Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With David Gura 20180505 1

Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With David Gura 20180505 19:00:00

credit for $500,000. he basically doubles the amount he can borrow against his apartment. he later uses that money, he says, to pay stormy daniels in october 2016. and rudy giuliani has told us there are several other issues that he settled for trump and that he was reimbursed for. it is possible, though we don't know how he spent the remaining amount in his increased credit line that he may have used that for some of these other issues and that's one of the things that's under investigation. >> that's such a key line saying mr. cohen resolved other problems similarly for mr. trump. how significant is that? we have rudy giuliani giving a variety of figures about how much money was used here, when it was used. walk us three vis-a-vis the size of those payments. >> rudy giuliani said he was getting north of $400,000 for a year of retainer payments and
that was to reimburse him for things he took care of. it leaves open the possibility of up to another couple hundred thousand dollars that he might have been reimbursed and some of that could have been for fees and his own expenses. but i don't think rudy would have said that if there were no other issues that he settled for the president. and, you know, i think that's something that will come out during the investigation. i could also like to address the timeline issue you were just talking about as far as what the president knew and when did he know it. we reported this payment to stormy daniels the second week in january. before we reported that story, i went to the white house and i went to michael cohen. the white house told me can you give us a little more time before you post the story because the president is at events and we want to brief the president. and michael cohen said i need to talk to my client, who is the president. both of them subsequently gave us comments. this issue of the president
didn't know about the stormy daniels payment before he spoke in april on air force i is kind of nonsensical since i know the president was briefed on january at least and what did he know at the time when the payment was made in 2016 and what did he find out between that time and when we first reported it in january of 2018. >> that's astonishing. i was going to ask you how we're looking at your article in convert with this piece talking about when the president might have known about this. taking what i just said there, that it something you're probably looking into, what what kind of specificity do we know when that may have happened? >> i was told the president was briefed in january. it was also all over media reports for several months before he spoke on air force i. what did he mean when he said i don't know about it? did he mean i don't know about it at the time when it happened, it kind of unclear.
but we did previously report that michael cohen was late in making the payment to stormy daniels before the election and he had said at the time as an execution i'm trying to reach the president, i can't reach the president right now because he's on the campaign trail. so basically it's -- his intention was at the time to inform the president and also has his fixer, it's very important to michael cohen for the president to know what did he do for him, right? and he also wanted to get reimbursed. so the notion that he didn't tell president trump when he entered into the agreement, even though we know he was trying to do that and then he didn't do it afterwards when he was trying to get reimbursed, we don't have proof of when he told him but we do know that he was certainly intending to tell him and speak to the president. >> michael, thank you very much. thanks to your and your colleagues as well.
i want to welcome in our guests. react what we just heard there from michael rothfeld. there is so much confusion surrounding this still. we're making inroads but there is still a lot of confusion. >> that was actually a really good point that michael rothfeld made about the point that "the washington post" reached out in january to the white house for comment saying this is what we know about the payment to stormy daniels. therefore the president was briefed on this, as the white house said he would have been. and trump of course aboard air force i said he did not know about the payment. does he mean he didn't know about it at the time or didn't know about it at all? of course rudy giuliani on fox news said the president had just learned the night before he did
the fox news interview what the payment is for. unless the without is lying, it seems clear that trump did know as early as january what this payment was for. >> it's almost like a william faulkner novel where you have every character telling the story from a different perspective. we heard from michael cohen, from rudy giuliani, we heard from president trump at the end of the week. how clear is our sense of what happened and who knew what when? >> i think journalists know that the president knew things before he's saying he knew them. and someone here is lying, likely the president of the united states. the problem is there isn't a clear timeline established. the thing that was most interesting to me was that rudy giuliani's clarification was not a clarification at all. when i read it i thought i'm
almost more confused now than when he was on "fox & friends" and all these other programs talking about this. one of the things that stuck out to me about that clarification is the first line says there is no campaign violation. and that to me gets to the heart of why things are so vague now. someone in president trump's orbit is worried about whether or not there were rules broken. rudy giuliani is saying there's no campaign violation. that could be true in the future but stormy daniels lawyer is saying in their lawsuit, in black and white that part of the reason why this is a problem was because that president trump and the people around him could have been influencing the 2016 lebs with that payment. we don't know that this is true. >> we move to really strict language at the end of the week. dare i say a different voice
from the president that we usually see from the president during those tweets. we waited and waited for the statement to come, it finally did, it was three point and very conscientiously written, i think you could say. what's your sense of how well the white house has its arms around the story at this point? >> well, those tweets were certainly very lawyerly. my colleagues and i at "the daily beast" had reported that the white house, and i think a lot of that has born out. the problem with that is what we know m this investigation what the president's lawyers are trying to do is convince. we know that james comey made a number of claims in his memos based on his conversations with the president and we know based on reporting that the special counsel's office is trying to
having trump's ear and paul manafort's ear and having the confidence of both men. >> rudy giuliani now brought in. clearly he was that sounding board for the president for so long. he's leading his legal team but it sound like there's so much disarray around this. >> i talked to a white house official after he was kind of slapped down saying he needs to get his facts right. what's really happening is that the president is still very much in favor of him being here. he hired him not because of his legal mind and all of things he could do in the courtroom but because he wants a moth pieceut to go on fox news and talk about this and be aggressive. rudy giuliani is someone the president wants around him. >> so you'll see more of what we saw last week. >> thank you all very much for your time.
