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Okay. Okay. All rIght. Good afternoon. Theyre. All rIgh gought. L stay but. But only for one drInk. S Its frIday, so you knowo'>Yo What that means. Lets welcome tonIghts guests. HIs razors are the opposIte of act, not terrIble. ComedIan and founder of'>Wester N Razor company davId angelo. She says bless your heart. Before she rIps you apart. Cohost the'>Bottom LIne at fox busIness. Do you gIve a call and he madesI hIs bones kIll It. Bad guys wIth drones,'>Fox NatIonal'>SecurIty Analyst and'>Fox News ContrIbutor brad kItzmIller, comIccontrI[cht from havIng scabIes to makIng babIes. New york tImes best'>SellIng Author bucks. ThIs contrIbutor got to. Ats my favorIte rhyme scabIes In babIes Is accurate awesome. All rIght. Thaaccurate some news storIes, lets do thIs. Yeah. The'>Open Dregs leftovers. Mm yeah, Its leftovers the where I read the jokes we dId use thIs week. And as always Its my fIrst tIme readIng them. So If they , well send'>Joe Mackeyd not to vIew dresseda cupcake. Donald trump Is plannIng a rally In butler, pennsylvanIla ,next month, the same town where he was shot. Not to be outdone toe,'>BIden WIl also be returnIng to the scene where he almost dIed dIed. Joy'>Baker And Wanda sykes fear that'>Donald Trump wIll put comedIans In jaIl. Fwell, good news, ladIes. Youre both safe. Ate a woman who ate nothIng but sardInes for three month se lost saId she lost £35 and It cured her chronIc medIcal complaInt. S plus, shes got a new boyfrIend. I loved hIs musIc. DIsgraced former'>Governor Andrew Cuomo Is reportedly consIderIng a run for'>New York'>CIty Mayor. Ng a rhes already campaIgnIng r the'>Youth Vote sInce he kIlled all the old people and slIght exaggeratIon that only some. Joe bIden referred to j. D. Vance as a secretary durIng an event yesterday. Even more absurd, he referred to wIfe as a doctor. Mark zuckerberg unveIled a newea holographIc smart'>Glasse News ah thIs week. Look at them. The glasses wIll allow users to translate. WIll spoken In fe countrIes so you can hear what a dork In 24 languages. ThIs week, former'>Nascar DrIver DanIca patrIck'>Endorseded Trump and then saId she wanted to help make amerIca great agaIaIn. R and I say what a better way for her to do that than to stop encouragIng women to drIve sexIst. I know. Im glad you caught that sexIsm. SInger'>Lana Del Rey marrIed an'>AllIgator Tour GuIde whIch'>Maght Help If one day she ever opens for madonna. Sorrorry. EarlIer today, IsraelI prIme'>MInIster BenjamIn Netanyahu u. Dressed'>The General Assembly to make sure that the pro'>Hamaso Protesters show up late. He off he offered to page them them fIrst. Yeah yeah. VIce presIdent harrIs fInally paId a vIsIt to our southerndent har border. And whIle she spoke to reporters, her husband IntervIewed potentIal nannIeeok thIs week,'>PrInce Harry screamed wIth as he navIgated a'>Haunted House wIth jImmy fallond a ha. Fallon harry saId the. ScarIest part was beIng confronted by the'>Ghos Th hIs mIssIng. Im not the most sexually actIve woman In australIa. ClaIms shes'>Closeexually A Gol of sleepIng wIth 600 men thIs year. MeI wonder If she counted thoseh who banged durIng the'>Outback RIght to a large part of the par country. Yes. P'>DIddy And Crypto'>Fraudster Sam bankmanfrIed are reportedly'>Bunk Mateshe saI In jaIl. I dIddy Is saId to be thrIlled to have been paIred upn wIth someonepaIred wIth such a e rack. CalIfornIas plastIc'>Bag Banforn Is now In effectIas'>PromptIngs Nancy PelosI to go Into hIdIng. MarIbel amtrak announced a two'>Day Route from chIcagoe only to florIda. Its the only trIp where a one'>Way TIcket Is more expensIvewhee than the round'>TrIp Seat because no one wants to go back to chIcago. So thats why the one way Is more expensIve. Round trIp. Thank you, sIr. I knew that would take a whIle. And fInally the worlds largest cheesecake was served at a'>Cream Cheese FestIval In'>New Yorksecaked at and ate the largI anymore. SaId one masnt then. Cheap. But It always works. All rIght. So two day s have come and gone sInce kamalas fIrst bIg'>GIrl IntervIew wIthout a chaperon. And the'>MedIa Int Is begInnIg to notIce what weve known for a whIle that the more you hear from her morhear, the'>You Underd why the left doesnt want you to hear from her. Checoes no'>Tk Out her'>Greatest HIts from wednesday nIght. Welt. L, but were goIng toxe have to raIse corporate taxes and'>Werang Toe goIng have to re were goIng to have to make sure that the bIggest corporatIons and bIllIonaIres pay faIr share. Thats just It. LookIng'>HolIstIcallyIng HolI at, the connectIon between that and housIng and lookIng holIstIcally at the IncentIves we In the federal government can create for localIn federal and governments to actually engage In plannIng In a holIstIc manneactuallyr. Just want to ask you, yes or no, at any poInt In your lIfe, have served to all beef pattIes, specIal sauce, lettuce that Is onIons on a'>Sesame Seed Bun lookIng at a mcdonalds. Yes or no . Thats It. I have. Sure you have. Surkamala and'>BrIan Stelter Juh opened a 24'>Hour Health Club c. You know, I love how she never says where mcdonalds was. You want lIes wIth that shake, at least workIngs wIth bIden has taught her what a number two Is. And Its not cheeseburger combo. But the IntervIew was such a dIsaster even the'>New York tImes'>Couldnt SpIn It. They tore carmelos IntervIethew lIke the vIew nIne, threw a platter of pulled pork sandwIches. Heres thIs quote. Mrs. HarrIs responded to theth faIrly basIc and predIctable questIons wIth roundabout'>Response D predIcs that dId not provIde a substantIve answer or thIs aIe hard hIttIng'>HarrIs IntervIew Is stIll yet to come. Wow. Or Its. Its not quIte clear what ms. Ha harrIs gaIned asIde from gIvIng Ined'>Beyher CampaIgn aIdes the to say she held a'>One On one'>Cable TelevIsIon IntervIewld a. Now, that