Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 202

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240708

stephanie rural. tonight, shockwaves across the nation after a leak draft opinion reveals a majority of supreme court justices appear ready to overturn roe v. wade. protests and rallies have been underway all day in front of the high court. and in cities across the country. today, the court confirmed the documents written by justice samuel alito was in fact real. although it is not a final decision. chief justice roberts issued a statement calling the leak, a quote, a singular and egregious breach. adding that he is directed the marshal of the court to launch an investigation. the court is expected to issue a final decision early in the summer. but today, president biden said he fears with the draft opinion could actually mean. >> it concerns me a great deal. that, we're gonna have, after 50 years, decide that a woman doesn't have a right to choose. it's the notion of privacy. and it's not in question. >> mister president, should the senate do away with the filibuster to codify roe? >> i'm not prepared to make those judgments now. but, you know, i think the codification of row makes a lot of sense. >> tonight, vice president kamala harris also suggested that overturning roe would be just the beginning. >> when the right to privacy is attacked, anyone in our country may face a future where the government can interfere with their personal decisions. not just women. anyone. >> democrats are vowing to fight back. senator elizabeth warren urging her colleagues to take action now. >> the united states congress gave a main role versus away the law of the land. they need to do it. >> i've never seen you so angry? >> this is what the republicans have been working toward the state for decades. they've been out there plotting, carefully cultivating a supreme court justices so they could have a majority on the bench. that would accomplish something that the majority of americans do not want. we have a right. extremists, we've heard enough from the extremists. and we're tired of it. >> as for the republicans, though we have absolutely no idea which side, or who really came from. they're all about hunting down and exposing the leaker. >> the integrity and independence of the supreme court is once again under attack. i think the justices aren't taking this seriously. and we will find the leaker. >> if you will start down, do you see a need for federal abortion restriction in legislation in the congress? >> you need, it seems to me, excuse a lecture, to concentrate on with the news as today. not a leak to draft, but the fact that the draft was leaked. >> some left-wing law clerk angry at the direction the court is going, decided to betray his or her obligation to trust that clerk owed to his or her justice at the court. this is the predictable result of the democrats multi year campaign to politicize the court. >> fact check, ted cruz, senator ted cruz right there saying some left-wing law clerk, that is not true. he has no evidence, no one does, we do not know who the leaker is. but here's the reality, no matter who leaked it, roe v. wade now clearly hangs in the balance. and the only question now, what are supporters of abortion rights gonna do about it? that is, if nothing else matters. with that, let's bring in our experts this evening. a trio of nbc analysts. kimberly atkins, she's a senior economist for the emancipator. a collaborated with the boston globe and boston university. to refrain the conversation on racial justice and equity. claire mccaskill, former missouri senator, an msnbc political analyst. and tally for hayden a former federal prosecutor and state prosecutor in new york. clare, i sought with you. think what elizabeth warren said right there. republicans have been preparing to do this for decades. and an overwhelming majority of americans don't want it. given that both of those things are true, why hasn't congress, for all this time, been able to pass any legislation to protect women? >> well, first of all, i think there is some blame that certainly democrats can accept. that we assumed that, in fact, roe v. wade would ruin the law of the land. all of these justices who put their hand up and swore they were telling the truth went on and on, peddled on and on about the president of roe v. wade. how is 50 years old. how's been reaffirmed and raise decisions. i actually don't know how strong the political pushback will be on this. i have to believe it will be very strong, because in states like mine, we have a trigger law. the minute rules falls, and make no mistake about, it roe will fall. there are five votes. and let's stop all this bs about who leaked that. i'll tell you who i think like that, i think a clerk for one of the conservative justices leaked it to lock in those votes. so nobody went anywhere. because now, if any of those five justices move their position. off this leaked opinion. it will all be because they couldn't stand up to public pressure. so i do not believe that the minority had nothing to gain by leaking this. nothing. there's nothing to get from this. but, i think the majority locks in the five votes to overturn roe. so, when it is overturned, in my state, life begins at conception. there are no exceptions for rape or incest. all abortions are illegal. any fertilized egg that is destroyed is subject a criminal investigation, including, iuds, morning after pills, and fertilization. tali,. . ? i see you're nodding, i see you're nodding, do you agree? >> i do, i don't think we can say enough about the real life implications if this opinion as rain becomes law. we are 23 of 27 states would make abortion illegal. that means that 41% of childbearing women would lose their closest clinic, and he would have to drive 280 miles instead of 36 miles. that's a huge difference. but that's just day one, i think we're gonna see more bonds. there already have been trends of things like bans on telehealth, bans on ordering a pill to have an abortion. and it can go just as claire said, all the way to banning abortion even in the case of rape and incest. and we could one day wake up and have a federal ban entirely on abortion. all of those possibilities are baked into this opinion. and then, of course, there is the effect on the legitimacy of the supreme court. can, why are we surprised? how, after three conservative justices, we just put on the bench in the last couple of years. and all the state regulations and restrictions on abortion, how could we not see this coming? haven't they been setting this on the table right for our eyes? >> they really have. and no one should be surprised, frankly, by any of this. the supreme court, and particularly the more conservative justices on the court have signaled for quite some time that they're antipathy for roe v. wade. so, the ultimate line and what appears to be if it holds for the staff opinion, should not come to any surprise. the two things that surprised me is, of course, the leak. i've been covering for most of my career. something like this has never happened. from the court before. but, also, just a full-throated evisceration from justice alito. that, and an opinion that didn't just, doesn't just report to overturn roe v. wade, but literally set it on fire. that four other votes on that court is very shocking. and what that says to me is, this is just the beginning. that any right that is based on substance of due process, the idea that there are rights that are protected even if they are not specifically enumerated in the constitution is up for grabs. i think this is probably, if this decision hold, is the worst-case scenario. i know a lot of people are thinking maybe the court would uphold this mississippi law while still not explicitly rejecting roe and trying to find some middle space. we know that is not the case now. this is a full frontal attack on the substantive due process right. and i think that part also is very surprising to me. >> what do you think about that tali? what does this do to other rights of privacy that we have. >> well, the draft opinion. protests a lot about this. protests may be too much about this, because it says right there, he asks justice alito, where does it say abortion in the constitution? how many times? and he says, zero. that's one sentence. so that begs the question, what about all the other rights that aren't written in the constitution? and he says, well, we're not going after the ones that are rooted in the history and traditions of this country. and that are essential to liberty. but, it's not entirely obvious that that doesn't make things like the right to contraception, vulnerable. the right to marrying whoever you want. interracial marriage. you are thinking about the history and traditions of this country. i think that there is a lot to worry about. again, and the way that this is set, out on the logic of the opinion. >> clare, let's say if it gets overturned. what's do pro abortion rights americans do? i'm not just going to say democrats, because just today, there was a poll, and 54% of americans support upholding roe. so let's say is overturned, what do they do? >> well, i think we're gonna have the subject. that was so ironic about this opinion. alito, in this draft opinion, says this decision divided america. roe v. wade did. well i have news for him. he has divided america. and it's going to be divided for very long time now, in every campaign. state legislatures matter, now, more than ever before. if you don't know who your state representative is, and what their view is on this, get busy. elections are coming. if you do not know what your senate candidate for the u.s. senate says about this, should there be a law protecting women, and their rights in this country? passed by congress? or should there be a law passed by congress that would limit women's rights like this opinion. that will be the battle. will there be a confiscation of no roe in this country? an abortion ban? country wide? or will there be a law protecting women? giving them back the rights that were snatched from them in this opinion that i do believe will come the law. so this is going to be a battle. it is going to be a battle, and this is one that i think every woman in america, and every man in america, and the list that was just given on rights to privacy, there are dozens of cases that talk about the liberty and privacy that springs from the 14th amendment and the bill of rights, including gay marriage. what's, is a leader trying to say that some people wouldn't consider that a moral issue like he did in this opinion about abortion? does he say this is something that was grounded and rooted in american history? so, i think a marriage is going to be the next big battle that will be jammed up on the price of these extremists that if push this agenda for sometime. >> i mean, clear, you know better than all of us. mitch mcconnell deeply understands political strategy, and you know voters. but could this blow up in his face? if