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not the other way around. a federal judge calling out robert mueller's team. during a court appearance, the former trump campaign manager asked to have the bank fraud charge against him dismissed. judge ellis said you don't
really care about mr. manafort's bank fraud you really care about what information mr. manafort can give you about his impeachment or lead to his prosecution or whatever." >> i've been saying that for a long time. none of that information has to do with information related to the russian government coordination and the campaign of donald trump. it doesn't have anything to do. it's from years before. >> an extraordinary moment as president trump quoted chapter and verse from a wall street journal piece. paul manafort's trial is scheduled to begin in july. joining us, my guests, danny, what should we make of what we heard in that transcript from
the judge? >> manafort's been indicted, he filed a motion saying that the special counsel in indicting him exceeded his authority and you the appointment order. this was not related to russia. this did not even arise from the investigation. all the stuff that manafort's indicted for the government already knew about years ago and it can't possibly have to do with russia because it was so many years ago. it's a clever argument. however, the judge's questions related to the government's ultimate goal. hey, this isn't really about bank fraud, this is about you want to try and turn him. that's not really what the motion is about but when you're a federal judge, you're appointed to life, so if you want to veer off to the side during oral argument, no problem, can you do that. i don't know that that colloquy will find its way into the
ultimate opinion or order. that kind of questioning if i'm a defense attorney in that courtroom, i'm thinking this motion, does it actually have a chance because most of these motions to dismiss are the longest of long shots. >> i want you to weigh in on the cleverness or outlandishness of the request that we've seen paul manafort make here. what did you make of what that judge, that reagan appointee had to say. he's been on the bench for a long time. what did you make of the line of his questions yesterday? >> i thought it was fair. i agreed with the judge's comments. were they appropriate or necessary? perhaps not. i think his inquiry on the indictment and the russian investigation was fair, especially if the issue before him of the question of scope. when rod rosenstein appointed robert mueller, he was given broad authority to investigate and coordinate any leaks or any
matter that arose or may arise from his investigation into the russian interference and collusion. if robert mueller while investigating interference and collusion uncovers information about criminal activity that involves manafort, he's not going to turn a blind eye. that would be foolish and illogical. there are no legal or ethical limits that should limit robert mueller in pursuing any crimes discovered during the investigation. i think he's going todictment b can't have an indictment without probable cause. that hasn't changed. probable cause exists. that mean there may have been crimes that have been committed. that doesn't change because they feel this indictment has nothing to do with the original inquiry. >> in addition, the government's argument here is if something does arise, the main justice can
essentially authorize this additional investigation. but manafort's argument here is it looks exactly at the language that yodit just cited, the matters that may arise from the investigation. it's logically impossible, says the defense, for a matter to, quote, arise from the russia investigation if these incidents happened so long ago and therefore could not logically have any relationship to something flowing from or arising from the russia investigation. again, it's a huge long shot. but if you're the defense and you hear the judge veer off into that discussion, you're thinking maybe there's a chance. >> yodit, the "new york times" quoted a legal scholar, "lawyers are required to keep their clients fully informed of their activities and are generally prohibited from advancing money to or on behalf of their
clients. that runs counter to what we've heard from rudy giuliani to the role that the fixer is playing here. rudy giuliani is saying this is a lawyer's duty to do this on behalf of his client. help me understand the ethical obligations of a lawyer when it comes to making payments along the line of those we've been reporting for. >> there's so many inconsistencies. there's been lying, there's been deception, there's been misrepresentation, all of which are actionable by any state bar. you have cohen staying i negotiated the terms of this nda and paid $130,000 to stormy daniels without trump's knowledge or consent. he already violated client consultation and client goodl e guidelines within the rules of professional conduct. then we find out he lied and that violates ethical rules because he lied.