may sound mIld y to you, but for the tImes, thatsou losIng theIr collectIve, even, they knew that when she a talked, she made a ball of'>Yarn Sound lIke socrates. How come so bad these dayst Its drIvIng at the u. N. S causIn to drInk. That was the trend. S leader of haItI, edgar leblanc. NoansItIon relatIon. To matt. I want to see It agaIn. Id say someone get that man plastIc straw. Too bad theyre banned. So whIle they pusheyare'>Bann Har Its lIke a'>Reverse Mortgage on a tImeshare. They also trIed to hIde who she really Is. Its a catch 22. Were wItnessIng an'>ElectIontche VersIon of hIdIng the'>KIds Presence untIl chrIstmas mornIng. ExceptnversIon of the gIfts ared of rap manure. And the parents of the democratIc'>Partyents In the med. Its the total opposIte wIth'>Donald Trump. Surel op says a lot of stuff, t but wIthIn that'>He BreezIly Offershe poInted specIfIcs. Specf and Ill take that'>Overe Th thIs game of. Ad hIde and seek. Go ahead. Ask hIm If he wIll settle the wak hIm If r In and he wIll end the mId the chaos In the mIddle east. Te they wIll settle the warn In ukraIne and I wIll end the chaos In the mIddle eastat and I wIll prevent somethIng that nobody else wIll be able to'>D O. I wIll prevent'>World War three. You thInk bIden lIes awake at nIght thInkIng, how are we goIng to get europe to pay . Heres no, he goes to sleep. Heres a guy can sleep'>On The Beach. G sleephow do you sleep on thec I wI you have cameras on . I wIll never sleep'>On The Beach In front of lIve televIsIon, I promIse. Has anyone ever promIsed that before . Has anyone ever had . Hes poIntIng out that not only does the emperor have no, e he has no empIre. All he has Is a'>Beach Umbrella and memorIes of'>Corn Pop and cannIbalIsm. S ando. Ays no got a candIdate In harrIs who says nothIng and means eveto less. And you got trump who wIll say whatever he wants, but tells you exactly what'>He ThInksu hav'>Take It Or Leave It. For me, that depends. Depends. The transparency. Its the bIggest hypocrIsy. Of all. They pIck the candIdate who wont reveal her plans. Perhape who wIlls because they w how bad they could be. RIght, joe, as'>VIce PresIdent ,st there wasnt a sIngle thIng that I that she couldnt do I and she was able to delegate her responsIble'>Party on everythIng from'>ForeIgn PolIcy To DomestIc polIcy. A sIhatns what call a sIck burn as the'>AIr CampaIgn TrIesn theI to fInd daylIght between theIr crummy'>CandIdatemy CandI a past four years of. Joe says, hold on, kIds. She was me every step of the way from afghanIstan to the border. Dem maybe hes not so demented after all. DavId, for those of you at home, who dont know, youre quIte an accomplIshed comedIan, but you'>Hoso Ownte Ashed a razor compan. How Is your'>Razor Company doInge . Well, the, you know, Im lIvIng at the'>Ymca Ymc [lw. Nonow. Yeah. T'>Razor Gang Is doIng good. Thats the thIng. You know, Im'>Nohe Tt as many ad profIts. Im gIvIng It back to the people. Really . Yeahg these are very I my margIns are very small. Yeah, Im doIng, you know. My. Heres one thIng. InflatIons a bIg problem In amerIca rIght now. Mmhmm. BIgroblem amerIc my product actually costs less. My blades are only 0. 10 each. Really . Isnt that somethIng made In amerIca . Deand dont know why theyre noe flyIng off the shelves. All rIght. Well, let me ask you thIs. What presIdent would besg t the the'>Razor Industry . Well, I mean, If you dont count cuttIng wrIsts, I Imcandd happy to meet wIth both candIdates. Do you sleeatp'>On The Beach . SometImes, yeah. I mean, when the'>Ymco Yoa have a curfew at 11, so Im goIng to leave you alone now. Dagen was. DIdnt you fInedk tIme'>New York tImes assessment of karma lIke thats'>TheIr VersIos n. LIke, holy, theyre pullIng out theIr haIr. Even In that ton. E, you could tell theyre In panIc. They were In panIc. It could be worsy werenIc,e. You need me to sell hIs razors for them . Because the'>RIsk SlIttIng Is a one tIme customer. OnesatIon, have to dIsmIs that. DIsmIssed that. LIke you want trump lower InflatIon and people'>Iople GoIne and'>FeelIng Good where women actually want to shave theIr legs shav. Yeah. An d Its waIt, I dont know If I should have done that because I they were horrIfIed by her performance. Theyre are horrIfIed about what she mIght say If she had abous keep doIng these Intes because shes thIs close'>LettIng SlIp why she really wants the top job and Its because she just wants to spend other peoples she get wants to get her hands on daddy. I mean uncle sams'>CredIt Card, whIch has no lImItrd It. I mean, thats really any rIrls goal, rIght . And prIvate jet, that'>Jumbo Jet wIth the bIg bedroom on It who dont want to be'>Abl E to one . That anywhere. RIght, greg. GIrl power shes the embodIment'>Ba EverythIng that the femInIst and the'>Party'>Democrat Party loathe deep down. Hmm InterestIng. You know brad I watched trump yesterday, talked fobrettr 4550 mInutes. He went on a lot of tangents. But every tIme he went to anythIng, whether It was Israel or ukraIn,e, england he had he was aware of'>Whats Ad goIng on and he could drop down Into each Issue. Drown are you are you worrIe . Youre foreIgn'>PolIcy Dude that calmly gets elected . She not only does she not knowde ,doesnt seem that she has a desIre to know, she has zeroo'>ForeIgn PolIcy experIence. And thats a problem, rIght . I thInn polIcyd thatk, lIke kam, wIll never answer detaIled questIons about how shes goIng to gover aboutn, how shes goIne be any dIfferent than what weve already seen In the whIte house. And lets be'>Honesseenabout ThI shes pretty much had the posItIon for the last four years already. Fo'>Fr E Thatshe don any dIfferent and nothIng. And, you know, look at the natIonal securItok ay, the guys, that are runnIng the agencIes, the appoIntees for for our governmenternmen. Thats faIlure after faIlure. Peopkamala and bIden appoInted these people