Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20150915 : co

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20150915

threatened. we still just got an update from calfire. the valley fire is now 15% contained. we also know they added 500 firefighters to the firefight overnight. we do have continued team coverage for you. we'll bring you the latest as well as the recovery efforts in just minutes here. it is a tuesday morning, september 15th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. we know it's cooler up there and the weather is a big factor. it's much cooler. 40s and 50s. they will get rain tomorrow. mendocino county, lake county. down here could be iffy. but up there it looks like it. we do have low clouds. a lot of reports of drizzle. measurable amounts. .03, san francisco. 14/100ths in sausalito, even in the santa cruz mountains. some cloud cover and cooler, cooler, upper 40s, 50. 87, 90 to 100%. i've seen 47s, 49s. we will get a little more sun today. it's pouring in l.a. they've had 1.25 around the l.a. area. there are flood watches and warnings. incredible rain down there. 50s and 60s for us on the temps. there is a westerly breeze in place. there goes the one system. crazy wind up at bridgeport. 7100 feet. thank you for that, kelly. light rain in the central sierra. it will make it to the north. i will see if it makes it down there. let me deal with it tomorrow. 60s and 70s, staying cool and breezy. here is stall with an up-- sal with an update on the traffic. good morning. we'll start in the east bay and look at the eastshore freeway. remember, the was time is 18 minutes. right now it's taking more than double that. 45 minutes to drive from the carquinez bridge to the mauz -- to the macarthur maze. you will see that traffic is going to be slow as you drive into san francisco. most of the waiting is going to come at the toll plaza once you get on the bridge. it's moderate. we have problems on vasco road. we had earlier incidents. if you take vasco road it will be slow almost all the way through. we've had some minor crashes, construction. it has not been that good. once you get to 580. a lot of people get on 580. it's not all that bad. 680 coming out of pleasanton will be slow. the 880 freeway has been ridiculous this morning. we had several crashes along the way here. look at all of these icons of crashes that happened in this area. most of them have been cleared out of the way. traffic is backing up for marina boulevard heading down to fremont. that's a long one even for a morning commute. it's extra long. 7:03. back to the desk. we're getting new numbers on what's happening with that huge fire in lake county. the valley fire. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus live where a briefing just wrapped up. crews made some progress overnight, didn't they? >> reporter: they did make some progress. we'll get into that in a second. i want to show you where we are. we were at the lake county fairgrounds. this is the command center for the valley fire that's now -- now has 23 firefighters and dozens of law enforcement agencies are involved in tackling this massive fire. what's happening here. there is a briefing going on. they are trying to figure out their plan for battling this fire. you can see -- we've seen -- this is the third firefighter that's gotten up. behind them, they have the map. the numbers have increased. 67,000 acres scorched. the fire is now 15% contained. any don't have any updates in terms of the number of homes that have burned. but unfortunately, according to the calfire public information officer here, the fire did burn overnight through residential areas and they had to focus some of their resources overnight. north of hidden valley lake and highway 29 also butts canyon road, the fire was creeping in over there. re-ignited and went back through cobb. firefighters say the weather conditions did help in some ways but overall, overnight it was a mixed bag. >> always good to have cooler weather. the temperatures come down. humidity comes up at the same time with the cloud cover. some of those winds, it creates fire behavior that we don't necessarily want to see. it's definitely a challenging area right now. >> reporter: 23,000 people in lake county have been displaced by this fire. and evacuation orders are still in effect for a lot of the lake county towns and areas nearby. last night calfire officials issued an evacuation advisory. that's just a warning for parts of napa county, including pope valley and parts of ango -- an -- anguin. the crews will be heading out later today and figuring out their plan of attack in tackling the valley fire later today. but the latest numbers, valley fire grew by a couple thousand acres to 67,000 acres. but it is 15% contained. so that at least is good news. back to you guys. >> have you had to a chance to talk to the men and women fightth -- fight ult -- fighting the fire? i can assume they are exhausted. >> reporter: i wasn't sure i heard you. i heard you say exhausted. i can only imagine you are talking about the firefighters. that's why they brought in some of the additional resources. there are firefighters around here from around the state. other parts of the country. yesterday, they had 1800 tackling the fire. they brought in another 500. there's 2300 men and women out on the front lines. >> doing such good work. thank you. 7:06. well, some of the evacuees will be allowed to go home for a short time today. alex savidge is live in middletown to tell us the specific reason a certain group of people will be allowed to go back home, alex. >> reporter: right, dave. good morning to you. the only evacuees who will be allowed pack into this area today -- back into this area are people who either have pets they need to try to find or they have livestock that they need to feed. those folks will be allowed back into the fire zone starting at 10:00 this morning. but for a lot of people, this will be the first time returning to their neighborhoods and for many people unfortunately, this is the kind of scene that they will find when they come home. streets just wiped out by this fire. a lot of people will not have much to come home to. but still, sheriff's deputies will be escorting people starting at 10:00 this morning back to their homes to check on those animals who were left behind when this fire raced in over the weekend. deputies doing the escorts over the next couple days as well. there were some people who chose not to evacuate. a handful of people who stayed put here in middletown during this fire and they told us they are overwhelmed by what they went through. >> it was run for your life. run for your life. >> homes burnt down right around us. but we -- we helped save some people's houses. >> reporter: while many evacuees are certainly ready to return, much of middletown and the surrounding communities are unlivable. pg&e is trying to restore power to more than 7200 customers. they are bringing in portable generators and trying to get the lights back on as soon as they possibly can. more than 200 workers are fanned out across the fire zone repairing broken lines, also dealing with hundreds of downed power poles that are just everywhere in these neighborhoods. a major hazard. part of the reason that these evacuees can't be get back in on a more permanent basis. only a select group of evacuees will be coming back into the fire zone today and they will only be doing so for those very, very brief visits and that gets underway at 10:00 this morning. >> all right. thank you. organized rescue groups are helping abe maps whose owners can't get to them -- animals whose owners can't get get to them. they were left behind. and volunteers are taking food and water to where pets and live stock might be hiding. the rescues are scared and hungry. they can't count on the animals being happy to see them. but they say even when the animals growl or they try to run away, their work is gratifying. >> every place we get is one more animal that's gonna see it through another day. it's a great thing. every house we finish is like, yay, a celebration. >> some animals, they've been hurt. this one was injured jumping over a fence to get away from the fire. rescuers will be looking for injured and distressed animals again today for as long as people are forced to stay out of the fire zone. many people are looking for places where they and their animals can stay. the r-ranch, it's opened its others to people and horses. there's cabins and stable space as well as recreational vehicles can be there. and volunteers have been bringing food, water and clothing to help the victims. at, we've posted a list of ways you can help the victims. you will find it with all of our coverage on the front of our home page. 7:10. today, san jose will consider taking a big step toward raising its minimum wage again. it's one of the santa clara county cities that could raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. today, the san jose city council will vote on whether to pay a consultant to study how a pay raise would affect the region. right now, the minimum wage in san jose is $10.30 an hour. other cities that have expressed interest in coordinating a regional minimum wage are sunnyvale and campbell. the berkeley city council is set to consider a proposal to raise that wage to $19. they are recommending the increase take effect by 2020. the proposal calls for bumping up the minimum wage next year to $13 and that would be followed by additional increases over subsequent years. 7:11. still ahead, we know now know more about the woman killed in the valley fire. why authorities think there may be more victims and what people are doing to find missing loved ones. >> reporter: big named ceos, celebrities that's what you will find in san francisco where the city's largest tech conference of the year is kicking off today. we'll have a live report -- coming up. good morning. we're looking at a commute here that is just not good. san francisco is about the only bright spot where you can see traffic is moving well. but the east bay is very, very slow getting into the city. we'll tell you more. you like cooler weather, then the forecast is good. we could use some rain. we have a tun of it in southern california. what about tomorrow? maybe. we'll have more on that -- coming up. ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. 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up three of the convention halls. i just spoke to some of the attendees. they are pumped. the crowds are expected to build here at the annual tech conference that's expected to attract 160,000 people. attendees from all around the world come to learn the latest in cloud exuting and attend a variety of breakout sessions -- variety and attend a commuting and attend a variety of breakout sessions. there are numerous celebrities attending. they will be speaking on women and leadership and equality. >> goldie hawn will be here. jessica alba will be here. they have a lot of celebrities typically related to some kind of a business. that's pretty good. the concerts are gonna be great. they their three bands. that's -- they have three bands. that's thursday night. >> reporter: local restaurants and businesses are benefiting from the event which reportedly brings in $226 million in revenue. this convention runs for the next four days. a lot of activity going on here. you will see signs, detouring traffic. if you don't need to be here, avoid the area. but it's sure gonna be a lot of fun for the people attending here. they are very excited. i asked them people, hey, are you kind of bummed you didn't get on the crude ship and they just -- cruise ship and they sort of laughed. they are just excited. dave? >> all right, janine de la vega in san francisco. thank you. 7:16. the next republican presidential debate is tomorrow and donald trump is still the gop candidate to beat. trump campaigned yesterday in dallas where he riled up a conservative crowd while talking about illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. he also talked about incompetent washington leadership and his own rise in the polls. >> now it's time to really start because this is going to happen. i'm telling you. this -- i'm not going anywhere. >> meantime, bernie sanders drew a large crowd last night in virginia. the first democratic debate between sanders and hillary clinton is set for october 13th in las vegas. another billionaire reality show star says he could crush donald trump or hillary clinton if he ran for president. mark cuban told cnbc he gets asked every day with that -- about that possibility. he said he would focus on economic issues if he got into the race but he didn't say whether or not he would make a run for the white house. today, the founder of amazon is expected to announce plans to launching a space tourism business while he visits cape canaveral. reportedly, he and his company called blue origin will build and launch its rockets from the air force station in florida. now, blue origin successfully launched an unmanned test flight of the new shepherd vehicle earlier this year. it circled the earth but it did not go into space. the ceo is raising with richard branson to develop commercial spaceflights for customers. sal has been watching traffic for us. 880 is a mess. >> there's slow traffic everywhere. a lot of people have commented to me how this new season, which is notfullily autumn yet. -- officially autumn yet, but it will be soon. it's made things slow. let's take a look. we have northbound 280 that listen super slow getting up from downtown into the valley. that means 101, 85 are slow as well. we're looking at 880. 880 is backed up out of san leandro into fremont now. we had a rash of accidents earlier this morning between 238 and 92. some of them have cleared out. but traffic is slow. it's also slow getting over on the san mateo bridge westbound to the peninsula where we have slow traffic as well. and you can see 680 coming out of the pleasanton area is backed up. but the bay bridge that's really backed up for the 40, 45- minute delay. that's big coming into san francisco if you are paying cash. 7:19. let's go to steve. steve? >> yes, sir. >> it's raining pretty hard in southern california. >> boy, is it ever. we take you to marina del ray. it is pouring down in southern california. for l.a. for the month .24. they've had 1.06 this morning. just this morning. >> wow. >> couple of sc -- usc, almost 1.50. culver city, 1.25. santa monica, 1.18. there are flash flood watches out. i mean, it's coming down. i will show it to you right there. they are almost on the back side. look at mission viejo. that's impressive. from l.a., long beach, mission viejo, riverside, really pouring. about .50 to 1.50. some of the rainfall totals have been off the chart. we do have a lot of drizzle here. there's some breaks in the low clouds. we'll get some partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. we'll increase the clouds. the big news up in lake county, it's colder this morning. there are upper 40s and low 50s. i just heard from jim up in cobb. thank you for checking in. he has -- he has 51 degrees. 50 in hawkeye. knoxville creek, 53. there are 47s to 49s. so the humidity is up. the cold temperatures, that will help and they will get rain tomorrow. mendocino county, lake county. measurable amounts. 50s, 60s on the temps. most locations are oning 1, 2 degrees -- are running 1, 2 degrees colder than 24 hours ago. west-southwest oakland, west napa, 20 at fairfield, west from sfo to hayward to livermore and a northwest at san jose. 52 in truckee, although very windy up in the central sierra. crazy windy according to kelliant .05 on the precip. but fresno, yesterday's high tell was 82 -- temperature was 82. they have rain in the area. that's the front going in. we're waiting on that guy. it will be in tonight and tomorrow. more likely tomorrow. we'll put in the future cast, clouds will be on the increase here. the low clouds aren't going anywhere. they will be back. we'll cloud it up by late tonight, tomorrow. tomorrow morning we'll have drizzle. there is the line. maybe about 9:00 a.m. mendocino county, ukiah north. here comes the line by noon. that look like 2:00. lake county, mendocino county. by 4:00, could come in for the north bay for commute. after that, it falls apart. but it stays in the north bay. there will be some drizzle on the coast. it looks like a little development takes off right off the santa cruz mountains. that will be for wednesday. so i think .25 to .50 points north tomorrow. low clouds or sun. windy at times. 60s and 70s on the temps. these are very, very cool. but a combination of some sun. clouds on the increase. it will give us a cool day. rain in the afternoon evening for the north. don't think there will be too much left by the time it gets here. we clear it out on thursday but the weekend looks better. >> all right. big changes. >> big changes. >> thank you. 7:22. it's supposed to protect children but it may be doing just the opposite. up next, troubling new revolutions about the dangers of those hand sanitizers. are more likely to have a to frsuccessful future.e born talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside... it's stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. whoa whoa...slow down...what? i said steak. in a breakfast burrito? i can't keep up. this is advanced burrito, right? this is intro to burrito. boom. jack's new steak & egg breakfast burrito's got tender, juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. lookin' for a basic buito? this ain't it. it's a thrilling sight for whale watchers. but it was a very close call for two kayakers in the monterey bay. watch. >> i got him. i got him on video. >> did get him on video. a whale watcher captured this video on saturday. we're looping it for you so you can see it again and again. it shows a humpback whale jumping out of water and knocking over two kayakers trying to get close to the animal. they weren't hurt. they made it safely back to shore. scientists say whales can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and can be unpredictable. a local tv station reports that the kayak company has canceled the whale watching tours for the foreseeable future. >> you know why. wow. santa clara county may decide to give more help to the homeless. the board of supervisors will vote on increasing the number of year-round emergency shelter beds. there are 130 beds available now. if approved, that would go up to more than 700. supervisors want to provide more places for the homeless to sleep, especially if we get a wet winter. there are about 6500 homeless people in santa clara county. more and more children are getting drunk on hand sanitizers. in fact, since 2010 there's been a 400% increase in calls to poison control centers about children under the age of 12 drinking hand sanitizer. this year alone, there have been 152 cases. officials compare it to vodka saying it's about 95% alcohol. children can get drunk on less than a tablespoon of sanitizer. some link the increase to the packages. others say many have designs and fragrances to make them more appealing to children. cars washed away from fast- moving floodwaters in utah. evacuees from the valley fire will be allowed back into their homes today but just for 15 minutes up next, the certain group of people who will be escorted back. good morning. as we take a look at the bridge commute, and see the san mateo bridge traffic is going to be busy all the way across to the peninsula. we'll tell you more about this area of the bay when we come back. the mix of low clouds and sun, temperatures are cool, though. 