YEEss, yEs. All Right. Ill takE it for now. It, happy mEf=''>Onday, EvEryEf=''>OnE. So last friday, Ef=''>JoE BidEn turnEd ovEr a Ef=''>CabinEt MEEting to his wifE, frida jill. If thats not bad Enough, hE thEn put huntEr in chargE of thE Ef=''>MEdicin NE and. All Right. VicE prEsidEnt will skip this yEars Ef=''>Al Smith Charity dinnEr. A fundraisEr that traditiEf=''>Onally fEaturEs Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Ial candidatEs roasting Each othEr. YEp. ShE pullEd out at thE last minutE. Ifs Ef=''>PrEsidEnt Ial Ef=''>Only husband ha thE samE with thE nanny. D ha tErriblE. JanEt jacksEf=''>On, rEmEmbEr hEr was criticizEd for saying that Ef=''>Kamala Harris is black, but shEa would know hEr brothEr michaEl, was a whitE woman and a bEautiful Ef=''>OnE at that rEst in pEacE. Hillary Ef='''>On-arguEdl'>ClintEf=''>On ArguEdl Ef=''>OnE that Ef=''>Kamala Harris doEsnt nEEd to clarify hEr Ef='''>Ons'>Policy PositiEf=''>Ons to hEr variousguEd Ef=''>Tha Criticsr Po and instEad rEcommEnd simply killing thEmlins. ThE mEnEndEz Ef=''>BrothErs SEriEs Ef='''>On-nEtflix'>On NEtflix is facing backlash ovEr thE allEgatiEf=''>Ons of Ef=''>Sibling Ox i i dEf=''>Ont sEE thE big dEal, says Ef=''>OnE woman. I dEf=''>Ont know why. I dEf=''>Ont undErstand thE backstory that. I havEnt lookEd into it. ComplicatEd. YEs, it is. Isnt it alway s. World lEadErs arE gathEring in nEw Ef=''>York City this wEEk for g . AssEmbly. REprEsEntativEs from haiti, of coursE, arE looking forwardgh visiting nEw Ef=''>York Citys many dog parks, but thEy arE bummEdy that thEy can no lEf=''>OngEr gEt tickEts to sEE catths. I dEf=''>Ont carE if its falsE. A nEw costco is undEr cEf=''>OnstructiEf=''>On in l. A. TructiEf=''>On will fEaturE hundrEds of apartmEnts for rEnt. EvEry apartmEnt will fEaturE Ef='''>OnditiEf=''>Oning'>Air CEf=''>OnditiEf=''>Oning and a 20 20 Ef='''>On-bottlE'>GallEf=''>On BottlE of ranch drEssing. YEah. SEvEral bulls EscapEd from a rodEo in massachusEtts. Luckily, authoritiEs havE a prEtty good idEa of whErE thEy arE arE. GrE nEvEr gEts old, doEs it . MEgan kElly says shE missEs fat oprah. So do wE, says Ef=''>HostEss A. Finally, Ef=''>California GovErnor Gavin nEwsom signEd a law banning Ef=''>Plastic Shoppingor bags. Not to bE cEf=''>OnfusEd with olnod bags that arE mostly plastic. Why would you clap for somEthing so mEauld n . All Right. So bEforE thEy cast thEir ballot this novEmbEr should do Ef=''>OnE thing first. Erican vEnmo mE 10. But also watch Ef=''>On gutfEld and thEn kamala Ef=''>On oprah, bEcausE you cant gEt a bEttEr comparisEf=''>On of who thE candidatEs rEally arE. HErEsin trump in spEcifics about fEntanyl. ThE Ef=''>Only way yourE goingwh to stop this is thE Ef=''>DEath PEnalty for Ef=''>Drug DEalErsE. I dEf=''>Ont know if this country is rEady for it. But if you think about it, Ef=''>Eactr Hs rEad Ef=''>Drug DEalEr Ef=''>On avEragE kills 500 pEoplE Ef=''>On avEragE, hE or shE Ef=''>Drug DEalEr kills Ef=''>FivE. , i know so manyhE familiEsshE, who havE lost a sEf=''>On or a daughtEr or parEnts, EvEn to fEntanyl. Now, you cant gEt much clEarEr than that. Can callEd spEcific. Now, Ef=''>HErEs Kamalath, whos a s as clEar as mupEd. WE lovE our country. I lovE country. I know. WE all do. Thats why EvErybodys hErE Right now. WE lov knollE country. Our co wE. Un wE pridE in thE privilEgE of bEing amErican. WEE arE optimistic. Timistic pEoplE. AmEricans by charactEr arE pEoplE who havE drEams and ambitiEf=''>Ons and aspiratiEf=''>Ons. PiratiEf=''>Onoprahs facE is likE, gE thE daddy hErE. At thE so Ef=''>What ThE HEll is this crazy ladys saying . H hErEs trump Ef=''>On thE bordEror. And what thEyvE dEf=''>OnE with thE bordEr and thE wall and thE wholthEy havE thing. ThEy could havE built an Extra 200 milEs. I built much morE than i said i was going to build. And it workEd. I had thE mExican govErnmEnt giving it wainand us 28,000 tr. WE had so many mExican troops. ThEy had gus no choicE. ThEy had to. OthErwisE, i said, im going to put tariffs Ef=''>On your Ef=''>Car S. Cars hmm. A past ExpEriEncE and a prEsEnt Ef=''>Exampl E. HErEs kamala. Am sopl this is not a Ef=''>ThEorEticalEt IssuE for mE. This is somEthing ivE actually workEd Ef=''>On. WorkEd my work and my carEEr ha os always bEEn about lEts fixys bE problEms. LEts addrEss thE nEEds, bEcausE wEn abou lEts know iti our capacity to do that. Im so trump told you what hE did and what hEll do. Kamala, howEvEr, to trEatEa thE Ef=''>English LanguagE thE Ef=''>Way P Diddy trEats justi n biEbEr. You can takE that any wayEats you want. HE did. HE did. YEah. So hErEs trump bEing blunts as it gEts. You kintrp d of sEparatE thE friEndship from thE lEgal. Its likE, yEah, you suE mE. I gEt it. Thats what you do. YEah, but i. E m not likE, you want to usE my planE . FinE. I mEan, somE pEoplE would not undErstand my pl that. No, i think i havE bEEn ablE to do that. OthErwisE, i would havE nobody to talk to at all. And Ef=''>HErEs Kamala Ef=''>On god knows what. S. Assuming its quaaludE. WE bEliEvE in what is possiblE. T is wE bEliEvE in what can bE. And wE bEliEvE in fighting for l that. Thats how thatiEvEs wE camE Ef=''>Io BElig and thats who wE arE wE bEliEvE in all that. And so this is a Ef=''>MomEnt WhErllE wE stand knowing what wE arE fighting for. Kn. , not fighting againstd its what wErE fighting for. Its Ef=''>Likhat WEE havE four morE s for four morE winEs. WaitrEss waitrEss shEs ignoring mE bEcausE im biracialE. Yway, anyway, shE spEaks likE a sh hallmark card. You could not gEt a clEarEr cEf=''>Ontrast. And yEt thErE will bE thosEmorE who hEar, hEar us and lovE it EvEry bit as much as you lovEdd what you hEard from trump. So why this grEAt DividE . It EmuchwEll, it has to do withs and Ef=''>Words. Trump votErs ExpEct divit dEEds harris votErs arE finE with Ef=''>Words. A trump supportEs and Ef=''>R SupportEr votEs for trump ExpEcting him to act. Words. But Ef=''>Harris SupportEr VotEr harris. And that is thE ac arEt. ThE act of voting is itsElf thE policy and Ef=''>ThE Point. SpEcifics dEf=''>Ong ist mattEr. ThE votE is thE Ef=''>VirtuE Signal a simplE rEquirEmEnt with no. Follow up nEcEssary. And that was by dEsign that thE Ef=''>Only for voting for a dEmocrat, whEthEr it was bidEn or harris,h was that it was Ef=''>Only thE votE that mattErEd and that itEE bE against trump. ThEy can litErally Ef=''>Switct Ith candidatEs from Ef=''>OnE with dEmEntia to anothEr with wEt braih frEf=''>On, and thEy just ExpEct you to votE for thEm no mattEr what. Its an anti Ef=''>VotE And Uno vo votE. ThE Ef=''>Harris VotErtEs pull thE lEvEr for kamala and thEn rEcEdE back into thEir livEs whErE thE thE rEst of us Ef=''>CarE Ls about arE lEft ignorEd. WhEthEr its illEgal immigratio witEsn, Ef=''>Rising CrimEE thE 20 incrEasE in Ef=''>Food And Gas pricEsr bEcausE thEyvE bEEn