to thIs posItIon. But trump actually seems have at plan. He understands the Issues. Hes got a plan to to'>Stopan Thh In ukraIne. And I got to be honest, you know, Its Its really bad out there rIght now. Weonest,s read the on the precIe'>World War, Israel, taIwan, rrIbe ukraIne, we cannot have terrIble'>LeadershIp SIttIn Lg at the top causIng evn more wars than before. And the fact Is thatg even m thp stopped a lot of the stuff overseas when he was In offIce, ghell probably o do It agaI. Mm. E I hope youre rIght, kat. Cat, what yougyoure saId last nIght. Same thIn whag. Okay. What exactly has she been doIn g . Mmhmm. LIke, okay, lets say, you know, these eIght'>VIce PresIdent s go to a lot l, you know, In theIr job, but that should mean that she had tIme thamean to get better. I she dIdnt even wrIte a boodk that I know, lIke everybody at fox has wrItten a book, dIdnt even know shed even have a meetIng she wIth someoe to talk to them about wrItIng a book to put her name on. Aboubook. ThIng. Theres nothIng she dId. NothIng. But you see, thIngs go pretty well for her when she does nothIng. Yeah. Okay. If I would go Into hIdIng and then Im on the'>Cover HI tIme magazIne cover, I mIght go Into hIdIng, too. Yeah, thats what you know, when shes not doIng IntervIewss and shes not on the aIr. Shd she a bunch of people on the aIr, In prInt every medIum, talkIng about how great she Is wIthout actually takIng the chance takIn, put herself ot there because Its takIng the chance that she mIght do somethIng wrong or'>Mess SomethIng up. I thInk the'>New York tImes naIled It, actually, when they saId that'>TheresmethIn Ew York en tha no other reason to do thIs except to say she dId a'>One On one IntervIew. Well, that yeah, that Is why'>Sh E dId It. Yeah. But people on thIs channel cannot say she hasnt donedoes e'>One On one'>IntervIew IntervIews that the only reason and It was a non It was a non IntervIew she dIdntrvIews non do great even I washe the softest IntervIew she possIbly could have had'>Becaus E she just I mean would you come to work If It If you actually dId way by not comIng. Yeah. They theyve trIed to tell gre that but then but then also there was just people on the aIr all day talkIng about how great greg Is. You just sIt at home and watch It. YIng about gregthat true that t. Thats a good Idea for a my retIrement. But Im thInkIng about It for my maternIty leave. Yes. Yes, exactly rnIty le. Muc all rIght. We got to move on. So much more to go'>Up Next. Was'>He WIthIre N'>HIs RIghtsy Turk to enjoy'>TurkIsh DelIght . If youll be In the'>New York area, Im lIke tIckets to see gutfeld go to foxnews. Com'>Slash Gutfeld and clIck on the lInk to joIn our'>StudIo AudIence. Pa your trackIns,'>Vapor Freezenddag your paIn away penetratInght relIef wIth vIcks'>Vapors Vapor freeze your paIn away now at walmart. AmerIca Is at a crIsIs poInt. For too long, the polItIcIans, the medIa and specIal Interests have put themselves before the country. Theyve dIvIded us agaInst ourselves. Now were faced wIth the choIce. We can allow amerIca to declIne or we can take our country back. AmerIca stands for truth. So pull up a seat, because every revolutIon starts wIth an honest. Truth wIth'>VIvek Ramaswamy Truth wIth'>VIvek Ramaswamy only on'>Fox NatIon. Ons, I promIse not to talk too much. Look at thIs sIlly lIttle saIlboat. These of means wIth theIrothers the fInancIal of the 1 . And ha they dIscover robInhood gold allows others to earn theIr very lIberalIrement rates on Idle cash, unlImIted'>DeposIt Bonuses and handsomely retIrement bashIng. They would descend Into chaos, mercIless chaos. Is your shower tryIng to tell you somethIng Is gettIng In and out of the bathtub becomIng a'>Safety Concern . Are you worrIed about the cost of a'>Bathroom Remodel that could go on for weeks and weeks . Well, now you can have a gorgeous new'>Bath Or Shower that safer at a prIce can afford wIth a one'>Day JacuzzI Bath remodel. It was done the same day. We dId not have to waIt. It Is amazIng. I would gIve thIs whole experIence an aplus. I defInItely wIsh I would have called sooner from soft, closed'>Shower Doors and adjustable shower heads to features lIke'>Grab Bars and custom seats that combIne safety and style. Its never been easIer to. Get your free desIgn consultatIon, schedule your one'>Day InstallatIon In, and start lovIng your new'>Bath Or Shower rIght. Only weeks left to get waIved. InstallatIon and no Interest. No payments for up to one year. Go to jacuzzI bath, remodel'>Ecom Or Call 880 912603. Thats'>800 9912603 call. Now,'>Super Vader Is the number one'>SellIng Brand for mens and health. Youll notIce less urges to and you wont be gettIng up at nIght for so many'>Bathroom TrIps. Superbad to. FInd It at'>Walmart HarrIs Border trIp. I dont care about theIr photo ops. Get 15 off plus free shIppIng wIth'>DIscount Code Tv 15 at fIeld of greens. Com. A story In fIve words. Thank you. E. Gre mayor adams. Corrupt cItIzens erupter. ThIs Is not a guy. ThIs Is you know thIs Is an adam. You have all these black black people that you get on but you says youre a socIalIst. The crowd went, oh, my success down, down Is lIke, oh. Thats what you call a'>New York'>CIty Press Conferenc e. So that'>New York'>CIty Mayor'>ErIc Adams IndIcted on charges lIke frau cItyd, can fInance vIolatIon, although he claIms Its polItIcally motIvated because he crItIcIzed the handlIng of the southern border. Is IIzed the handlInt a wItch h. What do you make of hIs vIolatIons . Yeah, he saI . StIlIs. And people kInd of got mad at I me for It, but Im stIll goIng to say It agaIn. I feel lIke the brIbes werentek great that he got. Yeah. LIke he dId thIs all for class flIghts. Yea h. You know what I mean . Youre rIskIng federal prIson. You got to be flyIng prIvatera. Yes. G you really. Youre goIng to rIsk goIng to federal prIson for, lIkeoI t, legroom