50s on the temps. we're waiting for another round of rain to come in tomorrow. we'll have more on that -- coming up. welcome back to "mornings on 2." 7:30 on this tuesday morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. steve paulson is having fun. >> well, there is a lot of things going on. there will be more so tomorrow. i think we get rain up there tomorrow. we have to wait for that. we've had drizzle. very cool for some. heavy rain down in l.a. but for us, a lot of 40s, 50s. had some drizzle. it looks like that's lifting. partly sunny, mostly sunny. but breezy and cool. chloe up in clearlake, nice hearing from hear, currently 50, partly cloudy and light wind out of the south. humidity 86%. high today, 76. jim up in cobb, he has 51. i've seen some 40s and 50s. that's good news. some cloud cover. we will get partly sunnies, partly cloudies. 50s on the temps. mendocino county, 38. there's cool readings the -- readings. we are running cooler. it will be a breezy day with more sunshine today than yesterday. 50s in the mountains. very windy for some. central california. highs in the valley are running on the cool side. 82 yesterday at fresno. their coolest since may 24th. all right, sal. we'll have more on our upcoming rain for tomorrow in ten minutes. let's get to the traffic. >> it's pretty slow on the nimitz freeway. i'm looking at this thinking what if i had to drive this, it would be putting me in a sour mood, i think. 880 southbound backed up out of san leandro. it slows all the way down almost to milpitas. most of the slow traffic is between 238 and 84 but it continues after that, too. and part of it is because we had a lot of minor issues, a couple of different accidents that cleared. none of them were serious major injuries. but the damage has been done. you can see westbound 580 is better today. 680 is slow. out of pleasanton. so this whole east bay corridor is not doing very well. let's go to a live picture of san jose and the south bay and you can see that northbound 280 getting out of downtown is slow. 101 is solid from yerba buena to palo alto and mountain view. 85 is slow from before 87 up to saratoga. this is the new normal. all of that slow traffic. if you are at the end of the line, it could take you 40 minutes to get on the bridge. that's a long one. traffic will be slow. very slow as you drive through. i want to mention something else here. can i can -- if i can get the guys in the control room to give me the east freeways on the maps. thank you. from hercules to richmond, this commute is superslow. we don't even have a crash today to blame for this. it will be very slow as you drive down all the way out to the macarthur maze. so please give yourself plenty of extra time and by the way, marin county, southbound 101 from roland to san rafael, one last thing, vasco road today, getting toward 580 is a mess. now at 7:33. pack to the desk -- back to the desk. >> now we're getting new information on the valley fire. calfire now says 67,000 acres have burned. it is only 15% contained. >> yesterday, we had a lot of fire activity. in the cobb area and the butts canyon road area. so that was where a lot of our resources were focusing efforts. overall, we have firefighters all over the fire. we did have cooler weather. we did have wind. so that contributed a little bit to the fire behavior that we saw yesterday afternoon. >> now, 500 more firefighters have been added to the fire lines bringing that number up to more than 2300. but the destruction, just look. it's huge. one person has been killed. at least 585 homes have been destroyed. here is a look at where the fire has burned so far. the community of cobb, that is toward the top of the fire area in orange. the black and white area as to where the rocky and jerusalem fires -- that's where the rocky and jerusalem fires bushed in july and august -- burned in july and august. some people are going home to get their pets. sheriff's deputies will escort those residents from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. they will only have 15 minutes to go in and pick up and feed their pets or livestock. deputies will not escort animal owners to home inantish burn areas -- in active burn areas. brian flores is heading up to lake county now. he will have a report for us later this morning. about 1,000 evacuees are now staying in ent its or rv -- in tents or rvs at the napa county fairgrounds. they are getting meals and other supplies because of the kindness of strangers and an army of volunteers out there. a lot of the evacuate es have lost their homes -- evacuees have lost their homes and their jobs. >> i haven't been back there. i'm not sure. i don't know. >> nine and a half years. and now i don't have a house. no job. no nothing. >> on top of that, there was a problem when a sewer line backed up into one of the shelter buildings. volunteers had to work out of one kitchen to cook all of those meals. but they say expect to have the problem fixed by today. we're finding out more about the woman killed in the valley fire. neighbors say she just moved to that area recently. our pam cook back in the studio now with why firefighters had such a hard time getting to herhouse. >> not only was the neighborhood completely on fire but many people didn't listen to the warnings to evacuate and that slowed down rescuers and firefighters. now, neighbors describe it as a beautiful little house along the creek. but now it is completely gone. the body of 72-year-old barbara mcwilliams was found inside. she was a retired schoolteacher. neighbors say she just bought that house last year. she lived alone. she had multiple -- multiple sclerosis. she could not evacuate on her hone. sheriff deputies were called in to help her but they say they could not get into the neighborhood because it was engulfed in flames. >> we had law enforcement officers and firefighters going house to house as the flaming front was coming through pulling people out and getting them to safety. >> i didn't know what to expect. the stories were it was decimated. >> at least eight firefighters have lost their homes as well in the past several days. one of them calfire battalion chief paul duncan, his home burned to the ground while he was fighting the fire in cobb. another firefighter lost his home in the cobb area as he was fighting the butte fire that is still burning out in the gold country. still, thousands of homes considered threatened at this point in both the valley fire and the butte fire and some people still accounted for. so one of our big stories and why we have team coverage, we'll continue to follow it. >> that instinct i'm gonna stay with my home and protect my animals. you see that in fires and flooding and tornadoes, but any official will say get out before you get that -- >> and just like the neighbor said, they cannot imagine how fast the fire move. incredibly quickly it moved. >> thank you, pam. >> all right, pam. has a long list of ways you can help all of those directly affected by the fires. you will find it with all of our coverage on the home page of an update to the other major wildfire burning in northern california. calfire says the butte fire is now 37% contained. it's burned through more than 71,000 acres. in amador and calaveras counties. 164 homes have been destroyed. the butte fire started last wednesday. hundreds of people are camping at the jackson ranch casino. some know they've lost everything. others have not heard if their homes are still standing. >> just get through it. i don't think people are aware of what's going on. a lot of people with no homes and no place to go. >> hundred of animals have been evacuated and are being cared for at the amador county fairgrounds. we're following a story of deadly flash flooding on the border of utah and arizona. at least eight people were killed. five others missing when the cars they were riding in washed away. most of the people living in the town are members of warren jeff's poly gomous sect -- polygamous sect. three people survived. the floods followed heavy rains that followed in nearby canyons sending water just barreling through the streets. turning now to the refugee crisis in europe. the tensions is -- is mounting between countries. we're watching this live as we speak to you. new, stribility rules went into effect in hungary overnight. this is a picture of the bored inner between -- border between hungary and syria. they announced that anyone trying to get through this fence would be arrested. also today, hungarian authorities arrested at least 60 people. meantime, serbia's foreign minister says his country finds it unseanable that the refugees are being stopped at the -- unacceptable that the refugees are being stopped at the border, leaving them to deal with this. >> reporter: we're live at the cal palace in daly city. where thousands are warming up at that big shot to be the next american idol. this morning's commute mass been surp slow. highway 4 says we need attention -- super slow. highway says we need attention here. partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. cooler on the lows but it looks like for tomorrow. some rain is on the way. we'll talk about where and how much. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. misswill turn anan asphalt parking lot into a new neighborhood for san franciscans. a vote for "yes" on "d" is definitely a vote for more parks and open space. a vote on proposition "d" is a vote for jobs. campos: no one is being displaced. it's 40% affordable units near the waterfront for regular people. this is just a win-win for our city. i'm behind it 100%. voting yes on "d" is so helpful to so many families in our city. ♪funny how it all goes around ♪ >> goodness. she sounds good. we got up at 3:00 a.m. to drive from tracy to the cow palace. she's one of many american idol hopefuls at the cow palace in daly city right now. they are trying to get into the final season of american idol. >> now it's the bay area's turn. tara moriarty live in daly city. have a lot of people lined up out there for hours. >> reporter: there are a lot of people. we've met some people who have come from as far as chicago. there are a lot of people who flew in last night. they took cabs to get -- to get here. i have been listening to some people. we've got three folks right here. these guys are good. give me a couple bars. what are you gonna show the barges? ♪ at last ♪ my love has come along ♪ >> go ahead. ♪ piece by piece you collected me ♪ i stuck around when you abandoned me♪ some people want it all ♪ >> reporter: good job. all right. can i get some love from these people -- for -- for these people? [ cheers ] >> reporter: this is a clip from earlier ♪ what if i told you it was all meant to be ♪ ♪ would you believe me ♪ you say i'm crazy because you don't think i know what you've done ♪ >> reporter: okay. how cute was that guy? he was only 16 years old. you can be as young as 15 to enter this competition all the way up to 28. we've got thousands of people. i don't know if you can kind of see. it's -- there are thousands of people here. a lot of them have brought their parents or brought, you know, somebody for support. a friend or whatever and they will be going into the cow palace and they will be given these wristbands. they will get in the huge room. it's kind of intimidating. they will be singing for judges who are set up in all of these different booths who can't see each other and they will go in groups of four. they will have a shot at their dream here. we'll send it back to you guys. we'll be checking throughout the morning. we'll be here for every hour on the hour. >> tara, are you getting a sense that the people there, do they have musical training? do they sing for fun? are they in the shower singers? >> reporter: it runs the ga -- gamut. there are people who say they've been singing since they were 3. there are other people who say -- i know a little bit about singing and you are not supposed to take lessons until after you go through puberty. so most people don't start until they are 15, 16. i would say the average age of the folks is probably the early 20s. they seem to have some training. some people say they picked it up a couple of years ago. it sort of depends. >> it really says something that they are singing kelly clarkson. kelly clarkson made it huge. now people are turning to her. the circle has come right around. >> reporter: yeah, i think that the judges say something about her and how they wanted to pay homage to her and they have t- shirts with her name on it. everyone is feeling the american idol love. bittersweet. this is the last season. >> yeah. >> all right. >> we grew up with it. thank you. i don't know if later on, we can -- tara, she can sing. maybe we'll try to get her to open up later. it's time to move on over to sal. sal can do many things. i don't know if singing is part of it. you can handle our commute. >> i think i will stick to the latter. thank you. good morning. let's go out -- let's go out there. it's not good. after driving in the east bay, highway 4 coming up to the willow pass grade, we have slow traffic from pittsburg all the way into concord this morning. a lot of people have just -- the commute has become much worse as we are back to school, back to work. 680 nearby is slow and so is 24 to the caldecott. sloer than usual -- slower than usual. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, 40 minutes before you make it onto the span. slightly better for fast track users. much better. 80 is backed up for a good long time from hercules. it's a solid line of slow traffic all the way down. i do want to mention the traffic has been very slow as you get on westbound 24 on the oakland side of the world. and slow son the nimitz freeway -- on the nimitz freeway from hayward to fremont. let's go to steve. we do have some breaks in the low clouds. a lot of reports of drizzle. torrential rain in southern california. it looks like they are done. me's a cool one for so there are a lot of 40s to the north. even a few 30s in mendocino county and lake county. some breaks in the clouds. the higher clouds will be on the increase. we have another system on the way for tomorrow. heard from jim. for checking in up from cobb. 51. smoke is very heavy. my house was saved. good news there, jim. 100s are gone. i'm out to help others. thank you, jim. always good to help from everybody glad you are safe. 48 in hawkeye and kelseyville. knoxville greek 50. 90%, 93% humidity. the wind is out of the west favoring that. there are many positives for the firefighters. they will get rain tomorrow. it looks like it will make it there. we'll talk about that in a moment. they are about done in l.a. but not before an inch and a half fell in some areas of los angeles. long beach to mission viejo. i think we know this young lady, bobb -- bobbi, our former producer. >> yes. >> 50s, 60s on the temps. there is a northwesterly breeze. there goes the first testimony. it's raining in the san joaquin valley. this will be the second one. the future model brings in clouds. we'll get sun and then we'll stay cloudy tonight into tomorrow waiting for the system to move in. the rain line. you can see it moves in on the north coast and starts to spread around noon, 1:00. mendocino county. about marin county north and then also into lake county. after that, i think the system kind of falls apart. we'll keep an eye on it and update it for tomorrow. it will stay cool and the system may give light rain to the santa cruz mountains. i would think areas well to the north more so than here. it will be a stronger system than what we just had. 60s and 70s on the temps. cool, cool, cool. even areas that are very warm will stay on the cool side. cloudy, skies will roll back in on wednesday. light rain. especially in the afternoon and evening to the north. it clears out thursday. it looks better or warmer, i should say. >> thank you. 7:52. an experiment to successfully hack a vehicle from a remote location, it led to a big recall. we are now a company from santa clara wants to get involved. what intel pleges to do in -- pledges to do in hopes of keeping the hackers away. the battle over this viral video that's now bringing up copyright issues. welcome back to "mornings on 2." it's 7:55. new this morning, the investigation into what authorities call a suspicious overnight fire in concord. a fire was reported on adalaide street around midnight. there was a report of two people returning from a -- running from a parked car at sa same location. when police officers arrived, fires in the parking lot of an apartment complex were on fire and the flames were spreading to the carport. some people living in nearby apartments were temporarily evacuated until that fire was out. well, the case of the dancing baby, it's going to trial. ♪ >> remember this cute kid? the youtube video of a little child dancing to the song by prince, let's go crazy, well, back in 2008, universal music claimed that video violated the copyright but the mother who made the video said her use of the music falls under fair use law. a jury will now decide if that video violates those laws. the 49ers are off to a 1-0 start after a victory over the vikings last night. the niners wore black uniforms for the first time. and there was some miscues early on. jared hayne muffed his first punt attempt. the vikings couldn't score on the ensuing drive. the niners got on the board just after halftime. carlos hyde gets in the end zone. he rushed for 168 yards. he would score another touchdown in the fourth quarter in the 20-3 victory. after the game, the niners talked about proving the doubters wrong. >> they don't pay us to come here and fool around, you know. we get paid to play football. people looking down on us saying we're the underdog. >> the 49ers have a short week now and they will play the steelers sunday. back to the black uniforms, some people love them. a lot of people hate them. we would like to know what you think. we have pictures at -- on our facebook page. some say as long as they win, they don't care what the uniforms like look. the nfl allows the team to only wear their alternate uniforms twice in a season. we know they will wear them when they host the cardinals. >> all right. still ahead -- $19 an hour. how does that sound for minimum wage? next, the city considering that dollar amount. >> reporter: the massive valley fire grew overnight. the firefighters have made some progress containing it. up next, the effort happening this morning where we are to come up with a plan to attack the fire. good morning. we're looking at the south bay commute. we have a lot of slow traffic there. it begins way back there getting up to this point. we'll tell you more about that -- coming up. rather capitol hill -- rather chilly morning. we have rain on the way for the north bay tomorrow. today is okay but we'll have a cool tuesday forecast. it is another morning of uncertainty for thousands of people who live in napa, sonoma and lake counties. this is middletown. much of middletown was ravaged by the valley fire. here you see firefighters breaking up into smaller groups getting their directions for the day after having a larger meeting just minutes ago to talk about progress made, challenges ahead. these men and women are working very hard coming from all over the pacific northwest, not just here in california, trying to put out the valley fire. >> coming up, we'll check in with allie rasmus. she's been there at the command center and will tell us about the updates on the numbers on the fire and the firefight. let's check in on the victims. some evacuees will be allowed to go home today for just a little while. >> alex savidge is live in middletown to tell us the specific reason some people will be allowed to going -- will be allowed to go back to their neighborhoods today. >> reporter: good morning. certain evacuees will be allowed in here for a very brief visit. 