Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120613 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120613

ironically, from the chase department in charge of mitigated risk. my colleague, christine romans watching this hearing from her post in new york. the department that's supposed to mitigate risks made these risky trades and now he is having to answer questions. it's obvious why congress wants to know why these stupid trades were made. >> yeah. he says, you know what? i'm not going to defend it, because it violates common sense. it shouldn't have happened. what was, maybe should have been a legitimate, bona fide macroeconomic hedge, morphed into something else, he says, and he did not defend it. talk about, you say a grilling. a civil discussion. in part because he is so contrite here. the conversation just now turning into something more about what do you think about dodd-frank and the volcker rule and new regulations he has been vocal against. but as far as that trade, he says, no, you're right. it shouldn't have happen and we're sorry for that. in particular, let me tell you, i want to first talk about the disruption if you will, at the very beginning. before he even sat down. >> hecklers, right? >> some hecklers and, of course, there usually are with bankers, especially in the wake of occupy wall street. listen to it for a second. >> going to prison. you and others. you need to listen to bernie sanders. we need top listen -- these guys sit on federal courts, take billions of dollars, bailouts, zero -- this man needs to go to jail along with his -- >> of course, security hustled them out. jamie dimon seemed -- not flustered by all of that, quite frankly. this is still happening. you're going to get more pointed questions about, should there be more oversight on wall street? asked point blank, if other smaller, less capitalized banks were doing the same thing, could it take down the financial system? he didn't really answer that question, except that we have a lot of money on our books. this is not something that would have taken down jpmorgan. hurt their shareholders, but certainly i think there could be more fireworks later on but so far civil, i'll be honest. >> probably will be more fireworks. dodd-frank was supposed to be about reforms and preventing this. we'll follow it throughout the hour. christine romans, thank you. keep a close eye on that for us. we're going to dip back in and out of this as it progresses and warrants here on cnn. stay tuned. overseas now. civil war in syria. that's what the u.n. is now calling the anti-government revolt that first erupted 15 months ago. the u.n. estimates 10,000 people mostly civilians have been killed, and there's no letup in heavy fighting across the country. [ gunfire ] [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> good lord. opposition groups say at least 49 people kim sewed far today. now syrian forces are using a new lethal weapon. helicopter gunships. the secretary, hillary clinton, says the choppers are being supplied by russia. to barbara starr in our at pentagon. barbara, what's the basis of clinton's claims here? >> reporter: well, she is not exactly saying what intelligence she has on-hand, don, but you can bet, plenty of information about it. the movement of russian arms into syria to support the regime there is a top priority for the u.s. intelligence community to be watching. there are a number of ways they can do it, from satellites, from u.s. navy ships in the eastern mediterranean, monitoring syrian ports there. they are keeping a very close eye, and i want to you listen just to how angry hillary clinton was yesterday when she talked about this. >> we have confronted the russians about stopping their continued arms shipments to syria. we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from russia to syria, which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically. >> reporter: and the words out of moscow this morning is, the russian military export agency has no intention of holding back on those export deals they have with syria. they're going to carry themmous, they say. don? >> can we talk more about these choppers? it's obvious that the folks would be alarmed here, because that takes this fighting to an entire new level. right? >> reporter: absolutely. now, to be clear, the syrians by all accounts, we've seen the video, have used helicopters in the past. but what appears to be happening here are some of the most advanced helicopter gunships from the russians maybe going into syria. what is the vicious advantage this give, the regime? see it on that piece of tape. these helicoptering can move quickly into an area. they can stay over a target for a period of time. they can loiter and fire their rockets and their weapons round after round after round into civilian areas with great precision but indiscriminately. they are the killing of women, children and civilians continues in syria, and these hlicopter gunships are just going to add more advantage to the syrian regime, at least for now until somebody does something about it. don? >> even more relentless. thank you very much, barbara starr. for more check out cnn security team's blog. security clearance. going to iraq. a wave of bombings killed at least 58 people and wounded nearly 160. 340e69 of the victims, shiite pilgrims ba s gathering for a festival. u.n. representatives call the attacks despicable and appear to be coordinated and occurred in ten places. the deadliest, south of baghdad. at least 20 people killed. no one claimed responsibility, but raise concerns about renewed violence between majority shiites and minority sunnis. isn't it time the automobile advanced? 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>> reporter: it's a busy morning, don. hi. right now there is a witness who we believe to be alleged victim number seven. and what he is saying is that, he is testifying that he did not have, allegedly, have any sex with jerry sandusky, but what's interesting is this -- this person has topped the grand jury that in the weeks leading up to his first appearance to the grand jury he had several phone calms from both jerry sandusky and sandusky's wife saying that it was very important for him to call him back. but he never did. now, that is who is on the stand, we believe, right now. just prior to him, we heard from someone who is known as alleged victim number ten. this is someone who is now 25 years old, don, but he is telling jurors when he was about 11 yours old or so in 1977 he met jerry sandusky through second mile and at one point said sandusky brought him down to his basement, pinned him down and told jurors that sandusky allegedly performed oral sex on him. he said he was freaked out. he told jurors, and so scared, and he said later this happened in the basement of sandusky's home, sandusky told him, threatened him, if he ever told anyone, he would never see his family again. at that point, he said, sandusky later said, i didn't really mean that, but the alleged victim said that he told his foster mother that he never warranted to -- wanted to see jerry sandusky again. >> these jurors, what they're hearing. probably never thought they'd hear these conversations in their entire lives. talk more about the witnesses and the people testifying. mike mcqueary's father also testified this morning. did he back up what his son has been saying throughout this process? >> reporter: yes, he did. he said that his son was really shook up when he called him that particular night to report that he had seen, as he put it, coach sandusky in the showers with a little boy, and the father testified there was no doubt in his mind that his son had seen a sexual act occur. later on he said a couple months later he testified that he had a meeting with the vice president of penn state, gary schultz, and he said to him, what's happening with what my son told you about jerry sandusky? and he testified that schultz told him that he had heard some noise about jerry sandusky before, but he told mcqueary's father he didn't need any additional information and that was it. >> susan candiotti. this trial is playing out fast. 52 counts of sexually abusing children and could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. one of mexico's notorious drug cartels is accused of infiltrating the world of horse breeding and racing to get this, launder drug money. 14 cartel members facing federal charges including the top leaders. saying cartel members funneled millions of dollars into the u.s. establishing a very successful award quarterhorse breeding operation in new mexico, in oklahoma, california and texas. following developments. 14 zetas. half arrest. who are the players? >> two brothers. living as a legitimate breeder, one of them, in the united states, buying horses in places like texas, oklahoma, california, and new mexico. the other brother is the repulted leader of a cartel in mexico known as los zetas and what federal authorities are alleging is that the brother in mexico was sending millions and millions of dollars in cash to the brother in new mexico, in oklahoma, so that he could buy, train and breed and raise these horses. that's what the indictment allegation. >> how did it work? how were they able to hide millions in drug money with quarterhorses? >> federal officials say they a number of front companies that operated as legitimate businesses dedicated solely to buying american quarterhorse, and this all seemed legitimate on the surface, but what was happening was, they were getting all the cash from mexico, in reality, and hiding the money through these companies and participating, actually, in races. they, in one case, in 2009, they made $1 million by winning one race. >> very successful with these quarterhorses, weren't they? >> exactly right. and it's interesting to see, for example, how much money they made and one thing that caught my attention was the name of one of the horses. it was called coronita. a reference to a mexican beer. >> texas, oklahoma and other states. right? how long has this been doing on? >> according to the indictment, at least since 2008. more interesting than that is the money that officials allege was involved. they say at least $20 million was involved, and we're only talking be a the money they can document. >> $20 million since 2008? what's going to happen to the money and the horses now? >> the money is being con fan skated. the horses probably eventually auctioned off. >> always comes down to the drugs. >> and the money. >> well, through that. >> exactly. >> interesting. thank you, rafael. and the cartel is headquarters in mexico directly across from laredo, texas. in terms of territory, operations in 11 mexican states. an update to the story we have been following. the suspect in the deadly shooting near auburn university appeared in tort code. desmonte leonard turned himself in last night, facing three counts of capital murder and two of assault. gunning down people at an off-campus party over the weekend. two of the three killed were former football players at auburn university. meineke's personal pricing on brakes. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. casey anthony breaking her silence yet again. this time talking with our very own piers morguen in a tpiers morgan in a phone interview. >> what of the biggest mrs. conceptions? she said, obviously several. obviously i didn't kill my daughter. she said that firmly. if anything, there's nothing in this world i've ever been more proud of, and no one i loved more than my daughter. she's my greatest accomplishment. >> casey anthony has been in hiding since found not guilty of killing her daughter caylee. piers morgan spoke with her attorney about we are whereabouts. watch piers morgan weekdays, 9:00 p.m. eastern. and news about amy copeland. a battle with a flesh-eatering bacteria. her condition upgraded from critical to serious. the ordeal began in may after she cut herself on a make-shift zip line. another update, lana kukendahl, recently saw her newborn twins for the first time. imagine this, fulfilling a life long dream by the age of 14? dominique did this in 1996 winning olympic gold as the youngest member of the u.s. gymnastics team, but her road to glory was anything but easy. in her new book "off balance" in stores just this week, she opens up about alleged abuse suffered while training and the discovery of a sister she didn't even know she had. cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta shares her story in this week's "human factor." >> reporter: an olympic gymnast hasn't lost the focus and smile known for as the member of the magnificent seven in atlanta. behind that smile, she's hidden a lot of pain. while she loved the sport, she says shirr coaches, marta and bella ka roya karolyi made her miserable. forcing her to hide sports related injuries and constantly chipping away at her self-et steam. >> name calling. a piggy. fat. hit me in a lot of personal and emotional places. used my father as a medium of abuse. >> reporter: she says the coaches would call her father to complain as her performance in practice and he'd punish her by hitting her. >> for so long i was silenced by those very people who never wanted me to say anything. >> reporter: the karolyis declined to comment on accusations and tells cnn we have known dominique since a young giymnast and wish her the best as she goes through life. at 17 she claimed her own coach. her sister says she witness pd the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father but dominique reconciled with him before he died from cancer. >> i learned to take the experiences that were difficult and that were in my life and the adversity i had overcome to use it for a positive change. >> reporter: retired from gymnastics in 2006, soon afterward, while pregnant with her first child, she received a letter from another sister. one she nerver knew she had. a sister born with no legs, and the given up for adoption. >> i got the biggest bombshell of my life, and it changed everything. my life will forever be divided now and into before knowing about jen and after knowing about jen. >> reporter: today she is happily married. an says her two children may even be gymnasts in the future. dr. sanjay gupta reporting. >> you it error the rest of dominique's story on sanjay gupta m.d. right here on cnn. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. 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>> well, don, it's very, very close. less than 50 yards, and it's just across the parking lot from this bar. the spot where he was beaten. take a look at this map we have of this area, and hopefully can show you just how close this is. we're at the fullerton transportation center. there's a bus stop there that you can see, and right near that bus station you can see where the slidebar is. there's that parking lot, like i say, just about 50 yards away. that right there is the corner where kelly thomas received that beating that all minutely proved to are fatal. just 50 yards away from there, across that parking lot, is where this bar is. so the allegation is that an employee of that bar actually called the fullerton police department to report that kelly thomas was breaking into cars, which was not true, by everything that we know, but there are allegations that this bar owner wanted to keep homeless people away and specifically kelly thomas away from his bar. that's why he instructed his employees to call the police and get rid of kelly thomas in whatever way possible. at least according to the allegations in this lawsuit. >> the former employee fired, who allegations in the lawsuit, fired for telling the truth? >> that's right. what he says, he was fired because he actually commented with the law enforcement investigation into this beating death. he alleges that the owner of the bar actually told all of his employees not to cooperate with law enforcement and he's suing this bar owner for unlawful termination and several other things. a lawsuit that could be worth millions of dollars. >> casey, what's the slidebar owners, the management's response? are they saying anything about this lawsuit? >> absolutely they are. it's really interesting. this story gets more and more bizarre. the owner of the bar is actually a member of a rock band called lit that had a couple of big hits, about 10 or 12 years ago. he says his employees never called the police to respond to, or to get kelly thomas moved out of the bar area. listen to what he said. >> -- former employee is, just trying to get paid. taking advantage of the fact that, just tragic story's back in the news, i'm back in the news. i have a record coming out on tuesday and all of a sudden, lawsuit. >> now, later today we're going to hear from michael reeves and his attorney, the former doorman who actually filed this suit. we'll have to see what he has to say about the specifics and we're waiting to hear the 911 call or any transcripts of calls actually made from the bar to the police department at that time. the district attorney has not yet released those, and may not do so, because it's part of an ongoing court case, but if they do release those transcripts or that call, that could go a long way to clearing this all up, don. >> quickly, here. the community is still dealing with this. there's a lot going on in the community. what next from the city council, if you can tell me quickly, casey? >> well, one thing that has been talked about is that the city council is considering actually disbanding the fullerton police department, contracting those services ever out to the orange county sheriff's department which would, they believe, save money. we don't know if that's going to happen, but that's one of the things being considered at this point. >> casey wian, we'll follow it. appreciate your reporting on that. all right. the fire is burning out of control in northern colorado. the hyde park fire stretching across 43,000 acres and get this, only 10% karened. doze d dozens of firefighters headed to the fire today. a news conference being held. holding a conference at this hour. there you see it. our affiliate, kgma. we'll monitor that and bring you any breaking developments in that. meantime, our chad myers keeping a close watch from the cnn weather center. just 10% contained. not a lot. >> not a lot. the part that's really not contained is the part pushing back towards ethe park. 73 square miles burned. in an area where 70%, 7-0 percent of the trees are dead because of the rocky mountain pine beetle. not only do you have things burning, dead trees tinder dry, waiting to burn. devastated parts of colorado, new mexico. when you see this stuff burn, it goes up literally looks like greene when the fire hits the trees. winds of calm, the best news at this point. we'll see late other than tonight cooler conditions going into the rest of the week, we actually will see a chance of a thunderstorm. you think, that's a great thing. no. exactly the wrong thing. >> why? >> because the rain that happens in the mountains with thunderstorms is never, ever enough to put out the fires that lightning creates. the air is so dry over this fire, that the rain that comes down tries to, to get to the ground but doesn't. evaporates before it gets there. the lightning strikes makes it to did the ground, starting a new fire. >> new mexico. follow up later. a press conference now. monitoring it on cnn in larimer county, colorado. you heard what chad said. man, only 10% contained. it is still going. >> our first priority -- there'. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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this is big news. back to our top story. you see this just in a man, the "new york times" once called america's least hated banker is on capitol hill trying to explain disastrous trades to the banking committee. jpmorgan chase racked up losses in the billions, and things got a little heated before the hearing even started. hecklers took on jamie dimon over foreclosures and taxpayer bayout bailouts. by contrast, the lawmakers -- that's them. the hecklers. the contrast between them and lawmakers, it hasn't gotten much more testy than this. listen. >> this is simply a risk separation. you're hedging portfolio. how can you be on both sides of the transaction and claim you're hedging? >> i think i've been clear. i think it was good, morphed into. i'm not going to try to defend. >> so -- >> under any name, whatever you call it, i will not defend it. violated common sense, in my opinion. i do believe people doing it thought that they were maintaining a short against high-yield credit, that would benefit the company in a crisis. we now know they were wrong. >> the back and forth, we'll keep an eye on it and let you know if it gets hot and heavy, what comes out of it. that's our top story here on cnn. meantime, nearly 200 mayors from across the country gathering in orlando, florida, right now for the annual meeting of the u.s. conference of mayors. this year's meeting is critical with elections just around the corner and, of course, with what's going on in the economy. why we want to bring in the mayor of los angeles. of course, you know him, president of the conference of mayors. and mayor villaraigosa, good morning. busy schedule. thank you for coming on. appreciate it. i want to talk to you about this -- the mayors are considering resolutions in a number of things, a number of topics. jobs to garbage collection. which is a job. right? collecting garbage. you say, while d.c. is divided, the mayors are gerting things done. how are you getting things done? >> as an example in my cities and cities across the country, our cities are safer. we're working to invest in infrastructure, even at a time when the congress has failed to pass a surface transportation bill. in fact, they've tended it ten times. more time than at any time in history. that's 2 million jobs we're talking about. so, like, in my example, you know, we're expanding some $4 billion, 40,000 jobs at the airport. $3 billion, about 20,000 jobs at the port. we're trying to expand, double, the size of our rail system by accelerating $40 billion in a ten-year period of time to build public transportation. but without a federal partner, frankly, missing in action, the mayors are pointing to washington and saying, it's time to do your job. >> what do you mean -- federal partner missing in action? are you talking about congress? who are you talking about? >> congress. no question about it. congress is missing in action. >> all right. >> we put a common sense jobs agenda we went to republican and democratic think tanks and said what are the kinds of initiatives we could get together both democrats and republicans would support. in fact, it dovetailed similar with the president's jobs plan. infrastructure was a big part of that. republicans and democrats have all failed to pass a surface transportation bill, which would create 2 million jobs. >> naimayor, a lot to get to. you're calling out both democrats and republicans here. listen, more jobs need to be created. everyone knows that. that's no secret. let's really get to the bottom of things here. the president, remember the whole fine comment last week and in that statement he blamed, or pointed to the slowdown, the slow economy on local governments not expanding. chris christie of new jersey went after him at the cpac conference last week. listen. >> he's talking about why job growth hasn't been as robust as it should be and this is what he said. i stared at the tv and couldn't believe he said it. he said, one of the reasons is because state and local government hiring is going in the wrong direction. [ laughter ] i swear to you. that's what he said. >> so that is a "how dare you, mr. president" blame governors and mayors. does chris christie have a point when it comes to that? is it being taken out of context? is this a real reality in this economy, when it comes to creating jobs? that the cities and states aren't doing it, therefore, the economy, it is not helping the economy? >> he doesn't have a point. he's making a lot of ado about nothing. look, the fact is that cities, counties, school districts, are cutting. we're cutting dramatically. we're cutting, because states are shifting the responsibility for their failure to balance the budget, and they're putting it on the backs of cities, counties and school districts. that's why the president's proposed to hire and protect the jobs of teachers and firefighters and police officers. and it was romney who said that we shouldn't do that. the fact is, and i mention both democrats and republicans, because it's broken on both sides, but it's been the republican house that's failed to pass the surface transportation bill. it's been the republican house that frankly has resisted every effort on part of the president to work together to create jobs right now. and our organization is a bipartisan organization. and it's very interesting, because the mayors have said to both the congress and the republicans and democrats, that it's time to do their job, but we focus primarily on the republican house that's failed to do almost anything to put people back to work. >> okay. so, listen, and without, no talking points, and if you cannot be partisan at this point. what do you need -- i think i know the answer -- need from the president, from washington, what do you need from congress? if you say compromise, i don't know if that's going to happen. >> well, i think we do need them to work together. we do need to pass a surface transportation bill. we do need support to expand our exports, because we know that 95% of the new markets are outside of the country. we do need the congress to do what they can to extend the unemployment benefits. we do need to protect the firefighters, police officers and teachers so that we don't continue to hemorrhage jobs. those are three areas that we could get bipartisan consensus for. the president's for it. the senate's for it. now we need to get the house leadership nor it as well. >> all right. thank you, mayor. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right. the mayors will spend the next four days at this conference, considering more than 100 resolutions, pressuring the federal government into action and vice president joe biden is expected to deliver the keynote address. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? 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>> the executive director of pop warner says we are trying to take the head out of football and that is a visual image. two big rules that they will start to institute. and let's go over those. the first swone is when they do the tackling drills and this is all about the practice and not play. tackling drills can last 40 minutes max. they are putting a limit on it and you cannot go on and on and secondly no head-on tackling drills starting from three yards away. if you do a head-on, you can't start from four or five yards a i wash, because you obviously gain momentum from the distance, and they want to cut that down. 250,000 kids in pop warner football ages 5-15, so this affects a lot of kids. >> and what you are reporting and sanjay reporting, both of you guys, about leading with the head, and they are trying to lessen that and get people not to do it. what led to the changes? the people being injured is one of them? >> well, one is a virginia tech study and they put the helmets on the kids, and you can't see it, but there are sensors inside of the pads here. >> cool. >> and 7 and 8-year-olds wore these for the entire season and they found on average a given kid was getting 107 hits a season in the head, and some of them large enough to cause concussions. so 107 hits a season on a 7-year-o 7-year-old, and that is a lot. >> but helmets protect, but not enough padding in helmets to protect from everything, correct? >> you can't protect from everything, so you are protecting somewhat, but what happens is that the brain still, and i hate to yuse this image, but it is still rattles around in the skull. i mean, you can see the animation shows what happened when there was an impact. the brain is still rattling around there, and you can still get injuries and the folks at pop warner are aware of the lawsuits at the professional level and even at the college level, and obviously they don't want to have those lawsuits either and want to keep the kids safe. >> it it does not start at the professional level, because long period of time as it is repeated. >> we think of the injuries as a kid got a big hit and falls to the ground, but it can be small hits over a small period of time and imagine that a kid plays from age 7 to 20, and that is a lot of hits. >> when you said 7 and 8-year-olds testing the helmets that head many me think of it. pop warn ser is the largest football league for youth with over 250,000 players. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. 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[ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. about 90 minutes from now a jury in washington will try to figure out whether roger clemens one of the greatest names in baseball lieded to congress when he said this back in 2008. >> let me be clear, i have never ta taken steroids or hgh. >> the former big league pitcher and cy young award winner has spent eight weeks on trial in federal court charged with perjury and making false statements and obstructing justi congress. in the case against him, his one-time trainer said this to the same house committee in '08. >> i e told the truth about steroids and human growth hormone. i injected those drugs into the body of roger clemens at his direction. >> so brian mcnamee and the feds have proof that clemens juiced and that is where things are interesting, because paul corzine has been covering the trial for us, and he joins us by phone. paul, let's be clear, clemens is not accused of using banned substances, but it is about lying. >> yes, don. the major charge is obstruction of congress as congress was trying to investigate the prevalence of performance enhancing drugs in major league baseball. they called a number of people to the hearing and clemens is one of them and he denied it once again. it does boil down to whether mcnamee has credibility with the jury. sure he injected him with something. clemens say it is b12 and mcnamee said steroids, and they had the battle of the scientists at one point where the scientist said it is a dna on one of the needles and such a small molecular amount that it is a 1 in 423 that it is clemens, and they said, look, this stuff was kept in a beer can and comingled with cotton balls and all kinds of substances in the can that could have mixed and sloshed around, and any number of substances that he had it in his personal home, mcnamee. >> and remind us, paul, how we got to this point? >> well, the point is that you cannot lie to congress under oath, and pros ecutors made tha case. regardless of the andy pettitte seems to have recalled that clemens mentioned human growth hormone to him, but it is whether he lied to congress and that has to be prosecuted. >> clemens looking at prison time if he is convicted? >> well, it is a serious charge, and it is federal court, and they carry up to two years in jail, and a fine, and the press release was like it a year and a year and a half if there is any conviction at all. >> paul courson, we will be watching this, because it is about lying and not about using the substance, but lying about it. deliberation began at 1:30 p.m. eastern. we will keep an eye on this, and -- thank you, paul -- and we will keep an eye on it when it comes. meantime, we have to move on to another show, because we have someone special sitting by right now. thank you for watching "cnn newsroom," and you know it continues now. >> you know it is trouble when it is don and fred. >> fred, they are saying don't talk to each other, just throw it. how are you? >> good. how are you? see you much later. >> she is much prettier than i am, and much better than i am. >> don is the pretty boy. i'm fredricka whitfield in for suzanne malveaux. and right to it. bombs exploded across iraq killing 58 people, and most of the victims were pilgrims traveling from all over iraq to a religious shrine in baghdad. the worst incident was a car bomb in gila that killed 20 people. colorado officials will be assessing damage to homes today in the massive fire zone. they say that the fast moving wildfire has scorched more than 46,000 acres and it is only 10% contained. one woman has died. thousands have had to flee their home homes. and when your company loses billions of dollars on risky trades, you have some explaining to do, and today, jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon is explaining before lawmakers on capitol hill. but the hearing was interrupted by hecklers before dimon started speaking. >> stop foreclosures now! >> stop foreclosures now! >> eventually the police removed the protesters and the hearing continued. dimon is testifying before the senate banking committee about his company's massive losses, and so what does this have to do with you and your finances? christine romans is joining us. christine, if you are not a chase shareholder why should you care about those company's losses? >> well, you care, because we had to bail out a bunchp of banks a few years ago and the credit swaps arena almost took down the global economy, and that is exactly the arena jpmorgan had trades that went bad in. that is why you care. if you bank at jpmorgan chase, that is not going the hurt you. taxpayers have not lost any money, but a loss of reputation and certainly a negative headline for jpmorgan overall. i will tell you that the jpmorgan chief jamie dimon sas s he cannot defend and he won't defend the trades. let's listen. >> it is clear that the original intent was good and morphed into, i won't try to defend. >> so -- >> under any name or whatever you call it, i will not defend it, because it is violated common sense in my opinion. i do believe that the people doing it thought that they were maintaining a shore against a high-yield credit that would benefit the company in a crisis, and we now know they were wrong. >> he says it shouldn't have happened, and it is against their standards and his st standards and people have lost their jobs over it, but it is a conservative bank, and he says it would not have brought down the bank, but it hit the reputation, and that i will lose billions of dollars of profits out of this. fred? >> there are a lot of things that dimon did not want to reveal or talk about, but what was he willing to tell the committee about what may have gone wrong? >> well, he told them that this was, what was supposed to be what they call a macroeconomic hedge against a turn in the economy, and for a while there, it looked tlik right trade to have on board, but then it turned south, and the risk management didn't just really catch it. that is a problem, a mistake. he also said that their board will be reviewing what are called claw back procedures and meaning that the people who knew it was going on and allowing the circumstances for this to go could lose bonuses and pay and stock options and their compensation from the past few years if the board deems that necessary. so they are looking into this, and the issue here is what does this mean for the overall economy in the banking system. this is probably 2 to $7 billion and he points out $150 billion in the bank with federal reserve banks around the world, and they have more than $1 trillion in deposits, so this hurts the reputation and profit, but not the overall economy. >> what does this mean for wall street reform? >> that is the big question here. because it is another piecemuni street about this. they say if you had the volcker rule, that would prevent the banks from taking the risky trades iit would have prevented this, but others say no, it had a good intent, but morphed into something else. but he is getting a lot of questions, fred, about what would happen if a bank that was not in as good of financial shape as jpmorgan and what if this trade were repeated ultimately for taxpayers, and that is what the senators are trying to get at right now. >> thank you, christine romans in new york. meanwhile, the fighting words continue on the campaign trail. presidential candidate mitt romney there in washington, d.c. talking at the business round table quarterly meeting and appare apparently he just accused president obama of delaying economic recovery. let's listen in on more of what he had to say. >> it has to do with the economic crisis we just had. it is an overreach taking advantage of the crisis to do a lot of things that the staff members and the legislators wanted to carry out. the nlrb and stacking the national labor relations board with those who are in the, in the aura of the union world led to decisions like the boeing decision in south carolina which they ultimately had to retreat from, but also an effort to pursue card check which would force effectively impose unions on businesses where employees did not want them. and quick kiy elections and the approaches leading to small and large enterprises. this is not a time to be hiring people in america, and the very time that we want people to be hiring and taking risks, they were confronted with growing uncertainty coming from washington, and pulled back. as a result, it has been harder for this economy to reboot. trade -- look in a highly productive nation like ours with the most output per person of any major nation, trade is good. it helps our economy, and we want to open up new markets for our goods, and in the last three years china and the european nations are in the middle of negotiations for about 44 different trade agreements, and this administration has negotiated none, none. three were approved by the senate, but the president dragged his heels on them for three years before putting them in, and i presume bowing to the demands of organized labor. trade is good for labor as well as for the overall economy and putting americans back to work and yet the president took a very different view in that. energy -- i ap m going to come back to energy, but it is a god send, and the availability of low-cost natural gas should reignite our economy, an instead, this president has done through the regulators through the epa or others has taken action after action which is harder to take advantage of the natural gas and understand whether we can rely upon the supply of natural gas and two, made it almost impossible to mine coal and use coal, and we have the largest reserve of any nation on earth and if we don't take advantage of it, it will be going overseas and used in china and the emissions of coal will be dirtier than if it is used here. of course, oil, and the president put a moratorium on the drilling in the gulf and not in anwar and we don't drill in the outer continental shelf and we have the resources that the president or his people want to see the cost of these sources of energy that we have in abundance come to a higher level so that other technologies, solar and wind become more competitive. finally, i want to mention the deficit. if i were thinking off investing a major portion of my enterprise's future in the kun t count country, i would want to know what the future value of the dollar is going to be and if i could see deficits as far as the eye could see, i'd be concerned, and if i saw a president who after 3 1/2 years had not put together proposals to get the budget balanced, that would make me more concerned and if i saw entitlements like social security and medicare and medicaid again without any effort on the part of the president to address them and to find a which to make sure that they are saved, but they are also solvent would give me concern. for all of those reasons in my view, this has been a tepid and unfortunate recovery for the american people. it means more people are out of work and more people are looking for good jobs, and that breaks my heart. i think that this flows from the fact that the president and his people just don't understand how the private sector works. i actually think that it would be helpful for a president to have spent some time in the private sector, and had a job in the real enterprise, and to have a sense of what it is that makes an enterprise decide to grow or to shrinkk, to send jobs overseas or bring them back, to train people or not train people, to provide benefits or not -- all right. a tepid and unfortunate recovery says presidential candidate mitt romney blaming the obama administration for a litany of what he believes are big complaints as to how it pertains to how the administration has e responded to or taken the lead on trade, energy and oil and the deficit. we will continue to watch mitt romney right there in washington, d.c. at the business round table quarterly meeting. all right. looking overseas now to syria. 