In a very bloody mary. You know, hes an IdIot. Yeah, true. Yeah. You know, and epsteIn would have had thIs covered that, you know, even even our corrupt elItes doIng worse undere the bIden. TbrIbes have gotten so worse. True. Thats true. Hes stIll goIng through tsahat yes. Someone commIttIng federalyou a crIme. Youre stIll goIng through tsstIla. It Is so pathetIc. That remInds me, though, the bestds the best thIng that adams ever dId was he dId thIs psa on how to fInd drugs In your kIds room. Do we have that . You can look at the'>Jewelry Box. The'>Jewelry Box of thIs the jewelryoxe a sImpl box. But If you look through It closely, you dont know what your'>ChIld Mau Closelyy be. For Instance, a gun. You should always brIngyo your chIld In hIs knapsack. HI but many dIfferent'>LocatIonsth M Lookan through It to'>Seer ChIl what exactly Is your'>ChIld CarryIngd In addItIon to a boo. SomethIng sImple as a crackIm pIpepl. BehInd look at'>PIcture Frames It behInd them. Cameras try to determIne s tr whatskIng p whats takIng place behInd a pIcture frame. You can fIndla the'>Bullets Someg Al sImple as It as a baby doll. Could be just a baby doll. But also It could be a place you'>E Or HIdeld secretsot co a e drugs, run your hands over the pIllows and see you feel anythIng thats unusual. LIke a pIllow lIke thIs wIth'>ThInthe Button Is a perfect InvItatIon to hIde somethIng. Ive felt somethIn Invg. Is. I would reach In to see what It Is. ThIs one could be hIdden InsIde. It collapses. Look to see whats InsId e bookcases. It could be more than just books. Perfect place to hIkhan books. E. Thats a lot of cocaIne. Yes. Who Is thIs kId . Who Is thIs kId . Cody montana Is a chIld. Thats the'>FunnIest ThIng Ive ever seen. And he apparently was not goIng for that. You knowno , I thInk. Get tI I thInk hes gettIng a raw deal, bret, because I thInk I that he I dont know. But he has problems. He to, lIke remake that vIdeo from prIson. Now, you know, thIs'>Person RIson E about'>HIdIng Stuff that way. And lIke, were In hIs house and hes lIk Ie us. The locatIons of where he hIdes hIs only cocaIne Is crack pIpe. And'>Son CocaInd HI now, now thew where to look. Yeah. So Its grea reatt. T but no, I got a'>Lot Consp of'>ConspIracy TheorIes thd about why my hea why the'>JustIce Department started goIng after hIm. All of sudden. I thInk It had to do wIth hIm All Of A Sudden sayIng wels actually stop Illegals at the border before they'>Comorder Beeo country and waIt for ten years to be prosecuted and taxpayer dollars. And then next thIng you know, when he says that hes goIng'>Party-le'>AgaInsInow Wt The Party Le and here we have the'>JustIce Department All Of A Sudden comIng afterve'>JustIce And Attat so I thInk that the democrats a are probably'>BankIngre HImg LeavIng and then an InterIm'>Replacemen Replacet beIng a lItp even further left. Yes. To help out the democratIct the. Party. T well, I mean, to your poInt, accordIng to Ice, we nowo'>Yo W have thousand murderersal ass and 16,000'>Sex Assault crImInals roamIng freeau In the unIted states that are not In detentIon from other countrIes. Dagen were talkIng about a replacement here. G abou what about . Mr. Cuomo. Oh, that dIrtbag. Well, he hes a shoo In. That vulture. Yeah, because he looks lIke a vulture. Oh, you granny kIller. Granddaddy cant. No, no, no, no, no, no. PeIc adams Is not goIng to resIgn. Theyre goIng to have to kIck hIm out. People sayIng due process, you stIck wIth It. And actually, the'>PolIce Department lIke'>ErIc Adams, you talk to anybod lIky, leaderp In the'>PolIce Department, depak. TheIr bacolIc so Its the left that wants hImI out. And yes, because they'>Wantm Outo hIs job. But also he does speak out. Ard the reason the only types of crIme that are up are those commItted by Illegal mIgrants. Where commI Is the'>JustIce Department crackIng down on gangs who have come across the border lIke the gangacross wIth the gun who ran'>Down The Street rIght herwh'>Te Throuh the braves way . RIght. Why am I losIng my mInd . Im he does well, because there was a run In wIth a'>Gunn Shoo ShootIng at'>PolIce RIght outsIde of the buIldIng here. Why'>ErIc Adams, though, In that vIdeo In the very begInnIng,t the he be lIke a dk parent, counselIng about howraI to your kIds because he starts off by sayIng there Is no constante he off'>B MotIon In'>Yor House for your kIds. There Is. No fIrst amendment. EssentIally, you speak when youre spokeent,n to. No fourth amendment here. Im certaIn all your. I love that. So hes got a career after thIs. DavId, Im dyIngr thIs to get your thoughts on thIs. As somebody who always complaIns about'>New York. E,'>You Knowpu ,he hasnt done much to put Int a dent Into that. Mmhmmo th. But, you know, I thInk hell get out of thIs. Yeah. I mean, thIs guy, erIc,'>Hes SlIcker than a doorknob. S'>Meanff Daddy say thIs guy. Oh, yeah, yeah yeah,'>Itll Oa be okay. Itll be okay. Yeahy, w youre as sharp as your razors, davId. Ur razortght,'>Up Nex the'>Arkansas Hack contInues to nag. My mus I stIll love to surf, snowboard and, of course, skate. So I take'>Kuno MagnesIuhelpst to support my'>Muscle And Bone health kernels, hIgh absorptIon, magnesIumhe glycIne. GlycIne. It helps me get the full v benefIts of magnesIum kuna, the brand I trust fIve. Ings. The brand I trust fIve. Ings. There are some thIngs that work better together, lIketIng. Your workplace benefIts your workplace benefIts and'>RetIrement SavIngs helps you choose the rIght amounts wIthout over or under InvestIng across all your benefIts'>SavIngs OptIons so you can feel confIdent and fInancIal choIces because they really know how to put two and two together for you. Wellplanned,'>Well Invested ,protected. So what do you talk about . The news sports a lIttle famIly gossIp. Resp that rIght. Oh, heres another topIc for you. As they get older, theIr rIskso of really sIck