15 minutes. that's all the sheriff's office will give them. they will be escorted in here by sheriff's deputies. that's only people coming to check on their livestock or their pets that they had to leave behind. what they will return to is a disaster area. let me show you. this is one home here. as the sun comes up, you can see there's someone's dishes right here. if you look over there, you can see some of the silverware. this was the kitchen at this home that was just destroyed by this fire as it moved through. many people as they come home today will not have much to come home to. starting at 10:00 this morning, deputies will be taking some people back to their homes to pick up live stock and find those pets that were left behide. this will be the first time seeing their homes for many, of course, there will be heartbreak. the latest tally, 585 homes have been destroyed by this fire. and one home, though, that just happens to still be standing here in middletown belongs to a volunteer lake county firefighter, don lopez. he was up in the cobb mountain area, battling this fire on saturday as flames swept through his neighborhood down in middletown. lopez described for us what it was like returning home. >> i saw all of the houses. they were -- there was nothing here. i thought my house is gone. i came around the corner, and my house was standing bike a beacon. my god, i don't know how it -- how it exists. i stood there for like an hour and i just stared at my house and i was crying. i didn't know what to do. i was numb. now i'm thinking about all of my neighbors who lost their homes. my daughter lost her home. >> reporter: lopez can't imagine how this neighborhood is gonna rebuild. how this town is gonna rebuild. destruction everywhere you look. much of the middletown area and many surrounding communities still are unlivable. there are major hazards. all of the destruction that there is. there are downed power poles. the power has not been restored. pg&e is still working to restore power in the area. they are planning to set some portable generators later on today to try to get the lights back on to some parts of this town. more than 200 pg&e workers are busy right now here in the fire zone doing all of that repair work and trying to restore service. but the damage, it's so widespread, it's really hard to imagine how a neighborhood like this, this is -- we're off wardlaw and highway 29. this neighborhood where we are. jefferson court is the area you are looking at here this morning. it's hard to imagine how this neighborhood bounces back, how people will live here, although, you look across the street, there are homes still standing but the recovery pro set, it will be a long -- process, it will be a long one, to say the least. >> all right, alex savidge. thank you. evacuees are already lining unto get a chance to -- up to get a chance to go back in the fire zone and see what's left of their homes and hopefully find their pets and livestock. this picture you see here, just tweeted out by ktvu's brian flores, 15 people already waiting in the parking lot of lower lake high school. this is one of two locations where people can go and get an escourt to -- escort to go into the fire lines. the other meeting spot is behind kelseyville high school. brian will have a live report on this coming up at 8:30. we'll continue our valley fire coverage in a few minutes but first we want to check on the weather. looking much better. >> not only that but one of our observers has good news. some houses are gone. others are standing. don't know how that happened. greta our observer, i will show you this in a second. we will get some partly sunny skies here. low clouds are pushing south. we're in between systems. the next one will be here tomorrow. this is from our observer greta, she checks in with me. she's fine. but she -- she just heard her b and b is still standing. this is a good morning. bring on the rain. very happy for you. thank you for letting me know. i apreesh all of the observe -- appreciate all of the observers in lake county checking in. 40s and 50s. there will be mostly sunny, partly cloudy skies. the humidity is way up. there is more of a westerly breeze. get a break today. it won't be that warm. temperatures will stay in the 70s. you can see some of our low clouds moving south. they are favoring areas more toward the peninsula and south bay. 50s and 60s on the temps. it will be a day of 60s and 70s for. westerly breeze, sfo, hayward, there goes one system. unbelievable rain. i think 1.30 in lrkts acts this morning -- in l.a. this morning. that's our system for tomorrow. it looks like north bay rain. after that, again, tomorrow, better opportunity to tackle that. but 60s and 70s on our temps. more on that rain for tomorrow coming up in ten minutes. here's sal with an update on our traffic. how are things, sal? i've heard a couple of things. are things better? >> we don't have a major crash that will be there for a long time. what we don't have going for us is good traffic. it's very slow everywhere. it's slow especially approaching the bay bridge but also in the south bay and the east bay, in the north bay, almost everywhere is solid traffic. this is the new normal. you can see at the bay bridge toll plaza, there is a big crowd. it's taking about 40 minutes before you make it on the span. the nimitz freeway northbound is slow out of san leandro heading up to downtown oakland. but going the other way on the nimitz freeway is go no be slow as well -- is gonna be slow as well. we had a rash of crashes earlier this morning. it's slow from 238. it's solid all the way down into the south bay. in san jose and the south bay, we have a lot of slow traffic there. 101, 280 and 85 have been super slow. we do have a lot of people trying to get in the valley. if i had to choose, i think 101 is the worst. but 280 and 85 are no better. the valley fire and lake county continues to burn. firefighters did make some progress. it's now 15% contained. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus is live in lakeport. >> you were there as they will were getting briefed. what -- as they were getting briefed. what are the new numbers? >> reporter: well, the new numbers as of 6:00 this morning, 67,000 acres burn. but firefighters have the valley fire about 15% contained. that's an improvement especially from 36 hours ago, 48 hours ago, when it was 0% contained. take a look. this is the lake county fairgrounds. this is the base camp for the 2300 firefighters fighting the fire. all of the chairs were completely full, several hundred firefighters had gathered here at 7:00 for a briefing to come up with their plan on how to attack this fire. you can see the giant map up there, the red outlined area. that's the parameter of the valley fire. it did grow by a couple of,000 acres. but -- by a couple of thousand acres. but they've made progress. 58 a homes have burned -- 585 homes have burned. the public information officer here said the fire did burn overnight through some residential areas. so there might be more homes and structures affected. they were focusing their resources north of hidden valley lake, butts canyon road and in cobb where some of the fire re-ignited in that area. firefighters say the weather knight was a mixed bag. it helped them in that it was cooler. but there was some erratic winds overnight. >> the conditions out here are -- we have four years of drut -- of drought now. we're still getting a lot of fire behavior because of the conditions. >> reporter: 23,000 people have been displaced by this fire. many of them now at the evacuation centers in calistoga and also in kelseyville. that's where the two evacuation centers have been located. even though a lot of people really are anxious to get back to their homes, it's really not a good idea, not vzable -- advisable. in many cases you won't be abe to until you have a -- you won't be able to unless you have a sheriff's escort. there is still a lot of downed power lines and there's still the possibility that the fire can go through the areas that have already burned. you ent would be able to -- you won't be able to go unless you have an escort. back to you. >> thank you. we're following a developing story in houston, texas. look at this. a second student has now died after a school bus crashed earlier this morning. this bus was on its way to a high school. now, police say a car swerved on a freeway to avoid hitting another car and hit that school bus instead. the bus crashed, went through a guardrail, landed on the road below. the driver and two other students were seriously hurt. we'll keep you posted on more on this story. today, san jose will consider taking a big step toward raising the minimum wage again. it's one of the cities that could raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. today, the san jose city council will vote on whether to pay a consultant to study how a pay raise would affect the region. right now the minimum wage is 10.30 an hour. to the east bay where the berkeley city council is going to meet tonight and is set to consider a new proposal to raise that city's minimum wage to $19 an hour. the city's labor commission is recommending the increase take affect by the year 2020. the proposal calls for bumping up the minimum wage next year to $13 an hour. that would be followed by additional increases in the coming years. as we've been telling you, some of the people who evacuated because of the valley fire are being allowed to go back home but for a little while. at:30. we'll -- at 8 8:30 we'll take you live. big-named ceos and celebrities and a cruiseshy. you will find all of -- and a crude ship. you will find all of that at san francisco's tech conference that just kicked off today. we'll have a report on dreamforce -- coming up. we're still looking at a lot of slow traffic, especially in the south bay. i will tell you more about the bridges as well when we come back with another update. we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at looks like -- >> we're taking a live look at what's happen until utah. you see rushing waters on the top side of your screen. this is flooding, emergency crews standing by. people are brying rescued from the -- being rescued from the rain. this is happening in southern utah where at least eight people have died after a family was spent away. there are five people missing after flash floods hit the area in hildale. we are talking about southern utah. far too much water there. here in california, we're seeing a drought. i know southern california is getting some major rain. >> a lot of rain. steve paulson is here. you've been talking about that all morning. >> well, when l.a. gets 1.25 in september -- >> big deal. >> an average for the month is .24. there have been reports of 1.50. the low clouds are being pushed south. it's cool. we do get -- we're -- we're in between systems. the pattern will go back to high pressure. they are on back side of that in l.a. some of the rainfall was incredible. you -- it's an inch and a half for some locations. now heading east. it looks like they are about done. there has to be many records for that much rain in september. in july, it was san diego. now here it s for us -- now here it is. for us, we get some cool readings. 47, 48 around kelseyville. humidity is high. that's good. that will help the firefighters. it looks like rain tomorrow. 50s and 60s on the temps. west at 10, west at 15. even with sunshine there will be a breeze, blustery conditions. there goes the one system. the next one is dropping down from the gulf of alaska. we'll take it. that ushers in cooler temperatures. there's not a lot to the system. but it does have a lot of jet stream support. i think it will give rain to the north bay tomorrow. south of san francisco, oakland. it could be iffy. low clouds, sun, 60s and 70s on the temps. sal? how are you, sal? i'm doing well. i don't have to deal with the traffic that people who have to leave the house now have to deal with. let's start off with the big commute and that would be the bay bridge. it's backed up for a 40-minute delay before you make it onto the span. it hasn't improved at all. it seems to be getting worse as day goes on -- as days go on. i thought people would get used to and i think they will. let's move along to the south bay. you see a bunch of slow traffic here. road sensors mean the traffic is at 25 miles an hour or less. that's a lot of it here in san jose. on highway 101 through palo alto and mountain view, look at all of the slow traffic there. if you are a south bay driver, it's slow and on the nimitz freeway, it's very slow from 238 all the way down to southern fremont. let's take a look at 880 heading north in oakland. it's backed up in san leandro from downtown. the doors are open in san francisco and people are headed to the dreamforce conference. >> janine de la vega, you are at the moscone center. tell us about some of the big names and big event as the conference -- big events at the conference. >> reporter: the dreamforce conference just got underway. the streets surrounding it are already getting busy. if you normally drive around here, try to find an alternate route. the traffic is just gonna build. >> it's a music festival r foss -- festival for geeks. >> reporter: this has gotten bigger and bigger each year. 160,000 people have registered for the conference. there ra a ton of -- there are a ton of workshops and breakout sessions featuring big names. there's celebrity speakers, goldie hawn, patricia arquette and jessica alba. there is a concert. all of the activities have attracted a record number of people so sales force decided to bring in a celebrity cruise ship to house them since the hotels are packed. the ship has been dubbed the dreamboat. it's sold out. >> actually yesterday morning it was my job to go through all of the parties and coordinate which parties we're gonna go through. >> reporter: there is a big emphasis on supporting different causes. the proceeds to the foo fighters go to the uc benioff children's hospital. everyone is encouraged to brick a book -- bring a book to have that donated to bay area schools. we'll have more coming up mountain 9:00 hour. be hour not to miss that. hundreds woke up to stand out in the chilly air at the cow palace. but it's all for a good cause. perhaps they will achieve their dream. coming up later we'll go back live to the american idol auditions happening right here in the bay area today. millions of people were exposed when the ashley madison website was hacked. what happens to the wives affected by their cheating husbands? we'll show you a service offering free councilling for six months -- counseling for six months for women they say deal with betrayal trauma. welcome back to "mornings on 2." 8:24. this week the federal reserve is expected to say if a key interest rate will go up. economists can't agree on what the fed will do. janet yellen says the decision will be based on new economic information. one very important report comes out tomorrow. the consumer price index, it will tell us if inflation is heading up. now, the fed has held the short- term rate at almost 0% for nine years. intel wants to be a leader in keeping cars safe from hackers. intel's forming a safety review board. the group will test car security and recommend ways manufacturers can design safer vehicles. the focus will be on cars connected to the internet. this comes after researchers proved they could hack a jean cherokee and commander from ten miles away. researchers were able to manipulate the cherokee's brakes as well as transmission. the founder of amazon expected to announce plans to launch a space tourism business when he takes a visit to cape canaveral. reportedly blue origin will build an launch the rocket from florida. blue origin successfully launched an unmanned test flight of the new shepherd vehicle earlier this year. now, it circled the earth in the upper atmosphere but it did not go into space. bezos is racing with richard branson to build and development a commercial space flist for customers. elove musk's space x company has booked 60 launches worth $7 billion for the falcon rockets. in a press release, the company announced that among the contract it signed, there listen launches of spanish and saudi communications in 2017 and 2018. nasa is saying it might use a space x capsule to retrieve rocks from mars. though the red dragon capsule is still in the concept phase. utah company is offering free counseling for people affected by a harking scandal -- hacking scandal. >> you are not crazy. if you have experienced betrayal in a relationship, you may think you have gone crazy. you are experiencing main. it's called betrayal trauma. >> last month, hackers revealed data for those on the ashley madison site. newly launched clinic called bloom is offering six months of free online counseling for people who found out their spouses were on that site after the site was exposed by a hacker attack. we're finding out more about the woman killed in the valley fire. up next, the medical condition that kept her from escaping the flames. >> reporter: we are he a live at lower lake high school -- we're live at lower lake high school where several people will be returning homes to check on their pets and livestock. we'll have a live report. good morning. we're looking at a lot of slow traffic and right now, the south bay seems to be one of the worse spots but not to forget the bay bridge. it's still very slow trying to get into san francisco. some sun out there. a few clouds. it's on the cool side today. tomorrow, though, maybe some rain for lake county but even points south. more on that -- coming up. what can i make for you? ♪ how about our new flavor-packed italian hero? with three authentic italian deli meats; spiced capicola, a