Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 2

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708

waiting i, have been waiting over ten years now for donald trump to apologize to me for what he has called me including at one point the dumbest man on television. i think that was about ten years ago when i was saying here that he was lying about president obama's birth certificate. joe biden says someone is dumb, says a reporters dumb, and in a couple of hours or less he's on the phone in a personal phone call apologizing. >> right. and decent, and adult, and mature. i mean, even if he meant it. if you meant it and you said it to somebody's face, you do not have to apologize to them unless you know, is for some of the reason it's inappropriate. but if you meant it and you sensitive out somebody and not to them, you have to apologize. because you're talking smack. and in this case, the president did the adult thing and said i'm sorry, and that's what adults should do. >> so, i was driving this afternoon and kind of out of the news bubble for a bit. and as soon as i came back into our little bubble here, first thing i said to producer kyle griffin was, has joe biden apologized yet? and he said, no. and i said, okay, well it's coming. it's like it's any minute now. he's gonna do it. and then i lost track of it and suddenly there was. during your hour it emerge. >> i had the exact same reaction, i thought he definitely meant that. and, he didn't say to the guys face, he did know that microphone was on. and he's going to apologize. and that's the right thing to do. and you know what, part of being a president is, is being a good person to model what rational adults, mature human beings should do, in terms of having to treat one another. doesn't mean you can't get ever get mad, doesn't even mean you can't call someone dame. but it does mean when you do something that sort of indecorous way, or a way that you didn't mean to get out, you own up to it. it's kind of -- for all of this kerfuffle it's kind of a decent ending. >> so i guess i'm gonna have to keep waiting, right? for my -- >> hope springs eternal. >> that ain't gonna happen, that's not gonna happen. >> i'm sorry for him, does that help? >> by the way, to be fair, he after he got tired of calling me the dumbest man on television, he switched and called other people of being the dumbest man on television while i was still on television, so i guess i got promoted to second or third or something and not worth mentioning. >> yeah, that seems like a bad competition to try to win or lose. >> yeah. >> i'm sorry, i'm sorry for him, lawrence. >> it's the world of no apology on that side of the world. thank you, rachel. >> thank, lawrence. >> thank you. >> techs it, that's one member of a texas it secession movement call it, techs it. that name it's obviously inspired by brexit and the desire to secede from the united state is fired by the desire to govern texas without any interference whatsoever from democrats. , like the president of the united states or or first guest tonight, that are o'rourke, who is now running for governor of texas. later in this hour, we will consider what the significance of the secessionist movement is with, steven marsh the author of the new book the next civil war. when asked about techs it in october, republican senator ted cruz does not quotes his office in which he pledged to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, oh no, ted cruz simply said he's not there yet. he's not yet ready to support secession. but he did say he would consider abandoning the united states of america and supporting tech them texit quote, if they federalize election and massively expand voter fraud. it is easy to see what texas would become as an independent country run by republicans, because that's what it must feel like right now. right now. for any woman in texas seeking abortion services. for any 13 year old girl in texas who has been raped by her father. or by someone she doesn't know, and is pregnant. for that 13 year old girl, she no longer enjoys the protections of the constitution of the united states in texas. this year, the government of texas remove the constitutional right to abortion services in texas. the united states supreme court has not yet taken away the right to abortion services in all 50 states, but texas didn't bother wait to for the united states supreme court. they went ahead and did it. the texas state legislator has written election laws to favor republican candidates and is continuing to try to impose even more election laws that will favor republican candidates. the texas tribune reports that the primary election approaching in texas on march 1st, quote, texas voters and local affectionate officials have found themselves envelop in a fog of errors, delays, and miscommunications as they navigate new rules for casting votes by mail. as one election administration or in elbagir county tells the texas tribune, we are bombarded. and, nearly one year after the massive power grid failure that killed over 200 people in texas, and left millions without power in freezing temperatures, the new york times reports many of the problems that pushed the texas electric coke rig to the brink of a total collapse still remain, according to interviews with two dozen industry experts, elected leaders, and current and former state officials. that is republican government at work. non working power grid, 200 people dead because of it, and there's more. the republican governor of texas, greg abbott, has said the texas national guard to the mexican border where the national guard has absolutely no legal authority whatsoever. border control is the responsibility of the federal government. but the governor of texas in defiance of the federal government, which is now on biden immigrants, has sent the texas national guard to the border in what is clearly a nothing but a political stunt. the national guard has no authority and no purpose at the border. the new york times reports many ordered to the border have complained of poor planning, pay problems, and a lack of basic equipment. like winter gear for the cold or thistle scopes for medics. there have been covid outbreaks on hastily created bases, where dozens of soldiers crowd together in mobile quarters so tight that commanders call them submarine trailers. hundreds sought waivers because of the missions uncertain length and the disruptions it would create for their families, and were denied. in some cases, arrest warrants were issued for those who failed to report for duty. so, consider that. the national is empowered to address no one at the border. but that members of the national guard may be arrested in texas but for not participating in the governor's political stunt. according to interviews and a review of internal documents, the new york times also found that to many who are engaged in admission as appeared ad hoc, ill-defined, and politically motivated, one active member described this way. all we're doing is standing here down here, we don't even have the equipment to detain anyone, we're basically mall cops on the border. former democratic congressman adele o'rourke went to the border yesterday and spoke with members of the national guard about what they are experiencing there. and he had this to say to the governor. >> bring these guard members home. if you are not going to put them to the full and best use, that is meeting an emergency or crisis, if there are simply political window dressing for your campaign and republican primary, and let them come back home to their families, to their homes, to their careers, and to their communities. that is the least that we can do for those who have been willing to put their lives on the line for this country and service so honorably. that >> leading off our discussion tonight is better or rock, former democratic congressman representing el paso, texas. he is now running for governor of texas. thank you very much for joining us tonight, we really appreciate it. what can you tell us about what you found at the border, the situation with the national guard there? >> lawrence, the first thing that i want to tell you is that these men and women are the absolute best of us. they signed up to serve this state in this country. they were there in 2017 when hurricane harvey, the biggest storm to ever hit the state, drown communities like port arthur, and rockport, and houston, texas. they've been deployed to iraq and afghanistan. they've no with they've signed up for and they're willing to serve. and they do so honorably and admirably. but, 10,000 of them have been called up with ten days notice, forced to leave family, jobs, kids, their communities, to be near a window dressing for the governor's reelection campaign. those are in my words, those are the things they have told me. their pay has been delayed, the governor funder this by cutting their earned tuition benefit. this is how they are four to go to college. he cut that in half. they have not been properly equipped. and most of them that i've spoken to have not encountered in migrants or undocumented border crosser in the for three or four months that they've been there. and lawrence, one of the young men that i spoke to yesterday told me that he was one of those who requested a waiver from the governor because he's a nurse, and the hospital where he typically works needs him right now, because we are undergoing a critical surge in covid cases. and we do not have enough health care professionals. so, he's on the border doing nothing, encountering no one, when he could be back home literally saving the lives of the people in his community. i want to be there to have his back, and the backs of other guardsman, and in this mission. let them come back home. and reserve sending them out only for when we have a real crisis or an emergency. and what's happening on the border does not meet that bar. >> the laredo morning times estimates that it could cost two billion dollars for this deployment, that sounds like money that could have been well spent on the power grid. that's >> right. burke ought, those are the folks who manage the grad here in texas, say that if we hit severe weather like the weather that shut down the grid last february, we're at a 40% generating capacity shortfall right now. because the governor and the legislator today absolutely nothing to weatherize the grid and prepare us for the next extreme weather event. that could've gone to school where educators in texas are underpaid by about $10,000 compared to their national counterparts. we could have supplemented a -- but to ensure that more texans can see a doctor or not fear dying of diabetes or the flu, or curable cancer. there are a lot of these here that those billions of dollars could've gone to meet. this is a political ploy on the part of the governor, but the people who are paying the price beyond the taxpayers, are those members of the governor. and we need to let them come back to their families, back to their jobs, back to their communities. it's the right thing to do. >> we are seeing reports tonight from the texas tribune and elsewhere about chaos and what is now the new voting system in texas, because of the new voting laws in texas. do we know if the current state of disruption affects democratic voters and republican voters equally >> we don't know for sure. what we do know is what's taking place is exactly what was predicted by opponents of this voter suppression bill. lawrence, in this instance, texas is requiring you if you require -- if you request a mail-in ballot, to use the exact same form of i.d. that you used when you first register to vote. that could've been two years ago, that could've been 20 years ago. and if you don't remember that, your mail-in ballot request is rejected. we're seeing rejection rates in some counties of up to 50%. now, i think it's really important for those who want to make sure that they can vote in this primary election, if they are physically and from a health care perspective able to vote in person, to do that. because this voter suppression tactic is incredibly successful at denying people the ability to vote. we've got to find a way to overcome it. i'm hopeful, lawrence, that the