Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20160511 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20160511

francisco. average 64, 59. 89 the record. plenty of low clouds in place. more on the north coast than we had yesterday. that's for sure. now fog, i think you know, it will head back to the coast and bay. 40s for some. low 50s, a little cool there this morning. you can actually -- a couple other 40s near concord, lafayette, walnut creek. antioch and brentwood are 5,- degrees warmer. a few highs clouds for the north bay. this system will inch towards by friday. that will cool down the ip land areas. coast stays 50s, 60s. low clouds. sunny for most. warm inland. cool coast. upper 50s or low 60s by the beaches today. 70s and low-to-mid 80s inland. sal, 7:01, what do you have for us, sir? >> some slow traffic, steve. we are going to start off with the -- this crash is clearing out of the lanes now. southbound 680 is slow out of the dublin pleasanton area. 580 not too bad. this is a look at the san mateo bridge. this traffic is busier as you drive over to the peninsula. of course, at the bay bridge we have the usual delay, which is 25 to 30 minutes now in almost all the lanes except for the carpool lanes. 7:02. it could take a few days to fix a traffic problem in downtown san francisco. a huge sinkhole opened up last night and an entire block of mission street remains closed. ktvu's alex savidge is there with what commuters need to know. how are they going to get around this, alex? >> reporter: they will have to head over to market. that's one option here. obviously, i don't have to tell you, sal, this is a busy area. now we are finding out this could be shut down for the next several days while repair work takes place. i will show you where the sinkhole is. it's in the middle of mission street between new montgomery and second street. obviously, a busy spot in the downtown area and commuters are going to have to find alternate routes around this for the next couple of days it looks like. you can see it's a 12-foot by 5- foot section of pavement that collapsed last night. it was all because of an underground sewer main that ruptured. this happened about 5:30 last night. the ground gave way underneath an suv that was stopped at a red light. now, the suv had family of five inside along with the driver. firefighters tied the suv to some nearby parking meters in order to get everyone out safely, which they eventually did. now, the san francisco public utilities commission says the 9- foot deep sinkhole was likely caused by a broken sewer main that's about 140 years old. >> this is one of the oldest ones. but we do have a lot of aging sewer mains. that's why we have accelerated our pipeline repair and replacement program. we are doing up to 15 miles each other of sewer main replacement. >> reporter: they say their crews are constantly doing inspections, especially on older sewer lines in the city to try to prevent these breaks before they happen. now, in this particular case there was apparently some raw sewage that seeped into the hole. we understand the people living and working nearby still have sewer service and water service this morning. but back out here to a live picture, this will be a trouble spot, a spot of congestion, we should say, for the next couple of days here in the downtown area. will have an impact for muni riders because the 14 bus going to have to be rerouted to market street while this repair work takes place. gasia, again, mission street shut down between 2nd and new montgomery for the next couple of days. >> not a good place for that to happen at all. thank you. yesterday morning's carjacking in the east bay, authorities are investigating whether three suspects robbed a man driving home from a casino. police arrested a suspect. police found a large amount of cash on him. investigators say the suspect had stolen the victim's car in dublin. a police chase ended in a crash in east oakland. speeds were more than 110 miles an hour. the three suspects were caught and are facing charges including carjacking and association of a gun. time 7:05. after the warriors victory in game four, they are one win away from moving to the western conference finals. tonight they are going to try to put away the portland trail blazers at oracle arena. >> ktvu's brian flores is live at oracle where the excitement is building for gave final. brian. >> reporter: yes, it is, guys. good morning to you. and speaking of excitement bidding we should take a nap, guys, because we are part of the morning crew so we are not so tired the next day. live inside oracle, a sea of gold. strength of numbers on the scoreboards and shirts. this is a special game because we are talking about game five of the westering semis between the warriors and trail blazers. instead of just having the shirts, fans are going to need something extra special tonight if you are coming to the game. if you are coming to the game tonight, they have the shirts and they are going to have the strength in numbers rally towels. i have already had six requests from people at the station just for this one towel. nope. this is i mean, everybody. let's talk about basketball. you know what? the warriors, when they go into the game tonight, they will have steph curry. they will have the chance to close out the series against the trail blazers and advance to the western conference finals. it became official yesterday with steph curry being voted the mvp for the second straight season. this time it was unanimous. that's never happened before. curry received all 131 first place votes. this season curry, we don't need to tell you, he averaged more than 30 points per game, broke his own record for three- pointers and helped the warriors win 37 regular season games. >> somebody that worked hard. somebody that got the most out of my potential and talent and pushed the envelope. i never really, like i said, i never really expected to change the game, to spark a new way to play the game because that's the way that i know how to play. >> reporter: curry is the 11 player in nba history to win back-to-back mvp awards. teammate draymond green, by the way, came in seventh in the voting. back out here live, section 101 in oracle arena, the strength in numbers t-shirts all around. oh, yeah. they love it. i love it. that's what you are going to be hearing tonight. you will see lots of fans waving the rally towels tonight. tonight's game, by the way, is going to be a sell-out. tickets are available on the warriors resale website. that is the safest way to get tickets. we have heard too many people of going to other websites and getting tickets. coming up in the next hour of "mornings on 2", we are going to talk with a 13-year-old super fan. see what he did to commemorate the warriors' record season run so far. back to you. >> wow. all right, brian. thank you. >> another big question tonight is what color shoes will steph curry be wearing. if they are white, statistically there is a greater likelihood the warriors will win. steph mostly wears white, blue, gold, or black under armour shoes. the warriors are undefeated in games when he wears the white shoes. 18-1 when he goes with the blue, 13-3 with gold, and 9-4 for the black shoes. curry's mvp award came with a shine nay suv and he donate today to the covenant house. it's an oakland non-profit that offers shelter and other services for homeless people. covenant house will use the suv to take the young people to medical appointments as well as job interviews. 7:08. democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders made a surprise visit to oakland yesterday thrilling supporters at his newly opened campaign office. >> thank you, thank you, thank you very much. thank you. >> sanders' campaign stop on college avenue lasted 30 minutes, but as the word spread he was here, more and more supporters showed up. now, we asked senator sanders something that many people want to know. >> reporter: how do you think you will do? >> every poll that i am seeing has us beating him badly and doing better against him. >> someone yelled, bernie's down the street at market hall, so hopped in the car and drove down here. parked in a street cleaning spot. so i'm probably going to get a ticket, but it was worth it. >> sanders oakland trip was a last-minute one. the campaign office got word late monday he might come. it was confirmed a couple of hours before his arrival. senator sanders said he would be back many times between now and the california primary on june 2. bernie sanders won the west virginia primary yesterday easily beating hillary clinton. her positions on some environmental issues are not very popular in that coal mining state. hillary clinton is looking ahead to next tuesday's presidential primaries in oregon and kentucky. clinton told a crowd in louisville that the stakes this election year are very high. >> you could not imagine a more different vision for our country than the one between our side of democrats for progress, for prosperity, for fairness and opportunity than the presumptive nominee on the republican side and -- >> [booing]. >> clinton called for a big turnout next week in kentucky to go on to the general election and win the november election. on the republican side donald trump won the west virginia primary with 76% of the vote. ted cruz and john kasich were on the ballot, even though they dropped out of the race. they got less than ten percent of the vote there. trump won in nebraska. still another clear victory for donald trump. time is 7:11. an amendment will be on san francisco's november ballot. it would lower the voting age to 16. yesterday supervisors voted 9-2 to put it on the ballot. if voters pass it, san francisco will be the first major u.s. city to allow 16 and 17-year-olds to vote in city elections. the minimum age to vote in other elections would still be 18 years old. more trouble for the santa clara sheriff's department. details on the arrest of a jail guard accused of molesting a 9- year-old girl. finals week is a stressful time for college students. up next how one freshman in merced is going above and beyond to help his classmates, and it's all coming out of his pocket. good morning. we are looking at the bay bridge toll plaza and it's crowded, just as you might imagine. backed up out to the macarthur maze. we will give you a drive time for this coming up. fog or sun today. if you have the fog, it could be slow to clear. misty. the napa airport, too. we will have an update on your forecast. you live life your way. we can help you retire your way, too. financial guidance while you're mastering life. from chase. so you can. 7:14. new this morning we are getting reports of a second bombing in baghdad that killed 11 people and wounded 32 ears. this comes after 63 people were killed in a car bombing earlier today. that bomb exploded in a crowded outdoor market in a mostly shiite neighborhood. the blast also injured 85 other people, including several who are in serious condition. the death toll could rise. isis is claiming responsibility for the bombing. a grocer said the bomb was in a pickup truckloaded with fruits and vegetables. he saw the driver park the truck and disappear in the busy marketplace just before the explosion. 