cracked- pepper-seasoned mortadella and spicy genoa salami. enjoy it while it's here! subway. eat fresh. we continue our coverage of the valley fire. you are taking a live look at the area where victims of the valley fire are gathering. some are preparing to go back into their neighborhood and see what is left of their homes and the animals or livestock even pets they were forced to leave behind. >> and just look at where the fire has bushed so far -- burned so far. that's the orange area below clearlake. the black and white area is where the rocky and jerusalem fires burned. we're told this fire isn't burning in any one direction. we're also told firefighters are saying the conditions are so dry, you can't predict where the fire will burn. now, brian flores joining us live now from lower lake where in a couple of hours, some residents will be escorted back to their neighborhood for the first time to see what's left. >> reporter: yeah, about an hour and a half from now, dave. >> we're live at lower lake high school where several dozens of people. we were here about 45 minutes ago. there were only 13 people here. it's definitely grown now. a lot of them waiting to check on their pets for livestock. but really also to see whether their homes or their neighborhoods are left standing. i talked with a couple of them this morning. definitely heartbreaking stories for many of them. it's been very rough. but as we go to video know, sheriff's deputy -- video now, sheriff deputies are gonna start to bring in tzs -- to brick residents to their -- to bring residents to their homes. there are some things that residents need in order to return. they will need identification that shows proof of residence. residents will need to be ready to complete their task in 15 minutes. one location here is -- is -- is here at lower lake high school. we spoke with a couple of them to hear their stories. they are expecting the worst coming from this. >> difficult times. my wife and my anniversary today. first time that we've never have anything for each other except for hoping that, you know, we have a home that's still standing. >> for us, our kids are out -- the people who have families, they don't have a place to come back to, that's really hard. >> really hard. >> and people who don't know, that's even harder. those are the people we're kind of praying for and focusing on right now. >> there is this location at lower lake high school. the other location for residents on the kelseyville side of cobb mountain off bottle rock road and highway 75 or in the clearlake riviera area will meet at the dirt parking lot of the football stadium at kelseyville high school. the sheriff'department says this is only to keep up -- to see see how pets and livestock are doing. they will not be escorting people to loch lomond and anderson springs. crews are still battling fires out there. they will not be escorting for personal items or medications and they say if you need medication, you need to contact your doctor or head to an emergency room for stibs there. but it -- since there. but the people are looking for pets and live stock. a lot of them consider them part of the family. and also to see whether the houses and neighborhoods are left standing. a lot of them don't know that information yet. they've heard from other third- party sources like a friend who works for pg&e or someone who works for the sheriff's department. they just want to see the results for themselves. >> i see a couple of here. they have their arms around each other. the man is on his cell phone. it seems like everyone is -- is banning together and trying to get any information they can. >> reporter: yeah, that's basically what a lot of people are here for. they hear these third-party sources really, yeah, your house is standing. i think your house is standing. i don't know. they really just want to see for themselves. they understand that this be only for for -- this only be for 15 minutes to check on pets and live stock. but they want to see for themselves to kind of get closure. that's what many people are saying here this morning to see what damage was left behind. hopefully, crossing our fingers, many -- some of these homes are left standing but it's not looking too bad. last i heard was more than 500 homes burned to the ground. >> very sad. thank you. >> reporter: yes. let's turn to weather. >> what will firefighters -- >> it's mostly sunny but it's cooler -- cooler. they will be in the 70s. it sure looks like rain on the way for tomorrow. not for today. but for mendocino county and lake county tomorrow afternoon. we get some breaks in the clouds. had some low cloud drizzle. temperatures staying in the 60s and 70s even with a little lit bit more sunshine. see some of that higher cloud deck has moved off. there's still patchy low clouds around. just came in on the usc campus. 2.25 inches. most rain since march 20th, 2011. it's still raining for some. but it looks like it's finally ending for l.a. they had 1.50. 50s, 60s. slow too warm up. here comes the second system diving out of the gulf of alaska. tomorrow afternoon/evening looks like a better opportunity for the north bay. far south, i will tackle that tomorrow. there is a lot more sun today. 60s and 70s on the temps. all right, sal. what do we have? a lot of slow traffic, steve. even this late in the morning we'll see a lot of slowing out there. we'll start off with a look at school of the commutes -- with a look at some of the commutes. in san jose 101 from blossom hill road, slow. a solid line of slow traffic up to mountain view and palo alto. i -- i feel for you if you have to deal with that. 17 is a mess heading down to saratoga and 85 and 280 are very slow as you drive through. 580 is going to be now stop and go from livermore to dublin and 680 is slow out of pleasanton toward fremont. 880 is not doing very well. let's go to a live picture. san mateo bridge is busy across the peninsula. the bay bridge has been slow all morning lock -- long. we have a 20, 30-minute wait before you make it on the span. back to the desk. back to the valley fire coverage and those people who have been evacuated. about a thousand evacuees are staying in tents or rvs at the napa county fairgrounds in calistoga. they are getting food, clothing and other supplies thanks to the kindness of strangers and an army of volunteers. many have lost homes and their jobs. >> i haven't been back there -- i'm not sure i want to see it honestly. i'm hot -- not sure. >> nine and a half years. now i don't have a house, no job. no nothing. >> wow. yesterday, there was a problem out there when a sewer line backed up into one of these shelter buildings. volunteers had to work out of one kitchen to cook all of those meals but they expect to have it fixed today. there's been confirmed death from the valley fire. a 72-year-old woman died. neighbors say she just moved to the area. >> they also say it's no wonder she didn't make it out. pam cook is in the studio to tell us why firefighters had a rough time getting to her house. >> she needed help to evacuate. and also not only was the neighborhood on fire, but many people didn't listen to the warn-- listen to the warnings. >> that was a beautiful spot in the house over the creek. >> now that little house and the rest of the neighborhood in anderson springs is gone. the body of 72-year-old barbara mcwilliams was found inside. now, she was a retired schoolteacher. neighbors say she just bought that house last year. she lived alone. she had multiple sclerosis and could not evacuate on her own. >> she had a lot of -- she traveled a lot. >> we had law enforcement officers and firefighters going house to house as the flaming front was coming through pulling people out and getting them to safety. >> calfire says at least eight firefighters have lost their homes in the past few days as well. one of them calfire chief paul duncan, his home burned to the ground while he was fighting the fire in cobb. another firefighter lost his home in the cobb area as he was fighting the butte fire burning at gold country. a reminder that wildfires in these drought conditions can move so incredely fast -- incredibly fast. they are helping evacuate people as well as trying to stop the fire. >> i also think about the fact, okay, maybe my family. i'm fine. key go -- we can get out the door. but what about the elderly neighbor? always think about who is around you. >> exactly. >> thank you, pam. 8:39. we have an update on that other big wildfire in northern california. calfire says the butte fire is now 37% contained. it has burned more than 71,000 acres in am ma door and -- amador and calaveras counties. 166 homes have been destroyed. 6400 more are in danger. now, the fire started last wednesday. hundreds of people are camping now at the jackson casino. some know they have lost everything. others, they haven't heard if their homes are still standing. >> just get through this. just get through it. i don't think people are aware of what's going on. a lot people with no homes and no place to go. >> hundred of animals have been evacuated. they are being cared for at the amador county fairgrounds. now, at, we posted a list of ways you can help the fire victims. you can see it with all of our coverage on the front of our home page. 8:41. mississippi manhunt is over this morning in the shooting death of a college professor. 45-year-old shannon lamb was found dead of an apparent self- inflicted gunshot last night. he was suspected in the killing of his live-in girlfriend and the history professor at delta state university. authorities aren't speculating on a motive but some say lamb believed the victims were having an affair. the shooting at the university yesterday morning set off a lockdown and left many people on campus shaken. a candlelight vigil vigil for -- candlelight vigil is set for this evening. dunkin doughnut has to pay a woman $500,000 to a woman for hot coffee. she fell outside of the store and spilled hot coffee on her face and neck. she fell of a walking back to her car. she tripped over a spike exposed from a dislodged curb stop and that made her spill and caused that spill. they will pay her $522,000. there's some new safety banners in parts of san francisco. coming up at 9:00, the messages designed to help keep pedestrians safe. and you can own a piece of the beatles. why ringo starr says he's getting rid of iconic stuff. you want to try out for american idol? this is your last chance ever. this is the behind the scenes where it all happens. we'll tell you what producers are looking for for the final season -- coming up. good morning. we're looking at the east bay commute and it's still very tough as you drive on the way to san francisco. this is northbound 101. that traffic in san francisco looks okay. well, mostly sunny to partly cloudy. more clouds to the south. we'll get a little break today. clouds will increase later on. there is another system on the way. will this one bring rain? we'll take a look at it. introducing starbucks® small-batch cold brew coffee. in stores now. just hearing that music, brings it all back. ♪ >> happening today, tryouts for your chance to be the next, in fact, the last american idol. >> i'm in. no. i'm out. but tara moriarty is live. you think you found a winner out there? >> reporter: you know, we've got a couple really good competitors. a couple maybe not so good. but that's what makes it fun. you can kind of laugh and kind of cheer from home and wish that these people, you know, reach their dream. we're here where the auditions are gonna be held. so a big group of people are gonna come in here and sit in all of these seats and they go up four people at a time. we can't show you because we're very secretive here at american idol. there are all of these booths set up. four people at a time will go and sing their song. it will be a nail-biter for a lot of these folks. we have four people that we want to introduce you to. this is their big moment. we have two people from nevada. two from california. what's your name? >> bebe. i live in sacramento. >> reporter: what are you singing? ♪ i was born by the river ♪ i've been running ever since ♪ >> reporter: very good. very soulful. i like that one. you are chandler. you are from carson city? >> yes. >> reporter: what you are singing? >> "house of the rising sun." ♪ there is a house in new orleans they call the rising sun and it's been the ruin of many of poor ♪ >> reporter: very good. i like the echoing. >> so cool. >> reporter: it's like when you are in the shower and you think you sound really good. what are you singing? ♪ you know how i feel it's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new life for me ♪ >> reporter: that's pretty good. you've got a guitar. that makes you extra special. what are you singing? >> a song that i wrote. >> reporter: an original. give me two bars. ♪ i got one foot in a dream >> reporter: oh, wow. that's good. you guys, i'm voting for all four of you. if i was a judge, you would all pass. that was great. what did you think, dave, gasia? >> i thought they were great. tara, you nailed it when you said even the people who are not fabulous, those are almost the ones i like to watch. remember william hung and he did she bang. >> reporter: she bangs. do we remember. >> he shot to stardom based on how bad he was. so if you are really, really good or you are really, really bad, you are a winner. >> tara, tell them they did really good. >> reporter: dave clark says that you guys did really well and that you represented and he's really proud of you and break a leg. >> there you go. >> there you go. >> reporter: i think they are fired up. they got a run through. now they are ready and got the vocals. and had a lot of -- no, seriously. and then you got the tea and the honey and we're good to go. >> awesome. thank you. i did a me me me as a joke. steve, sal's pretty good, too. sal, you have a lot going on. >> you will have to bring good music to pull through some of these lodge long -- long, long commutes. bring a book on tape. your music. we'll start off with some of the slowest commutes. that would be highway 24. it will be slow from walnut creek to oakland. most of this is stop and go traffic. looking at the toll plaza, a 40- minute delay trying to get into san francisco. a lot of it is just waiting to get onto the bridge itself. and then in the east bay, we've had the really bad traffic on 880 this morning from much earlier. 880, the road sensors are slow. 880 from 238 heading south and heading north to downtown. westbound 580, backed up solid out of san leandro and highway 13 is a mess. the theme is everywhere is slow. it's easier if you think that. 8:51. let's go to steve. i do believe william hung is with the l.a. department of health. >> i didn't know that. >> i'm glad you are keeping up with him. >> i try. [ applause ] let's go get to it. tomorrow's system looks better. they are pushing south. it's mostly cloudy over san jose. but mostly sunny over the golden gate bridge there. a little chill this morning. had a lot of drizzle. that's moved off. where is the next system? it's right there. there is a break into lake county, mendocino county. it looks like clouds are increasing. they will stay in the 70s on the temps. there is a decent breeze. this system will bring rain for the folks tomorrow. not tonight. but tomorrow. mostly sunny. 40s and 50s on the -- on the tell. not a bad system. usc, 2.28 inches. l.a. had over 1.50. now it's heading toward oceanside and san diego. that's a lot of rain. that's a lot of rain for any time. but for september in one day, that's a heck of a lot of rain. 50s and 60s on the temps. westerly breeze in place. there goes one system. here comes the next one. right out of the gulf of alaska. like they used to, back in the day. this one will give us increasing cloud. we'll keep track of the rain line. north bay, yes. after that, i will have to see what's he having -- what's developing. 67 -- 60s and 70s. looks like rain likely in the north bay tomorrow. we'll clear it out on thursday. it looks warmer. i'm not completely sold on it. if an offshore breeze develops, it will happen. i think for lake county, .25, .50. maybe. not too bad. >> great news. >> that would be great news. >> did you know there is a ♪ >> i can see it. he got more mileage out of his audition for "american idol" than any other -- name someone else who failed. i can't do it. >> i think he was in here. >> i think he was in here. >> i can't, to answer your question. >> we all know -- you know where he's working. >> i saw that on twitter and i looked it up and it was true. >> too wild. >> last season of "american idol." >> thank you. food deserts are known as areas where people cannot easily get fresh, healthy food in san francisco. one in 14 people are living in a desert like that. coming up in our 9:00 hour of "mornings on 2," we talk to the great chef tyler florence about a campaign to change that. she told us about the spoon full of sugar. ♪ >> we all know this song. there is a remake of the entire movie itself. some mary poppins cannot stomach the fact there is a remake in the works even if they take that news of the spoon full of sugar. details are next. hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! [ laughing ] [ music continues ] introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. ♪ >> would you look at the lady in red? that's oakland mayor libby schaaf. go, libby. wait a minute. she was spotted during the cupid shuffle during this past weekend's pride parade and festival. he's good. this is the sixth year of the festival. this video of the mayor dancing was posted on facebook about a day ago. i put it on my facebook page as well. make sure you go check it out. the beatles drummer ringo starr is putting some of his iconic instrupments and other memorabilia up for -- instruments and ear memorabilia up for auction, including the drum equipment. he's also selling a get given to him -- guitar given to him by john lennon. as many as 800 items will be up for bid, including furniture, art. the you ation is in december -- auction is in december. there's another movie remake of sorts in the works. ♪ supercalifragilisticexpialidoci us ♪ >> we are he a talking about mary poppins. it stars julie andrews and dick van dyke. the remake will be directed by rob marshall. he's the man behind "chicago." the new film will make place 20 years after the original. there was a lot of outrage on soak media. a lot of tweets demanding disney not remake the classic. this morning disney has yet to respond to any criticism. >> there's only one. today, two bay area cities will consider raising the minimum wage. coming up in the next hour, how much workers in san jose and berkeley could stand to make. >> reporter: in just an hour, some evacuees of the valley fire will be returning home to check on their animals that were left behind. we'll tell you about a few horses that survived the fire. we'll also tell you about how their owner found out they were still alive. that story is coming up >> you have just stepped into the veterinarian classroom. come stop down here. we are waiting for you.