15 months of fighting and low-end estimates of 12,000 people dead, and i'm talking about syrians killing syrians. rebels on one side, and the syrian military on the other, and since it started the opposition uprising and the government's violent crackdown has been called a, quote, armed conflict or a struggle. today things are different. for the first time in 15 months a senior united nations official declares that what is happening in syria is a full-scale civil war. i want to talk about this with rima, who is watching the odevelopments from abu dhabi and conflict and civil war and what is the difference what it is being called but the bottom line is that an awful lot of people are being killed on a daily basis and how does a classification change anything? >> fredricka, some people here call it sectarian war. really, it doesn't matter. today only, and the day is not over yet in syria, 50 people have been killed. children are being tortured. citizens and civilians are being besieged by the syrian army, and they are being starved at some point. one village was besieged for eight days, and today, the army entered into that village, so really the label doesn't matter much. >> why now? why would the u.n. use the words civil war as it describes the conflict there in syria? >> because the past two months have been really, really bad. on a daily basis we get a death toll of 90 people killed, and that people have become numbers and after the massacre, and the conflict on the ground in syria has taken a sectarian side. it is a country that where a sunni majority lives and ruled by allawite minority, and this is the sensitivity. >> by declaring this a civil war, does this now create a new path for the u.n. or nato in which to intervene? >> well, so far without russia and china on board, it seems that the international community is not able to do much. the u.n. observers who are now on the ground in syria, their mission is to oversee a cease-fire which never happened not one single day in syria over the past months that we didn't hear of at least 10, 20, 30 people killed. so definitely a new decision, a new resolution is needed to stop violence. >> all right. ree ma -- rima, maktabi, thank you for the report from syria. the war may be over, but violence is echoing through iraq. then, more gut-wrenching testimony from witnesses who say they were violated by a man the trusted. the latest in the trial of jerry sandusky. and if the presidential election were held on wall street, mitt romney would be winning by a landslide. winning by a landslide. why bankers are backing the gop. -- captions by vitac -- [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums [ female announcer ] the sun powers life. ♪ and now it powers our latest innovation. ♪ introducing the world's only solar-powered home energy system, which can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save with a lennox system. if your current system is 10 years or older, start planning now and take advantage of special 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>> it is the way it is going to be for the next five months and we will hear from president obama tomorrow, fred, as he heads to ohio where he is going to go directly at mitt romney as well and be critical of what president obama says are the failed bush policies that he says that romney will bring back, and romney as he is speaking to the powerful business leaders in the united states,ing of, we are monitoring the speech as we are talking about it, but a couple of the things that he said has really led to the slow economic recovery. he said that president obama the pushing of the failed stimulus did not help the economy, and he said that there are too many burdens from the regulations on the businesses that are not allowing the businesses to grow. he says that the health care law is actually becoming very, very burden someand tin itself is hu to the coe conmy and went on to talk about trade, but it goes to show you, fred, that ott only are we talking about the economy today, but tomorrow and everyday until election day. >> mitt romneyk and the president have been slugging it out over the e copmy f-- over te economy, but neither seem to be winning over the independents, because 54% of the independents have unfavorable view of the president's plans and 47% don't like romney's plans either, so what does it say? >> well, in many ways the american public doesn't know what either plan is. what we are really working off of and of course we never have enough time to fully explain what president obama's plan is or what mitt romney's plan is. i don't think that necessarily they know all of the specifics about how each candidate wants to turn the economy around. we do rely on the sound bites and the voters, and the american people have so much more to worry about, about keeping their own homes and jobs, and they are relying on the sound bites, what you will see in the next five months is both campaigning working hard to not only get their individual basis fired up, and explain to them how they are going to turn the economy around, but you will see the campaigns try to reach the average voter, and try to explain to them how they can turn the economy around. >> well, finally, former president george h.w. bush is taking comment from his son jeb that men like ronald reagan and his father would not fit in the today's republican party and saying this, jeb bush, they would have a hard time if you define the republican party and i don't of having an orthodoxy that doesn't allow for disagreement, doesn't allow for finding some common ground, and what is he saying on hi birthday? >> well, he is trying to be magnanimous and more statesman like saying that he understands what his son is saying, but he says that the fact of the matter is that he does not agree with his son, but jeb bush has hit the nail on the head and it is not about the republican party, but the democratic party, and jeb bush did a follow-up on social media on twitter and said that what he is alluding to is that both sides are so hyperpartisan, and that is why it is not getting done, and beb bush trying to do some cleanup, but he is absolutely right, the democratic party is very, very hyperpartisan and so isn't the republican party right now at this time. >> thank you, mark preston, from washington. they trusted him and they say that jerry sandusky used that trust to take advantage of them. we will have the latest testimony from the trial rocking penn state. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. the man accused of killing three people near auburn university could appear in court today. 22-year-old desmonte leonard, turned himself in yesterday. cnn has learned that the funerals have been set for the three men killed at saturday's pool party shooting. they will take place friday and saturday. you can see the two former auburn university football players killed. one of the witnesses called it a massacre for no reason at all. and the fate of legendary baseball player roger clemens is now in the hands of a federal jury in washington. clemens is accused of lying to congress when he testified in 2008 he did not use steroids or human growth hormones to improve his pitching. the jury will begin deliberations an hour from now, and this is the second perjury trial after his first one ended in a mistrial last year. the parents of slain teenager trayvon marshall have released a commercial about the stand your ground law which is the law that allows someone to use force against someone who poses a threat. this is a part of the commercial. >> i am asking you to consider sharing this message with the governor ofs of your states with these similar stand your ground law, and review these dangerous laws and if so, thousands more dads will have a happy father's day together with their children and not the toughest one of their life without them. >> martin's parents saying they are not against stand your ground, but they want the states to review the law. prosecutors in the jerry sandusky trial are calling more witnesses today. the testimony has been extremely graphic, and some witnesses have even broken down on the stand in tears. in the courtroom this morning, sara ganim, who took the stand today? >> well, alleged victim ten who came forward who called a hot lynn that the prosecutors set up after jerry sandusky was initially arrested and all of the media attention came about in november. he testified to acts that are similar to what we have heard from the other two alleged victims who took the stand in the previous days. following him late this morning was the first alleged victim who testified that he actually was not forced to perform graphic sex acts on jerry sandusky. what he testified to was much more scaled back, and i have to say on cross-examination, i think that it was the first time that joey amendola seemed to get a little ahead, and got to the point where he got this person to admit that it was not until after he heard that there were other accusers and that jerry sandusky had been accused before and that it evolved. he was good on the stand during direct examination, but when he was questioned by jerry sandusky's attorney, the tone started to shift. >> and what about jerry sandusky? what has his demeanor been like today? >> you know, it has been the same all three days, i have to say. he made sure to look directly at each witness. he is really not shy about that. he even threw some heart wrenching testimony that we have heard in the last couple of days. he sits there as if like these people are talking about someone else, and listens to this. you know, they are putting pictures and the prosecutors are putting up pictures up on the screen of these boys, and pictures of jerry sandusky. there was one moment where they showed jerry sandusky with his arm around several kids, and you know, we could see just from the testimony in the last three days i could pick out three alleged victims in the picture, and altogether with jerry sandusky. he looks at it and straight forward just like, you or i might look at the picture. >> and then yesterday, a man identified as victim one described in detail how sandusky sexually abused him as a boy numerous times. i understand that there were many jurors who had a hard time with some of the testimony. >> i noticed a few jurors who put their hands up to their faces in that testimony. his was really the most emotional that we have seen so far. he walked in, and he is only 18 years old, and he walked in and he had a tortured look on his face and he seemed overwhelmed and hanging his head through the testimony, and he had to catch his breath a few times, so yeah, the jurors had the most reaction on their faces when he was testifying. >> all right. sar s sara ganim, thank you. and we will have more on the efforts to beat back the flames in colorado. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 92% of people who tried it said they would buy it again. visit today for a special trial offer. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? 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[ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. colorado's wildfire has grown to 146,000 acres. ofirefighters are fighting the blaze, but there are now families mourning the loss of one woman found in her home. >> you think that if the fire is going to happen, you will have enough time to grab and protect what is yours, but you don't. it came so fast, and it was too late. >> and we have the latest now with this fast moving fire that is ranging, and how contained is it? >> 10%, which isn't a bad number, but sounds terrible, because being 90% uncontained, but the western flank is where it is uncontained right now, and that is where very few people live and that is almost estes park, and we don't want to burn national forest land, but the firefighters are protecting homes and structures in the thompson valley canyon and that area. and it was much worse sunday when the winds were ripping 40 to 60 miles per hour. >> yes. fanning the flames. >> yes, in is a time lapse and you can go to cnn pnt toe amazing pictures. the images coming out of the fire are truly tremendous, and 46,000 acres burned now and about $3 million spent, and now 1,000 men and women on the line trying to get this fire out. 73 square miles have been burned right now. so, what is going on? well, today is a good day. a good morning. we have calm winds, and we have good conditions for the firefighters although the smoke is kind of sitting over the fire and not as easy to see, and that is sometimes can see the airdrops, because you don't want the smoke to sit right over where the fire is, and you want the wind and the smoke to blow a little bit so that you can get the air drop right where they want and the water drop from the air. and estes park higher up in the mountains winds at 8 miles per hour which is pretty good. here is what it looks like all of the way here from fort collins here and denver down at the bottom, but it is a crazy line here. you have to understand that although we have, you know, 43 or 46,000 acres burned, you look at the line, and you see how much line of fire you have there and how hard it is going to be to put this fire out. looks like by the weekend, the winds are back up to 30, 40 miles per hour again. >> makes it tougher. >> it does. thunderstorms are coming and that sounds good, but many times in the mountains, it is so dry that when it never hits the ground, and we will get lightning starting more fires. >> okay. chad. thank you. shortphones lis ep ten up, because the price of the plan may be about to climb, and we will tell you why. 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this is big news. >> all right. pleasantly plump or obese? the difference is not a matter of opinion, but instead determined by a person's body mass index or bmi, and the health officials consider anyone with a bmi of 25 or 30 overweight. and anyone with a bmi over 30 is labeled obese with increased health risks like diabetes and heart disease. but some researchers say that is not completely right. at least when it comes to black women. a 2010 study out of louisiana state university found that black women may have a high bmi and still be healthy. dr. felicia wade is the author of the book "the heart of the matter." she is joining me right here in atlanta, and before we get to the study and the intricacies of it, nice to see you, dr. wade, and let's talk about the body mass index. how do you determine what your bmi is? >> well, the body mass index takes into consideration your height and weight. and through a complicated equation, it determines whether your bmi is 18 and 30, and then determines whether you are overweight or obese. and it should have taken into consideration factors about your percentage fat, your body fat or your weight or the abdominal circumference, but it did not. it does not mean it is not a significant factor. >> okay. so why is it that this study would single out black men and the different bmi of ofr weight versus obesity, and do you agree with the premise? >> well, it does not mean again that it has to use parameters, because bmi is significant. you need to know if you are overweight or obese, because it cost this country $300 billion a year, and that is significant. what is significant about it is whether you are considered overweight or obese and at what parameter. at non-caucasians it is 32 and caucasians it is 30, and there is a difference because of the racial factors and that means we may have to go back to the drawing board and take those factors into consideration. >> and when you say the racial factors, are we talking about diet or where people live or what they are exposed to? >> we are talking about the fact that africterican-americans hav particular aspects that need to be considered in terms of those waist to hip ratio, and those types of ratios need to be considered. that is have very important. when we talk about abdominal fat, i'm sure you know about the studies that talk about the abdominal fat and cardiovascular disease, so those things are very, very important. we can't discount the bmi, because of maybe parameters based on being caucasian or noncaucasian, and it is still very, very important. >> does it mean that the scale of the bmi, what measures obesity or what measures being overweight need to be revamped? overhauled? >> it means just that, that it needs to be looked at again and it means going back to the drawing board and looked at again and having a conversation with your provider, and it means that the provider has to sit down to look at a all of those f factors and talk to you at a certain point. if you are a noncaucasian, it may mean that he looks at those factors and says, well, your weight is at this weight, and you may be 140, and your bmi say that you are not necessarily overweight. you may be doing all of the right things. >> and this is separate from your body fat, the percentage of body fat. >> right. >> and you have everything from maybe optimal would be 10 or 12% depending if you are a man or woman and athletic versus 10 or 20. >> you are 100% right. it is very, very important to have that conversation with your doctor, because when you talk about losing weight, and maintaining weight and whether you are predie babetic or diabe, those are conversations that we have to have, because people need to understand the percentage of body fat, and sometimes those are calculated when you are fat with water, and there are scales that you can stand on that determine whether you have a certain percent body weight and those are very, very important things, and you have to be able to ask questions of the doctor. >> and are you asking the doctor about measuring the bmi or something that you can do at home? >> here is the thing -- there are bm ishgi charts all over th. i'm an advocate to go to the doctor and particularly if you are a diabetic, and going to the endocrinologist and saying, i don't understand this, and i don't understand what is going on and i have questions. the reason i'm an advocate of that is because your doctor went to medical school is to sit down and tell you that based on these parameters this is the weight best for you based on the height, and based on the weight, and the family history, this is where it is going to serve you best. because he or she is also looking at your body. if a majority of the body weight is trunkal, you have a high risk for cardiovascular disease, and if the majority of the weight is in your hips, that is a different discussion, and so your doctor is the best person to take all of that information and put it in the proper parameter, so i don't want to let us get lost in the trees for the forest. i want us to look at the forest and the reason i say that is that we owe the children a legacy of health, and that is the heart of the matter. >> all right. we have to stay on the of it. dr. felicia wade, thank you so much. so good to see you. >> you are welcome. all right. from drone strikes to foreign policy, we will tell you why parts of the arab world aren't too happy with president obama right now. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at america's reputation in many muslim countries has reached a new low. what does it mean for president barack obama come november? jill dougherty explains. >> reporter: on the streets off cairo some egyptians say they had high hopes when barack obama became president, and now there's bitter disappointment. >> we were optimistic for change after george bush, but sorry, it is the same politics. >> reporter: among americans traditional allies however europe and japan, president obama has largely repaired america's image, but with a few research center's new global attitudes project shows that barack obama's own policies are hurting him. take the use of drones. a major complaint on the streets of islamabad. >> they are illegally attacking us on our soil without our permission. >> reporter: that is the permission in 17 of 21 countries, and more than half disapprove of the u.s. drone attacks targeting extremists in countries like pakistan or we aremen, and compare that to 62% of americans who approve of the drone campaign. the survey questioned more than 26,000 people in 21 countries. one major finding, leadership matters. >> what president bush was unpopular, the united states was largely unpopular. >> reporter: three years into the obama presidency, there has been a dramatic turn around in how the european countries like germany and allies like japan view the united states. but in muslim countries, obama's policies have damaged views of the u.s. the biggest concern worldwide about america still is that it acts without concern for the interest of other countries, a

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Trees , Things Burning , Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle , Parts , Stuff Burn , Rain , Conditions , Winds , Mountains , Chance , Thunderstorms , Thunderstorm , Calm , Doesn T , Hair , Lightning , Press Conference , Larimer County , Lightning Strikes , Men , Both , Testosterone , Chad , 1 62 , Androgel , Gel , Testosterone Levels , Makers , Testosterone Replacement Therapy , Woman , Signs , Products , Prescription , Contact , Application , Sites , Application Sites , Dosing , Puberty , Changes , Prostate , Breast Cancer , Exposure , Acne , Body Hair , Increase , Side Effects , Breast Feeding , Risk , Body , Sperm Count , Medicines , Medications , Breasts , Problems Breathing , Blood Clots , Blood Clotting , Feet , Swelling , Enlarged , Ankles , Sleep , Corticosteroids , Insulin , Ten Dollars , Jpmorgan Chase , Losses , Banker , New York Times , Capitol Hill , Banking Committee , Lawmakers , Foreclosures , Contrast , Taxpayer Bayout , Sides , Hasn T , Transaction , Portfolio , Risk Separation , Opinion , Company , Credit , Crisis , Forth , Round Table , Mayors , Country Gathering , U S Conference Of Mayors , Heavy , Florida , Orlando , 200 , President , Economy , Mayor , Elections , What S Going On , Los Angeles , Job , Resolutions , Washington D C , Schedule , Topics , Jobs To Garbage Collection , Collecting Garbage , Cities , Infrastructure , Safer , Jobs , Surface Transportation Bill , 2 Million , Rail System , Port , Size , Double , Airport , 0 Billion , Billion , 3 Billion , 40000 , 20000 , 4 Billion , 40 Billion , Action , Public Transportation , Common Sense Jobs Agenda , Republicans , Democrats , Kinds , Initiatives , Think Tanks , Naimayor , Everyone , Comment , Statement , Bottom , Secret , Job Growth Hasn T , Chris Christie , Governments , Cpac Conference , Slowdown , New Jersey , Government , Isn T A Bad Number , Direction , Reasons , Estate , Hiring , Laughter , Tv , Blame Governors , Context , Mr , How Dare You , Aren T Doing It , Ado , Budget , School Districts , Counties , Failure , Mitt Romney , Police Officers , Teachers , Backs , House , Organization , Effort , Talking Points , Compromise , Answer , Markets , Exports , 95 , Unemployment Benefits , Senate Banking Committee , Leadership , Consensus , Shot , Keynote Address , Joe Biden , Four , Nba , Planet , League , Replays , Cisco , Intelligent Network , Technologies , Producers , Fans , Shot Kid , Around The World , Berlin , Beijing , Energy , Recycling Systems , Emissions , Footprint , Air Quality , Conservation , Environment , Power , Wildlife , Domestic , Buttons , Skin , Sun Protection , Water , Spectrum , Whitens , Drips , Sunblock , Barrier , Neutrogena , Parents , Football , Safety , Safety Rules , Pop Warner , Elizabeth Warren , Head , Tackling Drills , Image , Rules , Executive Director , Swone , Head On , Drills , Limit , 40 , Wash , Distance , Sanjay , Momentum , Ai , 250000 Kids In Pop Warner Football , Down , 5 , 250000 , Helmets , Sensors , Led , Virginia Tech Study , Pads , Some , Kid , Season , 107 , 8 , Brain , Padding , Concussions , Animation Shows , Skull , Lawsuits , College Level , Safe , Hit , Falls , Debate , Testing , Dover , Medicare , Football League , Youth , Pop Warn Ser , Social Security , Talk , Facts , Say , Wasn T Easy For Atti , City Life , Earnedasay Org , Mother , Indoors , Purina Cat Chow , Points , Thank You , Backyard , Team Usa , Visa Card Holders , Thankyou Points , Town , Cheering , Fashion , Karen , Tom , True London , Rewards , Warning , Flights , Seat , Danger , Pulse , Mercedes E Class , 90 , Roger Clemens , Jury , Names , Baseball Lieded , Steroids , Big League Pitcher , Statements , Federal Court , Perjury , Winner , Cy Young Award , Hgh , Eight , Human Growth Hormone , Trainer , House Committee , Ie , 08 , Paul Corzine , Brian Mcnamee , Feds , Proof , Clemens Juiced , Charge , Yes , Substances , Phone , Obstruction , Let S Be Clear , Mcnamee , Prevalence , Credibility , Major League Baseball , Clemens , Dna , Scientists , Scientist , Battle , Amount , Stuff , Needles , Can , Cotton Balls , Comingled , 1 , 423 , Andy Pettitte , Pros , Ecutors Made Tha Case , Oath , Court , Half , Conviction , Substance , Paul Courson , Fine , Press Release , Deliberation , 30 , Fred , Each Other , Show , Cnn Newsroom , Bombs , Most , Fredricka Whitfield , Pilgrims , Pretty Boy , Suzanne Malveaux , Homes , Car Bomb , Incident , Shrine , Baghdad , Gila , Fire Zone , Damage , Wildfire , Thousands , Home Homes , 46000 , Stop Foreclosures , Chase Shareholder , Finances , Protesters , Arena , Bunchp , Reputation , Taxpayers , Headline , Loss , Sas S , Jpmorgan Overall , Original Intent , Whatever , Shore , Bank , Shouldn T , Committee , Profits , Board , Problem , Turn , Risk Management , Hedge , Mistake , South , Compensation , Stock Options , Claw Back Procedures , Circumstances , Bonuses , Pay , Banking System , Issue , 50 Billion , 7 Billion , 2 , 150 Billion , Mean , Profit , Deposits , Wall Street Reform , 1 Trillion , Trillion , Piecemuni Street , Intent , Iit , Senators , Fighting Words , Campaign Trail , Appare , President Obama , Recovery , More , Overreach , Members , Legislators , Staff , National Labor Relations Board , World Led , Laura , Boeing Decision , The Union , South Carolina , Card Check , Unions , Enterprises , Uncertainty , Result , Nation , Goods , Output , Administration , None , Nations , Trade Agreements , Middle , Negotiations , Heels , China , 44 , View , Labor , Demands , Send , Regulators , Availability , Epa , Ap , God , Coal , Use , Supply , Soil , Reserve , Earth , Drilling , Cost , Resources , Sources , Gulf , Abundance , Moratorium , Anwar , Outer Continental Shelf , Wind , Portion , Deficit , My Enterprise S Future In The Kun T Count , Dollar , Value , Deficits , Proposals , 3 1 2 , Entitlements , Medicaid , Heart , Flows , Sense , Works , Enterprise , Sector , Benefits , Shrinkk , On Trade , Complaints , Litany , Side , Military , Rebels , Killing Syrians , 12000 , Armed Conflict , Official , A , Struggle , Quote , Crackdown , Opposition Uprising , Line Of Fire , Civil War , Odevelopments , Rima , Abu Dhabi , War , Lot , Classification , Doesn T Matter , Citizens , Syrian Army , Village , Army , Death Toll , Majority , Massacre , Sensitivity , Path , Allawite , Nato , Observers , China On Board , Cease Fire , Resolution , Decision , Mission , Ree Ma , Maktabi , Latest , Election , Trusted , Landslide , Captions , Vitac , Tum Tums , Foods , Tum , Innovation , Bills , Home Energy System , Cheating , Sun Powers Life , Financing , Rebates , Lennox Home Comfort Systems , App , Offer Ends June 15th , 1375 Dollars , 18 , 1375 , June 15th , Calculator , Lennox System , Savings , Mobile App , Lennox , Ac System , Air Conditioning , Tot , Car Door Closing , Car Bombs , Common , Neighborhood , Festivals , Rimarima , Reason , History , Michael Holmes , Kind , Types , Targets , Biggest , Periphery , Incidents , Bombing , Head Quarters , Islamic State Of Iraq , Shia , Finger , Al Qaeda , Kirkuk , Kazakhstan , Hila In The South , Spector , Fear , Clashes , Darkinfrastructure , 06 , 07 , Place , Nuri Al Maliki , Power Sharing Agreement , Agreement , Defense Ministry , Problems , Kurds , Well , Frustrations , Margins , Scene , Structure , Jeopardy , Al Maliki To Say , Behind , Strongman , Saddam Light , Him , North , Stronghand , Exclusion , Kurdish , Streets , Potential , Killings , Worst , Bodies , 60 , Militias , Prelude , Street Level , Signs Burk , Country Nay , Medicine , Computer , Science , Everywhere , Deck , Nurses , Johnson , Men S Health Concerns , Multi Vitamin , Antioxidants , Cell Health , Families , Beverage Companies , Choices , Communities , Neighbors , Portion Sizes , Orange , Low , Calorie Labels , Schools , Beverages , Drinks , Transformers , Bride , Transforming Sounds , Universal Studios Hollywood , Policies , Ceos , Business Leaderers , Pictures , Mark Preston , Aim , Revenues , Fault , 6 Trillion , Tone , Word , Remarks , Tepid , Ohio , President Bush , Business Leaders , Ing Of , Speech , Stimulus , Burdens , Health Care Law , Hu , Someand Tin , Coe Conmy , Election Day , Mitt Romneyk , Ott , Copmy F , Over Te , Plans , Independents , 47 , 54 , Plan , The American Public Doesn T , Bites , Voters , Campaigning , Fired Up , Jeb Bush , Campaigns , Voter , George H W , Ronald Reagan , Orthodoxy , Disagreement , Statesman , Hi Birthday , Matter , Social Media , Nail , Twitter , Cleanup , Isn T The Republican Party , Trial Rocking Penn State , Trust , Energy Development , Court Today , 22 , Auburn University Football , Set , Saturday S Pool Party Shooting , Funerals , Fate Of Legendary Baseball Player , Trayvon Marshall , Second Perjury Trial , Pitching , Human Growth Hormones , Law , Stand Your Ground Law , Commercial , Force , Threat , Governor , Laws , Message , Ofs , Prosecutors , Dads , Stand Your Ground , Martin , Courtroom , Tears , Called A Hot Lynn , Sara Ganim , Media Attention , The Other Two , Sex Acts , Cross Examination , Alleged , Ahead , Accusers , Joey Amendola , Examination , Demeanor , Heart Wrenching Testimony , Someone Else , Picture , Screen , Boys , Arm , Detail , Faces , Emotional , Breath , Face , Reaction , Sar S , Flames , Efforts , Aspirin , Doubts , Haven T , Survey , Bayer Advanced Aspirin , Visit Fastreliefchallenge Com Today For A Special Trial Offer , 92 , Cold , Blast , Physical Therapists , Freezer , Pain Reliever , Why Don T You , 146000 , Blaze , Ofirefighters , Sounds , Estes Park , Uncontained , National Forest Land , Western Flank , Structures , Thompson Valley Canyon , Images , Lapse , Toe Amazing Pictures , Pnt Kr Com , 3 Million , Men And Women , 1000 , Smoke , Air Drop , Airdrops , Bit , Water Drop , Fort Collins , Denver , 43 , Sounds Good , Fires , Price , Yep , Shortphones Lis , Genco , Equipment , Somewhere , Nowhere , Mcallen , Doing , Bell , Track , Asset , College , Dream , Six , The Sky S Limit , , Naphtali Bryant , Quotes , Smartphone App , Claim , Chris , Anywhere , 24 , Journey , Em , Crawling , Chicks , Fresno , 83 , Tablets , Smartphones , Devices , Share , Verizon , Messages , Alison Kosik , Account , Phones , Smartphone , Option , Cell Phone , Device , Meaning , Pair , Voice , Texting , 4 , 80 , 280 , Customer , Everybody , Costs , Demand , Carriers , Fun , No Frills , 450 , Market , Prices , Sales , Gains , Purchases , Spending Lez , Retail , Gas Bs , Consumer Economy , Consumer Reports , Producer Prices , New York Stock Exchange , Solutions , Obesity , Tool , Business , Weight Problem , Runs , Expenses , Cash Flow , Small Business Lender , Business Owners , Wells Fargo , Nine , Bmi , Health Officials , Diabetes , Health Risks , Study , Heart Disease , Louisiana State University , Researchers , 2010 , Felicia Wade , Author , The Heart Of Matter , Intricacies , Atlanta , Weight , Consideration , Height , Equation , Body Fat , Factor , Consideration Factors , Abdominal Circumference , Premise , Parameters , Obese , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , Factors , Parameter , Caucasians , 32 , Drawing Board , Africterican Americans Hav , Diet , Hip Ratio , Ratios , Waist , Cardiovascular Disease , Noncaucasian , Scale , Overweight , Overhauled , Provider , F Factors , Percentage , 140 , Diabe , Predie Babetic , Body Weight , Scales , Advocate , Diabetic , Bm Ishgi , Over Th , Medical School , Endocrinologist , Family History , Ships , Forest , Lost In The Trees , Legacy , Foreign Policy , Arab World Aren T , Drone Strikes , Countries , Egyptians , Muslim , Cairo , Jill Dougherty , Disappointment , Politics , Allies , Complaint , Drones , Research Center , Attitudes , Japan , Europe , Permission , Extremists , Drone Attacks , Islamabad , 21 , Drone Campaign , Pakistan , 62 , 26000 , Presidency , Finding , Germany , Colleague , Space , Wall Street Iffing Million , The Chase Department , 00ous West , Concern , Kyra , Interest , It Acts , Views ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120613 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom 20120613

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ironically, from the chase department in charge of mitigated risk. my colleague, christine romans watching this hearing from her post in new york. the department that's supposed to mitigate risks made these risky trades and now he is having to answer questions. it's obvious why congress wants to know why these stupid trades were made. >> yeah. he says, you know what? i'm not going to defend it, because it violates common sense. it shouldn't have happened. what was, maybe should have been a legitimate, bona fide macroeconomic hedge, morphed into something else, he says, and he did not defend it. talk about, you say a grilling. a civil discussion. in part because he is so contrite here. the conversation just now turning into something more about what do you think about dodd-frank and the volcker rule and new regulations he has been vocal against. but as far as that trade, he says, no, you're right. it shouldn't have happen and we're sorry for that. in particular, let me tell you, i want to first talk about the disruption if you will, at the very beginning. before he even sat down. >> hecklers, right? >> some hecklers and, of course, there usually are with bankers, especially in the wake of occupy wall street. listen to it for a second. >> going to prison. you and others. you need to listen to bernie sanders. we need top listen -- these guys sit on federal courts, take billions of dollars, bailouts, zero -- this man needs to go to jail along with his -- >> of course, security hustled them out. jamie dimon seemed -- not flustered by all of that, quite frankly. this is still happening. you're going to get more pointed questions about, should there be more oversight on wall street? asked point blank, if other smaller, less capitalized banks were doing the same thing, could it take down the financial system? he didn't really answer that question, except that we have a lot of money on our books. this is not something that would have taken down jpmorgan. hurt their shareholders, but certainly i think there could be more fireworks later on but so far civil, i'll be honest. >> probably will be more fireworks. dodd-frank was supposed to be about reforms and preventing this. we'll follow it throughout the hour. christine romans, thank you. keep a close eye on that for us. we're going to dip back in and out of this as it progresses and warrants here on cnn. stay tuned. overseas now. civil war in syria. that's what the u.n. is now calling the anti-government revolt that first erupted 15 months ago. the u.n. estimates 10,000 people mostly civilians have been killed, and there's no letup in heavy fighting across the country. [ gunfire ] [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> good lord. opposition groups say at least 49 people kim sewed far today. now syrian forces are using a new lethal weapon. helicopter gunships. the secretary, hillary clinton, says the choppers are being supplied by russia. to barbara starr in our at pentagon. barbara, what's the basis of clinton's claims here? >> reporter: well, she is not exactly saying what intelligence she has on-hand, don, but you can bet, plenty of information about it. the movement of russian arms into syria to support the regime there is a top priority for the u.s. intelligence community to be watching. there are a number of ways they can do it, from satellites, from u.s. navy ships in the eastern mediterranean, monitoring syrian ports there. they are keeping a very close eye, and i want to you listen just to how angry hillary clinton was yesterday when she talked about this. >> we have confronted the russians about stopping their continued arms shipments to syria. we are concerned about the latest information we have that there are attack helicopters on the way from russia to syria, which will escalate the conflict quite dramatically. >> reporter: and the words out of moscow this morning is, the russian military export agency has no intention of holding back on those export deals they have with syria. they're going to carry themmous, they say. don? >> can we talk more about these choppers? it's obvious that the folks would be alarmed here, because that takes this fighting to an entire new level. right? >> reporter: absolutely. now, to be clear, the syrians by all accounts, we've seen the video, have used helicopters in the past. but what appears to be happening here are some of the most advanced helicopter gunships from the russians maybe going into syria. what is the vicious advantage this give, the regime? see it on that piece of tape. these helicoptering can move quickly into an area. they can stay over a target for a period of time. they can loiter and fire their rockets and their weapons round after round after round into civilian areas with great precision but indiscriminately. they are the killing of women, children and civilians continues in syria, and these hlicopter gunships are just going to add more advantage to the syrian regime, at least for now until somebody does something about it. don? >> even more relentless. thank you very much, barbara starr. for more check out cnn security team's blog. security clearance. going to iraq. a wave of bombings killed at least 58 people and wounded nearly 160. 