cEf=''>OnvincEd that nEf=''>OnE of that mattErs ExcEpt Ef=''>Only thipricEs. Hs Ef=''>OnE timE Ef=''>HEri VotE for kamala. AftEr all, Ef=''>ShE CoulvotE FordE First Black And Indian FEmalE Ef=''>PrEsidEnt To gEt us into a nuclEar war. For proof, listEclEar Ef=''>Wan Msnbc StEphaniE RuhlE with a Ef=''>NEw York timEs columnist, a Ef=''>Board Priorityf List rising aE for harris ovEr actual policiEs. Ith its not too much to ask. Kamala say, arE you Ef=''>Fory Al PalEstinian StatE if hamas is going to run that statE . Foa yEs or no . And lEts say you dEf=''>Ont likE hEr answEr. ArE you going to votE Ef='''>Onald'>Foro Vo DEf=''>Onald trump . No, im not just talking about nor t running for pErfEct. ShEs running against trump. WEs havE two choicEs. And so thErE arE somE Ef=''>ThingswE H you might noavt hEr answEr to. And in 2024, unlikE 16, for a lot of thE amErican pEoplE, wE know Exactly what trumpactly will do, who hE is, and Ef=''>ThwhE Kind of thrEat hE is. DEmocracy. You know, id say shEs dumbEr than a box of rockacy. S. Box at lEast you can throw thosE at brian kilmEadE. So thats a stratEgy and it might work. That so how do you pErsuadE a Ef=''>DEmocrat VotEr that its a mistakE to support kamala whEn thEy arEnt EvEn intErEstEd in issuEs . ThE Ef=''>Only Ef=''>CountEr StratEgy is not a to thEm idiots thats going to fall Ef=''>On dEaf Ears. InstEad dirEct thEir attEntiEf=''>On to thosE outlEts who arE tElling thEm what to bEliEvE. For thE bEst way to unravEl a naivE libEral is ExposE thE Ef=''>LiEsthEmto Of ThosE Who FEEm ThE liEs mEaning to bunk thE brain washErs. So nExt timE you gEt a chancE, simply ask a Ef=''>Communist REportErt why not . C trump . And whEn thEy call trump a Ef=''>Whcist Or SExistE simp ask, whih thEy will bE prEparEd to dEbunk thE liEs, whEthEEnr its thE fiE pEoplE hoax, thE drinking blEach hoax, or any lawfarE. All Ef=''>It TakEs is Ef=''>OnE dEbunking to gEt thEm to think,r that thEir Ef=''>MEdia Isnt giving thEm thE wholE story. So yourE not asking thEmu wE to votE for trump. YourE just suggEsting adjuhEr thE Ef=''>Informatiootg ThEmng Ef=''>On trump is rEally, in fact trustworthy. It hElps to rEmind thEm that 85 to 90 of thE mEdia is Ef=''>Pro Kamala and antitrump, which pro tElls thEm that whEn thEy bEliEvE thEyrE listEning to lEgit nEw antitrs, thEyrE actually s bEing propagandizEd, brainwashEd. Thattarting tos thE first sh of this bubblE of blathEr. If tnd nExfirst, thEyrE opEn to it. Ask thEm to watch thosE two intErviEws bEcausE you simplyhE askEd Ef=''>Watch Both Ak away thinking your mEdia has yo. TElling you thE truthin and maybE that will tEll thEm not to lEt crEtans likE Ef=''>ThE ViEw ll makE thEir dEcisiEf=''>Ons bEcausE thEyd havE you voting for hErEsy and, thEn for cElEbrating with a triplE or a fEttuccinE. AlfrEds o vEry wElcomE. GrEg tEf=''>Onights guEs lt. HEs in a lot womEn whEn hE workEd at that mattrEss storE. ComEdian Ef=''>JoE Mackia Lot E. HE looks that boy you couldE bring homE to mom until hE hits Ef=''>On your dad. Oh, yEah. ThE guy back in show, Ef=''>Guys VEntura is a navy rEsErvist, EvEryEf=''>OnEs boat. Host and wErE going to takE his show, intErsEct at marinE. And hE can sEE EvEryEf=''>OnEs spotsn. NEw york timEs bEst sElling author, comEdian and formEr Ef='''>On'>Nwa World ChampiEf=''>On divEr sEE. You know, joE, i always know this is going to bE a hot and sExy show whEn yourE wEaring hi your mEmbErs Ef=''>Only Ef=''>JackEt Sky bluE, sky bluE. MalE modEl grEg. YEs, you arE. You arE. You knowt a mo what . And i havE nothing to follow that up with. WEll, you knoww what, talk its intErEsting that wE talk about how sExy i am, grEg, bEcausE its it hot kind of highlights thE cEf=''>Ontrast harrEEn thE Ef=''>StratEgiEs Of Chris and trumps running for prEsidEnt. Harris is running to hook up Ef=''>On ElEctio runningidEnt. N nightn shEs going to tEll Ef=''>VaguE LiEs W Trump is running Ef=''>Foril A Good Fu Four Ef='''>Onship'>YEar RElatiEf=''>Onship, so hEs tElling you harsh truth rE whEn harris says, i dEf=''>Ont want to bE in fracking. Ear. LikE mE im a moviE producEr, Ef=''>SEcrEt AgEnt thAt DoEsnt havE tEf=''>Ony oftEm r,n gEts, you know, ill o whatEvEr i can. And whEn trump says, likE to, wErE going to havE to, likE, shoot somE Ef=''>Drug DEalErs in thE hEad. Thats likE mE saying, dEf=''>Ont spEnd so much mEf=''>OnEy Ef=''>On your nails and handbags. Its stupid and nobody carEsE. You dEf=''>Ont t rEalizE. How brilliant that analogy is. N im so going to rEpEatE that word for word Ef=''>On thE Ef=''>FivE tomorrownalogy i and. D tomo im going to takE crEdit for it. Thats fair Enough. YourE my boss. YEs, i am. Rrm Ef=''>Goin TakEdititand dEf=''>Ont youi but its truE. ShEs angling for a Ef=''>OnE night stand, and hEs basically. YEs, bEcausE yourE ExpEcting s four Ef='''>Onship'>YEar RElatiEf=''>Onship from him. YourE ExpEcting thEsE spEcificctins, whErEas thE votE, just for commas, is going to show up and disappEar. Guycting sp what say you . Oh, wEll manicurEd. Wp and diEf=''>OnE. And what was intErEsting about thE oprah was how prEtty clEarly undEr or unimprEssEd oprah was. YEs. Right. Oprah has intErviEwEd a Ef=''>Lo UndEr Orthas in of vEry imprEssivE pEoplE through thE yEars. Oprah hErsElf is vEry imprEssivE. YEtEa lot ofvEry imps. I shE was sitting thErE watching this pErsEf=''>On across from hEr. And that intErnaprEssivE. L mEf=''>OnoE must havE bEEn rEally somEthing bEcausE shE was nEf=''>Onat loving what shE hEard. And thErE wErE a fEw timEs journalists dEf=''>Ont ast Ef=''>K Camilla up quEstiEf=''>Ons EvEr about anything. Oprah did a vErsiogEt asn, a Ef=''>Fow Up whErE shE kind of hElpEd hEr answEr it at thE End. ShE would trail off in this Ef=''>Word Salad and oprah say, so what yourE saying is, yEsd th, your is this. And harris was likE, Exactly. YEah. And i was likEis in is, man, i E bE in that sEat. YEah, i dEf=''>Ont i dEf=''>Ont likE mind rEading, but you could sEE it coming out of hEr EyEball. MilEs. Morgan how dangErous would hows bE . R prEsidEnt harri thE fact that wE rEally dEf=''>Ont know in tErms of Ef=''>ForEign Policy what shEs n going to do. C shE doEsnt commit toom anything, not to bE hypEr, ypEro by thE way. You should. You should havE clEanEd up for tEf=''>Onight. Sorrli g by th y, ill try hardEr nExt timE. LitErally. GrEg walks sorry try into thE, looks ovEr and goEs, you look l grEat. HE just likEs to pull my hairu likE wErE Ef=''>On thE playground bEcausloE. HE actually likEs mE. Oh, i knowEf=''>On. And that was just a couplE of yEars ago. So yEars a, yEah, i mEan, listEm dana. How could you not bE cEf=''>OncErnEd about a prEsidEnt harris undEr hEr and bidEn . WEE sEEn thE worst Ef=''>War In EuropE sincE Ef=''>World War ii. EundEr thE two of thEm arE Ef=''>Us Navy in thE middlE East. ArE nEw us Ef=''>Navy Shipm ArslE Eas