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Fremont , California , United States , Middletown , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Nevada , Amador County , San Joaquin Valley , Fresno , Alaska , Santa Clara County , Sonoma , San Diego , Syria , Calaveras , Texas , Santa Monica , Washington , District Of Columbia , Serbia , Richmond , Virginia , San Francisco , Berkeley , Daly City , Arizona , Culver City , Mission Viejo , Clearlake , Milpitas , Sacramento , Clearlake Riviera , Napa County , Monterey Bay , Cuba , Spain , Cobb Mountain , Greece , Chicago , Illinois , Calistoga , Santa Clara , Villa Clara , Carson City , Hildale , Utah , Sausalito , Valley Lake , Lake County , Saratoga , Oakland , Anderson Springs , San Leandro , Capitol Hill , Florida , Jackson Ranch , Mississippi , Delta State University , Marin County , Hungary , Mountain View , Saudi Arabia , Santa Cruz Mountains , Houston , Loch Lomond , Dallas , Italy , Italian , Saudi , Greek , Spanish , Hungarian , American , Cuban , Richard Branson , Carlos Hyde , Subaru A , Julie Andrews , Don Lopez , Dave Clark , John Lennon , Goldie Hawn , Jamir Dixon , Brian Flores , Janet Yellen , Jessica Alba , Pam Cook , Steve Paulson , Bobb Bobbi , Bernie Sanders , Patricia Arquette , Jared Hayne , Los Angeles , Kelly Clarkson , Ringo Starr , Ashley Madison , Allie Rasmus , Las Vegas , Paul Duncan , Libby Schaaf , Barbara Mcwilliams , Hillary Clinton , Tyler Florence , Tara Moriarty ,

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Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20150915 :

Transcripts For KTVU KTVU Mornings On 2 At 7am 20150915

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threatened. we still just got an update from calfire. the valley fire is now 15% contained. we also know they added 500 firefighters to the firefight overnight. we do have continued team coverage for you. we'll bring you the latest as well as the recovery efforts in just minutes here. it is a tuesday morning, september 15th. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. let's check weather and traffic. we know it's cooler up there and the weather is a big factor. it's much cooler. 40s and 50s. they will get rain tomorrow. mendocino county, lake county. down here could be iffy. but up there it looks like it. we do have low clouds. a lot of reports of drizzle. measurable amounts. .03, san francisco. 14/100ths in sausalito, even in the santa cruz mountains. some cloud cover and cooler, cooler, upper 40s, 50. 87, 90 to 100%. i've seen 47s, 49s. we will get a little more sun today. it's pouring in l.a. they've had 1.25 around the l.a. area. there are flood watches and warnings. incredible rain down there. 50s and 60s for us on the temps. there is a westerly breeze in place. there goes the one system. crazy wind up at bridgeport. 7100 feet. thank you for that, kelly. light rain in the central sierra. it will make it to the north. i will see if it makes it down there. let me deal with it tomorrow. 60s and 70s, staying cool and breezy. here is stall with an up-- sal with an update on the traffic. good morning. we'll start in the east bay and look at the eastshore freeway. remember, the was time is 18 minutes. right now it's taking more than double that. 45 minutes to drive from the carquinez bridge to the mauz -- to the macarthur maze. you will see that traffic is going to be slow as you drive into san francisco. most of the waiting is going to come at the toll plaza once you get on the bridge. it's moderate. we have problems on vasco road. we had earlier incidents. if you take vasco road it will be slow almost all the way through. we've had some minor crashes, construction. it has not been that good. once you get to 580. a lot of people get on 580. it's not all that bad. 680 coming out of pleasanton will be slow. the 880 freeway has been ridiculous this morning. we had several crashes along the way here. look at all of these icons of crashes that happened in this area. most of them have been cleared out of the way. traffic is backing up for marina boulevard heading down to fremont. that's a long one even for a morning commute. it's extra long. 7:03. back to the desk. we're getting new numbers on what's happening with that huge fire in lake county. the valley fire. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus live where a briefing just wrapped up. crews made some progress overnight, didn't they? >> reporter: they did make some progress. we'll get into that in a second. i want to show you where we are. we were at the lake county fairgrounds. this is the command center for the valley fire that's now -- now has 23 firefighters and dozens of law enforcement agencies are involved in tackling this massive fire. what's happening here. there is a briefing going on. they are trying to figure out their plan for battling this fire. you can see -- we've seen -- this is the third firefighter that's gotten up. behind them, they have the map. the numbers have increased. 67,000 acres scorched. the fire is now 15% contained. any don't have any updates in terms of the number of homes that have burned. but unfortunately, according to the calfire public information officer here, the fire did burn overnight through residential areas and they had to focus some of their resources overnight. north of hidden valley lake and highway 29 also butts canyon road, the fire was creeping in over there. re-ignited and went back through cobb. firefighters say the weather conditions did help in some ways but overall, overnight it was a mixed bag. >> always good to have cooler weather. the temperatures come down. humidity comes up at the same time with the cloud cover. some of those winds, it creates fire behavior that we don't necessarily want to see. it's definitely a challenging area right now. >> reporter: 23,000 people in lake county have been displaced by this fire. and evacuation orders are still in effect for a lot of the lake county towns and areas nearby. last night calfire officials issued an evacuation advisory. that's just a warning for parts of napa county, including pope valley and parts of ango -- an -- anguin. the crews will be heading out later today and figuring out their plan of attack in tackling the valley fire later today. but the latest numbers, valley fire grew by a couple thousand acres to 67,000 acres. but it is 15% contained. so that at least is good news. back to you guys. >> have you had to a chance to talk to the men and women fightth -- fight ult -- fighting the fire? i can assume they are exhausted. >> reporter: i wasn't sure i heard you. i heard you say exhausted. i can only imagine you are talking about the firefighters. that's why they brought in some of the additional resources. there are firefighters around here from around the state. other parts of the country. yesterday, they had 1800 tackling the fire. they brought in another 500. there's 2300 men and women out on the front lines. >> doing such good work. thank you. 7:06. well, some of the evacuees will be allowed to go home for a short time today. alex savidge is live in middletown to tell us the specific reason a certain group of people will be allowed to go back home, alex. >> reporter: right, dave. good morning to you. the only evacuees who will be allowed pack into this area today -- back into this area are people who either have pets they need to try to find or they have livestock that they need to feed. those folks will be allowed back into the fire zone starting at 10:00 this morning. but for a lot of people, this will be the first time returning to their neighborhoods and for many people unfortunately, this is the kind of scene that they will find when they come home. streets just wiped out by this fire. a lot of people will not have much to come home to. but still, sheriff's deputies will be escorting people starting at 10:00 this morning back to their homes to check on those animals who were left behind when this fire raced in over the weekend. deputies doing the escorts over the next couple days as well. there were some people who chose not to evacuate. a handful of people who stayed put here in middletown during this fire and they told us they are overwhelmed by what they went through. >> it was run for your life. run for your life. >> homes burnt down right around us. but we -- we helped save some people's houses. >> reporter: while many evacuees are certainly ready to return, much of middletown and the surrounding communities are unlivable. pg&e is trying to restore power to more than 7200 customers. they are bringing in portable generators and trying to get the lights back on as soon as they possibly can. more than 200 workers are fanned out across the fire zone repairing broken lines, also dealing with hundreds of downed power poles that are just everywhere in these neighborhoods. a major hazard. part of the reason that these evacuees can't be get back in on a more permanent basis. only a select group of evacuees will be coming back into the fire zone today and they will only be doing so for those very, very brief visits and that gets underway at 10:00 this morning. >> all right. thank you. organized rescue groups are helping abe maps whose owners can't get to them -- animals whose owners can't get get to them. they were left behind. and volunteers are taking food and water to where pets and live stock might be hiding. the rescues are scared and hungry. they can't count on the animals being happy to see them. but they say even when the animals growl or they try to run away, their work is gratifying. >> every place we get is one more animal that's gonna see it through another day. it's a great thing. every house we finish is like, yay, a celebration. >> some animals, they've been hurt. this one was injured jumping over a fence to get away from the fire. rescuers will be looking for injured and distressed animals again today for as long as people are forced to stay out of the fire zone. many people are looking for places where they and their animals can stay. the r-ranch, it's opened its others to people and horses. there's cabins and stable space as well as recreational vehicles can be there. and volunteers have been bringing food, water and clothing to help the victims. at, we've posted a list of ways you can help the victims. you will find it with all of our coverage on the front of our home page. 7:10. today, san jose will consider taking a big step toward raising its minimum wage again. it's one of the santa clara county cities that could raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. today, the san jose city council will vote on whether to pay a consultant to study how a pay raise would affect the region. right now, the minimum wage in san jose is $10.30 an hour. other cities that have expressed interest in coordinating a regional minimum wage are sunnyvale and campbell. the berkeley city council is set to consider a proposal to raise that wage to $19. they are recommending the increase take effect by 2020. the proposal calls for bumping up the minimum wage next year to $13 and that would be followed by additional increases over subsequent years. 7:11. still ahead, we know now know more about the woman killed in the valley fire. why authorities think there may be more victims and what people are doing to find missing loved ones. >> reporter: big named ceos, celebrities that's what you will find in san francisco where the city's largest tech conference of the year is kicking off today. we'll have a live report -- coming up. good morning. we're looking at a commute here that is just not good. san francisco is about the only bright spot where you can see traffic is moving well. but the east bay is very, very slow getting into the city. we'll tell you more. you like cooler weather, then the forecast is good. we could use some rain. we have a tun of it in southern california. what about tomorrow? maybe. we'll have more on that -- coming up. ♪ ♪ you're only young once. unless you have a subaru. (announcer) the subaru xv crosstrek. symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 34 mpg. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. selling 18 homes? easy. building them all in four and a half months? now that was a leap. i was calling in every favor i could, to track down enough lumber to get the job done. and i knew i could rely on american express to help me buy those building materials. there are always going to be unknowns. you just have to be ready for them. another step on the journey... will you be ready when growth presents itself? realize your buying power at welcome back. today, san francisco's biggest tech gathering gets underway talking about the sales force dreamforce conference. ktvu fox 2's janine de la vega, already live in san francisco. so tell us about some of the big events, janine. >> reporter: oh, there's so much going on. the doors just opened up here at the moscone center. there was a huge crowd of people and they just went inside here. the dreamforce conference is taking up three of the convention halls. i just spoke to some of the attendees. they are pumped. the crowds are expected to build here at the annual tech conference that's expected to attract 160,000 people. attendees from all around the world come to learn the latest in cloud exuting and attend a variety of breakout sessions -- variety and attend a commuting and attend a variety of breakout sessions. there are numerous celebrities attending. they will be speaking on women and leadership and equality. >> goldie hawn will be here. jessica alba will be here. they have a lot of celebrities typically related to some kind of a business. that's pretty good. the concerts are gonna be great. they their three bands. that's -- they have three bands. that's thursday night. >> reporter: local restaurants and businesses are benefiting from the event which reportedly brings in $226 million in revenue. this convention runs for the next four days. a lot of activity going on here. you will see signs, detouring traffic. if you don't need to be here, avoid the area. but it's sure gonna be a lot of fun for the people attending here. they are very excited. i asked them people, hey, are you kind of bummed you didn't get on the crude ship and they just -- cruise ship and they sort of laughed. they are just excited. dave? >> all right, janine de la vega in san francisco. thank you. 7:16. the next republican presidential debate is tomorrow and donald trump is still the gop candidate to beat. trump campaigned yesterday in dallas where he riled up a conservative crowd while talking about illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. he also talked about incompetent washington leadership and his own rise in the polls. >> now it's time to really start because this is going to happen. i'm telling you. this -- i'm not going anywhere. >> meantime, bernie sanders drew a large crowd last night in virginia. the first democratic debate between sanders and hillary clinton is set for october 13th in las vegas. another billionaire reality show star says he could crush donald trump or hillary clinton if he ran for president. mark cuban told cnbc he gets asked every day with that -- about that possibility. he said he would focus on economic issues if he got into the race but he didn't say whether or not he would make a run for the white house. today, the founder of amazon is expected to announce plans to launching a space tourism business while he visits cape canaveral. reportedly, he and his company called blue origin will build and launch its rockets from the air force station in florida. now, blue origin successfully launched an unmanned test flight of the new shepherd vehicle earlier this year. it circled the earth but it did not go into space. the ceo is raising with richard branson to develop commercial spaceflights for customers. sal has been watching traffic for us. 880 is a mess. >> there's slow traffic everywhere. a lot of people have commented to me how this new season, which is notfullily autumn yet. -- officially autumn yet, but it will be soon. it's made things slow. let's take a look. we have northbound 280 that listen super slow getting up from downtown into the valley. that means 101, 85 are slow as well. we're looking at 880. 880 is backed up out of san leandro into fremont now. we had a rash of accidents earlier this morning between 238 and 92. some of them have cleared out. but traffic is slow. it's also slow getting over on the san mateo bridge westbound to the peninsula where we have slow traffic as well. and you can see 680 coming out of the pleasanton area is backed up. but the bay bridge that's really backed up for the 40, 45- minute delay. that's big coming into san francisco if you are paying cash. 7:19. let's go to steve. steve? >> yes, sir. >> it's raining pretty hard in southern california. >> boy, is it ever. we take you to marina del ray. it is pouring down in southern california. for l.a. for the month .24. they've had 1.06 this morning. just this morning. >> wow. >> couple of sc -- usc, almost 1.50. culver city, 1.25. santa monica, 1.18. there are flash flood watches out. i mean, it's coming down. i will show it to you right there. they are almost on the back side. look at mission viejo. that's impressive. from l.a., long beach, mission viejo, riverside, really pouring. about .50 to 1.50. some of the rainfall totals have been off the chart. we do have a lot of drizzle here. there's some breaks in the low clouds. we'll get some partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. we'll increase the clouds. the big news up in lake county, it's colder this morning. there are upper 40s and low 50s. i just heard from jim up in cobb. thank you for checking in. he has -- he has 51 degrees. 50 in hawkeye. knoxville creek, 53. there are 47s to 49s. so the humidity is up. the cold temperatures, that will help and they will get rain tomorrow. mendocino county, lake county. measurable amounts. 50s, 60s on the temps. most locations are oning 1, 2 degrees -- are running 1, 2 degrees colder than 24 hours ago. west-southwest oakland, west napa, 20 at fairfield, west from sfo to hayward to livermore and a northwest at san jose. 52 in truckee, although very windy up in the central sierra. crazy windy according to kelliant .05 on the precip. but fresno, yesterday's high tell was 82 -- temperature was 82. they have rain in the area. that's the front going in. we're waiting on that guy. it will be in tonight and tomorrow. more likely tomorrow. we'll put in the future cast, clouds will be on the increase here. the low clouds aren't going anywhere. they will be back. we'll cloud it up by late tonight, tomorrow. tomorrow morning we'll have drizzle. there is the line. maybe about 9:00 a.m. mendocino county, ukiah north. here comes the line by noon. that look like 2:00. lake county, mendocino county. by 4:00, could come in for the north bay for commute. after that, it falls apart. but it stays in the north bay. there will be some drizzle on the coast. it looks like a little development takes off right off the santa cruz mountains. that will be for wednesday. so i think .25 to .50 points north tomorrow. low clouds or sun. windy at times. 