340e69 of the victims, shiite pilgrims ba s gathering for a festival. u.n. representatives call the attacks despicable and appear to be coordinated and occurred in ten places. the deadliest, south of baghdad. at least 20 people killed. no one claimed responsibility, but raise concerns about renewed violence between majority shiites and minority sunnis. isn't it time the automobile advanced? 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>> reporter: it's a busy morning, don. hi. right now there is a witness who we believe to be alleged victim number seven. and what he is saying is that, he is testifying that he did not have, allegedly, have any sex with jerry sandusky, but what's interesting is this -- this person has topped the grand jury that in the weeks leading up to his first appearance to the grand jury he had several phone calms from both jerry sandusky and sandusky's wife saying that it was very important for him to call him back. but he never did. now, that is who is on the stand, we believe, right now. just prior to him, we heard from someone who is known as alleged victim number ten. this is someone who is now 25 years old, don, but he is telling jurors when he was about 11 yours old or so in 1977 he met jerry sandusky through second mile and at one point said sandusky brought him down to his basement, pinned him down and told jurors that sandusky allegedly performed oral sex on him. he said he was freaked out. he told jurors, and so scared, and he said later this happened in the basement of sandusky's home, sandusky told him, threatened him, if he ever told anyone, he would never see his family again. at that point, he said, sandusky later said, i didn't really mean that, but the alleged victim said that he told his foster mother that he never warranted to -- wanted to see jerry sandusky again. >> these jurors, what they're hearing. probably never thought they'd hear these conversations in their entire lives. talk more about the witnesses and the people testifying. mike mcqueary's father also testified this morning. did he back up what his son has been saying throughout this process? >> reporter: yes, he did. he said that his son was really shook up when he called him that particular night to report that he had seen, as he put it, coach sandusky in the showers with a little boy, and the father testified there was no doubt in his mind that his son had seen a sexual act occur. later on he said a couple months later he testified that he had a meeting with the vice president of penn state, gary schultz, and he said to him, what's happening with what my son told you about jerry sandusky? and he testified that schultz told him that he had heard some noise about jerry sandusky before, but he told mcqueary's father he didn't need any additional information and that was it. >> susan candiotti. this trial is playing out fast. 52 counts of sexually abusing children and could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] ♪ [music plays] in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to better collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with our drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ we make meeting times, lunch times and conference times. but what we'd rather be making are tee times. tee times are the official start of what we love to do. the time for shots we'd rather forget, and the ones we'll talk about forever. in michigan long days, relaxing weather and more than 800 pristine courses make for the perfect tee time. because being able to play all day is pure michigan. one of mexico's notorious drug cartels is accused of infiltrating the world of horse breeding and racing to get this, launder drug money. 14 cartel members facing federal charges including the top leaders. saying cartel members funneled millions of dollars into the u.s. establishing a very successful award quarterhorse breeding operation in new mexico, in oklahoma, california and texas. following developments. 14 zetas. half arrest. who are the players? >> two brothers. living as a legitimate breeder, one of them, in the united states, buying horses in places like texas, oklahoma, california, and new mexico. the other brother is the repulted leader of a cartel in mexico known as los zetas and what federal authorities are alleging is that the brother in mexico was sending millions and millions of dollars in cash to the brother in new mexico, in oklahoma, so that he could buy, train and breed and raise these horses. that's what the indictment allegation. >> how did it work? how were they able to hide millions in drug money with quarterhorses? >> federal officials say they a number of front companies that operated as legitimate businesses dedicated solely to buying american quarterhorse, and this all seemed legitimate on the surface, but what was happening was, they were getting all the cash from mexico, in reality, and hiding the money through these companies and participating, actually, in races. they, in one case, in 2009, they made $1 million by winning one race. >> very successful with these quarterhorses, weren't they? >> exactly right. and it's interesting to see, for example, how much money they made and one thing that caught my attention was the name of one of the horses. it was called coronita. a reference to a mexican beer. >> texas, oklahoma and other states. right? how long has this been doing on? >> according to the indictment, at least since 2008. more interesting than that is the money that officials allege was involved. they say at least $20 million was involved, and we're only talking be a the money they can document. >> $20 million since 2008? what's going to happen to the money and the horses now? >> the money is being con fan skated. the horses probably eventually auctioned off. >> always comes down to the drugs. >> and the money. >> well, through that. >> exactly. >> interesting. thank you, rafael. and the cartel is headquarters in mexico directly across from laredo, texas. in terms of territory, operations in 11 mexican states. an update to the story we have been following. the suspect in the deadly shooting near auburn university appeared in tort code. desmonte leonard turned himself in last night, facing three counts of capital murder and two of assault. gunning down people at an off-campus party over the weekend. two of the three killed were former football players at auburn university. meineke's personal pricing on brakes. i tell mike what i can spend. i do my best to make that work. we're driving safely. and sue saved money on brakes. now that's personal pricing. casey anthony breaking her silence yet again. this time talking with our very own piers morguen in a tpiers morgan in a phone interview. >> what of the biggest mrs. conceptions? she said, obviously several. obviously i didn't kill my daughter. she said that firmly. if anything, there's nothing in this world i've ever been more proud of, and no one i loved more than my daughter. she's my greatest accomplishment. >> casey anthony has been in hiding since found not guilty of killing her daughter caylee. piers morgan spoke with her attorney about we are whereabouts. watch piers morgan weekdays, 9:00 p.m. eastern. and news about amy copeland. a battle with a flesh-eatering bacteria. her condition upgraded from critical to serious. the ordeal began in may after she cut herself on a make-shift zip line. another update, lana kukendahl, recently saw her newborn twins for the first time. imagine this, fulfilling a life long dream by the age of 14? dominique did this in 1996 winning olympic gold as the youngest member of the u.s. gymnastics team, but her road to glory was anything but easy. in her new book "off balance" in stores just this week, she opens up about alleged abuse suffered while training and the discovery of a sister she didn't even know she had. cnn's chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta shares her story in this week's "human factor." >> reporter: an olympic gymnast hasn't lost the focus and smile known for as the member of the magnificent seven in atlanta. behind that smile, she's hidden a lot of pain. while she loved the sport, she says shirr coaches, marta and bella ka roya karolyi made her miserable. forcing her to hide sports related injuries and constantly chipping away at her self-et steam. >> name calling. a piggy. fat. hit me in a lot of personal and emotional places. used my father as a medium of abuse. >> reporter: she says the coaches would call her father to complain as her performance in practice and he'd punish her by hitting her. >> for so long i was silenced by those very people who never wanted me to say anything. >> reporter: the karolyis declined to comment on accusations and tells cnn we have known dominique since a young giymnast and wish her the best as she goes through life. at 17 she claimed her own coach. her sister says she witness pd the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father but dominique reconciled with him before he died from cancer. >> i learned to take the experiences that were difficult and that were in my life and the adversity i had overcome to use it for a positive change. >> reporter: retired from gymnastics in 2006, soon afterward, while pregnant with her first child, she received a letter from another sister. one she nerver knew she had. a sister born with no legs, and the given up for adoption. >> i got the biggest bombshell of my life, and it changed everything. my life will forever be divided now and into before knowing about jen and after knowing about jen. >> reporter: today she is happily married. an says her two children may even be gymnasts in the future. dr. sanjay gupta reporting. >> you it error the rest of dominique's story on sanjay gupta m.d. right here on cnn. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. 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>> well, don, it's very, very close. less than 50 yards, and it's just across the parking lot from this bar. the spot where he was beaten. take a look at this map we have of this area, and hopefully can show you just how close this is. we're at the fullerton transportation center. there's a bus stop there that you can see, and right near that bus station you can see where the slidebar is. there's that parking lot, like i say, just about 50 yards away. that right there is the corner where kelly thomas received that beating that all minutely proved to are fatal. just 50 yards away from there, across that parking lot, is where this bar is. so the allegation is that an employee of that bar actually called the fullerton police department to report that kelly thomas was breaking into cars, which was not true, by everything that we know, but there are allegations that this bar owner wanted to keep homeless people away and specifically kelly thomas away from his bar. that's why he instructed his employees to call the police and get rid of kelly thomas in whatever way possible. at least according to the allegations in this lawsuit. >> the former employee fired, who allegations in the lawsuit, fired for telling the truth? >> that's right. what he says, he was fired because he actually commented with the law enforcement investigation into this beating death. he alleges that the owner of the bar actually told all of his employees not to cooperate with law enforcement and he's suing this bar owner for unlawful termination and several other things. a lawsuit that could be worth millions of dollars. >> casey, what's the slidebar owners, the management's response? are they saying anything about this lawsuit? >> absolutely they are. it's really interesting. this story gets more and more bizarre. the owner of the bar is actually a member of a rock band called lit that had a couple of big hits, about 10 or 12 years ago. he says his employees never called the police to respond to, or to get kelly thomas moved out of the bar area. listen to what he said. >> -- former employee is, just trying to get paid. taking advantage of the fact that, just tragic story's back in the news, i'm back in the news. i have a record coming out on tuesday and all of a sudden, lawsuit. >> now, later today we're going to hear from michael reeves and his attorney, the former doorman who actually filed this suit. we'll have to see what he has to say about the specifics and we're waiting to hear the 911 call or any transcripts of calls actually made from the bar to the police department at that time. the district attorney has not yet released those, and may not do so, because it's part of an ongoing court case, but if they do release those transcripts or that call, that could go a long way to clearing this all up, don. >> quickly, here. the community is still dealing with this. there's a lot going on in the community. what next from the city council, if you can tell me quickly, casey? >> well, one thing that has been talked about is that the city council is considering actually disbanding the fullerton police department, contracting those services ever out to the orange county sheriff's department which would, they believe, save money. we don't know if that's going to happen, but that's one of the things being considered at this point. >> casey wian, we'll follow it. appreciate your reporting on that. all right. the fire is burning out of control in northern colorado. the hyde park fire stretching across 43,000 acres and get this, only 10% karened. doze d dozens of firefighters headed to the fire today. a news conference being held. holding a conference at this hour. there you see it. our affiliate, kgma. we'll monitor that and bring you any breaking developments in that. meantime, our chad myers keeping a close watch from the cnn weather center. just 10% contained. not a lot. >> not a lot. the part that's really not contained is the part pushing back towards ethe park. 73 square miles burned. in an area where 70%, 7-0 percent of the trees are dead because of the rocky mountain pine beetle. not only do you have things burning, dead trees tinder dry, waiting to burn. devastated parts of colorado, new mexico. when you see this stuff burn, it goes up literally looks like greene when the fire hits the trees. winds of calm, the best news at this point. we'll see late other than tonight cooler conditions going into the rest of the week, we actually will see a chance of a thunderstorm. you think, that's a great thing. no. exactly the wrong thing. >> why? >> because the rain that happens in the mountains with thunderstorms is never, ever enough to put out the fires that lightning creates. the air is so dry over this fire, that the rain that comes down tries to, to get to the ground but doesn't. evaporates before it gets there. the lightning strikes makes it to did the ground, starting a new fire. >> new mexico. follow up later. a press conference now. monitoring it on cnn in larimer county, colorado. you heard what chad said. man, only 10% contained. it is still going. >> our first priority -- there'. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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this is big news. back to our top story. you see this just in a man, the "new york times" once called america's least hated banker is on capitol hill trying to explain disastrous trades to the banking committee. jpmorgan chase racked up losses in the billions, and things got a little heated before the hearing even started. hecklers took on jamie dimon over foreclosures and taxpayer bayout bailouts. by contrast, the lawmakers -- that's them. the hecklers. the contrast between them and lawmakers, it hasn't gotten much more testy than this. listen. >> this is simply a risk separation. you're hedging portfolio. how can you be on both sides of the transaction and claim you're hedging? >> i think i've been clear. i think it was good, morphed into. i'm not going to try to defend. >> so -- >> under any name, whatever you call it, i will not defend it. violated common sense, in my opinion. i do believe people doing it thought that they were maintaining a short against high-yield credit, that would benefit the company in a crisis. we now know they were wrong. >> the back and forth, we'll keep an eye on it and let you know if it gets hot and heavy, what comes out of it. that's our top story here on cnn. meantime, nearly 200 mayors from across the country gathering in orlando, florida, right now for the annual meeting of the u.s. conference of mayors. this year's meeting is critical with elections just around the corner and, of course, with what's going on in the economy. why we want to bring in the mayor of los angeles. of course, you know him, president of the conference of mayors. and mayor villaraigosa, good morning. busy schedule. thank you for coming on. appreciate it. i want to talk to you about this -- the mayors are considering resolutions in a number of things, a number of topics. jobs to garbage collection. which is a job. right? collecting garbage. you say, while d.c. is divided, the mayors are gerting things done. how are you getting things done? >> as an example in my cities and cities across the country, our cities are safer. we're working to invest in infrastructure, even at a time when the congress has failed to pass a surface transportation bill. in fact, they've tended it ten times. more time than at any time in history. that's 2 million jobs we're talking about. so, like, in my example, you know, we're expanding some $4 billion, 40,000 jobs at the airport. $3 billion, about 20,000 jobs at the port. we're trying to expand, double, the size of our rail system by accelerating $40 billion in a ten-year period of time to build public transportation. but without a federal partner, frankly, missing in action, the mayors are pointing to washington and saying, it's time to do your job. >> what do you mean -- federal partner missing in action? are you talking about congress? who are you talking about? >> congress. no question about it. congress is missing in action. >> all right. >> we put a common sense jobs agenda we went to republican and democratic think tanks and said what are the kinds of initiatives we could get together both democrats and republicans would support. in fact, it dovetailed similar with the president's jobs plan. infrastructure was a big part of that. republicans and democrats have all failed to pass a surface transportation bill, which would create 2 million jobs. >> naimayor, a lot to get to. you're calling out both democrats and republicans here. listen, more jobs need to be created. everyone knows that. that's no secret. let's really get to the bottom of things here. the president, remember the whole fine comment last week and in that statement he blamed, or pointed to the slowdown, the slow economy on local governments not expanding. chris christie of new jersey went after him at the cpac conference last week. listen. >> he's talking about why job growth hasn't been as robust as it should be and this is what he said. i stared at the tv and couldn't believe he said it. he said, one of the reasons is because state and local government hiring is going in the wrong direction. [ laughter ] i swear to you. that's what he said. >> so that is a "how dare you, mr. president" blame governors and mayors. does chris christie have a point when it comes to that? is it being taken out of context? is this a real reality in this economy, when it comes to creating jobs? that the cities and states aren't doing it, therefore, the economy, it is not helping the economy? >> he doesn't have a point. he's making a lot of ado about nothing. look, the fact is that cities, counties, school districts, are cutting. we're cutting dramatically. we're cutting, because states are shifting the responsibility for their failure to balance the budget, and they're putting it on the backs of cities, counties and school districts. that's why the president's proposed to hire and protect the jobs of teachers and firefighters and police officers. and it was romney who said that we shouldn't do that. the fact is, and i mention both democrats and republicans, because it's broken on both sides, but it's been the republican house that's failed to pass the surface transportation bill. it's been the republican house that frankly has resisted every effort on part of the president to work together to create jobs right now. and our organization is a bipartisan organization. and it's very interesting, because the mayors have said to both the congress and the republicans and democrats, that it's time to do their job, but we focus primarily on the republican house that's failed to do almost anything to put people back to work. >> okay. so, listen, and without, no talking points, and if you cannot be partisan at this point. what do you need -- i think i know the answer -- need from the president, from washington, what do you need from congress? if you say compromise, i don't know if that's going to happen. >> well, i think we do need them to work together. we do need to pass a surface transportation bill. we do need support to expand our exports, because we know that 95% of the new markets are outside of the country. we do need the congress to do what they can to extend the unemployment benefits. we do need to protect the firefighters, police officers and teachers so that we don't continue to hemorrhage jobs. those are three areas that we could get bipartisan consensus for. the president's for it. the senate's for it. now we need to get the house leadership nor it as well. >> all right. thank you, mayor. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> all right. the mayors will spend the next four days at this conference, considering more than 100 resolutions, pressuring the federal government into action and vice president joe biden is expected to deliver the keynote address. great shot. how did the nba become the hottest league on the planet? 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>> the executive director of pop warner says we are trying to take the head out of football and that is a visual image. two big rules that they will start to institute. and let's go over those. the first swone is when they do the tackling drills and this is all about the practice and not play. tackling drills can last 40 minutes max. they are putting a limit on it and you cannot go on and on and secondly no head-on tackling drills starting from three yards away. if you do a head-on, you can't start from four or five yards a i wash, because you obviously gain momentum from the distance, and they want to cut that down. 250,000 kids in pop warner football ages 5-15, so this affects a lot of kids. >> and what you are reporting and sanjay reporting, both of you guys, about leading with the head, and they are trying to lessen that and get people not to do it. what led to the changes? the people being injured is one of them? >> well, one is a virginia tech study and they put the helmets on the kids, and you can't see it, but there are sensors inside of the pads here. >> cool. >> and 7 and 8-year-olds wore these for the entire season and they found on average a given kid was getting 107 hits a season in the head, and some of them large enough to cause concussions. so 107 hits a season on a 7-year-o 7-year-old, and that is a lot. >> but helmets protect, but not enough padding in helmets to protect from everything, correct? >> you can't protect from everything, so you are protecting somewhat, but what happens is that the brain still, and i hate to yuse this image, but it is still rattles around in the skull. i mean, you can see the animation shows what happened when there was an impact. the brain is still rattling around there, and you can still get injuries and the folks at pop warner are aware of the lawsuits at the professional level and even at the college level, and obviously they don't want to have those lawsuits either and want to keep the kids safe. >> it it does not start at the professional level, because long period of time as it is repeated. >> we think of the injuries as a kid got a big hit and falls to the ground, but it can be small hits over a small period of time and imagine that a kid plays from age 7 to 20, and that is a lot of hits. >> when you said 7 and 8-year-olds testing the helmets that head many me think of it. pop warn ser is the largest football league for youth with over 250,000 players. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. 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[ male announcer ] now citi thankyou visa card holders can combine the thankyou points they've earned and get even greater rewards. ♪ there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning.. you can feel. introducing the all new cadillac xts, available with the patented safety alert seat. when there is danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all new cadillac xts has arrived. and it's bringing the future forward. about 90 minutes from now a jury in washington will try to figure out whether roger clemens one of the greatest names in baseball lieded to congress when he said this back in 2008. >> let me be clear, i have never ta taken steroids or hgh. >> the former big league pitcher and cy young award winner has spent eight weeks on trial in federal court charged with perjury and making false statements and obstructing justi congress. in the case against him, his one-time trainer said this to the same house committee in '08. >> i e told the truth about steroids and human growth hormone. i injected those drugs into the body of roger clemens at his direction. >> so brian mcnamee and the feds have proof that clemens juiced and that is where things are interesting, because paul corzine has been covering the trial for us, and he joins us by phone. paul, let's be clear, clemens is not accused of using banned substances, but it is about lying. >> yes, don. the major charge is obstruction of congress as congress was trying to investigate the prevalence of performance enhancing drugs in major league baseball. they called a number of people to the hearing and clemens is one of them and he denied it once again. it does boil down to whether mcnamee has credibility with the jury. sure he injected him with something. clemens say it is b12 and mcnamee said steroids, and they had the battle of the scientists at one point where the scientist said it is a dna on one of the needles and such a small molecular amount that it is a 1 in 423 that it is clemens, and they said, look, this stuff was kept in a beer can and comingled with cotton balls and all kinds of substances in the can that could have mixed and sloshed around, and any number of substances that he had it in his personal home, mcnamee. >> and remind us, paul, how we got to this point? >> well, the point is that you cannot lie to congress under oath, and pros ecutors made tha case. regardless of the andy pettitte seems to have recalled that clemens mentioned human growth hormone to him, but it is whether he lied to congress and that has to be prosecuted. >> clemens looking at prison time if he is convicted? >> well, it is a serious charge, and it is federal court, and they carry up to two years in jail, and a fine, and the press release was like it a year and a year and a half if there is any conviction at all. >> paul courson, we will be watching this, because it is about lying and not about using the substance, but lying about it. deliberation began at 1:30 p.m. eastern. we will keep an eye on this, and -- thank you, paul -- and we will keep an eye on it when it comes. meantime, we have to move on to another show, because we have someone special sitting by right now. thank you for watching "cnn newsroom," and you know it continues now. >> you know it is trouble when it is don and fred. >> fred, they are saying don't talk to each other, just throw it. how are you? >> good. how are you? see you much later. >> she is much prettier than i am, and much better than i am. >> don is the pretty boy. i'm fredricka whitfield in for suzanne malveaux. and right to it. bombs exploded across iraq killing 58 people, and most of the victims were pilgrims traveling from all over iraq to a religious shrine in baghdad. the worst incident was a car bomb in gila that killed 20 people. colorado officials will be assessing damage to homes today in the massive fire zone. they say that the fast moving wildfire has scorched more than 46,000 acres and it is only 10% contained. one woman has died. thousands have had to flee their home homes. and when your company loses billions of dollars on risky trades, you have some explaining to do, and today, jpmorgan chase ceo jamie dimon is explaining before lawmakers on capitol hill. but the hearing was interrupted by hecklers before dimon started speaking. >> stop foreclosures now! >> stop foreclosures now! >> eventually the police removed the protesters and the hearing continued. dimon is testifying before the senate banking committee about his company's massive losses, and so what does this have to do with you and your finances? christine romans is joining us. christine, if you are not a chase shareholder why should you care about those company's losses? >> well, you care, because we had to bail out a bunchp of banks a few years ago and the credit swaps arena almost took down the global economy, and that is exactly the arena jpmorgan had trades that went bad in. that is why you care. if you bank at jpmorgan chase, that is not going the hurt you. taxpayers have not lost any money, but a loss of reputation and certainly a negative headline for jpmorgan overall. i will tell you that the jpmorgan chief jamie dimon sas s he cannot defend and he won't defend the trades. let's listen. >> it is clear that the original intent was good and morphed into, i won't try to defend. >> so -- >> under any name or whatever you call it, i will not defend it, because it is violated common sense in my opinion. i do believe that the people doing it thought that they were maintaining a shore against a high-yield credit that would benefit the company in a crisis, and we now know they were wrong. >> he says it shouldn't have happened, and it is against their standards and his st standards and people have lost their jobs over it, but it is a conservative bank, and he says it would not have brought down the bank, but it hit the reputation, and that i will lose billions of dollars of profits out of this. fred? >> there are a lot of things that dimon did not want to reveal or talk about, but what was he willing to tell the committee about what may have gone wrong? >> well, he told them that this was, what was supposed to be what they call a macroeconomic hedge against a turn in the economy, and for a while there, it looked tlik right trade to have on board, but then it turned south, and the risk management didn't just really catch it. that is a problem, a mistake. he also said that their board will be reviewing what are called claw back procedures and meaning that the people who knew it was going on and allowing the circumstances for this to go could lose bonuses and pay and stock options and their compensation from the past few years if the board deems that necessary. so they are looking into this, and the issue here is what does this mean for the overall economy in the banking system. this is probably 2 to $7 billion and he points out $150 billion in the bank with federal reserve banks around the world, and they have more than $1 trillion in deposits, so this hurts the reputation and profit, but not the overall economy. >> what does this mean for wall street reform? >> that is the big question here. because it is another piecemuni street about this. they say if you had the volcker rule, that would prevent the banks from taking the risky trades iit would have prevented this, but others say no, it had a good intent, but morphed into something else. but he is getting a lot of questions, fred, about what would happen if a bank that was not in as good of financial shape as jpmorgan and what if this trade were repeated ultimately for taxpayers, and that is what the senators are trying to get at right now. >> thank you, christine romans in new york. meanwhile, the fighting words continue on the campaign trail. presidential candidate mitt romney there in washington, d.c. talking at the business round table quarterly meeting and appare apparently he just accused president obama of delaying economic recovery. let's listen in on more of what he had to say. >> it has to do with the economic crisis we just had. it is an overreach taking advantage of the crisis to do a lot of things that the staff members and the legislators wanted to carry out. the nlrb and stacking the national labor relations board with those who are in the, in the aura of the union world led to decisions like the boeing decision in south carolina which they ultimately had to retreat from, but also an effort to pursue card check which would force effectively impose unions on businesses where employees did not want them. and quick kiy elections and the approaches leading to small and large enterprises. this is not a time to be hiring people in america, and the very time that we want people to be hiring and taking risks, they were confronted with growing uncertainty coming from washington, and pulled back. as a result, it has been harder for this economy to reboot. trade -- look in a highly productive nation like ours with the most output per person of any major nation, trade is good. it helps our economy, and we want to open up new markets for our goods, and in the last three years china and the european nations are in the middle of negotiations for about 44 different trade agreements, and this administration has negotiated none, none. three were approved by the senate, but the president dragged his heels on them for three years before putting them in, and i presume bowing to the demands of organized labor. trade is good for labor as well as for the overall economy and putting americans back to work and yet the president took a very different view in that. energy -- i ap m going to come back to energy, but it is a god send, and the availability of low-cost natural gas should reignite our economy, an instead, this president has done through the regulators through the epa or others has taken action after action which is harder to take advantage of the natural gas and understand whether we can rely upon the supply of natural gas and two, made it almost impossible to mine coal and use coal, and we have the largest reserve of any nation on earth and if we don't take advantage of it, it will be going overseas and used in china and the emissions of coal will be dirtier than if it is used here. of course, oil, and the president put a moratorium on the drilling in the gulf and not in anwar and we don't drill in the outer continental shelf and we have the resources that the president or his people want to see the cost of these sources of energy that we have in abundance come to a higher level so that other technologies, solar and wind become more competitive. finally, i want to mention the deficit. if i were thinking off investing a major portion of my enterprise's future in the kun t count country, i would want to know what the future value of the dollar is going to be and if i could see deficits as far as the eye could see, i'd be concerned, and if i saw a president who after 3 1/2 years had not put together proposals to get the budget balanced, that would make me more concerned and if i saw entitlements like social security and medicare and medicaid again without any effort on the part of the president to address them and to find a which to make sure that they are saved, but they are also solvent would give me concern. for all of those reasons in my view, this has been a tepid and unfortunate recovery for the american people. it means more people are out of work and more people are looking for good jobs, and that breaks my heart. i think that this flows from the fact that the president and his people just don't understand how the private sector works. i actually think that it would be helpful for a president to have spent some time in the private sector, and had a job in the real enterprise, and to have a sense of what it is that makes an enterprise decide to grow or to shrinkk, to send jobs overseas or bring them back, to train people or not train people, to provide benefits or not -- all right. a tepid and unfortunate recovery says presidential candidate mitt romney blaming the obama administration for a litany of what he believes are big complaints as to how it pertains to how the administration has e responded to or taken the lead on trade, energy and oil and the deficit. we will continue to watch mitt romney right there in washington, d.c. at the business round table quarterly meeting. all right. looking overseas now to syria. 