7:15. back here at home the san francisco d.a. says criminal charges are going to be filed against two alameda county deputies who were caught on video beating a suspect. surveillance footage from last november showed the two deputies beating car theft suspect stanislaw petrov in a san francisco alley after a long car chase. the d.a. says the deputies, paul wieber and luis santamaria, beat petrov at least 30 times within 40 seconds, seriously injury him. felony charges are assault under the color of authority and assault with a deadly weapon and battery. a third dep, sean osborne, is being investigated for reportedly stealing jewelry, money and drugs from petrov and giving it to a homeless couple as hush money. the city of san jose vote it had end the lengthy legal battle over the controversial pension initiative measure b. according to the "mercury news," the city council approved final repeal of the measure by a 10-1 vote yesterday. san jose voters passed measure b back in 2012, and it was aimed at slowing pension cost force the city's union employees. the measure was blamed for many san jose police and firefighters leaving for cities that offered them better benefits. time is 7:16. police in los angeles telling people who might be snoring a laptop computer to be careful if the price seems too good to be true. thieves stole 7600dell laptops worth $3 million out of a warehouse friday. one gunman tied up a security guard while the other thieves stole the laptops and loaded them into two trucks. now, typically stolen electronics end up on craigslist and are sold on polices like ebay. it's finals weeks at uc merced. a stressful time of year for college students. one freshman is helping out his classmates by giving them one less thing to worry about, and that's food. he is paying for their meals with money left over from his meal plan. harrison said he bought 100 meal vouch turnovers give away -- vouchers to give away. >> i let my money go to waste. go back to the university when i can help feed people who need the food. they are in college. they are hungry. i am in college. i am hungry. so it's definitely a good thing. >> you don't realize the effort. but you spend a lot of money and then when the year comes to the end you don't have a lot and you are trying to get other people to pay for you. >> if you are hungry, dave, you cannot concentrate. >> you can't think. >> you can't be at your best. >> yeah. >> here is the better news. cafeteria workers expect more students to buy vouchers for other students and that comes on friday, the last day of class. 7:17. let's go to sal. have you fixed problems on bart, sal? are you going to talk about being a starving student? , i was going to say i used to be a check are at the dorm at unit 2 at uc berkeley. >> really? >> you know what a checker is? you take the card and go like that, and the student can come in. >> okay. >> i didn't know. >> paid your way through cal. it worked. >> there you go. good morning everybody. your question about bart is, dave, yes. the system is recovering and we don't have any significant delays on bart. so that's the good news. the bad news is that there are more and more people joining us. i don't know if it's bad news. but there are a lot more people joining us for the morning commute. this is the peak of the commute. southbound 680 is a mess because of an earlier crash southbound 680 at 84. chp auto cleared it, but for a while it was blocking lanes along with the fire department and medics. if this is your commute, you will see it slow. but 580, which is i guess the bright spot, is not that bad heading over to castro valley. we will see slow traffic in the south bay along 101. an earlier accident near capitol. slow up to the airport. 58 and 280 also. it's not all that bad. but there are some slowdowns. let's get to the live pictures. bay bridge 25 to 30-minute delay. a typical delay. and going back to that san jose picture, just to show it to you because i realize that we have a picture here. so coming back to north bay 280 you see what i was talking about? it is slow getting up to highway 17:now at 719 tomsula, 7:19, let's go to steve. it's clear, but a little cool on the temps this morning. 40s. some low 50s. far enough inland it's mid-to- upper 50s. but i'll tell you, north bay, peninsula, south bay a lot of low clouds. foggy or sun, breezy. tomorrow not much change. a little mist in there. i know our observer steve says so. cooler inland temps. 50s, 60s on the coast. that's not a going cho change. they will go from the 80s to the 70s. island girl said, steve, gilroy feels like it's getting hotter every year. last summer we had quite a few days at 115 degrees. do you know how many? >> yes. you had zero. the hottest day was 1-0 seven on august 17. there was a bunch of 100s. one in june, one in july. september a bunch of 100s. it never hit 115. maybe in your backyard where the thermometer got a little sun on it. but climatologically speaking, it did not. going to be cool. 59. west wind 20 black ice. blue jays-giants today. average is 64/51. some areas not above 59, 61. 48 in 1,887th record low. a lot of low clouds and fog in place and again there is more on the sonoma and mendocino coast than there was yesterday. i mean, that was kind of sparse yesterday. not today. 49 san rafael. 48 novato. san jose low 50s. napa airport as well. also san ramon. peninsula temps are stuck. 55 atherton. same for stanford. close for las altos, hillside, belmont and san mateo. look at pacifica. 49. a little cool. 28 in truckee. 53 ucc. fog heads back and parks. looks like it will be back tomorrow morning and a few high clouds will drift over the north bay. cool-down not until friday. today 50s to 80s depending how farn inland you -- how far inland you go. the east bay is the leader of the pack when because there is not many warm temps. but even down togy roy and morgan hill not bad. on the coast 50s, 60s. about the same maybe a slight warm-up for a few thursday and then a cool-down sweeps through on friday into the weekend. >> look look at that. >> thank you. there could be an update on the hunger strike. and carrying pepper spray at high schools. it's a controversial policy just approved. how that state's transgender bathroom bill may have played a role in that decision. imagine if the things you bought every day earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag, 2 united club passes... priority boarding... and 30,000 bonus miles. everything you need for an unforgettable vacation. the united mileageplus explorer card. imagine where it will take you. a man went on a stabbing rampage in massachusetts last night killing two people. police say a 28-year-old man crashed his car in the city of taunton, about 40 miles from boston. he then went into a nearby home and stabbed two women. one of them died. the man then drove to a mall where he crashed in a macy's store, went into a restaurant where he stabbed four people, killing one of them. an off duty sheriff's deputy who happened to be at the restaurant shot and killed the man. time is 7:25. more controversy in north carolina about bathrooms and transgender people. one school district will now allow high school students to carry pepper spray starting this fall. one member of the local board of education says it may be useful for students who encounter transgender classmates in the bathroom. now, that board member says using the spray would be purely defensive, saying the pepper spray could help female students if they go to the bathroom and don't know who is coming in after them. the zika virus has now been confirmed in marin county. health leaders say the infected recently travelled to central america but the patient is not posing a risk to the general public. the particular mosquito that spreads zika has not been found in the bay area, but vector control has a surveillance program in place to detect it. a little boy wanted to help children fighting cancer, he is now battling cancer himself. >> i was -- my iowas getting avenue. >> -- my eye was getting heavy. >> he is trying to make sense of his diagnosis. a man who was supposed to protect and serve is now behind bars. we are live in san jose to tell you about the jail guard who is accused of molestation and what the sheriff has to say. we are looking at a morning commute that is super busy, especially on some of the key areas like the bay bridge. we will tell you what other areas are experiencing pretty big slowdowns. fog or sun. that's going to be the forecast here for most coast and bay, is dealing with fog. inland temps warming up a little bit. we will show you. that ♪ ♪ maxx life in store and online. find brands you love at prices that work as hard as you do. 7:30, may 11. i am general manager. >> good -- gasia mikaelian. >> i am gave clark. >> thank you. we do have a pretty good fog bank. it puts on the air brakes in the inland areas. in the over the coast and bay. north bay to south bay and peninsula dealing with a lot of fog. north bay a little chill this morning. a lot of upper 40s. combine that with the low cloud deck, not going to be very warm there today. you can hit the 80s north. day baseball looks cool here. partly cloudy. i mean, usually there is breaks in the low clouds over at&t park. but 59, west wind 15 to 20 miles per hour. low clouds filling up on the coast. yesterday it was kind of sparse or patchy. that's not the case. inland temps they will start out 50s and start to warm up pretty quick brentwood. other than that, that's the usual. south bay temps 51. morgan hill, san martin 50 scots valley, cupertino, saratoga, 55. a few high clouds in the north bay. overall sunny for most. once that cloud deck heads back, it's not clearing rapidly over by the coast. that's for sure. cool over there. 