courts will enjoin this law which is constitutional because it's denying people their equal rights under the law and the ability to vote. and i really am concerned that it is going to dissuade people from turning out. so, in our campaign, we are making a commitment to reach 2 million voters over the course of february in person at their doors, on the phone, if we can reach on their. we're also writing letters to them as well, to make sure they understand what it takes to be able to vote in texas right now. we've got overcome this. i wish that the senate would have done the right thing and pass federal voting rights protection, but there is no cavalry writing to our rex rescue in texas. this one is on all of us. so those who go to -- can sign up, knock on doors with us, and make sure that we are the answer to this challenge at this moment. let me go back to the national guard situation for a moment. because, and nationally, it was perceived does something that the governor was doing because of his own fear of being challenged to his extreme right by some trump's candidate. and he was going to have to beat back that kind of candidate in the republican primary. is that still the dynamic we are facing? do you expect, after the primary, that governor abbott will at that point think that there is no longer any need for this suspended tour at the southern border? >> it is interesting that you asked that. the member of the guard, that i met with yesterday, said that i just hope after the republican primary is over i can go back home. because, their activation orders are for full year. a full year away from jobs, from families, from their primary source of income. and they are sitting in these humvees. not able to do much of anything at all. so, i think that is the best hope. but i want to make this additional point. it is not just the opportunity cost. it is not just that they're missing their families. for members of the guard, over the last three months, have taken their own lives. some of those members had asked for those waivers. one said, i have the career opportunity of a lifetime. and i want to make sure that i could take advantage of it. and instead, they denied that and we are going to send him down to the border. he took his own life. one of the things we clearly need right now are behavioural health specialists deployed along with those members. not on the phone, not by zoom, but in those same base camps were guardsmen are sleeping 15 to 20 inch trailers. those are the storm in trailers that are deployed after hurricanes and natural disasters. they are sleeping together in those right now. covid is running rampant and morales at an all-time low. so they shouldn't have to wait for republican primaries or really anything at all. especially this mission has no purpose. let's get them back to their families. >> and, quickly before you go. you took the oath of office as a member of the house representative. it is virtually, word for word identical to what the united states senator takes to protect the constitution, to defend the constitution of the united states. when asked about secession by the state of texas, your senator, ted cruz, said he would be willing to consider it basically if the democrats managed to pass their voting rights bill. that was his answer to that. what is your reaction to senator cruises openness to the possibility of texas trying to succeed from the union? >> unfortunately, for those of us in texas, it is not surprising. you mention the power grid failure that killed hundreds of people in the state. millions more were freezing without heat or electricity. ted cruz fled to cancun. on january six, when we had the strongest pressure test for the democracy in our lifetime, he was part of this encouraging people to try and overturn a lawfully legitimately decided election. this guy does not believe in the constitution, democracy or rule of law. there is no reason he should be serving in a position of public trust right now. and this encouragement to possible secession in texas is just part of the course for this guy. so, not much that we can do about him right now. we are focused on the task at hand that is running and winning this race and replacing abbott as the next governor of the state of texas. >> candidate for governor of texas, thank you very much for starting off our discussions here tonight. really appreciated. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you. coming up, the georgia court approved the request by the atlanta district attorney to empanel a special grand jury to conduct a criminal investigation of donald trump's attempt to change the vote count in georgia. former georgia attorney fleming, will join us next. also, congresswoman swalwell will upgrade us on the investigation of the january 6th attack on the capitol. january january 6th attack on so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. 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>> i think this is the exact right vote, special grand juries are a panel when you have complex cases that you want to make sure that you have the appropriate resources and time to investigate. so, calling for and not having the special grand jury will give her subpoena power to be able to bring in witnesses that might have been reluctant to cooperate previously. it allows her to have the same group of dedicated citizens review the evidence over the course of the 12 months. as you noted, as opposed to the normal two month term. and, at the end of the special grand jury and here we will issue the final report. we are not able to actually issue criminal indictments in georgia, but that final report will be the equivalent of the roadmap about their interpretation of the evidence. what, if any charges they have thought is appropriate. and that information is what the eight willis will take forward to a criminal grand jury to seek indictment. >> we have heard from others in particular, michael j moore, a former federal prosecutor, as you know in georgia, he has been in this program, he was on with rachael tonight. making the case that this is not a complicated case, that just working off the tape that we have of donald trump's phone call to secretary of state, you should be able to get an indictment from just a regular seeding jury and just walk donald trump in as a defendant right through the routine process. what is your reaction to that? >> well, i think prosecutors are going to look at the evidence in different ways, i know fani to be the kind of prosecutor that leaves no stone unturned. she is very thorough, she is always prepared. and being true to what i know about her, she wants to make sure that her case system is complete, so while she or others may want to focus solely on the january 2nd former president to georgia secretary of state, miss willis, the da has indicated that she's looking at several other components of these factors. she is looking at a call between one of our senators and the secretary of state earlier in november. she is looking at what led to the abrupt resignation of the then, u.s. attorney in georgia. she is also looking at statements and testimonies that was given to the georgia house and the georgia senate. and this is just a beginning. she has indicated that she is focused on those four things but she is not limited. and again, the power of having a special grand jury allows her to explore those things but see what else is connected to. and based on some of the more recent reporting, there may be more there for her to look at. >> so, that is very helpful to my understanding of the situation. so, one way of looking at this is that it may very well be, and i don't ask you to adopt this theory, but it may very well be that the easiest indictment to bring in this entire body of evidence is against donald trump for what he did and said on that phone call. but, senator lindsey graham also made phone calls to the secretary of state. others, rudy giuliani was in the state making representations about the vote count in the state of georgia. and this is a district attorney who, in your experience, would want to bring the total picture that might be relevant to criminal charges to the public rather than just to do one case at a time. possibly beginning with donald trump and then moving on. >> that is exactly right. and one of the things that we talked about in the bookings report is the substantial likelihood, not only charges against the former president but others. and then bringing all of those charges together in a racketeering. so again, if she decides to go that route, because she does have extensive experience prosecuting legal cases before. if she goes that route it allows her to tell the whole story about what happened leading up to january 2nd and after. >> the whole story instead of just one individual story, possibly followed by some other individual stories. gwen keyes fleming, externally helpful tonight and enlightening for me in particular to my understanding of where this stands and why district attorney willis is approaching it the way she is. thank you very much for your guidance. really appreciated. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. and joining our discussion now, is democratic -- he served as a house impeachment manager in the second impeachment trial of donald trump. he is a member of the house intelligence committee and judiciary committee. and congressman swalwell, that second impeachment trial, basically, covered the same ground that the january six committee is trying to cover now. but you were focused on one individual. you were focused only on donald trump. that was very clear. it seemed like you had all the elected into needed. the majority of the senate agreed with you. but not enough to actually remove him from office. the committee seems to be getting access to much more information than you had. including in this weeks -- this weekend's news, conversations at least, beginning conversations with attorney general, william barr. withwe were fine in the parliaments. we had crimes in plain state that could've met the standard of removing the president who committed the greatest crimes against the constitution ever from office. but we didn't have any cooperative witnesses from the trump side. and the commission that has the advantage of time at the ability to go to court, they are not holding to a schedule that needs to get appointments through the rescue plan. and i am confident, that as you see were former toonie general barr coming in that very soon you are going to take this much information and you are going to really narrowed down to something that you can animate for the american people as to what happened. and the american people are going to be given a choice as they go forward from this investigation. will they choose violence or voting? will they choose fraud or facts? or will they choose chaos and the constitution? that's what it's really going to come down to when this thing goes to primetime and you start to see these hearings and the evidence. >> the chairman said that prime time is probably going to happen in the spring, that is a later date than he originally was giving. chairman thompson was originally saying back in december, possibly january, possibly february in effect. is it because the massive evidence they are now collecting from the national archives from the trump administration actually requires more time for being able to organize it in a way to present in hearings? >> one of my colleagues, elaine maria, said that that finding by the court that donald trump was not protected from having those documents concealed was the most pivotal an impactful reflection point in this investigation so far. so it has produced a trove of information. and it is better that they explore that and get it right. because lawrence, we know they are going to get one shot at this. and then we're off to the midterm elections. and if we don't bring this in a way that the american people understand. that there's a party that prefers law and order. and there's a party that wants chaos. we are going to miss a real opportunity with so much at stake for our democracy. >> we just heard about the investigation that is a criminal investigation with the grand jury in georgia