60s and 70s on the temps. these are very, very cool. but a combination of some sun. clouds on the increase. it will give us a cool day. rain in the afternoon evening for the north. don't think there will be too much left by the time it gets here. we clear it out on thursday but the weekend looks better. >> all right. big changes. >> big changes. >> thank you. 7:22. it's supposed to protect children but it may be doing just the opposite. up next, troubling new revolutions about the dangers of those hand sanitizers. are more likely to have a to frsuccessful future.e born talking and reading to children in their first years has a huge impact on what they do with the rest of their lives. the fewer words they hear, the greater their chances of dropping out of school and getting into trouble. talk. read. sing. your words have the power to shape their world. learn more at notice how this breakfast burrito starts with the basic tortilla, but then inside... it's stuffed with tender, juicy, sliced steak. whoa whoa...slow down...what? i said steak. in a breakfast burrito? i can't keep up. this is advanced burrito, right? this is intro to burrito. boom. jack's new steak & egg breakfast burrito's got tender, juicy steak, scrambled eggs, and creamy sriracha sauce, all wrapped in a warm tortilla. lookin' for a basic buito? this ain't it. it's a thrilling sight for whale watchers. but it was a very close call for two kayakers in the monterey bay. watch. >> i got him. i got him on video. >> did get him on video. a whale watcher captured this video on saturday. we're looping it for you so you can see it again and again. it shows a humpback whale jumping out of water and knocking over two kayakers trying to get close to the animal. they weren't hurt. they made it safely back to shore. scientists say whales can weigh up to 80,000 pounds and can be unpredictable. a local tv station reports that the kayak company has canceled the whale watching tours for the foreseeable future. >> you know why. wow. santa clara county may decide to give more help to the homeless. the board of supervisors will vote on increasing the number of year-round emergency shelter beds. there are 130 beds available now. if approved, that would go up to more than 700. supervisors want to provide more places for the homeless to sleep, especially if we get a wet winter. there are about 6500 homeless people in santa clara county. more and more children are getting drunk on hand sanitizers. in fact, since 2010 there's been a 400% increase in calls to poison control centers about children under the age of 12 drinking hand sanitizer. this year alone, there have been 152 cases. officials compare it to vodka saying it's about 95% alcohol. children can get drunk on less than a tablespoon of sanitizer. some link the increase to the packages. others say many have designs and fragrances to make them more appealing to children. cars washed away from fast- moving floodwaters in utah. evacuees from the valley fire will be allowed back into their homes today but just for 15 minutes up next, the certain group of people who will be escorted back. good morning. as we take a look at the bridge commute, and see the san mateo bridge traffic is going to be busy all the way across to the peninsula. we'll tell you more about this area of the bay when we come back. the mix of low clouds and sun, temperatures are cool, though. 50s on the temps. we're waiting for another round of rain to come in tomorrow. we'll have more on that -- coming up. welcome back to "mornings on 2." 7:30 on this tuesday morning. i'm gasia mikaelian. >> i'm dave clark. let's talk about weather and traffic. steve paulson is having fun. >> well, there is a lot of things going on. there will be more so tomorrow. i think we get rain up there tomorrow. we have to wait for that. we've had drizzle. very cool for some. heavy rain down in l.a. but for us, a lot of 40s, 50s. had some drizzle. it looks like that's lifting. partly sunny, mostly sunny. but breezy and cool. chloe up in clearlake, nice hearing from hear, currently 50, partly cloudy and light wind out of the south. humidity 86%. high today, 76. jim up in cobb, he has 51. i've seen some 40s and 50s. that's good news. some cloud cover. we will get partly sunnies, partly cloudies. 50s on the temps. mendocino county, 38. there's cool readings the -- readings. we are running cooler. it will be a breezy day with more sunshine today than yesterday. 50s in the mountains. very windy for some. central california. highs in the valley are running on the cool side. 82 yesterday at fresno. their coolest since may 24th. all right, sal. we'll have more on our upcoming rain for tomorrow in ten minutes. let's get to the traffic. >> it's pretty slow on the nimitz freeway. i'm looking at this thinking what if i had to drive this, it would be putting me in a sour mood, i think. 880 southbound backed up out of san leandro. it slows all the way down almost to milpitas. most of the slow traffic is between 238 and 84 but it continues after that, too. and part of it is because we had a lot of minor issues, a couple of different accidents that cleared. none of them were serious major injuries. but the damage has been done. you can see westbound 580 is better today. 680 is slow. out of pleasanton. so this whole east bay corridor is not doing very well. let's go to a live picture of san jose and the south bay and you can see that northbound 280 getting out of downtown is slow. 101 is solid from yerba buena to palo alto and mountain view. 85 is slow from before 87 up to saratoga. this is the new normal. all of that slow traffic. if you are at the end of the line, it could take you 40 minutes to get on the bridge. that's a long one. traffic will be slow. very slow as you drive through. i want to mention something else here. can i can -- if i can get the guys in the control room to give me the east freeways on the maps. thank you. from hercules to richmond, this commute is superslow. we don't even have a crash today to blame for this. it will be very slow as you drive down all the way out to the macarthur maze. so please give yourself plenty of extra time and by the way, marin county, southbound 101 from roland to san rafael, one last thing, vasco road today, getting toward 580 is a mess. now at 7:33. pack to the desk -- back to the desk. >> now we're getting new information on the valley fire. calfire now says 67,000 acres have burned. it is only 15% contained. >> yesterday, we had a lot of fire activity. in the cobb area and the butts canyon road area. so that was where a lot of our resources were focusing efforts. overall, we have firefighters all over the fire. we did have cooler weather. we did have wind. so that contributed a little bit to the fire behavior that we saw yesterday afternoon. >> now, 500 more firefighters have been added to the fire lines bringing that number up to more than 2300. but the destruction, just look. it's huge. one person has been killed. at least 585 homes have been destroyed. here is a look at where the fire has burned so far. the community of cobb, that is toward the top of the fire area in orange. the black and white area as to where the rocky and jerusalem fires -- that's where the rocky and jerusalem fires bushed in july and august -- burned in july and august. some people are going home to get their pets. sheriff's deputies will escort those residents from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. they will only have 15 minutes to go in and pick up and feed their pets or livestock. deputies will not escort animal owners to home inantish burn areas -- in active burn areas. brian flores is heading up to lake county now. he will have a report for us later this morning. about 1,000 evacuees are now staying in ent its or rv -- in tents or rvs at the napa county fairgrounds. they are getting meals and other supplies because of the kindness of strangers and an army of volunteers out there. a lot of the evacuate es have lost their homes -- evacuees have lost their homes and their jobs. >> i haven't been back there. i'm not sure. i don't know. >> nine and a half years. and now i don't have a house. no job. no nothing. >> on top of that, there was a problem when a sewer line backed up into one of the shelter buildings. volunteers had to work out of one kitchen to cook all of those meals. but they say expect to have the problem fixed by today. we're finding out more about the woman killed in the valley fire. neighbors say she just moved to that area recently. our pam cook back in the studio now with why firefighters had such a hard time getting to herhouse. >> not only was the neighborhood completely on fire but many people didn't listen to the warnings to evacuate and that slowed down rescuers and firefighters. now, neighbors describe it as a beautiful little house along the creek. but now it is completely gone. the body of 72-year-old barbara mcwilliams was found inside. she was a retired schoolteacher. neighbors say she just bought that house last year. she lived alone. she had multiple -- multiple sclerosis. she could not evacuate on her hone. sheriff deputies were called in to help her but they say they could not get into the neighborhood because it was engulfed in flames. >> we had law enforcement officers and firefighters going house to house as the flaming front was coming through pulling people out and getting them to safety. >> i didn't know what to expect. the stories were it was decimated. >> at least eight firefighters have lost their homes as well in the past several days. one of them calfire battalion chief paul duncan, his home burned to the ground while he was fighting the fire in cobb. another firefighter lost his home in the cobb area as he was fighting the butte fire that is still burning out in the gold country. still, thousands of homes considered threatened at this point in both the valley fire and the butte fire and some people still accounted for. so one of our big stories and why we have team coverage, we'll continue to follow it. >> that instinct i'm gonna stay with my home and protect my animals. you see that in fires and flooding and tornadoes, but any official will say get out before you get that -- >> and just like the neighbor said, they cannot imagine how fast the fire move. incredibly quickly it moved. >> thank you, pam. >> all right, pam. has a long list of ways you can help all of those directly affected by the fires. you will find it with all of our coverage on the home page of an update to the other major wildfire burning in northern california. calfire says the butte fire is now 37% contained. it's burned through more than 71,000 acres. in amador and calaveras counties. 164 homes have been destroyed. the butte fire started last wednesday. hundreds of people are camping at the jackson ranch casino. some know they've lost everything. others have not heard if their homes are still standing. >> just get through it. i don't think people are aware of what's going on. a lot of people with no homes and no place to go. >> hundred of animals have been evacuated and are being cared for at the amador county fairgrounds. we're following a story of deadly flash flooding on the border of utah and arizona. at least eight people were killed. five others missing when the cars they were riding in washed away. most of the people living in the town are members of warren jeff's poly gomous sect -- polygamous sect. three people survived. the floods followed heavy rains that followed in nearby canyons sending water just barreling through the streets. turning now to the refugee crisis in europe. the tensions is -- is mounting between countries. we're watching this live as we speak to you. new, stribility rules went into effect in hungary overnight. this is a picture of the bored inner between -- border between hungary and syria. they announced that anyone trying to get through this fence would be arrested. also today, hungarian authorities arrested at least 60 people. meantime, serbia's foreign minister says his country finds it unseanable that the refugees are being stopped at the -- unacceptable that the refugees are being stopped at the border, leaving them to deal with this. >> reporter: we're live at the cal palace in daly city. where thousands are warming up at that big shot to be the next american idol. this morning's commute mass been surp slow. highway 4 says we need attention -- super slow. highway says we need attention here. partly sunny, partly cloudy skies. cooler on the lows but it looks like for tomorrow. some rain is on the way. we'll talk about where and how much. my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. misswill turn anan asphalt parking lot into a new neighborhood for san franciscans. a vote for "yes" on "d" is definitely a vote for more parks and open space. a vote on proposition "d" is a vote for jobs. campos: no one is being displaced. it's 40% affordable units near the waterfront for regular people. this is just a win-win for our city. i'm behind it 100%. voting yes on "d" is so helpful to so many families in our city. ♪funny how it all goes around ♪ >> goodness. she sounds good. we got up at 3:00 a.m. to drive from tracy to the cow palace. she's one of many american idol hopefuls at the cow palace in daly city right now. they are trying to get into the final season of american idol. >> now it's the bay area's turn. tara moriarty live in daly city. have a lot of people lined up out there for hours. >> reporter: there are a lot of people. we've met some people who have come from as far as chicago. there are a lot of people who flew in last night. they took cabs to get -- to get here. i have been listening to some people. we've got three folks right here. these guys are good. give me a couple bars. what are you gonna show the barges? ♪ at last ♪ my love has come along ♪ >> go ahead. ♪ piece by piece you collected me ♪ i stuck around when you abandoned me♪ some people want it all ♪ >> reporter: good job. all right. can i get some love from these people -- for -- for these people? [ cheers ] >> reporter: this is a clip from earlier ♪ what if i told you it was all meant to be ♪ ♪ would you believe me ♪ you say i'm crazy because you don't think i know what you've done ♪ >> reporter: okay. how cute was that guy? he was only 16 years old. you can be as young as 15 to enter this competition all the way up to 28. we've got thousands of people. i don't know if you can kind of see. it's -- there are thousands of people here. a lot of them have brought their parents or brought, you know, somebody for support. a friend or whatever and they will be going into the cow palace and they will be given these wristbands. they will get in the huge room. it's kind of intimidating. they will be singing for judges who are set up in all of these different booths who can't see each other and they will go in groups of four. they will have a shot at their dream here. we'll send it back to you guys. we'll be checking throughout the morning. we'll be here for every hour on the hour. >> tara, are you getting a sense that the people there, do they have musical training? do they sing for fun? are they in the shower singers? >> reporter: it runs the ga -- gamut. there are people who say they've been singing since they were 3. there are other people who say -- i know a little bit about singing and you are not supposed to take lessons until after you go through puberty. so most people don't start until they are 15, 16. i would say the average age of the folks is probably the early 20s. they seem to have some training. some people say they picked it up a couple of years ago. it sort of depends. >> it really says something that they are singing kelly clarkson. kelly clarkson made it huge. now people are turning to her. the circle has come right around. >> reporter: yeah, i think that the judges say something about her and how they wanted to pay homage to her and they have t- shirts with her name on it. everyone is feeling the american idol love. bittersweet. this is the last season. >> yeah. >> all right. >> we grew up with it. thank you. i don't know if later on, we can -- tara, she can sing. maybe we'll try to get her to open up later. it's time to move on over to sal. sal can do many things. i don't know if singing is part of it. you can handle our commute. >> i think i will stick to the latter. thank you. good morning. let's go out -- let's go out there. it's not good. after driving in the east bay, highway 4 coming up to the willow pass grade, we have slow traffic from pittsburg all the way into concord this morning. a lot of people have just -- the commute has become much worse as we are back to school, back to work. 680 nearby is slow and so is 24 to the caldecott. sloer than usual -- slower than usual. let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza, 40 minutes before you make it onto the span. slightly better for fast track users. much better. 80 is backed up for a good long time from hercules. it's a solid line of slow traffic all the way down. i do want to mention the traffic has been very slow as you get on westbound 24 on the oakland side of the world. and slow son the nimitz freeway -- on the nimitz freeway from hayward to fremont. let's go to steve. we do have some breaks in the low clouds. a lot of reports of drizzle. torrential rain in southern california. it looks like they are done. me's a cool one for so there are a lot of 40s to the north. even a few 30s in mendocino county and lake county. some breaks in the clouds. the higher clouds will be on the increase. we have another system on the way for tomorrow. heard from jim. for checking in up from cobb. 51. smoke is very heavy. my house was saved. good news there, jim. 100s are gone. i'm out to help others. thank you, jim. always good to help from everybody glad you are safe. 48 in hawkeye and kelseyville. knoxville greek 50. 90%, 93% humidity. the wind is out of the west favoring that. there are many positives for the firefighters. they will get rain tomorrow. it looks like it will make it there. we'll talk about that in a moment. they are about done in l.a. but not before an inch and a half fell in some areas of los angeles. long beach to mission viejo. i think we know this young lady, bobb -- bobbi, our former producer. >> yes. >> 50s, 60s on the temps. there is a northwesterly breeze. there goes the first testimony. it's raining in the san joaquin valley. this will be the second one. the future model brings in clouds. we'll get sun and then we'll stay cloudy tonight into tomorrow waiting for the system to move in. the rain line. you can see it moves in on the north coast and starts to spread around noon, 1:00. mendocino county. about marin county north and then also into lake county. after that, i think the system kind of falls apart. we'll keep an eye on it and update it for tomorrow. it will stay cool and the system may give light rain to the santa cruz mountains. i would think areas well to the north more so than here. it will be a stronger system than what we just had. 60s and 70s on the temps. cool, cool, cool. even areas that are very warm will stay on the cool side. cloudy, skies will roll back in on wednesday. light rain. especially in the afternoon and evening to the north. it clears out thursday. it looks better or warmer, i should say. >> thank you. 7:52. an experiment to successfully hack a vehicle from a remote location, it led to a big recall. we are now a company from santa clara wants to get involved. what intel pleges to do in -- pledges to do in hopes of keeping the hackers away. the battle over this viral video that's now bringing up copyright issues. welcome back to "mornings on 2." it's 7:55. new this morning, the investigation into what authorities call a suspicious overnight fire in concord. a fire was reported on adalaide street around midnight. there was a report of two people returning from a -- running from a parked car at sa same location. when police officers arrived, fires in the parking lot of an apartment complex were on fire and the flames were spreading to the carport. some people living in nearby apartments were temporarily evacuated until that fire was out. well, the case of the dancing baby, it's going to trial. ♪ >> remember this cute kid? the youtube video of a little child dancing to the song by prince, let's go crazy, well, back in 2008, universal music claimed that video violated the copyright but the mother who made the video said her use of the music falls under fair use law. a jury will now decide if that video violates those laws. the 49ers are off to a 1-0 start after a victory over the vikings last night. the niners wore black uniforms for the first time. and there was some miscues early on. jared hayne muffed his first punt attempt. the vikings couldn't score on the ensuing drive. the niners got on the board just after halftime. carlos hyde gets in the end zone. he rushed for 168 yards. he would score another touchdown in the fourth quarter in the 20-3 victory. after the game, the niners talked about proving the doubters wrong. >> they don't pay us to come here and fool around, you know. we get paid to play football. people looking down on us saying we're the underdog. >> the 49ers have a short week now and they will play the steelers sunday. back to the black uniforms, some people love them. a lot of people hate them. we would like to know what you think. we have pictures at -- on our facebook page. some say as long as they win, they don't care what the uniforms like look. the nfl allows the team to only wear their alternate uniforms twice in a season. we know they will wear them when they host the cardinals. >> all right. still ahead -- $19 an hour. how does that sound for minimum wage? next, the city considering that dollar amount. >> reporter: the massive valley fire grew overnight. the firefighters have made some progress containing it. up next, the effort happening this morning where we are to come up with a plan to attack the fire. good morning. we're looking at the south bay commute. we have a lot of slow traffic there. it begins way back there getting up to this point. we'll tell you more about that -- coming up. rather capitol hill -- rather chilly morning. we have rain on the way for the north bay tomorrow. today is okay but we'll have a cool tuesday forecast. it is another morning of uncertainty for thousands of people who live in napa, sonoma and lake counties. this is middletown. much of middletown was ravaged by the valley fire. here you see firefighters breaking up into smaller groups getting their directions for the day after having a larger meeting just minutes ago to talk about progress made, challenges ahead. these men and women are working very hard coming from all over the pacific northwest, not just here in california, trying to put out the valley fire. >> coming up, we'll check in with allie rasmus. she's been there at the command center and will tell us about the updates on the numbers on the fire and the firefight. let's check in on the victims. some evacuees will be allowed to go home today for just a little while. >> alex savidge is live in middletown to tell us the specific reason some people will be allowed to going -- will be allowed to go back to their neighborhoods today. >> reporter: good morning. certain evacuees will be allowed in here for a very brief visit. 