from a respIratory vIrus lIke fluva,a'>CovId19 Or Rsusv goes up a lot so talk to them about gettIng thIs seasons vaccInes because. Youve stIll got so much to talk about. I can take the deed to your and I can transfer that deed Into my name. The crIme of tItle theft. What Is that . What that Is that a crImInal . Theyre able to steal the tItle your home, typIcally by transferrIng It to another person. And sellIng or borrowIng money agaInst the house. So they dont really the physIcal property . No, they just want to borrow agaInst or sell It. The great thIng from a tItle'>ThIeves PerspectIve Is that nobody realIzes that I have sold your house or refInanced It and borrowed money agaInst It untIl I stop makIng those mortgage payments. So It could be sIx months later, they start gettIng foreclosed on. Most people have'>CredIt Cards and the'>CredIt Card generally protects fraudulent charges on It and so on. But what about your home, though . Thats where your bIg Is. Thats not the way It works for a tItle theft. Thats not the way It works at all. And nobodys helpIng you. Nobodys lookIng out for you. Whats a homeowner to do . I mean, when they fInd out theyre a vIctIm, what can they next . They would have to go to maybe theIr local sherIff or the local polIce, and they would have to notIfy them of thIs crIme. And try and explaIn what happened, whIch Is a mess and Itself. And nobodys prepared to do that. The thIng about'>Home TItle Lock Is that never has to happen. Why Is that . They notIfy you when theres any change to your tItle so you get notIfIed that your deed was transferred or your mortgage was satIsfIed and youre able to contact tItle lock, contact the authorItIes and hopefully catch the thIef In the mIddle of thIs whole process. And even If the tItle has been transferred out of your name,'>Home Lock has a'>RestoratIon Team that wIll come In, fIx your'>TItle And Place the property back Into your name. TItle fraud Is real. Its scary, but theres a way to protect yourself. GIve us a call or go to'>Home TItle Lock Icon and start your trIple'>Lock TItle ProtectIon today. It wont be hard to fInd a skIlled pro to fIx thIs leak ,but before I started angIes lIst, dIfferent story that was 1995, and a lot has changed, angIe saId. But what hasnt changed. Are the Issues that homeowners face busted pIpes, renos roof repaIrs,'>Lawn Care and the'>SolutIon Hasnt changed eIther. SkIlled pros to get all your jobs done. Well, we just made them easIer to fInd. HIre hIgh'>QualIty CertIfIed Pros at'>AngIe Aecom wont the effects of but faster'>Meet Roe sparks they contaIns'>SIldenafIl And TadalafIl but sparks dIssolve under the'>Tongue DIssolvable Is work faster than old school pIlls. See If sparks are rIght for you at'>Ronco Slash sparks fIve more words hIllary. StIll bItter, stIll ugly lIterally and fIguratIvely. DIggInll ugly. GIshe the washIngton publIshed an excerpt from hIllarys new book, where she doubles'>Anror Ne on'>Deplorables Comment sayIng, If anythIng, It was toof kInd of wordanythI for the hate and vIolent'>ExtremIsm Weve seen from some trump supporterw. Others. Why does she have to keep remIndIng everyone of how horrIble'>She O Is . What Is It wIth her because shes'>HIllary ClInton . Y when Im feelIngIn down, I'>SIt In The Dark wIth my bakesIs dog watch, great brItIsh bake off, eat marmalade out of the jar. You know what Im goIng to do . Im just goIng to sIt back and take mInutes and thInk about that nasty old'>Bagm GoIn rIght there. And Im goIng to thInk about all the years that sheg to wIth bubba and hIs full and rIng and hIm and that'>Intu Intern and'>Jeffrey EpsteIn and all of tharnt. Ing and what dId she get . NothIng. Guess what . He wIll never be presIdent. Shots dId not have. Got beat we have got youve got to putput It In a capsule. Ill pop It wIth some bame. Its better than an antIdepressant only you know davId I you know old are supposed to become shre adorable as they ag, ole. She just becomes more ofor a slovenly bItter pIg face. I know you can say that. LIsten, Im not sayIng anythIngo bad about someone wIth her kIll ratIouth. I respect that woman. EspecIally especIally wIth all those razors In'>Yourk E house. I know she could make It look lIke an accIdent. Yeahghter], I. Im wIth her. M wIth you know. Oh, bret, I. I have no Issues. RaInIng Insults down on he havr you know, If she could, sheuld, would do way worse to us gIven the power, because shes basIcally saId as much. Shes so bItter, greg. Shes just so bItter lIke'>Anexf ExgIrlfrIend that just wont go away and Is talkIng all thIs wIlld your back. U and then maybe you call her up two years later and shes so excIted to talk to you All Of A Sudden, you know . Yeahle Itso excIt, thats thats what t feels lIke. She have a lot of those dont shIpwrecked. So lIke. Hav many whIte'>ErIn Ouu Laundry rIght now and you just say that you would date older her older ladIes need'>Love LallI to date. Look, I thInk the larger Issue I have wIth thIs Is Ist Is Its rhetorIc that Is gettIng'>Trump Shot at. Okayshot a and. Theres crazy people out there that are, you know, tryIng to kIll the presIdeng tot. They hear her talkIng about how hes some sort of exIstentIal threat tentIal and hes goIng to ame destroy amerIca. And that gIves them the motIvatIon to try and conduc'>GIvesm Tht these assn attempts. And so I thInk sheste complIcImpts at frankly, when se says these thIngs that motIvate people to to not only, t you know, try and try and kIllry the former presIdent ,Ially potentIally try and kIll future presIdent s because they thInk presw. RmalIzed notrl futu rIght. Mhm. So he agrees wIth you. De cat, you know what I lIke about Is that she defends her'>Deplorables Commentpath as yeah. Shes just showIng empathy for people who are whofo are are goIng through hardshIp and that you have to you have to dIsplay deeply passIonate empathy wIth people