about donald trump's activities there by telephone from the white house. that is also within the jurisdiction of the january six committee. in what ways will the committee need to, if any, back off from that investigation to allow the district attorney to persuade with her investigation? >> i can tell you from experience, from the russia investigation, anything from the january six impeachment, we threw our staff, are very able staff, work to deconflict prosecutors in both state and federal. i want to make sure that the federal case has priority. i am not familiar with this case but many people who were part of the russian investigation and part of the impeachment are on the january six commission team. so i can only imagine that that is a priority. >> congressman eric swalwell, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i really appreciate it. thank you. coming up, many of you sent us your comments about our first episode of a house divided with bob ward. we will continue that conversation with stephen march, the author of the new civil war. and we will show you how george washington predicted the insurrection at the capitol 226 years ago. 22 22 years to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. like pulsing, electric shocks,ago. sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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warnings about the danger of what political parties could become saying that a party, quote, agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foment occasionally riot and insurrection. george washington got his projected insurrection driven by a political party on january six 2021. and a year later, our political literature is experiencing a sudden surge of consideration of the possibility of the next civil war. that is in fact the title of our next guests book, the next civil war. which takes place in the book stores these days alongside how civil war starts by -- who joined us in our first episode of the house divided. the new york times says, both books provide a sobering vision of where we may be headed, and for that reason they should be required reading for anyone invested in preserving our 246 year experiment in self government. joining us now is steven marsh, author of the next civil war, ditch patches from the american future. thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. >> pleasure to be with you. >> thank you. make your case about what you see coming from your perspective in canada. looking down in more ways than one on the current state of affairs in the united states. >> well, i mean, the united states is a textbook case of a country headed for civil war. it has all the attributes that the sociologist sent economic scholar cascading system. hyper partisanship, environmental degradation, high levels of inequality and low levels of solidarity as well as declining faith in institution and arising tendency to violence. and more less what i see broadly is a struggle over the meaning of america. and not expressing itself through violence. >> you say in your book, the united states is coming to an end. the question is, how? in your view, how? >> well, the book offers speculative nonfiction. there are many different ideas of how it could be. it could be a conflict with the sheriff -- the mandates of the federal government. it could be sort of a broader terrorist act that causes marshall law to be imposed. i think the point of the book is really that america, political landscape is very dry tinder. it is rife with the possibility of violence. less than 20% of americans have faith in their electoral system. a recent poll said that 33% of americans believe that violence against our own government is sometimes warranted. you have these conditions that are ripe for conflict. which we've seen everywhere else in the world, right? america is an exceptional country. but it also doesn't really the flight the loss of gravity. it doesn't defy the laws of political gravity. so it is now coming in the wind and it's about to reap the world. when i think the way it is going to fall apart is really the struggle between chaos and worry. it won't look like the first civil war with boundaries and borders. and pitched armies, it will look more like insurrection and insurgency and fragmentation. fragmentation at a very low level. fragmented everywhere. >> how would it look any different from what we already experienced, beginning in 1969 for the most part going on from there during the nixon presidency and the vietnam war where we were having bombings in this country? multiple bombings against federal buildings like post offices every week? this is a much forgotten chapter of american history. we had troops that can state shoot, anti war protesters. everything that i have heard you described as this possible future, and professor walter describes the possible future, i personally lived through. and the country did not ever think at that point that we were on the verge of civil war. >> yeah, i mean, the violence in the 60s was very substantial. there were 140 cities burned after mlk was excessive needed. as you say, there were multiple bombings daily sometimes in the united states. the difference between the 60s and now is that during the 60s you had a relatively high level of institution cohesion. you had the voting rights act passed with bipartisan support. the president mourned, collectively, by both parties. you had watergate, in hindsight, was the system working. because you had the press reporting on corruption. politicians taking the press reports seriously. and both parties deciding that that was unacceptable for their country. and, none of that would really happen anymore. the institutions have gone into the point where, you know, not even the two parties can get together to mourn a slain officer killed in a ride protecting their personal physical security. also, you know, returning to the 60, the organization of the militia and the size of the groups is much higher. the weatherman at their peak were better than 1000 members. and the militias are much more sizable. >> the, as we go forward, what would you look forward as an indicator of turning away from this risk? and by the way, just a parenthetical question, what is the richest country in the world? that has fallen into civil war? because standard of living is one of the risk of entering and losing and ending a civil war. but that is not present in many of the countries that and to civil war because there isn't anything really to lose. >> well, in history, some of the richest countries -- you could say that french was one of the richest countries. but it had this enormous level of inequality. >> let me just pause. so no 20th century example of one of the richest countries in the world falling into civil war? >> i can't think of a first world country off the top of my head that did fall into civil war, no? but that doesn't mean -- the united states in 1860 was the richest country in the world by far, right? and in the 20th century and in the 21st century, we are not talking about civil war as it was under in the 19th century, we are talking about low levels of relatively high levels of political violence rather than, you know, organized pitched arms. or what we are seeing in -- >> steven, march thank you very much for joining us tonight. we are out of time for tonight. we are going to continue this conversation in the weeks to come, the new book is, the next civil war. thank you very much for joining us, really appreciate it. and coming up, if you read one article today about washington politics it should be david ross piece titled d.c. is a donut. it explains why the washington media loves to blame progressives for everything. david roth cough joins us next. david roth cough joins us next don't settle for products that give you a sort-of white smile. try crest whitening emulsions... ...for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop [bacon sizzles] [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ 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to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. since becoming a state, in 1912, arizona has never had two democratic senators. until now. one of those senators is a centrists who keeps independent voters and moderate republican voters in line and choosing to support broadly popular subdivisions that are supported by a majority voters. the other, is kyrsten sinema. the washington news media incorrectly depicts senator sinema as the centrists and in effect regards arizona senator mark kelly, and 47 other senators as out of touch progressives who, along with house democrats are to blame. for pushing joe biden too far to the left. the center, used to be defined as the place where most voters are. but as our next guest points out in the headline of his new piece for the daily beast, d.c. is a donut. there is no center in washington politics. joining us now is david, former analysts in the daily beast. he is the host of the deep state radio podcast. david, you've done it again you've written the mandatory reading column about the situation in washington these days. this notion that centrism is whatever joe manchin and kyrsten sinema and, i don't, know maybe one or two republican senators say it is. >> well, it's a kind of crazy notion. you know there's this idea right now, blame the left for biden's struggle. except, in the first case, biden is not really struggling. he had a very successful first year. his ratings were higher than trump's war. and he won the last election by 8 million votes. but, in the second, case every single thing he went for he had the support of those 40 democrats you are talking about. and on most of it, he also had the support of sinema and manchin. now, if you say blamed the left you are seeing those 48 or the left. and it is just these two people who represent the senator. of course, it's ludicrous. in washington, there really is no senator. there's a republican block that seeks only to obstruct the administration. and the democrats are usually together, except for these couple of people. now, out in the country it is a different story. and that is one of the problems. we've got the politics of washington that has become disconnected from the politics of the united states. joe biden is a centrist. and if you go through the initiative he has supported, whether it's childcare, education reform, environmental initiatives and so forth, they are all supported by very substantial majorities of americans. democrats and independents. the center and the left. so the critique is completely unsubstantiated and out of touch. >> there is another problem with washington news media coverage. which is, if they were baseball reporters, the way they would cover the game is that the winner is whoever won the last inning. so, everything joe biden did in the first, second, third, fourth innings of your one is forgotten when build back better runs into the roadblock in the senate and then voting rights running to the filibuster roadblock in the senate. and there is no reporting about how joe biden, in a year, pulled every single democratic senator along into the space of being willing to change the senate rule. all except those last two. because in washington, coverage is all about what happened today that determines who the winner and the loser is. >> yeah, i agree. except to use your metaphor, i don't think it's the last inning. i think it's the last pitch. you know, joe biden is really only two innings into his first term as president. and everybody is saying, oh, well, he's in trouble. to winnings into the game, having pressed over to thrill yuan dollars in new legislation. appointed more judges than anybody ever in history. created more jobs in this first year than anybody ever in history. and done a lot of the damage that trump did, restored american standing at the longest war in american history. and that is what he did in your one. that is sort of in the middle of the second inning. so far so good i would say. >> david rothkopf, think you very much for joining us tonight. and thank you once again for writing the column that i wish i could. thank you very much david. >> thank you. >> tonight's last word is next. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. hearing is important to living life to the fullest.t every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ you can 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Thing , One , Joe Biden , Reporter , Man , Microphone , Top , Mic , Show , Fox News , Reporting , Intelligence , Remark , Cnn , Lawrence O Donnell , U S , Word , Lawrence , Evening , Circumstance , Rachel , Donald Trump , Television , Ten , Someone , Reporters , Obama , Birth Certificate , Phone , Adult , Couple , Phone Call Apologizing , Decent , Case , Reason , Some , Somebody , Face , Kind , Adults , Adult Thing , News Bubble , Bubble , Bit , Out , Track , Producer Kyle Griffin , Reaction , Guys , Doesn T , Part , Person , Another , Terms , Human Beings , Mad , Way , Wall , Ain T Gonna , Something , Kerfuffle , Ending , Waiting , Hope Springs Eternal , Help , People , Mentioning , Member , It , World , Side , Competition , Apology , Thank , State Of Georgia , Texas , Desire , Interference , It Secession Movement Call , Name , Brexit , Governor , Adele O Rourke , Democrats , President , Guest , Significance , Secessionist Movement Is With , Next Civil War , Ted Cruz , Republican , Office , Author , Steven Marsh The , Support Secession , Constitution Of The United States , Oh No , Enemies Foreign And Domestic , Election , Tech Them Texit Quote , Republicans , Voter Fraud , Country Run , Woman , Girl , Abortion Services , Father , 13 , Government , United States Supreme Court , Protections , Election Laws , States , Services , Abortion , Didn T , Texas State Legislator , 50 , Texas Voters , Candidates , Texas Tribune , Texas On March 1st , 1 , March 1st , Administration , Casting Votes , Officials , Rules , Mail , Fog , Errors , Miscommunications , Delays , Elbagir County , Power , Power Grid Failure , Millions , 200 , Problems , New York Times , Interviews , Many , Industry Experts , Collapse , Brink , Leaders , Temperatures , Texas Electric Coke Rig , Two , Greg Abbott , Power Grid , More , State Officials , Work , Non Working , Border , Authority , Texas National Guard , Responsibility , National Guard , Border Control , Guard , Nothing , Purpose , Stunt , Defiance , Biden Immigrants , Equipment , Pay Problems , Planning , Medics , Lack , Winter Gear , Scopes , Thistle , Covid , Waivers , Trailers , Bases , Hundreds , Soldiers , Commanders , Dozens , Outbreaks , Quarters , Families , Cases , Disruptions , Missions , Length , Duty , Arrest Warrants , Members , National , Documents , Admission , Review , Ad Hoc , Anyone , Mall Cops On The Border , Doing , Home , Spoke , Guard Members , Use , Primary , Communities , Emergency , Crisis , Window Dressing , Campaign , Careers , Homes , Least , Country , Line , Congressman , Lives , Discussion , Service , Rock , El Paso , Situation , Men , Best , Women , Hurricane Harvey , 2017 , Storm , Houston , Rockport , Drown , Port Arthur , Iraq , Afghanistan , Family , Jobs , Kids , Reelection Campaign , 10000 , Pay , Things , Words , Half , Tuition Benefit , College , Four , Most , Migrants , Border Crosser , Three , Surge , Hospital , Nurse , Waiver , Community , Mission , Guardsman , Backs , Health Care Professionals , Back , No One , Laredo Morning Times , Reserve , Bar , Folks , Sounds , Deployment , Money , Grad , Burke , Two Billion Dollars , Two Billion , Weather , Grid , Legislator , Capacity Shortfall , 40 , Educators , Counterparts , Event , 0000 , Diabetes , Doctor , Lot , Texans , Cancer , Dollars , Ploy , Billions , Flu , Taxpayers , Price , Estate , Chaos , Voting System , Elsewhere , Voting Laws , Voters , Place , Opponents , Disruption , Sure , Instance , Voter Suppression Bill , Form , I D , Ballot , Counties , Ballot Request , Rates , Rejection , 20 , Ability , Health Care Perspective , Voter Suppression Tactic , Law , Rights , Courts , Course , Doors , Commitment , 2 Million , United States Senate , Letters , Well , Pass Federal Voting Rights Protection , Answer , Cavalry Writing , All Of Us , Rex Rescue , Challenge , Go To , Trump , Candidate , Right , Fear , Dynamic , Need , Tour , Anything , Activation Orders , Source , Income , Humvees , Point , Hope , Opportunity Cost , Life , Lifetime , Advantage , Career Opportunity , Guardsmen , Health Specialists , Base Camps , Zoom , 15 , Primaries , Hurricanes , Morales , Disasters , Low , Constitution , Oath Of Office , United States Senator , Representative , House , Senator , Secession , Possibility , Voting Rights Bill , Openness , Electricity , Union , Freezing , Heat , To Cancun , Democracy , Pressure Test , Six , Rule Of Law , Guy , Encouragement , Position , Public Trust , Hand , Task , Abbott , Race , District Attorney , Request , Discussions , Coming Up , Georgia Court , Atlanta , Russia Investigation , Special Grand Jury , Vote Count , Congresswoman Swalwell , Attempt , Former Georgia Attorney Fleming , Investigation , Capitol , Attack , January 6th , 6 , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Employees , Liberty , Plan , Rob Portman , Mover , Business , Lily , Scene , Hotspot , Employee , Lisa , Smart Phone , Deals , Files , Downtown , At T Business , Spot , Parks , Buick , Whistle Blows , Players , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Yup , In The Woods , Choice , Colon Cancer , Heart , Cologuard , Suv , Screening , Around , Stool , Dna , Noninvasive , Risk , Stages , Provider , Colon Cancers , Results , Yep , 45 , 92 , Bilal , Growing Up , Story , Superman , Immigrant , Others , Career , Crime , Homelessness , Superhero , Sector , San Francisco , Courage , Innovation , Grand Jury , Georgia Vote , Christopher , 2 , May The 2nd , Fani Willis , Panel , Charges , Decision , Committee , William Barr , Conversations , Chair , Sessions , Keys Fleming , Da , County , Cal County Georgia , Assessment , Court , Vote , Special , Panneling , Witnesses , Subpoena Power , Resources , Evidence , Term , Citizens , Group , The End , 12 , Report , Equivalent , Indictments , Interpretation , Roadmap , Information , Indictment , Michael J Moore , Willis , Criminal Grand Jury , Eight , Secretary Of State , Phone Call , Program , Tape , Rachael , Prosecutors , Seeding Jury , Defendant , Process , Ways , Stone Unturned , Case System , Georgia Secretary Of State , January 2nd , Senators , Call , Factors , Components , Resignation , Statements , Beginning , Georgia Senate , In Georgia , Testimonies , Georgia House , Understanding , Theory , Lindsey Graham , Phone Calls , Body , Rudy Giuliani , Experience , Picture , District Attorney Who , Representations , Public , Bookings , Moving On , Route , Likelihood , Racketeering , District Attorney Willis , Stories , Stands , Gwen Keyes Fleming , Impeachment Trial , House Intelligence Committee And Judiciary , Guidance , House Impeachment Manager , Ground , Individual , Majority , Access , News , Attorney General , Withwe , Crimes , Standard , Parliaments , Commission , Toonie , Schedule , Rescue Plan , Appointments , Violence , Hearings , Chairman , Voting , Fraud , Facts , Effect , Spring , Chairman Thompson , Colleagues , The National Archives , Elaine Maria , Trove , Finding , Reflection , A Political Party , Elections , Shot , Law And Order , Opportunity , Stake , Telephone , Activities , Jurisdiction , White House , Impeachment , Priority , Staff , Commission Team , Russian , Conversation , George Washington , Stephen March , Comments , Episode , A House Divided , Bob Ward , Insurrection , 226 , 22 , Twist , Stabbing Pains , Packaging , Pulsing , Electric Shocks , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Tide Pods , Shingles , Events , Virus , Rash , Nightmare , Weekend Getaways , Chickenpox , Vo , Pharmacist , Technologies , Relief , Pain Reliever , Revolutionary , Rollerball Design , Aleve X , Meal , Fun , Classic , Panera , Aleve , Bold , You Pick , Fantastic , Pairings , Fresh , Mood , Craveable , 465 , Protein , Glucerna , Number , Carbsteady , 30 , Blood Sugar , Spice , It Count , Body Lotion , Crest Pro Health , Gabrielle , Fiji , Crest , Mouth , Areas , Brand , 8 , Washington S Birthday , Parties , Last , Floor , Ritual , George Washington S Farewell Address , Reader , Warnings , Danger , Animosity , False Alarms , Jealousies , 2021 , Consideration , Fact , Guests , The Next Civil War , Title , Literature , Books , Vision , Civil War Starts By , Reading , Self Government , Experiment , Steven Marsh , 246 , Pleasure , Patches , The American Future , State Of Affairs , Textbook Case , Perspective , Canada , Inequality , Levels , Scholar Cascading System , Hyper Partisanship , Sociologist , Solidarity , Environmental Degradation , Attributes , Struggle , Faith , Institution , Meaning , Tendency , Question , Book , End , View , Nonfiction , Ideas , Conflict , Landscape , Mandates , Sheriff , Terrorist Act , Marshall Law , Americans , Electoral System , Tinder , Poll , 33 , Everywhere , Gravity , Conditions , Flight , Loss , Laws , Wind , It Doesn T , Fragmentation , Borders , Insurgency , First Civil War , Boundaries , Armies , Level , Bombings , Presidency , Vietnam War , 1969 , Troops , Post Offices , Buildings , State Shoot , Anti War Protesters , Chapter Of American History , Everything , Walter , Verge , Difference , Cities , Mlk , 140 , 60 , Support , Voting Rights , Institution Cohesion , Press Reports , None , Politicians , System , Hindsight , Press Reporting On Corruption , Officer , Institutions , Ride , Security , Groups , Size , Militia , Militias , Organization , Peak , Weatherman , 1000 , Indicator , Turning , Countries , Isn T , Living , Entering , History , Example , French , Head , Doesn T Mean , Falling Into , 1860 , 20th Century , 19th Century , Far , 21 , 19 , Steven , March , Arms , Politics , Washington , Article , David Ross , Donut , David Roth , Cough , Media , Progressives , Next Don T Settle , Products , Try Crest Whitening Emulsions , Smile , Teeth , Bacon Sizzles , Peroxide Droplets , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , Faster , 100 , Electronic Music Plays , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Weight , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Share , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , I Don T , Side Effects , Nausea , Insulin , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Neck , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 25 , 3 , 5 , Arizona , 1912 , Centrists , Subdivisions , Majority Voters , Other , Kyrsten Sinema , News Media , Who , Touch Progressives , Mark Kelly , 47 , Center , Left , Guest Points , Headline , House Democrats , Beast , Piece , Host , Analysts , Column , Notion , Podcast , The Deep State Radio , Centrism , Idea , Joe Manchin , Crazy Notion , Second , War , Votes , Ratings , 8 Million , 48 , Block , Centrist , Initiatives , Majorities , Initiative , Childcare , Independents , Education Reform , Out Of Touch , Problem , Critique , News Media Coverage , Winner , Game , Baseball Reporters , Innings , First , Filibuster Roadblock , Roadblock , Runs , Single , Coverage , Rule , Space , Loser , Everybody , Saying , Metaphor , Pitch , Anybody , Legislation , Winnings , Judges , Trouble , Restored American , Longest War In American History , Middle , David Rothkopf , Thirty , Hearing , Store , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Fullest T Every , Technology , Miracle Ear , Starts , Miracle Earmini , Obligation , Trial , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Ingestion , Upset Stomach , Car Insurance , Action , Pepto Bismol , Coating , Soothing , Limu Emu , Diarrheaaaa , Doug , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Hr Software , Business Software Working , Expense , Company , Social Security Number , Machine , Jams , Wife , Hr Data , Hr , Paycom , Eleven , 11 , Demo , Each Other , Software , Visit Paycom Com , Hon , First Off , Mob Rioters , 11th Hour , Day 370 , Mehdi Hasan , 370 , Election Results , Threat , Greenlight , Panel Of Judges , 2020 ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The Last Word With Lawrence ODonnell 20240708

