On the record. Next, disclosure of bidding information. Where do you find that in section 1126. Id have to refer to my colleague on that one. They have three, which refers any respective party to a contract shall, by the submission of a proposal for such contract. The word proposal may need changes, as i pointed out today to our executive director, because a proposal, to me, means an rfp response, not a competitive bid, but theres no reference to a competitive bid there. Is there . Im happy to have debbie speak to bullet point number three. Why is that . Why is that . Yeah. Because she knows this issue better than i do. All right. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Yeah, wheres the Competitive Bidding . Is. The staff drafted this. I know the staff drafted it. The ordinance which was approved last month. Yes. If i may make sure i get suppose were now asked to approve again this month, but where is the Competitive Bidding in that section 1126 . Its not, i guess. Kyle can answer that. I dont think
Sheriff, and the sheriff said no, youre permitted to have a sign, and it cant be larger than a certain size. But no, you sat there with a straight face and set to his face, you cant have signs. Thats the rules. You talk a lot about stuff you absolutely no nothing about. You all took sunshine ordinance training . Ha i doubt if any of you has ever even read that law, and yet, you sign a statement every year saying you understand. Yeah, you understand it only to the point where you dont like it because it holds you accountable, and if theres one thing that nobody is able to do in this city is hold anybody accountable, and thats the way you like it. And thats why you dont bite the hand that feeds you; in other words, the body that appoints each and every one of you to this commission. President keane well go now to item 10, discussion of the executive directors report. I have a brief report for you, commissioners. We continue with our organizational or staffing updates. Well be working wit
That that rfq does come empowere chair to work with council and Administrative Officer to scopee the person identified for the r. Thank you. Do we have a second . Okay. I think so this is moved by i have to do we have to approve amendment . Or can we have that as one moti . Clerk the motion hadnt beee yet, so she was adding to it. Supervisor fewer is commissr pollock making that motion or m . Clerk should be one or the. Im happy to make the motione an rfq and empower the chair tok with the Legal Council and exece officer to create a process andn individual for the position. Supervisor fewer thank you. Moved by commissioner ronen secy commissioner pollock without ob. The commission authorizes the cr to this motion passes. Madam clerk, please call item 7. Clerk Public Comment. Supervisor fewer are there y members of the public that woulo speak . Seeing none, Public Comment is. Id like to thank everyone and u all happy mol days. Clerk we have item 8. Item 8 is future agenda items. Supervi
All the givea ways still donty those San Francisco saints who e any application of prohibitionso nonprofit corporations which the no difficulty applying to forp. The executive director gave me f the people on one of these oi know, it was the spur foundatio. You have to see that list i mean you have public city pubc officials on that list. Ive asked for the planning comn has a nonprofit also called thes of planning. I had the name wrong last month. I want to see that list so we ce just what San Francisco office s are a part of that. Im sorry, mr. Chairman, and mae chairwoman and fellow commissiot this is a gravely weak result fl the time and effort and attentis gone into this since its gone x months. Thank you. Pleelz stand by. Please stand by. As well as equitable recovery, which requires a consent in california via the attorney general and federally the United States attorney general, and there are lawyers in the bay area who practice successfully in that field. Its not common, but i
I dont think any of them have been modified for sometime, and they will need updating and will require updating if and when the anticorruption ordinance passes. And then, the third item, again, as commissioner chiu just highlighted, we need to do a more comprehensive review and determine whether and or what changes, if any, need to be made. How well our Public Finance system is working, and how well Public Financing systems theres a whole sort of body of policy documents and case law that have sort of made some changes as to how people are looking at Public Financing, so we really need to look at how our systems working in the current sort of regime that exists. We certainly have a number of localities to look at to see which and how certain other systems are operating, and so again, i think we need to really get into that. Its an important issue, in addition to sort of the what people call the supply side restrictions of campaign finance, restricting peoples dollars into the system. W