this was such a winning issue for republicans, they could've done something when they have power in congress for years. instead, they wait until they have these new supreme court justices, who don't need to get reelected, they're on the bench forever. and they can say they're above the law, there a political, and they can hide behind them. >> well, they should not be a allowed to hide behind them. there were so many moments of hypocrisy today, whether it's all the chest thumping about president that was eviscerated in this draft opinion, or whether it's mitch mcconnell. or ted cruz talking about democrats politicizing the court. after they absolutely stole a seat from a duly elected democratic president, in a way this country had never seen before. so, spare me mitch mcconnell. that somehow the democrats who politicize the court, they put people on the court that should not be there under the norms and the way the united states senate always worked. and on their way there, they misrepresented their positions, at least according to susan collins. two of them were not honest with her about would be intended to do with roe v. wade when they got there. >> well then the question is, susan collins, when you gonna do about it? kim, the washington post has a piece out today, an opinion piece titled, supreme court leaks signals the triumph of politics over the law. do you agree with that? i really do, i think regardless it is about someone as it relates who works inside of that port. to the lead and, for a long time, i mean. i'm a lawyer. i'm someone who studies the law. i practiced the law. and i covered this for over a decade. i would say that there is a difference between the judiciary and the other two branches of government that is led by elected officials that these are a lifetime appointees who need to operate in a way that is separate from the political influences of the other branches. and, of course, it's politicize. the senate confirmation process makes it inexplicably politicized. but that is still -- accountability is different. if there is signaling from inside of that. court that is aimed at exerting political pressure in order to pull and potentially change the outcome of an opinion, regardless of whether comes from the conservatives or the liberal section of the court, that erodes that wall. and it makes it very difficult for me to say now that this court is not a politicized body if it is reaching out to try to -- >> i know i'm out of -- >> about how to consider how a case may come up. >> i know i'm out of time, tali, i have to ask you though, you yourself have clerked for a supreme court justice. when you heard about this, what is it like? >> you know, the supreme court has really tied its legitimacy to secrecy. i collect twice at the supreme court and the only every time we got as a group with the chief justice was to be told, the first commitment, that that shall not tell, tao shall not leak. you can't even admit what you worked on. and you know, i have to disagree though that it has to be that way and that the legitimacy of the court really does have to be tied to secrecy. and that disclosure is necessary, political. we see drafts in congress, we know with the other branches of government are thinking sometimes. and i think that maybe this might be the beginning of a more transparent supreme court. i think we can get over the lead. i think we can get over the substance of the decision as a country. and that's really where we should be at. >> see, i knew we were out of time but tali, you were worth the wait. -- now, i want to bring in illinois democratic governor, thank you for your patience. if roe is overturned, that does not mean abortion is banned in this country. in your state of illinois, it will still be legal, right? >> that is right. because we passed in 2018 -- we passed hp 40 which removed the trigger language that was in our law that would have reverted illinois back to being an antichoice state in the advent of a reversal of roe v. wade. and then, in 2019, we passed the reproductive health act which guaranteed a woman's right to choose. so we've got to quantify in our laws and it is enshrines in illinois. and frankly, we are in island here in the midwest. and we are next to claire mccaskill state of missouri where there are virtually outlawing abortion and even threatening to sue people who helped people in missouri to come to illinois to get their reproductive rights we, you know, an acted upon. >> then, are you planning to expand abortion services in preparation of what could be in the next few months? >> we've already done that. because frankly, as you've seen, all across the nation, these backwards states are taking away women's rights. and we know, we've seen almost 10,000 out of state women come to illinois seeking to exercise the right. and so we've put together a coordination effort, a call center and, you know, advisory effort to help women who come to illinois to help them with their travels, help them with their accommodations. and even, in some cases, when they need to access support to get the abortion in, you know, terms of being able to pay for it. so, we are doing everything that we can for people from out of state. as well as, of course, helping the women who live right here in illinois. >> you mentioned that reproductive health act that you signed into law two years ago. do you believe other states should be looking to do the state to try to sign that to protect the excess while they can? >> i do. but i would also tell you that states that have a pro-choice legislature an approach or's governor have already been able to do that. states that don't are having enormous difficulty. republicans, of course, who controlled legislatures are not allowing these laws to get passed. so, this is really going to be a political issue in 2022. i think they're going to see a tsunami of support for pro choice candidates all across the nation. like you saw in 2017 leading into the 2018 elections. look at what happened with the women's march. i think that's what you're going to see all across the united states. >> and much like the women's march, there's a very big chance there's going to be a whole lot of men. this is not a women's issue, it is an issue that impacts all americans. >> governor, i really appreciate you joining us tonight. thank you so much. coming up, we're going to go live to the state of ohio, on the first primary of the midterms and the test of the trump endorsement. and later, congresswoman katie porter is here to talk about the challenges ahead for democrats as they push to protect abortion rights. as a single mother, what is the economic impact for women across the country? 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>> stephanie, this was the first major test of donald trump's political influence in relevance in the year of 2022. there is going to be other tests ahead, georgia, west virginia, just in these upcoming weeks. but there is a reality that in the last 18 days since donald trump endorsed j. d. vance in this competitive five way ohio senate primary, j. d. vance jumped by about 20 percentage points in the polls and won this here decisively. there is some reality that comes with this. one, just a couple of years ago, j. d. vance called donald trump an idiot and reprehensible. which suggests that no matter what one says in the past that as long as you ultimately give your loyalty to donald trump, you can be welcomed back into his orbit. there is also the reality that j. d. vance won this primary while propagating the 2020 conspiracy theories spoken by donald trump. the other reality is when we're talking about foreign policy here, this was the u. s. senate candidate in the height of war between russia and ukraine who said that, he quote, frankly doesn't care about ukraine. that is the candidate the republicans in the state have selected to take on tim ryan in november. >> doesn't care about ukraine. pushes the big lie. check. check. nbc news also projecting incumbent governor, mark do on, he run the republican domination for his reelection. what's your take away from that race? >> you know, i think this is just one of the governors races that is going to be getting hard to detention here. after the draft of this majority opinion from the supreme court, was released here. women willie is the man of dayton ohio. he will be taking on the incumbent republican, mike dewine, who's going to be running as the republican nominee. but just five days ago, stephanie, the republican legislature which currently republicans have the super majorities in both chambers was actively debating what is called a trigger bill. 13 states have outright passed this year. but a trigger bill would essentially, once the supreme court formally rejects and overturns roe v. wade would ban abortions. even in cases of incest, rape in the state of ohio. that is what is going to be in front of, likely, mike dewine, the current republican, it will be up to him whether he ultimately sense that. because of course democrats hope that they will be able to close this and take the governorship here in 2022. stuff? >> we will be watching, vaughn hill, you're joining us from cincinnati. thank you. coming, up we'll speak to an abortion provider about the impact where restrictive state laws are already having an abortion access and with the draft decision could mean tonight and beyond. when the 11th hour continues. out-of-state corporations wrote an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. >> the closest thing is 8 to 2 they wrote it for themselves. hours away from here. that would still be able to perform abortions and offer those services. we are opening its facility in new mexico, currently, in preparation. people need to wake up and watch what's happening around them. it's very serious. nobody's paying attention. this is why and how they were able to do this. >> a wake up call from the director of mississippi's only abortion clinic, now, at the center of the supreme court case. and nbc news analysis says at least 23 states will immediately ban abortion should the supreme court go head and strike down roe versus wade. with us tonight to discuss, oklahoma abortion provider dr. maya bass she's also the member of the committee to protect health care. and nancy northup, the president and the cc o for the center reproductive right which represents the abortion in the case of challenging mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks. thank you both for being here. doctor bass, i know you've been traveling all the way from new jersey to oklahoma for years to provide abortion services. today, that state governor signed a bill banning the procedure after just six weeks of pregnancy. describe for us what this law really does, what it means for the women of oklahoma. >> so, what it means for the people that i served in oklahoma is that there is not going to be even more barriers to accessing health care. already, in many of these people have had to delay their occur in order to save up money because