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waiting i, have been waiting over ten years now for donald trump to apologize to me for what he has called me including at one point the dumbest man on television. i think that was about ten years ago when i was saying here that he was lying about president obama's birth certificate. joe biden says someone is dumb, says a reporters dumb, and in a couple of hours or less he's on the phone in a personal phone call apologizing. >> right. and decent, and adult, and mature. i mean, even if he meant it. if you meant it and you said it to somebody's face, you do not have to apologize to them unless you know, is for some of the reason it's inappropriate. but if you meant it and you sensitive out somebody and not to them, you have to apologize. because you're talking smack. and in this case, the president did the adult thing and said i'm sorry, and that's what adults should do. >> so, i was driving this afternoon and kind of out of the news bubble for a bit. and as soon as i came back into our little bubble here, first thing i said to producer kyle griffin was, has joe biden apologized yet? and he said, no. and i said, okay, well it's coming. it's like it's any minute now. he's gonna do it. and then i lost track of it and suddenly there was. during your hour it emerge. >> i had the exact same reaction, i thought he definitely meant that. and, he didn't say to the guys face, he did know that microphone was on. and he's going to apologize. and that's the right thing to do. and you know what, part of being a president is, is being a good person to model what rational adults, mature human beings should do, in terms of having to treat one another. doesn't mean you can't get ever get mad, doesn't even mean you can't call someone dame. but it does mean when you do something that sort of indecorous way, or a way that you didn't mean to get out, you own up to it. it's kind of -- for all of this kerfuffle it's kind of a decent ending. >> so i guess i'm gonna have to keep waiting, right? for my -- >> hope springs eternal. >> that ain't gonna happen, that's not gonna happen. >> i'm sorry for him, does that help? >> by the way, to be fair, he after he got tired of calling me the dumbest man on television, he switched and called other people of being the dumbest man on television while i was still on television, so i guess i got promoted to second or third or something and not worth mentioning. >> yeah, that seems like a bad competition to try to win or lose. >> yeah. >> i'm sorry, i'm sorry for him, lawrence. >> it's the world of no apology on that side of the world. thank you, rachel. >> thank, lawrence. >> thank you. >> techs it, that's one member of a texas it secession movement call it, techs it. that name it's obviously inspired by brexit and the desire to secede from the united state is fired by the desire to govern texas without any interference whatsoever from democrats. , like the president of the united states or or first guest tonight, that are o'rourke, who is now running for governor of texas. later in this hour, we will consider what the significance of the secessionist movement is with, steven marsh the author of the new book the next civil war. when asked about techs it in october, republican senator ted cruz does not quotes his office in which he pledged to support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic, oh no, ted cruz simply said he's not there yet. he's not yet ready to support secession. but he did say he would consider abandoning the united states of america and supporting tech them texit quote, if they federalize election and massively expand voter fraud. it is easy to see what texas would become as an independent country run by republicans, because that's what it must feel like right now. right now. for any woman in texas seeking abortion services. for any 13 year old girl in texas who has been raped by her father. or by someone she doesn't know, and is pregnant. for that 13 year old girl, she no longer enjoys the protections of the constitution of the united states in texas. this year, the government of texas remove the constitutional right to abortion services in texas. the united states supreme court has not yet taken away the right to abortion services in all 50 states, but texas didn't bother wait to for the united states supreme court. they went ahead and did it. the texas state legislator has written election laws to favor republican candidates and is continuing to try to impose even more election laws that will favor republican candidates. the texas tribune reports that the primary election approaching in texas on march 1st, quote, texas voters and local affectionate officials have found themselves envelop in a fog of errors, delays, and miscommunications as they navigate new rules for casting votes by mail. as one election administration or in elbagir county tells the texas tribune, we are bombarded. and, nearly one year after the massive power grid failure that killed over 200 people in texas, and left millions without power in freezing temperatures, the new york times reports many of the problems that pushed the texas electric coke rig to the brink of a total collapse still remain, according to interviews with two dozen industry experts, elected leaders, and current and former state officials. that is republican government at work. non working power grid, 200 people dead because of it, and there's more. the republican governor of texas, greg abbott, has said the texas national guard to the mexican border where the national guard has absolutely no legal authority whatsoever. border control is the responsibility of the federal government. but the governor of texas in defiance of the federal government, which is now on biden immigrants, has sent the texas national guard to the border in what is clearly a nothing but a political stunt. the national guard has no authority and no purpose at the border. the new york times reports many ordered to the border have complained of poor planning, pay problems, and a lack of basic equipment. like winter gear for the cold or thistle scopes for medics. there have been covid outbreaks on hastily created bases, where dozens of soldiers crowd together in mobile quarters so tight that commanders call them submarine trailers. hundreds sought waivers because of the missions uncertain length and the disruptions it would create for their families, and were denied. in some cases, arrest warrants were issued for those who failed to report for duty. so, consider that. the national is empowered to address no one at the border. but that members of the national guard may be arrested in texas but for not participating in the governor's political stunt. according to interviews and a review of internal documents, the new york times also found that to many who are engaged in admission as appeared ad hoc, ill-defined, and politically motivated, one active member described this way. all we're doing is standing here down here, we don't even have the equipment to detain anyone, we're basically mall cops on the border. former democratic congressman adele o'rourke went to the border yesterday and spoke with members of the national guard about what they are experiencing there. and he had this to say to the governor. >> bring these guard members home. if you are not going to put them to the full and best use, that is meeting an emergency or crisis, if there are simply political window dressing for your campaign and republican primary, and let them come back home to their families, to their homes, to their careers, and to their communities. that is the least that we can do for those who have been willing to put their lives on the line for this country and service so honorably. that >> leading off our discussion tonight is better or rock, former democratic congressman representing el paso, texas. he is now running for governor of texas. thank you very much for joining us tonight, we really appreciate it. what can you tell us about what you found at the border, the situation with the national guard there? >> lawrence, the first thing that i want to tell you is that these men and women are the absolute best of us. they signed up to serve this state in this country. they were there in 2017 when hurricane harvey, the biggest storm to ever hit the state, drown communities like port arthur, and rockport, and houston, texas. they've been deployed to iraq and afghanistan. they've no with they've signed up for and they're willing to serve. and they do so honorably and admirably. but, 10,000 of them have been called up with ten days notice, forced to leave family, jobs, kids, their communities, to be near a window dressing for the governor's reelection campaign. those are in my words, those are the things they have told me. their pay has been delayed, the governor funder this by cutting their earned tuition benefit. this is how they are four to go to college. he cut that in half. they have not been properly equipped. and most of them that i've spoken to have not encountered in migrants or undocumented border crosser in the for three or four months that they've been there. and lawrence, one of the young men that i spoke to yesterday told me that he was one of those who requested a waiver from the governor because he's a nurse, and the hospital where he typically works needs him right now, because we are undergoing a critical surge in covid cases. and we do not have enough health care professionals. so, he's on the border doing nothing, encountering no one, when he could be back home literally saving the lives of the people in his community. i want to be there to have his back, and the backs of other guardsman, and in this mission. let them come back home. and reserve sending them out only for when we have a real crisis or an emergency. and what's happening on the border does not meet that bar. >> the laredo morning times estimates that it could cost two billion dollars for this deployment, that sounds like money that could have been well spent on the power grid. that's >> right. burke ought, those are the folks who manage the grad here in texas, say that if we hit severe weather like the weather that shut down the grid last february, we're at a 40% generating capacity shortfall right now. because the governor and the legislator today absolutely nothing to weatherize the grid and prepare us for the next extreme weather event. that could've gone to school where educators in texas are underpaid by about $10,000 compared to their national counterparts. we could have supplemented a -- but to ensure that more texans can see a doctor or not fear dying of diabetes or the flu, or curable cancer. there are a lot of these here that those billions of dollars could've gone to meet. this is a political ploy on the part of the governor, but the people who are paying the price beyond the taxpayers, are those members of the governor. and we need to let them come back to their families, back to their jobs, back to their communities. it's the right thing to do. >> we are seeing reports tonight from the texas tribune and elsewhere about chaos and what is now the new voting system in texas, because of the new voting laws in texas. do we know if the current state of disruption affects democratic voters and republican voters equally >> we don't know for sure. what we do know is what's taking place is exactly what was predicted by opponents of this voter suppression bill. lawrence, in this instance, texas is requiring you if you require -- if you request a mail-in ballot, to use the exact same form of i.d. that you used when you first register to vote. that could've been two years ago, that could've been 20 years ago. and if you don't remember that, your mail-in ballot request is rejected. we're seeing rejection rates in some counties of up to 50%. now, i think it's really important for those who want to make sure that they can vote in this primary election, if they are physically and from a health care perspective able to vote in person, to do that. because this voter suppression tactic is incredibly successful at denying people the ability to vote. we've got to find a way to overcome it. i'm hopeful, lawrence, that the courts will enjoin this law which is constitutional because it's denying people their equal rights under the law and the ability to vote. and i really am concerned that it is going to dissuade people from turning out. so, in our campaign, we are making a commitment to reach 2 million voters over