any way you want to see this there have been violations of ethical rules, especially when you talk about paying an attorney a retainer. that already triggers rules of professional conduct. i think he's definitely going to be sanctioned in some way, if not disbarred, especially if he's indicted and convicted of a felony. that's surely going to lead to his disbarment. >> need to have a longer conversation about this particular issue. >> this week rudy giuliani also clarifying statements he made about former fbi director james comey after claiming president trump fired mr. comey because he wouldn't tell the president he wasn't a target in the russia investigation. on friday rudy giuliani wrote, quote, if is undisputed that the president's dismissal of former director comey was clearly within the president's power.
joining me is the chief operating saw for e.t.s. risk management and a national security analyst. the president saying what he said a number of times before here, frank that is correct in his estimation he has done the american people a favor by dismissing mr. comey. >> david, this is one of a handful of comments we've thaerd th -- heard this week that have not on not helped the president but harmed the president. so stating that he fired comey because he wouldn't say that the president wasn't a target leans towards an obstruction charge. if you're firing the head of the fbi because he won't tell the public he's not a target, sound like you're getting rid of
somebody because they won't say things are okay. and whether it's saying that cohen is being repaid through installmen installments, whether it's saying that the president generally understood that, quote, cohen takes care with such things with regard to paying off women actually harms the president and exposes him to even further federal charges. >> we heard rudy giuliani refer to the new york fbi as storm troopers and that prompted a vociferous response from james comey. let's listen to what he had to say. >> that's unacceptable when the nation's leaders representatives attack the institutions of justice, the rest of us not only have to pay attention, but we have to speak out. we need those institutions. the notion that the fbi is made up of nazi storm troopers is wrong and dangerous. i think all of us have to say
that's not normal and we have to speak back to it. >> as he just said, these attacks are not acceptable and as he just said there, normal. what do you make of what rudy giuliani had to say this week? >> first of all, it's a shameful comment. rudy should know better. rudy is really looking at roadiroa eroding his own legacy. he's going to go for someone who stood for something to someone who would fall for anything. he's fallen into this white house trap, bullying, calling names, attacks on the laws and justice. he's becoming trump's lackey and he's not doing a good job of it. referring to fbi agents who he's worked with throughout his career as nazi storm troopers
are or referencing nazi storm troopers, shameful, eroding his legacy and i predict rudy will not be around long in terms of representing president. >> and james comey starting his career in the southern district office with rudy giuliani. >> thank you for your perspective as always. >> paradise under fire. in hawaii, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are forcing evacuatio evacuations. stay with us. - i love my grandma. - anncr: as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great... when i can keep up! - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad's got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide.
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some 1,800 people under mandatory evacuation. we'vecanic active fi fissures spewing lava. n there's two more that have opened up for a grand total of eight. a 6.9 earthquake striking last night, sending shock waves from here to honolulu. before that there was a preceding estimated 500 quakes that have unaeearthed rock slid and sulfuric dioxide gas, very toxic. if you're very young or old who are have respiratory issues, that can be a deadly substance. the national guard is here in
force. they've been doing the job of keeping people out of that evac zones. tough for folks that have evacuated and come to where we are, about 20 minutes outside of the evac zone. we've heard stories of people who have had to leave their homes behind with the lava flows. a very at the situation. >> i've been to helo, that old sugar town on the island. what are figures saying what might happen next? how well can they forecast what happens next? >> reporter: not well at all, david. it's almost impossible to tell the length and duration of volcanic ak tctivity like this. it's nearly impossible to predict it. this could last anywhere from the the next few hours to days to weeks and maybe even months. nobody here wants to hear that, david. >> steve patterson from the big island of hawaii, thank you very
much. >> they set the date but they're not sharing. president trump confirms an historic meeting with kim jong un is coming together. will they be able to secure the release of three american hostages ahead of that sitdown? what about your reputation, is that small? when you own your own thing, it's huge. your partnerships, even bigger. with dell small business technology advisors you'll get the one-on-one partnership you need to grow your business. because the only one who decides how big your business can be, is you. the dell vostro 15 laptop, with 7th gen intel® core™ processors.