arE ExpEriEncing morE combat and morE actiEf=''>On than thEyvE sEEn sincEary Ef=''>World War ii. Hav so if yourE Ef=''>Xi Jinping and you wErE making thE calculatiosEn about what yourE going to do for taiwan or thE philippinEs, i mEan, i thinE k this is opEn sEasEf=''>On for dEspots and dictators around thE world. T i think its going to bE rEallyd scary placE. ThE pEntagEf=''>On just announcEd today that thEyrE sEnding morE troops to thE middlE East. This is to bE a Ef=''>DEtErrEnt Todapan bEcausE thEy kEEEf=''>On a to dEtEr Ef=''>RoguE StatEs from Ef=''>RoguE StatEs. SpEaking of tyruros, i find itEv hard to bEliEvE that this racE is going to bE closE. Its not. Its not closE. And you saw listEn, EvEn thE audiEncEt is, oprah, whEnr a woman with hEr hair, whEn shEs Ef=''>On tv, of all placEs, ha its going wEll. I dEf=''>Ont likE it. At Ef=''>OnE point shE did. ShE did thE dopE. IvE nEvEr sEE Ef=''>Poin Opranth Ef=''>On r go. And at Ef=''>OnE point, likE grEEcE, and it was bEcausE you wantbEca to just. But thE morE answErs you pullEd out of hEr, thErE wErEusEnatc lt this, aint it . This way. F Ef=''>What ThE HEll is that going to Ef=''>ThE Point to Ef=''>ThE Point to whErE thEy to changE Ef=''>AudiEncE MEmbEr sEats during thE show, whichs mEans that was cut. T thEy hahEd to takE. ThErE was a brEak. ThErE was probably a Ef=''>WatErE Wa BrEak whErE shE wEntk to back to hEr tEam. And if this was a fight ifr, thEy,as hEr Ef=''>CornE H thEy, thEy ran out of towEls to throw. ThE and thE first brEak, wE kEEp throwing towEls whEn shE kEEps going out thErE. T i just this know, likE i said bEforE, wErE going to havE to work Ef=''>On thE fifth bEcausE this is going to bE ovEr by 10 00 EastErn. BEcail pEoplE, just likEE just you saw what happEnEd with budwEisEr. Its not thE Ef=''>OnEs in frEf=''>Ont of thE camEra. You knowEw wh its thE Ef=''>OnEs whoE working. And i think ivE said it bEst whEn wE said wEvEnt sEEn Enou. I hopE yourE Right. T. Righ thE Ef=''>Hot MEss gEts EndorsEd by thE irs. Why did wE choosE safE flight . WErE always working Ef=''>On a projEct whilE loading up our suv. Our suv. OnE Extra pushE so wE schEdulE that safEwE cn mlivE. Co km. MlivE. Co km. WE wErE ablE to track our tEchnician and knEw Exactly Endrick. D wE could kEEp workg safEly. Ick. D wE could kEEp workg it camE to us. Hi, im kEndrick. With thE rEplacEmEnt, wE could trust that sErvicE thE way sE want it. SchEdulE frEE Ef=''>MobilE SErvicE. Now say flight Ecom, Ef=''>Flight REpair Stuff likE rEplacE addo missing out Ef=''>On thE things you lovE bEcausE of Ef=''>Asthman Ilia gEt back to bEttEr brEathing with thE sEntra and addrgic Ef=''>R TrEatmEnt for Eosinophilic asthma. This is takEn Ef=''>OncE EvEry this is takEn Ef=''>OncE EvEry Eight wEEks for sEntraEa. For suddEn Ef=''>BrEathing ProblEms or othEr Eosinophilic cEf=''>OnditiEf=''>Ons. CEf=''>OnditiEf=''>Ons. AllErgic rEactiEf=''>Onsns dEf=''>Ont stop your Ef=''>Asthma TrEatmEnts without talking with your doctor. With your doctor. TEll your doctor worsEns, hEadachE and Ef=''>SorE Throat may occur. TEll your doctor if you havE a parasitic infEctiEf=''>On. StEp back out thErE with thE sEntra. AsbErty mutual cusk your doctort for you. LibErty mutual. My Ef=''>Car InsurancE. So i savEd hundrEds. So i savEd hundrEds. But thE mEf=''>OnEy i savEd. T. I thought id gEt a Ef=''>Wax FigurE of mysElf. Cool. Cool. Right . Look at thE craftsmanship. I mEan, i EvEn got my nostrils, Right . Its just nicE to know yEars aftEr gEf=''>OnE, this guy will bE standing thE tEst. It ha. Y, libEr hEs nothing. Oh, jEEz. No, i Ef=''>Only pay for what you nEEd EvEry day is. EvEry day, EvEry family, EvEry amErica is. That a Ef=''>Crisis Point. For too lEf=''>Ong, thE politicians, thE mEdia, and spEcial intErEsts havE put thEmsElvEs bEforE thE country. ThEyvE dividEd us against oursElvEs. Now wErE facEd with thE choicE. WE can allow amErica to dEclinE, or wE takE our country back. AmErica stands for truth. So pull up a sEat, bEcausE EvEry rEvolutiEf=''>On starts with an hEf=''>OnEst cEf=''>OnvErsatiEf=''>On. Truth with Ef=''>VivEk Ramaswamy Ef=''>Only Ef=''>On fox natiEf=''>On. I promisE not to talk too much. REignitE your passiEf=''>On with custom bands from thE Ef=''>JEwElry ExchangE, two carat fancy lab bands 1491 carat classic natural bands 990 Ef=''>Half Carat natural for 99 unlimitEd choicEs guarantEEd to appraisE doublE thE Ef=''>JEwElry ExchangE. DirEct mEn. How many Ef=''>Bathroom Trips arE you making Each day . Try Ef=''>SupEr BEta ProstatE advancEd thE numbEr Ef=''>OnE Ef=''>SElling Formula in its catEgory madE with dEfEnd a triplE Ef='''>On-blEnd'>ActiEf=''>On BlEnd through Ef=''>HElp REducE urgEs to. Find it at walmart or thEsE Ef=''>REtailErs WhistlEblowEr rEvElatiEf=''>Ons. DEtails EmErgE Ef=''>On thE sEcEf=''>Ond Ef='''>On-attEmpt'>Trump AssassinatiEf=''>On AttEmpt Ef=''>Wa Ryan t. WritEs, moving is strEssful. Can you hElp mE takE Ef=''>OnE thing off of my to do list . ugh, movings thE worst. With xfinity, you can transfEr your intErnEt in just a fEw taps. Just a fEw Easy movEs. Did somEbody say Easy movEs . Oh no. No, i was talking about moving your intErnEt. This will movE thE intErnEt. Ooh, ooh. LEts kEEp it profEssiEf=''>Onal. ProfEssiEf=''>Onal dancErs ok stay cEf=''>OnnEctEd during your movE with thE bEst in homE wifi. Easily transfEr your sErvicEs in thE xfinity app. Bring Ef=''>On thE good stuff. YoursElf a story in Ef=''>FivE Ef=''>Words irs Ef=''>EndorsEs Harris for Ef=''>PrEzrris Guy this is amazing. ThE natiEf=''>Onal trEasury EmployEEs uniofEf=''>On. I didnt EvEn know you could havE a uniEf=''>On in thE govErnmEnt rEprEsEnting various fEdEralnotE workErs. Irs agEnts say thEyrE backing kamala bEcausE of hErnr nEw invEstmEnts to rEbuild thE irs undEr thE Ef='''>On-rEductiEf=''>On-act'>InflatiEf=''>On REductiEf=''>On Act. Think about that. That Ef='''>On-rEductiEf=''>On-act'>InflatiEf=''>On REductiEf=''>On Act was a payoff. YEah, four votEs. So it doublEd thE sizE of thE irs. And thE ir votEs. S is. E thank you. S an wE likE you. D wE want you toth win. It is rEmarkablE a that Emplirs EmployEEs havE a uniEf=''>On that should not bE a thing, but apparEntly it is a thing. And thEy put out uniEf=''>Ont this gl. EndorsEmEnt. ThEy said that shE sharEs our valuEs. ThE Ef=''>Trump Campaign should just put this Ef=''>AnnouncEmEnt OuE SharEm advErtisEmEnt of its own. ThE Ef=''>Harris Campaign Ef=''>ShouldEnas Y thank you for thE EndorsEmEnt. LEts not tEll anyEf=''>OnE. YEs, bEcausE thE Ef=''>Tax CollEctors lovE mE isnt nEcEssarily thE biggEst winnEr politically ivE EvEr hEard of. YEah, but good luck. K i mEan, thEy know whErEErE th thEir brEad is buttErEd and thEy sEE somEEf=''>OnE who will havE thEirEiEad back and Ef=''>Kamala Harris will havE thE irs is back. ThErEs Ef=''>No Doubt about thay wht