens in america cannot afford eggs, is somehow selling $100,000 watchers which one is it? this election is about time and it's about time that we say we're not going to take this anymore. We're not going to take this aside and other celebrity weighing in on politics. But i think the substance i'm curious. It is trump stepping on his own message by selling sixfigure watches at the same time that he's saying that the country is struggling financially. I think the country is struggling financially. If you look at the middleclass, if you look in the working class, they've been wiped out into the last threeandahalf years of biden. But there's also some people who who've experienced tremendous success. That's america. Some people excel, some people struggle. That's just the way it's always been middle of a campaign the best time to be hawking $100,000 watches, where he benefits from the royalties off of his name, and we will find out in november how the american people feel, but i suspect there'll be selling those $500 watch is pretty fast. There are hundreds out there. There are surfer, there and what any better is, can he show us, can he point? watch due to him? he seems to be so upset with a wide he doesn't have to buy one. He's not being forced to wear one celebrity sell crap all the time. But sometimes the intelligence gives us cell just to the point that you just feel like you've got to say something about this, right? like the idea that this hundred thousand dollar watch honestly, well, what is just the one? this is what pushed this guy over the edge. One of the beauties have at a concert is you can say whatever you want what do we got? gavin in charge, but i mean, honestly, i hear him $700,000 watches in your question is is there a moneylaundering angle to this? because who else is going to give you $100,000 and just get to watch bank like i even if you talk about real fancy watches issued a hunter biden's, say yeah, that's what i'm saying. Like it feels like it feels like it's on that same level of stuff, but i can understand how somebody sees this and it is that makes them role their eyes and just say, are you kidding me? have you got to admit his don't buy one. Who hears buying one? nobody. Okay. Good. We've established it. Nobody here is getting a it is very peculiar that trump is doing these things literally while he is, i don't find it to be peculiar at all. In fact, i find this to be who donald trump is one of the most amazing things are fascinating things that we will explore probably ten or 15 years post donald trump is how someone who uses the bathroom on golden toilets is able to convince poor people that he speaks for them and i just i don't understand the psychology and that's just my naivete again, i'm using that word for study for the sat again, i guess. But i'm using it again and i just really want to understand how he's able to convince people while selling them hundred thousand think about the juxtaposition. He was shaking hands with the union boss us from the longshoremen, who had a noble cause. And worthy cause who i stand with. In fighting against corporate greed but he's also hawking hundred thousand dollars watches on the campaign trail well, i would say that longshoremen executive lives in a multimilliondollar house? well, i would also say that you should not come to charleston, south carolina and say you need thing bad about our international longshoremen's, alright, because they are the people who make the country right? everyone stay with us. Bakari in his words, we'll be right back. The panel will give us their night caps, including the one state that could decide this it's election smartest sunday is ever done this for a living james was famous for winning races, teams believes that change if the economy stupid i apologize into know what that man is it to fisted catcher, i am saying and publicly, what people say and turns out i have enough money. I can just shut up carbon. 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You each have 30 seconds and i mean thirtyseconds to say your piece, bakari, europe. Yeah, i china. Wait and see, oh, that's what it is. There we go. Oh, i can buy you a manchin oh oh, often wisconsin. Yeah, i don't remember that. Nobody knows the pain. Okay. Anyway, the mark cat poll came out today and that was good news for kamala harris, the market cap polls came out, marquette university polls came out, was wisconsin is looking very good for the vice president of the united states. She's up five points and a three were right three way race for points against donald trump. And that means that as wisconsin goes, so goes michigan, so goes pennsylvania. That's a little lukewarm of take, but i'll give it to you. Go ahead, scott. Okay. The dock workers, the longshoremen, have launched a strike. I feel like we're not talking about this enough, especially since the head of the union dog, it goes on television vision and talks as though he's a batman villain and threatens to cripple the world's economy and he doesn't get everything he wants, which is a massive massive, massive increase in pay. This will create world chaos, just as he promises and who threw in with the chaos today? but kamala harris, this is not a time for more chaos. If i were in her shoes, i would have done the exact opposite and stood up to these bullies in, stood up to this union thug and said no, no, no, we're going to have a reasonable conversation here, but that's harris right now. She's struggling so much with union workers. She'll do anything they say. And that has severe consequences for the united states it'll be interesting to see how donald trump handles that. Brian go pennsylvania in the past two weeks pennsylvania has sanctioned female girls flag football at the high school level as a guy who likes football is a guy who has a daughter. I look forward to sharing that and they're leading the nation in doing that. Other states will follow nfl teams are sort of backing up, backing up them. And i think that's it's just a good thing for flag football for women in high school level. And we'll move it to a more states. You love to see it way better than you got ashley, i wanted to say moo deng, the baby hippo, but i was filled to do something else i got it in any way jimmy carter, i mean, whether whatever your politics are what a blessing century thank you for your service and god bless you. Happy birthday. It's bad enough that we watched the assistant manager debate and we feel like we have to even though now wants him out of life, has my vote been swayed by watching the two candidates for assistant manager duke it out. It's never gotten me there, but we do in a postgame show afterwards. And even if they have very wonderful house who do so there from time to time, you put a face of what i'm talking just to make this all awkward. I really disliked to make formal harris said say it to my face. I'm just saying i'll have to say is this we have to trust the public to be able to know what they saw in front of them that us telling them what they saw. We don't have to tell them whether there was a good or bad answer. They can figure it out. No, that do was lying tool. They can figure it out for the most part, but we steer the caucus the conference that don't let it go organically is not about you. It's about tell him tell him you think the same thing about sports games that's what we that's telling me. You want to act like we supposed to treat this like a sport. Does that seem like we don't need anymore? sports commentator as we can see, the score for ourselves. Hey guys thank you for joining the show thank you all so you this time tomorrow, one, abby phillip is stated the race. Thank you. Newsnight. What happens when you have so many minutes? let me just say let me just say what people don't need is spin from people who are paid race. Laura coates is on right now

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