the course of february in person at their doors, on the phone, if we can reach on their. we're also writing letters to them as well, to make sure they understand what it takes to be able to vote in texas right now. we've got overcome this. i wish that the senate would have done the right thing and pass federal voting rights protection, but there is no cavalry writing to our rex rescue in texas. this one is on all of us. so those who go to -- can sign up, knock on doors with us, and make sure that we are the answer to this challenge at this moment. let me go back to the national guard situation for a moment. because, and nationally, it was perceived does something that the governor was doing because of his own fear of being challenged to his extreme right by some trump's candidate. and he was going to have to beat back that kind of candidate in the republican primary. is that still the dynamic we are facing? do you expect, after the primary, that governor abbott will at that point think that there is no longer any need for this suspended tour at the southern border? >> it is interesting that you asked that. the member of the guard, that i met with yesterday, said that i just hope after the republican primary is over i can go back home. because, their activation orders are for full year. a full year away from jobs, from families, from their primary source of income. and they are sitting in these humvees. not able to do much of anything at all. so, i think that is the best hope. but i want to make this additional point. it is not just the opportunity cost. it is not just that they're missing their families. for members of the guard, over the last three months, have taken their own lives. some of those members had asked for those waivers. one said, i have the career opportunity of a lifetime. and i want to make sure that i could take advantage of it. and instead, they denied that and we are going to send him down to the border. he took his own life. one of the things we clearly need right now are behavioural health specialists deployed along with those members. not on the phone, not by zoom, but in those same base camps were guardsmen are sleeping 15 to 20 inch trailers. those are the storm in trailers that are deployed after hurricanes and natural disasters. they are sleeping together in those right now. covid is running rampant and morales at an all-time low. so they shouldn't have to wait for republican primaries or really anything at all. especially this mission has no purpose. let's get them back to their families. >> and, quickly before you go. you took the oath of office as a member of the house representative. it is virtually, word for word identical to what the united states senator takes to protect the constitution, to defend the constitution of the united states. when asked about secession by the state of texas, your senator, ted cruz, said he would be willing to consider it basically if the democrats managed to pass their voting rights bill. that was his answer to that. what is your reaction to senator cruises openness to the possibility of texas trying to succeed from the union? >> unfortunately, for those of us in texas, it is not surprising. you mention the power grid failure that killed hundreds of people in the state. millions more were freezing without heat or electricity. ted cruz fled to cancun. on january six, when we had the strongest pressure test for the democracy in our lifetime, he was part of this encouraging people to try and overturn a lawfully legitimately decided election. this guy does not believe in the constitution, democracy or rule of law. there is no reason he should be serving in a position of public trust right now. and this encouragement to possible secession in texas is just part of the course for this guy. so, not much that we can do about him right now. we are focused on the task at hand that is running and winning this race and replacing abbott as the next governor of the state of texas. >> candidate for governor of texas, thank you very much for starting off our discussions here tonight. really appreciated. >> thank you lawrence. >> thank you. coming up, the georgia court approved the request by the atlanta district attorney to empanel a special grand jury to conduct a criminal investigation of donald trump's attempt to change the vote count in georgia. former georgia attorney fleming, will join us next. also, congresswoman swalwell will upgrade us on the investigation of the january 6th attack on the capitol. january january 6th attack on so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, like asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee. yeah i should've just led with that. with at&t business. you can pick the best plan for each employee and get the best deals on every smart phone. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. 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>> i think this is the exact right vote, special grand juries are a panel when you have complex cases that you want to make sure that you have the appropriate resources and time to investigate. so, calling for and not having the special grand jury will give her subpoena power to be able to bring in witnesses that might have been reluctant to cooperate previously. it allows her to have the same group of dedicated citizens review the evidence over the course of the 12 months. as you noted, as opposed to the normal two month term. and, at the end of the special grand jury and here we will issue the final report. we are not able to actually issue criminal indictments in georgia, but that final report will be the equivalent of the roadmap about their interpretation of the evidence. what, if any charges they have thought is appropriate. and that information is what the eight willis will take forward to a criminal grand jury to seek indictment. >> we have heard from others in particular, michael j moore, a former federal prosecutor, as you know in georgia, he has been in this program, he was on with rachael tonight. making the case that this is not a complicated case, that just working off the tape that we have of donald trump's phone call to secretary of state, you should be able to get an indictment from just a regular seeding jury and just walk donald trump in as a defendant right through the routine process. what is your reaction to that? >> well, i think prosecutors are going to look at the evidence in different ways, i know fani to be the kind of prosecutor that leaves no stone unturned. she is very thorough, she is always prepared. and being true to what i know about her, she wants to make sure that her case system is complete, so while she or others may want to focus solely on the january 2nd former president to georgia secretary of state, miss willis, the da has indicated that she's looking at several other components of these factors. she is looking at a call between one of our senators and the secretary of state earlier in november. she is looking at what led to the abrupt resignation of the then, u.s. attorney in georgia. she is also looking at statements and testimonies that was given to the georgia house and the georgia senate. and this is just a beginning. she has indicated that she is focused on those four things but she is not limited. and again, the power of having a special grand jury allows her to explore those things but see what else is connected to. and based on some of the more recent reporting, there may be more there for her to look at. >> so, that is very helpful to my understanding of the situation. so, one way of looking at this is that it may very well be, and i don't ask you to adopt this theory, but it may very well be that the easiest indictment to bring in this entire body of evidence is against donald trump for what he did and said on that phone call. but, senator lindsey graham also made phone calls to the secretary of state. others, rudy giuliani was in the state making representations about the vote count in the state of georgia. and this is a district attorney who, in your experience, would want to bring the total picture that might be relevant to criminal charges to the public rather than just to do one case at a time. possibly beginning with donald trump and then moving on. >> that is exactly right. and one of the things that we talked about in the bookings report is the substantial likelihood, not only charges against the former president but others. and then bringing all of those charges together in a racketeering. so again, if she decides to go that route, because she does have extensive experience prosecuting legal cases before. if she goes that route it allows her to tell the whole story about what happened leading up to january 2nd and after. >> the whole story instead of just one individual story, possibly followed by some other individual stories. gwen keyes fleming, externally helpful tonight and enlightening for me in particular to my understanding of where this stands and why district attorney willis is approaching it the way she is. thank you very much for your guidance. really appreciated. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. and joining our discussion now, is democratic -- he served as a house impeachment manager in the second impeachment trial of donald trump. he is a member of the house intelligence committee and judiciary committee. and congressman swalwell, that second impeachment trial, basically, covered the same ground that the january six committee is trying to cover now. but you were focused on one individual. you were focused only on donald trump. that was very clear. it seemed like you had all the elected into needed. the majority of the senate agreed with you. but not enough to actually remove him from office. the committee seems to be getting access to much more information than you had. including in this weeks -- this weekend's news, conversations at least, beginning conversations with attorney general, william barr. withwe were fine in the parliaments. we had crimes in plain state that could've met the standard of removing the president who committed the greatest crimes against the constitution ever from office. but we didn't have any cooperative witnesses from the trump side. and the commission that has the advantage of time at the ability to go to court, they are not holding to a schedule that needs to get appointments through the rescue plan. and i am confident, that as you see were former toonie general barr coming in that very soon you are going to take this much information and you are going to really narrowed down to something that you can animate for the american people as to what happened. and the american people are going to be given a choice as they go forward from this investigation. will they choose violence or voting? will they choose fraud or facts? or will they choose chaos and the constitution? that's what it's really going to come down to when this thing goes to primetime and you start to see these hearings and the evidence. >> the chairman said that prime time is probably going to happen in the spring, that is a later date than he originally was giving. chairman thompson was originally saying back in december, possibly january, possibly february in effect. is it because the massive evidence they are now collecting from the national archives from the trump administration actually requires more time for being able to organize it in a way to present in hearings? >> one of my colleagues, elaine maria, said that that finding by the court that donald trump was not protected from having those documents concealed was the most pivotal an impactful reflection point in this investigation so far. so it has produced a trove of information. and it is better that they explore that and get it right. because lawrence, we know they are going to get one shot at this. and then we're off to the midterm elections. and if we don't bring this in a way that the american people understand. that there's a party that prefers law and order. and there's a party that wants chaos. we are going to miss a real opportunity with so much at stake for our democracy. >> we just heard about the investigation that is a criminal investigation with the grand jury in georgia about donald trump's activities there by telephone