yEah. Its likE thEyrE basically saying thEyrE Endorsing trump by saying if Ef=''>You Vott abE trump, our Ef=''>Gravy Train will stop. WEl sayinl, hopE thats what EvErybody gEts from it. Not Ef=''>Only did shE gEt allatrom it that givE all that mEf=''>OnEy to thE irs through thE Ef='''>On-rEductiEf=''>On-ac'>InflatiEf=''>On REductiEf=''>On Ac did gt or whatEvEr was callEd, but thE additiEf=''>Onal whatr thE nExt fiscal yEar, fy 25, is anothEr 104 billiEf=''>Onili Ef=''>On top of it. So its rEally likE a lEgal payoffEf=''>On shEs giving thEm and proposing billiEf=''>Ons and billiEf=''>Ons, not milliEf=''>Ons. ShE isg billiEf=''>Ons, wE of dollars. And so, of coursE, thEyrE voting for hEr. That Ef=''>Shouldnt Atalkin bE a surprisE, i would say. By thE way, i think its rEally hard for fEdEral s EmployEEs to gEt out of thEsE uniEf=''>Ons. I think thEy sort of opt to Ef=''>EndE WhEnEvErally gEt a paychEck. And Ef=''>It TakEs quitE a bit a of Effort to not bE a part it. HE uniEf=''>On i rEmEmbEr this whEn i was at trEasury. Its intErEsting, though, bEcausE taras i rEmEmbs whEn has thE irs EvEr gEf=''>OnE Ef=''>On strikE . ThE wouldnt that bE amazing . YEah , likE, i mEan, ivE nEvEr hEard of thE irs going Ef=''>On. I would join . VE that linE. I would join. YEah, wErE nEvEr going back. So fairy pEoplE, pEoplE who collEct your mEf=''>OnEy nEvEr go Ef=''>On strikE. I dEf=''>Ont undErstand why nEvEr morE ExcitEd mor about this. YEah. EndorsEd by thE irE Exds. Thats likE gEtting a frEE Ef=''>Colostomy Bag sincE yourE Ef=''>Soo R ExcitEd. What . Go to thE doctor for tEf=''>Onsils. You gEt castratE sod. I think this volumE in thE guys point. YEah. I would bE running this all dayl. Should bE nothing ElsE. LikE thE pEoplE who ruins all your lifdaE. Oo yEah. LovE hEr a lot. YEs. Which mEanruinEds it dEfacto. Sp shEs going to ruin your lifsoE to. ShEs likE i said, this is just again, it goEs back to thEwhErE prEvious sEgmEnt whErE i said by 1005 EastErn, wEll, this is a wrap. I hopE yourE Right. ThEyrE so dEspEratE as if somE gEnius in thE back said, hEy, maybE if thE irs EndorsEd that rEally turn this thing around, EspEcially with thE Ef=''>MEn VotE wErE trying to gEt bEcausE nothing gEts us Ef=''>MorEs Mo ExcitEd than sharing thE samE viEws as thE irs. YEa an sharih yEah, i hopE yourE Right. Thats nEvEr bEEn said. No hop, this is an irs housEhol. L havE somE rEspEcts hous rEspEct. G this is an irsrE, joE, whEn you stEp back and you look at all of hEr EndorsEmEnts b, Er shEs i mEan, liz chEnEy, dick chEnEy, oh, lEf=''>On chanEy, chEnEy. I dEf=''>Ont havE any morE chEnEys. VE you got iran, you got putin. I gEt it. I mEan, yourE point rEally glazEd ovEr my irs strikE jokEdr that i was going to makE now. But likE, i dEf=''>Ont knows how you strikE whEn youvE got nothing to bargain for. YEah. At lEast Ef=''>WhEkE En Youn thE Ef='''>On'>TEachErs UniEf=''>On strikEs you. Your kids arE out of school, Ef=''>Whicst WE TEach is slightly wort thEm for thE kids than bEing in schoollyr thE ki. G in yEah, wEll, it just goEs jus to show its likE karma is going to bEnEfit. GovErnmEnt workErs arE Ef=''>Only hElpplans to Ef=''>HEl AmErican WorkErs or to Expand thE amount of Ef=''>GovErnmEnt WorkErs or try to forcrkErarE Ef=''>LE Panda ExprEss to pay a six figurEs to Ef=''>Worr Tryik at ExprEs not a lot. Xp thErE it is. REssnot it is truE, though its likE thE Ef=''>Only way shE crEatEs jobs is through thE ExpansiEf=''>On of govErnmEnt, thE ExpansiEf=''>On of govErnmEnt, or forcing jobs that arErough thmEnt. Should bE End of thE spEctrum bEcausE thEyrE not skillEd. Not that thEsE pEoplE arE dEf=''>Ont dEsErvE good wagEs, but Ef=''>ThEyr E its likE thEyrE not going to bE ablE to survivE if thEy kEEp raisins likE raisEsE minimum wagEs. Thats. I nEvEr undErstood thE Ef=''>NamE Panda ExprEss bEcausE thosE bEcu pandas arE so slowsE. All Right. I dEf=''>Ont carE if you dEf=''>Ont likErE it. Its up. YEah if yo shEs thE Ef=''>PrEsidEnt T but passEs mEEtings to dEaill,l arE amErica is that a Ef=''>Crisis Point for too lEf=''>Ong thE politicians thE mEdia and spEcial intErEsts havE put thEmsElvEs bEforE thE country. ThEyvE dividEd us against oursElvEs. Now wErE, facEd with thE choicE, wE can allow amErica to dEclinE or wE can takE our country back. AmErica stands for truth. So pull up a sEat bEcausE EvEry rEvolutiEf=''>On starts with an hEf=''>OnEst cEf=''>OnvErsatiEf=''>On. Truths Ef=''>VivEk Ramaswamy Ef=''>Only Ef=''>On fox natiEf=''>On. I promisE not to talk much. S it copd hasnt bEEn prEtty. Its tough to brEathE and tough to kEEp wEf=''>OndEring if this is as good it gEts. But trilogy has shown mEarEp that still Ef=''>BEauty And BrEath and thrEE mEdicinEs and Ef=''>OnE Ef=''>InhalEr Trilogy KEEpwiElEgy ims airwaysd prEvEnts futurE flarE ups. And with Ef=''>OnE dosE, a Ef=''>Day Trilogy improvEs Ef='''>On'>Lung FunctiEf=''>On for s. All day and night. All day and night. Trilogy wEf=''>Ont rEplacit. InhalEr for suddEn Ef=''>BrEathing ProblEms. TEll your doctor if you havE tEll your doctor if you havE a Ef='''>OnditiEf=''>On'>HEart CEf=''>OnditiEf=''>On or high prEssurE bEforE taking it. Do not takE trilogy morE than do not takE trilogy morE than prEscribEd trilogyg, incrEasE your risk of thrush, pnEumEf=''>Onia and ostEoporosis. Call your doctor of Ef=''>CoursEyour C in brEathing chEst pain, Ef='''>OnguE'>Mouth Or TEf=''>OnguE swElling Ef='''>On'>ProblEms VisiEf=''>On Ef=''>ChangEs TrElEgy or Ef=''>EyE Paint occur. Oh ask your doctorEt thE about watch daily trilogy for copd bEcausE Ef=''>J Shouldr Futu bE bEautiful. Thros, Ef=''>GEn X and Ef=''>Y And GEn z Each Ef=''>Planning FuturE through thE changEd mobilE app. In portugal with somE hElp from Ef=''>Jpmorgan WEalth plan. Jpmorgan wEalth plan. LEts go whiskErE. BankEr to budgEt for hEr birthday. Y 30 Ef=''>OncE and Ef=''>GEn Z n hEr crEdits go thEn. HEllE for nowo nEw Ef=''>ApartmEnt TE gEtting ahEad with Ef='''>On-ms'>ChasE SolutiEf=''>On Ms that with you Ef=''>OnE bank for now for lEadEr for Ef=''>LifE ChasE makE morE of whats yours Right it guidEs our waking momEnt what wE do and how wE do. But thE amount of light wE nEEd can changE in an instant. And whEn it doEs, you can cEf=''>Ontrol it. ThrEE day blinds. Find thE light for your lifE. Visit thrEE day blinds. Com to gEt startEd. Do EvEr wish you could just think fastEr again . ArE you tirEd of rEaching for and Ef=''>Words during cEf=''>OnvErsatiEf=''>Ons . Trust mE, yourE not alEf=''>OnE. Thats why wE dEvElopEd nEw doctors. PrEfErrEd mindful advantagE ,thE cutting Ef=''>EdgE SciEncE backEd Ef=''>Brain HEalth SupplEmEnt that will hElp kEEp your mEntal EdgE sharp. To gEt your complimEntary samplE of nEw mindful, just Ef=''>TExt MEmory to 215215. Mindful advantagE hElps you think fastEr. TargEting Ef=''>FivE arEas of brain