state medicated oklahoma does not cover abortion care. they've had to travel long distances, especially since -- has been a large volume of people coming from texas. some have traveled ten hours and now they're going to have to travel further. it just means that the people without resources are going to no longer have access in this crucial part of reproductive health care. >> nancy, are these restrictive laws with the majority of oklahoma voters what they really want? >> yes, let me just start by saying we've gone to court to sue over the oklahoma six-week band which is a texas style vigilante law. so we've gone to oklahoma state court and will be seeking to get relief there. i think the important thing to remember is that people need access to abortion care. people get abortions in oklahoma like they do throughout the nation. and regardless what polling may say, and i would say pulling strongly support the right to abortion, the reality is that when people are making these decisions in their own lives, when in for women in the united states makes a decision to end the pregnancy in the course of pro-life child. and this cares needed in oklahoma and every state across the nation. >> and, very few women very know that they're pregnant at six weeks. doctor bass, talk about the real impact of these laws on actual patience. you must hear their stories every day. >> yes, these politicians that are passing these laws don't sit with the person across from them who has children at home, who has a a career, who has traveled eight, hours was needed to get support or feel isolated because they can't get support in our communities. these people sit across from me and make the decision because of their unique circumstances. and, my medical expertise is going to help guide him. but it's their decision. and when they can't make that decision anymore, because someone who shouldn't be in that exam room, it becomes a real problem. it's extremely frustrating to not be able to continue to serve the people in oklahoma like i have since i graduated residency. >> nancy, can you fact that this forest? i want to share an argument, the president of the antiabortion, susan b anthony list, she made on this network earlier today. watch this. >> the public embraces restrictions on abortion that roe would never allow. late term abortion. abortion at 20 weeks. >> but it does get far more complicated -- >> 15 weeks is a great example. the one that is actually been tested by the court is a great example. this is overwhelmingly supported by the country, by the nation. and roll disallowed. that is why roe is under danger because of the 15-week limit. >> could you fact check this? >> i have no idea what -- data is based on. the reality is that the people who are pregnant, who are making the decisions, they are the ones who are in the best decision to make it. and so every pregnancy is unique. and every person needs to be able to make that decision with their health care provider. doctor, i said it a moment ago, you've been traveling from new jersey all the way to oklahoma for years now. how hostile is the environment down there, right now, as an abortion provider? >> we have protesters out in front of our clinic as many abortion clinics. do there's definitely people yelling at you when you come in. the laws are really what's hostile. because i can no longer plan to make a -- my trip there to help serve those people. because there is a law sitting on the governor's desk that might make it so that even before six weeks people can no longer access abortion care in oklahoma. so, these laws are making it impossible for the people of oklahoma to know that they have the ability to access abortion care right now. and, that is really what's hostile. you don't even know if you can make your appointment or if you're going to be able to show to a clinic that can actually serve you that day. >> doctor maya bass, and nancy northup thank you so much for joining us tonight. we really appreciated. when we come back, the consequences of a forced pregnancy. and why all americans should care. congresswoman katie porter is here on that next when the 11th hour continues. >> the draft decision that would overturn roe v. wade prompted california congresswoman, katie porter to tweet this. not a single justice knows what it is like to be one of the 10 million single parent in america. i do. and i support a woman's right to choose. with us tonight, california congresswoman katie porter. congresswoman, thank you for joining us. i don't know that people realize this. 60% of women who have abortions are already mothers. and 75% live at or below the poverty line. what would it look like economically if all of these women were expected, were required, to carry these pregnancies to term? >> this decision would increase child poverty, it would increase the strain on the social safety net. and it would make it more difficult for these lower income women to be able to pursue their education, to be able to get promoted at work. it would make it harder for them to feed the children that they already have. none of us who have been parents or contemplated being parents with dad for one second that pregnancy and parenthood is an economic decision. and so the absolute opposite is true to. abortion is an economic issue. >> how about an economic obligation on the other side? if a woman is required to carry a baby to term, if that's the requirement, should there not be a similar obligation for the father? >> absolutely. i think that men and women should be outraged at the court 's potential decision. we ought to fully enforce the obligations of both parents to support children. but the most important issue is that nobody is forced to become apparent if they don't want to be. so, the fact that so many people are trying to treat this as just a woman's issue, it is a woman's issue. we're talking about controlling women's bodies. but this decision will have impact on meant to who will be asked to pay child support, will be sued for paternity, whose lives and economic opportunities will also be fundamentally changed becoming apparent. >> then, why aren't we looking at this as an issue for every american and not just women? is it because it is our bodies? >> well, i think there's been a long association that this is a woman's issue because the control here that we see of government in women's lives is really different. very different than it is in men's lives. no man is going to be forced to have a pregnancy here. women are going to be forced to have a pregnancy. so we kept eliminate the fact that this is about control of women's bodies. not men's bodies. but this decision is also -- when we look at people's lives, not just their bodies, this decision is going to influence and take control of men's lives to in terms of making them into parents when they perhaps don't want to be. >> does this need to be just a democratic issue to either block this or do something in congress? i mean, you've got republicans all across this country that represent swing districts, republicans right next to you in california who may have supporters who are pro business or like republican economic agenda. but when it comes to an issue like this, this could be something that they care an awful lot about. >> every american should care about this, whether you've long since been apparent or you never want to be apparent. because this is going to shape peoples economic opportunities. if women are forced to be pregnant, to carry pregnancies, to become parents or they don't want to be, those are women who are gonna be out of the workforce, not complete their educations, i mean it's the exact same thing for men who are not going to be able to start businesses or finish their education shun. because it meant some planted. hurt so when we talk about issues like the rising crisis in homelessness and eviction, as you said earlier, the single best prediction of being affected is being a parent. the single best predictor of bankruptcy in this country is being a parent of the young children. so, this is fundamentally going to be an economic issue as well as a social and personal one. >> so what are you telling your constituents that you're going to do about it? >> we'll, look, the house has already voted. back in september to protect the right to have an abortion through a legislation that we've passed. it's sitting in the senate. i'm going to do the same thing that i think every american should be doing right now. which is expressing my displeasure. i am going to vote like crazy to make sure i'm electing people up and down the ballot from school boards to the senate who are going to protect and support the freedom of every american to make this decision for themselves. >> do you feel like the state of california stands with you? we have heard from governor gavin newsom, do you think that you're going to see a whole lot of people, now, rely on california for abortion services? >> well, we are definitely going to see people, essentially, being health care refugees. in the united states of america, health care refugees who are basically going to have to come and travel if they can afforded to other countries to get an abortion. and that has serious consequences. it takes them away from their long term health care provider, their doctor, the person they have a relationship with, that makes follow-up care after the abortion more difficult. and it will make from worse health care outcomes. so, well i'm glad that california is standing up for the right for abortion and is going to protect and provide for the people, it is not a substitute for being able to make that decision with your doctor in your community. >> congresswoman, thank you for joining us tonight. congresswoman katie porter of california. thank you. i want to bring in jennifer palmieri to the conversation, former white house communications director for president obama. jen, i get why this is a winning campaign issue for republicans. great way to get out the evangelical vote. but the evangelicals are just a portion of the republican party. if so many republican supported it for all these years, why haven't they passed something in congress when republicans of power? instead, they just wait till they have three justices that are untouchable? >> i think because they didn't want to unleash the fury that you have seen in women that they've unleashed in america today. i, mean katie porter always has her thoughts. she always has great arguments to make policy wise. but you could also see the anger that she felt. you could hear it in her voice. i saw on her face. i saw with hillary clinton today, elizabeth warren, vice president harris, stephanie ruhle on twitter, gretchen whitmer. this is not just about policy. congresswoman porter talked about the women that are going to be hurt by this. they are port. they're more likely to be black. they're women of color. they are women to already be mothers. and all the women leaders i just mentioned are outraged on their behalf. but also this is so personal