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behind south korea and japan. kim jong un's regime called the resynchronizing today the first practical step toward making the north and the south one korea again. >> the white house announcing last night this south korea's president will travel to washington later this month ahead an historic summit between president trump and kim jong un. we await word on the release of three detainees. we've talked about them before. there was some speculation that mike pompeo would have made this a point ahead of that summit between president trump and kim jong un. we had rudy giuliani indicating they'd be released. clearly that hasn't happened. we had the president tweeting this out, "as everybody is aware, the past administration has long been asking for three hostages to be released from a north korean labor camp but to no avail. stay tuned."
>> what do you make of this ahead of the summit? >> you're dealing with three lives and people who have families. maybe there's some iron-clad assurance to the north koreans that weren't able, maybe the families were told they're being released but usually you'd say absolutely nothing until they're released and then you can say whatever you want. i assume they have some promises from the north koreans. hard to say. but i would counsel against saying anything until they're actually released. >> i want to get your perspective on where we are ahead of that leader summit. john bolton, the national security adviser met with his south korean counterpart. you have an announcement of a meeting on may the 22nd, the south korean president will meet with president trump. what does president trump want to know as he approaches that summit? >> i hope they're working on it right now. presumably part of the kim jong
un/moon jae-in summit was to talk about the summit will president trump. i hope there's a benchmark understanding of what is going to be said. i'm pleased that john bolton has been talking to the south korean national security adviser. i'd sort of like to know whether he's been in touch with the north koreans, do they have any kind of joint statement they've been working on. because i wouldn't just leave this up to the -- to leaders to kind of having a gab fest over. i mean, there's got to be some clear understanding of what this is going to look like. this is a huge, huge stakes for everybody, especially our president. i presume there's some kind of assurance that the north koreans will say something or do something on denuclearization. but so far i think the president is kind of keeping his cards very close to the vest and we're not really sure what's going to come ot ut of it. >> you and i talked a few weeks
ago about the planning of a summit like this. as i watched the korea summit take place between north and south korea, i was struck by how every detail seemed to be thought of, down to what the leaders ate. do you get the sense that the same level of interest and planning is going into this summit, which to me seems like it would be necessary, if not more necessary. >> i think it's more necessary. the stakes are enormenormous. in fairness to the administration, i had no idea that mike pompeo had gone off to north korea. he presumably got some ideas from the north koreans. it would seem you would get some more signs of what actually is going to be done. the president hinted the other day, well, we've already decided on a place and a date.
i don't quite understand why that has to be a deep, dark secret at this point. maybe it's security or maybe it's just the president's sense of show mmanship. in any event, i think there has to be an understanding that this is not going to be about switching the time zones today or even we leasing the three americans, as good news as that is, there's got to be some major step forward on denuclearization. again, the president, you don't get the sense he's talking to the congress, you don't get the sense there's a lot of consultation that the state department is doing something, yet you do get the sense there are some conversations going on somewhere and i just that this president has just not told us too much of anything. >> joining us on saturday from colorado from the university of denver where he's a professor in practice, christopher hill, thank you for the time. >> the command are in chief, the nra, his controversial comments
on everything from immigration to arming teachers, the comments me he made addressing the national rifle association's annual meeting. harmful bacteria lurk just below the gum line, and if you're not taking care of your gums, you're not taking care of your mouth. so now i use this. crest gum detoxify. introducing new crest gum detoxify... it works below the gum line and is clinically proven to neutralize harmful plaque bacteria and help reverse early gum damage. new gum detoxify, from crest. gums are good. so is my check up! crest. healthy, beautiful smiles for life. if you have a garden, you know... weeds are low-down little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup. the sure shot wand extends with a protective shield and target weeds more precisely, right down to the root. roundup. trusted for over 40 years.