functiEf=''>On, Ef='''>On-lEarning'>AttEntiEf=''>On LEarning and mEmory languagE, Ef='''>On'>Motor FunctiEf=''>On and EvEn mood with Ef=''>FivE kEy brain boosting ingrEdiEnts backEd by Ef=''>FivE clinical studiEs. DEf=''>Ont sEttlE for slowing down. KEEp your Ef=''>Mind And MEmory at full spEEd with mindful advantagE. To gEt your complimEntary samplE nEw mindful advantagE, just Ef=''>TExt MEmory to 215215 tExt now and wEll sEnd you a bottlE of drs prEfErrEd magnEsium absolutEly frEE. Mindful advantagE is not availablE in storEs so Ef=''>TExt MEmo arE widE. 215215 now. ArE you rEady . Play thE maskEd singEr. SEasEf=''>On 12 cluEs EvErywhErE. OnE, 23456792. ClEar how to makE it. You spot thE cluEs. I cant wait to sEE what happEns in sEasEf=''>On 12, guys. Tom brady, thE broadcast guys got EvErything in thE world. Why do it, tommy . Why you act . Tommy, why dEf=''>Ont you play Ef=''>On a bEach gEtting fat Ef=''>On Ef=''>Pina Coladas . WhEn i buy a Ef=''>SoccEr TEam . Got Ef=''>OnE, dudE, why would thEy ask why . What arE thEy EvEn talking about . Why . What thEyrE rEally asking is, why dEf=''>Ont you quit football . ThEy dEf=''>Ont. That you livE and brEathE for football bEcausE yourE Ef=''>Tom FrEakin Brady in Ef=''>OnE day. MaybE thE grEatEst EvEr was. Got to work with us. Its coming your way. HEy, hEy. Its. HEy, hEy, hEy. BidEn, gEt all about thE lEadEr from nEw dElhi. Arr Ef=''>VidEo of thE day comEs to us from somE cEf=''>OnfusEd mEntal casE who Ef=''>On saturday forgot, which Ef=''>World LEadEr hE was introducing at a prEssEr in dElawarE. Aroll it, agatha. I want to thank you all for bEing hErE. And now, Ef=''>Who Am and troducing nExt . Whos nExt . Oh, distinguishEd guEsts. ThE Ef=''>PrimE MinistEr of thEuish rEpublic of indiEda. Oh, my god. I mEan, can you blamE joE, though . ThE Ef=''>Only indian hE knows is Ef=''>Liz WarrEn Cau blam. Ia and givE him somE crEdit. At lEast hE didnt say 7ElEvEnt. NEvEr forgEt. And Ef=''>On friday, dr. Jill actually lEd Ef=''>OnE of hEr husbands last Ef=''>CabinEt MEEtings to talk about Ef=''>WomEny Dr. Jis ht issuEs. BEcausE shEs a doctor, rEmEmbEr . Roll io taEnst. Doctor its thE first timE jill has joinEd us to turn ovEr to jilldE and for any commEnt shE has. Its all yours, kid. Im. My first timE at a Ef=''>CabinEthE MEEting to thank you forrE. ThE incrEdiblE Ef=''>ProgrEss WEvE madE Ef=''>On womEns hEalth rEsEarch. S wEits timE to writE a nEw stt of Ef=''>HEalth CarE in this country whErE Ef='''>OnE-d'>EvEryEf=''>OnE D can lEad count hEalthiEr livEs. Thankry you for your. YEah. HEs alrEady trying to figurE out who shE is. Thing is, nobody votEd Ef=''>Forthn Jill or kamala yEt. HErE thEy arE pushing y thE lEvErs of powEr and thE whEElchair. Its kind of cutE, though. Dr. Jill has madE morE progrEssr making dEad walk than dr. MorE p frankEnstEin. Morgan, youvE bEEn in govErnmEnt. Who is running thE govErnmEntgoE Right now . Whos in chargE . I think maybE hEr. I mEan, shE was lEadinnt Right g cabinEtn mEEting. ListEn, it wasnt just likE a minor faux pas. What hE did with primE lEadin Ef=''>Modi. LikE this is thE worlds largEst dEmocracy. And Ef=''>ThErEs India is not us. WErE thE oldEst. ThEyrE thE largEst. And Ef=''>ThErEs Nod in rElatiEf=''>Onship in thE world. Probably morE important than thE Ef=''>OnE wE havE with india, EspEcially i rElat thEf. YourE trying to countEr china. So its a massivE faux pas. It also rEmindEd mE, rEmEmbEr whEn trump was prEsidEnt , Ef=''>Modi camE to thE us, thEy to tExas, and thEy did. Howdy, Ef=''>Modi. YEs, thEy had tEns of thousands Ef=''>Modi. E. So thats what you havE with trump and you havE 70,000 or howEvEr 3000 pEoplE was in tExas for howdy Ef=''>Modi. R and thEn you havE bidEn who cant EvEn rEmEmbEr his namE or EvEn which Ef=''>PrimE MinistEr is thErE a. MinistE yEah, whos nExt . Its that incrEdiblE. This grEg likE, i thought i hi to pick up my ordEr. I lEt him go. YEah, yEah, yEah. HEs, likE, bEhind thE bordEr. ThE bordEr with Extra chEEsE. Its dad. Whos nExt . I got all day with slam. All i think its funny now that thEy. ThEy. No lEf=''>OngEr protEct him. YEah. And thEy dEf=''>Ont carE. I mEan thEy do, and this adminio can bE summEd up in Ef=''>OnE word. AdjEctivEs. Mmhmm. I to figurE was thE prEsidEnt had a problEm bEcausE hE had dEmEntia . No, bEcausE kamala doEsnt havE dEmEntia. Dr. Jill doEsnt havE dEmEntia ,but thEy all do thE samE all thing. ShE usEd a bunch of adjEctivEs,s but in what way . WomEns livEs bEttEr. What factual . WEllbut in, thErE was this and Ef=''>U And CancEr is this, and thErEsE was nEf=''>OnE of that stuff. ThEy rEally good at using adjEctivthat stuE, which you Wod Think would mEan thEyd bE rEally good at Explaining. Thinkbut not. YEah that is just and doctor my likE this is ridiculous. Oh yEah but a dollar for EvEry timE i said that. Okay. YEahy, but hEs physically in a doctors officE, probably a pEdiatrician, a doctor, my. YEah. So, joE, womEns hEalth, you know, bEcausE, you know, mEn outlivE thEm by yEars. I thats a jokE. Ill tEll you, it is tough to a womEns hEalth rEsEarch. Earch, you know why thEy always want you to guEss whats wrEf=''>Ong . Oh, ill tEll you what. Ou two quick commEnts. Im glad Ef=''>BidEn YEllE what,d At D handlErs. ThEy dEsErvE to bE yEllEd at. BidEns blamElEss. HE has dEmEnti his thEy bEa, buv handlErs havE bEEn prEtEnding that a guy with dEmEntia is okatoy to run thE country. So thEy dEsErvE to gEt a littlE a littlE of that comE out, comE up and sEnd. LE it doEsnt makE mE thinkf that Ef=''>JoE BidEn is running thE bEcausE hE runs a Ef=''>CabinEt MEEting. It makEs mE think maybE wE rEally dEf=''>OntE mE nEEd a cabinEtn yEah, wEll thEy nEEd cab a cabinEt to put joE in. Guy, takE your pick. Im still not ovEr thE Ef=''>VidEo. Ido yEah, i. Im i im in wilmingtEf=''>On, and whats wEird is, likE, thE angrilygtEf=''>On. YElling, whos nExt . Im told thats what Ef=''>Youm Anr yEll at pEtits dittiEs, pool housE. Silwho whos nExt . That was unnEcEssary. Sorry. Ha hErE, hErEs thE thought. ExpErimEnt. Thought, ExpErimEnt. LEts prEtEnd thE switchssary. NEvErth happEnEd. LEts prEtEnd that it was still him as thE nominEE. How would EvEryEf=''>OnE, thE rEst of thE mEdia bE Explaining that Ef=''>VidEoul . YEah, Exactly. BEcausE thEy would find ExcusEs. Always Right. I would cEf=''>OntExtualizlaining thio say, wErE thE crazy Ef=''>OnEs for noticing what happEnEd. Its sort of fun to think about thatd sayar. G and thEn its wild to think that thEy dEf=''>Ont carE at all that this happEnEd and is thE sitting prEsidEnt of thE unitEd statEs having an Ef=''>EpisodE LikEo and wErE talkino about it and no Ef=''>OnE ElsEs . YEs, Exactly. S anand thEy dEf=''>Ont sEEm to mindt that thE First Lady is running a cabinEt mEEtin notg. ThErEs likE no journalists at all is likE that. ThEyrE not EvEn bothErEd. ThErE thEyrE EvEn sEnding flirtatious tExts. Rfk jr. Flirta, i dEf=''>Ont know Ef=''>R Work that into thErE, but i thought it was just likE coming up whitE dudEshtfunny. , you didE arE against migrant crimEs if youll bE in thE Ef=''>NEw York arEa and likE tickEts to sEE go to foxnEws. Com slash gutfEld sEk. Lick Ef=''>On thE lin join our studio audiEncE. My wifE doEsnt stop for a court. A court. HEy, Ef='''>OnEy-dayquil'>HEf=''>OnEy Dayquil sEvErE hEf=''>OnEy, a powErful Ef=''>Cold And Flu y licious Ef='''>OnEy'>TastE Dayquil HEf=''>OnEy Ef='''>OnEy-liciou'>HEf=''>OnEy Liciou s coughing, aching stuffy Ef=''>HEad FEvEr PowEr through your day mEdicinE. 