from the white house. that is also within the jurisdiction of the january six committee. in what ways will the committee need to, if any, back off from that investigation to allow the district attorney to persuade with her investigation? >> i can tell you from experience, from the russia investigation, anything from the january six impeachment, we threw our staff, are very able staff, work to deconflict prosecutors in both state and federal. i want to make sure that the federal case has priority. i am not familiar with this case but many people who were part of the russian investigation and part of the impeachment are on the january six commission team. so i can only imagine that that is a priority. >> congressman eric swalwell, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i really appreciate it. thank you. coming up, many of you sent us your comments about our first episode of a house divided with bob ward. we will continue that conversation with stephen march, the author of the new civil war. and we will show you how george washington predicted the insurrection at the capitol 226 years ago. 22 22 years to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. like pulsing, electric shocks,ago. sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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warnings about the danger of what political parties could become saying that a party, quote, agitates the community with ill founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foment occasionally riot and insurrection. george washington got his projected insurrection driven by a political party on january six 2021. and a year later, our political literature is experiencing a sudden surge of consideration of the possibility of the next civil war. that is in fact the title of our next guests book, the next civil war. which takes place in the book stores these days alongside how civil war starts by -- who joined us in our first episode of the house divided. the new york times says, both books provide a sobering vision of where we may be headed, and for that reason they should be required reading for anyone invested in preserving our 246 year experiment in self government. joining us now is steven marsh, author of the next civil war, ditch patches from the american future. thank you very much for joining us tonight, really appreciate it. >> pleasure to be with you. >> thank you. make your case about what you see coming from your perspective in canada. looking down in more ways than one on the current state of affairs in the united states. >> well, i mean, the united states is a textbook case of a country headed for civil war. it has all the attributes that the sociologist sent economic scholar cascading system. hyper partisanship, environmental degradation, high levels of inequality and low levels of solidarity as well as declining faith in institution and arising tendency to violence. and more less what i see broadly is a struggle over the meaning of america. and not expressing itself through violence. >> you say in your book, the united states is coming to an end. the question is, how? in your view, how? >> well, the book offers speculative nonfiction. there are many different ideas of how it could be. it could be a conflict with the sheriff -- the mandates of the federal government. it could be sort of a broader terrorist act that causes marshall law to be imposed. i think the point of the book is really that america, political landscape is very dry tinder. it is rife with the possibility of violence. less than 20% of americans have faith in their electoral system. a recent poll said that 33% of americans believe that violence against our own government is sometimes warranted. you have these conditions that are ripe for conflict. which we've seen everywhere else in the world, right? america is an exceptional country. but it also doesn't really the flight the loss of gravity. it doesn't defy the laws of political gravity. so it is now coming in the wind and it's about to reap the world. when i think the way it is going to fall apart is really the struggle between chaos and worry. it won't look like the first civil war with boundaries and borders. and pitched armies, it will look more like insurrection and insurgency and fragmentation. fragmentation at a very low level. fragmented everywhere. >> how would it look any different from what we already experienced, beginning in 1969 for the most part going on from there during the nixon presidency and the vietnam war where we were having bombings in this country? multiple bombings against federal buildings like post offices every week? this is a much forgotten chapter of american history. we had troops that can state shoot, anti war protesters. everything that i have heard you described as this possible future, and professor walter describes the possible future, i personally lived through. and the country did not ever think at that point that we were on the verge of civil war. >> yeah, i mean, the violence in the 60s was very substantial. there were 140 cities burned after mlk was excessive needed. as you say, there were multiple bombings daily sometimes in the united states. the difference between the 60s and now is that during the 60s you had a relatively high level of institution cohesion. you had the voting rights act passed with bipartisan support. the president mourned, collectively, by both parties. you had watergate, in hindsight, was the system working. because you had the press reporting on corruption. politicians taking the press reports seriously. and both parties deciding that that was unacceptable for their country. and, none of that would really happen anymore. the institutions have gone into the point where, you know, not even the two parties can get together to mourn a slain officer killed in a ride protecting their personal physical security. also, you know, returning to the 60, the organization of the militia and the size of the groups is much higher. the weatherman at their peak were better than 1000 members. and the militias are much more sizable. >> the, as we go forward, what would you look forward as an indicator of turning away from this risk? and by the way, just a parenthetical question, what is the richest country in the world? that has fallen into civil war? because standard of living is one of the risk of entering and losing and ending a civil war. but that is not present in many of the countries that and to civil war because there isn't anything really to lose. >> well, in history, some of the richest countries -- you could say that french was one of the richest countries. but it had this enormous level of inequality. >> let me just pause. so no 20th century example of one of the richest countries in the world falling into civil war? >> i can't think of a first world country off the top of my head that did fall into civil war, no? but that doesn't mean -- the united states in 1860 was the richest country in the world by far, right? and in the 20th century and in the 21st century, we are not talking about civil war as it was under in the 19th century, we are talking about low levels of relatively high levels of political violence rather than, you know, organized pitched arms. or what we are seeing in -- >> steven, march thank you very much for joining us tonight. we are out of time for tonight. we are going to continue this conversation in the weeks to come, the new book is, the next civil war. thank you very much for joining us, really appreciate it. and coming up, if you read one article today about washington politics it should be david ross piece titled d.c. is a donut. it explains why the washington media loves to blame progressives for everything. david roth cough joins us next. david roth cough joins us next don't settle for products that give you a sort-of white smile. try crest whitening emulsions... ...for 100% whiter teeth. its highly active peroxide droplets... ...swipe on in seconds. better. faster. 100% whiter teeth. shop [bacon sizzles] [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ [bacon sizzles] ♪ [electronic music plays] ♪ woo! looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ 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to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. since becoming a state, in 1912, arizona has never had two democratic senators. until now. one of those senators is a centrists who keeps independent voters and moderate republican voters in line and choosing to support broadly popular subdivisions that are supported by a majority voters. the other, is kyrsten sinema. the washington news media incorrectly depicts senator sinema as the centrists and in effect regards arizona senator mark kelly, and 47 other senators as out of touch progressives who, along with house democrats are to blame. for pushing joe biden too far to the left. the center, used to be defined as the place where most voters are. but as our next guest points out in the headline of his new piece for the daily beast, d.c. is a donut. there is no center in washington politics. joining us now is david, former analysts in the daily beast. he is the host of the deep state radio podcast. david, you've done it again you've written the mandatory reading column about the situation in washington these days. this notion that centrism is whatever joe manchin and kyrsten sinema and, i don't, know maybe one or two republican senators say it is. >> well, it's a kind of crazy notion. you know there's this idea right now, blame the left for biden's struggle. except, in the first case, biden is not really struggling. he had a very successful first year. his ratings were higher than trump's war. and he won the last election by 8 million votes. but, in the second, case every single thing he went for he had the support of those 40 democrats you are talking about. and on most of it, he also had the support of sinema and manchin. now, if you say blamed the left you are seeing those 48 or the left. and it is just these two people who represent the senator. of course, it's ludicrous. in washington, there really is no senator. there's a republican block that seeks only to obstruct the administration. and the democrats are usually together, except for these couple of people. now, out in the country it is a different story. and that is one of the problems. we've got the politics of washington that has become disconnected from the politics of the united states. joe biden is a centrist. and if you go through the initiative he has supported, whether it's childcare, education reform, environmental initiatives and so forth, they are all supported by very substantial majorities of americans. democrats and independents. the center and the left. so the critique is completely unsubstantiated and out of touch. >> there is another problem with washington news media coverage. which is, if they were baseball reporters, the way they would cover the game is that the winner is whoever won the last inning. so, everything joe biden did in the first, second, third, fourth innings of your one is forgotten when build back better runs into the roadblock in the senate and then voting rights running to the filibuster roadblock in the senate. and there is no reporting about how joe biden, in a year, pulled every single democratic senator along into the space of being willing to change the senate rule. all except those last two. because in washington, coverage is all about what happened today that determines who the winner and the loser is. >> yeah, i agree. except to use your metaphor, i don't think it's the last inning. i think it's the last pitch. you know, joe biden is really only two innings into his first term as president. and everybody is saying, oh, well, he's in trouble. to winnings into the game, having pressed over to thrill yuan dollars in new legislation. appointed more judges than anybody ever in history. created more jobs in this first year than anybody ever in history. and done a lot of the damage that trump did, restored american standing at the longest war in american history. and that is what he did in your one. that is sort of in the middle of the second inning. so far so good i would say. >> david rothkopf, think you very much for joining us tonight. and thank you once again for writing the column that i wish i could. thank you very much david. >> thank you. >> tonight's last word is next. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. hearing is important to living life to the fullest.t every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. ♪ when you have nausea, ♪ you can 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Related Keywords