you dIsagree wIth and then she. Calls them deplorable yeah, no thIs rhetorIc lIke thIs Is lIterally why I wrotes,e my second book, rIght. I mean, and also speakIng of I wrIte my booksso, I dont thIk she wrote thIs. So I thInk she doesnt wrIte her own books. Yeahe thIs. Shdoesn, but to me,s thIs Is In here. I would say, you know shes also just says okay. She already saId what she saId. Made the comment that she was referrInaI madthatg to half of t supporters. Yeah, that Is a court lIke a quarter of the country. Thats Iter the a huge segment of people. And now shes sayIng, no, no, no. I was talkIn. Isg to really bad ones, the ones who were at january 6th. And Im lIke, how bad are you mah . T a that was lIke 2000 people. LIk yeah but then shes also racIs sayIng, yeah, the ones who are really racIst and january sIx, theres a lot of bad thIngjanuaI could say about a lot of bad thIngs I have saId about It. It wasnt a race. Yeah s was. A and you youve already set the mark sayIng, okay, Im talkIng about'>Halfmarksaen E people that are horrIbly racIst, xenophobe bIg, awfulthat people. Thats just not true. Anybody who goes outsIde not tud and meets people knows that thats just not true. And Its a horrIble thIng to say. And ItsIs horrIble Its you k, Is there worse words for people . Are there trump supporters who are horrIble people . Of course. Are there also democrats who are horrIblehorrof cours s or people . Of course. Why dIdnt someone even ask ever ask her . Okay. What percentage of they dIdntre bIg democratIc'>Party do you thInk has bIgoted vIews on some way or another . I mean, the fact that she e'>Way Or Asdnt goIng through all of thIs Is If she dIdnt say It was half of trumps supporters, whIch Is a su huge segment of the country, I mean, Im surprIsed an'>EdItor Catch thIs, but maybev the edItor has the same vIew as you do. DavId. Yeah, trIe youy. LlIn Im not tellIng her thIs Is wrong. Play It safe. Tread lIghtl Is y. Greg'>Mm E. Exactly that. She already has her'>SuIcIde Note wrItten. You can borrow one of mIne all comIng up, gutfeld features wacky creatures. If you have'>Heart FaIlure or seek, I can helpca keep lIvIng lIfe wIth the ones you love. Ask your doctor about our ask your doctor about our se de or gen, or It can cause'>Ss SIde effects, IncludIng ketoacIdosIsd sugar. May be fatc dehydratIon, urInary tract or dehydratIon, urInary'>Tract Or Yeast InfectIons, lowtIon, blood sugar, a rare lIfe threatenIng bacterIal InfectIon In the skIn. The perIneum could occur. Stop takIng for a second. Call your doctor rIght awa y. If you have symptoms of thIs InfectIon, an allergIc reactIon the jennIfers ten'>X And Y and'>Gen Z each plannIng theIr future through the chase mobIle app, gen letx, plannIng a summer In portugal wIth some a summer In portugal wIth some help from jpmorgan wealth plan. Lets go whIskers tan. Why Is workIng wIth a banker why Is workIng wIth a banker to budget for her bIrthday he only turned 30 onceso he only turned 30 onceso and'>Gen Z her credIts golden hello new apartment three gen gettIng ahead wIth chase maurs. One bank for now for leader for'>LIfe Chase make more of whats yours. Over 13 mIllIon amerIcans were affected by'>IdentIty Theft In 2022. And the threats go way beyond just'>CredIt Card fraud. Todays IdentIty thIeves can use your InformatIon ways that are easy to mIss by just monItorIng accounts and credIt lIke openIng loans, transferrIng home tItles, even commIttIng crImes. Someone got my socIal'>SecurIty Number, made a'>DrIvers LIcense ,and It was used for crImInal actIvIty. You can do so much wIth a socIal'>SecurIty Number that I dIdnt know could happen. DraIned my bank account. It was terrIfyIng. Greg and more vulnerable than you realIze, your InformatIon Is exposed through onlIne shoppIng bankIng, even corporate data breaches. No wonder theres new vIctIm of'>IdentIty Theft. Every 3 seconds, only lIfelock alerts you to the wIdest volume of threats all In one place, lIke someone tryIng to use your socIal'>SecurIty Number, open a new loan In your name, or even commIt a crIme In name. There Is a bIg'>Yes Button and there was a bIg no button. I clIcked. Thats not me and lIfelock took It from there. If you become a vIctIm of IdentIty, a dedIcated u. S. 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Let me show you fIrst scan the'>Qr Code to go to get'>FrIday Plans. Com. Then you select If you need generIc vIagra or cIalIs the quantIty you need. Ill pIck nIne and the dosage Ill pIck 100 mIllIgram. Thank you very much. And then theIr system wIll see If you qualIfy. GIve It a second to fInd the best deals. Boom look at that. NIne tablets of 100 mIllIgram generIc vIagra for just 7, nIne tablets of 20 mIllIgrams cIalIs are the same prIce. The'>PrescrIptIon And ShIppIng free. Scan the'>Qr Code to go to get'>FrIday Plans dot and see for yourself If you love all the bIrds and trees all the fIshes In the seas. If you thInk vIdeos of pets Is as good as It gets, the sIck man Is a beauts segmeny. Your furry dreams come true. Its tIme to celebrate because s my frIends and thats been a long tIme, whIch meanstIme Its tIme for gregs anImal frIends. All rIght, brad, what do you have'>Gregsl RIght for us today . Ght . TonIght, I got somethIng excItIng for the audIence here. Is a man that apparently Is so lazy when takIng hIs dog for so he actually tIes g to one soa he doesnt have to clean up. Brutal. I thInk they call thIs the jerry nadler. Does that even work . I mean, come look, thIs Is cruel. So I just got a new puppy. Im reallyok excIted. I got a lIttle mInI bernard doodle. My my condo Is basIcally lIkmy e bIg rIght now. But thIs Is thIs Is cruel. Is thIs to crawleg rIght but th couldnt do that to her. G bret, do you really bret, do, yo you really need a lIttle adorable puppy . I mean, always. Oh, all rIght. Hmm. DIg In. Check. OtIs. The dIoxIn. Mmhmm. All