Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20160614 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20160614

revealed now about the gunman who opened fire at an orlando nightclub killing 49 people. a regular at the gay club told the orlando sentinel he had seen omar mateen at the bar b he said mateen would drink by himself and be loud and belligerent. investigators say at this point it appears mateen acted alone. >> so far, we see no indication that this was a plot directed from outside the united states. >> although mateen was shot and killed by police, investigators are still combing the nightclub and area for evidence. the fbi also searched his home and electronic devices. an effort to trace his words and activities in recent weeks. meanwhile, surgeons told cbs news the hospitalized victims are expected to survive. president obama will fly to meet with family members of the victims. he called the shooting an act of terrorism and hate. he gave his support to the lgbt community as well saying that where they were targeted was more than a nightclub, it was a place of solidarity and empowerment. as the president prepares to meet with those families, we are getting the complete list of those killed. kpix 5's veronica de la cruz reports reporter: family members gathered in orlando for news about their loved ones. [ screaming and crying ] >> reporter: city officials spent the day notifying next of kin of the 49 killed at the pulse nightclub. luis vazquez lost his nephew. >> he is still going to be in our memories and hearts. that will never go away. we remember the person he was not what he is right now. >> reporter: had flores lost his daughter mercedes. >> take care of your kids. >> reporter: 34-year-old edward sotomayer texted this video minutes before he died. this one appears to show the last moments of 25-year-old amanda alvear's life. had am brenda mccool died. >> we thought she was missing. now she is gone. >> reporter: had luis viela families are planning funerals. 21-year-old cory connell's girlfriend took him to the nightclub tobacco users teach him latin dancing. >> i knew in my heart of hearts that something happened to him because he was protecting his girlfriend. >> cory was the guy of the family, the giver. call cory. he was giving. he would deliver. it's what he did. >> reporter: veronica de la cruz, kpix 5. >> several vigils have been held in the bay area to pay respects to the victims of the orlando shooting. at santa clara university, there were tears embraces and prayers for the victims. in walnut creek, a large crowd gathered at a bar called club 1220. >> -- that should not have died, died this weekend. but we are gathered here today to say that we are resolved. >> in san jose, mourners held a silent march. the u.s. presidential candidates weighed in on the orlando massacre and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. >> i refuse to be politically correct. the days of deadly ignorance will end. i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the united states. >> the orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. as president, i will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority. i believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. >> what happened in orlando is bringing up memories for the victims of the san bernardino shooting last december. a group met last night to say each victim's name aloud. the people don't know these victims personally. but no what it's like to lose people to gun violence. the residents in this room had words of comfort for the people of orlando. >> we are sending orlando the message of solidarity. we went through this. we went through the same pain and struggles. but we overcame it here in san bernardino and we want to send that message to orlando. >> immediately hit home for us. >> 14 people were killed and 22 seriously injured when a couple opened fire on a holiday party on december 2. the same type of gun was used in sunday's shooting. you can stay with kpix 5 news throughout the more for updates. kenneth craig will have a live update in the next half-hour from the scene and you can also find the latest online on federal investigators hope some arrests in san francisco will lead to more information about a recent rash of drug overdoses. the three are accused of manufacturing and selling illegal fentanyl, an opiate. a pill press was used in a 44 avenue he apartment to make them. they were sold online as oxycodone. >> i saw this big production going on outside my window. a little exciting but kind of scary at the same time. >> based on evidence from wiretaps, confidential sources and video surveillance, drug enforcement believes up to 500 tablets were manufactured each day. it's still not clear if the case is connected to overdoses in april which included 14 deaths in the sacramento area. 4:36. so elizabeth are we going to see a warmup as the week progresses or cooldown? >> we are and we're not. we are going to see a cooldown and warmup. we have a little bit of everything. if you have been feeling all that heat inland, it might feel good. it will feel a little cooler, kind of mild actually. other parts of the bay area will feel brisk. we have some breezy conditions along the coast and bay. some partly cloudy skies out the door right now. a few low clouds. this is a live look in san jose. and temperatures mainly in the 50s. 53 in san francisco. 