because we know that this is about taking away women's it humanity. that at the root of, this and you see hillary clinton in the list of -- , those who know what it's like to live in the pre world war talk about the loss of women with dignity. people being subjugated. women losing power. and i think that's why you see vice president harris saying, how dare they. and gretchen more saying she's going to fight like hell. and hillary and elizabeth warren saying, they don't know how but they know that we are not going back, ever. because it's next essential. really, but this is about is taking away a women's word. and women feel -- and that is what has been unleashed now. and there has been times when the abortion issue worked for publicans more than democrats. but that was, you know, to your point, the republicans when they were in power they did not try to pass these laws in congress. and now, that has been unleashed into the american public system. it is not something we've seen before. >> well, four days ago the question, was how do you get democrats energized for the midterms. they clearly are. i want to share though a bit of the statement that barack and michelle obama released earlier today that read, in part, quote, we're asking you to join the activists who've been sounding the alarm on this issue for years, and act. starting with them at a local protests. volunteer with them on a camping. join with them and urging congress to quantify roe into law. involved alongside them on or before november 8th and in every other election. here's the thing. this message that they're giving, organize, rally. people are going to rally who are already voting democrat no matter what. is this a real opportunity to sag centrist to ignore politics? or maybe even moderate republicans? >> i think so, because in the end of, it the obama statement -- first of all, it's two pages long. it's long. -- saying yes america have an intensive and because what is at stake here is the lives in the well-being of americans. it is from both the obama. mrs. obama very much wanted to be a part of this. i can tell by the way it's written that they routed themselves. and they wanted to give -- and they know that it's not a discussion of partisanship in the statement, right? they know that there are people that are open to hearing this message that are not necessarily democrat. and they gave people very concrete things to do in response to it. like go to a protest, get involved in the campaign, ask these questions, these are things that you can do. and then also says to me that i can't speak for them but it also says to me that both of them planned to be involved in the midterms in a way. maybe they hadn't expected it because of this position. >> get involved. it doesn't have to be partisan. it's about humanity. jennifer, always good to see you. jennifer palmieri, thank you so much. coming up next. one comedic take on the conservative moment that stands the test of time. you're gonna want to see this when the 11th hour continues. your projects done right . with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. 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(soft music) ♪ >> i've been at this for over 50 years. fighting, arguments -- i cannot believe we have to do this all over again to really win right that's ours. that we already had. how dare they take this away? >> the last thing before we go tonight, once you're born you're on your own. when the news of the impending strike down of roe v. wade broke last night, people rushed to twitter to share that this me and frustration. and the comedy, the committee of the late george carlin from 1996 seemed to strike a very important and familiar. george carlin was never want to pull any punches. and you will see now in this viral video. >> boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? they're all in favor of the unborn. they will do anything to the unborn. but once you're born, you're on your own. [laughs] [applause] >> pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. after that, they don't want to know about you. they don't want to hear from. you know, nothing. no neonatal, daycare, no hedge charge, no food, no school, no welfare, no nothing. if you're preborn, you're fine. if your preschool, you're (bleep) they are not pro-life. you know what they are, they're anti-woman. simple as it gets, anti-woman. >> the late great george carlin takes us off the air, tonight. and, on that note, i wish you all a very good night. and from all of our colleagues across the network of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with us. i'll see you at the end, tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> roe v. wade is an important precedent. >> it is an important precedent. >> worthy as treatment of precedent >> that doesn't mean that arose should be overruled. >> never mind what they've all said before, the supreme court confirms that draft to overturn roe v. wade. >> well i am here because i am angry. and i am here because the united states congress can change all of this. >> tonight, the anger, the outrage and the called action. the senator or visit with warren. plus governor gretchen whitmer on her lawsuit to keep abortion legal in michigan. and melissa murray and laurence tribe on why this draft shows this court will not stop with grow. all in starts right now.

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240708

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stephanie rural. tonight, shockwaves across the nation after a leak draft opinion reveals a majority of supreme court justices appear ready to overturn roe v. wade. protests and rallies have been underway all day in front of the high court. and in cities across the country. today, the court confirmed the documents written by justice samuel alito was in fact real. although it is not a final decision. chief justice roberts issued a statement calling the leak, a quote, a singular and egregious breach. adding that he is directed the marshal of the court to launch an investigation. the court is expected to issue a final decision early in the summer. but today, president biden said he fears with the draft opinion could actually mean. >> it concerns me a great deal. that, we're gonna have, after 50 years, decide that a woman doesn't have a right to choose. it's the notion of privacy. and it's not in question. >> mister president, should the senate do away with the filibuster to codify roe? >> i'm not prepared to make those judgments now. but, you know, i think the codification of row makes a lot of sense. >> tonight, vice president kamala harris also suggested that overturning roe would be just the beginning. >> when the right to privacy is attacked, anyone in our country may face a future where the government can interfere with their personal decisions. not just women. anyone. >> democrats are vowing to fight back. senator elizabeth warren urging her colleagues to take action now. >> the united states congress gave a main role versus away the law of the land. they need to do it. >> i've never seen you so angry? >> this is what the republicans have been working toward the state for decades. they've been out there plotting, carefully cultivating a supreme court justices so they could have a majority on the bench. that would accomplish something that the majority of americans do not want. we have a right. extremists, we've heard enough from the extremists. and we're tired of it. >> as for the republicans, though we have absolutely no idea which side, or who really came from. they're all about hunting down and exposing the leaker. >> the integrity and independence of the supreme court is once again under attack. i think the justices aren't taking this seriously. and we will find the leaker. >> if you will start down, do you see a need for federal abortion restriction in legislation in the congress? >> you need, it seems to me, excuse a lecture, to concentrate on with the news as today. not a leak to draft, but the fact that the draft was leaked. >> some left-wing law clerk angry at the direction the court is going, decided to betray his or her obligation to trust that clerk owed to his or her justice at the court. this is the predictable result of the democrats multi year campaign to politicize the court. >> fact check, ted cruz, senator ted cruz right there saying some left-wing law clerk, that is not true. he has no evidence, no one does, we do not know who the leaker is. but here's the reality, no matter who leaked it, roe v. wade now clearly hangs in the balance. and the only question now, what are supporters of abortion rights gonna do about it? that is, if nothing else matters. with that, let's bring in our experts this evening. a trio of nbc analysts. kimberly atkins, she's a senior economist for the emancipator. a collaborated with the boston globe and boston university. to refrain the conversation on racial justice and equity. claire mccaskill, former missouri senator, an msnbc political analyst. and tally for hayden a former federal prosecutor and state prosecutor in new york. clare, i sought with you. think what elizabeth warren said right there. republicans have been preparing to do this for decades. and an overwhelming majority of americans don't want it. given that both of those things are true, why hasn't congress, for all this time, been able to pass any legislation to protect women? >> well, first of all, i think there is some blame that certainly democrats can accept. that we assumed that, in fact, roe v. wade would ruin the law of the land. all of these justices who put their hand up and swore they were telling the truth went on and on, peddled on and on about the president of roe v. wade. how is 50 years old. how's been reaffirmed and raise decisions. i actually don't know how strong the political pushback will be on this. i have to believe it will be very strong, because in states like mine, we have a trigger law. the minute rules falls, and make no mistake about, it roe will fall. there are five votes. and let's stop all this bs about who leaked that. i'll tell you who i think like that, i think a clerk for one of the conservative justices leaked it to lock in those votes. so nobody went anywhere. because now, if any of those five justices move their position. off this leaked opinion. it will all be because they couldn't stand up to public pressure. so i do not believe that the minority had nothing to gain by leaking this. nothing. there's nothing to get from this. but, i think the majority locks in the five votes to overturn roe. so, when it is overturned, in my state, life begins at conception. there are no exceptions for rape or incest. all abortions are illegal. any fertilized egg that is destroyed is subject a criminal investigation, including, iuds, morning after pills, and fertilization. tali,. . ? i see you're nodding, i see you're nodding, do you agree? >> i do, i don't think we can say enough about the real life implications if this opinion as rain becomes law. we are 23 of 27 states