rIght, Its otIs. , I thIn. Or lIke cletus or some redneck, because, agaIn, the dogs are precIouss. You got a name and a redneck name. So hIs owner taught to kInd of sort of rIde a skateboard, but hes got these knobby be l legs. H cant really push the skateboard, and Its just In dIstract the fact that alnd Loud Ba have horrIbly Loud Barks and they barrkk all the tIme at everythIng. So If you get a dachshund, so deep, deep, deep In the woods. Ah, your neIghbors wIll'>Hat Egu you. Mm. My'>Dog Gus Is obsessed wIth skateboards lIke hate hates them. Yeah. Ases them. Carl. Yeah. Just. Just chases hIm down the stree down thet chasIn. Dale exactly. Exactly. Ankle bIte kle bIter. Yeah. Yeah. Yesu are. Okay. No, Im serIous. You got to go check my now. Don erIous, t'>The KIds see If theyre watchIng . Okay. Oh, sorry. AnImals jumpIng, though. S Its. Ng bad stuff that kIds shouldnt see. ThIs chIcken , a dart. Look at that. The chIcken lIke smokIng thIngt. Look at that. See, I told you, dont. I toldI told . E you dont want'>The KIds, see, cause'>The KIds mIght notIce how cool thIs chIcken loves. ThIs. I thIs Is goIng to be me I gIve bIrth outsIde the hospItal wIth my'>Gownme FIn on rIppIng a dart. You can come fInd me'>Id F you want. But I mean, lIke thIs chIcken Is just. Justn at. Its chIcke a cIg. C cool chIckenool, huh . Yeah. The kIds can come back now. Dont cIgs kIds . Yeah. Its a'>Gateway Drug Forreg chIckens. Whats next . I feel lIke If the chIcken takes your cIg. Let the chIcken have your say. Yeah, I mean, Its not lIke hes got any real habItst lIke n that are goIng to lIke shorten hIs already but also If that chIcken If that'>ChIcken Smokedfe that whole cIg and then you eat that chIcken would that you up now I dont know tha truly truly a questIon for our our thats my trIbute thats goIng to be my new'>BrandecontrIbud NIcotInee ChIcken that although Im sureca Its horrIbly unethIcal to me to get you know davId one my on my scrIpt here for anImalt here frIends under your name It says tbanImald whIch stands for to be determIned so Im a lIttle'>BIt ExcItet D about what you have. Yeah I dIdnt get It In on tIme, but It turns out Its also a chIcken vIdeo. Se oh, really . So lets lets. Lets let It play. See thIs chIcken . Mmhmm. Its wearIng pants. I lIke that. You know, Its modest. Its true. I dont need to see the. Exactly. Hes tIred of beIng'>Treatedf Ben lIke a pIece of meat. Where do you get pants lIke that for chIcken, davId . That thats a good questIon. Is I thInk Its a gap chIcken. Theyre dead. ChIcken. All rIght, well, that was fun. We have somethIng even better. Its called maIlIng It In. And that Is nextItled next tue Its vance versus wall. Together we wIll put the cItIzens of amerIca fIrst. ThIs electIons about whIch dIrectIon thIs country Is goIng go wIth the Cbs News'>VIce PresIdent Ial debate on'>Fox News. What specIal Democracy 24 Pre and'>Post Coverage plus sean hannIty from the spIn room. More democrats, more Independents and more republIcans turn to'>Fox News than any other news network. The Cbs News'>VIce PresIdent Ial debate on'>Fox News'>Itl AmerIca Is watchIng. X are youpl dry, tIred, Itchy,x burnIng my dry eye. Symptoms got worse over tIme. My'>Eye Doctor explaIned the root was InflammatIon cIder. Toe that so'>RelIef Y Is lastIng zero treats'>RelIef Y Is lastIng zero treats'>RelIef Y the sIgns and symptoms of'>Dre Oy DIsease dont use If allergIc desIre and seek medIcal help If needed. Needed. R tIpn urface. IrrItatIon, dIscomfort, blurred vIsIon, an unusual taste vIsIon, an unusual'>Taste SenIfteen mIng. TIp to your eye or any surface before usIng zandra removeIme fe Contact Lenses and waIt 15 mInutes before reInsertIng Dry Eye Over and ove ozempIc for'>XdrIve Type two dIabetes. DIscover the u. S. VIc'>TrI Zone oh oh oh zIp. I got the power of three lowered my'>A1 C Cv and lost some weIght In studIes. The majorIty of people reached antack, or agency under seven ad maIntaIned It under seven. OzempIc lowers the rIsk of major cardIovascular events such as stroke,'>Heart Attack or such as stroke,'>Heart Attack or death In adults wIth known heart dIsease. Im lowerIng my rIsk. Adultsshare neor reuse lost up. I lost some weIght I ozempIc Isnt for people. Type one dIabetes dont share needles or pens or we use needles. Dont take Those Theor If allerl If you or your famIly ever had medullary'>ThyroId Cancer or have multIple endocrIne neoplasIumneck, re'>Stomaa Type Tf allergIc to It, Stop Ozone back and get medIcal help rIght away. If you get a'>Lump Or SwellIng In your neck, severe'>Stomach PaIn or an allergIc reactIon, S Effects may Include pancreatItIs, Gallbladderlude Problems may occur. Tell your'>ProvIdersIde Eff VIsIe problems or changes. TakIng a Step Back wIth a sulfonylurea or InsulIadatIon,'>T Increase low blood sugar. RIsk sIde effects lIke nausea,'>VomItIng And DIarrhea may leadh dehydratIon, whIch may worsen'>S KIdney problems. LIvIng wIth type two dIabeteshe Is about the powr of three wIth those emptyIng y. N sell she has'>N Ao Idea shes sIttIng on a goldmIne. Well, she doesnt know that If'>She Owns a'>LIfe Insurance PolIcy of 100,000 or more, she can sell all or part of It to coventry for cash. Even a'>Term PolIcy or even a'>Term PolIcy, even on'>Term PolIcy. FInd out If youre sIttIng on a gold mIne. Call coventry dIrect at 800 496 9200 or'>VIsIt Coventry dIrect ecom. BrIan kIlmeade hIts the campaIgn traIl. He joIns'>PennsylvanIa Senate CandIdatg at fIeld of green second. Product Is not Intended to dIagnose, treat, cure or prevent any. Money back termss and condItIons apply here and youre watchIng maIlIng It In In. 94 soup. 1948 asks. , an that there were 19 9400 now 1947 people wIth the'>Name Soup before hIm. You as If you could do just'>One One thIng to brIng th or hysterIcall or notorIety, what would It be and why . DavId Id probably, you know,p I would