50s, 60s, 70s to low and mid 80s if you are well away from fog influence. 7:31. this man likes the fog and the cool temps. what about the traffic? >> you know, it is slow out there, steve. one of the things that we have noticed is that this is the peak of the commute between, let's say, 6:45 and 8:00 or so. and then it starts to get a little better. right now on 80 westbound you will see that it's only reached 35-minute drive from the carquinez bridge to the macarthur maze, which is not too bad. there is certainly a lot of slow traffic there and also slow traffic from the east bay trying to get over to the richland bridge toll plaza. the bay bridge is backed upcoming up for a 25 to 30- minute delay as it normally is. the east bay commute on 680 had another bad day getting out of the pleasanton dublin area down to the scene of an earlier crash on highway 84. but 880 is typically slow this morning all the way down to fremont. for the most part there are some spots where it gets better. san mateo and dumbarton bridge traffic is also slow.. shocking allegations about a law enforcement officer. a santa clara county correctional officer is accused of molesting a child. ktvu's janine de la vega is in san jose right now with the details and the impact on the department. good morning, janine. >> reporter: good morning, dave. you know, i ran into a couple of sheriff's employees earlier this morning and asked them about this latest news and they sort of shook their heads, you know, just couldn't believe it. in the last year, there has been at least now six jail guards who have been arrested. three for murder. it seems like every couple months something surfaces. 33-year-old anthony diaz was arrested in santa clara where he lives, but he is staying at the santa rita jail rather than the main jail in san jose where he works for his own protection. he faces one count of sex with a minor and two counts of child abuse. police say the alleged molestation happened in 2012 when diaz was living with his girlfriend in east san jose and her nine-year-old daughter. the sheriff said, quote, the sheriff's office has high expectations of every correctional deputy's conduct both on and off duty. the allegations are deeply disturbing. diaz's former neighbors are surprised to hear about these charges. >> unfortunately, things like this happen. it's shocking to hear that it happens so close to home. >> pretty scary that this can go on and we don't know about it. >> reporter: a source tells ktvu diaz has seven years experience as a correctional officer. the santa clara county correctional peace officers association issued a statement saying they condemn such heinous acts if true. diaz is on unpaid administrative leave. he will make his first court appearance tomorrow afternoon. dave. >> all right. janine de la vega in san jose. thank you. time now 7:34. the pittsburg police union is denying claims by a former officer that the department manipulated crime stats. in an open letter the police union called the allegations outrageous a former lieutenant claims a police department misclassified crimes for years to make it look like the city has a lower crime rate. the police union says it wholeheartedly supports a full, open, and transparent investigation. one city council member now wants a discussion on these allegations during the next council meeting on month. san francisco's mayor ed lee promised $17.5 million to reform the police department and reduce officer-involved shootings. $11million of that will go to violence prevention programs over the next two years. there is also funding for 100 tasers that would have to be approved by the police commission. other new equipment would include defensive shields and 35 net guns. they throw a net around the suspect to subdue him or her. the mayor hopes to cut the number of officer-involved shootings in the city by 80%. >> at the heart of it, too, part of it is to make sure that we have got the resources to implement this in a serious way, and that we have appropriate oversight in making sure it's transparent, that it's an honest approach. >> it's kind of disheartening, you know, that he's reactive and he thinks this is going to placate us. the only thing that's going to make us happy is if he actually listens to the community. we don't want tasers. we want the chief of police to go. >> they have been pushing the mayor to fire the police chief over the deadly police shootings. the mayor says he supports the chief and his proposed reforms. 7:36. the five candidates for california's u.s. senate being vacated by barbara boxer debated last night in their second bay bridge. pamela harris and loretta sanchez and republicans tom del bacaro, delve are running for that seat. during the one hour debate in san diego the topics ranged from criminal justice reform to immigration reform, job creation, and gun control. >> my record is strong on protecting americans with respect to gun violence. >> i just don't see the gun issue as being substantive in terms of crime, in terms of murder rates in the united states. >> it's the second amendment and it's people's rights. i would leave it up to the states to decide what they want to do. here in california we have the second toughest laws of any state in the country. >> the fact is that the kept of justice has taken 10,000 guns out of the hands of people who are legally prohibited from having them. >> the top two vote getters in  the june primary, they will advance to a head-to-head matchup in the november election. two men walked away from a plane crash in the sierra foothills yesterday afternoon. we have photos from the sheriff's facebook page that show the wreckage. you can see the engine was torn off the front plane. the plane had taken off from pine mountain lake airport and crashed into a tree and power lines at the end of the runway. the pilot and passenger refused medical attention. well, the clean-up from tornados continues in oklahoma this morning after several deadly tornados hit parts of that state. take a look at video from garvin county, oklahoma. an estimated f3 tornado touched down there, destroyed several homes. also killed an elderly man. oklahoma's governor declared a state of emergency for that region. >> a few minutes after we left it hit our house and they said that they think it hit it twice. >> a quarter of a mile, and there were two side by side. both of them turning counterclockwise. both of them doing this. >> that same storm brought high winds to parts of texas and a lot of hail and winds to kentucky and more rain is expected through the region by the weekend. time is 7:38. this morning there is a possibility hunger strike by a small group of san francisco state students could end. we will share with you a live picture of the students who have been camping out there on campus. they stopped eating ten days ago. you see a couple of people are sort of up and about. one holding a cup. i don't know if this is an actual protester who has gone without food for ten days. you see a makeshift camp. the only thing that is missing is the food that you see when people are camping. this is happening on campus. one person sorted of bundled up under a blanket. they are protesting a plan to cut the budget of the ethnic studies department. one person was taken to the hospital monday night, but that protester is back at the camp continuing the hunger strike. the students say they no longer feel hungry and they certainly appreciate the support of their fellow students. >> i feel like i could go for another two weeks. i'm amazing. yeah. yeah. the more people that come out every day, the less hungry i feel. >> the support should come from around the campus because everyone should take at least one ethnic studies class. so many people are loving it and it's not even their major. >> the university president says he is willing to discuss what the students want if they stop their hunger strike. they have a list of ten demands, which include doubling the budget of the ethnic studies department. a little boy who wanted to help cancer patients is now fighting cancer himself. now, when vinnie was five years old, he started growing out his hair so he could donate the hair to help kids who have cancer. his parents say it was all his idea. vinnie says he wanted to help people, even though he was teased about having long hair. >> during that time mistaken for a girl many times. he took it like a champ. he is like, no, i am a boy. >> they cut the ponytail off. >> reporter: were you happy? >> i was happy. >> yeah, now, he is trying to keep a positive outlook even after doctors diagnosed him with an aggressive stage 4 cancer. there are growths now on his hip and in the bone around his eye and also behind his nose. vinnie says his eye is what he calls kind of squinty. he knows the cancer is spreading, but he also knows he is fight this battle with the love and help of his family. >> so many others who are here. >> that's right. smaller class sizes, better police services, of course everybody wants them. but will voters vote to pay up for those improvements. you may be suffering from asthma and not know it. the symptoms you may be experiencing that could mean it's time you get a check-up. the east bay commute is certainly busy now as you drive on interstate 80. you are going to notice a lot of slow traffic. we will tell you where it's improving in some areas. well, east bay temps are the warmest today. unless you are towards clearlake and ucc. a lot of fog. j?j?j7 investigators looking into prince's death searched his minnesota compound for a second time a number of marked and unmarked cars pulled into paisley park compound yesterday. they were looking for medical records and prescription drugs. they say a minnesota doctor treated prince on april 7 and april 20. investigators