15 minutes. that's all the sheriff's office will give them. they will be escorted in here by sheriff's deputies. that's only people coming to check on their livestock or their pets that they had to leave behind. what they will return to is a disaster area. let me show you. this is one home here. as the sun comes up, you can see there's someone's dishes right here. if you look over there, you can see some of the silverware. this was the kitchen at this home that was just destroyed by this fire as it moved through. many people as they come home today will not have much to come home to. starting at 10:00 this morning, deputies will be taking some people back to their homes to pick up live stock and find those pets that were left behide. this will be the first time seeing their homes for many, of course, there will be heartbreak. the latest tally, 585 homes have been destroyed by this fire. and one home, though, that just happens to still be standing here in middletown belongs to a volunteer lake county firefighter, don lopez. he was up in the cobb mountain area, battling this fire on saturday as flames swept through his neighborhood down in middletown. lopez described for us what it was like returning home. >> i saw all of the houses. they were -- there was nothing here. i thought my house is gone. i came around the corner, and my house was standing bike a beacon. my god, i don't know how it -- how it exists. i stood there for like an hour and i just stared at my house and i was crying. i didn't know what to do. i was numb. now i'm thinking about all of my neighbors who lost their homes. my daughter lost her home. >> reporter: lopez can't imagine how this neighborhood is gonna rebuild. how this town is gonna rebuild. destruction everywhere you look. much of the middletown area and many surrounding communities still are unlivable. there are major hazards. all of the destruction that there is. there are downed power poles. the power has not been restored. pg&e is still working to restore power in the area. they are planning to set some portable generators later on today to try to get the lights back on to some parts of this town. more than 200 pg&e workers are busy right now here in the fire zone doing all of that repair work and trying to restore service. but the damage, it's so widespread, it's really hard to imagine how a neighborhood like this, this is -- we're off wardlaw and highway 29. this neighborhood where we are. jefferson court is the area you are looking at here this morning. it's hard to imagine how this neighborhood bounces back, how people will live here, although, you look across the street, there are homes still standing but the recovery pro set, it will be a long -- process, it will be a long one, to say the least. >> all right, alex savidge. thank you. evacuees are already lining unto get a chance to -- up to get a chance to go back in the fire zone and see what's left of their homes and hopefully find their pets and livestock. this picture you see here, just tweeted out by ktvu's brian flores, 15 people already waiting in the parking lot of lower lake high school. this is one of two locations where people can go and get an escourt to -- escort to go into the fire lines. the other meeting spot is behind kelseyville high school. brian will have a live report on this coming up at 8:30. we'll continue our valley fire coverage in a few minutes but first we want to check on the weather. looking much better. >> not only that but one of our observers has good news. some houses are gone. others are standing. don't know how that happened. greta our observer, i will show you this in a second. we will get some partly sunny skies here. low clouds are pushing south. we're in between systems. the next one will be here tomorrow. this is from our observer greta, she checks in with me. she's fine. but she -- she just heard her b and b is still standing. this is a good morning. bring on the rain. very happy for you. thank you for letting me know. i apreesh all of the observe -- appreciate all of the observers in lake county checking in. 40s and 50s. there will be mostly sunny, partly cloudy skies. the humidity is way up. there is more of a westerly breeze. get a break today. it won't be that warm. temperatures will stay in the 70s. you can see some of our low clouds moving south. they are favoring areas more toward the peninsula and south bay. 50s and 60s on the temps. it will be a day of 60s and 70s for. westerly breeze, sfo, hayward, there goes one system. unbelievable rain. i think 1.30 in lrkts acts this morning -- in l.a. this morning. that's our system for tomorrow. it looks like north bay rain. after that, again, tomorrow, better opportunity to tackle that. but 60s and 70s on our temps. more on that rain for tomorrow coming up in ten minutes. here's sal with an update on our traffic. how are things, sal? i've heard a couple of things. are things better? >> we don't have a major crash that will be there for a long time. what we don't have going for us is good traffic. it's very slow everywhere. it's slow especially approaching the bay bridge but also in the south bay and the east bay, in the north bay, almost everywhere is solid traffic. this is the new normal. you can see at the bay bridge toll plaza, there is a big crowd. it's taking about 40 minutes before you make it on the span. the nimitz freeway northbound is slow out of san leandro heading up to downtown oakland. but going the other way on the nimitz freeway is go no be slow as well -- is gonna be slow as well. we had a rash of crashes earlier this morning. it's slow from 238. it's solid all the way down into the south bay. in san jose and the south bay, we have a lot of slow traffic there. 101, 280 and 85 have been super slow. we do have a lot of people trying to get in the valley. if i had to choose, i think 101 is the worst. but 280 and 85 are no better. the valley fire and lake county continues to burn. firefighters did make some progress. it's now 15% contained. ktvu fox 2's allie rasmus is live in lakeport. >> you were there as they will were getting briefed. what -- as they were getting briefed. what are the new numbers? >> reporter: well, the new numbers as of 6:00 this morning, 67,000 acres burn. but firefighters have the valley fire about 15% contained. that's an improvement especially from 36 hours ago, 48 hours ago, when it was 0% contained. take a look. this is the lake county fairgrounds. this is the base camp for the 2300 firefighters fighting the fire. all of the chairs were completely full, several hundred firefighters had gathered here at 7:00 for a briefing to come up with their plan on how to attack this fire. you can see the giant map up there, the red outlined area. that's the parameter of the valley fire. it did grow by a couple of,000 acres. but -- by a couple of thousand acres. but they've made progress. 58 a homes have burned -- 585 homes have burned. the public information officer here said the fire did burn overnight through some residential areas. so there might be more homes and structures affected. they were focusing their resources north of hidden valley lake, butts canyon road and in cobb where some of the fire re-ignited in that area. firefighters say the weather knight was a mixed bag. it helped them in that it was cooler. but there was some erratic winds overnight. >> the conditions out here are -- we have four years of drut -- of drought now. we're still getting a lot of fire behavior because of the conditions. >> reporter: 23,000 people have been displaced by this fire. many of them now at the evacuation centers in calistoga and also in kelseyville. that's where the two evacuation centers have been located. even though a lot of people really are anxious to get back to their homes, it's really not a good idea, not vzable -- advisable. in many cases you won't be abe to until you have a -- you won't be able to unless you have a sheriff's escort. there is still a lot of downed power lines and there's still the possibility that the fire can go through the areas that have already burned. you ent would be able to -- you won't be able to go unless you have an escort. back to you. >> thank you. we're following a developing story in houston, texas. look at this. a second student has now died after a school bus crashed earlier this morning. this bus was on its way to a high school. now, police say a car swerved on a freeway to avoid hitting another car and hit that school bus instead. the bus crashed, went through a guardrail, landed on the road below. the driver and two other students were seriously hurt. we'll keep you posted on more on this story. today, san jose will consider taking a big step toward raising the minimum wage again. it's one of the cities that could raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. today, the san jose city council will vote on whether to pay a consultant to study how a pay raise would affect the region. right now the minimum wage is 10.30 an hour. to the east bay where the berkeley city council is going to meet tonight and is set to consider a new proposal to raise that city's minimum wage to $19 an hour. the city's labor commission is recommending the increase take affect by the year 2020. the proposal calls for bumping up the minimum wage next year to $13 an hour. that would be followed by additional increases in the coming years. as we've been telling you, some of the people who evacuated because of the valley fire are being allowed to go back home but for a little while. at:30. we'll -- at 8 8:30 we'll take you live. big-named ceos and celebrities and a cruiseshy. you will find all of -- and a crude ship. you will find all of that at san francisco's tech conference that just kicked off today. we'll have a report on dreamforce -- coming up. we're still looking at a lot of slow traffic, especially in the south bay. i will tell you more about the bridges as well when we come back with another update. we thought we'd be ready. but demand for our cocktail bitters was huge. i could feel our deadlines racing towards us. we didn't need a loan. we needed short-term funding. fast. our amex helped us fill the orders. just like that. you can't predict it, but you can be ready. another step on the journey. will you be ready when growth presents itself. realize your buying power at looks like -- >> we're taking a live look at what's happen until utah. you see rushing waters on the top side of your screen. this is flooding, emergency crews standing by. people are brying rescued from the -- being rescued from the rain. this is happening in southern utah where at least eight people have died after a family was spent away. there are five people missing after flash floods hit the area in hildale. we are talking about southern utah. far too much water there. here in california, we're seeing a drought. i know southern california is getting some major rain. >> a lot of rain. steve paulson is here. you've been talking about that all morning. >> well, when l.a. gets 1.25 in september -- >> big deal. >> an average for the month is .24. there have been reports of 1.50. the low clouds are being pushed south. it's cool. we do get -- we're -- we're in between systems. the pattern will go back to high pressure. they are on back side of that in l.a. some of the rainfall was incredible. you -- it's an inch and a half for some locations. now heading east. it looks like they are about done. there has to be many records for that much rain in september. in july, it was san diego. now here it s for us -- now here it is. for us, we get some cool readings. 47, 48 around kelseyville. humidity is high. that's good. that will help the firefighters. it looks like rain tomorrow. 50s and 60s on the temps. west at 10, west at 15. even with sunshine there will be a breeze, blustery conditions. there goes the one system. the next one is dropping down from the gulf of alaska. we'll take it. that ushers in cooler temperatures. there's not a lot to the system. but it does have a lot of jet stream support. i think it will give rain to the north bay tomorrow. south of san francisco, oakland. it could be iffy. low clouds, sun, 60s and 70s on the temps. sal? how are you, sal? i'm doing well. i don't have to deal with the traffic that people who have to leave the house now have to deal with. let's start off with the big commute and that would be the bay bridge. it's backed up for a 40-minute delay before you make it onto the span. it hasn't improved at all. it seems to be getting worse as day goes on -- as days go on. i thought people would get used to and i think they will. let's move along to the south bay. you see a bunch of slow traffic here. road sensors mean the traffic is at 25 miles an hour or less. that's a lot of it here in san jose. on highway 101 through palo alto and mountain view, look at all of the slow traffic there. if you are a south bay driver, it's slow and on the nimitz freeway, it's very slow from 238 all the way down to southern fremont. let's take a look at 880 heading north in oakland. it's backed up in san leandro from downtown. the doors are open in san francisco and people are headed to the dreamforce conference. >> janine de la vega, you are at the moscone center. tell us about some of the big names and big event as the conference -- big events at the conference. >> reporter: the dreamforce conference just got underway. the streets surrounding it are already getting busy. if you normally drive around here, try to find an alternate route. the traffic is just gonna build. >> it's a music festival r foss -- festival for geeks. >> reporter: this has gotten bigger and bigger each year. 160,000 people have registered for the conference. there ra a ton of -- there are a ton of workshops and breakout sessions featuring big names. there's celebrity speakers, goldie hawn, patricia arquette and jessica alba. there is a concert. all of the activities have attracted a record number of people so sales force decided to bring in a celebrity cruise ship to house them since the hotels are packed. the ship has been dubbed the dreamboat. it's sold out. >> actually yesterday morning it was my job to go through all of the parties and coordinate which parties we're gonna go through. >> reporter: there is a big emphasis on supporting different causes. the proceeds to the foo fighters go to the uc benioff children's hospital. everyone is encouraged to brick a book -- bring a book to have that donated to bay area schools. we'll have more coming up mountain 9:00 hour. be hour not to miss that. hundreds woke up to stand out in the chilly air at the cow palace. but it's all for a good cause. perhaps they will achieve their dream. coming up later we'll go back live to the american idol auditions happening right here in the bay area today. millions of people were exposed when the ashley madison website was hacked. what happens to the wives affected by their cheating husbands? we'll show you a service offering free councilling for six months -- counseling for six months for women they say deal with betrayal trauma. welcome back to "mornings on 2." 