Be glad to go through the changm the october draft to the novembt and give a brief explanation one made the change and why its ree to the motion and perhaps that d help jump start the discussion. Chair keane does that help commissioner kopp . Yes. First change that we made wao section 1. 126 which is the ban n contribution from caters to off contractors to official officiae the contract to the city. We strengthen the notification n located in section 1. 126f in te ordinance, the concern raised be commission is persons subject tn may not know they are and unwity violate it. So they want to help ensure thal persons subject to this rule knt they are. Generally speaking, the way thid work is that the City Department issues a request for bids wouldo notify potential bidders that te rules that they would be subjecf they submit a bid to the city be 1. 26 applies to bidders not juss with a contract already. That would give the entity or pn notice that these rules exist. Then once the City Depa
Changes and significant changes about very what you see as very big problems, when you use a sledgehammer instead of a tiny point, you can do more damage in the effect you have on the smaller nonprofits who are already monitored or already account for every penny we spend in our monitoring and our contracts and everything that you do. When you begin adding more layers of accountablity for very small things because youre trying to get at a very big target, you do more harm than good, so id ask you to keep that in mind. We appreciate the time and effort thats gone into all of this, the changes that were listened to and thoughtfully put into the document you have before you. We have debbie my colleague, debbie, indicated we still have concerns about a number of the items, but we would hope, at this point, you would be ready to move this onto the board and let them take care of the finetuning. Thank you. President keane thank you. My name is january masoca. Im the director of the Californi
Limited it to the payments of 5r more, and only at the behest ofd officials. Lets think about the disclosur. Disclosure is no enforcing mech. Who is going to know this . Except the relatively few peoplf what . A850,000 residents . And probably 420, 430 registeres except those in this room and me more people who are watching on television . Then what happens if there is disclosure . There is no city hall coverage . Yes, i will pull history, when a supervisor, that press room was. Every desk, occupied. Nobody will know about this exca very few number of the 850,000 , approximately, who live in San Francisco. Let me just conclude by saying m disappointed. I voted no last month because i perceived that my fellow commiss wanted something to show for tid effort including all the time at of the staff. Realizing that there are four vt are going to pass it. Then, i com i come in tonight at all the givea ways still donty those San Francisco saints who e any application of prohibitionso nonprofit
Its defined getting page nur you. That is page 29 of agenda item. The payment that is made at thet of an officer or agent thereof s made principally for a legislatr government or charitable nature. We did create what i think is an important exception. You can see on the next page, ts for public appeal. Public appeal is a request for t when such request is made by mef television, radio, billboard. The distribution of 500 or more identical pieces of printed matr a speech to 500 or more individ. There is an exception in this rg system where if an official maka request, via public appeal, then disloashedisclosurethendisclosu. This came up and we tried to crs exception so the appeal would ne caught up in this because its e kind of conduct that staff belie commission was looking at when s looking at 3. 2784 when it instrs to create a disclosure testimon. Indeed we publicly said thate time. Right. So this is an idea contained in, i wanted to highlight that to st idea has been carried over and
All the givea ways still donty those San Francisco saints who e any application of prohibitionso nonprofit corporations which the no difficulty applying to forp. The executive director gave me f the people on one of these oi know, it was the spur foundatio. You have to see that list i mean you have public city pubc officials on that list. Ive asked for the planning comn has a nonprofit also called thes of planning. I had the name wrong last month. I want to see that list so we ce just what San Francisco office s are a part of that. Im sorry, mr. Chairman, and mae chairwoman and fellow commissiot this is a gravely weak result fl the time and effort and attentis gone into this since its gone x months. Thank you. Pleelz stand by. Please stand by. As well as equitable recovery, which requires a consent in california via the attorney general and federally the United States attorney general, and there are lawyers in the bay area who practice successfully in that field. Its not common, but i