are trying to learn if prince died from a drug overdose and whether or not anyone should be prosecuted. a colorado prison inmate says he is an heir to prince's fortune. calvin williams is seeking a dna test. his mother said she had a sexual encounter with prince in 1976. prince did not leave behind a will. there is now a battle over his $300 million estate. time is 7:44. are you coughing or do you feel out of breath? they may be signs of something more serious than a cold. pam cook is back in the studio now with more on this in today's health check. >> we are talking about asthma because many people might dismiss the warning signs as a cold, allergies or fatigue. many people don't realize you can develop asthma as an adult. more than 17 million american adults have asthma, which is now one of the most common chronic respiratory diseases in the country. doctors say there are many more people who have it but don't realize it. according to a survey by national jewish health most people know that wheezing and shortness of breath are symptoms of asthma, but barely half of those surveyed know that trouble sleeping is also a sign of adult onset asthma. >> they don't have the traditional symptoms or all of the symptoms. it's not as straightforward. i think the diversity of asthma and how it shows up and how it feels to the patient so much greater in the adult hood than in childhood. >> now, chest pain and persistent cough are also symptoms of asthma and a signal that you might want to talk to your doctor about it. where you live also makes a very big difference. high pollen counts and smog play a very big role. every year the asthma and allergy foundation of america ranks 100 u.s. cities in terms of being the best cities for living with asthma and the worst. the good news is last year san francisco came in number one on that list because of our clean air, our low pollen count and good access to healthcare and awareness. it was interesting looking at that list. tennessee has three cities in the top ten of being the worst cities. >> tennessee? >> exactly. so a lot of that has to do with the air quality and also the other thing that we came in very positive with, smoking bans. we have very clear and extensive smoking bans. >> right. california has been on the forefront of that for many years. pam, thank you. 7:46. today is national third shift workers day honoring everybody who gets up dark and early to keep the world moving. police officers, garbage collectors and so many more. also ktvu's own fabulous overnight producers, writers and editors. >> i am brandon. i come in at oh dark 30. >> i come in at 10:30 at night. >> i am the producer and i get here at 1:30 a.m. >> i am the 8 a.m. producer for "mornings on 2" and i come in to work at 2 a.m. >> i am sammy. i get in at 3:30 in the morning. >> mike. i am the lead video editor for "mornings on 2". i come in to work every day at 3:30 a.m. and it hurts. >> [ laughter ] >> but mike and everyone else, they have got nothing but the most positive of attitudes. so for you i lift this ktvu newsroom coffee mug to you because we -- if we look good, it's because they make us look good. >> we have to mention tim. >> our studio manager. >> and the guys in the control room. >> absolutely. >> the ladies as well. >> absolutely. >> all right. sal castaneda, i have to say one of the benefits of working when everyone else is asleep is the traffic is a breeze. >> they come in when there is no traffic. the good thing about them is they get off at about nine in the morning or ten. >> or before. >> yeah. so occasionally on a friday, it's happy hour at 10:30 a.m.! we go somewhere around here. and don't -- ken lawrence, we are not going to give away where we go. back off, my friend. this is highway 24. highway 24 is slowing at the bart station. everyone knows that people take a look at everyone on the bart platform. when the train picks people up and there are no people on the platform, it temporarily gets better. when there are people on the platform, it slows down. that's just what happens. bay bridge toll plaza, that is backed up at the bay area -- it's backed up for a 25 to 30- minute delay. there are no major problems there. i want to mention westbound 92 san mateo bridge approach. we had an earlier crash on 92. dumbarton bridge is slow all the way over to menlo park. 880 slows at 238. it stays that way until southern fremont. 680 is still recovering out of pleasanton if you are driving to the sunol grade because of earlier issues. it's not a great commute in the east bay right now or the peninsula. 7:49. let's go to steve. >> i know where you go. >> i know you do. >> shh, shh. all right. for some it's foggy, cold. for others it's warm. in fact, getting very warm. i mean, you really have to go rather far inland. vacaville, ukiah, clearlake. closer to the coast 50s and 60s. there is a huge spread on tomorrow of the temps, including up in lake county middletown. this is gretta. it hit 87 here yesterday. no fog. a slight high overcast filtering the morning sun. yes, clouds filtering over. a big change from one extreme to the other. 59 for a day baseball. blue jays and giants today. partly cloudy. usually a break in the low clouds over at&t. 59 west wind. 15 to 20 miles per hour. low clouds on the coast. yesterday it was solid about marin county coast and southward. today a little thicker there. the higher cloud deck associated a weak low system, i will show you that in a second. 40s and 50s for some. 10-degree spread. so some it's cool. there were a lot of low 50s this morning. that's above calistoga at 47 degrees. 50 healdsburg. foggy conditions. a little drizzle towards the napa airport as well. petaluma 51. mill valley 52. 28, 49, truckee up to reno. upper 80s to near 90 for las vegas if you are heading down there today. 53 monterey. low clouds and fog are not going anywhere. i mean, they will head back to the coast. bayside will get some sun. inland temps in the upper 70s, 80s. the higher clouds over what greta was talking about. filtering through. that system will be here friday. that will cool down the inland areas and ramp up the fog bank. maybe some drizzle for the coast. low clouds. sunny for most. breezy afternoon. out of the west. so anywhere from upper 50s, 60s to 86 up in clearlake. 87 vacaville. 70s in between. novato 76. 83-84 antioch to brentwood. 67 berkeley. 66 alameda. too much in the way of clouds here. temperatures continuing to stay in the 70s there. 50s, 60s, 70s, coast, city and on the peninsula for 60s to mid 70s. warmest day thursday for independance. not much change coast and bay. cooler sweeps through on friday into saturday. >> cool, steve. thank you. time is 7:51. women in the tech world, they may be in the minority, but they are creating diversity through emojis. you will see more emojis and how these stand out. steph curry's home is up for sale. we are going to be the neighborhoods looky-loos. come with us as we take a look inside. hey i think the internet just went down. huh, why don't you give it a sec, it'll come back. something just happened in the world and we have no idea what it was. get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability for just $30 a month. keep calm, your internet's on. into welcome back to "mornings on 2". time is 7:54. east bay mud is relaxing drop requirements now that reservoirs are filling up and customers are saving water. the drought emergency is over. it will end a monthly 25% surcharge on july 1st. that amounted to about eight bucks a month for the average home. east bay mud says restrictions of water use will be lifted in july. officials say they don't expect their customers will suddenly start wasting water. staples and office depot are is scrap ago $6.3 billion merger after a judge blocked the deal. the judge says the government made the case that the combination would likely hurt competition in office supplies. the federal trade commission told the court the combined company would be able to dictate the price of supplies, especially for corporate couples that buy in bulk. following news of the deal's collapse office depot stock tumbled 26%. shares in staples fell more than 10%. 7:55. the mayor of las vegas publicly saying she is confident the raiders are moving to las vegas. mayor carolyn goodman says they will move to las vegas, quote, if nevada handles this properly. raiders own mark davis met last month with nevada tourism officials and promised a half billion dollars towards building a new dome stadium. mayor goodman says davis assured her, quote, las vegas is not getting played by the raiders to get a new stadium deal out of oakland. the nfl would have to approve the plan for the raiders to leave oakland. 7:56. steph curry has put his home up for sale. take a look. it's a five bedroom, 4700 square foot spanish style hacienda on the market for just under $4 million. it's an acre of land. it has a vineyard and a regulation sized basketball hoop. he bought the house in 2013. he and hayes family have moved into a larger home in walnut creek. economic news for you. take a live look at the big board this morning. can you see for yourself. stocks are down. we will tell you which stocks are affecting wall street so far today. scary moments after a sinkhole opens up under an suv in san francisco. next a live report on how traffic is impacted and how long this is going to take to fix. good morning. we are following breaking news coming in from san jose. there was a police shooting a little while ago. >> police officers tell ktvu officers shot a male suspect at lancing avenue and jarvis avenue. this is very close to the elementary school and just north of 85 which can you tell by looking at this map. officers say they responded to a call of a man who was armed with an ax and attacking a woman. the suspect was shot and it taken to valley medical center. janine de la vega is live at the scene. we will bring her in for a live report. things are going to be busy in this area north of 85. >> all right. time is 8:00. let's check your weather this morning. as your day is beginning, steve, how is it looking? >> great for some. sunny for others, you guys. summer pattern here. or spring. still big fog bank out there. it's rather solid up and down the coast. it's going to be a tough, tough day for some to get much sun over by the -- some areas on the beaches. always do. but 50s, 60s coast and bay. then 70s after that fog burns back. so fog or sun. breezy. not much change tomorrow. then cooler inland as the system low sets up. it could be the first of a couple lows that set up between now and the end of the month. looks strong around the 20th, 21st. day baseball partly cloudy, maybe mostly cloudy here. usually some sun breaks around at&t. west wind 20 miles per hour. low clouds and fog up on the coast. a little bit in the east bay. that burns off first. temperatures rebound quick. brentwood is 60. 