texas. we go to the convention floor at the kay bailey hutchinson convention center in dallas. i want to ask you what the reaction was to kay bailey hutchison scenter in dallas, an what is the reaction to the speech that we saw yesterday delivered by president trump? >> absolutely. so today, it is very crowded in the exhibition hall. yesterday, as you mentioned trump was here, but there was a big portion where there was not a lot of people in here, but over 815 acres of space has been crowded throughout the day. i spoke to the family, and three generations, 14 years old from the grandson to 75 years old about what they thought about what trump said and the father said he is not liking that trump has flip-flop edped a lot. he says that trump's twitter to use his words is weird and takes away from the message when him and the vice presidentt is
unprecedented both showed up here. they believe that the message is not that strong when he flip-flops, but the 75-year-old who is a vietnam veteran says he unequivocally supports trump. i asked them about the ar-15, and after parkland, it is controversial, and they said a that it is a hunting game and they stressed that they would use it for something like that. at the end of the spectrum, i met a 19-year-old a college sophomore and sor roority membe and nra member, and this is what she said about her own gun membership. >> reporter: how many guns do you have? >> i have no guns. >> you are an nra member, but you don't have any guns? >> right. >> reporter: will you own guns? >> when i am lawful and train and ready and feel comfortable enough, then yes, possibility. >> reporter: and you would conceal and carry? >> yes. >> reporter: now sidney did tell me that hee is opposed to the
ar-15, because it is an attack on the second amendment, but she does not hold any guns on her own and stresses safety. >> you are there, savannah on 815 acres there at the convention center, and we heard the speeches by the president and the vice president of the speeches over the course of the multi day event, and how much of it focuses on how much the speakers have to say? >> you know, people here are talking a lot about what the speakers have to say, a lot of what trump and pence said yesterday, and from the people i spoke to, a lot of them were impressed with the fact that both of the vice president and the president showed up at this event, but this right here, the exhibition hall is where you feel like you are at ant event attended by 80,000 people, and even in the hallways, it is packed, every lunch table and everything, and it is very crowded in here. >> thank you, savannah sellers there at the convention center in dallas. >> thank you, david. and organizers in dallas were joined by the moms demand action for gun sense in america.
the group's texas chapper ter is holding a training session and workshop on using the social immedia media and busting the gun myths to fight for gun control, and joining us is the founder for gun sense in america is shannon watson and great to speak with you again. >> thank you. >> i want to get your reaction of what the president said yesterday, and savannah said unprecedented to have the president of the united states and the vice president wrapping in the mantle of the national rifle association, and the president delivered a wide-ranging speech. he did talk about guns, and couch it in political terms. i just want to get your reaction to what he had to say, shannon. >> absolutely. the reason that he was there in the first place is that the nra has made a $30 million investment in donald trump's presidency, and so they are looking for a return on the investment which includes he and mike pence attending the event, and i want to point out that when the funerals were happening for the parkland students, donald trump was actually in florida playing golf instead of
attending the funeral, but he was able to make his way to dallas to speak out and help sell guns, and so i think that really shows where this administration is, and how aligned they are with the national rifle association. >> i want to pull up a rekrecen poll here, and the nbc news and wall streett journal poll looking at the nra and the most recent polling, 37% have a favorable estimation of the nra and 40% have unfavorable estimation, and going back to april of 2017, and it is 45% favorable, and 33% unfavorable, and so does that tell you that the power of the nra has diminish and what is your group doing as it is look at this issue in the political context as you are looking ahead in the 2018 midterms? >> absolutely. the nra's power is diminishing and the agenda of the leadership is becoming toxic to botht lawmakers and companies. we have seen hundreds of companies distance themselves from the nra since parkland in the last few months where four
a-rated republicans have signed sweeping gun reform legislation despite the opposition of the nra and so we are seeing the lawmakers and companies and others be embarrassed to be associated with the national rifle association. it is no longer a badge of honor, but a scarlet letter to be an a-rating. so it is our job to make sure that voters know where the candidate stands on this issue, and when they are voting in november, they are voting on this issue. >> when you are looking at the historical power of the certain rating has been for certain members of congress, and what is your group proposed to do to sort of fight that to representatives who are worried about the perception of the nra and what can your group do differently and your approach to elections changing? >> well, the reading is a quid pro quo and saying that you will give us your vote in return for campaign doe nation, and monetary support, and so we have a pac and we are support iing t
opposition of people who support the nra and we are in fact giving moms demand action gun sense distinctions to candidate who fill out a questionnaire, and support our agenda of the gun safety, and we are canvassing and educating, but what is interesting is that our own volunteers are running. 13 ran in november, and nine won. we have several dozen running this november from statehouse to congress, and one way to really change policy is to be the ones making it. >> shannon, great to speak with you as always. thank you so much. she is shannon watts, the president of moms demand action gun sense in america. and coming up a survivor of the parkland gun violence weighs in on the force of the nra. stay tuned for that.