8:24. this week the federal reserve is expected to say if a key interest rate will go up. economists can't agree on what the fed will do. janet yellen says the decision will be based on new economic information. one very important report comes out tomorrow. the consumer price index, it will tell us if inflation is heading up. now, the fed has held the short- term rate at almost 0% for nine years. intel wants to be a leader in keeping cars safe from hackers. intel's forming a safety review board. the group will test car security and recommend ways manufacturers can design safer vehicles. the focus will be on cars connected to the internet. this comes after researchers proved they could hack a jean cherokee and commander from ten miles away. researchers were able to manipulate the cherokee's brakes as well as transmission. the founder of amazon expected to announce plans to launch a space tourism business when he takes a visit to cape canaveral. reportedly blue origin will build an launch the rocket from florida. blue origin successfully launched an unmanned test flight of the new shepherd vehicle earlier this year. now, it circled the earth in the upper atmosphere but it did not go into space. bezos is racing with richard branson to build and development a commercial space flist for customers. elove musk's space x company has booked 60 launches worth $7 billion for the falcon rockets. in a press release, the company announced that among the contract it signed, there listen launches of spanish and saudi communications in 2017 and 2018. nasa is saying it might use a space x capsule to retrieve rocks from mars. though the red dragon capsule is still in the concept phase. utah company is offering free counseling for people affected by a harking scandal -- hacking scandal. >> you are not crazy. if you have experienced betrayal in a relationship, you may think you have gone crazy. you are experiencing main. it's called betrayal trauma. >> last month, hackers revealed data for those on the ashley madison site. newly launched clinic called bloom is offering six months of free online counseling for people who found out their spouses were on that site after the site was exposed by a hacker attack. we're finding out more about the woman killed in the valley fire. up next, the medical condition that kept her from escaping the flames. >> reporter: we are he a live at lower lake high school -- we're live at lower lake high school where several people will be returning homes to check on their pets and livestock. we'll have a live report. good morning. we're looking at a lot of slow traffic and right now, the south bay seems to be one of the worse spots but not to forget the bay bridge. it's still very slow trying to get into san francisco. some sun out there. a few clouds. it's on the cool side today. tomorrow, though, maybe some rain for lake county but even points south. more on that -- coming up. what can i make for you? ♪ how about our new flavor-packed italian hero? with three authentic italian deli meats; spiced capicola, a cracked- pepper-seasoned mortadella and spicy genoa salami. enjoy it while it's here! subway. eat fresh. we continue our coverage of the valley fire. you are taking a live look at the area where victims of the valley fire are gathering. some are preparing to go back into their neighborhood and see what is left of their homes and the animals or livestock even pets they were forced to leave behind. >> and just look at where the fire has bushed so far -- burned so far. that's the orange area below clearlake. the black and white area is where the rocky and jerusalem fires burned. we're told this fire isn't burning in any one direction. we're also told firefighters are saying the conditions are so dry, you can't predict where the fire will burn. now, brian flores joining us live now from lower lake where in a couple of hours, some residents will be escorted back to their neighborhood for the first time to see what's left. >> reporter: yeah, about an hour and a half from now, dave. >> we're live at lower lake high school where several dozens of people. we were here about 45 minutes ago. there were only 13 people here. it's definitely grown now. a lot of them waiting to check on their pets for livestock. but really also to see whether their homes or their neighborhoods are left standing. i talked with a couple of them this morning. definitely heartbreaking stories for many of them. it's been very rough. but as we go to video know, sheriff's deputy -- video now, sheriff deputies are gonna start to bring in tzs -- to brick residents to their -- to bring residents to their homes. there are some things that residents need in order to return. they will need identification that shows proof of residence. residents will need to be ready to complete their task in 15 minutes. one location here is -- is -- is here at lower lake high school. we spoke with a couple of them to hear their stories. they are expecting the worst coming from this. >> difficult times. my wife and my anniversary today. first time that we've never have anything for each other except for hoping that, you know, we have a home that's still standing. >> for us, our kids are out -- the people who have families, they don't have a place to come back to, that's really hard. >> really hard. >> and people who don't know, that's even harder. those are the people we're kind of praying for and focusing on right now. >> there is this location at lower lake high school. the other location for residents on the kelseyville side of cobb mountain off bottle rock road and highway 75 or in the clearlake riviera area will meet at the dirt parking lot of the football stadium at kelseyville high school. the sheriff'department says this is only to keep up -- to see see how pets and livestock are doing. they will not be escorting people to loch lomond and anderson springs. crews are still battling fires out there. they will not be escorting for personal items or medications and they say if you need medication, you need to contact your doctor or head to an emergency room for stibs there. but it -- since there. but the people are looking for pets and live stock. a lot of them consider them part of the family. and also to see whether the houses and neighborhoods are left standing. a lot of them don't know that information yet. they've heard from other third- party sources like a friend who works for pg&e or someone who works for the sheriff's department. they just want to see the results for themselves. >> i see a couple of here. they have their arms around each other. the man is on his cell phone. it seems like everyone is -- is banning together and trying to get any information they can. >> reporter: yeah, that's basically what a lot of people are here for. they hear these third-party sources really, yeah, your house is standing. i think your house is standing. i don't know. they really just want to see for themselves. they understand that this be only for for -- this only be for 15 minutes to check on pets and live stock. but they want to see for themselves to kind of get closure. that's what many people are saying here this morning to see what damage was left behind. hopefully, crossing our fingers, many -- some of these homes are left standing but it's not looking too bad. last i heard was more than 500 homes burned to the ground. >> very sad. thank you. >> reporter: yes. let's turn to weather. >> what will firefighters -- >> it's mostly sunny but it's cooler -- cooler. they will be in the 70s. it sure looks like rain on the way for tomorrow. not for today. but for mendocino county and lake county tomorrow afternoon. we get some breaks in the clouds. had some low cloud drizzle. temperatures staying in the 60s and 70s even with a little lit bit more sunshine. see some of that higher cloud deck has moved off. there's still patchy low clouds around. just came in on the usc campus. 2.25 inches. most rain since march 20th, 2011. it's still raining for some. but it looks like it's finally ending for l.a. they had 1.50. 50s, 60s. slow too warm up. here comes the second system diving out of the gulf of alaska. tomorrow afternoon/evening looks like a better opportunity for the north bay. far south, i will tackle that tomorrow. there is a lot more sun today. 60s and 70s on the temps. all right, sal. what do we have? a lot of slow traffic, steve. even this late in the morning we'll see a lot of slowing out there. we'll start off with a look at school of the commutes -- with a look at some of the commutes. in san jose 101 from blossom hill road, slow. a solid line of slow traffic up to mountain view and palo alto. i -- i feel for you if you have to deal with that. 17 is a mess heading down to saratoga and 85 and 280 are very slow as you drive through. 580 is going to be now stop and go from livermore to dublin and 680 is slow out of pleasanton toward fremont. 880 is not doing very well. let's go to a live picture. san mateo bridge is busy across the peninsula. the bay bridge has been slow all morning lock -- long. we have a 20, 30-minute wait before you make it on the span. back to the desk. back to the valley fire coverage and those people who have been evacuated. about a thousand evacuees are staying in tents or rvs at the napa county fairgrounds in calistoga. they are getting food, clothing and other supplies thanks to the kindness of strangers and an army of volunteers. many have lost homes and their jobs. >> i haven't been back there -- i'm not sure i want to see it honestly. i'm hot -- not sure. >> nine and a half years. now i don't have a house, no job. no nothing. >> wow. yesterday, there was a problem out there when a sewer line backed up into one of these shelter buildings. volunteers had to work out of one kitchen to cook all of those meals but they expect to have it fixed today. there's been confirmed death from the valley fire. a 72-year-old woman died. neighbors say she just moved to the area. >> they also say it's no wonder she didn't make it out. pam cook is in the studio to tell us why firefighters had a rough time getting to her house. >> she needed help to evacuate. and also not only was the neighborhood on fire, but many people didn't listen to the warn-- listen to the warnings. >> that was a beautiful spot in the house over the creek. >> now that little house and the rest of the neighborhood in anderson springs is gone. the body of 72-year-old barbara mcwilliams was found inside. now, she was a retired schoolteacher. neighbors say she just bought that house last year. she lived alone. she had multiple sclerosis and could not evacuate on her own. >> she had a lot of -- she traveled a lot. >> we had law enforcement officers and firefighters going house to house as the flaming front was coming through pulling people out and getting them to safety. >> calfire says at least eight firefighters have lost their homes in the past few days as well. one of them calfire chief paul duncan, his home burned to the ground while he was fighting the fire in cobb. another firefighter lost his home in the cobb area as he was fighting the butte fire burning at gold country. a reminder that wildfires in these drought conditions can move so incredely fast -- incredibly fast. they are helping evacuate people as well as trying to stop the fire. >> i also think about the fact, okay, maybe my family. i'm fine. key go -- we can get out the door. but what about the elderly neighbor? always think about who is around you. >> exactly. >> thank you, pam. 8:39. we have an update on that other big wildfire in northern california. calfire says the butte fire is now 37% contained. it has burned more than 71,000 acres in am ma door and -- amador and calaveras counties. 166 homes have been destroyed. 6400 more are in danger. now, the fire started last wednesday. hundreds of people are camping now at the jackson casino. some know they have lost everything. others, they haven't heard if their homes are still standing. >> just get through this. just get through it. i don't think people are aware of what's going on. a lot people with no homes and no place to go. >> hundred of animals have been evacuated. they are being cared for at the amador county fairgrounds. now, at, we posted a list of ways you can help the fire victims. you can see it with all of our coverage on the front of our home page. 8:41. mississippi manhunt is over this morning in the shooting death of a college professor. 45-year-old shannon lamb was found dead of an apparent self- inflicted gunshot last night. he was suspected in the killing of his live-in girlfriend and the history professor at delta state university. authorities aren't speculating on a motive but some say lamb believed the victims were having an affair. the shooting at the university yesterday morning set off a lockdown and left many people on campus shaken. a candlelight vigil vigil for -- candlelight vigil is set for this evening. dunkin doughnut has to pay a woman $500,000 to a woman for hot coffee. she fell outside of the store and spilled hot coffee on her face and neck. she fell of a walking back to her car. she tripped over a spike exposed from a dislodged curb stop and that made her spill and caused that spill. they will pay her $522,000. there's some new safety banners in parts of san francisco. coming up at 9:00, the messages designed to help keep pedestrians safe. and you can own a piece of the beatles. why ringo starr says he's getting rid of iconic stuff. you want to try out for american idol? this is your last chance ever. this is the behind the scenes where it all happens. we'll tell you what producers are looking for for the final season -- coming up. good morning. we're looking at the east bay commute and it's still very tough as you drive on the way to san francisco. this is northbound 101. that traffic in san francisco looks okay. well, mostly sunny to partly cloudy. more clouds to the south. we'll get a little break today. clouds will increase later on. there is another system on the way. will this one bring rain? we'll take a look at it. introducing starbucks® small-batch cold brew coffee. in stores now. just hearing that music, brings it all back. ♪ >> happening today, tryouts for your chance to be the next, in fact, the last american idol. >> i'm in. no. i'm out. but tara moriarty is live. you think you found a winner out there? >> reporter: you know, we've got a couple really good competitors. a couple maybe not so good. but that's what makes it fun. you can kind of laugh and kind of cheer from home and wish that these people, you know, reach their dream. we're here where the auditions are gonna be held. so a big group of people are gonna come in here and sit in all of these seats and they go up four people at a time. we can't show you because we're very secretive here at american idol. there are all of these booths set up. four people at a time will go and sing their song. it will be a nail-biter for a lot of these folks. we have four people that we want to introduce you to. this is their big moment. we have two people from nevada. two from california. what's your name? >> bebe. i live in sacramento. >> reporter: what are you singing? ♪ i was born by the river ♪ i've been running ever since ♪ >> reporter: very good. very soulful. i like that one. you are chandler. you are from carson city? >> yes. >> reporter: what you are singing? >> "house of the rising sun." ♪ there is a house in new orleans they call the rising sun and it's been the ruin of many of poor ♪ >> reporter: very good. i like the echoing. >> so cool. >> reporter: it's like when you are in the shower and you think you sound really good. what are you singing? ♪ you know how i feel it's a new dawn it's a new day it's a new life for me ♪ >> reporter: that's pretty good. you've got a guitar. that makes you extra special. what are you singing? >> a song that i wrote. >> reporter: an original. give me two bars. ♪ i got one foot in a dream >> reporter: oh, wow. that's good. you guys, i'm voting for all four of you. if i was a judge, you would all pass. that was great. what did you think, dave, gasia? >> i thought they were great. tara, you nailed it when you said even the people who are not fabulous, those are almost the ones i like to watch. remember william hung and he did she bang. >> reporter: she bangs. do we remember. >> he shot to stardom based on how bad he was. so if you are really, really good or you are really, really bad, you are a winner. >> tara, tell them they did really good. >> reporter: dave clark says that you guys did really well and that you represented and he's really proud of you and break a leg. >> there you go. >> there you go. >> reporter: i think they are fired up. they got a run through. now they are ready and got the vocals. and had a lot of -- no, seriously. and then you got the tea and the honey and we're good to go. >> awesome. thank you. i did a me me me as a joke. steve, sal's pretty good, too. sal, you have a lot going on. >> you will have to bring good music to pull through some of these lodge long -- long, long commutes. bring a book on tape. your music. we'll start off with some of the slowest commutes. that would be highway 24. it will be slow from walnut creek to oakland. most of this is stop and go traffic. looking at the toll plaza, a 40- minute delay trying to get into san francisco. a lot of it is just waiting to get onto the bridge itself. and then in the east bay, we've had the really bad traffic on 880 this morning from much earlier. 880, the road sensors are slow. 880 from 238 heading south and heading north to downtown. westbound 580, backed up solid out of san leandro and highway 13 is a mess. the theme is everywhere is slow. it's easier if you think that. 8:51. let's go to steve. i do believe william hung is with the l.a. department of health. >> i didn't know that. >> i'm glad you are keeping up with him. >> i try. [ applause ] let's go get to it. tomorrow's system looks better. they are pushing south. it's mostly cloudy over san jose. but mostly sunny over the golden gate bridge there. a little chill this morning. had a lot of drizzle. that's moved off. where is the next system? it's right there. there is a break into lake county, mendocino county. it looks like clouds are increasing. they will stay in the 70s on the temps. there is a decent breeze. this system will bring rain for the folks tomorrow. not tonight. but tomorrow. mostly sunny. 40s and 50s on the -- on the tell. not a bad system. usc, 2.28 inches. l.a. had over 1.50. now it's heading toward oceanside and san diego. that's a lot of rain. that's a lot of rain for any time. but for september in one day, that's a heck of a lot of rain. 50s and 60s on the temps. westerly breeze in place. there goes one system. here comes the next one. right out of the gulf of alaska. like they used to, back in the day. this one will give us increasing cloud. we'll keep track of the rain line. north bay, yes. after that, i will have to see what's he having -- what's developing. 67 -- 60s and 70s. looks like rain likely in the north bay tomorrow. we'll clear it out on thursday. it looks warmer. i'm not completely sold on it. if an offshore breeze develops, it will happen. i think for lake county, .25, .50. maybe. not too bad. >> great news. >> that would be great news. >> did you know there is a ♪ >> i can see it. he got more mileage out of his audition for "american idol" than any other -- name someone else who failed. i can't do it. >> i think he was in here. >> i think he was in here. >> i can't, to answer your question. >> we all know -- you know where he's working. >> i saw that on twitter and i looked it up and it was true. >> too wild. >> last season of "american idol." >> thank you. food deserts are known as areas where people cannot easily get fresh, healthy food in san francisco. one in 14 people are living in a desert like that. coming up in our 9:00 hour of "mornings on 2," we talk to the great chef tyler florence about a campaign to change that. she told us about the spoon full of sugar. ♪ >> we all know this song. there is a remake of the entire movie itself. some mary poppins cannot stomach the fact there is a remake in the works even if they take that news of the spoon full of sugar. details are next. hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! [ laughing ] [ music continues ] introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. ♪ >> would you look at the lady in red? that's oakland mayor libby schaaf. go, libby. wait a minute. she was spotted during the cupid shuffle during this past weekend's pride parade and festival. he's good. this is the sixth year of the festival. this video of the mayor dancing was posted on facebook about a day ago. i put it on my facebook page as well. make sure you go check it out. the beatles drummer ringo starr is putting some of his iconic instrupments and other memorabilia up for -- instruments and ear memorabilia up for auction, including the drum equipment. he's also selling a get given to him -- guitar given to him by john lennon. as many as 800 items will be up for bid, including furniture, art. the you ation is in december -- auction is in december. there's another movie remake of sorts in the works. ♪ supercalifragilisticexpialidoci us ♪ >> we are he a talking about mary poppins. it stars julie andrews and dick van dyke. the remake will be directed by rob marshall. he's the man behind "chicago." the new film will make place 20 years after the original. there was a lot of outrage on soak media. a lot of tweets demanding disney not remake the classic. this morning disney has yet to respond to any criticism. >> there's only one. today, two bay area cities will consider raising the minimum wage. coming up in the next hour, how much workers in san jose and berkeley could stand to make. >> reporter: in just an hour, some evacuees of the valley fire will be returning home to check on their animals that were left behind. we'll tell you about a few horses that survived the fire. we'll also tell you about how their owner found out they were still alive. that story is coming up >> you have just stepped into the veterinarian classroom. come stop down here. we are waiting for you.

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