52 in santa rosa. mid-50s in oakland and concord coming in right now at 56 degrees. we have a good sea breeze kicking in. brisk today at the coast and bay so that's what's keeping things cooler. we have a low pressure system in the far northwest bringing cooler temperatures. bottoming out by tomorrow. and these temperatures going to feel good once again these inland spots low 70s in concord, 76 in fairfield. and then around the bay 68 in oakland, high of 70 in redwood city and 73 in santa rosa. i mentioned that chance of rain in our seven-day forecast. we'll show you where that is and what day to expect it. in the meantime, we are all very excited and gianna is back at the traffic desk. good morning. >> thank you. good morning. already feeling a little sleep debriefed. but i'll make it. 580 out of couple trouble spots to report, first reports of a had stall near grant line and wood debris in the lane. yellow about slow speeds. a quick look at the bay bridge, right now a couple of cars stuck in cash lanes but traffic is okay out of oakland into san francisco. let's get a look at the golden gate right now. traffic very light out of marin as you head towards san francisco. no delays out of 580. about 13 to 14 minutes heading towards the pay gates and a quick check of the san mateo bridge. traffic is clear in both directions between hayward and foster city. so an easy ride on the westbound side as you work your way towards 101. that's your "kcbs traffic." kenny? >> thank you. after a disappointing loss last night at oracle the warriors go to cleveland. draymond green's absence last night was felt as the "dubs" struggled to stop lebron james and the cavs. the warriors managed to keep a close score until the second half when the cavs began seizing open paint opportunities which turned into a sizable lead in the 4th quarter. fans agree that draymond's territory. >> it was a good game. but we needed draymond. he is sitting over there at the a's game. we can't deal with that. we need him here. >> it's too bad. i which draymond could have played. >> we -- i wish draymond could have played. >> we miss him. >> he was missed so much that there's a hashtag about him on twitter. he will play thursday and hope to take the tight until game 6 at cleveland at 6 p.m. if you live in marin county but commute to san francisco, starting today there will be four lanes going northbound on the golden gate bridge. that will take place tuesdays through fridays from 4 to 5 p.m. had since january, there have been four northbound -- since january there have been four northbound lanes on friday afternoon but traffic increases earlier 9.1 million people living in santa clara county could see relaxed water conservation rules allowing residents to water three days a week. that adds an extra day to water lawns. the water district's board will voted today. this winter, by the way, was one of the wettest in five years. >> more bay area news now. a public meeting happens this week about the ongoing problem of airplane noise. a committee set up by congress meets at sequoia high school in redwood city tomorrow. the point is to reduce noise from aircraft over santa clara, san mateo and santa cruz counties. the faa has acknowledged the problem and has come up with a feasibility study to address it. several community groups will also make presentations. today in berkeley a debate gets under way over putting alternative minimum wage proposal on the november ballot. if approved, it would take the minimum wage for all businesses in berkeley to $15 an hour by october 2019. lawmakers could adopt their own proposal instead. right now the city's minimum wage is currently $11 an hour. it will be $12.5 3 in october. also happening this fall you may no longer have to fall back. that's if one lawmaker gets his way. a bill proposed by san jose assemblyman chiu cleared the committee this week. the goal to abolish the practice of daylight saving. if approved, it would still need two-thirds approval in both houses plus the governor's signature. then voters would have a final say. california would be the third state to get rid of daylight saving time behind hawaii and arizona. time now 4:41. if you're looking for work a sillicon valley social media giant is looking to hire. how many jobs facebook is looking to fill. that's next. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dead, after a fire at a two-story office building. say the fire began developing news in los angeles where one person is dead after a fire eight two- story office building. investigators say that the fire began about 7 yesterday evening in a building that was supposed to be vacant but five squatters were inside the building. crews rescued three of them. another being questioned as a person of interest. today former olympian oscar pistorius is back for a second day of a sentencing hearing. he faces 15 years in prison for the murder of his girlfriend reeva steenkamp in 2013. he was convicted after the prosecution overturned an earlier manslaughter verdict and now he is convicted of murder. now his lawyers say he is mentally unfit to go back to jail. a psychologist said he is a broken man who should not be jailed. people gathered for a candlelight vigil honoring christina grimmie. they paid tribute to the singer in her new jersey hometown after she was killed following a concert in florida over the weekend. she first became a youtube sensation then boosted her popularity on the singing show "the voice." her brother, who is credited with tackling her attacker, addressed the crowd. >> she loved this town. she loved this state. she loved singing. she loved the lord and she loved me. >> grimmie didn't know the gunman 27-year-old kevin loibl. >> a frantic search for an escaped state prison inmate in arkansas. authorities say convicted murderer lloyd jones managed to slip past prison guards yesterday. he was serving a 60 year sentence for murder and abuse of a corpse. in 2001, jones was also sentenced to 10 years for rape. prison officials say this isn't the first time they have lost track of an inmate. >> unfortunately, we have had escapes from our facilities. but our staff is well trained. when we have situations like this, everybody knows what to do and they know what to do as soon as it happens. >> helicopters, police dogs and multiple agencies are scouring the area. he is 6 feet, 175 pounds, and covered in tatoos. parts of colorado are dealing with the aftermath of some strong thunderstorms. rain, hail and strong winds caused some minor flooding and damaged trees in the colorado springs areas yesterday. no reports of major damage. but being from colorado, i know how the summer afternoons can go. tornadoes, hail, rain. >> sunny in the morning. >> but it's nice to be in mild california. >> north carolina was the same way. get out when you can. >> what about here? we're okay especially some of our inland spots. we are going to see a lot of sunshine cooler than yesterday but might feel pretty nice if you are inland and cool even breezy at times over parts of the coast and bay. out the door, you can see the bay bridge in the distance some of those buildings lit up in warriors colors. it's patchy clouds now for the most part with mild temperatures for this time of the morning. mid-50s in oakland. 53 san francisco. and low 50s out the door in santa rosa. so here's what it looks like with our satellite and radar. we have a low pressure system over the northwest bringing cooler temperatures. they will be below average. we have a sea breeze kicking in so let's look at the futurecast. mainly sunshine across the board today. but a few clouds out there kind of a similar story tomorrow for wednesday. when temperatures bottom out and then more clouds roll in by thursday and a chance of rain mainly north of the golden gate. it's stick there is to the north bay for the most part thursday by 1:00. that's when we have that chance of some very light showers. what to expect out the door, breezy to start especially in some of the valleys. low clouds, cool today, windy at times and once again a possible north bay shower just in time for thursday. so here's a look at the highs around the bay today. it's going to feel mild in spots. 71 in vallejo. 73 in concord. mid-60s in san francisco. until pacifica, along the coast, it's -- in pacifica, along the coast, high of 62. so a wide range of temperatures depending where you are. here's the forecast for the rest of the week. tuesday, wednesday, that's when that cooling trend kind of continues into wednesday. chance of showers in the north bay on thursday. otherwise mild and heating up in time for the end of the workweek into the weekend. a high of 93 by monday taking a look ahead. that's your latest kpix 5 weather. here's gianna with traffic. >> good morning. let's jump to the roads right now. our hot spots are on 580 where we have a couple of things brewing. a broken-down vehicle at grant line and reports of wood debris in the road right at airway so that's blocking lanes. past that mess, though, traffic is a little sluggish towards the dublin interchange. but it is moving so speeds are doing okay through there. once you get on 680 no troubles this morning. let's check the rest of the bay area. here's a live look at conditions through observations. both directions not -- through oakland. both directions not a problem. southbound no roadwork towards hayward. bay bridge traffic backed up in the cash lanes, fastrak be lanes