48 of amEricans dEf=''>Ont gEt Enough magnEsium, which is vital for bEf=''>OnE, Ef=''>NErvE And MusclE hEalth. I rEcommEnd curE all Ef=''>MagnEsium GlycinE Eight its formulatEd for high absorptiEf=''>On and is gEntlE Ef=''>On thE stomach. Qnol thE brand. I trust thE rEal Ef=''>EstatE MarkEt might tEll you thErEs no way in but with thE Right tEam Ef=''>On your sidE thE impossiblE bEcomEs possiblE. LikE finding thE pErfEct nEighborhood for you or gEtting a Ef=''>HomE Loan that makEs your nEw lifE a rEality and acting quickly so you dEf=''>Ont miss out. This is thE homE tEam advantagE, a tEam of dEdicatEd profEssiEf=''>Onals working togEthEr to makE your drEam homE. Yours at rEaltor. Com Ef=''>Slash HomEu TEam thi. IdEa . T wE plan to offEr rEtirEmEnt, but i wish wE had morE cash. Ba you think thosE two havE any idEa that thEy can sEll thEir Ef=''>LifE InsurancE Policy fo cash . So thEyrE basically sitting Ef=''>On a Ef=''>Gold MinE. I dEf=''>Ont think thEy havE a cluEt. Thats crazy. WEll, not EvEryEf=''>OnE knows covEntry hElpEd thousandt bEliEs pEoplE sEll thEir policiEs for cash, EvEn tErm policiEs. I cant bEliEvE thEyrE just sitting up thErE sitting Ef=''>On all this cash. If you own a Ef=''>LifE InsurancE Ora Ef=''>Policy C of 100,000 or morE, you can sEll all or part of it to covEntry. EvEn a Ef=''>TEr PrEmium for Ef=''>Cash Or Goldm a combinatiEf=''>On of Ef=''>Cash And CovEragE with noin prEmiums. SomEEf=''>OnE nEEds to tEll thEm thEyrE sitting Ef=''>On a goldminEg and you havE no idEa. HEy, guys, yourE Ef=''>On a goldminE. Do you hEar that . I dEf=''>Ont hEar anything anymorE. R find out if your sitting Ef=''>On a Ef=''>Gold MinE Ef=''>Call CovEntry dirEct today at 800 7986 200 or Ef=''>Visit CovEntry dirEct comm to bE is proud to bE frEE for all thE first rEspEf=''>OndErs who riskEd thEir livEs to kEEp safE thE tEachErs illuminating thE minds of our childrEn and thE voluntEErs who build our communitiEs to bE is also frEE for womEn who takE day naps with way too many candlEs burning couplEs who stEal Ef=''>CoppEr PipE out of thE walls that opEn housEs and kids who skip class to throw rocks at bEcausE to bE is frEE for EvEryEf=''>OnE and. WE mEan EvEryEf=''>OnE. You want to bE a lifEguard. This is thE rEal dEal. REscuE high surf is thE hottEst drama Ef=''>On tv. It is a job you havE to your hEart into. If i can nEvEr givE up and, you can watch it any timE. WElcomE to thE Ef=''>North ShorE and EvEry mEf=''>Onday what you lEarn, junior. Its all nEw actiEf=''>On. You go to work hard, you play hard. Oh, nEw advEnturE dangErous. WErE going in all nEw EpisodEs its all in a days work. REscuE, high surf, all nEw mEf=''>Ondays Ef=''>On fox and anytimE Ef=''>On hulu. My namE is mikE cannEf=''>On, foundEr of Ef=''>Signal REliEf. Much of my carEEr has bEEn working in cEf=''>OnstructiEf=''>On. LovE thE outdoors and horsEs. That activE lifEstylE is what has causEd my body to hurt. I didnt want to lEt this Ef=''>AffEct Family or my lifE, and thats what motivatEd mE to crEatE a tEam to build thE Ef=''>Signal REliEf patch. PatEntEd tEchnology clinically to rEducE thE impact of pain. ThE patch is a gamE changEr. No crEams, no pills, no wirEs. ThE patchEs rEusablE. And thErEs a rEal mEf=''>OnEy back guarantEE. WhEthEr its your nEck, back, knEE, shouldEr or just achEs and pains, this patch can givE you your lifE back. WhEn i gavE my bEst friEnd a patch tEars in his EyEs, hE said it was thE first timE in 16 yEars hE did not hurt. Join thE hundrEds of thousands found rEliEf. Im asking you to try thE Ef=''>Signal REliEf Ef=''>Patch Today by going to our wEbsitE. If yourE thinking about buying ,it mEans you nEEd Ef=''>OnE. You havE nothing to losE. I promisE. ThE patch works. FivE morE Ef=''>Words. ExcEf=''>Ons arE for trump. CEf=''>Onvi i go to you for Ef=''>Nofor Tr particular rEasEf=''>On. Tyrus. RE bEcausE Ef=''>What ThE HEll arE you booing for . Im an ExpErt Ef=''>On this. FormEr Ef=''>Chicago Gang MEmbEr who sErvEd timE and rEformEd his lifE, now runs Ef='''>Ons'>Group CallEd ExcEf=''>Ons for trump says itll bE, quotE, blacks against as Turf Wars hEat up bEtwEEn local gangs and, illEgal aliEns flooding thE southsidE. WhAt Do you makE of this . Okay. WEll, i think wE havE to do yo bE fair. If you dEf=''>Ont likErom EndorsEmEnts from thE irs, yourE probably bE a big fan of EndorsEmEnts from ExcEf=''>Ons d. G i think you kind of split thE diff thErE. YEs, that makEs Ef=''>SEnsf EndoEntsE but thE othEr sidE cant votE, so its rEally not fair. Anyway, nEithEr hErE nor thErE. B Ef=''>ThE Point bEing, though, was is is soliErd. And its not blacks against thE migrants. Its EvErybody bEcausE thEyrE not paying. ThEyrE not just going aftEr a particular racgainstE group. Ftr thEy want our way of lifE. ThEy want our propErty. ThEy want our mEf=''>OnEy. ThEy wan ar raciat idEals. And for what wErE sEEing from a lot of thE violEncE, thats noidEals, t rEportEd, thEy havE this covEr that a lot of pEoplE, EspEciallnoy pEoplE who havE bEEn arrEstEd, bEEn profilEd. PEoplthEyrE gEtting thE thEyE gEtting trEatEd worsE than thEsE illEgal immigrantsgEttingE yEah, i think thats thE issuE is likE, wait a minutE, at lEast bE fair. A mi at lEast b, across thE board that wE sEE thE vEnEzuElans gangs takE ovEr apartmEnt complExEs and. Oh, no, no, wErE not. ThE vEns not happEning hErE. Thats driving pEoplE crazy in thE citiE nots. Its happEning all thEsE things that arE happEning, boots Ef=''>On thE ground. E thE mEdia will just glazE ovEr bEcausE its not part of thEir missio ovEn. In so i think thErEs an outragE and hopEfully thEy can draw morE attEntiEf=''>On to it. ThE last thing you want mad at you is a group of ExcEf=''>Ons. YEtEntiEf=''>On to is. YourE yourE popular amEf=''>OngE. ThE ExcEf=''>On community. Lot do a lot of do do a lot of work at thE prisEf=''>Ons. GrEg, ivE spEnt a lot of timE Ef=''>On thE strEEts, mostly running Ef=''>Charity Fund RunE s. Sty but ill tEll you what thEy arE Ef=''>LEgacy StrEEtcharit Gaa arE not immunE to thE rigors of inflatiEf=''>On. In facts ar, in my nEck of tE woods, thE mobilE is a killEr. Thats how bad things havE gottEn. So i undErstand why thEyrE frustratEd bEcausE bEing squEEzEd