49 san rafael. low 60s antioch brentwood. still low-to-mid 50s lafayette. 49 cool degrees this morning. 55 pleasanton. the fog just came in. it will burn off that fog pretty quick there. a little bit of a high cloud deck in the north bay right there. this low will cool down towards friday. low clouds. sunny for most. peels back. cool coast. warm inland. i don't think much change from yesterday. that's 50s, 60s, 70s around the bay and upper 70s, low-to-mid 80s inland. 8:01, sal. >> slow traffic on the east bay commutes. i think the people who wait to leave at this time know what they're going to get. a 40-minute drive as you make it out to the carquinez bridge and past that to the macarthur maze. so taking the better part of an hour to do that and the bay bridge. so when you get to the bay bridge, you add another 20 that or so, and the trip from the crockett and vallejo area area into san francisco is taking an hour plus. the door pool lanes are the best lanes, of course. looking at the rest of the east bay, highway 4 is slow through pittsburg and 680 slow walnut creek and down into alamo. marin county southbound 101 slows from roland to central san rafael. getting into marin from the east bay is one of the busiest commutes around the entire region approaching the rich manned san rafael bridge. and then the east bay commute on the sunol grade is still slow. also slow on the nimitz freeway from san leandro to free month. most of that traffic is below the speed limit. busy san francisco street is shut down this morning and it may be shut down for a while. >> crews are repairing a sinkhole that opened up last night. ktvu fox 2's alex savidge is there with why the road collapsed in the first place. alex. >> reporter: good morning you to guys. this was an old sewer line. 140 years old. it ruptured underground last night and then triggered this giant sinkhole. here is the scene behind us. it's in the middle of mission street. that is shut down this morning here in downtown san francisco. a very busy area. crews are getting a look at things and the repair work just now getting underway. so we are told this area potentially could be shut down for the next few days while this sinkhole is repaired. it's about 12 feet by 5 feet wide and it's a section of pavement that gave way at about 5:30 last night. the ground gave way underneath an suv that happened to be stopped at a red light. the suv, which was with a car service works carrying a family of five along with the driver and some firefighters moved in here and they decided to tie the suv to some nearby parking meters just so they could get everybody out safely, which they eventually did. crews with the san francisco public utilities commission say the repair work in this case could be complicated. >> they are looking for a stable section of the sewer man that they can attach the new pipeline to. they may have to dig further down the street to find that stable section. depending how much digging, the availability of equipment, that determines the timeframe for the repair duration. >> reporter: and the public utility commission says that crews are constantly doing inspections on older sewer lines like this one through the city to prevent these kinds of breaks, and every year they say they replace up to 15 miles of aging sewer lines through the city because of issues like this. now, in this particular case, because of this sinkhole, there was some raw sewage that was seep nothing the hole. but people living and working nearby we are told that they all still have sewer and water service still this morning. obviously, this will be a traffic trouble spot. you could say for commuter here during the morning hours and evening hours, traffic here -- come back over here. i will show you traffic here coming down mission towards new montgomery you can see everyone's having to make that right-hand turn right there. it's obviously quite busy here. there is an issue if you are riding muni. the 14 bus is rerouted to market street as well. again mission shut down between 2nd and new montgomery. it could potentially be closed for the next couple of days. >> all right. thank you. still in the city here the san francisco d.a. says criminal charges will be filed against two alameda county deputies for a beating caught on video. it showed the two deputies beating car theft suspect stanislaw petrov in a san francisco alley after a long car chase. the d.a. says deputies paul wieber and luis santamaria beat petrov at least 40 times in 30 seconds. the felony charges are assault under the color of authority and assault with a deadly weapon and battery. a third deputy is being investigated for reportedly stealing jewelry, money and drugs from petrov and giving it to a homeless couple as hush money. the city of san jose voted to end that long legal battle over measure b. the controversial pension initiative. the city council voted 10-1 to approval the final repeal of that measure. san jose voters passed measure b in 2012. it was aimed at slowing down the pension costs for union employees. measure b was also blamed for many san jose police and firefighters for moving to other cities that offered better benefits. time is 8:06. tonight the warriors have a chance to close out the playoff series with the portland trail blazers and move on to the western conference finals and they will do it with their two- time mvp back in the starting line-up. it became official yesterday. steph curry was voted most valuable player for the second straight season. give him a hand. this time it was unanimous. he received all 131 first-place votes. that has never happened before. this season steph curry averaged more than 30 points a game, broke his own record for three-pointers, and of course helped the warriors win a record 73 regular season games. >> i want to be remembered as somebody that worked hard, that got the most out of my potential and talent and pushed the envelope. i never really, like i said, i never really expected to change the game into, you know, spark a new way to play the game because that's the way that i know how to play. >> steph curry is the 11th player in nba history to win back-to-back mvp awards. draymond green came in seventh in the voting. steph curry's mvp award came with a brand new suv, and curry donated that new kia sorento to the covenant house. a oakland non-profit that helps homeless young people offering them shelters as well as other services. they will use the suv to take the young people to medical appointments as well as job interviews. >> i was shocked. i was surprised. i think it's awesome that he is doing something for this organization. >> the warriors have done a great job of reaching out to the covenant house all year long. this is kind of like the cherry on top for what basketball can bring, you know, to the community. >> the non-profit's partnership with the warriors started last year. they say the warriors and the kia were instrumental in getting their shelter renovated and furnished. let's talk about shoes now. what color will he be wearing? because it's the -- if the shoes are white, statistically there is a great are likelihood that the warriors will win. steph mostly wears white, blue, gold, or black under armour shoes. the warriors are undefeated in white shoes. 18-1 with the blue, 13-3 with the gold ones, and 9-4 when he wears the black shoes. his award yesterday came with a brand new suv. did the right thing and donated it to the covenant house. good for you, steph curry. doing good things on and off the court. >> i know those young people at covenant house will appreciate that. the hunger state at san francisco state, the planned meeting at this hour between the president and the hunger strikers. up next in a race for the white house what speaker of the house paul ryan has to say. traffic is going to be busy on 24 to the tunnel. fog for some. sunny and warm for others. a lot of low clouds coast and bay. we will take a look at the temps. pretty big spread on these. (music plays from one way or another )♪♪ ♪ i'm gonna find y♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna win ya ♪ i'm gonna getcha ♪ ♪ getcha getcha getcha ♪ one way or another ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see ya ♪ (inhales cigarette) whe gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so you know what he gives? i'll give you everything i've got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i'm confident this 10% can boost your market share. feel me lois? i'm feeling you. boom! look at that pie chart. the ready for you alert, only at democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders made a surprise visit to oakland yesterday thrilling supporters at his newly opened campaign office. >> thank you. thank you. thank you very much. thank you. >> sanders made a campaign stop on college avenue. as word spread, more and more supporters showed up. we asked senator sanders about what many see as an unlikely scenario, but one his supporters would like to see. how he thinks he would do if he were to face donald trump in november. >> reporter: how do you think you would do against trump? >> every poll that i am seeing has us beating him badly and doing better against him. >> the trip was a last-minute one. >> drove down here. parked in a street-cleaning spot. i'm probably gonna get a ticket. it was worth it. >> a last-minute trip. people heard about it as it was happening and he sped down. the campaign office itself got word late monday night that sanders might come. sanders says he would be back to california many, many times as he now enters our primary june 7. bernie sanders won the west virginia primary yesterday easily beating hillary clinton whose position on environmental issues aren't popular in that coal mining state. >> well, hillary clinton is looking ahead to next tuesday's primary in oregon and kentucky. she told a crowd in louisville the stakes this election year are very high. >> you could not imagine a more different vision for our country than the one between our side of democrats for progress, for prosperity, for fairness and opportunity than the presumptive nominee on the republican side and -- >> [booing]. >> a big turnout next week she calls for in kentucky so she can go on to the general election and pooing possibly win in november. she is courting the women's vote focusing on family issues. on the republican side donald trump easily won the west virginia primary. 