no problem into san francisco. light across the bay bridge into san francisco this morning. other bridges problem-free. san mateo bridge traffic no problems. lane changes are are happening as we mentioned earlier,. no troubles between marin and san francisco. that's the morning drive. back to you guys. move over, "frozen." there's a new princess in town. disney just released a sneak peek of their upcoming movie. ♪[ music ] >> an island out of the sea. monsters. i should know. i'm maui. >> duane johnson voices a demi god in disney's next animated adventure about a girl determined to fulfill her destiny and save her people. lin-manuel miranda wrote the music for the phil. it opens in november. inform. a movie called war craft is doing big business in china. the fantasy adventure is racking up huge numbers and merchandise sales. one beijing company told the hollywood reporter the really big money is in the warcraft exhibitions. james corden can't stop with the carpool karaoke segments. >> last night the host of the "late late show" belted classic hits. [ rap ] got shirtless to sing a >> corden and the red-hot chilly pepper red hot chili peppers sang various songs. >> love it. time now 4:51. still ahead, amazon is facing trouble. how much the company could have to pay for violating regulations. >> and what's cool about your school or summer camp? email your nomination to us at [email protected]. we may come and feature your school or camp on the show. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, there are about to be a lote *friends at facebook... welcome back. as we go flying around the bay area, checking some numbers, temperatures are definitely below average for this time of year. 70 is your high in palo alto. 69 in fremont. and 73 for folks in san jose. we are not even reaching 80 in some of our hottest spots. brentwood, antioch, only reaching into the low to mid- 70s. around the bay cooler still. mid-60s sausalito. 70s kentfield. berkeley 66. clearlake 74. saint helena 77. quick look at the bay bridge, you can see traffic is backed up in the cash lanes. but still moving okay in some spots as you head out of oakland into san francisco. no roadwork on the bay bridge. you are also clear on 101 and 280 heading into san francisco. there are about to be a lot more friends at facebook. the company could add more 15,000 workers by the end of 2019 explaining all the construction in menlo park these days. facebook has already broken ground on a project to redevelop 58 acres. the proposed plan could gobble up more than a million square feet of real estate expanding the campus. opponents can weigh in during a public comment period now through july 11. the federal aviation administration wants time pose a civil penalty on amazon. the faa says amazon should pay $350,000 for violating hazardous materials regulations. the agency says amazon tried to send a one gallon container of a corrosive drain cleaner via u.p.s. without proper labeling. some of the liquid leaked forcing some u.p.s. workers to be treated, as a precaution. in healthwatch, a new study suggests eating more whole grains may cut your risk of serious health issues. harvard doctors tracked 800,000 patients. people decreased their risk of dying from cardiovascular and cancer by 20%. researchers say a drug used to treat people with type 2 diabetes is showing other benefits. a study in the new england journal of medicine shows that it cut blood sugar levels but also prevented heart attacks, strokes and kidney disease. and death. a new brewery in sacramento county is being hit with a wave of criticism. some people are attack the owner on social media before the business is even officially opened. at the center of the backlash is the brewery's name and logo. special ed. 's brewery. the company is selling t shirts with the phrase ride the short bus to special beer. some people call it insensitive to special needs children but they say it comes from a nickname given to him by his friends. >> in no way, shape of form am i trying to hurt any interest group. >> it's not funny. >> a recent post on their facebook page said it might be changed. time now 4:57. in the presidential race bernie sanders and hillary clinton plan to meet today. what they are expected to discuss still ahead. >> and in the ongoing bay area police sex scandal another deputy is put on administrative leave this one from contra costa county. ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i'm kenny choi. e f-b-i is following more than a hun good morning. it's tuesday, june 14. i'm michelle griego. >> good morning. i'm kenny choi. the fbi is following more than 100 leads and experts are still searching for evidence at the scene of the deadly nightclub shooting in florida. cbs news' kenneth craig is live from orlando with the latest developments. craig reporter: well, good morning to you. investigators are still trying to sort out

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