would make abortion illegal. that means that 41% of childbearing women would lose their closest clinic, and he would have to drive 280 miles instead of 36 miles. that's a huge difference. but that's just day one, i think we're gonna see more bonds. there already have been trends of things like bans on telehealth, bans on ordering a pill to have an abortion. and it can go just as claire said, all the way to banning abortion even in the case of rape and incest. and we could one day wake up and have a federal ban entirely on abortion. all of those possibilities are baked into this opinion. and then, of course, there is the effect on the legitimacy of the supreme court. can, why are we surprised? how, after three conservative justices, we just put on the bench in the last couple of years. and all the state regulations and restrictions on abortion, how could we not see this coming? haven't they been setting this on the table right for our eyes? >> they really have. and no one should be surprised, frankly, by any of this. the supreme court, and particularly the more conservative justices on the court have signaled for quite some time that they're antipathy for roe v. wade. so, the ultimate line and what appears to be if it holds for the staff opinion, should not come to any surprise. the two things that surprised me is, of course, the leak. i've been covering for most of my career. something like this has never happened. from the court before. but, also, just a full-throated evisceration from justice alito. that, and an opinion that didn't just, doesn't just report to overturn roe v. wade, but literally set it on fire. that four other votes on that court is very shocking. and what that says to me is, this is just the beginning. that any right that is based on substance of due process, the idea that there are rights that are protected even if they are not specifically enumerated in the constitution is up for grabs. i think this is probably, if this decision hold, is the worst-case scenario. i know a lot of people are thinking maybe the court would uphold this mississippi law while still not explicitly rejecting roe and trying to find some middle space. we know that is not the case now. this is a full frontal attack on the substantive due process right. and i think that part also is very surprising to me. >> what do you think about that tali? what does this do to other rights of privacy that we have. >> well, the draft opinion. protests a lot about this. protests may be too much about this, because it says right there, he asks justice alito, where does it say abortion in the constitution? how many times? and he says, zero. that's one sentence. so that begs the question, what about all the other rights that aren't written in the constitution? and he says, well, we're not going after the ones that are rooted in the history and traditions of this country. and that are essential to liberty. but, it's not entirely obvious that that doesn't make things like the right to contraception, vulnerable. the right to marrying whoever you want. interracial marriage. you are thinking about the history and traditions of this country. i think that there is a lot to worry about. again, and the way that this is set, out on the logic of the opinion. >> clare, let's say if it gets overturned. what's do pro abortion rights americans do? i'm not just going to say democrats, because just today, there was a poll, and 54% of americans support upholding roe. so let's say is overturned, what do they do? >> well, i think we're gonna have the subject. that was so ironic about this opinion. alito, in this draft opinion, says this decision divided america. roe v. wade did. well i have news for him. he has divided america. and it's going to be divided for very long time now, in every campaign. state legislatures matter, now, more than ever before. if you don't know who your state representative is, and what their view is on this, get busy. elections are coming. if you do not know what your senate candidate for the u.s. senate says about this, should there be a law protecting women, and their rights in this country? passed by congress? or should there be a law passed by congress that would limit women's rights like this opinion. that will be the battle. will there be a confiscation of no roe in this country? an abortion ban? country wide? or will there be a law protecting women? giving them back the rights that were snatched from them in this opinion that i do believe will come the law. so this is going to be a battle. it is going to be a battle, and this is one that i think every woman in america, and every man in america, and the list that was just given on rights to privacy, there are dozens of cases that talk about the liberty and privacy that springs from the 14th amendment and the bill of rights, including gay marriage. what's, is a leader trying to say that some people wouldn't consider that a moral issue like he did in this opinion about abortion? does he say this is something that was grounded and rooted in american history? so, i think a marriage is going to be the next big battle that will be jammed up on the price of these extremists that if push this agenda for sometime. >> i mean, clear, you know better than all of us. mitch mcconnell deeply understands political strategy, and you know voters. but could this blow up in his face? if this was such a winning issue for republicans, they could've done something when they have power in congress for years. instead, they wait until they have these new supreme court justices, who don't need to get reelected, they're on the bench forever. and they can say they're above the law, there a political, and they can hide behind them. >> well, they should not be a allowed to hide behind them. there were so many moments of hypocrisy today, whether it's all the chest thumping about president that was eviscerated in this draft opinion, or whether it's mitch mcconnell. or ted cruz talking about democrats politicizing the court. after they absolutely stole a seat from a duly elected democratic president, in a way this country had never seen before. so, spare me mitch mcconnell. that somehow the democrats who politicize the court, they put people on the court that should not be there under the norms and the way the united states senate always worked. and on their way there, they misrepresented their positions, at least according to susan collins. two of them were not honest with her about would be intended to do with roe v. wade when they got there. >> well then the question is, susan collins, when you gonna do about it? kim, the washington post has a piece out today, an opinion piece titled, supreme court leaks signals the triumph of politics over the law. do you agree with that? i really do, i think regardless it is about someone as it relates who works inside of that port. to the lead and, for a long time, i mean. i'm a lawyer. i'm someone who studies the law. i practiced the law. and i covered this for over a decade. i would say that there is a difference between the judiciary and the other two branches of government that is led by elected officials that these are a lifetime appointees who need to operate in a way that is separate from the political influences of the other branches. and, of course, it's politicize. the senate confirmation process makes it inexplicably politicized. but that is still -- accountability is different. if there is signaling from inside of that. court that is aimed at exerting political pressure in order to pull and potentially change the outcome of an opinion, regardless of whether comes from the conservatives or the liberal section of the court, that erodes that wall. and it makes it very difficult for me to say now that this court is not a politicized body if it is reaching out to try to -- >> i know i'm out of -- >> about how to consider how a case may come up. >> i know i'm out of time, tali, i have to ask you though, you yourself have clerked for a supreme court justice. when you heard about this, what is it like? >> you know, the supreme court has really tied its legitimacy to secrecy. i collect twice at the supreme court and the only every time we got as a group with the chief justice was to be told, the first commitment, that that shall not tell, tao shall not leak. you can't even admit what you worked on. and you know, i have to disagree though that it has to be that way and that the legitimacy of the court really does have to be tied to secrecy. and that disclosure is necessary, political. we see drafts in congress, we know with the other branches of government are thinking sometimes. and i think that maybe this might be the beginning of a more transparent supreme court. i think we can get over the lead. i think we can get over the substance of the decision as a country. and that's really where we should be at. >> see, i knew we were out of time but tali, you were worth the wait. -- now, i want to bring in illinois democratic governor, thank you for your patience. if roe is overturned, that does not mean abortion is banned in this country. in your state of illinois, it will still be legal, right? >> that is right. because we passed in 2018 -- we passed hp 40 which removed the trigger language that was in our law that would have reverted illinois back to being an antichoice state in the advent of a reversal of roe v. wade. and then, in 2019, we passed the reproductive health act which guaranteed a woman's right to choose. so we've got to quantify in our laws and it is enshrines in illinois. and frankly, we are in island here in the midwest. and we are next to claire mccaskill state of missouri where there are virtually outlawing abortion and even threatening to sue people who helped people in missouri to come to illinois to get their reproductive rights we, you know, an acted upon. >> then, are you planning to expand abortion services in preparation of what could be in the next few months? >> we've already done that. because frankly, as you've seen, all across the nation, these backwards states are taking away women's rights. and we know, we've seen almost 10,000 out of state women come to illinois seeking to exercise the right. and so we've put together a coordination effort, a call center and, you know, advisory effort to help women who come to illinois to help them with their travels, help them with their accommodations. and even, in some cases, when they need to access support to get the abortion in, you know, terms of being able to pay for it. so, we are doing everything that we can for people from out of state. as well as, of course, helping the women who live right here in illinois. >> you mentioned that reproductive health act that you signed into law two years ago. do you believe other states should be looking to do the state to try to sign that to protect the excess while they can? >> i do. but i would also tell you that states that have a pro-choice legislature an approach or's governor have already been able to do that. states that don't are having enormous difficulty. republicans, of course, who controlled legislatures are not allowing these laws to get passed. so, this is really going to be a political issue in 2022. i think they're going to see a tsunami of support for pro choice candidates all across the nation. like you saw in 2017 leading into the 2018 elections. look at what happened with the women's march. i think that's what you're going to see all across the united states. >> and much like the women's march, there's a very big chance there's going to be a whole lot of men. this is not a women's issue, it is an issue that impacts all americans. >> governor, i really appreciate you joining us tonight. thank you so much. coming up, we're going to go live to the state of ohio, on the first primary of the midterms and the test of the trump endorsement. and later, congresswoman katie porter is here to talk about the challenges ahead for democrats as they push to protect abortion rights. as a single mother, what is the economic impact for women across the country? 