76% of the vote. ted cruz and john kasich, they were still on the ballot even though they dropped out of the race. both received less than 10% of the vote. donald trump also won the nebraska republican primary. his victory margin was smaller there, but it was another clear victory. time is 8:14. new this morning house speaker paul ryan talked to reporters about the need for unity in the republican party ahead of his meeting tomorrow with donald trump. >> we need a real unification of our party, which, you know, look after a tough primary, that's going to take some effort. we are committed to putting that effort in. i want to be a part of that unifying process. >> last week paul ryan said he wasn't yet ready to endorse donald trump so a meeting was set up between trump and ryan to see if they can work out their differences. ryan said he looks forward to getting to know trump, saying he doesn't really know him. they only met once before about four years ago. an amendment will be on the november ballot in san francisco. one that will lower the voting age to 16 for municipal elections. yesterday city supervisors voted to put it on the ballot. san francisco will be the first major u.s. city to allow them to vote in city elections. all right. time is 8:15. let's go back to sal. see if everybody is behaving in the commute. >> it looks okay. we don't have a lot of accidents here. we do have slow traffic to show you. but fortunately the accidents have not been coming in like they were a little earlier in the morning. but some of these commutes have been ruined. this is a look at highway 24. it's still slow on the way to the tunnel. it's not too bad. it's looking okay. 680 is also a little bit slow nearby still. also looking at the bay bridge. now, you do see some improvement here at the bay bridge toll plaza. you notice it's not quite backed up to the maze yet some if you have the luxury of waiting around you might catch yourself a good commute unless, of course, something happens. that's the risk you take. 280 in san jose is going to be slow. so is 101 and 85 in the south bay. this is 880 southbound. you can see some slow traffic. very slow still in the fremont. san mateo and dumbarton bridges are slow. what else is new? sometimes when i talk about these slowdowns people say yeah, yeah, because they are routine. 8:17. let's go to steve. >> thank you, sal. all right. good morning, everybody. we have a lot of low clouds in place. inland temps will warm up into the 80s mainly east bay or well north up into lake county. mendocino county as well. fog or sun. fog closer to the coast, could be tough to get a break. some of that sun to get through there. breezy at times. afternoon that breeze picks up. not much change tomorrow. cooler inland temps on friday into saturday as we get a bigger fog bank and i think a little drizzle. partly cloudy for day baseball. blue jays-giants. 59 degrees. a westerly breeze if you get -- there is usually clearing around at&t. 63/52 forecast high/low. 64/51 is where you should be. 89? 1985. 46 1847 on the record high, low. overcast for oakland. 53 degrees. 68 though, i mean, by about noon it burns off and then it will be sunny to mostly sunny later on. coast and bay too much fog to get that warm. san jose starting off a little better though. 77/54. pretty close. again have to go back to the 1800s when it was a sleepy little agriculture town. 41 there. growing apricots [ applause ] >> san jose. high clouds to the north. a few. a lot of low clouds in place, and the low clouds say, you know what? i like it by the coast. 40s, 50s, 160 at brentwood. low 60s san mateo. atherton. menlo park sleeping in. that's okay. that's all right. stanford is up. 56 woodside at 54. las altos hills says hey we are up. 57 in ukiah. down in monterey 52. low cloud deck gives way to sunshine. a little veil of high -- just little right there, right there that is moving across the north. that's our cool-down for friday and, in fact, it's going to give a little rain up north. eureka gets a quarter of an inch. this will be friday, saturday. this will be drizzle heading into friday and seat as well. next week and the next week looks like a low is dropping in. maybe some rain back in around the 20th, 21st. warm inland. cool coast. low clouds. big difference in the temps. upper 50s, 60s by the coast. 60s, 70s, low-to-mid 80s and even vacaville 87. vacaville technically, dave, should be sacramento's responsibility. not mine. >> yeah [ laughter ] >> 82 pittsburg. 84 brentwood. 66 alameda to berkeley. 67 and 70s for some. 80s for others. upper 70s san jose, morgan hill and gilroy. a soft one. 59 half moon bay. 76 redwood city and menlo park at 76. warmest day is thursday inland. no change coast. cooler inland friday into saturday. time is 8:20. days after governor brown says he wants some water restrictions to be permanent, a water agency declares the drought emergency is over. when east bay mud customers will see changes. and next in your money business the serious business behind these new emojis. welcome back. one local city is talking about higher taxes to pay for important services, and amazon is going after youtube. >> and there is a long list of stocks to watch, including disney and the news is not so good. pam cook back into the studio for this morning's business. >> macy's stock is down after cutting its outlook. staples' stock is off on the busted deal to buy office depot. but disney is having the biggest impact on wall street. disney is part of the dow jones index. that stock down nearly $5 a share right now. and checking in on the dow, it's down about a half of a percent. almost 100 points to 17,831. the nasdaq and the s&p 500 are following suit. they are both down as well today. now, disney posted a rare [ inaudible ] for the most recent quarter. that is despite its movie success, including "star wars." theme park attendants is weaker than expected. product service is down and the cable business struggles. macy's down 12% this morning. they slashed their full-year profit and sales forecast as it continues to have difficulty luring shoppers back into the stores. macy's had been a stand out among retailers following the recession when metro closing retailers stayed in a slump. department stores are continuing to face increasing competition from online shopping and discount stores. staples stock, as i mentioned, lower today trading at $8.50 a share. that's after a judge blocked the merger with office depot. staples wills have to payoffs depot a quarter billion dollars breakup fee. in another. voters in berkeley will be asked to approve that calls for $28 million in property tax revenue to reduce student to teacher ratios at berkeley public schools. that measure would renew one from 2006 that is set to expire. the goal is to reduce class sizes from kindergarten through fifth grade. city leaders are considering raising the sales tax. it would create an additional $3 million in tax revenue. inside bay area reports that recent survey showed voters would pay for it. it would go towards police services and maintaining downtown lafayette. the paper reports that the city council is considering adding it to the november ballot. amazon is going after silicone valley's youtube. the company announced the launch of amazon video direct. much like youtube, its a self- service program that lets content creators post their own videos for streaming t will allow amazon customers to sell them, rent them, or be streamed with ads. the online retailer will pay the con effect creators 50% of revenues earned from those videos. not all emojis are created equal. and google says it wants to do something about that. the mountain view-based company is proposing to create a new set of emojis that represents a wide range of professions for women and membership. google made the proposal to unicode consortium devoted to software standards. they want to highlight the diversity of women's careers. it includes a graduate, a farmer, a rock star, and a software engineer. and new england patriots quarterback tom brady is apparently a success on more than just the football field. brady, who grew up in san mateo, is now a huge hit as an author of a cookbook. the tv 12 nutrition manual has 89 recipes. it's described as another step towards your peak performance. it's not all salads and mountain courses. recipes include an avocado ice cream and a carrot cake and a $200 price tag did not deter cooks. it's sold out. there could be more copies available next month. all that. and he cooks, too. >> right. >> i don't know if he does his own cooking. >> for $200, it better make me dinner. >> right. >> i agree. yeah. that's a lot. >> pam, thank you. 8:27. we are keeping an eye on a hunger strike that's happening at san francisco state university. right now there is a meeting underway between the school's president and the hunger strikers. we have an update in minutes coming up. we are live in san jose at the scene of an officer- involved shooting. we just got word that they were responding to a man who was attacking his mother with an ax. we will have the latest. time is 8:30. we will start by updating on on breaking news in san jose. >> police shot man who reportedly had an ax. ktvu fox 2's janine de la vega, you're right there. what else can you tell us about this? >> reporter: well, right now jarvis and lancing is closed right now to traffic because you can see there is a heavy police presence here. a lieutenant just came up to us and spoke with us and did confirm