have'>One On the tItanIcd and I would have saId, you guys got a turn left up hereleft. ImagIne what that what we would saved that that movIe would have never been mader. That enough makes It worth It. I hated that movIe and I never saw Its It get what Is one thInt hIstorIcal and hysterIcal or hysterIcal. HInk tha I thInk that I wIsh I wouldks have started havIng kIds, lIke a long tIme ago so I could have lIke, 40 kIds. Really . Yeah. And I could have a show on'>Tlc O. I laugh wIth the octomoms be lIke eIght kIds. LIterally nothIng. ThatsI got 41. When would you start to get that many . I mean, Id have to start whendo I was lIke, 12. Yearth, you should doreg you that other show. Than what . Never mInd. Okay,'>Bretd Tha , I probably would have taken out hItler. You know , before he came to be. Yeah, I mean, he dId buIld I some good roads, apparently. Yeah, but all the other was really bad. Ye'>D Gs really bad. That Is, to take out hItler. All rIght. And thats adolf. Ly glad hItlet steve hItler, who lIves In morgantow n. Ia, gr great guy. Ea Im laughIng because I know. HI. HIm. Why dont you change[laugh your, steve. Youre gettIng the jobs. Degas. WaIt. Can thIs be somethIng I can stIll do . PotentIally yes, thats what I want to lIke, have a porsche, but, lIke, wreck It and lIke, drIve It off a clIff and just In a ball of fIrste, but then sI survIve unscathed. Inted. That Is such an Interestg choIce. But why I. Yes, yes, but, yeah, I get It. G Its lIke'>Fox News talkIng headI rex porschkee. Ut lIv but lIves. Yes,'>Id LIkese to. Id lIke to, lIke, foIl a'>Hostage Robbery Plot lIke In the knock at home buIldIng. You know, crawl through that crawl through the the aIr condItIonIngugh. That would be somethIng really cool. Fox news foIls InternatIonals crIme plot In bare feet and bare feet and then marrIes'>DemI Moore, then leaves'>DemI Moore and marrIes a model leaves her to. All rIght. Is that It . Dont go away. Well be rIght back. LIfe happens, but wIth smart lIner, your car stays protected no matter what lIfe throws your way. SImpler, safer, smarter. SImpler, safer, smarter. Make thIs more choIce. H do next. Ese . Smell lIke death. Smell lIke death. Want to know stayIng fresh In the afterlIfe, please. I use secret whole body deodorant. Well, no. Its too la actually goes on clear wIth no embarrassIng whIte mark. Youre a lIfesaverdetect t. An well, no, Its too late for that. Detect thIs. Detect thIs. LIvIng wIth hIv, craIg learned. He can stay undetectable wIth fewer medIcInes. Thats why he swItchedes fewer to Navarro Devoto Is a complete'>HIv Treatment for some adults. No other complete'>HIv PIll uses fewer medIcInes to help keep you undetectable and navarro detects thIs. Leo learned that most'>HIv PIlls contaIn three or four medIcInes. Four medIcInes. Devoto Is as If you have hepatItIs b, dont Stop Devoto wIthout talkIng to your doctor. Dont take devoto If youre'>AllergIrash OrallergIcc s IngredIents or takIng the featherlIght thIs can cause serIous or lIfe threatenIng serIous or lIfe threatenIng sIde effectsous or lIng. If you have a'>Rash Or AllergIcdn reactIon, symptoms stop reactIon, symptoms stop to votto and get medIcal heley away. SerIous or lIfe threatenIng lactIc'>AcId BuIldup and lIver lactIc'>AcId BuIldup and lIver problems can occuror. , tell your doctor If you have'>KIdney Or LIver problems or If you are pregnant, breastfeedIng oreepIng,nd anxIe pregnancy. Devoto may harm and unborn baby. Baby. Most common sIde are headache, nausea, dIarrhea, trouble sleepIng, tIredness and anxIety. Detect thIs you could stay undetectable wIth fewer medIcInes. Ask your doctor about tomorrow. Welcome to the Internet. A magIcal place where anyone be anythIng they want to be. Im pretendIng to be an elderly mans bank. Yeah, you are. Im a doctor who has what you need to see real results. FantastIc. And I saId I could. A kItchen. WaIt, you cant. On Internet. I can. Dont leave your job to an unfIltered Internet search. AngIe has 30 years of experIence fIndIng best pros. AngIe has done well. Men. How many'>Bathroom TrIps are you makIng each day . Try Super Beta Prostate advanced the number one'>SellIng Formula In Its category made wIth prost. Defend a trIple'>ActIon Blend to help reduce urges to. FInd It at walmart or these retaIlers. Know whats happenIng In'>College Football rIght now. How could you changes . Every second thIs player swItched to thIs team. ThIs team swItched to thIs conference thIs conference fIrst on thIs team. But sometImes Its on streamIng for bIg news. You dont have to be a'>Rocket ScIentIst to know whats on the same tIme, the same channel on every tv In the country. College football Is complIcated for bIg new age fans. On 26. FIrst on the scene, were lookIng at the worst'>Mass Casualty Event In the hIstory of texas thIs season of 9 11 lone star l. A. Got back on the raIls. You ready . I was born ready. And you can watch anytIme. What does she thInk she Is . LIttle players. Every monday, Its all new. Hang on. Welcome to the'>Party, captaIn. Well be ready. 911 lone star on mondays, fox or watch anytIme on hulu. To the Is proud to be free for the teachers IllumInatIng the mInds of our chIldren. But Its also free for kIds who skIp class to throw at wIndows because tubI Is free we mean everyone. These men of means wIth theI r sIlver spoons. What would become of them when they dIscover'>RobIn Hood Gold allows others to earn theIr very lIberal rates on Idl e, they would descend Into chaos, hey, amerIca, are you ready . The 2024'>Fox NatIon patrIot awards be part of thIs years celebratIon. LIve In'>New York. TIckets are avaIlable now. Go to'>Fox NatIon dcoms patrIot awards. We are out of tIme. DavId angelo, dagen mcdowell. Bret, dont get It. Aud our'>StudIo AudIence Is presented. Good evenIng, everyone Im laura Ingraham

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