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, Character , Someone , Lying , Journalists , All , Problem , Clarification , Thing , Isn Ta Clear Timeline , Line , Campaign Violation , Heart , Programs , Fox Friends , Whether , Orbit , People , Lawyer , Reason , Part , In Black And White , Lawsuit , Language , Elebs , Voice , Dare , Statement , Sense , Tweets , Arms , The Daily Beast , Lawyers , James Comey , Reporting , Special Counsel , Number , Conversations , Office , Memos , Claims , Paul Manafort , Ear , Confidence , Men , Sounding Board , Facts , Favor , Team , Disarray , Courtroom , Mind , Moth Pieceut To Go On , Judge , Robert Mueller , Russia , Case , Probe , Lawns , Solution , Revolutionary 3 In 1 , Under Fire , R Lawn , Scotts Thick , 3 , 1 , Result , Lawn , Roots , Soil Improver , Gaps , Fertilizer , Application , Seed , 50 , Scotts Yard , Place , Car , Activity , Hotel , Flight , Expedia , Everything , Way , Handle , Skin , Metal , Venus Platinum , Venus Sure , 100 , Password , Mom , Alk , Son , Wifi , Guys , Xfinity , Life , Account , Chuckles , App , Bank Fraud , Campaign Manager , Court Appearance , Ellis , Information , Campaign , Anything , Government , It Doesn T , None , Whatever , Lead , Prosecution , Impeachment , Coordination , Trial , Wall Street Journal , Chapter , Verse , Danny , Transcript , Authority , Motion Saying , Appointment Order , Stuff , Isn T , Motion , Argument , Questions , Goal , Colloquy , No Problem , Oral Argument , Side , Chance , Questioning , Defense Attorney , Motions , Shots , Order , Cleverness , Outlandishness , Opinion , Bench , Request , Reagan Appointee , Indictment , Inquiry , Fair , Question , Leaks , Scope , Appointed , Rod Rosenstein , Matter , Investigation , Interference , Collusion , Limits , Eye , Crimes , Cause , Hasn T , Todictmentb Can T , Justice , Nothing , Addition , Doesnt Change , Yodit , Quote , Defense , Incidents , Relationship , Shot , Discussion , Veer Off , New York Times , Behalf , Activities , Clients , Scholar , Duty , Role , Obligations , Inconsistencies , Deception , Terms , Knowledge , Stormy Daniels Without Trump , Consent , State Bar , Nda , Misrepresentation , Client Consultation , 130000 , 30000 , Rules , Conduct , Goodl E , Violations , Attorneya Retainer , Conversation , Felony , Disbarment , Statements , Fbi , He Wasn Ta Target , She Wouldnt Tell , Power , Director , Dismissal , Security , Risk Management , Operating Saw , Analyst , Estimation , David Gura , Times , She Wouldnt Say , Handful , Thaerd Th , Public , Target , Obstruction Charge , Head , Sound , Somebody , Installmen Installments , New York , Charges , Storm Troopers , Women , Response , Representatives , Leaders , Institutions , Nation , Attention , Brest , Nazi Storm Troopers , Attacks , Legacy , Roadiroa , Laws , Names , Trap , Bullying , Agents , Job , Career , Lackey , Southern District , Shameful , Earthquakes , Volcanic Eruptions , Hawaii , Paradise Under Fire , Brain , Anncr , Grandma , Stay , Evacuatio Evacuations , Brain Health Supplement , Prevagen , Dad , Memory , Trouble , Recall , Learning , Answers , Checkmate , Healthier Brain , Ia Heart Attack , Brilinta , Heart Attack , Doctor , Survivor , Works , Platelets , Aspirin , Clot , Study , Risk , Clots , Plavix , Stroke , Stent , Dont Stop , Bleeding , Liver Problems , Don T , Medicines , Death , Serious , History , Stomach Ulcers , Heart Rhythm , Shortness , Surgery , Breath , Medication , Astrazeneca , Yes , House , Bowl , Big Jim , Home , There Ain T , Hand , No Other , Hammers , Palm , Meal , Auto , Ma Am , Help , Jamie , Giddyup , Take Care , Evacuation , We Vecanic , 1800 , Earthquake , More , Fissures Spewing Lava , Grand Total , 6 9 , Eight , Two , Quakes , Shock Waves , Honolulu , Unaeearthed Rock Slid , 500 , National Guard , Old , Substance , Sulfuric Dioxide Gas , Force , Stories , Zones , Folks , Levac , Evac Zone , 20 , Homes , Island , Lava Flows , Situation , Sugar Town , Shelo , Reporter , Length , Volcanic Ak Tctivity , Steve Patterson , Nobody , Big Island Of Hawaii , Meeting , Kim Jong Un , Hostages , Release , Sitdown , Partnership , Business , Partnerships , Reputation , Dell Small Business Technology Advisors , Processors , Laptop , Intel , Dell , Vostro , Tm , Core , 7th Gen , 15 , 7 , Flonase , Wouldn T , Allergy Pills , Else , Symptoms , Nasal Congestion , Pills , Pills Don T , Substances , 6 , Truecar , Price , Certified , Despair , Ocean Bay , Hurricane Sandy , Bank , Community , Housing , Communities , Partner , Showing , Large , Project , Citi , Beautification , Grounds , Flooring , Lobbies , Kitchens , North Korea , South Korea , South Korea And Japan , Regime , Resynchronizing Today The First Practical Step Toward Making North , Will Travel To Washington , Summit , Detainees , Word , Mike Pompeo , Speculation , President Tweeting , Everybody , Administration , Avail , North Korean Labor Camp , Families , Assurance , Weren T , Lives , Counsel , Promises , John Bolton , 22nd , Leader , Counterpart , Announcement , South Korean National Security Adviser , May The 22nd , 22 , Benchmark Understanding , Moon Jae In Summit , Like , Touch , Working On , Understanding , Stakes , Gab Fest Over , Denuclearization , Vest , Cards , Ut , Planning , North And South Korea , Korea Summit Take , Interest , Detail , Level , Idea , Fairness , Enormenormous , Signs , Ideas , Ant Event , Deep , Show Mmanship , News , Step , Consultation , Somewhere , State Department , Congress , Nra , University Of Denver , Command , Professor , Practice , Chief , Christopher Hill , Colorado , Gum Line , Gums , Bacteria , Immigration , Arming Teachers , Mouth , Crest Gum Detoxify , Crest , Plaque Bacteria , Gum Damage , Roundup , Weeds , Root , Smiles , Shield , Shot Wand , Garden , Low , Scoundrels , 40 , Reaction , Convention Center In Dallas , Convention Floor , Scenter In Dallas , Texas , Kay Bailey Hutchinson , Kay Bailey Hutchison , Exhibition Hall , Speech , Portion , Grandson , Family , Space , Generations , 14 , 75 , 815 , Message , Vice Presidentt , Words , Father , Twitter , Dedped , Flip Flop , Parkland , Flip Flops , Veteran , Ar 15 , Vietnam , Sor Roority Membe , Member , Hunting Game , Spectrum , College Sophomore , 19 , Guns , Gun Membership , Train , Hee , Enough , Speeches , Attack , Safety , Second Amendment , Vice President , Speakers , Pence , Fact , Hallways , Lunch Table , 80000 , Savannah Sellers , Organizers , Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America , Founder , Group , Training Session , Workshop , Shannon Watson , Social Immedia Media , Gun Myths To Fight For Control , Texas Chapper Ter , Vice President Wrapping , Mantle , Savannah , Investment , 0 Million , 30 Million , Return , Presidency , Funerals , Students , Mike Pence , Florida , Golf , Funeral , Rekrecen , Nbc News , Poll , Polling , Wall Streett , 2017 , 37 , April Of 2017 , Group Doing , Context , Midterms , Unfavorable , 33 , 45 , Companies , Lawmakers , Hundreds , Agenda , Leadership , Opposition , Others , Republicans , Sweeping Gun Reform Legislation , Four , Voters , Badge , Honor , Ma Rating , Letter , Fight , Voting , Members , Candidate , Perception , Rating , Support , Elections , Reading , Campaign Doe Nation , Approach , Pac , Vote , Quid Pro Quo , Iing T , Action Gun , Questionnaire , Sense Distinctions , Moms , Gun Safety , Canvassing , Statehouse , Policy , Volunteers , 13 , Nine , Shannon Watts , Moms Demand Action Gun Sense In America , Ones , Parkland Gun Violence , Big Appetites , Deal , Prices , Zip , Range , Presentation , Worst , Area , Car Buying , Demise , Villains , Supply , Plans , Energy , Drill Bit , Hijacking Earth , Phase 1 , Car Insurance , Geico , Fifteen ,

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