Thing , One , Joe Biden , Reporter , Man , Microphone , Top , Mic , Show , Fox News , Reporting , Intelligence , Remark , Cnn , Lawrence O Donnell , U S , Word , Lawrence , Evening , Circumstance , Rachel , Donald Trump , Television , Ten , Someone , Reporters , Obama , Birth Certificate , Phone , Adult , Couple , Phone Call Apologizing , Decent , Case , Reason , Some , Somebody , Face , Kind , Adults , Adult Thing , News Bubble , Bubble , Bit , Out , Track , Producer Kyle Griffin , Reaction , Guys , Doesn T , Part , Person , Another , Terms , Human Beings , Mad , Way , Wall , Ain T Gonna , Something , Kerfuffle , Ending , Waiting , Hope Springs Eternal , Help , People , Mentioning , Member , It , World , Side , Competition , Apology , Thank , State Of Georgia , Texas , Desire , Interference , It Secession Movement Call , Name , Brexit , Governor , Adele O Rourke , Democrats , President , Guest , Significance , Secessionist Movement Is With , Next Civil War , Ted Cruz , Republican , Office , Author , Steven Marsh The , Support Secession , Constitution Of The United States , Oh No , Enemies Foreign And Domestic , Election , Tech Them Texit Quote , Republicans , Voter Fraud , Country Run , Woman , Girl , Abortion Services , Father , 13 , Government , United States Supreme Court , Protections , Election Laws , States , Services , Abortion , Didn T , Texas State Legislator , 50 , Texas Voters , Candidates , Texas Tribune , Texas On March 1st , 1 , March 1st , Administration , Casting Votes , Officials , Rules , Mail , Fog , Errors , Miscommunications , Delays , Elbagir County , Power , Power Grid Failure , Millions , 200 , Problems , New York Times , Interviews , Many , Industry Experts , Collapse , Brink , Leaders , Temperatures , Texas Electric Coke Rig , Two , Greg Abbott , Power Grid , More , State Officials , Work , Non Working , Border , Authority , Texas National Guard , Responsibility , National Guard , Border Control , Guard , Nothing , Purpose , Stunt , Defiance , Biden Immigrants , Equipment , Pay Problems , Planning , Medics , Lack , Winter Gear , Scopes , Thistle , Covid , Waivers , Trailers , Bases , Hundreds , Soldiers , Commanders , Dozens , Outbreaks , Quarters , Families , Cases , Disruptions , Missions , Length , Duty , Arrest Warrants , Members , National , Documents , Admission , Review , Ad Hoc , Anyone , Mall Cops On The Border , Doing , Home , Spoke , Guard Members , Use , Primary , Communities , Emergency , Crisis , Window Dressing , Campaign , Careers , Homes , Least , Country , Line , Congressman , Lives , Discussion , Service , Rock , El Paso , Situation , Men , Best , Women , Hurricane Harvey , 2017 , Storm , Houston , Rockport , Drown , Port Arthur , Iraq , Afghanistan , Family , Jobs , Kids , Reelection Campaign , 10000 , Pay , Things , Words , Half , Tuition Benefit , College , Four , Most , Migrants , Border Crosser , Three , Surge , Hospital , Nurse , Waiver , Community , Mission , Guardsman , Backs , Health Care Professionals , Back , No One , Laredo Morning Times , Reserve , Bar , Folks , Sounds , Deployment , Money , Grad , Burke , Two Billion Dollars , Two Billion , Weather , Grid , Legislator , Capacity Shortfall , 40 , Educators , Counterparts , Event , 0000 , Diabetes , Doctor , Lot , Texans , Cancer , Dollars , Ploy , Billions , Flu , Taxpayers , Price , Estate , Chaos , Voting System , Elsewhere , Voting Laws , Voters , Place , Opponents , Disruption , Sure , Instance , Voter Suppression Bill , Form , I D , Ballot , Counties , Ballot Request , Rates , Rejection , 20 , Ability , Health Care Perspective , Voter Suppression Tactic , Law , Rights , Courts , Course , Doors , Commitment , 2 Million , United States Senate , Letters , Well , Pass Federal Voting Rights Protection , Answer , Cavalry Writing , All Of Us , Rex Rescue , Challenge , Go To , Trump , Candidate , Right , Fear , Dynamic , Need , Tour , Anything , Activation Orders , Source , Income , Humvees , Point , Hope , Opportunity Cost , Life , Lifetime , Advantage , Career Opportunity , Guardsmen , Health Specialists , Base Camps , Zoom , 15 , Primaries , Hurricanes , Morales , Disasters , Low , Constitution , Oath Of Office , United States Senator , Representative , House , Senator , Secession , Possibility , Voting Rights Bill , Openness , Electricity , Union , Freezing , Heat , To Cancun , Democracy , Pressure Test , Six , Rule Of Law , Guy , Encouragement , Position , Public Trust , Hand , Task , Abbott , Race , District Attorney , Request , Discussions , Coming Up , Georgia Court , Atlanta , Russia Investigation , Special Grand Jury , Vote Count , Congresswoman Swalwell , Attempt , Former Georgia Attorney Fleming , Investigation , Capitol , Attack , January 6th , 6 , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Employees , Liberty , Plan , Rob Portman , Mover , Business , Lily , Scene , Hotspot , Employee , Lisa , Smart Phone , Deals , Files , Downtown , At T Business , Spot , Parks , Buick , Whistle Blows , Players , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Yup , In The Woods , Choice , Colon Cancer , Heart , Cologuard , Suv , Screening , Around , Stool , Dna , Noninvasive , Risk , Stages , Provider , Colon Cancers , Results , Yep , 45 , 92 , Bilal , Growing Up , Story , Superman , Immigrant , Others , Career , Crime , Homelessness , Superhero , Sector , San Francisco , Courage , Innovation , Grand Jury , Georgia Vote , Christopher , 2 , May The 2nd , Fani Willis , Panel , Charges , Decision , Committee , William Barr , Conversations , Chair , Sessions , Keys Fleming , Da , County , Cal County Georgia , Assessment , Court , Vote , Special , Panneling , Witnesses , Subpoena Power , Resources , Evidence , Term , Citizens , Group , The End , 12 , Report , Equivalent , Indictments , Interpretation , Roadmap , Information , Indictment , Michael J Moore , Willis , Criminal Grand Jury , Eight , Secretary Of State , Phone Call , Program , Tape , Rachael , Prosecutors , Seeding Jury , Defendant , Process , Ways , Stone Unturned , Case System , Georgia Secretary Of State , January 2nd , Senators , Call , Factors , Components , Resignation , Statements , Beginning , Georgia Senate , In Georgia , Testimonies , Georgia House , Understanding , Theory , Lindsey Graham , Phone Calls , Body , Rudy Giuliani , Experience , Picture , District Attorney Who , Representations , Public , Bookings , Moving On , Route , Likelihood , Racketeering , District Attorney Willis , Stories , Stands , Gwen Keyes Fleming , Impeachment Trial , House Intelligence Committee And Judiciary , Guidance , House Impeachment Manager , Ground , Individual , Majority , Access , News , Attorney General , Withwe , Crimes , Standard , Parliaments , Commission , Toonie , Schedule , Rescue Plan , Appointments , Violence , Hearings , Chairman , Voting , Fraud , Facts , Effect , Spring , Chairman Thompson , Colleagues , The National Archives , Elaine Maria , Trove , Finding , Reflection , A Political Party , Elections , Shot , Law And Order , Opportunity , Stake , Telephone , Activities , Jurisdiction , White House , Impeachment , Priority , Staff , Commission Team , Russian , Conversation , George Washington , Stephen March , Comments , Episode , A House Divided , Bob Ward , Insurrection , 226 , 22 , Twist , Stabbing Pains , Packaging , Pulsing , Electric Shocks , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Tide Pods , Shingles , Events , Virus , Rash , Nightmare , Weekend Getaways , Chickenpox , Vo , Pharmacist , Technologies , Relief , Pain Reliever , Revolutionary , Rollerball Design , Aleve X , Meal , Fun , Classic , Panera , Aleve , Bold , You Pick , Fantastic , Pairings , Fresh , Mood , Craveable , 465 , Protein , Glucerna , Number , Carbsteady , 30 , Blood Sugar , Spice , It Count , Body Lotion , Crest Pro Health , Gabrielle , Fiji , Crest , Mouth , Areas , Brand , 8 , Washington S Birthday , Parties , Last , Floor , Ritual , George Washington S Farewell Address , Reader , Warnings , Danger , Animosity , False Alarms , Jealousies , 2021 , Consideration , Fact , Guests , The Next Civil War , Title , Literature , Books , Vision , Civil War Starts By , Reading , Self Government , Experiment , Steven Marsh , 246 , Pleasure , Patches , The American Future , State Of Affairs , Textbook Case , Perspective , Canada , Inequality , Levels , Scholar Cascading System , Hyper Partisanship , Sociologist , Solidarity , Environmental Degradation , Attributes , Struggle , Faith , Institution , Meaning , Tendency , Question , Book , End , View , Nonfiction , Ideas , Conflict , Landscape , Mandates , Sheriff , Terrorist Act , Marshall Law , Americans , Electoral System , Tinder , Poll , 33 , Everywhere , Gravity , Conditions , Flight , Loss , Laws , Wind , It Doesn T , Fragmentation , Borders , Insurgency , First Civil War , Boundaries , Armies , Level , Bombings , Presidency , Vietnam War , 1969 , Troops , Post Offices , Buildings , State Shoot , Anti War Protesters , Chapter Of American History , Everything , Walter , Verge , Difference , Cities , Mlk , 140 , 60 , Support , Voting Rights , Institution Cohesion , Press Reports , None , Politicians , System , Hindsight , Press Reporting On Corruption , Officer , Institutions , Ride , Security , Groups , Size , Militia , Militias , Organization , Peak , Weatherman , 1000 , Indicator , Turning , Countries , Isn T , Living , Entering , History , Example , French , Head , Doesn T Mean , Falling Into , 1860 , 20th Century , 19th Century , Far , 21 , 19 , Steven , March , Arms , Politics , Washington , Article , David Ross , Donut , David Roth , Cough , Media , Progressives , Next Don T Settle , Products , Try Crest Whitening Emulsions , Smile , Teeth , Bacon Sizzles , Peroxide Droplets , Shop Crestwhitesmile Com , Faster , 100 , Electronic Music Plays , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , Weight , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Heart Disease , Stroke , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Share , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , I Don T , Side Effects , Nausea , Insulin , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Neck , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Health Care Provider , 25 , 3 , 5 , Arizona , 1912 , Centrists , Subdivisions , Majority Voters , Other , Kyrsten Sinema , News Media , Who , Touch Progressives , Mark Kelly , 47 , Center , Left , Guest Points , Headline , House Democrats , Beast , Piece , Host , Analysts , Column , Notion , Podcast , The Deep State Radio , Centrism , Idea , Joe Manchin , Crazy Notion , Second , War , Votes , Ratings , 8 Million , 48 , Block , Centrist , Initiatives , Majorities , Initiative , Childcare , Independents , Education Reform , Out Of Touch , Problem , Critique , News Media Coverage , Winner , Game , Baseball Reporters , Innings , First , Filibuster Roadblock , Roadblock , Runs , Single , Coverage , Rule , Space , Loser , Everybody , Saying , Metaphor , Pitch , Anybody , Legislation , Winnings , Judges , Trouble , Restored American , Longest War In American History , Middle , David Rothkopf , Thirty , Hearing , Store , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Fullest T Every , Technology , Miracle Ear , Starts , Miracle Earmini , Obligation , Trial , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Ingestion , Upset Stomach , Car Insurance , Action , Pepto Bismol , Coating , Soothing , Limu Emu , Diarrheaaaa , Doug , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Hr Software , Business Software Working , Expense , Company , Social Security Number , Machine , Jams , Wife , Hr Data , Hr , Paycom , Eleven , 11 , Demo , Each Other , Software , Visit Paycom Com , Hon , First Off , Mob Rioters , 11th Hour , Day 370 , Mehdi Hasan , 370 , Election Results , Threat , Greenlight , Panel Of Judges , 2020 ,

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