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>> stephanie, this was the first major test of donald trump's political influence in relevance in the year of 2022. there is going to be other tests ahead, georgia, west virginia, just in these upcoming weeks. but there is a reality that in the last 18 days since donald trump endorsed j. d. vance in this competitive five way ohio senate primary, j. d. vance jumped by about 20 percentage points in the polls and won this here decisively. there is some reality that comes with this. one, just a couple of years ago, j. d. vance called donald trump an idiot and reprehensible. which suggests that no matter what one says in the past that as long as you ultimately give your loyalty to donald trump, you can be welcomed back into his orbit. there is also the reality that j. d. vance won this primary while propagating the 2020 conspiracy theories spoken by donald trump. the other reality is when we're talking about foreign policy here, this was the u. s. senate candidate in the height of war between russia and ukraine who said that, he quote, frankly doesn't care about ukraine. that is the candidate the republicans in the state have selected to take on tim ryan in november. >> doesn't care about ukraine. pushes the big lie. check. check. nbc news also projecting incumbent governor, mark do on, he run the republican domination for his reelection. what's your take away from that race? >> you know, i think this is just one of the governors races that is going to be getting hard to detention here. after the draft of this majority opinion from the supreme court, was released here. women willie is the man of dayton ohio. he will be taking on the incumbent republican, mike dewine, who's going to be running as the republican nominee. but just five days ago, stephanie, the republican legislature which currently republicans have the super majorities in both chambers was actively debating what is called a trigger bill. 13 states have outright passed this year. but a trigger bill would essentially, once the supreme court formally rejects and overturns roe v. wade would ban abortions. even in cases of incest, rape in the state of ohio. that is what is going to be in front of, likely, mike dewine, the current republican, it will be up to him whether he ultimately sense that. because of course democrats hope that they will be able to close this and take the governorship here in 2022. stuff? >> we will be watching, vaughn hill, you're joining us from cincinnati. thank you. coming, up we'll speak to an abortion provider about the impact where restrictive state laws are already having an abortion access and with the draft decision could mean tonight and beyond. when the 11th hour continues. out-of-state corporations wrote an online sports betting plan they call "solutions for the homeless". really? the corporations take 90 percent of the profits. and using loopholes they wrote, they'd take even more. the corporations' own promotional costs, like free bets, taken from the homeless funds. and they'd get a refund on their $100 million license fee, taken from homeless funds, too. these guys didn't write a plan for the homeless. >> the closest thing is 8 to 2 they wrote it for themselves. hours away from here. that would still be able to perform abortions and offer those services. we are opening its facility in new mexico, currently, in preparation. people need to wake up and watch what's happening around them. it's very serious. nobody's paying attention. this is why and how they were able to do this. >> a wake up call from the director of mississippi's only abortion clinic, now, at the center of the supreme court case. and nbc news analysis says at least 23 states will immediately ban abortion should the supreme court go head and strike down roe versus wade. with us tonight to discuss, oklahoma abortion provider dr. maya bass she's also the member of the committee to protect health care. and nancy northup, the president and the cc o for the center reproductive right which represents the abortion in the case of challenging mississippi law banning abortions after 15 weeks. thank you both for being here. doctor bass, i know you've been traveling all the way from new jersey to oklahoma for years to provide abortion services. today, that state governor signed a bill banning the procedure after just six weeks of pregnancy. describe for us what this law really does, what it means for the women of oklahoma. >> so, what it means for the people that i served in oklahoma is that there is not going to be even more barriers to accessing health care. already, in many of these people have had to delay their occur in order to save up money because state medicated oklahoma does not cover abortion care. they've had to travel long distances, especially since -- has been a large volume of people coming from texas. some have traveled ten hours and now they're going to have to travel further. it just means that the people without resources are going to no longer have access in this crucial part of reproductive health care. >> nancy, are these restrictive laws with the majority of oklahoma voters what they really want? >> yes, let me just start by saying we've gone to court to sue over the oklahoma six-week band which is a texas style vigilante law. so we've gone to oklahoma state court and will be seeking to get relief there. i think the important thing to remember is that people need access to abortion care. people get abortions in oklahoma like they do throughout the nation. and regardless what polling may say, and i would say pulling strongly support the right to abortion, the reality is that when people are making these decisions in their own lives, when in for women in the united states makes a decision to end the pregnancy in the course of pro-life child. and this cares needed in oklahoma and every state across the nation. >> and, very few women very know that they're pregnant at six weeks. doctor bass, talk about the real impact of these laws on actual patience. you must hear their stories every day. >> yes, these politicians that are passing these laws don't sit with the person across from them who has children at home, who has a a career, who has traveled eight, hours was needed to get support or feel isolated because they can't get support in our communities. these people sit across from me and make the decision because of their unique circumstances. and, my medical expertise is going to help guide him. but it's their decision. and when they can't make that decision anymore, because someone who shouldn't be in that exam room, it becomes a real problem. it's extremely frustrating to not be able to continue to serve the people in oklahoma like i have since i graduated residency. >> nancy, can you fact that this forest? i want to share an argument, the president of the antiabortion, susan b anthony list, she made on this network earlier today. watch this. >> the public embraces restrictions on abortion that roe would never allow. late term abortion. abortion at 20 weeks. >> but it does get far more complicated -- >> 15 weeks is a great example. the one that is actually been tested by the court is a great example. this is overwhelmingly supported by the country, by the nation. and roll disallowed. that is why roe is under danger because of the 15-week limit. >> could you fact check this? >> i have no idea what -- data is based on. the reality is that the people who are pregnant, who are making the decisions, they are the ones who are in the best decision to make it. and so every pregnancy is unique. and every person needs to be able to make that decision with their health care provider. doctor, i said it a moment ago, you've been traveling from new jersey all the way to oklahoma for years now. how hostile is the environment down there, right now, as an abortion provider? >> we have protesters out in front of our clinic as many abortion clinics. do there's definitely people yelling at you when you come in. the laws are really what's hostile. because i can no longer plan to make a -- my trip there to help serve those people. because there is a law sitting on the governor's desk that might make it so that even before six weeks people can no longer access abortion care in oklahoma. so, these laws are making it impossible for the people of oklahoma to know that they have the ability to access abortion care right now. and, that is really what's hostile. you don't even know if you can make your appointment or if you're going to be able to show to a clinic that can actually serve you that day. >> doctor maya bass, and nancy northup thank you so much for joining us tonight. we really appreciated. when we come back, the consequences of a forced pregnancy. and why all americans should care. congresswoman katie porter is here on that next when the 11th hour continues. >> the draft decision that would overturn roe v. wade prompted california congresswoman, katie porter to tweet this. not a single justice knows what it is like to be one of the 10 million single parent in america. i do. and i support a woman's right to choose. with us tonight, california congresswoman katie porter. congresswoman, thank you for joining us. i don't know that people realize this. 60% of women who have abortions are already mothers. and 75% live at or below the poverty line. what would it look like economically if all of these women were expected, were required, to carry these pregnancies to term? >> this decision would increase child poverty, it would increase the strain on the social safety net. and it would make it more difficult for these lower income women to be able to pursue their education, to be able to get promoted at work. it would make it harder for them to feed the children that they already have. none of us who have been parents or contemplated being parents with dad for one second that pregnancy and parenthood is an economic decision. and so the absolute opposite is true to. abortion is an economic issue. >> how about an economic obligation on the