that two officers shot at a 26-year-old man. he is now in the hospital. the reason why they shot at him is because he was attacking his mother with an ax. i'm told the ax is still there in the street, that the mother, she was moving around on the ground but she is badly injured. she is at valley medical center. her son, the suspect, is also there and we don't know their conditions or how serious the injuries are. this is close to almaden elementary school. the school is not on lockdown. right now they have just closed lancing near jarvis to traffic because of their investigation. we're told that this unfolded just outside here on the street. it wasn't inside a house. and it was first reported as a traffic collision. so officers were very surprised when they pulled up and, you know, came upon this suspect attacking his mother with an ax. that's all we know right now. we are supposed to get some more information from another lieutenant. as soon as we get more details, we will share it with you. a tragic situation here. >> it is very troubling. janine, is there any indication that the situation between the mother and son was known to them at all, or is in the first time they are having contact with these two? >> reporter: we don't know that yet. you know, we just got on scene here about five minutes ago, and so i'm sure they are looking up to see if there is any sort of history with this address. but we don't know sort of the family situation, if they have had any domestic violence here at the house before. we will definitely ask that. >> janine, i know you just got there. have you heard anything about the condition of the mother? have ambulances left that area? have you heard anything about that? >> reporter: we're waiting for an update. but the lieutenant said, he did see her moving on the ground. we asked, you know, what did the ax look like? they said it was a big ax. so if you can imagine being attacked with an ax, you know, it sounds like it's pretty serious injuries. we just don't know. we will make sure to have an update when we come back to you at nine. >> yeah, we will bring you back for "the 9". we will help you get out the door by checking weather and traffic starting with steve paulson. >> a lot of fog coast and bay. inland temps in the 70s for many unless you are far enough inland where you don't get fog. then it will income the 80s. again my forecast area is very big now. partly cloudy. day baseball blue jays and giants. 59 degrees. too much fog. you know, there is always parts of the city that get the sun. but it looks like -- and around at&t. but there is a lot of low clouds in place. it was slow to clear yesterday. may get a repeat performance today. fog filled in north compared to yesterday. 50s for some. upper 40s, probably low 50s closer to the coast. and then you are starting to push upper 50s to 60 already. south bay temps from santa clara to campbell and cupertino 50s. up in the cruz mountains 51. a few high clouds to the north. especially a little thin veil up there. low clouds, sunny for most. but warm inland. cool coast. anywhere from upper 50s to 60s depending on your proximity to the water's edge. do you have anything on your screens there, sal? yes, we do have some slow traffic, steve. we don't have a lot of collisions, but we have slowing. let's take a look at the toll plaza delay because we have seen some improvement here in the last half hour or so. oh my goodness, there is our huge spider there on the lens. people maybe haven't been watching for a long time don't realize, this spider has been there for a while. boris the spider we call it. northbound 880 some slow traffic up past the coliseum from san leandro, which has become typical. there are no major problems reported here. i do want to mention that traffic is going to be slow still on 880 head be south as you drive out to the nimitz freeway. no major problems there. when you get across the bay, there has been slow traffic on 92. also an accident on highway 92 westbound into half moon bay that they were clearing. on the peninsula we also have slow traffic. 8:35. back to the desk. >> sal, thank you. a santa clara correctional officer is accused of child molestation. 33-year-old andrew felix diaz is being held without bail at the santa rita jail in alameda county. he is accused of sexually abusing a 9-year-old girl in east san jose back in 2012. at the time he was dating the child's mother and was living with both of them. the allegations were reported on monday to san jose police. now, one source tells ktvu diaz has more than seven years experience as a correctional officer. right now he is on unpaid administrative leave at san jose's main jail. >> it doesn't matter what position you're in. if something is going to happen, something's gonna happen, unfortunately. yeah. i mean, you'd like to think they are one of the good guys. >> sheriff lori smith issued a statement saying, the sheriff's office has high expectations of every correctional deputy's conduct, both on and off duty. the allegations are deeply disturbing. well, the pittsburg police union is denying claims by a former officer that the department manipulated crime stats. in an open later the police union called the allegations outrageous. according to the east bay times, a former lieutenant claims the police department misclassified crimes for years to make it look like the city has a lower crime rate. the police union says it wholeheartedly supports pa full, open, and transparent investigation. one city council member now wants to talk about these allegations next monday during the next city council meeting. well, san francisco mayor ed lee has promised $17.5 million to reform the police department and also reduce officer-involved shootings. $11million would go for violence prevention programs over the next two years. there is also funding in there for 100 tasers that first have to be approved by the police commission. some other new equipment would include defensive shields and 35 net guns. they are guns that throw a net around a suspect to subdue them. the mayor says he is hoping to reduce the number of officer- involved shootings in the city by 80%. >> at the heart of it, too, part tv is to ensure that we have got the resources to implement this in a serious way than we have appropriate oversight in making sure it's transparent, that it's an honest approach. >> it's kind of disheartening, you know, that he's reactive and he thinks that that's gonna placate us. the only thing that's gonna make us happy is if he actually listens to the community. we don't want tasers. we want the police of chief to go. >> the protesters have been pushing for the mayor to fire police chief greg suhr over the deadly police shootings. the mayor says he supports the police chief and his proposed reforms. a social media site next says it's changing policies to prevent racial profiling among neighbors. the san francisco-based company acted as an online neighborhood bulletin board of sorts. but according to the "san francisco chronicle," a group called neighbors for racial justice complained that many people on the site were posting suspicions about strangers who were usually people of color. the paper says next door has changed the site, for example, to require users to describe criminal behavior they have witnessed. not just someone of color walking through a neighborhood. two men walked away from a plane crash in the sierra foothills yesterday afternoon. these photos show what happened from the sheriff's facebook page. you see the wreckage here of the engine. it was completely torn off the front of the plane. a witness told the modesto bee the plane had taken off from pine mountain lake airport and crashed into a tree and power lines at the end of the runway. both the pilot and the passenger refused medical treatment. the modesto bee reports the pilot had just bought the plane earlier that same day and was planning to fly it home to mississippi. time is 8:39. the five candidates for the u.s. seat vacated by barbara boxer held a debate last night. cam lahairis and loretta sanchez, tom bacaro, rob unz. topics ranged from criminal justice reform, immigration reform, the syrian refugee crisis, creating jobs, and gun control. >> my record is strong on protecting americans with respect to gun violence. >> i just don't see the gun issue as being substantive in terms of crime, in terms of murder rates in the united states. >> well, i don't agree that it's just a distraction. >> the fact is that the department of justice under my leadership has taken 10,000 guns out of the hands of people who are legally prohibited from having them. >> under california rules, the two top two vote getters in the june primary will advance to a head-to-head matchup in the november election. the mayor of las vegas is publicly saying she is confident the raiders are heading to las vegas. mayor carolyn goodman says the raiders will move to las vegas, goat, if nevada handles this properly. as we reported, raiders owner mark davis met last month with nevada tourism officials promising a half billion dollars to building a new dome stadium there. the mayor says las vegas is not getting played by the raiders to get a new stadium deal from oakland. the nfl would have to approve the plans. 