15 months of fighting and low-end estimates of 12,000 people dead, and i'm talking about syrians killing syrians. rebels on one side, and the syrian military on the other, and since it started the opposition uprising and the government's violent crackdown has been called a, quote, armed conflict or a struggle. today things are different. for the first time in 15 months a senior united nations official declares that what is happening in syria is a full-scale civil war. i want to talk about this with rima, who is watching the odevelopments from abu dhabi and conflict and civil war and what is the difference what it is being called but the bottom line is that an awful lot of people are being killed on a daily basis and how does a classification change anything? >> fredricka, some people here call it sectarian war. really, it doesn't matter. today only, and the day is not over yet in syria, 50 people have been killed. children are being tortured. citizens and civilians are being besieged by the syrian army, and they are being starved at some point. one village was besieged for eight days, and today, the army entered into that village, so really the label doesn't matter much. >> why now? why would the u.n. use the words civil war as it describes the conflict there in syria? >> because the past two months have been really, really bad. on a daily basis we get a death toll of 90 people killed, and that people have become numbers and after the massacre, and the conflict on the ground in syria has taken a sectarian side. it is a country that where a sunni majority lives and ruled by allawite minority, and this is the sensitivity. >> by declaring this a civil war, does this now create a new path for the u.n. or nato in which to intervene? >> well, so far without russia and china on board, it seems that the international community is not able to do much. the u.n. observers who are now on the ground in syria, their mission is to oversee a cease-fire which never happened not one single day in syria over the past months that we didn't hear of at least 10, 20, 30 people killed. so definitely a new decision, a new resolution is needed to stop violence. >> all right. ree ma -- rima, maktabi, thank you for the report from syria. the war may be over, but violence is echoing through iraq. then, more gut-wrenching testimony from witnesses who say they were violated by a man the trusted. the latest in the trial of jerry sandusky. and if the presidential election were held on wall street, mitt romney would be winning by a landslide. winning by a landslide. why bankers are backing the gop. -- captions by vitac -- [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! ] [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you? fight back fast with tums. calcium rich tums goes to work in seconds. nothing works faster. ♪ tum tum tum tum tums [ female announcer ] the sun powers life. ♪ and now it powers our latest innovation. ♪ introducing the world's only solar-powered home energy system, which can cut your heating and cooling bills in half. call now to get up to 1,375 dollars in rebates. or zero percent financing for 18 months on select lennox home comfort systems. offer ends june 15th. plus download our free lennox mobile app with an energy-savings calculator to show how much you'll save with a lennox system. if your current system is 10 years or older, start planning now and take advantage of special 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>> it is the way it is going to be for the next five months and we will hear from president obama tomorrow, fred, as he heads to ohio where he is going to go directly at mitt romney as well and be critical of what president obama says are the failed bush policies that he says that romney will bring back, and romney as he is speaking to the powerful business leaders in the united states,ing of, we are monitoring the speech as we are talking about it, but a couple of the things that he said has really led to the slow economic recovery. he said that president obama the pushing of the failed stimulus did not help the economy, and he said that there are too many burdens from the regulations on the businesses that are not allowing the businesses to grow. he says that the health care law is actually becoming very, very burden someand tin itself is hu to the coe conmy and went on to talk about trade, but it goes to show you, fred, that ott only are we talking about the economy today, but tomorrow and everyday until election day. >> mitt romneyk and the president have been slugging it out over the e copmy f-- over te economy, but neither seem to be winning over the independents, because 54% of the independents have unfavorable view of the president's plans and 47% don't like romney's plans either, so what does it say? >> well, in many ways the american public doesn't know what either plan is. what we are really working off of and of course we never have enough time to fully explain what president obama's plan is or what mitt romney's plan is. i don't think that necessarily they know all of the specifics about how each candidate wants to turn the economy around. we do rely on the sound bites and the voters, and the american people have so much more to worry about, about keeping their own homes and jobs, and they are relying on the sound bites, what you will see in the next five months is both campaigning working hard to not only get their individual basis fired up, and explain to them how they are going to turn the economy around, but you will see the campaigns try to reach the average voter, and try to explain to them how they can turn the economy around. >> well, finally, former president george h.w. bush is taking comment from his son jeb that men like ronald reagan and his father would not fit in the today's republican party and saying this, jeb bush, they would have a hard time if you define the republican party and i don't of having an orthodoxy that doesn't allow for disagreement, doesn't allow for finding some common ground, and what is he saying on hi birthday? >> well, he is trying to be magnanimous and more statesman like saying that he understands what his son is saying, but he says that the fact of the matter is that he does not agree with his son, but jeb bush has hit the nail on the head and it is not about the republican party, but the democratic party, and jeb bush did a follow-up on social media on twitter and said that what he is alluding to is that both sides are so hyperpartisan, and that is why it is not getting done, and beb bush trying to do some cleanup, but he is absolutely right, the democratic party is very, very hyperpartisan and so isn't the republican party right now at this time. >> thank you, mark preston, from washington. they trusted him and they say that jerry sandusky used that trust to take advantage of them. we will have the latest testimony from the trial rocking penn state. all energy development comes with some risk, but proven technologies allow natural gas producers to supply affordable, cleaner energy, while protecting our environment. across america, these technologies protect air - by monitoring air quality and reducing emissions... ...protect water - through conservation and self-contained recycling systems... ... and protect land - by reducing our footprint and respecting wildlife. america's natural gas... domestic, abundant, clean energy to power our lives... that's smarter power today. the man accused of killing three people near auburn university could appear in court today. 22-year-old desmonte leonard, turned himself in yesterday. cnn has learned that the funerals have been set for the three men killed at saturday's pool party shooting. they will take place friday and saturday. you can see the two former auburn university football players killed. one of the witnesses called it a massacre for no reason at all. and the fate of legendary baseball player roger clemens is now in the hands of a federal jury in washington. clemens is accused of lying to congress when he testified in 2008 he did not use steroids or human growth hormones to improve his pitching. the jury will begin deliberations an hour from now, and this is the second perjury trial after his first one ended in a mistrial last year. the parents of slain teenager trayvon marshall have released a commercial about the stand your ground law which is the law that allows someone to use force against someone who poses a threat. this is a part of the commercial. >> i am asking you to consider sharing this message with the governor ofs of your states with these similar stand your ground law, and review these dangerous laws and if so, thousands more dads will have a happy father's day together with their children and not the toughest one of their life without them. >> martin's parents saying they are not against stand your ground, but they want the states to review the law. prosecutors in the jerry sandusky trial are calling more witnesses today. the testimony has been extremely graphic, and some witnesses have even broken down on the stand in tears. in the courtroom this morning, sara ganim, who took the stand today? >> well, alleged victim ten who came forward who called a hot lynn that the prosecutors set up after jerry sandusky was initially arrested and all of the media attention came about in november. he testified to acts that are similar to what we have heard from the other two alleged victims who took the stand in the previous days. following him late this morning was the first alleged victim who testified that he actually was not forced to perform graphic sex acts on jerry sandusky. what he testified to was much more scaled back, and i have to say on cross-examination, i think that it was the first time that joey amendola seemed to get a little ahead, and got to the point where he got this person to admit that it was not until after he heard that there were other accusers and that jerry sandusky had been accused before and that it evolved. he was good on the stand during direct examination, but when he was questioned by jerry sandusky's attorney, the tone started to shift. >> and what about jerry sandusky? what has his demeanor been like today? >> you know, it has been the same all three days, i have to say. he made sure to look directly at each witness. he is really not shy about that. he even threw some heart wrenching testimony that we have heard in the last couple of days. he sits there as if like these people are talking about someone else, and listens to this. you know, they are putting pictures and the prosecutors are putting up pictures up on the screen of these boys, and pictures of jerry sandusky. there was one moment where they showed jerry sandusky with his arm around several kids, and you know, we could see just from the testimony in the last three days i could pick out three alleged victims in the picture, and altogether with jerry sandusky. he looks at it and straight forward just like, you or i might look at the picture. >> and then yesterday, a man identified as victim one described in detail how sandusky sexually abused him as a boy numerous times. i understand that there were many jurors who had a hard time with some of the testimony. >> i noticed a few jurors who put their hands up to their faces in that testimony. his was really the most emotional that we have seen so far. he walked in, and he is only 18 years old, and he walked in and he had a tortured look on his face and he seemed overwhelmed and hanging his head through the testimony, and he had to catch his breath a few times, so yeah, the jurors had the most reaction on their faces when he was testifying. >> all right. sar s sara ganim, thank you. and we will have more on the efforts to beat back the flames in colorado. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 92% of people who tried it said they would buy it again. visit today for a special trial offer. blast of cold feels nice. why don't you use bengay zero degrees? 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[ male announcer ] new bengay zero degrees. freeze and move on. colorado's wildfire has grown to 146,000 acres. ofirefighters are fighting the blaze, but there are now families mourning the loss of one woman found in her home. >> you think that if the fire is going to happen, you will have enough time to grab and protect what is yours, but you don't. it came so fast, and it was too late. >> and we have the latest now with this fast moving fire that is ranging, and how contained is it? >> 10%, which isn't a bad number, but sounds terrible, because being 90% uncontained, but the western flank is where it is uncontained right now, and that is where very few people live and that is almost estes park, and we don't want to burn national forest land, but the firefighters are protecting homes and structures in the thompson valley canyon and that area. and it was much worse sunday when the winds were ripping 40 to 60 miles per hour. >> yes. fanning the flames. >> yes, in is a time lapse and you can go to cnn pnt toe amazing pictures. the images coming out of the fire are truly tremendous, and 46,000 acres burned now and about $3 million spent, and now 1,000 men and women on the line trying to get this fire out. 73 square miles have been burned right now. so, what is going on? well, today is a good day. a good morning. we have calm winds, and we have good conditions for the firefighters although the smoke is kind of sitting over the fire and not as easy to see, and that is sometimes can see the airdrops, because you don't want the smoke to sit right over where the fire is, and you want the wind and the smoke to blow a little bit so that you can get the air drop right where they want and the water drop from the air. and estes park higher up in the mountains winds at 8 miles per hour which is pretty good. here is what it looks like all of the way here from fort collins here and denver down at the bottom, but it is a crazy line here. you have to understand that although we have, you know, 43 or 46,000 acres burned, you look at the line, and you see how much line of fire you have there and how hard it is going to be to put this fire out. looks like by the weekend, the winds are back up to 30, 40 miles per hour again. >> makes it tougher. >> it does. thunderstorms are coming and that sounds good, but many times in the mountains, it is so dry that when it never hits the ground, and we will get lightning starting more fires. >> okay. chad. thank you. shortphones lis ep ten up, because the price of the plan may be about to climb, and we will tell you why. 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[ man ] saw 'em in '83 in fresno. place was crawling with chicks. i got to go. ♪ any way you want it ♪ that's the way you need it ♪ any way you want it ♪ all right. in today's electronic world almost all of us have smartphones, tablets or both, and for those with multiple devices in the family, verizon has come up with the share everything plan and it allows you share minutes and messages and data between the phones and everything between the account, but not everyone is happy about that. alison kosik joins me from new york. how does this plan work and why is it that some people are upset? >> well, first of all, they are getting upset, fredricka, because it is more and more expensive to use the smartphone and look at the difference now, if you have a smartphone, the option soon will be $90 a month compared to the $70 right now, because what verizon is doing is to move what they call shared day the plans and what this does is the to link multiple devices to one account meaning that you share one pot of data. so for a family of four, two smartphones and the kids have cell phone and a pair of tablets in the house, and each device carries a monthly charge ranging from $10 to $40 and then you pile on the data. so say that the family gets 4 gigabytes the monthly total is $280 and the good part about this is that voice and texting would be unlimited. fredricka. >> and what about the existing cu customers, will they have to change to this kind of plan? >> that is a good question. so the existing customers can keep the current plans for now even when they upgrade, but if you are a new customer, you have to choose from one of the new plan, but remember, this is the future, and don't be surprised if other carriers follow, because you look at what happens from the company's point of view, because it is about meeting the demand for more data, and that is what we are getting from the phones, and with that, fredricka, comes the higher costs for everybody. >> what if i want a cell phone and no frills, and are the calling-only kind of plans going away? >> yes. so if you have a regular phone and people make fun of you for having a regular phone, you can keep the plan there, and the new plans start at $40 a month for 450 minutes and if you want texting and other services that is dying out, because most americans have smartphones and most people make fun of you if you have a boring old cell phone. >> and let's talk about the market today, and what is happening? >> well, interesting day for the market, because it is all over the place. and modest gains for the market across the board. retail sales came in falling in may for the second straight month, and people are spending less on gas bs, but the problem spending lez on other purchases, and we found out that the prices that businesses pay for products also known as producer prices fell last month, and what the consumer reports suggest, fredricka, is that the consumer economy is flowing. fredricka. >> thank you, alison kosik from the new york stock exchange. we know that america has a weight problem, but the tool that we are using to measure obesity may need to be tweaked. and we will tell you why. the uns of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time, reduce expenses, and maximize cash flow. as the number one small business lender for nine years running... we're with you when you need us. so you can be there for your customers. wells fargo. together we'll go far. who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone. androgel 1.62% is from the makers of the number one prescribed testosterone replacement therapy. it raises your testosterone levels, and... is concentrated, so you could use less gel. and with androgel 1.62%, you can save on your monthly prescription. 