other side? if a woman is required to carry a baby to term, if that's the requirement, should there not be a similar obligation for the father? >> absolutely. i think that men and women should be outraged at the court 's potential decision. we ought to fully enforce the obligations of both parents to support children. but the most important issue is that nobody is forced to become apparent if they don't want to be. so, the fact that so many people are trying to treat this as just a woman's issue, it is a woman's issue. we're talking about controlling women's bodies. but this decision will have impact on meant to who will be asked to pay child support, will be sued for paternity, whose lives and economic opportunities will also be fundamentally changed becoming apparent. >> then, why aren't we looking at this as an issue for every american and not just women? is it because it is our bodies? >> well, i think there's been a long association that this is a woman's issue because the control here that we see of government in women's lives is really different. very different than it is in men's lives. no man is going to be forced to have a pregnancy here. women are going to be forced to have a pregnancy. so we kept eliminate the fact that this is about control of women's bodies. not men's bodies. but this decision is also -- when we look at people's lives, not just their bodies, this decision is going to influence and take control of men's lives to in terms of making them into parents when they perhaps don't want to be. >> does this need to be just a democratic issue to either block this or do something in congress? i mean, you've got republicans all across this country that represent swing districts, republicans right next to you in california who may have supporters who are pro business or like republican economic agenda. but when it comes to an issue like this, this could be something that they care an awful lot about. >> every american should care about this, whether you've long since been apparent or you never want to be apparent. because this is going to shape peoples economic opportunities. if women are forced to be pregnant, to carry pregnancies, to become parents or they don't want to be, those are women who are gonna be out of the workforce, not complete their educations, i mean it's the exact same thing for men who are not going to be able to start businesses or finish their education shun. because it meant some planted. hurt so when we talk about issues like the rising crisis in homelessness and eviction, as you said earlier, the single best prediction of being affected is being a parent. the single best predictor of bankruptcy in this country is being a parent of the young children. so, this is fundamentally going to be an economic issue as well as a social and personal one. >> so what are you telling your constituents that you're going to do about it? >> we'll, look, the house has already voted. back in september to protect the right to have an abortion through a legislation that we've passed. it's sitting in the senate. i'm going to do the same thing that i think every american should be doing right now. which is expressing my displeasure. i am going to vote like crazy to make sure i'm electing people up and down the ballot from school boards to the senate who are going to protect and support the freedom of every american to make this decision for themselves. >> do you feel like the state of california stands with you? we have heard from governor gavin newsom, do you think that you're going to see a whole lot of people, now, rely on california for abortion services? >> well, we are definitely going to see people, essentially, being health care refugees. in the united states of america, health care refugees who are basically going to have to come and travel if they can afforded to other countries to get an abortion. and that has serious consequences. it takes them away from their long term health care provider, their doctor, the person they have a relationship with, that makes follow-up care after the abortion more difficult. and it will make from worse health care outcomes. so, well i'm glad that california is standing up for the right for abortion and is going to protect and provide for the people, it is not a substitute for being able to make that decision with your doctor in your community. >> congresswoman, thank you for joining us tonight. congresswoman katie porter of california. thank you. i want to bring in jennifer palmieri to the conversation, former white house communications director for president obama. jen, i get why this is a winning campaign issue for republicans. great way to get out the evangelical vote. but the evangelicals are just a portion of the republican party. if so many republican supported it for all these years, why haven't they passed something in congress when republicans of power? instead, they just wait till they have three justices that are untouchable? >> i think because they didn't want to unleash the fury that you have seen in women that they've unleashed in america today. i, mean katie porter always has her thoughts. she always has great arguments to make policy wise. but you could also see the anger that she felt. you could hear it in her voice. i saw on her face. i saw with hillary clinton today, elizabeth warren, vice president harris, stephanie ruhle on twitter, gretchen whitmer. this is not just about policy. congresswoman porter talked about the women that are going to be hurt by this. they are port. they're more likely to be black. they're women of color. they are women to already be mothers. and all the women leaders i just mentioned are outraged on their behalf. but also this is so personal because we know that this is about taking away women's it humanity. that at the root of, this and you see hillary clinton in the list of -- , those who know what it's like to live in the pre world war talk about the loss of women with dignity. people being subjugated. women losing power. and i think that's why you see vice president harris saying, how dare they. and gretchen more saying she's going to fight like hell. and hillary and elizabeth warren saying, they don't know how but they know that we are not going back, ever. because it's next essential. really, but this is about is taking away a women's word. and women feel -- and that is what has been unleashed now. and there has been times when the abortion issue worked for publicans more than democrats. but that was, you know, to your point, the republicans when they were in power they did not try to pass these laws in congress. and now, that has been unleashed into the american public system. it is not something we've seen before. >> well, four days ago the question, was how do you get democrats energized for the midterms. they clearly are. i want to share though a bit of the statement that barack and michelle obama released earlier today that read, in part, quote, we're asking you to join the activists who've been sounding the alarm on this issue for years, and act. starting with them at a local protests. volunteer with them on a camping. join with them and urging congress to quantify roe into law. involved alongside them on or before november 8th and in every other election. here's the thing. this message that they're giving, organize, rally. people are going to rally who are already voting democrat no matter what. is this a real opportunity to sag centrist to ignore politics? or maybe even moderate republicans? >> i think so, because in the end of, it the obama statement -- first of all, it's two pages long. it's long. -- saying yes america have an intensive and because what is at stake here is the lives in the well-being of americans. it is from both the obama. mrs. obama very much wanted to be a part of this. i can tell by the way it's written that they routed themselves. and they wanted to give -- and they know that it's not a discussion of partisanship in the statement, right? they know that there are people that are open to hearing this message that are not necessarily democrat. and they gave people very concrete things to do in response to it. like go to a protest, get involved in the campaign, ask these questions, these are things that you can do. and then also says to me that i can't speak for them but it also says to me that both of them planned to be involved in the midterms in a way. maybe they hadn't expected it because of this position. >> get involved. it doesn't have to be partisan. it's about humanity. jennifer, always good to see you. jennifer palmieri, thank you so much. coming up next. one comedic take on the conservative moment that stands the test of time. you're gonna want to see this when the 11th hour continues. your projects done right . with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. 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(soft music) ♪ >> i've been at this for over 50 years. fighting, arguments -- i cannot believe we have to do this all over again to really win right that's ours. that we already had. how dare they take this away? >> the last thing before we go tonight, once you're born you're on your own. when the news of the impending strike down of roe v. wade broke last night, people rushed to twitter to share that this me and frustration. and the comedy, the committee of the late george carlin from 1996 seemed to strike a very important and familiar. george carlin was never want to pull any punches. and you will see now in this viral video. >> boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? they're all in favor of the unborn. they will do anything to the unborn. but once you're born, you're on your own. [laughs] [applause] >> pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. after that, they don't want to know about you. they don't want to hear from. you know, nothing. no neonatal, daycare, no hedge charge, no food, no school, no welfare, no nothing. if you're preborn, you're fine. if your preschool, you're (bleep) they are not pro-life. you know what they are, they're anti-woman. simple as it gets, anti-woman. >> the late great george carlin takes us off the air, tonight. and, on that note, i wish you all a very good night. and from all of our colleagues across the network of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with us. i'll see you at the end, tomorrow. tonight on all in. >> roe v. wade is an important precedent. >> it is an important precedent. >> worthy as treatment of precedent >> that doesn't mean that arose should be overruled. >> never mind what they've all said before, the supreme court confirms that draft to overturn roe v. wade. >> well i am here because i am angry. and i am here because the united states congress can change all of this. >> tonight, the anger, the outrage and the called action. the senator or visit with warren. plus governor gretchen whitmer on her lawsuit to keep abortion legal in michigan. and melissa murray and laurence tribe on why this draft shows this court will not stop with grow. all in starts right now.