8:41. a popular restaurant right outside at&t park secs panning. -- expanding. mo mo's is the favorite hangout for giants fans. they will move into the space that previously was occupied by mccovey's. they are looking to open up again in a new spot near at&t park. you might not recognize that familiar can of budweiser beer soon because budweiser announced it's temporarily changing the name on the label to america. there is the old can on left. the new one on the right. this will start may 23rd. it goes to the presidential election on all 12-ounce cans and bottles. anheuser-busch wants to celebrate america, and budweiser's shared values of freedom and authenticity. the company says it's all- american, even though it is owned by a multinational corporation that is headquartered in belgium. so time now is 8:42. we would like to check the instagram page and share a picture on the internet. it's a superhero program picture times five. these are high schoolers out of arkansas, and this picture took planning, coordination. i'm guessing moms did a little bit of sewing magic with the tuxes. >> it's been shared more than 300,000 times on facebook alone, and it's been picked up by media as far away as china. people love it. you will see how the teenagers came up with the idea by visiting the ktvu instagram page. that's ktvu 2. >> i love it. i love it. >> look at that. >> the poses are perfect. now to the question at 8:42, did prince have a son? in minutes the prison inmate claiming he is an heir to the music legend's fortune. an east bay water agency ends the emergency drought measures. what it's gonna mean for your water use this summer. mer. good morning. we are looking at a commute where traffic is going to be busy this morning as you drive to the bay bridge toll plaza. we are going to tell you a little bit more about this commute and some of the other east bay drives. pretty good fog bank out there. in fact, unless you are well inland, you are dealing with low clouds. it could be slow to burn off. an update on your temps coming right up. on his legendary quest, jack created a breakfast worth waking up for. the triple cheese and hash brown breakfast burrito. with provolone, cheddar, pepperjack, and a crispy hash brown. then he announced it to the world in the most legendary way. ah-hem. ♪triple cheeeeeese! the triple cheese and hash brown breakfast burrito. hurry in before it's gone. hey i think the internet just went down. huh, why don't you give it a sec, it'll come back. something just happened in the world and we have no idea what it was. get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability for just $30 a month. keep calm, your internet's on. welcome back. 8:46. four college students on a hunger strike are meeting with the president of san francisco state. i want to take you to some video we have from the past half hour at the administration building where that is taking place. you see some embracing here. the students stopped eating solid food ten days ago. they are protesting planned cuts to the budget of the ethnics study department. they have a list of demands that include doubling the budget to $8 million. the president of san francisco state said he was willing to listen to their demands if they start eating again. san francisco state is the first school in the nation to have an ethnic studies department. >> i feel like i could go for another two weeks. i'm amazing, yeah. yeah. the more people that come out every day, the less hungry i feel. >> the support should come from around the campus because everyone should take at least one ethnic studydy class. >> once again, the university president said he is willing to talk about what the students are demanding if they end their hunger strike. and again they have ten demands, which includes doubling the budget of the ethnic studies department. we will keep an eye on everything and let you know what we find out. time is 8:47. east bay mud now relaxing its drought requirements for customers now that reservoirs are filling up and customers are saving water. the water agency says its drought emergency is over and on july 1st it will end a monthly 25% surcharge that amounted to about eight bucks a months for the average home. the agency says restrictions on water use wills be lifted in july. east bay mud officials say they don't expect customers will suddenly start wasting water. >> east bay mud is very confident that our customers can continue to save water without the need for these drought restrictions that are in place for this emergency. >> now, water agency officials say many conservation habits, they are now a part of our daily life. and if customers installed things like water-saving devices or drought-resistant landscaping, they will probably keep on conserving water. doctors say a lot of people who have asthma don't even know if because they don't recognize symptoms. more than 17 million american adults have asthma. it is one of the most chronic common respiratory illnesses. most people know that wheezing and shortness of breath are symptoms, but having problems sleeping is also a warning sign of adult onset asthma. >> it's probably more than half the time that they don't have the traditional symptoms ar all of the symptoms. so it's not as straightforward. and so i think the diversity of asthma and how it shows up and how it feels to the patient so much greater in the adulthood than childhood. >> chest pain and a persistent cough, they are also symptoms of asthma and a signal you may want to go see your doctor about it. time is 8:49. we want to see sal about our morning commute. how's it looking? >> it looks all right. we have some slow traffic still out there, but it is going to be slow in some of the other areas. it's kind of persistent slow, especially on the peninsula that i found out about recently. seems not to be getting better. the bay bridge got better for a bit, but now it's slow again. there are no major problems on the bridge itself. and if you are driving on the san mateo bridge, that has been very slow over to the peninsula. let's talk about the peninsula quickly. on the maps here 101 in san mateo is slow as you get there north and southbound. 92 at el camino real an accident there. 101 continues to be slow all the way into the valley to mountain view, sunnyvale and cupertino. so is northbound 101 coming from san jose. 8:50. let's go to steve. thank you. a really solid fog bank up and down the coast. yesterday at least north of bodega bay a lot of breaks, patchy fog. that's not the case today. it's making a surge over the bay. that burns off pretty quick there. the warmest temps will be inland and off to the east. jim p. is at the san rafael yacht harbor. steve, it feels like june gloom is in a rush to start. any time line to clear north marin? >> i would say 10:00 a.m. to noon. usually it peels back by 10:00. here is what he is talking about. up and down she goes. i can't find too many breaks. there is always a few little banana belts over there. partly to mostly cloudy for day baseball, blue jays and the giants. not very warm. a westerly breeze. low cloud deck is stacked up. a few 40s especially north bay this morning. san rafael, novato, stuck at 50. there is going to be upper 50s to some to mid and even upper 80s far await. napa airport a couple hours of drizzle this morning. some as mount davidson as well in the city. 53 mill valley. 53 petaluma. 36 truckee. 57 arcata and ukiah and 52 monterey. a lot of low clouds there. fog bank. i will get out of the way so you can see it. a few high clouds filtering across northern sonoma county into lake effect county, mendocino county. this little low will get here but probably not until late friday, saturday. it's also going to be spinning in drizzle. i think we will get some measurable drizzle from santa rosa, san francisco, sfo, coast to san jose. that would be probably early saturday morning. low clouds. sunny for most. takes a while for some. you're like, what sun? eventually it shows up. a breezy afternoon. that's an onshore breeze. so 50s, 60s, 80s ukiah, vacaville 87, low 80s upper 70s for some east bay but then 60s closer to oakland, alameda and berkeley. just not as warm towards the santa clara valley. upper 60s for some today. warmest day will be tomorrow and then cooling starts on friday. kicks in on saturday. should be breezy, cool as well, but okay on sunday. >> are you having fun doing this forecast? it's tricky going back and forth. >> next week, i think we are getting rain around the 20th, 21st. >> a soaking rain? >> hard to say. another low is dropping in. i think the rest of the month after tomorrow is going to be below normal. >> all right. thank you. >> any time. 8:53. we want to give you a live look outside. go with us, okay? we are looking live from our walnut creek cam. we're in contra costa county. hear that music in the background? listen to it for just a second. we are gonna tell you what the director of that 1980s movie "beetlejuice," which is one of my favorites, is saying about a sequel. welcome back to "mornings on 2". turning to the investigation from the death of prince, authorities searched his home in minnesota yesterday for the second time. news helicopters flew over the paisley park compound near minneapolis several marked and unmarked vehicles pulled in there. they are looking for medical records and prescription drugs. they say a doctor in minnesota treated prince on april 7th and april 20th. date before he died. investigators want to know if prince died from a drug overdose and if someone should be prosecuted. in the meantime, a colorado prison inmate says he is the son of prince and the heir to his fortune. calvin williams filed a paternity claim. he is asking for a dna test. his mother says she had a sexual encounter with prince in 1976 at a kansas city hotel. prince died without a will. there is a battle over his $300 million estate. his sister filed papers saying that she and the five half- siblings of hers are his only known heirs. the rock pledges to honor robin williams and the jew maughangy remaking wayne the rock johnson, who will produce and star in that movie says the reboot will day tribute to robin williams. he will forever be immortalized in the world of "jumanji." back in august, winnowed a rider dropped a hist there was a casting for a beating "beetlejuice" 2. nothing official is in the works. he says "beetlejuice" is not a movie that cries out for a sequel. we are following breaking news in san jose. our reporter is there of an officer-involved shooting. we are loos looking at steph curry. he has done something no other nba player has done. we will talk about all of that coming up on ktvu "mornings on 2: the 9". we are. we are following breaking news out of san jose. police say they shot a man attacking a woman. and from stay-at-home mom to pilot and flight instructor, we are talking to a san francisco woman about how losing her day planner changed her life. turns out you haven't seen the last of fish mooney. the woman who brings her to life, jada pinkett smith. madonna to start your wednesday. cool and cloudy. warm in some parts. welcome to "the 9". gasia mikaelian, mike mibach, sal castaneda. a lot of news to start with. we will continue with

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