just likE EvErybody ElsE, bEcausE Human Trafficking of migrants is big businEss, not just for thE govErnmEnt, but hotEls. SinEs i mEan, thErEs a lot of mEf=''>OnEy to bE madE and a lot of pEoplE gEtting squEEzEd EvEry which way. YEah, that is truE. You know lot gEttin, yourE sEEing thEsEa thEsE hotEls that arE happy to takE this mEf=''>OnEy, you know, Ef=''>LE Takt in guy. ThEyrE stEaling jobs from amErican gangs. YEs. No, its likE if you havE to pick Ef=''>BEtwEE N two violEntpick gangs, im going amErica first. YEah, Right, Right. Usa ats thE first timE ivE EvEr bEEn usa chantEd in my lifE. And yEs, thats thE Ef='''>OntExt'>BEsta Ch CEf=''>OntExt EvEr. YEah. And i want trump likE trump could probablyd in runbu with this Right at his rally. LikE wE lovE thE big, bEautiful amErican so much morE than thE othErs. You got that rEd and you got thE bluE mucmorE and whitE. Our our gang colors arE rEd, whitE and bluE. It. YEah, its thE. Exactly. You know, morgan i startEd thinking about how you dEf=''>Ont hEar about thE bloods or thE crips anymoramnit. E. D is that bEcausE thEy wErE alrEady pushEd out of california by thE blo thE gangs coming from thE south . MaybE i. But i do havE a good for thEm. MaybE thEy could bE thE bordEr czar. Hmm. Right. Put thEm thEy cod bE thE. Oh, im sErious, though. Put thEm down. I was at bordEr a wEEk ago. I was thErE last wEEk. WE havE no opEratiEf=''>Onal cEf=''>Ontrol. Of southErn bordEr. ThE cartEls do. ThE mExican cartEls do. So maybE what . WE nEEd a littlE gang Ef=''>On Ef='''>On'>Gang ActiEf=''>On at thE bordEr. It cant gEt any worsE. No . WEll, i dEf=''>Ont know. I kEEp thinking it cant gEt any worsE. And it doEs do rEmEmbEr who prEdictEd this . GangomE guy Ef=''>On an Escalator said that this was going to bE an issuE coming up and hE B Cat by pEoplE. R wEll, you always call Ef=''>SomEbody Racist whEn you dEf=''>Ont havE an argumEnt. YEah, thats thaty pEoplE. S nEw. Thatnot qualifiEd to havE this dEbatE with you. So im going to call you namEs to makE mysElf fEEl bEttEr and EvEryEf=''>OnE to agrEi amE with. T yEah. And, nick, chicagos gEtting wist isthis with thi tEchnology. What is it callEd . Shots . ShotspottEr. YEah, bEcausE it it Ef=''>Only savEd 0 pEoplE last yEar. YEs. 800 pEoplE arE walking around alivE today bEcausE thEy wErE thE Ef=''>PolicE WEr E alErtEd. 0 pEop hErEs thE dEal. You want to takE away anothEr if y that could hElp Ef=''>Law EnforcEmEnt that you spit Ef=''>On and you dEf=''>Ont. You dEfund and you do all thEsEs things. And thE Ef=''>OnE thing that is hElping pEoplE, you havE a problEm with iE thining Ef=''>Thattm SomEbody might gEt if yourE Ef=''>On thErE, it goEs off for gunbEcaus color. YEah. So if yourE if your handof is black and you havE a Ef=''>Guf Foco what . YEah, you havE your hand Ef=''>On thE gun and yourE committing so what a crimE. YEah. SEnd thE nEw gangs to marthas vinEyard. Ng a crig i say, all Right. Did i say that . YEs, i did. HEr clothEsshE thEs to bang 600, bro. EliEvEs slEEp morE dEEply and, wakE up. REjuvEnatEd purplE mattrEssEs ExclusivE dEll flEx grid draws hEat, rEliEvEs prEssurE and instantly adapts. SlEEp bEttEr, livE purplE visit purplE. Com or storE nEar you Ef=''>Today Jay diamEf=''>Onds lowEst pricEs. ThE Ef=''>JEwElry ExchangE has natural Ef=''>OnE Ef=''>Carat Jazz just 1990. Custom mounts arE just for 99 carat. 5029 92 carat 5990. Thousands of guarantEEd thE lowEst pricE. ThE Ef=''>JEwElry ExchangE. HE. HE was Ef=''>Only 47. AnEurysm. Did hE havE Ef=''>LifE InsurancE . Do you know . You got to gEt Ef=''>On it. ChEck out sElEctquotE. Trust mE, thE pEacE of mind. Its worth it. LifE insurancE is too important to off anothEr day. Thats why sElEctquotE makEs gEtting covEragE you nEEd Easy for lEss than a dollar a day. Now gEt up to a 2 milliEf=''>On policy with no mEdical Exam and samE covEragE visits likEhEn whatcom. WE shop, you sav stay undEE dEt. Living with hiv, Ef=''>Craig LEarnEmplEtE Hd hE can sty undEtEctablE with fEwEr mEdicinEs. Thats why hE switchEd to Ef=''>Novato DEvoto is a complEtE Ef=''>Hiv TrEatmEnt for somE adults. Hiv trEatmEnt for somE adults. No othEr complEt fEwEr mEdicinEs to hElp kEEp you undEtEctablE than Ef=''>Navarrco MEdicino dEtEct this. LEo lEarnEd that most Hiv Pills ,thrEE or four mEdicinEs Ef=''>Y Ta with just two. With just two. If you havE hEpatitis b, dEf=''>Ont stop to withou this Ct Talking r doctor. DEf=''>Ont takE to vado if yourE allErgic to its yourE allErgic to its ingrEdiEnts or takin thE fEathErlight. This can causE sErious or lifE thrEatEning sidE EffEcts. If you havE a rashil or allErgic rEactiEf=''>On symptoms stop to vado and gEt mEdical hElp Right away. Or Ef=''>LivEr Ps or Ef=''>LifE ThrEg lactic Ef=''>Acid Buildup and livEr problEms can occur. ProblEmsdovanborn baf havE Ef=''>Kidny Or LivEr problEms or if you arE prEgnant, brEastfEEding or tiy. DivorcE may harm an unborn baby. Most commEf=''>On sidE EffEcts most commEf=''>On sidE EffEcts arE hEadachE, Ef=''>NausEa TroublE slEEping, tirEdnEss and anxiEty. DEtEctva. You could stay undEtEctablE with fEwEr mEdicinEs. Ask doctor about dEvoto missEd lifE, Ef=''>LibErty And LEvin now you can catch EvEry EpisodE thE nExt day Ef=''>On fox natiEf=''>On. NE. Com and sEE for yoursElf. Dad must bE so proud. WElcomE to dad must bE so proud of Ef=''>Girls DrEam Bank 600 dudEs joE this is a story i found in thE Ef=''>NEw York post so its got to bE truE. AustraliasdEs. Most sExually activE woman says shEs madE it a challEngE to havhE nEw yE sEx with 600 mEn throughout 2024. So far, shEs Ef=''>Only slEpt with 365 pEoplE last yEar and shE says hEr proud. And so you go girl, Right,t Ef=''>E GrEg . HErEs my thoughts Ef=''>On this story. ShEs mayb hErE shEs maybE an 5 not quitE as hard as most of thE womEn i datE,a but ii da will say this. I dEf=''>Ont nEcEssarily think this is a good Ef=''>IdEi Willa but it is good to havE goals in lifE. But hEr goal for womEn fors for pEoplE to makE lovE to isE actually 599 pEoplE pEr yEar than minE. BEcausE EvEn as a malE modEl, i know that looks arE flEEtingEv and actiEf=''>Ons havE cEf=''>OnsEquEncEs that you somEtimEs dEf=''>Ont and sEE coming. And i wEf=''>OndEr what lifE is going to bE likE whEn shEs not as attractivs dEf=''>OnwEf=''>OndErE in 60v want to slEEp with you. You want you want to play and E lifE. GamE that is truE. YEahin lif. YEah. Guy it guy. It sEEms to mE that shEs totally this instant Ef='''>On-idEa'>GratificatiEf=''>On IdEa at thE ExpEnsE, say, thE rEst of hErExE lifE. YEahnsE of, shEs just likE lyii thErE for 3 sEcEf=''>Onds, and thEn shEs likE, whos nExt . Is nEang th. So im a practical im a logistics guy. YEah. How doEssEf=''>On, this work . S this Right . YEah, thats roughly two pEoplE EvEry day. DoEs shE havE a Ef=''>Job Right . Or is this thE job . YEs,E this is thE job. This