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, Independence , Abortion , Legislation , News , Law Clerk , Restriction , Direction , Lecture , Campaign , Clerk , Obligation , Result , Democrats Multi , One , Reality , Matter , It , Ted Cruz , Fact Check , Evidence , Supporters , Abortion Rights , Trio , Analysts , Experts , Balance , Evening , Nothing Else Matters , Nbc , Kimberly Atkins , Senator , Conversation , Economist , Collaborated , Emancipator , Equity , Missouri , Political Analyst , Boston Globe , Boston University , Msnbc , Claire Mccaskill , Prosecutor , State Prosecutor , Tally , Clare , New York , Wall , Things , Blame , Why Hasn T Congress , Both , Hand Up , President , Truth , Raise , On And , Peddled On , States , Trigger Law , Pushback , Rules Falls , Votes , Nobody , It Roe , Who , Mistake , Bs , Anywhere , Five , Any , Nothing , Position , Couldn T Stand Up To Public Pressure , Minority , Abortions , Life , Rape , Incest , Egg , Locks , Conception , Exceptions , Criminal Investigation , Pills , Fertilization , Tali , Including , Iuds , Roe Into Law , Nodding , Rain , Implications , Difference , Childbearing Women , Clinic , Bonds , Trends , Day One , 36 , 280 , 27 , 23 , 41 , Way , Case , Pill , Ban , Bans , Telehealth , Course , Legitimacy , Effect , Possibilities , Can , Haven T , Restrictions , Coming , Regulations , Eyes , Table , Three , Frankly , Line , Antipathy , Career , Most , Staff , Surprise , Two , On Fire , Didn T Just , Full Throated Evisceration , Beginning , Substance , Due Process , Four , People , Constitution , Scenario , Mississippi , Grabs , Decision Hold , Space , Substantive Due Process , Ones , History , Traditions , Times , Aren T Written In The Constitution , Sentence , Zero , Contraception , Interracial Marriage , Liberty , Let , Say , Set , Logic , Poll , Upholding Roe , 54 , America , Draft Opinion , Subject , Elections , State Legislatures , State Representative , View , Candidate , Law Protecting Women , Battle , Women S Rights , Confiscation , Man , List , Woman , Believe , Cases , Leader , Bill , Gay Marriage , Dozens , 14th Amendment , 14 , Issue , Marriage , Agenda , Price , American History , Power , Spare Me Mitch Mcconnell , Face , Blow Up , Strategy , Don T , Political , Supreme Court Justices , Above The Law , Thumping , Chest , Hypocrisy Today , Democrats Politicizing The Court , Who Politicize The Court , Democratic , Seat , Positions , Susan Collins , Norms , Politics , Opinion Piece , Triumph , Kim , The Washington Post , Someone , Lead , Port , Lawyer , Branches , Lifetime Appointees , Led , Officials , Judiciary , Senate Confirmation Process , It S Politicize , Order , Pressure , Signaling , Accountability , Outcome , Inside , Conservatives , Body , Section , Whether , Secrecy , Clerked For A Supreme Court Justice , Group , Chief Justice , Commitment , Tao , Disclosure , Governor , Patience , Illinois , Wait , Law , Hp , Language , 2018 , 40 , Reversal , Advent , Reproductive Health Act , 2019 , Laws , Enshrines , Island , Midwest , Abortion Services , Preparation , Out Of State Women , 10000 , Support , Effort , Call Center , Accommodations , Travels , Coordination Effort , Everything , Terms , Excess , Incumbent , Legislature , Difficulty , Approach , Legislatures , Chance , Candidates , Tsunami , Choice , You Saw , Women S March , 2017 , 2022 , Congresswoman Katie Porter , Men , Midterms , Primary , Endorsement , Challenges , Coming Up , Impact , Mother , Pay , Happiness , Ratings , Reviews , Projects , Angi , Menopause Status , More , Breast Cancer , Fulvestrant , Kind , Taking Verzenio , Doctor , Infection , Hr , Sign , Diarrhea , Hormone Therapy , Dehydration , Fluids , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Blood Cell Counts , Death , Chest Pain , Liver Problems , Verzenio , Chills , Lung Inflammation , Trouble Breathing , Signs , Symptoms , Appetite Loss , Fever , Cough , Fatigue , Pain , Blood Clots , Breathing , Breath , Heart Rate , Bleeding , Bruising , Arms , Legs , Swelling , Shortness , Everyday Verzenio , Access , Customers , Thanks , Prime Video , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Boys , Xfinity , Paul , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , Voice , Holiday , Starz , Holi , Hbo Max , And Peacock , Nay , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Service , 5g Network , Mind , Business Owner , Gig , 5 , Term , Business , Contracts , Internet , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities Tm , 00 , 500 , The Americans First Agenda , Donald Trump , Story , Big News Media , It Ain T , Big Night Tonight In Ohio , Ladies And Gentlemen , J D , Nomination , Murder , Vance , Rob Portman , Tim Ryan , Vaughn Hillyard , Campaign Headquarters , Cincinnati , Tests , Influence , Relevance , Georgia , West Virginia , Polls , Ohio Senate , Points , 20 , 18 , Couple , Idiot , Orbit , Conspiracy Theories , Loyalty , 2020 , Tim Ryan In November , Foreign Policy , Frankly Doesn T Care , War , Height , Ukraine , Russia , Race , Reelection , On , Mark , Domination , Big Lie , Women Willie , Races , Majority Opinion , Governors , Detention , Mike Dewine , Nominee , Running , Majorities , Trigger , Trigger Bill , Chambers , 13 , Of , Rejects , Abortion Provider , Governorship , State Laws , Beyond , Vaughn Hill , Plan , Corporations , Sports , Solutions For The Homeless , Refund , Funds , Profits , Loopholes , Bets , Costs , 90 , Thing , Guys , Homeless , Homeless Funds , License Fee , 00 Million , 100 Million , 8 , Facility , Services , New Mexico , 2 , Abortion Clinic , Director , Attention , Wake Up Call , Analysis , Center Of The Supreme Court Case , Supreme Court Go Head , Health Care , Committee , O , Oklahoma Abortion , Mississippi Law Banning Abortions , Nancy Northup , Provider , Doctor Maya Bass , Dr , Member , Center Reproductive , 15 , Oklahoma , Bill Banning The Procedure , Doctor Bass , New Jersey , Six , Pregnancy , Abortion Care , Many , Distances , Barriers , Money , Some , Resources , Volume , Texas , Ten , Yes , Oklahoma State Court , Vigilante , Band , Relief , Lives , Child , Polling , Person , Politicians , Stories , Laws Don T Sit , Children , Communities , Home , Eight , Expertise , Circumstances , Him , Shouldn T , Argument , Problem , Exam Room , Residency , Forest , Example , Network , Public , Antiabortion , Susan B Anthony List , Danger , Limit , What , Health Care Provider , Protesters , Abortion Clinics , Environment , Hostile , Help , Care , Law Sitting , Desk , Ability , Appointment , Consequences , Back , Parent , California Congresswoman , 10 Million , California , Mothers , Poverty Line , 60 , 75 , Pregnancies , Education , Strain , Child Poverty , Social Safety Net , Parents , Parenthood , Opposite , None , Work , Dad , Second , Requirement , Baby , Court S Potential Decision , Obligations , Father , Bodies , Opportunities , Child Support , Paternity , Control , Association , Pro Business , Swing Districts , Gonna , Educations , Workforce , Issues , Businesses , Homelessness , Crisis , Eviction , Prediction , Education Shun , Constituents , Bankruptcy , Predictor , House , Sitting , Displeasure , School Boards , Ballot , Gavin Newsom , Freedom , Refugees , Countries , Health Care Refugees , Travel , Health Care Outcomes , Relationship , Substitute , Community , Evangelicals , Campaign Issue , Michelle Obama , Vote , Jennifer Palmieri , Jen , White House Communications Director , Portion , Fury , Arguments , Anger , Hillary Clinton , Thoughts , Policy Wise , Gretchen Whitmer , Policy , Color , Twitter , Women Leaders , It Humanity , Behalf , Root , Saying , Loss , Dignity , Pre World War , Hell , Abortion Issue , Publicans , Point , The American Public System , Bit , Activists , Camping , Alarm , Election , November 8th , Message , Opportunity , Sag Centrist , Rally , No Matter What , End , Stake , Pages , Well Being , Mrs , Partisanship , Discussion , Questions , Protest , Response , It Doesn T , Humanity , Budget , Tv , Colonial Penn , Aren T You , 995 , We Couldn T Get Coverage , Lifetime Rate Lock , Whole Life Insurance Plan , Guarantees , 1 , Acceptance , Guarantee , Life Insurance , Exam , Health Questions , Health Reason , 9 95 , 95 , 85 , Insurance , Rate , Premiums , Lifetime Coverage , Number , Information , Soft Music , Fighting , Away , George Carlin , Comedy , Frustration , Strike , 1996 , Boy , Video , Punches , Favor , Unborn , Anything , Applause , Fetus , Nine , Preschool , School , Food , Welfare , Daycare , Hedge Charge , Bleep , No Neonatal , Air , Note , The End , Precedent , Treatment , Doesn T Mean , Outrage , Lawsuit , Warren , Michigan , Melissa Murray , Laurence Tribe ,

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