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this is big news. >> all right. pleasantly plump or obese? the difference is not a matter of opinion, but instead determined by a person's body mass index or bmi, and the health officials consider anyone with a bmi of 25 or 30 overweight. and anyone with a bmi over 30 is labeled obese with increased health risks like diabetes and heart disease. but some researchers say that is not completely right. at least when it comes to black women. a 2010 study out of louisiana state university found that black women may have a high bmi and still be healthy. dr. felicia wade is the author of the book "the heart of the matter." she is joining me right here in atlanta, and before we get to the study and the intricacies of it, nice to see you, dr. wade, and let's talk about the body mass index. how do you determine what your bmi is? >> well, the body mass index takes into consideration your height and weight. and through a complicated equation, it determines whether your bmi is 18 and 30, and then determines whether you are overweight or obese. and it should have taken into consideration factors about your percentage fat, your body fat or your weight or the abdominal circumference, but it did not. it does not mean it is not a significant factor. >> okay. so why is it that this study would single out black men and the different bmi of ofr weight versus obesity, and do you agree with the premise? >> well, it does not mean again that it has to use parameters, because bmi is significant. you need to know if you are overweight or obese, because it cost this country $300 billion a year, and that is significant. what is significant about it is whether you are considered overweight or obese and at what parameter. at non-caucasians it is 32 and caucasians it is 30, and there is a difference because of the racial factors and that means we may have to go back to the drawing board and take those factors into consideration. >> and when you say the racial factors, are we talking about diet or where people live or what they are exposed to? >> we are talking about the fact that africterican-americans hav particular aspects that need to be considered in terms of those waist to hip ratio, and those types of ratios need to be considered. that is have very important. when we talk about abdominal fat, i'm sure you know about the studies that talk about the abdominal fat and cardiovascular disease, so those things are very, very important. we can't discount the bmi, because of maybe parameters based on being caucasian or noncaucasian, and it is still very, very important. >> does it mean that the scale of the bmi, what measures obesity or what measures being overweight need to be revamped? overhauled? >> it means just that, that it needs to be looked at again and it means going back to the drawing board and looked at again and having a conversation with your provider, and it means that the provider has to sit down to look at a all of those f factors and talk to you at a certain point. if you are a noncaucasian, it may mean that he looks at those factors and says, well, your weight is at this weight, and you may be 140, and your bmi say that you are not necessarily overweight. you may be doing all of the right things. >> and this is separate from your body fat, the percentage of body fat. >> right. >> and you have everything from maybe optimal would be 10 or 12% depending if you are a man or woman and athletic versus 10 or 20. >> you are 100% right. it is very, very important to have that conversation with your doctor, because when you talk about losing weight, and maintaining weight and whether you are predie babetic or diabe, those are conversations that we have to have, because people need to understand the percentage of body fat, and sometimes those are calculated when you are fat with water, and there are scales that you can stand on that determine whether you have a certain percent body weight and those are very, very important things, and you have to be able to ask questions of the doctor. >> and are you asking the doctor about measuring the bmi or something that you can do at home? >> here is the thing -- there are bm ishgi charts all over th. i'm an advocate to go to the doctor and particularly if you are a diabetic, and going to the endocrinologist and saying, i don't understand this, and i don't understand what is going on and i have questions. the reason i'm an advocate of that is because your doctor went to medical school is to sit down and tell you that based on these parameters this is the weight best for you based on the height, and based on the weight, and the family history, this is where it is going to serve you best. because he or she is also looking at your body. if a majority of the body weight is trunkal, you have a high risk for cardiovascular disease, and if the majority of the weight is in your hips, that is a different discussion, and so your doctor is the best person to take all of that information and put it in the proper parameter, so i don't want to let us get lost in the trees for the forest. i want us to look at the forest and the reason i say that is that we owe the children a legacy of health, and that is the heart of the matter. >> all right. we have to stay on the of it. dr. felicia wade, thank you so much. so good to see you. >> you are welcome. all right. from drone strikes to foreign policy, we will tell you why parts of the arab world aren't too happy with president obama right now. the medicare debate continues in washington... ...more talk on social security... ...but washington isn't talking to the american people. [ female announcer ] when it comes to the future of medicare and social security, you've earned the right to know. ♪ what does it mean for you and your family? [ female announcer ] you've earned the facts. ♪ washington may not like straight talk, but i do. [ female announcer ] and you've earned a say. get the facts and make your voice heard on medicare and social security at america's reputation in many muslim countries has reached a new low. what does it mean for president barack obama come november? jill dougherty explains. >> reporter: on the streets off cairo some egyptians say they had high hopes when barack obama became president, and now there's bitter disappointment. >> we were optimistic for change after george bush, but sorry, it is the same politics. >> reporter: among americans traditional allies however europe and japan, president obama has largely repaired america's image, but with a few research center's new global attitudes project shows that barack obama's own policies are hurting him. take the use of drones. a major complaint on the streets of islamabad. >> they are illegally attacking us on our soil without our permission. >> reporter: that is the permission in 17 of 21 countries, and more than half disapprove of the u.s. drone attacks targeting extremists in countries like pakistan or we aremen, and compare that to 62% of americans who approve of the drone campaign. the survey questioned more than 26,000 people in 21 countries. one major finding, leadership matters. >> what president bush was unpopular, the united states was largely unpopular. >> reporter: three years into the obama presidency, there has been a dramatic turn around in how the european countries like germany and allies like japan view the united states. but in muslim countries, obama's policies have damaged views of the u.s. the biggest concern worldwide about america still is that it acts without concern for the interest of other countries, a

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Police , Employee , Manager , Confrontation , Fullerton Bar , Casey Wian , Events , Label , Life Set , Motion , Digging , Bar , Parking Lot , Bus Station , Spot , Look , Map , Bus Stop , Slidebar , Fullerton Transportation Center , Beating , Corner , Fatal , Allegations , Allegation , Fullerton Police Department , Employees , Bar Owner , Lawsuit , Truth , Owner , Law Enforcement , Law Enforcement Investigation , Owners , Response , Management , Termination , Couple , Hits , Lit , Bizarre , Rock Band , 10 , 12 , Bar Area , Michael Reeves , Record , All Of A Sudden , Transcripts , Specifics , Suit , Police Department , Calls , 911 , Cup , Court Case , District Attorney , Community , City Council , Orange County Sheriff S Department , Services , Save Money , Fire , Reporting , Northern Colorado , Control , Hyde Park Fire , Karened , 43000 , Firefighters , Conference , Kgma , News Conference , Dozens , Doze D , Watch , Developments , Myers , Weather Center , Ethe Park , 0 , 73 , 7 , 70 , Trees , Things Burning , Rocky Mountain Pine Beetle , Parts , Stuff Burn , Rain , Conditions , Winds , Mountains , Chance , Thunderstorms , Thunderstorm , Calm , Doesn T , Hair , Lightning , Press Conference , Larimer County , Lightning Strikes , Men , Both , Testosterone , Chad , 1 62 , Androgel , Gel , Testosterone Levels , Makers , Testosterone Replacement Therapy , Woman , Signs , Products , Prescription , Contact , Application , Sites , Application Sites , Dosing , Puberty , Changes , Prostate , Breast Cancer , Exposure , Acne , Body Hair , Increase , Side Effects , Breast Feeding , Risk , Body , Sperm Count , Medicines , Medications , Breasts , Problems Breathing , Blood Clots , Blood Clotting , Feet , Swelling , Enlarged , Ankles , Sleep , Corticosteroids , Insulin , Ten Dollars , Jpmorgan Chase , Losses , Banker , New York Times , Capitol Hill , Banking Committee , Lawmakers , Foreclosures , Contrast , Taxpayer Bayout , Sides , Hasn T , Transaction , Portfolio , Risk Separation , Opinion , Company , Credit , Crisis , Forth , Round Table , Mayors , Country Gathering , U S Conference Of Mayors , Heavy , Florida , Orlando , 200 , President , Economy , Mayor , Elections , What S Going On , Los Angeles , Job , Resolutions , Washington D C , Schedule , Topics , Jobs To Garbage Collection , Collecting Garbage , Cities , Infrastructure , Safer , Jobs , Surface Transportation Bill , 2 Million , Rail System , Port , Size , Double , Airport , 0 Billion , Billion , 3 Billion , 40000 , 20000 , 4 Billion , 40 Billion , Action , Public Transportation , Common Sense Jobs Agenda , Republicans , Democrats , Kinds , Initiatives , Think Tanks , Naimayor , Everyone , Comment , Statement , Bottom , Secret , Job Growth Hasn T , Chris Christie , Governments , Cpac Conference , Slowdown , New Jersey , Government , Isn T A Bad Number , Direction , Reasons , Estate , Hiring , Laughter , Tv , Blame Governors , Context , Mr , How Dare You , Aren T Doing It , Ado , Budget , School Districts , Counties , Failure , Mitt Romney , Police Officers , Teachers , Backs , House , Organization , Effort , Talking Points , Compromise , Answer , Markets , Exports , 95 , Unemployment Benefits , Senate Banking Committee , Leadership , Consensus , Shot , Keynote Address , Joe Biden , Four , Nba , Planet , League , Replays , Cisco , Intelligent Network , Technologies , Producers , Fans , Shot Kid , Around The World , Berlin , Beijing , Energy , Recycling Systems , Emissions , Footprint , Air Quality , Conservation , Environment , Power , Wildlife , Domestic , Buttons , Skin , Sun Protection , Water , Spectrum , Whitens , Drips , Sunblock , Barrier , Neutrogena , Parents , Football , Safety , Safety Rules , Pop Warner , Elizabeth Warren , Head , Tackling Drills , Image , Rules , Executive Director , Swone , Head On , Drills , Limit , 40 , Wash , Distance , Sanjay , Momentum , Ai , 250000 Kids In Pop Warner Football , Down , 5 , 250000 , Helmets , Sensors , Led , Virginia Tech Study , Pads , Some , Kid , Season , 107 , 8 , Brain , Padding , Concussions , Animation Shows , Skull , Lawsuits , College Level , Safe , Hit , Falls , Debate , Testing , Dover , Medicare , Football League , Youth , Pop Warn Ser , Social Security , Talk , Facts , Say , Wasn T Easy For Atti , City Life , Earnedasay Org , Mother , Indoors , Purina Cat Chow , Points , Thank You , Backyard , Team Usa , Visa Card Holders , Thankyou Points , Town , Cheering , Fashion , Karen , Tom , True London , Rewards , Warning , Flights , Seat , Danger , Pulse , Mercedes E Class , 90 , Roger Clemens , Jury , Names , Baseball Lieded , Steroids , Big League Pitcher , Statements , Federal Court , Perjury , Winner , Cy Young Award , Hgh , Eight , Human Growth Hormone , Trainer , House Committee , Ie , 08 , Paul Corzine , Brian Mcnamee , Feds , Proof , Clemens Juiced , Charge , Yes , Substances , Phone , Obstruction , Let S Be Clear , Mcnamee , Prevalence , Credibility , Major League Baseball , Clemens , Dna , Scientists , Scientist , Battle , Amount , Stuff , Needles , Can , Cotton Balls , Comingled , 1 , 423 , Andy Pettitte , Pros , Ecutors Made Tha Case , Oath , Court , Half , Conviction , Substance , Paul Courson , Fine , Press Release , Deliberation , 30 , Fred , Each Other , Show , Cnn Newsroom , Bombs , Most , Fredricka Whitfield , Pilgrims , Pretty Boy , Suzanne Malveaux , Homes , Car Bomb , Incident , Shrine , Baghdad , Gila , Fire Zone , Damage , Wildfire , Thousands , Home Homes , 46000 , Stop Foreclosures , Chase Shareholder , Finances , Protesters , Arena , Bunchp , Reputation , Taxpayers , Headline , Loss , Sas S , Jpmorgan Overall , Original Intent , Whatever , Shore , Bank , Shouldn T , Committee , Profits , Board , Problem , Turn , Risk Management , Hedge , Mistake , South , Compensation , Stock Options , Claw Back Procedures , Circumstances , Bonuses , Pay , Banking System , Issue , 50 Billion , 7 Billion , 2 , 150 Billion , Mean , Profit , Deposits , Wall Street Reform , 1 Trillion , Trillion , Piecemuni Street , Intent , Iit , Senators , Fighting Words , Campaign Trail , Appare , President Obama , Recovery , More , Overreach , Members , Legislators , Staff , National Labor Relations Board , World Led , Laura , Boeing Decision , The Union , South Carolina , Card Check , Unions , Enterprises , Uncertainty , Result , Nation , Goods , Output , Administration , None , Nations , Trade Agreements , Middle , Negotiations , Heels , China , 44 , View , Labor , Demands , Send , Regulators , Availability , Epa , Ap , God , Coal , Use , Supply , Soil , Reserve , Earth , Drilling , Cost , Resources , Sources , Gulf , Abundance , Moratorium , Anwar , Outer Continental Shelf , Wind , Portion , Deficit , My Enterprise S Future In The Kun T Count , Dollar , Value , Deficits , Proposals , 3 1 2 , Entitlements , Medicaid , Heart , Flows , Sense , Works , Enterprise , Sector , Benefits , Shrinkk , On Trade , Complaints , Litany , Side , Military , Rebels , Killing Syrians , 12000 , Armed Conflict , Official , A , Struggle , Quote , Crackdown , Opposition Uprising , Line Of Fire , Civil War , Odevelopments , Rima , Abu Dhabi , War , Lot , Classification , Doesn T Matter , Citizens , Syrian Army , Village , Army , Death Toll , Majority , Massacre , Sensitivity , Path , Allawite , Nato , Observers , China On Board , Cease Fire , Resolution , Decision , Mission , Ree Ma , Maktabi , Latest , Election , Trusted , Landslide , Captions , Vitac , Tum Tums , Foods , Tum , Innovation , Bills , Home Energy System , Cheating , Sun Powers Life , Financing , Rebates , Lennox Home Comfort Systems , App , Offer Ends June 15th , 1375 Dollars , 18 , 1375 , June 15th , Calculator , Lennox System , Savings , Mobile App , Lennox , Ac System , Air Conditioning , Tot , Car Door Closing , Car Bombs , Common , Neighborhood , Festivals , Rimarima , Reason , History , Michael Holmes , Kind , Types , Targets , Biggest , Periphery , Incidents , Bombing , Head Quarters , Islamic State Of Iraq , Shia , Finger , Al Qaeda , Kirkuk , Kazakhstan , Hila In The South , Spector , Fear , Clashes , Darkinfrastructure , 06 , 07 , Place , Nuri Al Maliki , Power Sharing Agreement , Agreement , Defense Ministry , Problems , Kurds , Well , Frustrations , Margins , Scene , Structure , Jeopardy , Al Maliki To Say , Behind , Strongman , Saddam Light , Him , North , Stronghand , Exclusion , Kurdish , Streets , Potential , Killings , Worst , Bodies , 60 , Militias , Prelude , Street Level , Signs Burk , Country Nay , Medicine , Computer , Science , Everywhere , Deck , Nurses , Johnson , Men S Health Concerns , Multi Vitamin , Antioxidants , Cell Health , Families , Beverage Companies , Choices , Communities , Neighbors , Portion Sizes , Orange , Low , Calorie Labels , Schools , Beverages , Drinks , Transformers , Bride , Transforming Sounds , Universal Studios Hollywood , Policies , Ceos , Business Leaderers , Pictures , Mark Preston , Aim , Revenues , Fault , 6 Trillion , Tone , Word , Remarks , Tepid , Ohio , President Bush , Business Leaders , Ing Of , Speech , Stimulus , Burdens , Health Care Law , Hu , Someand Tin , Coe Conmy , Election Day , Mitt Romneyk , Ott , Copmy F , Over Te , Plans , Independents , 47 , 54 , Plan , The American Public Doesn T , Bites , Voters , Campaigning , Fired Up , Jeb Bush , Campaigns , Voter , George H W , Ronald Reagan , Orthodoxy , Disagreement , Statesman , Hi Birthday , Matter , Social Media , Nail , Twitter , Cleanup , Isn T The Republican Party , Trial Rocking Penn State , Trust , Energy Development , Court Today , 22 , Auburn University Football , Set , Saturday S Pool Party Shooting , Funerals , Fate Of Legendary Baseball Player , Trayvon Marshall , Second Perjury Trial , Pitching , Human Growth Hormones , Law , Stand Your Ground Law , Commercial , Force , Threat , Governor , Laws , Message , Ofs , Prosecutors , Dads , Stand Your Ground , Martin , Courtroom , Tears , Called A Hot Lynn , Sara Ganim , Media Attention , The Other Two , Sex Acts , Cross Examination , Alleged , Ahead , Accusers , Joey Amendola , Examination , Demeanor , Heart Wrenching Testimony , Someone Else , Picture , Screen , Boys , Arm , Detail , Faces , Emotional , Breath , Face , Reaction , Sar S , Flames , Efforts , Aspirin , Doubts , Haven T , Survey , Bayer Advanced Aspirin , Visit Fastreliefchallenge Com Today For A Special Trial Offer , 92 , Cold , Blast , Physical Therapists , Freezer , Pain Reliever , Why Don T You , 146000 , Blaze , Ofirefighters , Sounds , Estes Park , Uncontained , National Forest Land , Western Flank , Structures , Thompson Valley Canyon , Images , Lapse , Toe Amazing Pictures , Pnt Kr Com , 3 Million , Men And Women , 1000 , Smoke , Air Drop , Airdrops , Bit , Water Drop , Fort Collins , Denver , 43 , Sounds Good , Fires , Price , Yep , Shortphones Lis , Genco , Equipment , Somewhere , Nowhere , Mcallen , Doing , Bell , Track , Asset , College , Dream , Six , The Sky S Limit , , Naphtali Bryant , Quotes , Smartphone App , Claim , Chris , Anywhere , 24 , Journey , Em , Crawling , Chicks , Fresno , 83 , Tablets , Smartphones , Devices , Share , Verizon , Messages , Alison Kosik , Account , Phones , Smartphone , Option , Cell Phone , Device , Meaning , Pair , Voice , Texting , 4 , 80 , 280 , Customer , Everybody , Costs , Demand , Carriers , Fun , No Frills , 450 , Market , Prices , Sales , Gains , Purchases , Spending Lez , Retail , Gas Bs , Consumer Economy , Consumer Reports , Producer Prices , New York Stock Exchange , Solutions , Obesity , Tool , Business , Weight Problem , Runs , Expenses , Cash Flow , Small Business Lender , Business Owners , Wells Fargo , Nine , Bmi , Health Officials , Diabetes , Health Risks , Study , Heart Disease , Louisiana State University , Researchers , 2010 , Felicia Wade , Author , The Heart Of Matter , Intricacies , Atlanta , Weight , Consideration , Height , Equation , Body Fat , Factor , Consideration Factors , Abdominal Circumference , Premise , Parameters , Obese , 300 Billion , 00 Billion , Factors , Parameter , Caucasians , 32 , Drawing Board , Africterican Americans Hav , Diet , Hip Ratio , Ratios , Waist , Cardiovascular Disease , Noncaucasian , Scale , Overweight , Overhauled , Provider , F Factors , Percentage , 140 , Diabe , Predie Babetic , Body Weight , Scales , Advocate , Diabetic , Bm Ishgi , Over Th , Medical School , Endocrinologist , Family History , Ships , Forest , Lost In The Trees , Legacy , Foreign Policy , Arab World Aren T , Drone Strikes , Countries , Egyptians , Muslim , Cairo , Jill Dougherty , Disappointment , Politics , Allies , Complaint , Drones , Research Center , Attitudes , Japan , Europe , Permission , Extremists , Drone Attacks , Islamabad , 21 , Drone Campaign , Pakistan , 62 , 26000 , Presidency , Finding , Germany , Colleague , Space , Wall Street Iffing Million , The Chase Department , 00ous West , Concern , Kyra , Interest , It Acts , Views ,

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