shEs Ef=''>On Ef=''>Onlyfans yourE that you want slEptis shE with 16 pEoplE in Ef=''>OnE day. Oh that, thAt DoEs that thEnh. YEah i do. I us 1pEoplEE 16 and Ef=''>OnE day. ThEn you havE disqualify that. Y yEah. ShE going for somE sortmight of worldha rEcord. YEah. I dEf=''>Ont know. I dEf=''>Ont know. Im just amazEd that shE, Ef=''>Shg Fw madE a point to say that hEr parEnts wErE proud of hEr for iE mag hEr drEams. All Right, morgan, doEs this do you bEliEvE that hEr parEnts support hEr . BEliEv no, i dEf=''>Ont bEliEvE in grant, and i dEf=''>Ont bEliEvE hEr. I think its. YEahsd b yEah, thats why shE E thE Ef=''>OnE thing shE dEfinitEly is an attEntioE Ef=''>Onn, thats for surE. And likE, oh, yEah, i dEf=''>Ont know. Ank of this . EEp trac do you havE likE an ExcElav shEEt, likE thE color codEd . BEcausE if ExcEl s i had to mEE0 pEoplE for businEss mEEtings. That would bE. Thats likE prEtty tEdious0 Ef=''>PE R actually. So comE Ef=''>On, its a, yourE shapEd likE a Ef=''>Fitbity TEE you know, somEthing that you wEar. MaybE i want hErs sh. ShE wEars a harnEss. YEah. Tyrus all Right, just. Okay, first of all, itll bE thE litErally thE lEf=''>OngEst Ef=''>Maury Povich EpisodE EvEr. Try to find out who thE fathEroh is. I wEf=''>OndEr if aftErwards, whEn shEs dEf=''>OnE, arE thEy going to intErviEw or is Ef='''>OndEr-idsE'>GoinEwEf=''>OndEr IdsE likE a boxEr . Was shE . I can thank my tEam foitr thE i likE to thank god for shining down Ef=''>On mE. I can thank my spEf=''>Onsors,sors baby. I just fEEl likE thErE wasbyo momEnts likE this whEn you jusiE havE say to hEr parEnts, this is somEtimEs tigErs Eat thEir young. YEah, you probably shouldoung Eat this Ef=''>OnE. You know you know, grEg, my parEnts wErE proud of mE whEn i graduatEd from collEgE and thEys pro thEy wEnt and atd that. I dEf=''>Ont rEally think thEyrE that proud. YEah. YEah. I mEani do. WhEn shE gEts tirEd. Is dad thErE . ComE Ef=''>On, swEEthEart. YEahirEd. N, 55 morE to go. WE arE almost thErE. WE arE not family hErE. I cEf=''>Ont lEadErs EyE cEf=''>Ontact. WE do do this. YEs. YEah you know what it is . If you want it. . LikE if yourE. If Ef=''>Youv ArEE thE bEst judgE off whEthEr or not your parEnts arE proud of you, if thEy can actually bE in thE room of whatEvEr yourE dEaling. Exactly. YEah roo. You know, hE has a sign. Thats my daughtEr. YEah, its Exactly do yo. Thats my shE doEs claimghtEr. ShEs vEry discriminating in choosing. YEah. ThErEforE, shE wEf=''>Ont slEEp with anyEf=''>OnE. Just EvEryEf=''>Onriminatin choosiE. , no cEf=''>OnsErvativEs . No, no. AnyEf=''>OnE who votEd for trump. VotEvEryEf=''>OnE. Out thErE. All Right. DEf=''>Ont go away. WEll bE Right ight back. HEllo, im formEr Ef=''>Arkansas GovErnor mikE huckabEE. A lot of timEs you Ef='''>Ontrol'>Cant CEf=''>Ontrol thE amount of slEEp that yourE gEtting. I know its scary unlEss you usE Ef=''>RElaxium SlEEp rElaxium. SlEEp is a product thats madE from natural ingrEdiEnts and it usually works from thE vEry first night. You try it. RElaxium slEEp is studiEd, tEstEd and dEsignEd by a nEurologist to hElp you fall aslEEp fastEr, stay aslEEp lEf=''>OngEr and wakE up rEfrEshEd. RElaxium workEd from thE vEry first night i took. I had morE focus mEntal clarity than ivE had in yEars. I wakE up fEEling alErt and likE ivE had thE bEst nights slEEp. Stop bEing and start slEEping your fEars away with rElaxium your body and your mind. WEll, thank you. TakE Ef=''>RElaxium SlEEp. Itll work. I promisE you itll work. MikE huckabEE is so cEf=''>OnfidEnt that rElaxium will work for you. HEs askEd us to givE away 1000 bottlEs. Visit, try Ef=''>RElaxium Dot Com or call 800 8011737 is showEr trying to tEll you somEthing is gEtting in and out of thE bathtub bEcoming a safEty cEf=''>OncErn. ArE you worriEd about thE cost of a bathroom that could go Ef=''>On for wEEks and wEEks . WEll, now you can havE a gorgEous nEw Ef=''>Bath Or ShowEr that safEr at a pricE you can afford with a Ef=''>OnE Ef=''>Day Jacuzzi Bath rEmodEl. It was dEf=''>OnE thE samE day. WE did not havE to wait. It is amazing. I would givE this wholE ExpEriEncE an aplus. I dEfinitEly wish i would havE callEd soEf=''>OnEr. From soft, closEd showEr doors and adjustablE showErhEad bEds to fEaturEs likE Grab Bars and custom sEats that combinE safEty and stylE. Its nEvEr bEEn EasiEr. GEt your frEE dEsign cEf=''>OnsultatiEf=''>On, schEdulE your Ef=''>OnE day installatiEf=''>On, and start loving your nEw or showEr Right away. Only wEEks lEft to gEt waivEd installatiEf=''>On and no intErEst in no paymEnts for up to Ef=''>OnE yEar. Go jacuzzi, Ef=''>Bath Or ModEl Ef=''>Ecom Or Call 800 9912603. Insuran thats 800 9912603 call now. LibErty mutual customizEd my Ef=''>Car InsurancE so i savEd hundrEds but thE mEf=''>OnEy savEds r. I thought id gEt a Ef=''>Wax FigurE of mysElf. Cool Right . Im go look at thE craftsmanship. I mEan, i EvEn got my nostrils, Right . Its just nicE to know yEars aftEr gEf=''>OnE, this guy will bE standing thE tEst. It ha. Lib hEs nothing. Oh, jEEz. Lity , its Ef=''>Only Ef=''>Pay Fou nEEd EvEry day. EvEry day of EvEry family. I lovE that my daughtEr still nEEds mE. But somEtimEs i Ef=''>Cant HElp duE but somEtimEs i Ef=''>Cant HElp duE to burning and stabbing pain in my hands. So i usE nErvE. VivE nErvEs. FEEl tE olay rEducEs Ef=''>NErvE Discomfort in as littlE as sEvEn days of now i can hElp again fEEl thE diffErEncE with nErvE Ef=''>FivE it wEf=''>Ont bE hard to find a skillEd pro to fix this lEak, but bEforE i startEd angiEs list, diffErEnt story. That was 1995 and a lot has changEd, angiE said. But what hasnt changEd arE thE issuEs that homEownErs facE. BustEd kitchEn, rEnos roof rEpairs, lawn carE. And thE Ef='''>On-hasnt'>SolutiEf=''>On Hasnt changEd EithEr. SkillEd pros to gEt all your dEf=''>OnE. WEll, wE just madE thEm EasiEr to find. WErE hirE high quality cErtifiEd hirE high Ef=''>Quality CErtifiEd Pros at Ef=''>AngiE Scotal why did wE choosE play . WErE always Ef=''>On a projEct whilE loading up our suv. OnE Extra push and crack. So wE schEdulE that safE flight that comE. WE wErE ablE to track wE wErE ablE to track our tEchnician whEn hEd arrivE. WE could kEEp working safEly. WE could kEEp working safEly. It camE to us. Hi, im kEndrick. Hi, im kEndrick. With thE rEplacEmEnt, wE com. Trust that sErvicE thE way wE want it. SchEdulE frEE Ef=''>MobilE SErvicE ,say, flight Ecom, Ef=''>Flight REpair Stuff, likE rEplacE. A lot of storms arE forEcast in thE atlantic. Nobody is biggEr. Nobody is bEttEr. WE arE thE wEathEr ExpErts. This could bE a storm of Epic proportiEf=''>Ons. Fox wEathEr is Ef=''>HurricanE Hq Editor joE mackEy. Guy bEnsEf=''>On, morgan ortEga, tErracE studio. And if nEws alErt. Im ashlEy strohmiEr, livE in Ef=''>NEw York. SEvEral nEw rounds of

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